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Input&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Re-rendering&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Using Web Services&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Raw Javascript&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;dom.extensions&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Parsing the Data&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Tying it together: Weather Search&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Interactive Web Pages Recap&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;The Command Line&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Commands&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;The compile Command&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;The package Command&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;The fastOptJS Command&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;The fullOptJS Command&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;The run Command&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;The test Command&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Headless Runtimes&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Stages&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Cross Publishing Libraries&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;A Simple Cross-Built Module&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Build Configuration&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Source Files&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Running the Module&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Integrating Client-Server&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;A Client-Server Setup&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Client-Server Reflections&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Shared Templating&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Shared Code&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Boilerplate-free Serialization&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;What's Left?&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Autowire&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Setting up Autowire&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Why Autowire?&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]}]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;In Depth&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Advanced Techniques&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Functional-Reactive UIs&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Why FRP&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;FRP with Scala.Rx&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;More Rx&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Asynchronous Workflows&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Futures &amp; Promises&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Direct Use of XMLHttpRequest&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Using dom.extensions.Ajax&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Future Combinators&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Scala-Async&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Traditional Asynchrony&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Using Scala-Async&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]}]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Deviations from Scala-JVM&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Language Differences&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Primitive data types&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Floats can behave as Doubles by default&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;toString of Float, Double and Unit&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Runtime type tests are based on values&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Undefined behaviors&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Reflection&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Regular expressions&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Symbols&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Enumerations&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Library Differences&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Standard Library&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Macros v.s. Reflection&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Pure-Scala v.s. Java Libraries&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Javascript APIs v.s. JVM APIs&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Scala/Browser tooling v.s. Java tooling&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;The Compilation Pipeline&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Whole Program Optimizaton&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;How Compilation Works&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Compilation&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Fast Optimization&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Full Optimization&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Scala.js' Design Space&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Why No Reflection?&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Dead Code Elimination&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Whither Reflection?&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Macros&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Why does error behavior differ?&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Divide-by-zero: a case study&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;The Performance/Correctness Tradeoff&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Small Executables&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Raw Verbosity&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Browsers Performance&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Deployment Size&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]}]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Java APIs&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Available Java APIs&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]},{&quot;value&quot;:&quot;Porting Java APIs&quot;,&quot;children&quot;:[]}]}]}]})"><div id="layout"><a href="#menu" id="menuLink" class="menu-link"><span></span></a><div id="menu"></div></div><div id="main"><div id="main-box" class="scalatex-content" style="max-width: 840px;lineheight: 1.6em;">
+<div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="Hands-onScala.js" style="display: block;"><h1>Hands-on Scala.js<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Hands-onScala.js" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /><h2>Writing client-side web applications in Scala</h2></div><div class="content">
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">var x = 0.0
+type Graph = (String, Double =&gt; Double)
+val graphs = Seq[Graph](
+ (&quot;red&quot;, sin),
+ (&quot;green&quot;, x =&gt; abs(x % 4 - 2) - 1),
+ (&quot;blue&quot;, x =&gt; sin(x/12) * sin(x))
+dom.setInterval(() =&gt; {
+ x = (x + 1) % w; if (x == 0) clear()
+ for (((color, f), i) &lt;- graphs) {
+ val offset = h / 3 * (i + 0.5)
+ val y = f(x / w * 75) * h / 30
+ brush.fillStyle = color
+ brush.fillRect(x, y + offset, 3, 3)
+ }
+}, 20)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <canvas id="example0" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></canvas><script>Splash().main(document.getElementById('example0'))</script>
+ <p>
+ <a href="">Scala.js</a> is a compiler that compiles Scala source code to equivalent Javascript code. That lets you write Scala code that you can run in a web browser, or other environments (Chrome plugins, Node.js, etc.) where Javascript is supported. This book is an introduction to Scala.js, which aims to get you from knowing-nothing about it to being relatively proficient.
+ <p>
+ This book contains something for all levels of experience with Scala.js: absolute beginners can get started with the <a href="#IntrotoScala.js">Intro to Scala.js</a> and <a href="#HandsOn">Hands On</a> tutorial, people who have used it before can skip ahead to the later parts of the tutorial: <a href="#MakingaCanvasApp">Making a Canvas App</a> or <a href="#InteractiveWebPages">Interactive Web Pages</a>. Intermediate users will find interest in the chapters on <a href="#CrossPublishingLibraries">Cross Publishing Libraries</a> with Scala.js or <a href="#IntegratingClient-Server">Integrating Client-Server</a>, and even experienced users will find the <a href="#InDepth">In Depth</a> documention useful. Feel free to explore the navigation bar on the left to find chapters of interest.
+ <p>
+ Even if we do not require any familiarity of Scala.js, this book nonetheless assumes a good amount of background knowledge: of Scala, of Javascript, and of web development as a whole. In general, you will not need deep knowledge of any of these subjects, though if you are coming in entirely without knowledge of any one of them, you'll have to be willing to spend time Google-ing things and picking things up as we go along. Someone who comes in without previous web-dev experience may miss or not-notice many of the nice touches and benefits that Scala.js brings to the table, having never done web-dev any other way,
+ <p>
+ Many of the code samples are taken from examples available on the book's <a href="">Github Page</a>; for those code samples (e.g. the animation above), there is a <i class="fa fa-link "></i> link in the top-right corner of the snippet that you can click on to go to the original code. These come in handy if you find you need additional context around the snippet, e.g. what imports you need for the code to work, or what the complete executable example looks like.
+ <p>
+ This book is roughly divided into two sections:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#HandsOn">Hands On</a>
+is a set of tutorials that walks you through getting started with Scala.js. You'll build a range of small projects, from <a href="#MakingaCanvasApp">Making a Canvas App</a> to <a href="#InteractiveWebPages">Interactive Web Pages</a> to <a href="#IntegratingClient-Server">Integrating Client-Server</a>, and in the process will get a good overview of both Scala.js's use cases as well as the development experience
+ <li>
+ <a href="#InDepth">In Depth</a>
+is a set of detailed expositions on various parts of the Scala.js platform. Nothing in here is necessary for you to make your first demos, but as you dig deeper into the platform, you will likely need or want to care about these things so you can properly understand what's going on &quot;under the hood&quot;
+ <p>
+ Feel free to jump ahead to either of them if you have some prior exposure to Scala.js. If not, it is best to start with the introduction...
+<div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="IntrotoScala.js" style="display: block;"><h1>Intro to Scala.js<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#IntrotoScala.js" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /><h2></h2></div><div class="content">
+ Scala.js compiles Scala code to equivalent, executable Javascript. Here's the compilation of a trivial hello-world example:
+<div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2">
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">object Main extends js.JSApp{
+ def main() = {
+ var x = 0
+ while(x &lt; 10) x += 3
+ println(x)
+ // 12
+ }
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2">
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js">ScalaJS.c.LMain$.prototype.main__V = (function() {
+ var x = 0;
+ while ((x &lt; 10)) {
+ x = ((x + 3) | 0)
+ };
+ ScalaJS.m.s_Predef$()
+ .println__O__V(x)
+ // 12
+ As you can see, both of the above programs do identical things: they'll count the variable <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">x</code> from <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">0</code>, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">3</code>, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">9</code>, and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">12</code> before finally printing it out. It's just that the first is written in Scala and the second is in Javascript.
+ Traditionally, Scala has been a language which runs on the JVM. This eliminates it from consideration in many cases, e.g. when you need to build interactive web apps, the browser-client only runs Javascript. Even if your back-end is all written in Scala, you need to fall back to Javascript to run your client-side code, at a great loss in terms of toolability and maintainability. Scala.js lets you to develop web applications with the safety and toolability that comes with a statically typed language:
+ <li>
+ Typo-safety due to its compiler which catches many silly errors before the code is run</li>
+ <li>
+ In-editor support for autocomplete, error-highlighting, refactors, and intelligent navigation</li>
+ <li>
+ Moderate sized compiled executables, in the 100-400kb range</li>
+ <li>
+ Source-maps for ease of debugging
+ The value proposition is that due to the superior language and tooling, writing a web application in Scala.js will result in a codebase that is more flexible and robust than an equivalent application written in Javascript. The hope is that the benefits of using Scala.js will outweigh the additional (non-trivial) messiness of adding a whole new toolchain, as compared to directly writing raw Javascript.
+ I won't spend time on a detailed discussion on why Scala is good or why Javascript is bad; people's opinions on both sides can be found on the internet. The assumption is, going in, that you either already know and like Scala, or you are familiar with Javascript and are willing to try something new.
+<div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="AboutJavascript" style="display: block;"><h1 id="AboutJavascript">About Javascript<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#AboutJavascript" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ <p>
+ Javascript is the language supported by web browsers, and is the only language available if you wish to write interactive web applications. As more and more activity moves online, the importance of web apps will only increase over time. Adobe Flash, Java Applets and Silverlight (which have historically allowed browser-client development in other languages) are all but dead: historically they have been the source of security vulnerabilities, none of them are available on the mobile browsers of Android or iOS or Windows8+. That leaves Javascript.
+ <h1 id="Javascript-the-language" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Javascript-the-language" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Javascript-the-language</h1>
+ <p>
+ Javascript is an OK language to do small-scale development: an animation here, an on-click transition there. There are a number of warts in the language, e.g. its verbosity, and a large amount of surprising behavior, but while your code-base doesn't extend past a few hundred lines of code, you often will not mind or care.
+ <p>
+ However, Javascript is not an easy language to work in at scale: when your code-base extends to thousands, tens or hundreds of thousands of lines of code. The un-typed nature of the language, which is fine for small applications, becomes an issue when you are mainly working with code that you did not write.
+ <p>
+ In a large code-base, finding out what methods or properties a variable has is often a long chase through dozens of files to see how it ended up being passed to the current function. Refactorings, which are OK when you can just test the code to see if it works, become dangerous when your code base is large enough that &quot;just test all the code&quot; would take hours. Language-warts which are slightly annoying in small programs become a minefield in large ones: it's only a matter of time before you hit one, often in code you did-not/cannot test, resulting in breakages in production.
+ <p>
+ Apart from the inherent danger of the language, Javascript has another major problem: the language has left many things unspecified, yet at the same time provides the ability to emulate these things in a variety of ways. This means that rather than having a single way of e.g. defining a class and instantiating an object, there is a decade-long debate between a dozen different and equally-bad, hand-crafted alternatives. Large code-bases use third-party libraries, and most are guaranteed (purely due to how stastistics work) to do these basic things differently from your own code, making understanding these disparate code-bases (e.g. when something goes wrong) very difficult.
+ <p>
+ To work in Javascript, you need the discipline to limit yourself to the sane subset of the language, avoiding all the pitfalls along the way:
+ <img src="images/javascript-the-good-parts-the-definitive-guide.jpg" style="margin: auto;display: block;" />
+ <p>
+ Even if you manage to do so, what constitutes a pitfall and what constitutes a clever-language-feature changes yearly, making it difficult to maintain cohesiveness over time. This is compounded by the fact that refactoring is difficult, and so removing &quot;unwanted&quot; patterns from a large code-base a difficult (often multi-year) process.
+ <h1 id="Javascript-the-platform" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Javascript-the-platform" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Javascript-the-platform</h1>
+ <p>
+ However, even as Javascript-the-language sucks, Javascript-the-platform has some very nice properties that make it a good target for application developers:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Zero-install distribution: just go to a URL and have the application downloaded and ready to use.</li>
+ <li>
+ Hyperlinks: being able to link to a particular page or item within a web app is a feature other platforms lack, and makes it much easier to cross-reference between different systems</li>
+ <li>
+ Sandboxed security: web applications are secure by default. No matter how sketchy the websites you visit, you can be sure that once you close the page, they're gone
+ <p>
+ These features are all very nice to have, and together have made the web platform the success it is today. When you compare it to traditional applications, you can see the draw:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Installing traditional desktop applications is usually a several-minute-long process. If something goes wrong in the installation, that often leaves a botched half-install on your computer which makes installing, uninstalling, or running the program impossible without manual surgery to excise the broken files.</li>
+ <li>
+ Desktop applications generally do not talk to each other at all. While on the web you can easily link a page to someone, trying to get someone to a particular screen in desktop software often involves a chain of screenshots with detailed instructions of which buttons to click at each stage.</li>
+ <li>
+ Desktop application security is non-existent. Install one rogue application and it can take over your computer, steal your credit card number, use your email for sending spam, and all sorts of other nasty things. Removing these for-good sometimes involves re-installing your entire operating system. Hence people are much more wary about only installing desktop software from people they &quot;trust&quot;.
+ <p>
+ In many ways, mobile App platforms like Android and iOS have closed the gap between &quot;native&quot; and &quot;web&quot; applications. Installing a new App may take 30 seconds, you can often deep-link to certain pages within an App, and Apps have a much tighter security model than desktop software does. Nevertheless, 30 seconds is still much longer than the 0.5 seconds it takes to open a web page, deep-linking in apps is not very prevalent, and the security model still often leaves space for rogue Apps to misbehave and steal data.
+ <hr />
+ <p>
+ Despite the problems with Javascript (and other tools like HTML an CSS, which have their own problems) the Web platform got a lot of things right, and the Desktop and Mobile platforms have a lot of catching up to do. If only we could improve upon the parts that aren't so great. This is where Scala.js comes in.
+<div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="AboutScala.js" style="display: block;"><h1 id="AboutScala.js">About Scala.js<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#AboutScala.js" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ <p>
+ With Scala.js, you can cross compile your Scala code to a Javascript executable that can run on all major web browsers. You get all the benefits of the web platform in terms of deployability, security, and hyperlinking, with none of the problems of writing your software in Javascript. Scala.js provides a <a href="#TheLanguage">better language</a> to do your work in, but also provides some other goodies that have in-so-far never been seen in mainstream web development: <a href="#SharingCode">shared-code</a> and <a href="#Client-ServerIntegration">client-server integration</a>.
+ <h1 id="TheLanguage" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#TheLanguage" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>The Language</h1>
+ <p>
+ At a first approximation, Scala.js provides you a sane language to do development in the web browser. This saves you from an endless stream of Javascript warts like this one:
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js">javascript&gt; [&quot;10&quot;, &quot;10&quot;, &quot;10&quot;, &quot;10&quot;].map(parseInt)
+[10, NaN, 2, 3] // WTF
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">scala&gt; List(&quot;10&quot;, &quot;10&quot;, &quot;10&quot;, &quot;10&quot;).map(parseInt)
+List(10, 10, 10, 10) // Yay!
+ <p>
+ Not only do you have an expressive language with static types, you also have great tooling with IDEs like IntelliJ and Eclipse, a rich library of standard collections, and many other modern conveniences that we take for granted but are curiously missing when working in the wild west of web development: the browser! You get all of the upside of developing for the web platform.
+ <p>
+ While not useful for small applications, where most of the logic is gluing together external APIs, this comes in very useful in large applications where a lot of the complexity and room-for-error is entirely internal. With larger apps, you can no longer blame browser vendors for confusing APIs that make your code terrible: these confusing APIs only lurk in the peripherals around a larger, complex application. One thing you learn working in large-ish web client-side code-bases is that the bulk of the confusion and complexity is no-one's fault but your own, as a team.
+ <p>
+ At this point, all of Google, Facebook, and Microsoft have all announced work on a typed variant of Javascript. These are not academic exercises: <a href="">Dart</a>/<a href="">AtScript</a>/<a href="">Flow</a>/<a href="">Typescript</a> are all problems that solve a real need, that these large companies have all faced once they've grown beyond a certain size. Clearly, Javascript isn't cutting it anymore, and the convenience and &quot;native-ness&quot; of the language is more than made up for in the constant barrage of self-inflicted problems. Scala.js takes this idea and runs with it!
+ <h1 id="SharingCode" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#SharingCode" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Sharing Code</h1>
+ <p>
+ Shared code is one of the holy-grails of web development. Traditionally the client-side code and server-side code has been written in separate languages: PHP or Perl or Python or Ruby or Java on the server, with only Javascript on the client. This means that algorithms were often implemented twice, constants copied-&amp;-pasted, or awkward Ajax calls are made in an attempt to centralize the logic in one place (the server). With the advent of Node.js in the last few years, you can finally re-use the same code on the server as you can on the client, but with the cost of having all the previously client-only <a href="#Javascript-the-language">problems with Javascript</a> now inflicted upon your server code base. Node.js expanded your range-of-options for writing shared client/server logic from &quot;Write everything twice&quot; to &quot;Write everything twice, or write everything in Javascript&quot;. More options is always good, but it's not clear which of the two choices is more painful!
+ <p>
+ Scala.js provides an alternative to this dilemma. With Scala.js, you can utilize the same libraries you use writing your Scala servers when writing your Scala web clients! On one end, you are sharing your templating language with <a href="">Scalatags</a> or sharing your serialization logic with <a href="">uPickle</a>. At the other, you are sharing large, abstract libraries like <a href="">Scalaz</a> or <a href="!searchin/scala-js/shapeless/scala-js/5Sf2up0z3PU/9F9SYB0qHEcJ">Shapeless</a>.
+ <p>
+ Sharing code means several things:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Not having to find two libraries to do a particular common task</li>
+ <li>
+ Not having to re-learn two different ways of doing the exact same thing</li>
+ <li>
+ Not needing to implement the same algorithms twice, for the times you can't find a good library to do what you want</li>
+ <li>
+ Not having to debug problems caused by subtle differences in the two implementations</li>
+ <li>
+ Not having to resort to awkward Ajax-calls or pre-computation to avoid duplicating logic between the client and server
+ <p>
+ Shared code doesn't just mean sharing pre-made libraries between the client and server. You can easily <a href="#CrossPublishingLibraries">publish your own libraries</a> that can be used on both Scala-JVM and Scala.js. This means that as a library author, you can at once target two completely different platforms, and (with some work) take advantage of the intricacies of each platform to optimize your library for each one. Take Scalatags as an example: as the first client-server Scala.js-ScalaJVM shared libraries, it enjoys a roughly even split of downloads from people using it on both platforms:
+ <img src="images/Scalatags Downloads.png" style="width: 100%;" />
+ <p>
+ Shared code means that if you, as an application writer, want some logic to be available on both the client and server, you simply <a href="#AClient-ServerSetup">put it in a shared/ folder</a>, and that's the end of the discussion. No architectural patterns to follow, no clever techniques need to be involved. Shared logic, whether that means constants, functions, data structures, all the way to algorithms and entire libraries, can simply be placed in <code>shared/</code> and be instantly accessible from both your client-side web code and your server.
+ <p>
+ Shared code has long been the holy-grail of web development. Even now, people speak of shared code as if it were a myth. With Scala.js, shared code is the simple, boring reality. And all this while, just as importantly, you don't need to re-write your large enterprise back-end systems in a language that doesn't scale well beyond 100s of lines of code.
+ <h1 id="Client-ServerIntegration" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Client-ServerIntegration" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Client-Server Integration</h1>
+ <p>
+ There is an endless supply of new platforms which have promised to change-the-way-we-do-web-development-forever. From old-timers like <a href="">Ur-Web</a>, to <a href="">GWT</a>, to Asana's <a href="">LunaScript</a>, to more recently things like <a href="">Meteor.js</a>.</p>
+ <p>
+ One common theme in all these platforms is that their main selling point is their tight, seamless client-server integration, to the point where you can just make method calls across the client-server boundary and the platform/language/compiler figures out what to do.</p>
+ <p>
+ With Scala.js and Scala-JVM, such conveniences like making method calls across the client-server boundary is the <a href="#IntegratingClient-Server">boring reality</a>. Not only are the calls transparent, they are also statically checked, so any mistake in the route name or the parameters it expects, or the result type it returns to you, will be caught by the compiler long before even manual testing. It becomes <a href="#What'sLeft?">impossible to make a malformed Ajax call</a>.</p>
+ <p>
+ There's a lot to be said for automating things using a computer. The entire field of software engineering is basically about automating tasks that were previously done manually: accounting, banking, making travel arrangements, and all that. However, in the world of web-development, there has always been one set of tasks that has traditionally be done manually: the task of ensuring the web-clients are properly synchronized with the web-servers. Communication between the two has always been a manual, tedious, error-prone process, and mistakes often end un-noticed until something breaks in production.</p>
+ <p>
+ With Scala.js, like the other experimental platforms that have come before us, we attempt to provide a way forward from this manual-tedium.
+ <hr />
+ <p>
+ In many ways, Scala.js all-at-once provides many of the traditional holy-grails of web development: People have always dreamed about doing web development in a sane, best-of-breed language that compiles to both client and server. Of not having to worry too hard about whether code goes on the client or on the server, and being able to move or share it if necessary. Of having a compiler that will verify and check that your entire system is correct.
+ <p>
+ Scala.js provides all these things, and much more. If you're interested enough to want to make use of Scala.js, read on!</p>
+<div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="HandsOn" style="display: block;"><h1>Hands On<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#HandsOn" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /><h2>Writing your first Scala.js programs</h2></div><div class="content">
+ <p>
+ This half of the book
+is a set of tutorials that walks you through getting started with Scala.js. You'll build a range of small projects, from <a href="#MakingaCanvasApp">Making a Canvas App</a> to <a href="#InteractiveWebPages">Interactive Web Pages</a> to <a href="#IntegratingClient-Server">Integrating Client-Server</a>, and in the process will get a good overview of both Scala.js's use cases as well as the development experience
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="GettingStarted" style="display: block;"><h1 id="GettingStarted">Getting Started<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#GettingStarted" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ To get started with Scala.js, you will need to prepare a few things:
+ <li>
+ <a href="">sbt</a>: SBT is the most common build-tool in the Scala community, and is what we will use for building our Scala.js application. Their home page has a link to download and install it. (If you are already using Typesafe Activator, that is effectively sbt.)</li>
+ <li>
+ An editor for Scala: <a href="">IntelliJ Scala</a> and <a href="">Eclipse ScalaIDE</a> are the most popular choices and work on all platforms, though there are others.</li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">Git</a>: This is a version-control system that we will use to download and manage our Scala.js projects.</li>
+ <li>
+ A terminal: on OSX you have <a href=""></a> already installed, in Linux you have <a href="">Terminal</a>, and on Windows you have <a href="">PowerShell</a>.</li>
+ <li>
+ Your favorite web browser: <a href="">Chrome</a> and <a href="">Firefox</a> are the most popular.
