import collection.mutable._ import reflect._ object Test extends dotty.runtime.LegacyApp { def runTest[T, U](col: T)(clone: T => U)(mod: T => Unit)(implicit ct: ClassTag[T]): Unit = { val cloned = clone(col) assert(cloned == col, s"cloned should be equal to original. $cloned != $col") mod(col) assert(cloned != col, s"cloned should not modify when original does: $ct") } // Seqs runTest(ArrayBuffer(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } runTest(ArraySeq(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } runTest(Buffer(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } runTest(DoubleLinkedList(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } runTest(IndexedSeq(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } runTest(LinearSeq(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } runTest(LinkedList(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } runTest(ListBuffer(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } runTest(MutableList(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } runTest(Queue(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } runTest(Stack(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf transform (_ + 1) } // Sets runTest(BitSet(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf add 4 } runTest(HashSet(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf add 4 } runTest(Set(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf add 4 } runTest(SortedSet(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf add 4 } runTest(TreeSet(1,2,3))(_.clone) { buf => buf add 4 } // Maps runTest(HashMap(1->1,2->2,3->3))(_.clone) { buf => buf put (4,4) } runTest(WeakHashMap(1->1,2->2,3->3))(_.clone) { buf => buf put (4,4) } }