final class NonNullChar(val get: Char) extends AnyVal { def isEmpty = get == 0.toChar override def toString = if (isEmpty) "NoChar" else s"'$get'" } object NonNullChar { @inline final val None = new NonNullChar(0.toChar) } final class SomeProduct /*extends Product3[String, Int, List[String]]*/ { def canEqual(x: Any) = x.isInstanceOf[SomeProduct] def _1 = "abc" def _2 = 5 def _3 = List("bippy") def isEmpty = false def isDefined = !isEmpty def get = this } object SomeProduct { def unapply(x: SomeProduct) = x } object Test { def prod(x: SomeProduct): Int = x match { case SomeProduct(x, y, z) => x.length + y + z.length case _ => -1 } def f(x: Char): NonNullChar = x match { case 'a' => new NonNullChar('a') case 'b' => new NonNullChar('b') case 'c' => new NonNullChar('c') case _ => NonNullChar.None } // public char f(char); // 0: iload_1 // 1: tableswitch { // 97 to 99 // 97: 47 // 98: 42 // 99: 37 // default: 28 // } // 28: getstatic #19 // Field NonNullChar$.MODULE$:LNonNullChar$; // 31: invokevirtual #23 // Method NonNullChar$.None:()C // 34: goto 49 // 37: bipush 99 // 39: goto 49 // 42: bipush 98 // 44: goto 49 // 47: bipush 97 // 49: ireturn def g(x: Char): Option[Char] = x match { case 'a' => Some('a') case 'b' => Some('b') case 'c' => Some('c') case _ => None } // public scala.Option g(char); // 0: iload_1 // 1: tableswitch { // 97 to 99 // 97: 64 // 98: 49 // 99: 34 // default: 28 // } // 28: getstatic #33 // Field scala/None$.MODULE$:Lscala/None$; // 31: goto 76 // 34: new #35 // class scala/Some // 37: dup // 38: bipush 99 // 40: invokestatic #41 // Method scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.boxToCharacter:(C)Ljava/lang/Character; // 43: invokespecial #44 // Method scala/Some."":(Ljava/lang/Object;)V // 46: goto 76 // 49: new #35 // class scala/Some // 52: dup // 53: bipush 98 // 55: invokestatic #41 // Method scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.boxToCharacter:(C)Ljava/lang/Character; // 58: invokespecial #44 // Method scala/Some."":(Ljava/lang/Object;)V // 61: goto 76 // 64: new #35 // class scala/Some // 67: dup // 68: bipush 97 // 70: invokestatic #41 // Method scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.boxToCharacter:(C)Ljava/lang/Character; // 73: invokespecial #44 // Method scala/Some."":(Ljava/lang/Object;)V // 76: areturn def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { "abcd" foreach (ch => println(f(ch))) "abcd" foreach (ch => println(g(ch))) println(prod(new SomeProduct)) } }