+ If you've worked with Scala before, you probably already have most of these installed. Otherwise, take a moment to download them before we get to work.
+ The quickest way to get started with Scala.js is to <code>git clone</code> <a href="">workbench-example-app</a>, go into the repository root, and run <code>sbt ~fastOptJS</code>
+<pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">git clone
+cd workbench-example-app
+sbt ~fastOptJS
+ This should result in a bunch of spam to the console, and may take a few minutes the first time as SBT resolves and downloads all necessary dependencies. A successful run looks like this
+ haoyi-mbp:Workspace haoyi$ git clone
+ Cloning into 'workbench-example-app'...
+ remote: Counting objects: 876, done.
+ remote: Total 876 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
+ Receiving objects: 100% (876/876), 676.59 KiB | 317.00 KiB/s, done.
+ Resolving deltas: 100% (308/308), done.
+ Checking connectivity... done.
+ haoyi-mbp:Workspace haoyi$ cd workbench-example-app/
+ haoyi-mbp:workbench-example-app haoyi$ sbt ~fastOptJS
+ [info] Loading global plugins from /Users/haoyi/.sbt/0.13/plugins
+ [info] Updating {file:/Users/haoyi/.sbt/0.13/plugins/}global-plugins...
+ [info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
+ [info] Done updating.
+ [info] Loading project definition from /Users/haoyi/Dropbox (Personal)/Workspace/workbench-example-app/project
+ [info] Updating {file:/Users/haoyi/Dropbox%20(Personal)/Workspace/workbench-example-app/project/}workbench-example-app-build...
+ [info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
+ [info] Done updating.
+ [info] Set current project to Example (in build file:/Users/haoyi/Dropbox%20(Personal)/Workspace/workbench-example-app/)
+ [INFO] [10/26/2014 15:42:09.791] [] [akka://SystemLol/user/IO-HTTP/listener-0] Bound to localhost/
+ [info] Updating {file:/Users/haoyi/Dropbox%20(Personal)/Workspace/workbench-example-app/}workbench-example-app...
+ [info] Resolving jline#jline;2.12 ...
+ [info] Done updating.
+ [info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/haoyi/Dropbox (Personal)/Workspace/workbench-example-app/target/scala-2.11/classes...
+ [info] Fast optimizing /Users/haoyi/Dropbox (Personal)/Workspace/workbench-example-app/target/scala-2.11/example-fastopt.js
+ [info] workbench: Checking example-fastopt.js
+ [info] workbench: Refreshing http://localhost:12345/target/scala-2.11/example-fastopt.js
+ [success] Total time: 11 s, completed Oct 26, 2014 3:42:21 PM
+ 1. Waiting for source changes... (press enter to interrupt)
+ The line <code>Waiting for source changes...</code> is telling you that your Scala.js program is ready! Now, when you go to the web URL <code>http://localhost:12345/target/scala-2.11/classes/index-dev.html</code> in your browser, you should see the following:
+ <img src="images/Hello World.png" style="max-width: 100%;" />
+ Congratulations, you just built and ran your first Scala.js application! If something here does not happen as expected, it means that one of the steps did not complete successfully. Make sure you can get this working before you proceed onward.
+<h1 id="OpeninguptheProject" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#OpeninguptheProject" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Opening up the Project</h1>
+ <p>
+ The next thing to do once you have the project built and running in your browser is to load it into your editor. Both IntelliJ and Eclipse should let you import the Scala.js project without any hassle. Opening it and navigating to <code>ScalaJSExample.scala</code> would look like this:
+ <img src="images/IntelliJ Hello.png" style="max-width: 100%;" />
+ <p>
+ Let's try changing one line to change the background fill from black to white:
+ <pre><code class="diff scalatex-highlight-js">- ctx.fillStyle = &quot;black&quot;
++ ctx.fillStyle = &quot;white&quot;
+ <p>
+ Because we started <code>sbt ~fastOptJS</code> with the <code>~</code> prefix earlier, it should pick up the change and automatically recompile. The example project is set up to automatically refresh the page when recompilation is complete.
+ <img src="images/Hello World White.png" style="max-width: 100%;" />
+ <p>
+ If you open up your browser's developer console, you'll see that the SBT log output is being mirrored there:
+ <img src="images/Hello World Console.png" style="max-width: 100%;" />
+ <p>
+ Apart from the SBT log output (which is handled by Workbench) any <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">println</code>s in your Scala.js code will also end up in the browser console (the <code>main</code> you see in the console is printed inside the Scala.js application, see if you can find it!) and so will the stack traces for any thrown exceptions.
+<h1 id="TheApplicationCode" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#TheApplicationCode" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>The Application Code</h1>
+ <p>
+ We've downloaded, compiled, ran, and made changes to our first Scala.js application. Let's now take a closer look at the code that we just ran:</p>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package example
+import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport
+import org.scalajs.dom
+import org.scalajs.dom.html
+import scala.util.Random
+case class Point(x: Int, y: Int){
+ def +(p: Point) = Point(x + p.x, y + p.y)
+ def /(d: Int) = Point(x / d, y / d)
+object ScalaJSExample {
+ @JSExport
+ def main(canvas: html.Canvas): Unit = {
+ val ctx = canvas.getContext(&quot;2d&quot;)
+ .asInstanceOf[dom.CanvasRenderingContext2D]
+ var count = 0
+ var p = Point(0, 0)
+ val corners = Seq(Point(255, 255), Point(0, 255), Point(128, 0))
+ def clear() = {
+ ctx.fillStyle = &quot;black&quot;
+ ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 255, 255)
+ }
+ def run = for (i &lt;- 0 until 10){
+ if (count % 3000 == 0) clear()
+ count += 1
+ p = (p + corners(Random.nextInt(3))) / 2
+ val height = 512.0 / (255 + p.y)
+ val r = (p.x * height).toInt
+ val g = ((255-p.x) * height).toInt
+ val b = p.y
+ ctx.fillStyle = s&quot;rgb($g, $r, $b)&quot;
+ ctx.fillRect(p.x, p.y, 1, 1)
+ }
+ dom.setInterval(() =&gt; run, 50)
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ It's a good chunk of code, though not a huge amount. To someone who didn't know about Scala.js, they would just think it's normal Scala, albeit with this unusual <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom</code> library and a few weird annotations. Let's pick it apart starting from the top:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">case class Point(x: Int, y: Int){
+ def +(p: Point) = Point(x + p.x, y + p.y)
+ def /(d: Int) = Point(x / d, y / d)
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Here we are defining a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Point</code> case class which represents a X/Y position, with some basic operators defined on it. This is done mostly for convenience later on, when we want to manipulate these two-dimensional points. Scala.js is Scala, and supports the entirety of the Scala language. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Point</code> here behaves identically as it would if you had run Scala on the JVM.
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">@JSExport
+object ScalaJSExample {
+ @JSExport
+ def main(canvas: html.Canvas): Unit = {</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">@JSExport</code> annotation is used to tell Scala.js that you want this method to be visible and callable from Javascript. By default, Scala.js does <a href="#FastOptimization">dead code elimination</a> and removes any methods or classes which are not used. This is done to keep the compiled executables a reasonable size, since most projects use only a small fraction of e.g. the standard library. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">@JSExport</code> is used to tell Scala.js that the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">ScalaJSExample</code> object and its <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">def main</code> method are entry points to the program. Even if they aren't called anywhere internally, they are called externally by Javascript that the Scala.js compiler is not aware of, and should not be removed. In this case, we are going to call this method from Javascript to start the Scala.js program.
+ <p>
+ Apart from this annotation, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">ScalaJSExample</code> is just a normal Scala <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">object</code>, and behaves like one in every way. Note that the main-method in this case takes a <a href="">html.Canvas</a>: your exported methods can have any signature, with arbitrary arity or types for parameters or the return value. This is in contrast to the main method on the JVM which always takes an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Array[String]</code> and returns <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Unit</code>. In fact, there's nothing special about this method at all! It's like any other exported method, we just happen to attribute it the &quot;main&quot; entry point. It is entirely possible to define multiple exported classes and methods, and build a &quot;library&quot; using Scala.js of methods that are intended for external Javascript to use.
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val ctx = canvas.getContext(&quot;2d&quot;)
+ .asInstanceOf[dom.CanvasRenderingContext2D]</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Here we are retrieving a handle to the canvas we will draw on using <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">document.getElementById</code>, and from it we can get a <a href="">CanvasRenderingContext2D</a> which we actually use to draw on it.
+ <p>
+ We need to perform the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">asInstanceOf</code> call because depending on what you pass to <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">getElementById</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">getContext</code>, you could be returned elements and contexts of different types. Hence we need to tell the compiler explicitly that we're expecting a <a href="">html.Canvas</a> and <a href="">CanvasRenderingContext2D</a> back from these methods for the strings we passed in.
+ <p>
+ Note how the <a href="">html.Canvas</a> comes from the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">html</code> namespace, while the <a href="">CanvasRenderingContext2D</a> comes from the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom</code> namespace. Traditionally, these types are imported via their qualified names: e.g. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">html.Canvas</code> rather than just <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Canvas</code>.
+ <p>
+ In general, <a href="">scala-js-dom</a> provides <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">org.scalajs.dom.html</code> to access the HTML element types of the browser, an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">org.scalajs.dom</code> to access other things. There are a number of other namespaces (<code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom.svg</code>, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom.idb</code>, etc.) accessible inside <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">org.scalajs.dom</code>: read the <a href="">scala-js-dom docs</a> to learn more.
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def run = for (i &lt;- 0 until 10){
+ if (count % 3000 == 0) clear()
+ count += 1
+ p = (p + corners(Random.nextInt(3))) / 2
+ val height = 512.0 / (255 + p.y)
+ val r = (p.x * height).toInt
+ val g = ((255-p.x) * height).toInt
+ val b = p.y
+ ctx.fillStyle = s&quot;rgb($g, $r, $b)&quot;
+ ctx.fillRect(p.x, p.y, 1, 1)
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This is the part of the Scala.js program which does the real work. It runs 10 iterations of a <a href="">small algorithm</a> that generates a Sierpinski Triangle point-by-point. The steps, as described by the linked article, are roughly:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Pick a random corner of the large-triangle</li>
+ <li>
+ Move your current-position <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">p</code> halfway between its current location and that corner</li>
+ <li>
+ Draw a dot</li>
+ <li>
+ Repeat
+ <p>
+ In this example, the triangle is hard-coded to be 255 pixels high by 255 pixels wide, and some math is done to pick a color for each dot which will give the triangle a pretty gradient.
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">dom.setInterval(() =&gt; run, 50)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Now this is the call that actually does the useful work. All this method does is call <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom.setInterval</code>, which tells the browser to run the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">run</code> method every 50 milliseconds. As mentioned earlier, the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom.*</code> methods are simply facades to their native Javascript equivalents, and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom.setInterval</code> is <a href="">no different</a>. Note how you can pass a Scala lambda to <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">setInterval</code> to have it called by the browser, where in Javascript you'd need to pass a Javascript <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">function(){...</code>}
+<h1 id="TheProjectCode" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#TheProjectCode" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>The Project Code</h1>
+ <p>
+ We've already taken a look at the application code for a simple, self-contained Scala.js application, but this application is not <i>entirely</i> self contained. It's wrapped in a small SBT project that sets up the necessary dependencies and infrastructure for this application to work.
+ <h2 id="project/build.sbt" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#project/build.sbt" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>project/build.sbt</h2>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">addSbtPlugin(&quot;org.scala-js&quot; % &quot;sbt-scalajs&quot; % &quot;0.6.0&quot;)
+addSbtPlugin(&quot;com.lihaoyi&quot; % &quot;workbench&quot; % &quot;0.2.3&quot;)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This is the list of SBT plugins used by this small example application. There are two of them: the Scala.js plugin (which contains the Scala.js compiler and other things, e.g. tasks such as <code>fastOptJS</code>) and the <a href="">Workbench</a> plugin, which is used to provide the auto-reload-on-change behavior and the forwarding of SBT logspam to the browser console.
+ <p>
+ Of the two, only the Scala.js plugin is really necessary. The Workbench plugin is a convenience that makes development easier. Without it you'd need to keep a terminal open to view the SBT logspam, and manually refresh the page when compilation finished. Not the end of the world.
+ <h2 id="build.sbt" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#build.sbt" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>build.sbt</h2>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">import com.lihaoyi.workbench.Plugin._
+name := &quot;Example&quot;
+version := &quot;0.1-SNAPSHOT&quot;
+scalaVersion := &quot;2.11.4&quot;
+libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ &quot;org.scala-js&quot; %%% &quot;scalajs-dom&quot; % &quot;0.8.0&quot;
+bootSnippet := &quot;example.ScalaJSExample().main(document.getElementById('canvas'));&quot;
+updateBrowsers &lt;&lt;= updateBrowsers.triggeredBy(fastOptJS in Compile)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ The <code>build.sbt</code> project file for this application is similarly unremarkable: It includes the settings for the two SBT plugins we saw earlier, as well as boilerplate <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">name</code>/<code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">version</code>/<code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scalaVersion</code> values common to all projects.
+ <p>
+ Of interest is the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">libraryDependencies</code>. In Scala-JVM, this key is used to declare dependencies on libraries from Maven Central, so you can use them in your Scala-JVM projects. In Scala.js, the same key is used to declare dependencies on libraries so you can use them in your Scala.js projects! Re-usable libraries can be built and published with Scala.js just as you do on Scala-JVM, and here we make use of one which provides the typed facades with which we used to access the DOM in the application code.
+ <p>
+ Lastly, we have two Workbench related settings: <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">bootSnippet</code> basically tells Workbench how to restart your application when a new compilation run finishes, and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">updateBrowsers</code> actually tells it to perform this application-restarting.
+ <h2 id="src/main/resources/index-dev.html" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#src/main/resources/index-dev.html" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>src/main/resources/index-dev.html</h2>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class=" scalatex-highlight-js hljs">&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;Example Scala.js application&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;meta http-equiv=&quot;Content-Type&quot; content=&quot;text/html; charset=UTF-8&quot;/&gt;
+&lt;body style=&quot;margin: 0px&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;canvas style=&quot;display: block&quot; id=&quot;canvas&quot; width=&quot;255&quot; height=&quot;255&quot;/&gt;
+&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;../example-fastopt.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
+&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot; src=&quot;/workbench.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
+ example.ScalaJSExample().main(document.getElementById('canvas'));
+&lt;/html&gt;</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This is the HTML page which our toy app lives in, and the same page that we have so far been using to view the app in the browser. To anyone who has used HTML, most of it is probably familiar. Things of note are the <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;script&gt;</code> tags: <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;../example-fastopt.js&quot;</code> Is the executable blob spat out by the compiler, which we need to include in the HTML page for anything to happen. This is where the results of your compiled Scala code appear. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;workbench.js&quot;</code> is the client for the Workbench plugin that connects to SBT, reloads the browser and forwards logspam to the browser console.
+ <p>
+ The <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">example.ScalaJSExample().main()</code> call is what kicks off the Scala.js application and starts its execution. Scala.js follows Scala semantics in that <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">object</code>s are evaluated lazily, with no top-level code allowed. This is in contrast to Javascript, where you can include top-level statements and object-literals in your code which execute immediately. In Scala.js, nothing happens when <code>../example-fastopt.js</code> is imported! We have to call the main-method first. In this case, we're passing the canvas object (attained using <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">getElementById</code>) to it so it knows where to do its thing.
+ <p>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">document.getElementById</code> is the exact same API that's used in normal Javascript, as documented <a href="">here</a>. In fact, the entire <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">org.scalajs.dom</code> namespace (imported at the top of the file) comprises statically typed facades for the javascript APIs provided by the browser.
+ <p>
+ Lastly, only <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">@JSExport</code>ed objects and methods can be called from Javascript. Also, although this example only exports the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">main</code> method which is called once, there is nothing stopping you from exporting any number of objects and methods and calling them whenever you need to. In this way, you can easily make a Scala.js &quot;library&quot; which is available to external Javascript as an API.
+<h1 id="Publishing" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Publishing" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Publishing</h1>
+ <p>
+ The last thing that we'll do with our toy application is to publish it. If you look in the <code>target/scala-2.11</code> folder, you'll see the output of everything we've done so far:
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">target/scala-2.11
+├── classes
+│   ├── example
+│   │   ├── Point$.class
+│   │   ├── Point$.sjsir
+│   │   ├── Point.class
+│   │   ├── Point.sjsir
+│   │   ├── ScalaJSExample$$anonfun$main$1.class
+│   │   ├── ScalaJSExample$$anonfun$run$1.class
+│   │   ├── ScalaJSExample$.class
+│   │   ├── ScalaJSExample$.sjsir
+│   │   └── ScalaJSExample.class
+│   ├── index-dev.html
+│   └── index-opt.html
+├── example-fastopt.js
+ <p>
+ All the <code>.class</code> and <code>.sjsir</code> files are the direct output of the Scala.js compiler, and aren't necessary to actually run the application. The only two files necessary are <code>index-dev.html</code> and <code>example-fastopt.js</code>. You may recognize <code>index-dev.html</code> as the file that we were navigating to in the browser earlier.
+ <p>
+ These two files can be extracted and published as-is: you can put them on <a href="">Github-Pages</a>, <a href="">Amazon Web Services</a>, or a hundred other places. However, one thing of note is the fact that the generated Javascript file is quite large:
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">haoyi-mbp:temp haoyi$ du -h target/scala-2.11/example-fastopt.js
+656K target/scala-2.11/example-fastopt.js
+ <p>
+ 656 Kilobytes for a hello world app! That is clearly too large. If you examine the contents of the file, you'll see that your code has been translated into something like this:
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js">var v1 = i;
+if (((count$1.elem$1 % 3000) === 0)) {
+ ScalaJS.m.Lexample_ScalaJSExample$().example$ScalaJSExample$$clear$1__Lorg_scalajs_dom_CanvasRenderingContext2D__V(ctx$1)
+count$1.elem$1 = ((1 + count$1.elem$1) | 0);
+var jsx$1 =$1.elem$1);
+var this$4 = ScalaJS.m.s_util_Random$();
+p$1.elem$1 = jsx$1.$$plus__Lexample_Point__Lexample_Point($1.apply__I__O(this$4.self$1.nextInt__I__I(3)))).$$div__I__Lexample_Point(2);
+var height = (512.0 / ((255 +$1.elem$1).y$1) | 0));
+var r = (($1.elem$1).x$1 * height) | 0);
+var g = ((((255 -$1.elem$1).x$1) | 0) * height) | 0);
+ <p>
+ As you can see, this code is still very verbose, with lots of unnecessarily long identifiers such as <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Lexample_ScalaJSExample$</code> in it. This is because we've only performed the <a href="#FastOptimization">Fast Optimization</a> on this file, to try and keep the time taken to edit -&gt; compile while developing reasonably short.
+ <h2 id="Optimization" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Optimization" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Optimization</h2>
+ <p>
+ If we're planning on publishing the app for real, we can run the <a href="#FullOptimization">Full Optimization</a>. This takes several seconds longer than the <a href="#FastOptimization">Fast Optimization</a>, but results in a significantly smaller and leaner output file <code>example-opt.js</code>.
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">haoyi-mbp:temp haoyi$ du -h target/scala-2.11/example-opt.js
+104K target/scala-2.11/example-opt.js
+ <p>
+ 104 Kilobytes! Better. Not great, though! In general, Scala.js does not produce tiny executables, although the output size of the compiled executables is dropping all the time. If you look inside that file, you'll see all of the long identifiers have been replaced by short ones by the <a href="">Google Closure Compiler</a>.
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js"> y=fb(gb((new F).Ya([&quot;rgb(&quot;,&quot;, &quot;,&quot;, &quot;,&quot;)&quot;])),(new F).Ya([(255-c.l.Db|0)*y|0,c.l.Db*y|0,c.l.Eb]));a.fillStyle=y;a.fillRect(c.l.Db,c.l.Eb,1,1);w=1+w|0}}}(a,b,c,e),50)}Xa.prototype.main=function(a){Ya(a)};Xa.prototype.a=new x({$g:0},!1,&quot;example.ScalaJSExample$&quot;,B,{$g:1,b:1});var hb=void 0;function bb(){hb||(hb=(new Xa).c());return hb}ba.example=ba.example||{};ba.example.ScalaJSExample=bb;function Da(){this.Pb=null}Da.prototype=new A;
+ <p>
+ These files are basically unreadable, but nonetheless behave the same as the <code>-fastopt</code> versions. Try it out by opening the <code>index-opt.html</code> file in the <code>target/scala-2.11/classes</code> directory with your browser: you should see the thing as when opening <code>index-dev</code>, except it will be pulling in the fully-optmized version of your application.
+ <p>
+ This means you can develop and debug using <code>fastOptJS</code>, and only spend the extra time (and increased debugging-difficulty) on the <code>fullOptJS</code> version just as you're going to publish it, with the assurance that although the code is much more compact, its behavior will not change.
+ <h2 id="BlobSize" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#BlobSize" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Blob Size</h2>
+ <p>
+ Even the fully-optimized version of our toy Scala.js app are pretty large. There are some factors that mitigate the large size of these executables:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ A large portion of this 104k is the Scala standard library, and so the size of the compiled blob does not grow that fast as your program grows. For example, while this ~50 line application is 104k, a <a href="">much larger ~2000 line application</a> is only 288k.</li>
+ <li>
+ This size is pre-<a href="">gzip</a>, and most webservers serve their contents compressed via gzip to reduce the download size. Gzip cuts the actual download size down to 28k, which is more acceptable.</li>
+ <li>
+ You will likely have other portions of the page that are of similar size: e.g. <a href="">JQuery</a> is extremely popular, and weights in at a comparable 32kb minified and gzipped, while <a href="">React.js</a> weighs in at a cool 150kb gzipped. Scala.js arguably provides more than either of these libraries.
+ <p>
+ Regardless, there is ongoing work to shrink the size of these executables. If you want to read more about this, check out the section on <a href="#TheCompilationPipeline">The Compilation Pipeline</a> to learn about what we currently do to crunch the executables down.
