import language.higherKinds trait Foo[A <: AnyRef] { type Repr def f(a: A): Repr def g(a: A): Option[Repr] type M[X] def m(a: A): M[a.type] type Id[X] = X def n(a: A): Id[(Repr, M[a.type])] } object Foo { type Aux[A <: AnyRef, B] = Foo[A] { type Repr = B; type M[X] = Int } } object Main extends App { def mapWithFoo[A <: AnyRef, B](as: List[A])(implicit foo: Foo.Aux[A, B]) = { // Should be Eta expandable because the result type of `f` is not // dependant on the value, it is just `B`. as map foo.f as map foo.g as map foo.m as map foo.n } }