package xyz.driver.core import import object stats { final case class MemoryStats(free: Long, total: Long, max: Long) final case class GarbageCollectorStats(totalGarbageCollections: Long, garbageCollectionTime: Long) final case class FileRootSpace(path: String, totalSpace: Long, freeSpace: Long, usableSpace: Long) object SystemStats { def memoryUsage: MemoryStats = { val runtime = Runtime.getRuntime MemoryStats(runtime.freeMemory, runtime.totalMemory, runtime.maxMemory) } def availableProcessors: Int = { Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() } def garbageCollectorStats: GarbageCollectorStats = { import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ val (totalGarbageCollections, garbageCollectionTime) = ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans.asScala.foldLeft(0L -> 0L) { case ((total, collectionTime), gc) => (total + math.max(0L, gc.getCollectionCount)) -> (collectionTime + math.max(0L, gc.getCollectionTime)) } GarbageCollectorStats(totalGarbageCollections, garbageCollectionTime) } def fileSystemSpace: Array[FileRootSpace] = { File.listRoots() map { root => FileRootSpace(root.getAbsolutePath, root.getTotalSpace, root.getFreeSpace, root.getUsableSpace) } } @deprecated( "OS stats accessed internal APIs which have been removed in new versions of Java. " + "Refer to InfluxDB and Grafana instead for OS metrics.", "1.11.9") def operatingSystemStats: Map[String, String] = Map.empty } }