+ <hr />
+ <p>
+ In general, all the output of the Scala.js compiler is bundled up into the <code>example-fastopt.js</code> and <code>example-opt.js</code> files. As a first approximation, these files can be included directly on a HTML page (as we have here, with <code>index-dev.html</code> and <code>index-opt.html</code>) and published together as a working web app. Even zipping them up and emailing them to a friend is sufficient to give someone a working, live version of your hard work!
+ <p>
+ More advanced users would want to integrate them into their build process or serve them from a web server, all of which is entirely possible. You just need to run the Scala.js compiler and place the output <code>.js</code> file somewhere your web server can pick it up, e.g. in some static-resource folder. We cover an example setup of this with a Scala webserver in our chapter <a href="#IntegratingClient-Server">Integrating Client-Server</a>.
+<h1 id="Recap" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Recap" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Recap</h1>
+ <p>
+ If you've made it this far, you've downloaded, made modifications to, and published a toy Scala.js application. At the same time, we've gone over many of the key concepts in the Scala.js development process:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Getting a Scala.js application</li>
+ <li>
+ Building it and seeing it work in the browser</li>
+ <li>
+ Made modifications to it to see it update</li>
+ <li>
+ Examined the source code to try and understand what it's doing</li>
+ <li>
+ Examined the output code, at two levels of optimization, to see how the Scala.js compiler works</li>
+ <li>
+ Packaged the application in a form that can be easily published online
+ <p>
+ Hopefully this gives a good sense of the workflow involved in developing a Scala.js application end-to-end, as well as a feel for the magic involved in the compilation process. Nevertheless, we have barely written any Scala.js code itself!
+ <p>
+ Since you have a working development environment set up, you should take this time to poke around what you can do with our small Sierpinski-Triangle drawing app. Possible exercises include:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Javascript includes APIs for <a href="">getting the size of the window</a> and <a href="">changing the size of a canvas</a>. These Javascript APIs are available in Scala.js, and we've already used some of them in the course of this example. Try making the Canvas full-screen, and re-positioning the corners of the triangle to match.</li>
+ <li>
+ The <a href="">CanvasRenderingContext2D</a> has a bunch of methods on it that can be used to draw things. Here we only draw 1x1 rectangles to put points on the canvas; try modifying the code to make it draw something else.</li>
+ <li>
+ We've looked at the <code>master</code> branch of <code>workbench-example-app</code>, but this project also has several other branches showing off different facets of Scala.js: <a href="">dodge-the-dots</a> and <a href="">space-invaders</a> are both interesting branches worth playing with as a beginner. Check them out!</li>
+ <li>
+ Try publishing the output code somewhere. You only need <code>example-opt.js</code> and <code>index-opt.html</code>; try putting them somewhere online where the world can see it.
+ <p>
+ When you're done poking around our toy web application, read on to the next chapter, where we will explore making something more meaty using the Scala.js toolchain!</p>
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="MakingaCanvasApp" style="display: block;"><h1 id="MakingaCanvasApp">Making a Canvas App<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#MakingaCanvasApp" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ By this point, you've already cloned and got your hands dirty fiddling around with the toy <a href="">workbench-example-app</a>. You have your editor set up, SBT installed, and have published the example application in a way you can host online for other people to see. Maybe you've even made some changes to the application to see what happens. Hopefully you're curious, and want to learn more.
+ In this section of the book, we will walk through making a small canvas application. This will expose you to important concepts like:
+ <li>
+ Taking input with Javascript event handlers</li>
+ <li>
+ Writing your application logic in Scala</li>
+ <li>
+ Using a timer to drive periodic actions
+ In general, while the previous chapter was mostly set-up and exploring the Scala.js project, this chapter will walk you through actually writing a non-trivial, self-contained Scala.js application. Throughout this chapter, we will only be making modifications to <code>ScalaJSExample.scala</code>; the rest of the project will remain unchanged.
+<h1 id="MakingaSketchpadusingMouseInput" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#MakingaSketchpadusingMouseInput" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Making a Sketchpad using Mouse Input</h1>
+ <p>
+ To begin with, lets remove all the existing stuff in our <code>.scala</code> file and leave only the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">object</code> and the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">main</code> method. Let's start off with some necessary boilerplate:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">/*setup*/
+val renderer = canvas.getContext(&quot;2d&quot;)
+ .asInstanceOf[dom.CanvasRenderingContext2D]
+canvas.width = canvas.parentElement.clientWidth
+canvas.height = canvas.parentElement.clientHeight
+renderer.fillStyle = &quot;#f8f8f8&quot;
+renderer.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ As described earlier, this code uses the <a href="">document.getElementById</a> function to fish out the <code>canvas</code> element that we interested in from the DOM. It then gets a rendering context from that <code>canvas</code>, and sets the height and width of the canvas to completely fill its containing element. Lastly, it fills out the canvas light-gray, so that we can see it on the page.
+ <p>
+ Next, let's set some event handlers on the canvas:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">/*code*/
+renderer.fillStyle = &quot;black&quot;
+var down = false
+canvas.onmousedown =
+ (e: dom.MouseEvent) =&gt; down = true
+canvas.onmouseup =
+ (e: dom.MouseEvent) =&gt; down = false
+canvas.onmousemove = {
+ (e: dom.MouseEvent) =&gt;
+ val rect =
+ canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
+ if (down) renderer.fillRect(
+ e.clientX - rect.left,
+ e.clientY -,
+ 10, 10
+ )
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <canvas id="example1" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></canvas><script>canvasapp.ScratchPad().main(document.getElementById('example1'))</script>
+ <p>
+ This code sets up the <a href="">mousedown</a> and <a href="">mouseup</a> events to keep track of whether or not the mouse has currently been clicked. It then draws black squares any time you move the mouse while the button is down. This lets you basically click-and-drag to draw pictures on the canvas. Try it out!
+ <p>
+ In general, you have access to all the DOM APIs through the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom</code> package as well as through Javascript objects such as the <a href="">html.Canvas</a>. Setting the <code>onmouseXXX</code> callbacks is just one way of interacting with the DOM. With Scala.js, you also get a very handy autocomplete in the editor, which you can use to browse the various other APIs that are available for use:
+ <img src="images/Dropdown.png" style="max-width: 100%;" />
+ <p>
+ Apart from mouse events, keyboard events, scroll events, input events, etc. are all usable from Scala.js as you'd expect. If you have problems getting this to work, feel free to click on the link <i class="fa fa-link "></i> icon below the code snippet to see what the full code for the example looks like
+<h1 id="MakingaClockusingsetInterval" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#MakingaClockusingsetInterval" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Making a Clock using setInterval</h1>
+ <p>
+ You've already seen this in the previous example, but <a href="">WindowTimers.setInterval</a> can be used to schedule recurring, periodic events in your program. Common use cases include running the <a href="">event loop for a game</a>, making smooth animations, and other tasks of that sort which require some work to happen over a period of time.
+ <p>
+ Again, we need roughly the same boilerplate as just now to set up the canvas:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">/*setup*/
+val renderer = canvas.getContext(&quot;2d&quot;)
+ .asInstanceOf[dom.CanvasRenderingContext2D]
+canvas.width = canvas.parentElement.clientWidth
+canvas.height = canvas.parentElement.clientHeight
+val gradient = renderer.createLinearGradient(
+ canvas.width / 2 - 100, 0, canvas.width/ 2 + 100, 0
+renderer.fillStyle = gradient
+//renderer.fillStyle = &quot;black&quot;
+renderer.textAlign = &quot;center&quot;
+renderer.textBaseline = &quot;middle&quot;</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ The only thing unusual here is that I'm going to create a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">linearGradient</code> in order to make the stopwatch look pretty. This is by no means necessary, and you could simply make the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">fillStyle</code> <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;black&quot;</code> if you want to keep things simple.
+ <p>
+ Once that's done, it's only a few lines of code to set up a nice, live clock:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">/*code*/
+def render() = {
+ val date = new js.Date()
+ renderer.clearRect(
+ 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height
+ )
+ renderer.font = &quot;75px sans-serif&quot;
+ renderer.fillText(
+ Seq(
+ date.getHours(),
+ date.getMinutes(),
+ date.getSeconds()
+ ).mkString(&quot;:&quot;),
+ canvas.width / 2,
+ canvas.height / 2
+ )
+dom.setInterval(render _, 1000)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <canvas id="example2" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></canvas><script>canvasapp.Clock().main(document.getElementById('example2'))</script>
+ <p>
+ As you can see, we're using more <a href="">Canvas APIs</a>, in this case dealing with rendering text on the canvas. Another thing we're using is the Javascript <a href="">Date</a> class, in Scala.js under the full name <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scala.scalajs.js.Date</code>, here imported as <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">js.Date</code>. Again, click on the link <i class="fa fa-link "></i> icon to view the full-code if you're having trouble here.
+<h1 id="Tyingittogether:FlappyBox" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Tyingittogether:FlappyBox" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Tying it together: Flappy Box</h1>
+ <p>
+ You've just seen two examples of how to use Scala.js, together with the Javascript DOM APIs, to make simple applications. However, we've only used the &quot;Scala&quot; in Scala.js in the most rudimentary fashion: setting a few primitives here and there, defining some methods, mainly just gluing together a few Javascript APIs
+ <p>
+ In this example we will make a spiritual clone of the popular <a href="">Flappy Bird</a> video game. This game involves a few simple rules
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Your character starts in the middle of the screen</li>
+ <li>
+ Gravity pulls your character down</li>
+ <li>
+ Clicking/tapping the screen makes your character jump up</li>
+ <li>
+ There are obstacles that approach your character from the right side of the screen, and you have to make sure you go through the hole in each obstacle to avoid hitting it</li>
+ <li>
+ Don't go out of bounds!
+ <p>
+ It's a relatively simple game, but there should be enough &quot;business logic&quot; in here that we won't be simply gluing together APIs. Let's start!
+ <h2 id="SettingUptheCanvas" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#SettingUptheCanvas" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Setting Up the Canvas</h2>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">/*setup*/
+val renderer = canvas.getContext(&quot;2d&quot;)
+ .asInstanceOf[dom.CanvasRenderingContext2D]
+canvas.width = canvas.parentElement.clientWidth
+canvas.height = 400
+renderer.font = &quot;50px sans-serif&quot;
+renderer.textAlign = &quot;center&quot;
+renderer.textBaseline = &quot;middle&quot;</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This section of the code is peripherally necessary, but not core to the implementation or logic of Flappy Box. We see the same <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">canvas</code>/<code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">renderer</code> logic we've seen in all our examples, along with some logic to make the canvas a reasonable size, and some configuration of how we will render text to the canvas.
+ <p>
+ In general, code like this will usually end up being necessary in a Scala.js program: the Javascript APIs that the browser provides to do things often ends up being somewhat roundabout and verbose. It's somewhat annoying to have to do for a small program such as this one, but in a larger application, the cost is both spread out over thousands of lines of code and also typically hidden away in helper functions, so the verbosity and non-idiomatic-scala-ness doesn't bother you much.
+ <h2 id="DefiningourState" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#DefiningourState" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Defining our State</h2>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">/*variables*/
+val obstacleGap = 200 // Gap between the approaching obstacles
+val holeSize = 50 // Size of the hole in each obstacle you must go through
+val gravity = 0.1 // Y acceleration of the player
+var playerY = canvas.height / 2.0 // Y position of the player; X is fixed
+var playerV = 0.0 // Y velocity of the player
+// Whether the player is dead or not;
+// 0 means alive, &gt;0 is number of frames before respawning
+var dead = 0
+// What frame this is; used to keep track
+// of where the obstacles should be positioned
+var frame = -50
+// List of each obstacle, storing only the Y position of the hole.
+// The X position of the obstacle is calculated by its position in the
+// queue and in the current frame.
+val obstacles = collection.mutable.Queue.empty[Int]</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This is where we start defining things that are relevant to Flappy Box. There are roughly two groups of values here: immutable constants in the top group, and mutable variables in the bottom. The rough meaning of each variable is documented in the comments, and we'll see exactly how we use them later.
+ <p>
+ One notable thing is that we're using a <a href="">collection.mutable.Queue</a> to store the list of obstacles. This is defined in the Scala standard library; in general, all the collections in the Scala standard library can be used without issue in Scala.js.
+ <h2 id="GameLogic" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#GameLogic" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Game Logic</h2>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def runLive() = {
+ frame += 2
+ // Create new obstacles, or kill old ones as necessary
+ if (frame &gt;= 0 &amp;&amp; frame % obstacleGap == 0)
+ obstacles.enqueue(Random.nextInt(canvas.height - 2 * holeSize) + holeSize)
+ if (obstacles.length &gt; 7){
+ obstacles.dequeue()
+ frame -= obstacleGap
+ }
+ // Apply physics
+ playerY = playerY + playerV
+ playerV = playerV + gravity
+ // Render obstacles, and check for collision
+ renderer.fillStyle = &quot;darkblue&quot;
+ for((holeY, i) &lt;- obstacles.zipWithIndex){
+ // Where each obstacle appears depends on what frame it is.
+ // This is what keeps the obstacles moving to the left as time passes.
+ val holeX = i * obstacleGap - frame + canvas.width
+ renderer.fillRect(holeX, 0, 5, holeY - holeSize)
+ renderer.fillRect(
+ holeX, holeY + holeSize, 5, canvas.height - holeY - holeSize
+ )
+ // Kill the player if he hits some obstacle
+ if (math.abs(holeX - canvas.width/2) &lt; 5 &amp;&amp;
+ math.abs(holeY - playerY) &gt; holeSize){
+ dead = 50
+ }
+ }
+ // Render player
+ renderer.fillStyle = &quot;darkgreen&quot;
+ renderer.fillRect(canvas.width / 2 - 5, playerY - 5, 10, 10)
+ // Check for out-of-bounds player
+ if (playerY &lt; 0 || playerY &gt; canvas.height){
+ dead = 50
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ The <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">runLive</code> function is the meat of Flappy Box. In it, we
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Clear the canvas</li>
+ <li>
+ Generate new obstacles</li>
+ <li>
+ Apply velocity and acceleration to the player</li>
+ <li>
+ Check for collisions or out-of-bounds, killing the player if it happens</li>
+ <li>
+ Rendering everything, including the player as the namesake box
+ <p>
+ This function basically contains all the game logic, from motion, to collision-detection, to rendering, so it's pretty large. Not that large though! And entirely understandable, even if it takes a few moments to read through.
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def runDead() = {
+ playerY = canvas.height / 2
+ playerV = 0
+ frame = -50
+ obstacles.clear()
+ dead -= 1
+ renderer.fillStyle = &quot;darkred&quot;
+ renderer.fillText(&quot;Game Over&quot;, canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2)
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This is the function that handles what happens when you're dead. Essentially, we reset all the mutable variables to their initial state, and just count down the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dead</code> counter until it reaches zero and we're considered alive again.
+ <h2 id="AWorkingProduct" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#AWorkingProduct" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>A Working Product</h2>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def run() = {
+ renderer.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
+ if (dead &gt; 0) runDead()
+ else runLive()
+dom.setInterval(run _, 20)
+canvas.onclick = (e: dom.MouseEvent) =&gt; {
+ playerV -= 5
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ And finally, this is the code that kicks everything off: we define the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">run</code> function to swap between <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">runLive</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">runDead</code>, register an <a href="">onclick</a> handler to make the player jump by tweaking his velocity, and we call <a href="">WindowTimers.setInterval</a> to run the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">run</code> function every 20 milliseconds.
+ <p>
+ At almost 100 lines of code, this is quite a meaty example! Nonetheless, when all is said and done, you will find that the example actually works! Try it out!
+ <div>
+ <canvas id="example3" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></canvas><script>canvasapp.FlappyLine().main(document.getElementById('example3'))</script>
+<h1 id="CanvasRecap" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#CanvasRecap" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Canvas Recap</h1>
+ <p>
+ We've now gone through the workings of building a handful of toy applications using Scala.js. What have we learnt in the process?
+ <h2 id="DevelopmentSpeed" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#DevelopmentSpeed" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Development Speed</h2>
+ <p>
+ We've by now written a good chunk of Scala.js code, and perhaps debugged some mysterious errors, and tried some new things. One thing you've probably noticed is the efficiency of the process: you make a change in your editor, the browser reloads itself, and life goes on. There is a compile cycle, but after a few runs the compiler warms up and the compilation cycle drops to less than a second.</p>
+ <p>
+ Apart from the compilation/reload speed, you've probably noticed the benefit of tooling around Scala.js. Unlike Javascript editors, your existing Scala IDEs like <a href="">IntelliJ</a> or <a href="">Eclipse</a> can give very useful help when you're working with Scala.js. Autocomplete, error-highlighting, jump-to-definition, and a myriad other modern conveniences that are missing when working in dynamically-typed languages are present when working in Scala.js. This makes the code much less mysterious: you're no longer trying to guess what methods a value has, or what a method returns: it's all laid out in front of you in plain sight.
+ <h2 id="FullScala" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#FullScala" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Full Scala</h2>
+ <p>
+ All of the examples so far have been very self-contained: they do not touch the HTML DOM, they do not make Ajax calls, or try to access web services. They don't push the limits of the browser's API.
+ <p>
+ Nevertheless, these examples have exercised a good amount of the Scala language. List comprehensions, collections, the math library, and more. In general, most of the Scala standard library works under Scala.js, as well as a large number of third-party libraries. Unlike many other compile-to-Javascript languages out there, this isn't a language-that-looks-like-Scala: it is Scala through and through, with a tiny number of semantic differences.
+ <h2 id="SeamlessJavascriptInterop" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#SeamlessJavascriptInterop" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Seamless Javascript Interop</h2>
+ <p>
+ Even if we take some time to read through the code we've written, it is not immediately obvious which bits of code are Scala and which bits are Javascript! It all kind of meshes together, for example if we take the Flappy Box source code:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">obstacles</code> is a Scala <a href="">mutable.Queue</a>, as we defined it earlier, and all the methods on it are Scala method calls</li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">renderer</code> is a Javascript <a href="">CanvasRenderingContext2D</a>, and all the methods on it are Javascript method calls directly on the Javascript object</li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">frame</code> is a Scala <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Int</code>, and obeys Scala semantics, though it is implemented as a Javascript <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Number</code> under the hood.</li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">playerY</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">playerV</code> are Scala <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Double</code>s, implemented directly as Javascript <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Number</code>s
+ <p>
+ This reveals something pretty interesting about Scala.js: even though Scala at-first-glance is a very different language from Javascript, the interoperation with Javascript is so seamless that you can't even tell from the code which values/methods are defined in Scala and which values/methods come from Javascript!</p>
+ <p>
+ These two classes of values/methods are treated very differently by the compiler when it comes to emitting the executable Javascript blob, but the compiler does not need extra syntax telling it which things belong to Scala and which to Javascript: the types are sufficient. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">renderer</code>, for example is of type <a href="">CanvasRenderingContext2D</a> which is a subtype of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scalajs.js.Object</code>, indicating to the compiler that it needs special treatment. Primitives like <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Double</code>s and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Int</code>s have similar treatment
+ <p>
+ Overall, this seamless mix of Scala and Javascript values/methods/functions is a common theme in Scala.js applications, so you should expect to see more of it in later chapters of the book.
+ <hr />
+ <p>
+ You've now had some experience building small canvas applications in Scala.js. Why not try exercising your new-found skills? Here are some possibilities:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Make more video games! I have a set of <a href="">retro-games ported to Scala.js</a>. Maybe re-make one of them without looking at the source, or maybe port some other game you're familiar with and enjoy playing. Even just drawing things on canvas, games can get <a href="">pretty elaborate</a>.
+ <li>
+ Explore the APIs! We've touched on a small number of Javascript APIs here, mainly for dealign with the canvas, but modern browsers offer a whole <a href="">zoo of functionality</a>. Try making an application that uses <a href="">localStorage</a> to save state even when you close the tab, or an application that works with the HTML DOM.
+ <li>
+ Draw something pretty! We have a working canvas, a nice programming language, and a way to easily publish the results online. <a href="">Various</a> <a href="">fractals</a>, or <a href="">colorful visualizations</a> are all possibilities.
+ <p>
+ By this point you've some experience building stand-alone, single-canvas Scala.js applications, which has hopefully given you a feel for how Scala.js works. The problem is that few web applications satisfy the criteria of being stand-alone single-page canvas applications! Most web applications need to deal with the DOM of the HTML page, need to fetch data from web services, and generally need to do a lot of other messy things. We'll go into that in the next chapter</p>
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="InteractiveWebPages" style="display: block;"><h1 id="InteractiveWebPages">Interactive Web Pages<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#InteractiveWebPages" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ Most web applications aren't neat little games which live on a single canvas: they are large, structured HTML pages, which involve displaying data (whether from the user or from the web) in multiple ways, while allowing the user to make changes to the data that can be saved back to whatever remote web-service/database it came from.
+ At this point, you are already competent at using Scala.js to make basic, self-contained canvas applications. In this chapter, we will cover how to use Scala.js to build the sort of interactive-web-pages that make up the bulk of the modern-day internet. We'll cover how to use powerful libraries that turn front-end development form the typical fragile-mess into a structured, robust piece of software.
+<h1 id="HelloWorld:HTML" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#HelloWorld:HTML" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Hello World: HTML</h1>
+ <p>
+ The most basic way of building interactive web pages using Scala.js is to use the Javascript APIs to blat HTML strings directly into some container <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;div&gt;</code> or <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;body&gt;</code>. This approach works, as the following code snippet demonstrates:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package webpage
+import org.scalajs.dom
+import dom.html
+import scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport
+object HelloWorld0 extends{
+ @JSExport
+ def main(target: html.Div) ={
+ val (f, d) = (&quot;fox&quot;, &quot;dog&quot;)
+ target.innerHTML = s&quot;&quot;&quot;
+ &lt;div&gt;
+ &lt;h1&gt;Hello World!&lt;/h1&gt;
+ &lt;p&gt;
+ The quick brown &lt;b&gt;$f&lt;/b&gt;
+ jumps over the lazy &lt;i&gt;$d&lt;/b&gt;
+ &lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+ &quot;&quot;&quot;
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div id="example4" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></div><script>webpage.HelloWorld0().main(document.getElementById('example4'))</script>
+ <p>
+ Remember that we're now requiring a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">html.Div</code> instead of a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">html.Canvas</code> to be passed in when the Javascript calls <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">webpage.HelloWorld0().main(...)</code>. If you're coming to this point from the previous chapter, you'll need to update the on-page Javascript's <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">document.getElementById</code> to pick a <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;div&gt;</code> rather than the <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;canvas&gt;</code> we were using in the previous chapter.
