trait Ring[T <: Ring[T]] { def +(that: T): T def *(that: T): T } class A extends Ring[A] { def +(that: A) = new A def *(that: A) = new A } class Poly[C <: Ring[C]](val c: C) extends Ring[Poly[C]] { def +(that: Poly[C]) = new Poly(this.c + that.c) def *(that: Poly[C]) = new Poly(this.c*that.c) } object Test extends App { implicit def coef2poly[CI <: Ring[CI]](c: CI): Poly[CI] = new Poly(c) val a = new A val x = new Poly(new A) println(x + a) // works println(a + x) // works val y = new Poly(new Poly(new A)) println(x + y*x) // works println(x*y + x) // works println(y*x + x) // works println(x + x*y) // failed before, first with type error, after that was fixed with "orphan poly parameter CI". }