// A contains a field A.theValue$$local accessible using the // generated getter A.theValue() class A(val theValue: Int) { val theValueInA = theValue // use the constructor parameter theValue def getTheValue = theValue // virtual call to the getter theValue() } // B contains a field B.theValue$$local accessible using the getter // B.theValue() which overrides A.theValue() class B(override val theValue: Int) extends A(42) { val theValueInB = theValue } // Bz contains a field Bz.theValue$$local accessible using the getter // Bz.theValue() which overrides A.theValue() class Bz extends A(42) { override val theValue: Int = 10 val theValueInBz = theValue } // C does not contains a field C.theValue$$local, it contains // a getter C.theValue() which only calls super.theValue() class C(override val theValue: Int) extends A(theValue) // D contains a field D.other$$local and a corresponding getter. class D(val other: Int) extends A(other) // NonVal does not contain a field NonVal.theValue$$local. class NonVal(theValue: Int) extends A(theValue) { def getTheValueInNonVal = theValue // use the constructor parameter theValue } // X contains a field X.theValue$$local accessible using the getter // X.theValue() which overrides A.theValue() class X(override val theValue: Int) extends NonVal(0) // Y contains a field Y.theValue$$local accessible using the getter // Y.theValue() which overrides A.theValue() class Y(override val theValue: Int) extends NonVal(theValue) object Test { def printFields(obj: Any) = println(obj.getClass.getDeclaredFields.map(_.toString).sorted.deep.mkString("\n")) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val b10 = new B(10) val bz = new Bz val c11 = new C(11) val d12 = new D(12) val nv13 = new NonVal(13) val x14 = new X(14) val y15 = new Y(15) println("B:") printFields(b10) println("Bz:") printFields(bz) println("C:") printFields(c11) println("D:") printFields(d12) println("NonVal:") printFields(nv13) println("X:") printFields(x14) println("Y:") printFields(y15) assert(b10.getTheValue == 10) assert(b10.theValue == 10) assert(b10.theValueInB == 10) assert(b10.theValueInA == 42) assert(bz.getTheValue == 10) assert(bz.theValue == 10) assert(bz.theValueInBz == 10) assert(bz.theValueInA == 42) assert(x14.theValue == 14) assert(x14.getTheValue == 14) assert(x14.getTheValueInNonVal == 0) assert(x14.theValueInA == 0) } }