+ <p>
+ This approach works, as the above example shows, but has a couple of disadvantages:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ It is untyped: it is easy to accidentally mistype something, and result in malformed HTML. A typo such as <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;dvi&gt;</code> would go un-noticed at build-time. Depending on where the typo happens, it could go un-noticed until the application is deployed, causing subtle bugs that only get resolved much later.</li>
+ <li>
+ It is insecure: <a href="">Cross-site Scripting</a> is a real thing, and it is easy to forget to escape the values you are putting into your HTML strings. Above they're constants like <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;dog&quot;</code>, but if they're user-defined, you may not notice there is a problem until something like <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;&lt;script&gt;...&lt;/script&gt;&quot;</code> sneaks through and your users' accounts &amp; data is compromised.
+ <p>
+ There are more, but we won't go deep into the intricacies of these problems. Suffice to say it makes mistakes easy to make and hard to catch, and we have something better...
+<h1 id="Scalatags" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Scalatags" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Scalatags</h1>
+ <p>
+ <a href="">Scalatags</a> is a cross-platform Scala.js/Scala-JVM library that is designed to generate HTML. To use Scalatags, you need to add it as a dependency to your Scala.js SBT project, in the <code>build.sbt</code> file:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">libraryDependencies += &quot;com.lihaoyi&quot; %%% &quot;scalatags&quot; % &quot;0.4.5&quot;</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ With that, the above snippet of code re-written using Scalatags looks as follows:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package webpage
+import org.scalajs.dom
+import dom.html
+import scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport
+import scalatags.JsDom.all._
+object HelloWorld1 extends{
+ @JSExport
+ def main(target: html.Div) = {
+ val (animalA, animalB) = (&quot;fox&quot;, &quot;dog&quot;)
+ target.appendChild(
+ div(
+ h1(&quot;Hello World!&quot;),
+ p(
+ &quot;The quick brown &quot;, b(animalA),
+ &quot; jumps over the lazy &quot;,
+ i(animalB), &quot;.&quot;
+ )
+ ).render
+ )
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div id="example5" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></div><script>webpage.HelloWorld1().main(document.getElementById('example5'))</script>
+ <p>
+ Scalatags has some nice advantages over plain HTML: it's type-safe, so typos like <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dvi</code> get caught at compile-time. It's also secure, such that you don't need to worry about script-tags in strings or similar. The <a href="">Scalatags Readme</a> elaborates on these points and other advantages. As you can see, it takes just 1 import at the top of the file to bring it in scope, and then you can use all of Scalatags' functionality.
+ <p>
+ The Scalatags github page has <a href="">comprehensive documentation</a> on how to express all manner of HTML fragments using Scalatags, so anyone who's familiar with how HTML works can quickly get up to speed. Instead of a detailed listing, we'll walk through some interactive examples to show Scalatags in action!
+ <h2 id="UserInput" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#UserInput" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>User Input</h2>
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val box = input(
+ `type`:=&quot;text&quot;,
+ placeholder:=&quot;Type here!&quot;
+val output = span.render
+box.onkeyup = (e: dom.Event) =&gt; {
+ output.textContent =
+ box.value.toUpperCase
+ div(
+ h1(&quot;Capital Box!&quot;),
+ p(
+ &quot;Type here and &quot; +
+ &quot;have it capitalized!&quot;
+ ),
+ div(box),
+ div(output)
+ ).render
+)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div style="height: 150px;display: block;overflow: scroll;" id="example6"></div><script>webpage.Inputs().main(document.getElementById('example6'))</script>
+ <p>
+ In Scalatags, you build up fragments of type <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Frag</code> using functions like <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">div</code>, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">h1</code>, etc., and call <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">.render</code> on it to turn it into a real <a href="">Element</a>. Different fragments render to different things: e.g. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">input.render</code> gives you a <a href="">html.Input</a>, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">span.render</code> gives you a <a href="">html.Span</a>. You can then access the properties of these elements: adding callbacks, checking their value, anything you want.
+ <p>
+ In this example, we render and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">input</code> element and a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">span</code>, wire up the input to set the value of the span whenever you press a key in the input, and then stuff both of them into a larger HTML fragment that forms the contents of our <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">target</code> element.
+ <h2 id="Re-rendering" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Re-rendering" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Re-rendering</h2>
+ <p>
+ Let's look at a slightly longer example. While above we spliced small snippets of text into the DOM, here we are going to re-render entire sections of HTML! The goal of this little exercise is to make a filtering search-box: starting from a default list of items, narrow it down as the user enters text into the box.
+ <p>
+ To begin with, let's define our list of items: Fruits!
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val listings = Seq(
+ &quot;Apple&quot;, &quot;Apricot&quot;, &quot;Banana&quot;, &quot;Cherry&quot;,
+ &quot;Mango&quot;, &quot;Mangosteen&quot;, &quot;Mandarin&quot;,
+ &quot;Grape&quot;, &quot;Grapefruit&quot;, &quot;Guava&quot;
+)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Next, let's think about how we want to render these fruits. One natural way would be as a list, which in HTML is represented by a <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;ul&gt;</code> with <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;li&gt;</code>s inside of it if we wanted the list to be unordered. We'll make it a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">def</code>, because we know up-front we're going to need to re-render this listing as the search query changes. Lastly, we know we want 1 list item for each fruit, but only if the fruit starts with the search query.
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def renderListings = ul(
+ for {
+ fruit &lt;- listings
+ if fruit.toLowerCase.startsWith(
+ box.value.toLowerCase
+ )
+ } yield li(fruit)
+).render</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Using a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">for</code>-loop with a filter inside the Scalatags fragment is just normal Scala, since you can nest arbitrary Scala expressions inside a Scalatags snippet. In this case, we're converting both the fruit and the search query to lower case so we can compare them case-insensitively.
+ <p>
+ Lastly, we just need to define the input box and output-container (as we did earlier), set the <a href="">onkeyup</a> event handler, and place it in a larger fragment, and then into our target:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val output = div(renderListings).render
+box.onkeyup = (e: dom.Event) =&gt; {
+ output.innerHTML = &quot;&quot;
+ output.appendChild(renderListings)
+ div(
+ h1(&quot;Search Box!&quot;),
+ p(
+ &quot;Type here to filter &quot; +
+ &quot;the list of things below!&quot;
+ ),
+ div(box),
+ output
+ ).render
+)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div id="example7" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></div><script>webpage.Search0().main(document.getElementById('example7'))</script>
+ <p>
+ And there you have it! A working search box. This is a relatively self-contained example: all the items its searching are available locally, no Ajax calls, and there's no fancy handling of the searched items. If we want to, for example, highlight the matched section of each fruit's name, we can modify the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">def renderListings</code> call to do so:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def renderListings = ul(
+ for {
+ fruit &lt;- listings
+ if fruit.toLowerCase.startsWith(
+ box.value.toLowerCase
+ )
+ } yield {
+ val (first, last) = fruit.splitAt(
+ box.value.length
+ )
+ li(
+ span(
+ backgroundColor:=&quot;yellow&quot;,
+ first
+ ),
+ last
+ )
+ }
+).render</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div id="example8" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></div><script>webpage.Search1().main(document.getElementById('example8'))</script>
+ <p>
+ Here, instead of sticking the name of the matched fruits directly into the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">li</code>, we instead first split off the part which matches the query, and then highlght the first section yellow. Easy!
+ <hr />
+ <p>
+ Hopefully this has given you a good overview of how to do things using Scala.js and Scalatags. I won't go too deep into the various ways you can use Scalatags: the <a href="">documentation</a> should cover most of it. Now that you've gone through this experience, it's worth re-iterating a few things you've probably already noticed about Scalatags
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ It's safe! If you make a trivial syntactic mistake, the compiler will catch it, because Scalatags is plain Scala. Try it!</li>
+ <li>
+ It's composable! You can easily define fragments and assign them to variables, to be used later. You can break apart large Scalatags fragments the same way you break apart normal code, avoiding the huge monolithic HTML templates that are common in other templating systems.</li>
+ <li>
+ It's Scala! You have the full power of the Scala language to write your fragments. No need to learn special syntax/cases for conditionals or repetitions: you can use plain-old-Scala <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">if</code>-<code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">else</code>s, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">for</code>-loops, etc.
+ <p>
+ Now that you've gotten a quick overview of the kinds of things you can do with Scalatags, let's move on to the next section of our hands-on tutorial...
+<h1 id="UsingWebServices" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#UsingWebServices" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Using Web Services</h1>
+ <p>
+ One half of the web application faces forwards towards the user, managing and rendering HTML or Canvas for the user to view and interact with. Another half faces backwards, talking to various web-services or databases which turn the application from a standalone-widget into part of a greater whole. We've already seen how to make the front half, let's now talk about working with the back half.
+ <h2 id="RawJavascript" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#RawJavascript" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Raw Javascript</h2>
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val xhr = new dom.XMLHttpRequest();GET&quot;,
+ &quot;; +
+ &quot;data/2.5/weather?q=Singapore&quot;
+xhr.onload = (e: dom.Event) =&gt; {
+ if (xhr.status == 200) {
+ target.appendChild(
+ pre(xhr.responseText).render
+ )
+ }
+xhr.send()</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div style="height: 400px;display: block;overflow: scroll;" id="example9"></div><script>webpage.Weather0().main(document.getElementById('example9'))</script></div></div>
+ <p>
+ The above snippet of code uses the raw Javascript Ajax API in order to make a request to <a href=""></a>, to get the weather data for the city of Singapore as a JSON blob. The part of the API that we'll be using is documented <a href="">here</a>, and if you're interested you can read all about the various options that they provide. For now, we're unceremoniously dumping it in a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">pre</code> so you can see the raw response data.
+ <p>
+ As you can see, using the raw Javascript API to make the Ajax call looks almost identical to actually doing this in Javascript, shown below:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js hljs">var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
+ &quot;; +
+ &quot;2.5/weather?q=Singapore&quot;
+xhr.onload = function (e) {
+ if (xhr.status == 200) {
+ var pre = document.createElement(&quot;pre&quot;);
+ pre.textContent = xhr.responseText;
+ target.appendChild(pre);
+ }
+xhr.send();</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div id="example10" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></div><script>WeatherJs(document.getElementById('example10'))</script>
+ <p>
+ The primary syntactic differences are:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">val</code>s for immutable data v.s. mutable <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">var</code>s.</li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">=&gt;</code> v.s. <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">function</code> to define the callback.</li>
+ <li>
+ Scalatags' <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">pre</code> v.s. <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">document.createElement(&quot;pre&quot;)</code>
+ <p>
+ Overall, they're pretty close, which is a common theme in Scala.js: using Javascript APIs in Scala.js is often as seamless and easy as using them in Javascript itself, and it often looks almost identical.
+ <h2 id="dom.extensions" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#dom.extensions" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>dom.extensions</h2>
+ <p>
+ Although the Javascript XMLHttpRequest API is workable, it's kind of awkward and clunky compared to what you're used to in Scala. We create a half-baked object, set some magic properties, and call a magic function, which all has to be done in the correct order or it won't work.
+ <p>
+ With Scala.js, we provide a simpler API that is more clearly functional. First, you need to import some things into scope:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">import dom.html
+object Weather1 extends{
+ @JSExport
+ def main(target: html.Div) = {
+ import dom.ext._
+ import scala.scalajs
+ .concurrent
+ .JSExecutionContext
+ .Implicits
+ .runNow</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ The first import brings in Scala adapters to several DOM APIs, which allow you to use them more idiomatically from Scala. The second brings in an implicit <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext</code> that we'll need to run our asynchronous operations.
+ <p>
+ Then we need the code itself:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val url =
+ &quot;; +
+ &quot;data/2.5/weather?q=Singapore&quot;
+Ajax.get(url).onSuccess{ case xhr =&gt;
+ target.appendChild(
+ pre(xhr.responseText).render
+ )
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div style="height: 400px;overflow: scroll;display: block;overflow: scroll;" id="example11"></div><script>webpage.Weather1().main(document.getElementById('example11'))</script>
+ <p>
+ A single call to <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajax.get(...)</code>, with the URL, and we receive a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scala.concurrent.Future</code> that we can use to get access to the result when ready. Here we're just using it's <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">onSuccess</code>, but we could use it in a for-comprehension, with <a href="">Scala Async</a>, or however else we can use normal <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future</code>s
+ <h2 id="ParsingtheData" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#ParsingtheData" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Parsing the Data</h2>
+ <p>
+ We've taken the data-dump from OpenWeatherMap in three different ways, but there's still something missing: we need to actually parse the JSON data to make use of it! Most people don't use their JSON data as strings but as structured documents, querying and extracting only the bits we need.
+ <p>
+ First, let's make the call prettyprint the document, so at least we can see what it contains:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">Ajax.get(url).onSuccess{ case xhr =&gt;
+ target.appendChild(
+ pre(
+ js.JSON.stringify(
+ js.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText),
+ space=4
+ )
+ ).render
+ )
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div style="height: 400px;display: block;overflow: scroll;" id="example12"></div><script>webpage.Weather2().main(document.getElementById('example12'))</script>
+ <p>
+ We do this by taking <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">xhr.responseText</code> and putting it through both <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">JSON.parse</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">JSON.stringify</code>, passing in a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">space</code> argument to tell <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">JSON.stringify</code> to spread it out nicely.
+ <p>
+ Now that we've pretty-printed it, we can immediately see what data it contains and which part of the data we want. Let's change the previous example's <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">onSuccess</code> call to extract the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">weather</code>, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">temp</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">humidity</code> and put them in a nice, human-friendly format for us to enjoy:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">Ajax.get(url).onSuccess{ case xhr =&gt;
+ if (xhr.status == 200) {
+ val json = js.JSON.parse(
+ xhr.responseText
+ )
+ val name =
+ val weather =
+ .pop()
+ .main
+ .toString
+ def celsius(kelvins: js.Dynamic) = {
+ kelvins.asInstanceOf[Double] - 273.15
+ }.toInt
+ val min = celsius(json.main.temp_min)
+ val max = celsius(json.main.temp_max)
+ val humid = json.main.humidity.toString
+ target.appendChild(
+ div(
+ b(&quot;Weather in Singapore:&quot;),
+ ul(
+ li(b(&quot;Country &quot;), name),
+ li(b(&quot;Weather &quot;), weather),
+ li(b(&quot;Temp &quot;), min, &quot; - &quot;, max),
+ li(b(&quot;Humidity &quot;), humid, &quot;%&quot;)
+ )
+ ).render
+ )
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div style="height: 400px;overflow: scroll;display: block;overflow: scroll;" id="example13"></div><script>webpage.Weather3().main(document.getElementById('example13'))</script>
+ <p>
+ First we parse the incoming response, extract a bunch of values from it, and then stick it in a Scalatags fragment for us to see. Note how we can use the names of the attributes e.g. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code> even though <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">name</code> is a dynamic property which you can't be sure exists: this is because <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">json</code> is of type <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">js.Dynamic</code>, which allows us to refer to arbitrary parameters and methods on the underlying object without type-checking.
+ <p>
+ Calls on <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">js.Dynamic</code> resolve directly to javascript property/method references, and will fail at run-time with an exception if used wrongly. This is also why we need to call <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">.toString</code> or <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">.asInstanceOf</code>on the values before use: without these casts, the compiler can't be sure what kind of value is underneath the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">js.Dynamic</code> type, and so we have to provide it the guarantee that it is what it needs.
+<h1 id="Tyingittogether:WeatherSearch" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Tyingittogether:WeatherSearch" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Tying it together: Weather Search</h1>
+ <p>
+ At this point we've made a small app that allows us to search from a pre-populated list of words, as well as a small app that lets us query a remote web-service to find the weather in Singapore. The natural thing to do is to put these things together to make a app that will let us search from a list of countries and query the weather in any country we desire. Let's start!
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">lazy val box = input(
+ `type`:=&quot;text&quot;,
+ placeholder:=&quot;Type here!&quot;
+lazy val output = div(
+ height:=&quot;400px&quot;,
+ overflowY:=&quot;scroll&quot;
+box.onkeyup = (e: dom.Event) =&gt; {
+ output.innerHTML = &quot;Loading...&quot;
+ fetchWeather(box.value)
+ div(
+ h1(&quot;Weather Search&quot;),
+ p(
+ &quot;Enter the name of a city to pull the &quot;,
+ &quot;latest weather data from!&quot;
+ ),
+ p(box),
+ hr, output, hr
+ ).render
+)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This sets up the basics: an input box, an output div, and sets an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">onkeyup</code> that fetches the weather data each time you hit a key. It then renders all these components and sticks them into the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">target</code> div. This is basically the same stuff we saw in the early examples, with minor tweaks e.g. adding a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">maxHeight</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">overflowY:=&quot;scroll&quot;</code> to the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">output</code> box in case the output is too large. Whenever we enter something in the box, we call the function <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">fetchWeather</code>, which is defined as:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def fetchWeather(query: String) = {
+ val searchUrl =
+ &quot;; +
+ &quot;2.5/find?type=like&amp;mode=json&amp;q=&quot; +
+ query
+ for{
+ xhr &lt;- Ajax.get(searchUrl)
+ if query == box.value
+ } js.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).list match{
+ case jsonlist: js.Array[js.Dynamic] =&gt;
+ output.innerHTML = &quot;&quot;
+ showResults(jsonlist, query)
+ case _ =&gt;
+ output.innerHTML = &quot;No Results&quot;
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This is where the actual data fetching happens. It's relatively straightforward: we make an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajax.get</code> request, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">JSON.parse</code> the response, and feed it into the callback function. We're using a slightly different API from earlier: we now have the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;type=like&quot;</code> flag, which is documented in the <a href="">OpenWeatherMap API docs</a> to return multiple results for each city whose name matches your query.
+ <p>
+ Notably, before we re-render the results, we check whether the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">query</code> that was passed in is the same value that's in the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">box</code>. This is to prevent a particularly slow ajax call from finishing out-of-order, potentially stomping over the results of more recent searches. We also check whether the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">.list: js.Dynamic</code> property we want is an instance of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">js.Array</code>: if it isn't, it means we don't have any results to show, and we can skip the whole render-output step.
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def showResults(jsonlist: js.Array[js.Dynamic], query: String) = {
+ for (json &lt;- jsonlist) {
+ val name =
+ val country =
+ val weather =
+ def celsius(kelvins: js.Dynamic) = {
+ kelvins.asInstanceOf[Double] - 273.15
+ }.toInt
+ val min = celsius(json.main.temp_min)
+ val max = celsius(json.main.temp_max)
+ val humid = json.main.humidity.toString
+ val (first, last) = name.splitAt(query.length)
+ output.appendChild(
+ div(
+ b(span(first, backgroundColor:=&quot;yellow&quot;), last, &quot;, &quot;, country),
+ ul(
+ li(b(&quot;Weather &quot;), weather),
+ li(b(&quot;Temp &quot;), min, &quot; - &quot;, max),
+ li(b(&quot;Humidity &quot;), humid, &quot;%&quot;)
+ )
+ ).render
+ )
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Here is the meat and potatoes of this program: every time it gets called with an array of weather-data, we iterate over the cities in that array. It then does a similar sort of data-extraction that we did earlier, putting the results into the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">output</code> div we defined above, including highlighting.
+ <div id="example14" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></div><script>webpage.WeatherSearch().main(document.getElementById('example14'))</script>
+ <p>
+ And that's the working example! Try searching for cities like &quot;Singapore&quot; or &quot;New York&quot; or &quot;San Francisco&quot; and watch as the search narrows as you enter more characters into the text box. Note that the OpenWeatherMap API limits ambiguous searches to about a dozen results, so if a city doesn't turn up in a partial-search, try entering more characters to narrow it down.
+<h1 id="InteractiveWebPagesRecap" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#InteractiveWebPagesRecap" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Interactive Web Pages Recap</h1>
+ <p>
+ In this chapter, we've explored the basics of how you can use Scala.js to build interactive web pages. The two main contributions are using Scalatags to render HTML in a concise, safe way, and making Ajax calls to external web services. We combined these two capabilities in a small weather-search app that let a user interactively search for the weather in different cities around the world.</p>
+ <p>
+ Some things you may have noticed in the process:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Using Scalatags to render HTML fragments, and managing them at runtime with callbacks and getting/setting properties, is really quite nice</li>
+ <li>
+ Using <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">new dom.XMLHttpRequest</code> to make web requests feels just like the Javascript code to do so</li>
+ <li>
+ Using <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajax.get(...)</code> and working with the resultant : <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future</code> feels a lot cleaner than directly using the Javascript API
+ <p>
+ You're at this point reasonably pro</p>
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="TheCommandLine" style="display: block;"><h1 id="TheCommandLine">The Command Line<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#TheCommandLine" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ We've by this point done a bunch of work in the browser: we've made a small game that runs in the web browser on the HTML5 canvas, and we've made a number of small web-apps that interact with HTML and 3rd party web-services. However, there's a whole other side to the Scala.js ecosystem: the command line interace, or CLI.
+ Even though the goal of Scala.js is to get your code running in peoples' browsers, it still is useful to be familiar with the things that you can do in the command-line. It is much easier to write-code-print-results in the command line without having to set up a HTML page and opening a browser to test it, and this extends to things like unit test suites, which are almost exclusively run in the command-line using <code>sbt ~test</code> to keep re-running them when the code changes.
+ The Scala.js command line is where you go to do things to your Scala.js code. Although Scala.js comes with <a href="">standalone executables</a> that can be used from any shell (sh, bash, zsh, etc.) the primary supported way of setting up, compiling and testing your Scala.js applications is through <a href="">SBT</a>: Scala's primary build tool.
