import import object Test extends DirectTest { override def extraSettings: String = "-usejavacp" def code = """ class testAnn extends annotation.Annotation object t { def nt = 1 def tr = "a" } class Test { List(1,2).map(x => { val another = ((t.nt, @testAnn) match { case (_, _) => 1 } x }) } """.trim // point of this test: type-check the "Annotated" tree twice. first time the analyzer plugin types it, // second time the typer. // bug was that typedAnnotated assigned a type to the Annotated tree. The second type check would consider // the tree as alreadyTyped, which is not cool, the Annotated needs to be transformed into a Typed tree. def show() { val global = newCompiler() import global._ import analyzer._ import collection.{mutable => m} object analyzerPlugin extends AnalyzerPlugin { val templates: m.Map[Symbol, (Template, Typer)] = m.Map() override def pluginsTypeSig(tpe: Type, typer: Typer, defTree: Tree, pt: Type): Type = { defTree match { case impl: Template => templates += typer.context.owner -> (impl, typer) case dd: DefDef if dd.symbol.isPrimaryConstructor && templates.contains(dd.symbol.owner) => val (impl, templTyper) = templates(dd.symbol.owner) for (stat <- impl.body.filterNot(_.isDef)) { println("typing "+ stat) val statsOwner = impl.symbol orElse templTyper.context.owner.newLocalDummy(impl.pos) val tpr = analyzer.newTyper(templTyper.context.make(stat, statsOwner)) tpr.typed(stat) } case _ => } tpe } } addAnalyzerPlugin(analyzerPlugin) compileString(global)(code) } }