object Test { def negativeCharMaker = new (Short => Char) { def apply(x: Short) = x.toChar } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // throws exception if -100 gets to Character.valueOf val x = negativeCharMaker(-100) // chars are unsigned, they should never be equal to negative values assert((-100).toShort != (-100).toChar) assert((-100).toChar != (-100).toShort) assert((-100).toChar != (-100).toByte) assert((-100).toByte != (-100).toChar) // BoxesRunTime must agree as well assert(((-100).toShort: Any) != (-100).toChar) assert(((-100).toChar: Any) != (-100).toShort) assert(((-100).toChar: Any) != (-100).toByte) assert(((-100).toByte: Any) != (-100).toChar) } }