+ You've already used fragments of the Scala.js CLI in earlier chapters of this book: <code>~fastOptJS</code> is what you used for development, <code>fullOptJS</code> for publishing. Apart from these, Scala.js allows you to execute code via <a href="">Rhino</a>/<a href="">Node.js</a>/<a href="">PhantomJS</a> from the command-line, as well as running test-suites under the same conditions. This chapter will go deeper into the various things you can do with the Scala.js command line:
+ <li>
+ <code>compile</code>: converting code from Scala source into not-yet-executable Scala.js IR</li>
+ <li>
+ <code>package</code>: bundling up our Scala.js IR into a <code>.jar</code> file, for publishing or distribution as a library</li>
+ <li>
+ <code>fastOptJS</code>: aggregating our Scala.js IR and converting it to a <code>.js</code> executable.</li>
+ <li>
+ <code>fullOptJS</code>: aggregating our Scala.js IR and converting it to a smaller, faster <code>.js</code> executable.</li>
+ <li>
+ <code>run</code>: run your compiled Scala.js code as Javascript in Rhino, Node.js or Phantom.js</li>
+ <li>
+ <code>test</code>: run your compiled Scala.js code as a test suite in Rhino, Node.js or Phantom.js
+ Now, let's open up your SBT console in your Scala.js app
+<pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">&gt;
+ And let's get started!
+<h1 id="Commands" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Commands" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Commands</h1>
+ <p>
+ The most fundamental thing you can do in the Scala.js CLI is to compile your code. Let's go through the various mechanisms of &quot;compiling&quot; things:
+ <h2 id="ThecompileCommand" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#ThecompileCommand" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>The compile Command</h2>
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">&gt; compile
+ <p>
+ Just as you can <code>compile</code> Scala-JVM projects, you can also <code>compile</code> Scala.js projects. Like compiling Scala-JVM projects, this leaves a bunch of <code>.class</code> files in your <code>target</code> directory. Unlike Scala-JVM projects, this also leaves a bunch of <code>.sjsir</code> files, which correspond to your Scala.js output files:
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">classes
+└── example
+ ├── Point$.class
+ ├── Point$.sjsir
+ ├── Point.class
+ ├── Point.sjsir
+ ├── ScalaJSExample$$anonfun$main$1.class
+ ├── ScalaJSExample$$anonfun$run$1.class
+ ├── ScalaJSExample$.class
+ ├── ScalaJSExample$.sjsir
+ └── ScalaJSExample.class
+ <p>
+ However, unlike on Scala-JVM, you cannot directly run the <code>.sjsir</code> files spat out by the Scala.js compiler. These files are an Intermediate Representation, which needs to go through the next step in the compilation pipeline before being turned into Javascript.
+ <h2 id="ThepackageCommand" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#ThepackageCommand" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>The package Command</h2>
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">&gt; package</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ Also like on Scala-JVM, Scala.js also supports the <code>package</code> command. This command generates a <code>.jar</code> like it does in Scala-JVM, except this version appends this weird <code>_sjs0.6</code> suffix.
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">target/scala-2.11/
+└── example_sjs0.6_2.11-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
+ <p>
+ The purpose of this suffix is to link the compiled <code>.jar</code> file to the version of Scala.js used to compile it. This allows you to make sure that you don't accidentally depend on a version of a jar that is incompatible with your current version.
+ <p>
+ Again, unlike Scala-JVM, these <code>.jar</code> files are not directly executable: the <code>.sjsir</code> files need further processing to turn into runnable Javascript. Instead, their sole purpose is to hold bundles of <code>.sjsir</code> files to be published and depended-upon: they can be <code>publishLocal</code>ed to be used by other projects on your computer, or <code>publishSigned</code>ed to <a href="">Maven Central</a>, just like any Scala-JVM project.
+ <h2 id="ThefastOptJSCommand" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#ThefastOptJSCommand" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>The fastOptJS Command</h2>
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">&gt; fastOptJS</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ <code>fastOptJS</code> is a command we've used in earlier chapters. It basically runs the <a href="#FastOptimization">Fast Optimization</a> stage of the compilation pipeline. This results in a moderately-sized executable, which you can then load in the browser with a <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;script&gt;</code> tag and run.
+ <p>
+ This is the first phase which actually results in an executable blob of Javascript. I won't go into much detail about this command: you've used it before, and more details about the particular kind of optimization and how it fits into the large process is available in the chapter on The Compilation Pipeline. Nonetheless, it's fast, produces not-too-huge output code, and is what you typically use for iterative development in the browser.
+ <h2 id="ThefullOptJSCommand" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#ThefullOptJSCommand" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>The fullOptJS Command</h2>
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">&gt; fullOptJS</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ <code>fullOptJS</code> is another command that we've seen before: it performs an aggressive, somewhat slower <a href="#FullOptimization">Full Optimization</a> pass on the generated Javascript. This results in a much smaller executable Javascript blob, which you can also load via a <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;script&gt;</code> tag and run.</p>
+ <p>
+ Again, I won't go into much details, as exactly what this optimization does is described in the chapter on the Compilation Pipeline. This command is somewhat too-slow to be running during iterative development, and is instead typically used just before deployment to minimize the size of the file your users have to download.
+ <h2 id="TherunCommand" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#TherunCommand" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>The run Command</h2>
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">&gt; run</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ Here's something you haven't seen before: the <code>run</code> command gives you the ability to run a Scala.js program from the command line. This prints its output to standard output (i.e. the terminal). Like Scala-JVM, you need a <code>main</code> method to run to kick off your program. Unlike Scala-JVM, the main method is marked on an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">object</code> which <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">extends scala.scalajs.js.JSApp</code>, e.g.
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">// src/main/scala/RunMe.scala
+object RunMe extends scala.scalajs.js.JSApp{
+ def main(): Unit = {
+ println(&quot;Hello World!&quot;)
+ println(&quot;In Scala.js, (1.0).toString is ${(1.0).toString}!&quot;)
+ }
+ <p>
+ Running <code>sbt run</code> with the above Scala.js code will print out
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">Hello World!
+In Scala.js, (1.0).toString is 1!
+ <p>
+ This exhibits the weirdness of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Double.toString</code> in Scala.js, which is one of the few ways in which <a href="#DeviationsfromScala-JVM">Scala.js deviates from Scala-JVM</a>. This also shows us we're really running on Scala.js: on Scala-JVM, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">(1.0).toString</code> returns <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;1.0&quot;</code> rather than <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;1&quot;</code>!
+ <p>
+ One thing you may be wondering is: when you run a Scala.js program in the terminal, how does it execute the output Javascript? What about the DOM? and Ajax calls? Can it access the filesystem? The answer to all these questions is &quot;it depends&quot;: it turns out there are multiple ways you can run Scala.js from the command-line, dictated by the <i>stage</i> and the <i>environment</i>.
+ <p>
+ By default, runs are done in the <code>PreLinkStage</code>, which uses the Rhino environment. With the sbt setting <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">jsDependencies += RuntimeDOM</code>, the Scala.js runner will automatically set up <b>env.js</b> in Rhino so that you have access to an emulation of the DOM API.
+ <p>
+ You can enable a different stage, <code>FastOptStage</code> or <code>FullOptStage</code>, with the following sbt command:
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">&gt; set scalaJSStage in Global := FastOptStage
+ <p>
+ In <code>FastOptStage</code> and <code>FullOptStage</code>, the environment can be one of <b>Node.js</b> or <b>PhantomJS</b>. These JavaScript VMs must be installed separately.
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ By default, Node.js is used.</li>
+ <li>
+ With the sbt setting <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">jsDependencies += RuntimeDOM</code>, PhantomJS is used instead, so that a headless DOM is available.
+ <p>
+ Typically, the best way to get started is using Rhino, since it's setup-free, and setting up Node.js or PhantomJS later as necessary. The next two sections elaborate on the differences between these ways of running your code. Check out the later sections on <a href="#HeadlessRuntimes">Headless Runtimes</a> and <a href="#Stages">Stages</a> to learn more about the other settings and why you would want to use them.
+ <h2 id="ThetestCommand" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#ThetestCommand" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>The test Command</h2>
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">&gt; test
+ <p>
+ The <code>sbt test</code> command behaves very similarly to <code>sbt run</code>. It also runs on Rhino, Node.js or PhantomJS, dependending of the stage and the dependency on the DOM.</p>
+ <p>
+ The difference is that instead of simply running your <code>main</code> method, <code>sbt test</code> runs whatever test-suite you have set-up, which will look through your <code>tests/</code> folder to find suites of tests it has to run, and aggregate the results formatted nicely for you to see. The exact operation of this depends on which testing library you're using.</p>
+ <p>
+ We won't spend much time talking about <code>sbt test</code> here. Not because it's not important: it most certainly is! Rather, we will be spending a good amount of time setting up tests in <a href="#CrossPublishingLibraries">the next chapter</a>, so feel free to jump ahead if you want to see an example usage of <code>sbt test</code>.
+<h1 id="HeadlessRuntimes" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#HeadlessRuntimes" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Headless Runtimes</h1>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">Rhino</a> is the default way of running Scala.js applications. The upside of using Rhino is that it is pure-Java, and doesn't need any additional binaries or installation. The downside of using Rhino is that it is slow: maybe a hundred times slower than the alternatives, making it not suitable for running long-running, compute-intensive programs.</li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">Node.js</a>, a relatively new Javascript runtime based on Google's V8 Javascript engine, Node.js lets you run your Scala.js application from the command line much faster than in Rhino, with performance that matches that of modern browsers. However, you need to separately <a href="">install Node.js</a> in order to use it. Node.js does not have DOM or browser-related functionality. You need to set the stage with <code>set scalaJSStage in Global := FastOptStage</code> to run using Node.js.</li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">PhantomJS</a> is a headless Webkit browser. This means that unlike Node.js, PhantomJS provides you with a full DOM and all its APIs to use in your tests, if you wish to e.g. test interactions with the HTML of the web page. On the other hand, it is somewhat slower than Node.js, though still much faster than Rhino. Like Node.js, it needs to be installed separately. You need to set the stage with <code>set scalaJSStage in Global := FastOptStage</code>, as well as setting the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">jsDependencies += RuntimeDOM</code> flag in your SBT configuration, to use PhantomJS.</li></ul>
+ <p>
+ These are your three options to run your Scala.js code via the command-line. Generally, it's easiest to get started with Rhino since it's the default and requires no setup, though you will quickly find it worthwhile to setup Node.js or PhantomJS to speed up your runs and tests.
+<h1 id="Stages" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Stages" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Stages</h1>
+ <p>
+ Let us recap the three different stages of execution, and what they mean.
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <code>PreLinkStage</code> (the default): this does not perform any optimization of the output Scala.js files, and does lazy-loading to minimize the amount of files being loading into the interpreter. This is necessary for Rhino because it can't handle large blobs of Javascript, but doesn't map to any compilation mode you'd use for the browser.</li>
+ <li>
+ <code>FastOptStage</code>: this performs the same compilation and optimization as <code>sbt fastOptJS</code>, as described under Fast Optimizations. It then takes the entire output executable (which probably weighs around 1mb) and hands it to Node.js or PhantomJS, which then run it.</li>
+ <li>
+ <code>FullOptStage</code>: this performs the same compilation and optimization as <code>sbt fullOptJS</code>, as described under Full Optimizations. This takes longer to run than the <code>FastOptStage</code>, and results in a smaller/faster executable. Practically speaking, this size/speed advantage does not matter from the command line, but <code>FullOptStage</code> is still useful to verify that the behavior does not change (it shouldn't!) under the aggressive full optimization. This is typically used in continuous integration builds, but rarely manually.
+<hr />
+ Hopefully by this point you more-or-less know your way around the Scala.js command-line tools. As mentioned earlier, command line tools make it much easier to run a bunch of Scala.js code, e.g. unit tests, without having to muck around with HTML pages or refreshing the browser. That will come in handy soon, as we're next going to learn to publish a standalone, distributable Scala.js module. And what's a module without tests...</p>
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="CrossPublishingLibraries" style="display: block;"><h1 id="CrossPublishingLibraries">Cross Publishing Libraries<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#CrossPublishingLibraries" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ We've spent several chapters exploring the experience of making web apps using Scala.js, but any large application (web or not!) likely relies on a host of libraries in order to implement large chunks of its functionality. Ideally these libraries would be re-usable, and can be shared among different projects, teams or even companies.
+ Not all code is developed in the browser. Maybe you want to run simple snippets of Scala.js which don't interact with the browser at all, and having to keep a browser open is an overkill. Maybe you want to write unit tests for your browser-destined code, so you can verify that it works without firing up Chrome. Maybe it's not a simple script but a re-distributable library, and you want to run the same command-line unit tests on both Scala.js and Scala-JVM to verify that the behavior is identical. This chapter will go through all these cases.
+<h1 id="ASimpleCross-BuiltModule" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#ASimpleCross-BuiltModule" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>A Simple Cross-Built Module</h1>
+ <p>
+ As always, we will start with an example: in this case a toy library whose sole purpose in life is to take a series of timestamps (milliseconds UTC) and format them into a single, newline-delimited string. This is what the project layout looks like:
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">$ tree
+├── build.sbt
+├── js
+│   ├── shared/main/scala/simple/Simple.scala
+│   └── src/main/scala/simple/Platform.scala
+├── jvm
+│   ├── shared -&gt; ../js/shared
+│   └── src/main/scala/simple/Platform.scala
+└── project/ build.sbt</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ In this case the two <code>shared/</code> folders are symlinked together to keep them in sync. This can be done by first creating <code>js/shared</code>, and then running
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">$ ln -s ../js/shared jvm/shared
+ <h2 id="BuildConfiguration" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#BuildConfiguration" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Build Configuration</h2>
+ <p>
+ From the bash shell in the project root. Let's take a look at the various files that make up this project. First, the <code>build.sbt</code> files:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">/*project/build.sbt*/
+addSbtPlugin(&quot;org.scala-js&quot; % &quot;sbt-scalajs&quot; % &quot;0.6.0-RC2&quot;)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ The <code>project/build.sbt</code> file is uneventful: it simply includes the Scala.js SBT plugin. However, the <code>build.sbt</code> file is a bit more interesting:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val sharedSettings = Seq(
+ unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile +=
+ baseDirectory.value / &quot;shared&quot; / &quot;main&quot; / &quot;scala&quot;
+lazy val js =;js&quot;)).enablePlugins(ScalaJSPlugin)
+ .settings(sharedSettings:_*)
+lazy val jvm =;jvm&quot;)).settings(sharedSettings:_*)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Unlike the equivalent <code>build.sbt</code> files you saw in earlier chapters, this does not simply enable the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">ScalaJSPlugin</code> to the root project. Rather, it sets up two projects: one in the <code>js/</code> folder and one in the <code>jvm/</code> folder, with the <code>js/</code> version getting the Scala.js plugin. To both of these, we add <code>shared/main/scala</code> to the list of source directories. This means that both projects will pick up the sources we symlinked between <code>js/shared/</code> and <code>jvm/shared/</code>.
+ <h2 id="SourceFiles" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#SourceFiles" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Source Files</h2>
+ <p>
+ Now, let's look at the contents of the <code>.scala</code> files that make up the meat of this project:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">/*shared/main/scala/simple/Simple.scala*/
+package simple
+object Simple{
+ def formatTimes(timestamps: Seq[Long]): Seq[String] = {
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ In <code>Simple.scala</code> we have the shared, cross-platform API of our library: a single <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">object</code> with a single method <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">def</code> which does what we want, which can then be used in either Scala.js or Scala-JVM. In general, you can put as much shared logic here as you want: classes, objects, methods, anything that can run on both Javascript and on the JVM. We're chopping off the last 5 characters (the milliseconds) to keep the formatted dates slightly less verbose.
+ <p>
+ However, when it comes to actually formatting the date, we have a problem: Javascript and Java provide different utilities for formatting dates! They both let you format them, but they provide different APIs. Thus, to do the formatting of each individual date, we call out to the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Platform.format</code> function, which is implemented twice: once in <code>js/</code> and once in <code>jvm/</code>:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">//js/src/main/scala/simple/Platform.scala
+package simple
+import scalajs.js
+object Platform extends js.JSApp{
+ def format(ts: Long) = {
+ new js.Date(ts).toISOString()
+ }
+ def main() = {
+ val times = Seq(
+ 0L,
+ 1L &lt;&lt; 32
+ )
+ println(&quot;Running on JS! &quot; + 1.0d)
+ println(Simple.formatTimes(times))
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">//jvm/src/main/scala/simple/Platform.scala
+package simple
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
+import java.util.{TimeZone, Locale}
+object Platform{
+ def format(ts: Long) = {
+ val fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(
+ &quot;yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.sss'Z'&quot;
+ )
+ fmt.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(&quot;UTC&quot;))
+ fmt.format(new java.util.Date(ts))
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ val times = Seq(
+ 0L,
+ 1L &lt;&lt; 32
+ )
+ println(&quot;Running on JVM! &quot; + 1.0d)
+ println(Simple.formatTimes(times))
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ In the <code>js/</code> version, we are using the Javascript <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Date</code> object to take the millis and do what we want. In the <code>jvm/</code> version, we instead use <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">java.text.SimpleDateFormat</code> with a custom formatter (The syntax is defined <a href="">here</a>).
+ <p>
+ Again, you can put as much platform-specific logic in these files as you want, to account for differences in the available APIs. Maybe you want to use <a href="">Json.parse</a> for parsing JSON blobs in <code>js/</code>, but <a href="">Jackson</a> or <a href="">GSON</a> for parsing them in <code>jvm/</code>.</p>
+ <p>
+ Lastly, you'll also have noticed the two identical <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">main</code> methods in the platform-specific code. This is an implementation detail around the fact that Scala.js picks up the main method differently from Scala-JVM, using <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">js.JSApp</code> instead of looking for a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">main(args: Array[String]): Unit</code> method. These two main methods allow us to test our implementations</p>
+ <h2 id="RunningtheModule" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#RunningtheModule" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Running the Module</h2>
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">&gt; ; js/run; jvm/run
+[info] Running simple.Platform
+Running on JS! 1
+November 2, 2014 2:58:48 PM PST
+November 2, 2014 2:58:49 PM PST
+[success] Total time: 4 s, completed Nov 2, 2014 2:58:48 PM
+[info] Running simple.Platform
+Running on JVM! 1.0
+November 2, 2014 2:58:49 PM PST
+November 2, 2014 2:58:50 PM PST
+[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Nov 2, 2014 2:58:49 PM
+ <p>
+ As you can see, both runs printed the same results, modulo three things:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ The &quot;Running on XXX!&quot; statement which shows us we're actually running on two platforms.</li>
+ <li>
+ The other hint is the time taken: the second run is instant while the first takes three seconds! This is because by default we run on <a href="">Rhino</a>, which is a simple interpreter hundreds of times slower than running code natively on the JVM.</li>
+ <li>
+ In Scala-JVM the double 1.0 is printed as <code>1.0</code>, while in Scala.js it's printed as <code>1</code>. This is one of a small number of differences between Scala.js and Scala-JVM, and verifies that we are indeed running on both platforms!
+ <p>
+ You've by this point set up a basic cross-building Scala.js/Scala-JVM project!</p>
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="IntegratingClient-Server" style="display: block;"><h1 id="IntegratingClient-Server">Integrating Client-Server<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#IntegratingClient-Server" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ Historically, sharing code across client &amp; server has been a holy-grail for web development. There are many things which have made it hard in the past:
+ <li>
+ Javascript on the client v.s. PHP/Perl/Python/Ruby/Java on the server</li>
+ <li>
+ Most back-ends make heavy use of C extensions, and front-end code was tightly coupled to the DOM. Even if you manage to port the main language</li></ul>
+ There have been some attempts in recent years with more traction: Node.js, for example, has been very successful at running Javascript on the server, the Clojure/Clojurescript community has their own version of cross-built code, and there are a number of smaller, more esoteric platforms.
+ Scala.js lets you share code between client and server relatively straightforwardly. As we saw in the previous chapter, where we made a shared module. Let's work to turn that shared module into a working client-server application!
+<h1 id="AClient-ServerSetup" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#AClient-ServerSetup" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>A Client-Server Setup</h1>
+ <p>
+ Getting started with client-server integration, let's go with the simplest configuration possible: a Spray server and a Scala.js client. Most of the other web-frameworks (<a href="">Play</a>, <a href="">Scalatra</a>, etc.) will have more complex configurations, but the basic mechanism of wiring up Scala.js to your web framework will be the same. Our project will look like this:
+ <pre><code class="bash scalatex-highlight-js">$ tree
+├── build.sbt
+├── client
+│   ├── shared/main/scala/simple/FileData.scala
+│   └── src/main/scala/simple/Client.scala
+├── project
+│   └── build.sbt
+└── server
+ ├── shared -&gt; ../client/shared
+ └── src/main/scala/simple
+ ├── Page.scala
+ └── Server.scala
+ <p>
+ First, let's do the wiring in <code>build.sbt</code>:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">import NativePackagerKeys._
+val sharedSettings = Seq(
+ unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile +=
+ baseDirectory.value / &quot;shared&quot; / &quot;main&quot; / &quot;scala&quot;,
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ &quot;com.lihaoyi&quot; %%% &quot;scalatags&quot; % &quot;0.4.5&quot;,
+ &quot;com.lihaoyi&quot; %%% &quot;upickle&quot; % &quot;0.2.7&quot;
+ ),
+ scalaVersion := &quot;2.11.5&quot;
+lazy val client =;client&quot;))
+ .enablePlugins(ScalaJSPlugin)
+ .settings(sharedSettings:_*)
+ .settings(
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ &quot;org.scala-js&quot; %%% &quot;scalajs-dom&quot; % &quot;0.8.0&quot;
+ )
+lazy val server =;server&quot;))
+ .settings(sharedSettings:_*)
+ .settings(packageArchetype.java_application:_*)
+ .settings(
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ &quot;io.spray&quot; %% &quot;spray-can&quot; % &quot;1.3.2&quot;,
+ &quot;io.spray&quot; %% &quot;spray-routing&quot; % &quot;1.3.2&quot;,
+ &quot;com.typesafe.akka&quot; %% &quot;akka-actor&quot; % &quot;2.3.6&quot;
+ ),
+ (resources in Compile) += (fastOptJS in (client, Compile))
+)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ We have two projects: <code>client</code> and <code>server</code>, one of which is a Scala.js project (indicated by the presence of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">enablePlugins(ScalaJSPlugin)</code>). Both projects share a number of settings: the presence of the <code>shared/</code> folder, which shared code can live in (similar to what we saw in <a href="#CrossPublishingLibraries">Cross Publishing Libraries</a>) and the settings to add <a href="">Scalatags</a> and <a href="">uPickle</a> to the build. Note that those two dependencies use the triple <code>%%%</code> instead of the double <code>%%</code> to declare: this means that for each dependency, we will pull in the Scala-JVM or Scala.js version depending on whether it's being used in a Scala.js project. Note also the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">packageArchetype.java_application</code> setting, which isn't strictly necessary depending on what you want to do with the application, but this example needs it as part of the deployment to Heroku.
