import import object Test extends DirectTest { override def extraSettings = "-cp " + sys.props("partest.lib") + " -d \"" + testOutput.path + "\"" def code = """ object Test extends dotty.runtime.LegacyApp { // manifest lookup also involves type tag lookup // because we support manifest <-> typetag convertability // // however when scala-reflect.jar (the home of type tags) is not on the classpath // we need to omit the type tag lookup, because we lack the necessary symbols // to do implicit search and tag materialization // (such missing symbols are e.g. ApiUniverseClass and TypeTagsClass) // // the test case you're looking at checks exactly this // we establish a classpath that only includes scala-library.jar // and then force scalac to perform implicit search for a manifest // if type tag lookup is not disabled, the compiler will crash // if it is disabled, then the compilation will succeed // def foo[T: Manifest] = () foo[List[Int]] } """ def show = compile() }