package test import import trait DottyDocTest extends DottyTest { ctx = ctx.fresh.setSetting(ctx.settings.YkeepComments, true) def checkDocString(actual: Option[String], expected: String): Unit = actual match { case Some(str) => assert(str == expected, s"""Docstring: "$str" didn't match expected "$expected"""") case None => assert(false, s"""No docstring found, expected: "$expected"""") } def expectNoDocString(doc: Option[String]): Unit = doc.fold(()) { d => assert(false, s"""Expected not to find a docstring, but found: "$d"""") } def defaultAssertion: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case t: Tree[Untyped] => assert(false, s"Couldn't match resulting AST to expected AST in: ${}") case x => assert(false, s"Couldn't match resulting AST to expected AST in: $x") } def checkFrontend(source: String)(docAssert: PartialFunction[Tree[Untyped], Unit]) = { checkCompile("frontend", source) { (_, ctx) => implicit val c = ctx (docAssert orElse defaultAssertion)(ctx.compilationUnit.untpdTree) } } }