+ <p>
+ The <code>client</code> subproject is uneventful, with a dependency on the by-now-familiar <code>scalajs-dom</code> library. The <code>server</code> project, on the other hand, is interesting: it contains the dependencies required for us to set up out Spray server, and one additional thing: we add the output of <code>fastOptJS</code> from the client to the <code>resources</code> on the server. This will allow the <code>server</code> to serve the compiled-javascript from our <code>client</code> project from its resources.
+ <p>
+ Next, let's kick off the Spray server in our Scala-JVM main method:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package simple
+import spray.http.{HttpEntity, MediaTypes}
+import spray.routing.SimpleRoutingApp
+import scala.util.Properties
+object Server extends SimpleRoutingApp{
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ implicit val system = ActorSystem()
+ val port = Properties.envOrElse(&quot;PORT&quot;, &quot;8080&quot;).toInt
+ startServer(&quot;;, port = port){
+ get{
+ pathSingleSlash{
+ complete{
+ HttpEntity(
+ MediaTypes.`text/html`,
+ Page.skeleton.render
+ )
+ }
+ } ~
+ getFromResourceDirectory(&quot;&quot;)
+ } ~
+ post{
+ path(&quot;ajax&quot; / &quot;list&quot;){
+ extract(_.request.entity.asString) { e =&gt;
+ complete {
+ upickle.write(list(e))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def list(path: String) = {
+ val (dir, last) = path.splitAt(path.lastIndexOf(&quot;/&quot;) + 1)
+ val files =
+ Option(new;./&quot; + dir).listFiles())
+ .toSeq.flatten
+ for{
+ f &lt;- files
+ if f.getName.startsWith(last)
+ } yield FileData(f.getName, f.length())
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This is a not-very-interesting <a href="">spray-routing</a> application: we set up a server on <code>localhost:8080</code>, have the root URL serve the main page on GET, and have other GET URLs serve resources. This includes the <code>js-fastopt.js</code> file that is now in our resources because of our <code>build.sbt</code> config earlier! We also add a POST route to allow the client ask the server to list files various directories.
+ <p>
+ The HTML template <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Page.skeleton</code> is not shown above; I put it in a separate file for neatness:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package simple
+import scalatags.Text.all._
+object Page{
+ val boot =
+ &quot;simple.Client().main(document.getElementById('contents'))&quot;
+ val skeleton =
+ html(
+ head(
+ script(src:=&quot;/client-fastopt.js&quot;),
+ link(
+ rel:=&quot;stylesheet&quot;,
+ href:=&quot;;
+ )
+ ),
+ body(
+ onload:=boot,
+ div(id:=&quot;contents&quot;)
+ )
+ )
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This is a typical <a href="">Scalatags</a> HTML snippet. Note that since we're serving it directly from the server in Scala code, we do not need to leave a <code>.html</code> file somewhere on the filesystem! We can declare all HTML, including the skeleton of the page, in Scalatags. Otherwise it's the same as what we saw in earlier chapters: A simple HTML page which includes a script tag to run our Scala.js application.</p>
+ <p>
+ Lastly, we'll set up the Scala.js main method, which we are calling in the <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;script&gt;</code> tag above to kick off the client-side application.
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package simple
+import scalatags.JsDom.all._
+import scalajs.concurrent.JSExecutionContext.Implicits.runNow
+import org.scalajs.dom
+import dom.extensions.Ajax
+import scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport
+object Client extends{
+ @JSExport
+ def main(container: html.Div) = {
+ val inputBox = input.render
+ val outputBox = ul.render
+ def update() =;/ajax/list&quot;, inputBox.value).foreach{ xhr =&gt;
+ val data =[Seq[FileData]](xhr.responseText)
+ outputBox.innerHTML = &quot;&quot;
+ for(FileData(name, size) &lt;- data){
+ outputBox.appendChild(
+ li(
+ b(name), &quot; - &quot;, size, &quot; bytes&quot;
+ ).render
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ inputBox.onkeyup = (e: dom.Event) =&gt; update()
+ update()
+ container.appendChild(
+ div(
+ h1(&quot;File Search&quot;),
+ inputBox,
+ outputBox
+ ).render
+ )
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Again this is a simple Scala.js application, not unlike what we saw in earlier chapters. However, there is one difference: earlier, we made our Ajax calls to <code></code>. Here, we're making it to <code>/ajax</code>: the same server the page is served from!
+ <p>
+ You may have noticed in both client and server, we have made reference to a mysterious <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">FileData</code> type which holds the name and size of each file. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">FileData</code> is defined in the <code>shared/</code> folder, so it can be accessed from both Scala-JVM and Scala.js:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package simple
+case class FileData(name: String, size: Long)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Now, if we go to the browser at <code>localhost:8080</code>, we should see our web-page!
+ <iframe id="heroku1" style="width: 100%;height: 350px;" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
+ <script>
+ window.addEventListener("load", function(){
+ document.getElementById("heroku1").src = ''
+ })
+ <p>
+ This is a real, live example running on a <a href="">Heroku server</a>. Feel free to poke around and explore the filesystem on the server, just to convince yourself that this actually works and is not just a mock up.
+<h1 id="Client-ServerReflections" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Client-ServerReflections" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Client-Server Reflections</h1>
+ <p>
+ By now you've already set up your first client-server application. However, it might not be immediately clear what we've done and why it's interesting! Here are some points to consider.
+ <h2 id="SharedTemplating" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#SharedTemplating" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Shared Templating</h2>
+ <p>
+ In both the client code and the server code, we made use of the same Scalatags HTML generation library. This is pretty neat: transferring rendering logic between client and server no longer means an annoying/messy rewrite! You can simply C&amp;P the Scalatags snippet over. That means it's easy if you want to e.g. shift the logic from one side to the other in order to optimize for performance or time-to-load or other things.</p>
+ <p>
+ One thing to take note of is that we're actually using subtly <i>different</i> implementations of Scalatags on both sides: on the server, we're importing from <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scalatags.Text</code>, while on the client we're using <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scalatags.JsDom</code>. The <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Text</code> backend renders directly to Strings, and is available on both Scala-JVM and Scala.js. The <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">JsDom</code> backend, on the other hand, renders to <a href="">html.Element</a>-s which only exist on Scala.js. Thus while on the client you can do things like attach event listeners to the rendered <a href="">html.Element</a> objects, or checking their runtime <code>.value</code>, on the server you can't. And that's exactly what you want!
+ <h2 id="SharedCode" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#SharedCode" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Shared Code</h2>
+ <p>
+ One thing that we skimmed over is the fact that we could easily define our <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">case class FileData(name: String, size: Long)</code> in the <code>shared/</code> folder, and have it instantly and consistently available on both client and server. This perhaps does not seem so amazing: we've already done many similar things earlier when we were building Cross-platform Modules. Nevertheless, in the context of web development, it is a relatively novel idea to be able to ad-hoc share bits of code between client and server.</p>
+ <p>
+ Sharing code is not limited to class definitions: <i>anything</i> can be shared. Objects, classes, interfaces/traits, functions and algorithms, constants: all of these are things that you will likely want to share at some point or another. Traditionally, people have simply re-implemented the same code twice in two languages, or have resorted to awkward Ajax calls to push the logic to the server. With Scala.js, you no longer need to do so: you can easily, create ad-hoc bits of code which are available on both platforms.
+ <h2 id="Boilerplate-freeSerialization" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Boilerplate-freeSerialization" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Boilerplate-free Serialization</h2>
+ <p>
+ The Ajax/RPC layer is one of the more fragile parts of web applications. Often, you have your various Ajax endpoints written once on the server, have a set of routes written to connect those Ajax endpoints to URLs, and client code (traditionally Javascript) made calls to those URLs with &quot;raw&quot; data: basically whatever you wanted, packed in an ad-hoc mix of CSV and JSON and raw-strings.
+ <p>
+ This has always been annoying boilerplate, and Scala.js removes it. With <a href="">uPickle</a>, you can simply call <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">upickle.write(...)</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">[T](...)</code> to convert your collections, primitives or case-classes to and from JSON. This means you do not need to constantly re-invent different ways of making Ajax calls: you can just fling the data right across the network from client to server and back again.
+<h1 id="What'sLeft?" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#What'sLeft?" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>What's Left?</h1>
+ <p>
+ We've built a small client-server web application with a Scala.js web-client that makes Ajax calls to a Scala-JVM web-server running on Spray. We performed these Ajax calls using uPickle to serialize the data back and forth, so serializing the arguments and return-value was boilerplate-free and correct.
+ <p>
+ However, there is still some amount of duplication in the code. In particular, the definition of the endpoint name &quot;list&quot; is duplicated 4 times:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">path(&quot;ajax&quot; / &quot;list&quot;){</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">upickle.write(list(e))</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def list(path: String) = {</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def update() =;/ajax/list&quot;, inputBox.value).foreach{ xhr =&gt;</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Three times on the server and once on the client! What's worse, two of the appearances of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;list&quot;</code> are in string literals, which are not checked by the compiler to match up with themselves or the name of the method <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">list</code>. Apart from this, there is one other piece of duplication that is unchecked: the type being returned from <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">list</code> (<code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Seq[FileData]</code>) is being repeated on the client in <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">[Seq[FileData]]</code> in order to de-serialize the serialized data. This leaves three opportunities for error wide-open:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ You could change the string literals <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;list&quot;</code> and forget to change the method-name <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">list</code>, thus confusing future maintainers of the code.</li>
+ <li>
+ You could change one of literal <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;list&quot;</code>s but forget to change the other, thus causing an error at run-time (e.g. a 404 NOT FOUND response)</li>
+ <li>
+ You could update the return type of the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">list</code> method and forget to update the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code> deserialization call on the client, resulting in a deserialization failure at runtime.
+ <p></p>
+ <p>
+ Neither of these scenarios is great! Although we've already made great progress in making our client-server application type-safe (via Scala.js on the client) and DRY (via shared code in <code>shared/</code>) we still have this tiny bit of annoying, un-checked duplication and danger lurking in the code-base. The basic problem is that what is normally called the &quot;routing layer&quot; in the web application is still unsafe, and so these silly errors can go un-caught and blow up on unsuspecting developers at run-time. Let's see how we can fix it.
+<h1 id="Autowire" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Autowire" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Autowire</h1>
+ <p>
+ <a href="">Autowire</a> is a library that turns your request routing layer from a fragile, hand-crafted mess into a solid, type-checked, boilerplate-free experience. Autowire basically turns what was previously a stringly-typed, hand-crafted Ajax call and route:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def update() =;/ajax/list&quot;, inputBox.value).foreach{ xhr =&gt;</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Into a safe, type-checked function call:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def update() = Ajaxer[Api].list(inputBox.value).call().foreach{ data =&gt;</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Let's see how we can do that.
+ <h2 id="SettingupAutowire" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#SettingupAutowire" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Setting up Autowire</h2>
+ <p>
+ To begin with, Autowire requires you to provide three things:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ An <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">autowire.Server</code> on the Server, set up to feed the incoming request into Autowire's routing logic</li>
+ <li>
+ An <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">autowire.Client</code> on the Client, set up to take a serialized request and send it across the network to the server.</li>
+ <li>
+ An interface (A Scala <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">trait</code>) which defines the interface between these two
+ <p>
+ Let's start with our client-server interface definition
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package simple
+case class FileData(name: String, size: Long)
+trait Api{
+ def list(path: String): Seq[FileData]
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Here, you can see that in addition to sharing the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">FileData</code> class, we are also creating an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Api</code> trait which contains the signature of our <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">list</code> method. The exact name of the trait doesn't matter. We need it to be in <code>shared/</code> so that the code in both client and server can reference it.
+ <p>
+ Next, let's look at modifying our server code to make use of Autowire:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package simple
+import spray.http.{HttpEntity, MediaTypes}
+import spray.routing.SimpleRoutingApp
+object Router extends autowire.Server[String, upickle.Reader, upickle.Writer]{
+ def read[Result: upickle.Reader](p: String) =[Result](p)
+ def write[Result: upickle.Writer](r: Result) = upickle.write(r)
+object Server extends SimpleRoutingApp with Api{
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ implicit val system = ActorSystem()
+ startServer(&quot;localhost&quot;, port = 8080){
+ get{
+ pathSingleSlash{
+ complete{
+ HttpEntity(
+ MediaTypes.`text/html`,
+ Page.skeleton.render
+ )
+ }
+ } ~
+ getFromResourceDirectory(&quot;&quot;)
+ } ~
+ post{
+ path(&quot;ajax&quot; / Segments){ s =&gt;
+ extract(_.request.entity.asString) { e =&gt;
+ complete {
+ Router.route[Api](Server)(
+ autowire.Core.Request(
+ s,
+[Map[String, String]](e)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def list(path: String) = {
+ val (dir, last) = path.splitAt(path.lastIndexOf(&quot;/&quot;) + 1)
+ val files =
+ Option(new;./&quot; + dir).listFiles())
+ .toSeq.flatten
+ for{
+ f &lt;- files
+ if f.getName.startsWith(last)
+ } yield FileData(f.getName, f.length())
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Now, instead of hard-coding the route <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;ajax&quot; / &quot;list&quot;</code>, we now take in any route matching <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&quot;ajax&quot; / Segments</code>, feeding the resultant path segments into the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Router</code> object:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">path(&quot;ajax&quot; / Segments){ s =&gt;
+ extract(_.request.entity.asString) { e =&gt;
+ complete {
+ Router.route[Api](Server)(
+ autowire.Core.Request(
+ s,
+[Map[String, String]](e)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ The <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Router</code> object in turn simply defines how you intend the objects to be serialized and deserialized:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">object Router extends autowire.Server[String, upickle.Reader, upickle.Writer]{
+ def read[Result: upickle.Reader](p: String) =[Result](p)
+ def write[Result: upickle.Writer](r: Result) = upickle.write(r)
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ In this case using uPickle. Note how the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">route</code> call explicitly states the type (here <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Api</code>) that it is to generate routes against; this ensures that only methods which you explicitly put in your public interface <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Api</code> are publically reachable.
+ <p>
+ Next, let's look at the modified client code:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package simple
+import scalatags.JsDom.all._
+import org.scalajs.dom
+import scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport
+import scalajs.concurrent.JSExecutionContext.Implicits.runNow
+import autowire._
+object Ajaxer extends autowire.Client[String, upickle.Reader, upickle.Writer]{
+ override def doCall(req: Request) = {
+ url = &quot;/ajax/&quot; + req.path.mkString(&quot;/&quot;),
+ data = upickle.write(req.args)
+ ).map(_.responseText)
+ }
+ def read[Result: upickle.Reader](p: String) =[Result](p)
+ def write[Result: upickle.Writer](r: Result) = upickle.write(r)
+object Client extends{
+ @JSExport
+ def main(container: html.Div) = {
+ val inputBox = input.render
+ val outputBox = ul.render
+ def update() = Ajaxer[Api].list(inputBox.value).call().foreach{ data =&gt;
+ outputBox.innerHTML = &quot;&quot;
+ for(FileData(name, size) &lt;- data){
+ outputBox.appendChild(
+ li(
+ b(name), &quot; - &quot;, size, &quot; bytes&quot;
+ ).render
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ inputBox.onkeyup = (e: dom.Event) =&gt; update()
+ update()
+ container.appendChild(
+ div(
+ h1(&quot;File Search&quot;),
+ inputBox,
+ outputBox
+ ).render
+ )
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ There are two main modifications here: the existence of the new <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajaxer</code> object, and the modification to the Ajax call-site. Let's first look at <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajaxer</code>:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">object Ajaxer extends autowire.Client[String, upickle.Reader, upickle.Writer]{
+ override def doCall(req: Request) = {
+ url = &quot;/ajax/&quot; + req.path.mkString(&quot;/&quot;),
+ data = upickle.write(req.args)
+ ).map(_.responseText)
+ }
+ def read[Result: upickle.Reader](p: String) =[Result](p)
+ def write[Result: upickle.Writer](r: Result) = upickle.write(r)
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Like the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Router</code> object, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajaxer</code> also defines how you perform the serialization and deserialization of data-structures, again using uPickle. Unlike the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Router</code> object, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajaxer</code> also defines how the out-going Ajax call gets sent over the network. Here we're doing it using the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code> method.
+ <p>
+ Lastly, let's look at the modified callsite for the ajax call itself:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def update() = Ajaxer[Api].list(inputBox.value).call().foreach{ data =&gt;</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ There are a few things of note here:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ The previous call to <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code> with the path as a string has been replaced by calling <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajaxer[Api].list(...).call()</code>, since the logic of actually performing the POST is specified once-and-only-once in the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajaxer</code> object.</li>
+ <li>
+ While <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code> returned a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future[dom.XMLHttpRequest]</code> and left us to call <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code> and deserialize the data ourselves, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajaxer[Api].list(...).call()</code> now returns a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future[Seq[FileData]]</code>! Thus we don't need to worry about making a mistake in the deserialization logic when we write it by hand.
+ <p>
+ Other than that, nothing much has changed. If you've done this correctly, the web application will look and behave exactly as it did earlier!
+ <iframe id="heroku2" style="width: 100%;height: 350px;" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
+ <script>
+ window.addEventListener("load", function(){
+ document.getElementById("heroku2").src = ''
+ })
+ <p>
+ So why did we do this in the first place?
+ <h2 id="WhyAutowire?" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#WhyAutowire?" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Why Autowire?</h2>
+ <p>
+ Overall, this set up requires some boilerplate to define the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajaxer</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Router</code> objects, as well as the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Api</code> trait. However, these can be defined just once and used over and over; while it might be wasteful/unnecessary for making a single Ajax call, the cost is much less amortized over a number of Ajax calls. In a non-trivial web application with dozens of routes being called all over the place, spending a dozen lines setting up things up-front isn't a huge cost.
+ <p>
+ What have we gotten in exchange? It turns out that by using Autowire, we have eliminated the three failure modes described earlier, that could:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ It is impossible for the route and the endpoint method-name to diverge accidentally: if the endpoint is called <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">list</code>, the requests will go through the <code>/list</code> URL. No room for discussion, or to make a mistake</li>
+ <li>
+ You cannot accidentally rename the route on the server without changing the client, or vice versa. Attempts to do so will cause a compilation error, and even your IDE should highlight it as red. Try it out!
+ <li>
+ There is no chance of messing up the serialization/deserialization code, e.g. writing a response of type A on the server and trying to read a data-structure of type B on the client. You have no opportunity to make an error: you pass arguments to the Ajax call, and they are serialized/deserialized automatically, such that by the time you get access to the value on the server, it is already of the correct type! The same applies to serializing/deserializing the return-value on the client. There is simply no place for you as a developer to accidentally make a mistake!
+ <p>
+ Although the functionality of the web application is the same, it is mostly in terms of <i>safety</i> that we have made the biggest gains. All of the common failure modes described earlier have been guarded against, and you as a developer will have a hard time trying to make a mal-formed Ajax call. It's worth taking some time to poke at the source code to see the boundaries of the type-safety provided by autowire, as it is a very different experience from the traditional &quot;route it manually&quot; approach to making interactive client-server applications.
+<hr />
+ Hopefully this chapter has given you a glimpse of how a basic client-server application works using Scala.js. Although it is specific to a Spray server, there isn't any reason why you couldn't set up an equivalent thing for your Play, Scalatra or whichever other web framework that you're using.
+ It's probably worth taking a moment to play around with the existing client-server system you have set up. Ideas for improvement include:
+ <li>
+ Try adding additional functionality to the client-server interface: what about making it show the contents of a file if you've entered its full path? This can be added as a separate Ajax call or as part of the existing one.</li>
+ <li>
+ How about setting up the build.sbt so it serves the fully-optimized Scala.js blob, <code>client-opt.js</code>? This is probably what you want before deployment into production, and the same technique as we used to serve the fast-optimized version applies here too.</li>
+ <li>
+ What if you wanted to use another server rather than Spray? How about trying to set up a Play or Scalatra server to serve our Scala.js application code?</li></ul>
+<div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="InDepth" style="display: block;"><h1>In Depth<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#InDepth" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /><h2>Exploring Scala.js</h2></div><div class="content">
+ <p>
+ This half of the book
+is a set of detailed expositions on various parts of the Scala.js platform. Nothing in here is necessary for you to make your first demos, but as you dig deeper into the platform, you will likely need or want to care about these things so you can properly understand what's going on &quot;under the hood&quot;
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="AdvancedTechniques" style="display: block;"><h1 id="AdvancedTechniques">Advanced Techniques<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#AdvancedTechniques" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ <a href="#GettingStarted">Getting Started</a> walks you through how to set up some basic Scala.js applications, but that only scratches the surface of the things you can do with Scala.js. Apart from being able to use the same techniques you're used to in Scala-JVM in the browser, Scala.js opens up a whole range of possibilities and novel techniques that are not found in typical Scala-JVM applications.
+ Although these techniques may technically be possible on the JVM, very few Scala-JVM applications are built in a way that can take advantage of them. Most Scala-JVM code runs on back-end servers which have a completely different structure from the client-side apps that Scala.js allows.</p>
+ This client-side user-interface-focused code lends itself to completely different design patterns from those used to develop server-side code. This section will explore a number of techniques which are present
+ <li>
+ <a href="#Functional-ReactiveUIs">Functional-reactive user interfaces</a></li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#AsynchronousWorkflows">Asynchronous user-interation workflows</a>
+ One note is that these are &quot;Techniques&quot; rather than &quot;Libraries&quot; because they have not been packaged up in a way that is sufficiently nice that you can use them out-of-the-box just by adding a dependency somewhere. Thus, they each require some small amount of boilerplate before use, though the amount of boilerplate is fixed: it does not grow with the size of your program, and anyway gives you a chance to tweak it to do exactly what you want.
