// Needs an implementation of beanproperty to work class ann(i: Int) extends scala.annotation.Annotation class cfann(x: String) extends annotation.ClassfileAnnotation // annotations on abstract types abstract class C1[@annotation.elidable(0) +T, U, V[_]] abstract class C2[@deprecated @ann(1) T <: Number, V] abstract class C3 { @ann(2) type X <: Number } object Test { // bug #1028 val x = 1 @ann(x) val a = () @ann({val yy = 2; yy}) val b = () val bb: Int @ann({val yy = 2; yy}) = 10 def c: Int @ann(x) = 1 def d: String @ann({val z = 0; z - 1}) = "2" def e[@deprecated T, U](x: T) = x //bug #1214 val y = new (Integer @ann(0))(2) import scala.beans.BeanProperty // bug #637 trait S { def getField(): Int } class O extends S { @BeanProperty val field = 0 } // bug #1070 trait T { @BeanProperty var field = 1 } // annotation on annotation constructor @(ann @ann(100))(200) def foo() = 300 // #2984 private final val NAMESPACE = "/info" @cfann(x = NAMESPACE + "/index") def index = "success" } // test forward references to getters / setters class BeanPropertyTests { @scala.beans.BeanProperty lazy val lv1 = 0 def foo(): Unit = { val bp1 = new BeanPropertyTests1 println(lv1) println(getLv1()) println(bp1.getLv2()) println(getV1()) setV1(10) bp1.setV2(100) } @scala.beans.BeanProperty var v1 = 0 } class BeanPropertyTests1 { @scala.beans.BeanProperty lazy val lv2 = "0" @scala.beans.BeanProperty var v2 = 0 } // test mixin of getters / setters, and implementing abstract // methods using @BeanProperty class C extends T with BeanF { def foo(): Unit = { setF("doch!") setG(true) this.getF() } } trait T { @scala.beans.BeanProperty var f = "nei" @scala.beans.BooleanBeanProperty var g = false } trait BeanF { def getF(): String def setF(n: String): Unit def isG(): Boolean def setG(nb: Boolean): Unit } class Ann3(arr: Array[String]) extends annotation.ClassfileAnnotation class Ann4(i: Int) extends annotation.ClassfileAnnotation class Ann5(value: Class[_]) extends annotation.ClassfileAnnotation object Test3 { final val i = 1083 final val cls = classOf[String] } class Test4 { @Ann3(arr = Array("dlkfj", "DSF")) @Ann4(i = 2908) @Ann4(i = Test3.i) @Ann5(value = classOf[Int]) @Ann5(Test3.cls) def foo: Unit = {} }