object Test extends dotty.runtime.LegacyApp { def test1(n: Int) = { println(s"Bob is $n years old") println(f"Bob is $n%2d years old") println(s"Bob will be ${n+1} years old") println(f"Bob will be ${n+1}%2d years old") println(s"$n+1 = ${n+1}") println(f"$n%d+1 = ${n+1}%d") } def test2(f: Float) = { println(s"Best price: $f") println(f"Best price: $f%.2f") println(s"$f% discount included") println(f"$f%3.2f%% discount included") } test1(1) test1(12) test1(123) test2(10.0f) test2(13.345f) println(s"") println(s"${0}") println(s"${0}${0}") println(f"") println(f"${0}") println(f"${0}${0}") }