+<h1 id="Functional-ReactiveUIs" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Functional-ReactiveUIs" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Functional-Reactive UIs</h1>
+ <p>
+ <a href="">Functional-reactive Programming</a> (FRP) is a field with encompasses several things:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <b>Discrete</b>: Handling of first-class event-streams like in <link>RxJS</link></li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Continuous</b>: Handling of first-class signals, like in <link>Elm</link>
+ <h2 id="WhyFRP" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#WhyFRP" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Why FRP</h2>
+ <p>
+ The value proposition of FRP is that in a &quot;traditional&quot; program, when an event occurs, events and changes propagate throughout the program in an ad-hoc manner. An event-listener may trigger additional events, call some callbacks, or set some mutable variables that subsequent code will read and react to.
+ <p>
+ This works, but the ad-hoc nature is both free-ing and limiting. You are free to do whatever you want in response to any action, but in return the developer who maintains your code (e.g. yourself 6 months from now) has no idea what your code is doing in response to any action: the possible consequence of an action is basically &quot;Anything&quot;!
+ <p>
+ Furthermore, because the propagation is ad-hoc, there is no way for the code to help ensure that you are propagating changes in a &quot;valid&quot; manner: it is thus easy for programmer errors to result in changes or events being incorrectly propagated. This most often results in data falling out of sync: a UI widget may forget to update when an action is taken, resulting in an inconsistent state being shown to the user, ultimately resulting in confused users.
+ <p>
+ FRP basically structures these event- or change-propagations as first-class values within the program, either as an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">EventSource[T]</code> type that represents a discrete source of individual <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">T</code> events, or as a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Signal[T]</code> type which represents a continuous time-varying value <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">T</code>. This comes at some cost within the program: you now have to program using these <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">EventSource</code>s or <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Signal</code>s, rather than just ad-hoc running callbacks or listening-to/triggering events all over the place. In exchange, you get more powerful tools to work with these values, making it easy for the library to e.g. ensure that changes always propagate correctly throughout your program, and that all values are always kept in sync.
+ <h2 id="FRPwithScala.Rx" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#FRPwithScala.Rx" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>FRP with Scala.Rx</h2>
+ <p>
+ <a href="">Scala.Rx</a> is a change-propagation library that implements the <b>Continuous</b> style of FRP. To begin with, we need to include it in our <code>build.sbt</code> dependencies:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">libraryDependencies += &quot;com.lihaoyi&quot; %%% &quot;scalarx&quot; % &quot;0.2.7&quot;</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Scala.Rx provides you with smart variables that automatically track dependencies with each other, such that if one smart variable changes, the rest re-compute immediately and automatically. The main primitives in Scala.Rx are:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <b>Var</b>s: Smart variables that can be set manually, and automatically notify their dependents that they need to recompute</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Rx</b>s: Smart values which are set as some computation of other <b>Rx</b>s or <b>Var</b>s, which recompute automatically when their dependencies change, and notify their dependents</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Obs</b>s: Observers on either an <b>Rx</b> or a <b>Var</b>, which performs some action when it changes
+ <p>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Var</code>s and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Rx</code>s roughly correspond to the idea of a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Signal</code> described earlier. The documentation for Scala.Rx goes into this in much more detail, so if you're curious you should read it. This section will jump straight into how to use Scala.Rx with Scala.js.
+ <p>
+ To begin with, let's set up our imports:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package advanced
+import org.scalajs.dom
+import scalajs.js
+import scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport
+import rx._
+import scalatags.JsDom.all._
+import dom.html</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Here we are seeing the same <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scalatags</code>, imports we saw in the hands-on tutorial, as well a new <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">import rx._</code> which bring all the Scala.Rx names into the local namespace.
+ <p>
+ Scala.Rx does not &quot;natively&quot; bind to Scalatags, but integrating them yourself is simple enough that it's not worth putting into a separate library. He's a simple integration:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">implicit def rxFrag[T &lt;% Frag](r: Rx[T]): Frag = {
+ def rSafe: dom.Node = span(r()).render
+ var last = rSafe
+ Obs(r, skipInitial = true){
+ val newLast = rSafe
+ = last
+ last.parentNode.replaceChild(newLast, last)
+ last = newLast
+ }
+ last
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Scalatags requires that anything you want to embed in a Scalatags fragment be implicitly convertible to <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Frag</code>; here we are providing one for any Scala.Rx <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Rx[T]</code>s, as long as the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">T</code> provided is itself convertible to a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Frag</code>. We call <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">r().render</code> to extract the &quot;current&quot; value of the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Rx</code>, and then set up an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Obs</code> that watches the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Rx</code>, replacing the previous value with the current one every time its value changes.
+ <p>
+ Now that the set-up is out of the way, let's consider a simple HTML widget that lets you enter text in a <code class="html scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">&lt;textarea&gt;</code>, and keeps track of the number of words, characters, and counts how long each word is.
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val txt = Var(&quot;&quot;)
+val numChars = Rx{txt().length}
+val numWords = Rx{
+ txt().split(' ')
+ .filter(_.length &gt; 0)
+ .length
+val avgWordLength = Rx{
+ txt().count(_ != ' ') * 1.0 / numWords()
+val txtInput = textarea.render
+txtInput.onkeyup = (e: dom.Event) =&gt; {
+ txt() = txtInput.value
+ div(
+ txtInput,
+ ul(
+ li(&quot;Chars: &quot;, numChars),
+ li(&quot;Words: &quot;, numWords),
+ li(&quot;Word Length: &quot;, avgWordLength)
+ )
+ ).render
+)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div id="example15" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></div><script>advanced.BasicRx().main(document.getElementById('example15'))</script>
+ <p>
+ This snippet sets up a basic data-flow graph. We have our <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">txt</code> <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Var</code>, and a bunch of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Rx</code>s (<code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">numChars</code>, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">numWords</code>, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">avgWordLength</code>) that are computed based on <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">txt</code>.
+ <p>
+ Next, we construct our Scalatags fragment: a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">textarea</code> tag with a listener that updates <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">txt</code>, and a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">div</code> containing the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">textarea</code> and a list containing the bound values of our <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Rx</code>s.
+ <p>
+ That's all we need to end up with a live-updating widget, which re-renders the necessary bits of the page when the contents of the text box changes! Note how the code basically flows top-to-bottom, like a batch-rendering program, but at the end of it we get a live widget. The code is much simpler than a similar widget built up using jQuery or Backbone.
+ <p>
+ Furthermore, there is no chance for the parts of the DOM which are &quot;live&quot; to fall out of sync. There is no visible logic that handles the individual re-calulations and re-renders: that is all done by Scala.Rx and by our <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">rxFrag</code> implicit. Because we do not need to write code for each site to keep each individual <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Rx</code> and each DOM fragment in sync, that means there is no chance of the developer screwing it up and resulting in an out-of-sync page.
+ <h2 id="MoreRx" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#MoreRx" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>More Rx</h2>
+ <p>
+ That was a pretty simple example to get you started with a simple Scala.Rx application. Let's look at a more meaty example to see how we can use Scala.Rx to help structure our interactive web application:
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val fruits = Seq(
+ &quot;Apple&quot;, &quot;Apricot&quot;, &quot;Banana&quot;, &quot;Cherry&quot;,
+ &quot;Mango&quot;, &quot;Mangosteen&quot;, &quot;Mandarin&quot;,
+ &quot;Grape&quot;, &quot;Grapefruit&quot;, &quot;Guava&quot;
+val query = Var(&quot;&quot;)
+val txtInput = input.render
+txtInput.onkeyup = (e: dom.Event) =&gt; {
+ query() = txtInput.value
+val fragments =
+ for(fruit &lt;- fruits) yield Rx {
+ val shown = fruit.toLowerCase
+ .startsWith(query())
+ if (shown) li(fruit)
+ else li(display := &quot;none&quot;)
+ }
+ div(
+ txtInput,
+ ul(fragments)
+ ).render
+)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <div id="example16" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></div><script>advanced.BasicRx().main2(document.getElementById('example16'))</script>
+ <p>
+ This is a basic re-implementation of the autocomplete widget we created in the chapter <a href="#InteractiveWebPages">Interactive Web Pages</a>, except done using Scala.Rx. Note that unlike the original implementation, we don't need to manage the clearing of the output area via <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">innerHTML = &quot;&quot;</code> and the re-rendering via <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">appendChild(...)</code>. All this is handled by the same <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">rxFrag</code> code we wrote earlier.
+ <p>
+ Furthermore, this implementation is more efficient than the original: In the original, everything is always re-rendered every time, which can be a problem if the number of things being rendered is large. In this implementation, only when a fruit appears-in/disappears-from the list does re-rendering happen, and only for that particular fruit. For the bulk of the fruits which did not experience any change in appearance, the DOM is left entirely untouched.
+ <p>
+ Again, there is no chance for the developer to make a mistake updating things, because all this rendering and re-rendering is hidden from view inside the library.
+ <hr />
+ <p>
+ Hopefully this has given you a sense of how you can use Scala.Rx to help build complex, interactive web applications. The implementation is tricky, but the basic value proposition is clear: you get to write your code top-to-bottom, like the most old-fashioned static pages, and have it transformed by Scala.Rx into an interactive, always-consistent web app. By abstracting away the whole event-propagation, manual-updating process inside the library, we have ensured that there is no place where the developer can screw it up, and the application's UI will forever be in sync with its data.
+<h1 id="AsynchronousWorkflows" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#AsynchronousWorkflows" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Asynchronous Workflows</h1>
+ <p>
+ In a traditional setting, Scala applications tend to have a mix of concurrency models: some spawn multiple threads and use thread-blocking operations or libraries, others do things with Actors or Futures, trying hard to stay non-blocking throughout, while most are a mix of these two paradigms.
+ <p>
+ On Scala.js, things are different: multi-threaded concurrency is a non-starter, since Javascript engines are all single-threaded. As a result, there are virtually no blocking APIs in Javascript: all operations need to be asynchronous if you don't want them to freeze the user interface of the browser while the operation is happening. Scala.js uses standard Javascript APIs and is no different.
+ <p>
+ However, Scala.js has much more powerful tools to work with than your typical Javascript libraries. The Scala standard library comes with a rich API for <a href="#Futures&amp;Promises">Futures &amp; Promises</a>, which are thankfully 100% asynchronous. Though this design was chosen for performance on the JVM, it perfectly fits our 100% asynchronous Javascript APIs. We have tools like <a href="#Scala-Async">Scala-Async</a>, which works perfectly with Scala.js, and lets you create asynchronous computations in a much less confusing manner.
+ <h2 id="Futures&amp;Promises" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Futures&amp;Promises" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Futures &amp; Promises</h2>
+ <p>
+ A Future represents an in-progress computation that may or may not have completed. It may encapsulate a web request, or an RPC, or a task happening on another thread. They are not a novel concept, and Scala provides a good in-built implementation of Futures that works well with Scala.js.
+ <p>
+ To motivate this, let's consider a simple example application that:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Takes as user input a comma-separated list of city-names</li>
+ <li>
+ Fetches the temperature in each city from <code></code></li>
+ <li>
+ Displays the results when they are all back
+ <p>
+ We'll work through a few implementations of this.
+ <p>
+ To begin with, let's write the scaffolding code, that will display the input box, deal with the listeners, and all that:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val myInput = input(value:=&quot;London,Singapore,Berlin,New York&quot;).render
+val output = div.render
+myInput.onkeyup = (e: dom.KeyboardEvent) =&gt; {
+ if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.enter){
+ handle(myInput.value.split(','), output)
+ }
+ div(
+ i(&quot;Press Enter in the box to fetch temperatures &quot;),
+ myInput,
+ output
+ ).render
+)</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ So far so good. The only thing that's missing here is the mysterious <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">handle</code> function, which is given the list of names and the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">output</code> div, and must handle the Ajax requests, aggregating the results, and displaying them in <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">output</code>. Let's also define a small number of helper functions that we'll use later:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def urlFor(name: String) = {
+ &quot;; +
+ &quot;2.5/find?mode=json&amp;q=&quot; +
+ name
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">urlFor</code> encapsulates the messy URL-construction logic that we need to make the Ajax call to the right place.
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def parseTemp(text: String) = {
+ val data = js.JSON.parse(text)
+ val kelvins = data.list
+ .pop()
+ .main
+ .temp
+ .asInstanceOf[Double]
+ kelvins - 272.15
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">parseTemp</code> encapsulates the messy result-extraction logic that we need to get the data we want (current temperature, in celsius) out of the structured JSON return blob.
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def formatResults(output: html.Element, results: Seq[(String, Double)]) = {
+ output.innerHTML = &quot;&quot;
+ output.appendChild(ul(
+ for((name, temp) &lt;- results) yield li(
+ b(name), &quot; - &quot;, temp.toInt, &quot;C&quot;
+ )
+ ).render)
+@JSExport</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">formatResults</code> encapsulates the conversion of the final <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">(name, celsius)</code> data back into readable HTML.
+ <p>
+ Overall, these helper functions do nothing special, btu we're defining them first to avoid having to copy-&amp;-paste code throughout the subsequent examples. Now that we've defined all the relevant scaffolding, let's walk through a few ways that we can implement the all-important <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">handle</code> method.
+ <h3 id="DirectUseofXMLHttpRequest" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#DirectUseofXMLHttpRequest" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Direct Use of XMLHttpRequest</h3>
+ <div style="height: 200px;display: block;overflow: scroll;" id="example17"></div><script>advanced.Futures().main0(document.getElementById('example17'))</script>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def handle0(names: Seq[String], output: html.Div) = {
+ val results = mutable.Buffer.empty[(String, Double)]
+ for(name &lt;- names){
+ val xhr = new XMLHttpRequest
+;GET&quot;, urlFor(name))
+ xhr.onload = (e: dom.Event) =&gt; {
+ val temp = parseTemp(xhr.responseText)
+ results.append((name, temp))
+ if (results.length == names.length){
+ formatResults(output, results)
+ }
+ }
+ xhr.send()
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This is a simple solution that directly uses the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">XMLHttpRequest</code> class that is available in Javascript in order to perform the Ajax call. Every Ajax call that returns, we aggregate in a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">results</code> buffer, and when the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">results</code> buffer is full we then append the formatted results to the output div.</p>
+ <p>
+ This is relatively straightforward, though maybe knottier than people would be used to. For example, we have to &quot;construct&quot; the Ajax call via calling mutating methods and setting properties on the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">XMLHttpRequest</code> object, where it's easy to make a mistake. Furthermore, we need to manually aggregate the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">results</code> and keep track ourselves whether or not the calls have all completed, which again is messy and error-prone.
+ <p>
+ This solution is basically equivalent to the initial code given in the <a href="#RawJavascript">Raw Javascript</a> section of <a href="#InteractiveWebPages">Interactive Web Pages</a>, with the additional code necessary for aggregation. As described in <a href="#dom.extensions">dom.extensions</a>, we can make use of the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Ajax</code> object to make it slightly tidier.
+ <h3 id="Usingdom.extensions.Ajax" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Usingdom.extensions.Ajax" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Using dom.extensions.Ajax</h3>
+ <div style="height: 200px;display: block;overflow: scroll;" id="example18"></div><script>advanced.Futures().main1(document.getElementById('example18'))</script>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def handle1(names: Seq[String], output: html.Div) = {
+ val results = mutable.Buffer.empty[(String, Double)]
+ for{
+ name &lt;- names
+ xhr &lt;- Ajax.get(urlFor(name))
+ } {
+ val temp = parseTemp(xhr.responseText)
+ results.append((name, temp))
+ if (results.length == names.length){
+ formatResults(output, results)
+ }
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ This solution uses the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom.extensions.Ajax</code> object, as described in <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom.extensions</code>. This basically wraps the messy <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">XMLHttpRequest</code> interface in a single function that returns a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scala.concurrent.Future</code>, which you can then map/foreach over to perform the action when the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future</code> is complete.</p>
+ <p>
+ However, we still have the messiness inherent in the result aggregation: we don't actually want to perform our action (writing to the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">output</code> div) when one <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future</code> is complete, but only when <i>all</i> the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future</code>s are complete. Thus we still need to do some amount of manual book-keeping in the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">results</code> buffer.
+ <h3 id="FutureCombinators" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#FutureCombinators" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Future Combinators</h3>
+ <div style="height: 200px;display: block;overflow: scroll;" id="example19"></div><script>advanced.Futures().main2(document.getElementById('example19'))</script>
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">def handle2(names: Seq[String], output: html.Div) = {
+ val futures = for(name &lt;- names) yield{
+ Ajax.get(urlFor(name)).map( xhr =&gt;
+ (name, parseTemp(xhr.responseText))
+ )
+ }
+ for(results &lt;- Future.sequence(futures)){
+ formatResults(output, results)
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Since we're using Scala's <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future</code>s, we aren't limited to just map/foreach-ing over them. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scala.concurrent.Future</code> provides a <a href="">rich api</a> that can be used to deal with common tasks like working with lists of futures in parallel, or aggregating the result of futures together.</p>
+ <p>
+ Here, instead of manually counting until all the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future</code>s are complete, we instead create the Futures which will contain what we want (name and temperature) and store them in a list. Then we can use the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future.sequence</code> function to invert the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Seq[Future[T]]</code> into a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future[Seq[T]]</code>, a single Future that will provide all the results in a single list when every Future is complete. We can then simply foreach- over the single Future to get the data we need to feed to <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">formatResults</code>/<code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">appendChild</code>.
+ <p>
+ This approach is significantly neater than the previous two examples: we no longer have any mutation going on, and the logic is expressed in a very high-level, simple manner. &quot;Make a bunch of Futures, join them, use the result&quot; is much less error-prone than the imperative result-aggregation-and-counting logic used in the previous examples.
+ <hr />
+ <p>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">scala.concurrent.Future</code> isn't limited to just calling <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">.sequence</code> on lists. It provides the ability to <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">.zip</code> two Futures of different types together to get their result, or <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">.recover</code> in the case where Futures fail. Although these tools were originally built for Scala-JVM, all of them work unchanged on Scala.js, and serve their purpose well in simplifying messy asynchronous computations.
+ <h2 id="Scala-Async" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Scala-Async" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Scala-Async</h2>
+ <p>
+ Let's look at how to use Scala-Async. To motivate us, let's consider a simple paint-like canvas application similar to the one we built in the section <a href="#MakingaSketchpadusingMouseInput">Making a Sketchpad using Mouse Input</a>. This application will have a few properties:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ The user clicks and drags to begin drawing a line on the canvas</li>
+ <li>
+ When the user releases the mouse, we fill the shape that was formed by the dragging</li>
+ <li>
+ The user clicks again to clear the canvas; like most clicks, the action happens when the button is released</li>
+ <li>
+ And can repeat the process from the top, indefinitely
+ <p>
+ This is a toy example, but is enough to bring out the difficulty of doing things the &quot;traditional&quot; way, and why using Scala-Async with Scala.js is superior. To begin with, let's set the stage:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">val renderer = canvas.getContext(&quot;2d&quot;)
+ .asInstanceOf[dom.CanvasRenderingContext2D]
+ = &quot;#f8f8f8&quot;
+canvas.height = canvas.parentElement.clientHeight
+canvas.width = canvas.parentElement.clientWidth
+renderer.lineWidth = 5
+renderer.strokeStyle = &quot;red&quot;
+renderer.fillStyle = &quot;cyan&quot;
+renderer</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ To initialize the canvas with the part of the code which will remain the same, so we can look more closely at the code which differs.
+ <h3 id="TraditionalAsynchrony" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#TraditionalAsynchrony" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Traditional Asynchrony</h3>
+ <p>
+ Let's look at a traditional implementation, using Scala.js but no special features. We'll just use the Javascript <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">canvas.onmouveXXX</code> operations directly.
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">// traditional
+def rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
+var dragState = 0
+canvas.onmousemove ={(e: dom.MouseEvent) =&gt;
+ if (dragState == 1) {
+ renderer.lineTo(
+ e.clientX - rect.left,
+ e.clientY -
+ )
+ renderer.stroke()
+ }
+canvas.onmouseup = {(e: dom.MouseEvent) =&gt;
+ if(dragState == 1) {
+ renderer.fill()
+ dragState = 2
+ }else if (dragState == 2){
+ renderer.clearRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000)
+ dragState = 0
+ }
+canvas.onmousedown ={(e: dom.MouseEvent) =&gt;
+ if (dragState == 0) {
+ dragState = 1
+ renderer.beginPath()
+ renderer.moveTo(
+ e.clientX - rect.left,
+ e.clientY -
+ )
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <canvas id="example20" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></canvas><script>advanced.Async().main0(document.getElementById('example20'))</script></div></div>
+ <p>
+ This is a working implementation, and you can play with it on the right. We basically set the three listeners:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">canvas.onmousemove</code></li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">canvas.onmousedown</code></li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">canvas.onmouseup</code>
+ <p>
+ And each listener is in charge of deciding what to do when it is it's turn to fire.
+ <p>
+ This code is pretty tricky and hard to follow. It's not immediately clear what it is doing. One thing you may notice is the presence of this <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dragState</code> variable, which seems to add a lot to the confusion with branches all over the place. At first you may think you can simplify the code to do without it, but attempts to do so will reveal why it is necessary.
+ <p>
+ This variable is necessary because each mouse event could mean different things at different times. For example, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">canvas.onmousemove</code> should do nothing it occurs between an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">canvas.onmousedown</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">canvas.onmouseup</code>. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">canvas.onmouseup</code> itself has two tasks: it either ends the dragging phase (which necessitates the fill-current-shape call) or it serves to clear the canvas if happening after a drag. And <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">canvas.onmousedown</code> should not start a new drag if the previous drawing hasn't been cleared from the canvas.
+ <p>
+ This is a pretty simple workflow for the user, and yet the code is already tricky enough it's not obvious that it's correct at first glance. More complex tools will have correspondingly more complex workflows, and it is easy to see how just another 1 or 2 more states can get out of hand.
+ <h3 id="UsingScala-Async" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#UsingScala-Async" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Using Scala-Async</h3>
+ <p>
+ Now we've seen what a &quot;traditional&quot; approach looks like, let's look at how we would do this using Scala-Async.
