import scala.annotation._ import scala.annotation.unchecked._ import scala.collection._ package object buffer { val broken = new ArrayVec2() // commenting out this line causes the file to compile. val works = Class.forName("buffer.ArrayVec2").newInstance().asInstanceOf[ArrayVec2] } package buffer { object Main { // ArrayVec2 can be compiled, instantiated and used. def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println(works) } } trait ElemType { type Element; type Component <: ElemType } trait Float1 extends ElemType { type Element = Float; type Component = Float1} class Vec2 extends ElemType { type Element = Vec2; type Component = Float1 } abstract class BaseSeq[T <: ElemType, E] extends IndexedSeq[E] with IndexedSeqOptimized[E, IndexedSeq[E]] { def length = 1 def apply(i: Int) :E } abstract class GenericSeq[T <: ElemType] extends BaseSeq[T, T#Element] trait DataArray[T <: ElemType] extends BaseSeq[T, T#Element] trait DataView[T <: ElemType] extends BaseSeq[T, T#Element] abstract class BaseFloat1 extends BaseSeq[Float1, Float] class ArrayFloat1 extends BaseFloat1 with DataArray[Float1] { def apply(i: Int) :Float = 0f } class ViewFloat1 extends BaseFloat1 with DataView[Float1] { def apply(i: Int) :Float = 0f } class ArrayVec2(val backingSeq: ArrayFloat1) extends GenericSeq[Vec2] with DataArray[Vec2] { def this() = this(new ArrayFloat1) def apply(i: Int) :Vec2 = null } }