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-13-24">
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">// async
+def rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
+type ME = dom.MouseEvent
+val mousemove =
+ new Channel[ME](canvas.onmousemove = _)
+val mouseup =
+ new Channel[ME](canvas.onmouseup = _)
+val mousedown =
+ new Channel[ME](canvas.onmousedown = _)
+// Disabled due to scala-js#1469
+ while(true){
+ val start = await(mousedown())
+ renderer.beginPath()
+ renderer.moveTo(
+ start.clientX - rect.left,
+ start.clientY -
+ )
+ var res = await(mousemove | mouseup)
+ while(res.`type` == &quot;mousemove&quot;){
+ renderer.lineTo(
+ res.clientX - rect.left,
+ res.clientY -
+ )
+ renderer.stroke()
+ res = await(mousemove | mouseup)
+ }
+ renderer.fill()
+ await(mouseup())
+ renderer.clearRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000)
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-11-24">
+ <canvas id="example21" style="display: block;overflow: scroll;"></canvas><script>advanced.Async().main(document.getElementById('example21'))</script>
+ <p>
+ We have an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">async</code> block, which contains a while loop. Each round around the loop, we wait for the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">mousedown</code> channel to start the path, waiting for either <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">mousemove</code> or <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">mouseup</code> (which continues the path or ends it respectively), fill the shape, and then wait for another <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">mousedown</code> before clearing the canvas and going again.
+ <p>
+ Hopefully you'd agree that this code is much simpler to read and understand than the previous version. In particular, the control-flow of the code goes from top to bottom in a &quot;natural&quot; fashion, rather than jumping around ad-hoc like in the previous callback-based design.</p>
+ <p>
+ You may be wondering what these <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Channel</code> things are, and where they are coming from. Although these are not provided by Scala, they are pretty straightforward to define ourselves:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">class Channel[T](init: (T =&gt; Unit) =&gt; Unit){
+ init(update)
+ private[this] var value: Promise[T] = null
+ def apply(): Future[T] = {
+ value = Promise[T]()
+ value.future
+ }
+ def update(t: T): Unit = {
+ if (value != null &amp;&amp; !value.isCompleted) value.success(t)
+ }
+ def |(other: Channel[T]): Future[T] = {
+ val p = Promise[T]()
+ for{
+ f &lt;- Seq(other(), this())
+ t &lt;- f
+ } p.trySuccess(t)
+ p.future
+ }
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ The point of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Channel</code> is to allow us to turn event-callbacks (like those provided by the DOM's <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">onmouseXXX</code> properties) into some kind of event-stream, that we can listen to asynchronously (via <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">apply</code> that returns a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Future</code>) or merge via <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">|</code>. This is a minimal implementation for what we need now, but it would be easy to provide more functionality (filter, map, etc.) as necessary.
+ <hr />
+ <p>
+ Scala-Async is a Macro; that means that it is both more flexible and more limited than normal Scala, e.g. you cannot put the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">await</code> call inside a lambda or higher-order-function like <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">.map</code>. Like Futures, it doesn't provide any fundamentally new capabilities, but is a tool that can be used to simplify otherwise messy asynchronous workflows.</p>
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="DeviationsfromScala-JVM" style="display: block;"><h1 id="DeviationsfromScala-JVM">Deviations from Scala-JVM<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#DeviationsfromScala-JVM" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ Although Scala.js tries very hard to maintain compatibility with Scala-JVM, there are some parts where the two platforms differs. This can be roughly grouped into two things: differences in the libraries available, and differences in the language itself. This chapter will cover both of these facets.
+<h1 id="LanguageDifferences" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#LanguageDifferences" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Language Differences</h1>
+ <h2 id="Primitivedatatypes" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Primitivedatatypes" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Primitive data types</h2>
+ <p>
+ All primitive data types work exactly as on the JVM, with the three following
+ exceptions.
+ <h3 id="FloatscanbehaveasDoublesbydefault" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#FloatscanbehaveasDoublesbydefault" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Floats can behave as Doubles by default</h3>
+ <p>
+ Scala.js underspecifies the behavior of <code>Float</code>s by default. Any <code>Float</code> value can be stored as a <code>Double</code> instead, and any operation on <code>Float</code>s can be computed with double precision. The choice of whether or not to behave as such, when and where, is left to the
+ implementation.</p>
+ <p>
+ If exact single precision operations are important to your application, you can enable strict-floats semantics in Scala.js, with the following sbt setting:</p>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">scalaJSSemantics ~= { _.withStrictFloats(true) }</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ Note that this can have a major impact on performance of your application on JS interpreters that do not support <a href="">the Math.fround function</a>.
+ <h3 id="toStringofFloat,DoubleandUnit" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#toStringofFloat,DoubleandUnit" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>toString of Float, Double and Unit</h3>
+ <p>
+ <code>x.toString()</code> returns slightly different results for floating point numbers and <code>()</code> (<code>Unit</code>).
+ <div class="pure-g">
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2">
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">// Scala-JVM
+&gt; println(())
+&gt; println(1.0)
+&gt; println(1.4f)
+ <div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-2">
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">// Scala.js
+&gt; println(())
+&gt; println(1.0)
+&gt; println(1.4f)
+ <p>
+ In general, a trailing <code>.0</code> is omitted. Floats print in a weird way because they are printed as if they were Doubles, which means their lack of precision shows up.</p>
+ <p>
+ To get sensible and portable string representation of floating point numbers, use <code>String.format()</code> or related methods.
+ <h3 id="Runtimetypetestsarebasedonvalues" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Runtimetypetestsarebasedonvalues" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Runtime type tests are based on values</h3>
+ <p>
+ Instance tests (and consequently pattern matching) on any of <code>Byte</code>, <code>Short</code>, <code>Int</code>, <code>Float</code>, <code>Double</code> are based on the value and not the type they were created with. The following are examples:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ 1 matches <code>Byte</code>, <code>Short</code>, <code>Int</code>, <code>Float</code>, <code>Double</code></li>
+ <li>
+ 128 (<code>&gt; Byte.MaxValue</code>) matches <code>Short</code>, <code>Int</code>, <code>Float</code>, <code>Double</code></li>
+ <li>
+ 32768 (<code>&gt; Short.MaxValue</code>) matches <code>Int</code>, <code>Float</code>, <code>Double</code></li>
+ <li>
+ 2147483647 matches <code>Int</code>, <code>Double</code> if strict-floats are enabled, otherwise <code>Float</code> as well</li>
+ <li>
+ 2147483648 (<code>&gt; Int.MaxValue</code>) matches <code>Float</code>, <code>Double</code></li>
+ <li>
+ 1.5 matches <code>Float</code>, <code>Double</code></li>
+ <li>
+ 1.4 matches <code>Double</code> only if strict-floats are enabled, otherwise <code>Float</code> and <code>Double</code></li>
+ <li>
+ <code>NaN</code>, <code>Infinity</code>, <code>-Infinity</code> and <code>-0.0</code> match <code>Float</code>, <code>Double</code></li></ul>
+ <p>
+ As a consequence, the following apparent subtyping relationships hold:</p>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">Byte &lt;:&lt; Short &lt;:&lt; Int &lt;:&lt; Double
+ &lt;:&lt; Float &lt;:&lt;</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ if strict-floats are enabled, or</p>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">Byte &lt;:&lt; Short &lt;:&lt; Int &lt;:&lt; Float =:= Double</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ otherwise.
+ <h2 id="Undefinedbehaviors" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Undefinedbehaviors" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Undefined behaviors</h2>
+ <p>
+ The JVM is a very well specified environment, which even specifies how some bugs are reported as exceptions. Some examples are:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <code>NullPointerException</code></li>
+ <li>
+ <code>ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</code> and <code>StringIndexOutOfBoundsException</code></li>
+ <li>
+ <code>ClassCastException</code></li>
+ <li>
+ <code>ArithmeticException</code> (such as integer division by 0)</li>
+ <li>
+ <code>StackOverflowError</code> and other <code>VirtualMachineError</code>s</li></ul>
+ <p>
+ Because Scala.js does not receive VM support to detect such erroneous conditions, checking them is typically too expensive.</p>
+ <p>
+ Therefore, all of these are considered <a href="">undefined behavior</a>.</p>
+ <p>
+ Some of these, however, can be configured to be compliant with sbt settings. Currently, only <code>ClassCastException</code>s (thrown by invalid <code>asInstanceOf</code> calls) are configurable, but the list will probably expand in future versions.</p>
+ <p>
+ Every configurable undefined behavior has 3 possible modes:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <b>Compliant</b>: behaves as specified on a JVM</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Unchecked</b>: completely unchecked and undefined</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Fatal</b>: checked, but throws <a href="">UndefinedBehaviorError</a>s instead of the specified exception.</li></ul>
+ <p>
+ By default, undefined behaviors are in Fatal mode for fastOptJS and in Unchecked mode for fullOptJS. This is so that bugs can be detected more easily during development, with predictable exceptions and stack traces. In production code (fullOptJS), the checks are removed for maximum efficiency.</p>
+ <p>
+ <code>UndefinedBehaviorError</code>s are <i>fatal</i> in the sense that they are not matched by <code>case NonFatal(e)</code> handlers. This makes sure that they always crash your program as early as possible, so that you can detect and fix the bug. It is <i>never</i> OK to catch an <code>UndefinedBehaviorError</code> (other than in a testing framework), since that means your program will behave differently in fullOpt stage than in fastOpt.</p>
+ <p>
+ If you need a particular kind of exception to be thrown in compliance with the JVM semantics, you can do so with an sbt setting. For example, this setting enables compliant <code>asInstanceOf</code>s:</p>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">scalaJSSemantics ~= { _.withAsInstanceOfs(
+ }</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ Note that this will have (potentially major) performance impacts.</p>
+ <p>
+ For a more detailed rationale, see the section <a href="#Whydoeserrorbehaviordiffer?">Why does error behavior differ?</a>.
+ <h2 id="Reflection" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Reflection" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Reflection</h2>
+ <p>
+ Java reflection and, a fortiori, Scala reflection, are not supported. There is limited support for <code>java.lang.Class</code>, e.g., <code>obj.getClass.getName</code> will work for any Scala.js object (not for objects that come from JavaScript interop). Reflection makes it difficult to perform the optimizations that Scala.js heavily relies on. For a more detailed discussion on this topic, take a look at the section <a href="#WhyNoReflection?">Why No Reflection?</a>.
+ <h2 id="Regularexpressions" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Regularexpressions" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Regular expressions</h2>
+ <p>
+ <a href="">JavaScript regular expressions</a> are slightly different from <a href="">Java regular expressions</a>. The support for regular expressions in Scala.js is implemented on top of JavaScript regexes.</p>
+ <p>
+ This sometimes has an impact on functions in the Scala library that use regular expressions themselves. A list of known functions that are
+ affected is given here:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <code>StringLike.split(x: Array[Char])</code>
+ <h2 id="Symbols" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Symbols" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Symbols</h2>
+ <p>
+ <code>scala.Symbol</code> is supported, but is a potential source of memory leaks in applications that make heavy use of symbols. The main reason is that
+ JavaScript does not support weak references, causing all symbols created by Scala.js to remain in memory throughout the lifetime of the application.
+ <h2 id="Enumerations" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Enumerations" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Enumerations</h2>
+ <p>
+ The methods <code>Value()</code> and <code>Value(i: Int)</code> on <code>scala.Enumeration</code> use reflection to retrieve a string representation of the member name and are therefore -- in principle -- unsupported. However, since Enumerations are an integral part of the Scala library, Scala.js adds limited support for these two methods:</p>
+ <p>
+ Calls to either of these two methods of the forms:</p>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">val &lt;ident&gt; = Value
+val &lt;ident&gt; = Value(&lt;num&gt;)</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ are statically rewritten to (a slightly more complicated version of):</p>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">val &lt;ident&gt; = Value(&quot;&lt;ident&gt;&quot;)
+val &lt;ident&gt; = Value(&lt;num&gt;, &quot;&lt;ident&gt;&quot;)</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ Note that this also includes calls like</p>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">val A, B, C, D = Value</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ since they are desugared into separate <code>val</code> definitions.</p>
+ <p>
+ Calls to either of these two methods which could not be rewritten, or calls to constructors of the protected &lt;code&gt;Val&lt;/code&gt; class without an explicit name as parameter, will issue a warning.</p>
+ <p>
+ Note that the name rewriting honors the <code>nextName</code> iterator. Therefore, the full rewrite is:</p>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">val &lt;ident&gt; = Value(
+ if (nextName != null &amp;&amp; nextName.hasNext)
+ else
+ &quot;&lt;ident&gt;&quot;
+ <p>
+ We believe that this covers most use cases of <code>scala.Enumeration</code>. Please let us know if another (generalized) rewrite would make your life easier.
+<h1 id="LibraryDifferences" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#LibraryDifferences" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Library Differences</h1>
+ <p>
+ Scala.js differs from Scala-JVM not just in the corner-cases of the language, but also in the libraries available. Scala-JVM has access to JVM APIs and the wealth of the Java libraries, while Scala.js has access to Javascript APIs and Javascript libraries. It's also possible to write pure-Scala libraries that run on both Scala.js and Scala-JVM, as detailed <a>here</a>.</p>
+ <p>
+ This table gives a quick overview of the sorts of libraries you can and can't use when working on Scala.js:
+ <table class="pure-table pure-table-horizontal half-table"><thead><th>Can Use</th><th>Can't Use</th></thead><tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Most of java.lang.*</td><td>java.lang.Thread, java.lang.Runtime, ...</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Almost all of scala.*</td><td>scala.collection.parallel,</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Some of java.util.*</td><td>org.omg.CORBA, sun.misc.*</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Macros: uPickle, Scala-Async, Scalaxy, etc</td><td>Reflection: Scala-Pickling, Scala-Reflect</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Shapeless, Scalaz, Scalatags, uTest</td><td>Scalatest, Scalate</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>XMLHttpRequest, Websockets. Localstorage</td><td>Netty, Akka, Spray, File IO, JNI</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>HTML DOM, Canvas, WebGL</td><td>AWT, Swing, SWT, OpenGL</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Chipmunk.js, Hand.js, React.js, jQuery</td><td>Guice, JUnit, Apache-Commons, log4j</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>IntelliJ, Eclipse, SBT, Chrome console, Firebug</td><td>Scala REPL, Yourkit, VisualVM, JProfiler</td>
+ <p>
+ We'll go into each section bit by bit
+ <h2 id="StandardLibrary" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#StandardLibrary" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Standard Library</h2>
+ <table class="pure-table pure-table-horizontal half-table"><thead><th>Can Use</th><th>Can't Use</th></thead><tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Most of java.lang.*</td><td>java.lang.Thread, java.lang.Runtime, ...</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Almost all of scala.*</td><td>scala.collection.parallel,</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Some of java.util.*</td><td>org.omg.CORBA, sun.misc.*</td>
+ <p>
+ You can use more-or-less the whole Scala standard library in Scala.js, sans some more esoteric components like the parallel collections or the tools. Furthermore, we've ported some subset of the Java standard library that many common Scala libraries depends on, including most of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">java.lang.*</code> and some of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">java.util.*</code>.</p>
+ <p>
+ There isn't a full list of standard library library APIs which are available from Scala.js, but it should be enough to give you a rough idea of what is supported. The full list of classes that have been ported to Scala.js is available under <a href="#AvailableJavaAPIs">Available Java APIs</a>
+ <h2 id="Macrosv.s.Reflection" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Macrosv.s.Reflection" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Macros v.s. Reflection</h2>
+ <table class="pure-table pure-table-horizontal half-table"><thead><th>Can Use</th><th>Can't Use</th></thead><tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Macros: uPickle, Scala-Async, Scalaxy, etc</td><td>Reflection: Scala-Pickling, Scala-Reflect</td>
+ <p>
+ As described <a href="#WhyNoReflection?">here</a>, Reflection is not supported in Scala.js, due to the way it inhibits optimization. This doesn't just mean you can't use reflection yourself: many third-party libraries also use reflection, and you won't be able to use them either.
+ <p>
+ On the other hand, Scala.js does support Macros, and macros can in many ways substitute many of the use cases that people have traditionally used reflection for (see <a href="#Macros">here</a>). For example, instead of using a reflection-based serialization library like <a href="">scala-pickling</a>, you can use a macro-based library such as <a href="">uPickle</a>.
+ <h2 id="Pure-Scalav.s.JavaLibraries" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Pure-Scalav.s.JavaLibraries" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Pure-Scala v.s. Java Libraries</h2>
+ <table class="pure-table pure-table-horizontal half-table"><thead><th>Can Use</th><th>Can't Use</th></thead><tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Shapeless, Scalaz, Scalatags, uTest</td><td>Scalatest, Scalate</td></tr></tbody></table>
+ <p>
+ Scala.js has access to any pure-Scala libraries that you have cross-compiled to Scala.js, and cross-compiling a pure-Scala library with no dependencies is straightforward. Many of them, such as the ones listed above, have already been cross-compiled and can be used via their maven coordinates.</p>
+ <p>
+ You cannot use any libraries which have a Java dependency. This means libraries like <a href="">ScalaTest</a> or <a href="">Scalate</a>, which depend on a number of external Java libraries or source files, cannot be used from Scala.js. You can only use libraries which have no dependency on Java libraries or sources.
+ <h2 id="JavascriptAPIsv.s.JVMAPIs" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#JavascriptAPIsv.s.JVMAPIs" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Javascript APIs v.s. JVM APIs</h2>
+ <table class="pure-table pure-table-horizontal half-table"><thead><th>Can Use</th><th>Can't Use</th></thead><tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>XMLHttpRequest, Websockets. Localstorage</td><td>Netty, Akka, Spray, File IO, JNI</td>
+ <tr>
+ <td>HTML DOM, Canvas, WebGL</td><td>AWT, Swing, SWT, OpenGL</td>
+ <p>
+ Apart from depending on Java sources, the other thing that you can't use in Scala.js are JVM-specific APIs. This means that anything which goes down to the underlying operating system, filesystem, GUI or network are unavailable in Scala.js. This makes sense when you consider that these capabilities are no provided by the browser which Scala.js runs in, and it's impossible to re-implement them ourselves.</p>
+ <p>
+ In exchange for this, Scala.js provides you access to Browser APIs that do related things. Although you can't set up a HTTP server to take in-bound requests, you can make out-bound requests using <a href="">XMLHttpRequest</a> to other servers. You can't write to the filesystem or databases directly, but you can write to the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">dom.localStorage</code> provided by the browser. You can't use Swing or AWT or WebGL but instead work with the DOM and Canvas and WebGL.</p>
+ <p>
+ Naturally, none of these are an exact replacement, as the browser environment is fundamentally different from that of a desktop application running on the JVM. Nonetheless, there are many analogues, and if so desired you can write code to abstract away these differences and run on both Scala.js and Scala-JVM
+ <h2 id="Scala/Browsertoolingv.s.Javatooling" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Scala/Browsertoolingv.s.Javatooling" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Scala/Browser tooling v.s. Java tooling</h2>
+ <table class="pure-table pure-table-horizontal half-table"><thead><th>Can Use</th><th>Can't Use</th></thead><tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Chipmunk.js, Hand.js, React.js, jQuery</td><td>Guice, JUnit, Apache-Commons, log4j</td>
+ <p>
+ Lastly, there is the matter of tools. Naturally, all the Scala tools which depend on the JVM are out. This means things like the <a href="">Yourkit</a>, <a href="">VisualVM</a> and <a href="">JProfiler</a> profilers, as well as things like the Scala command-line REPL which relies on classloaders and other such things to run on the JVM</p>
+ <p>
+ On the other hand, you do get to keep and continue using many tools which are build for Scala but JVM-agnostic. For example, IDEs such a <a href="">IntelliJ</a> and <a href="">Eclipse</a> work great with Scala.js; from their point of view, it's just Scala, and things like code-navigation, refactoring and error-highlighting all work out of the box. SBT works with Scala.js too, and you see the same compile-erorrs in the command-line as you would in vanilla Scala, and even things like incremental compilation work un-changed.</p>
+ <p>
+ Lastly, you gain access to browser tools that don't work with normal Scala: you can use the Chrome or Firefox consoles to poke at your Scala.js application from the command line, or their profilers/debuggers. With source maps set up, you can even step-through debug your Scala.js application directly in Chrome.</p>
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="TheCompilationPipeline" style="display: block;"><h1 id="TheCompilationPipeline">The Compilation Pipeline<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#TheCompilationPipeline" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ Scala.js is implemented as a compiler plugin in the Scala compiler. Despite this, the overall process looks very different from that of a normal Scala application. This is because Scala.js optimizes for the size of the compiled executable, which is something that Scala-JVM does not usually do.
+<h1 id="WholeProgramOptimizaton" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#WholeProgramOptimizaton" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Whole Program Optimizaton</h1>
+ <p>
+ At a first approximation, Scala.js achieves its tiny executables by using whole-program optimization. Scala-JVM, like Java, allows for separate compilation: this means that after compilation, you can combine your compiled code with code compiled separately, which can interact with the code you already compiled in an ad-hoc basis: code from both sides can call each others methods, instantiate each others classes, etc. without any limits.
+ <p>
+ Even things like package-private do not help you: Java packages are separate-compile-able too, and multiple compilation runs can dump things in the same package! You may think that private members and methods may be some salvation, but the Java ecosystem typically relies heavily on reflection, which depends on the fact that these private things remain exactly as-they-are.
+ <p>
+ Overall, this makes it difficult to do any meaningful optimization: you never know whether or not you can eliminate a class, method or field. Even if it's not used anywhere you can see, it could easily be used by some other code compiled separately, or accessed through reflection.
+ <p>
+ With Scala.js, we have decided to forgo reflection, and forgo separate compilation, in exchange for smaller executables. This is made easier by the fact that the pure-Scala ecosystem makes little use of reflection overall. Thus, at the right before shipping your Scala.js app to your users, the Scala.js optimizer gathers up all your Scala.js code, determines which things are used and which are not, and eliminates all the un-used classes/methods/variables. This allows us to achieve a much smaller code size than is possible with reflection/separate-compilation support. Furthermore, because we forgo these two things, we can perform much more aggressive inlining and other compile-time optimizations than is possible with Scala-JVM, further reducing code size and improving performance.
+ <p>
+ It's worth noting that such optimizations exist as an option on the JVM aswell: <a href="">Proguard</a> is a well known library for doing similar DCE/optimization for Java/Scala applications, and is extensively used in developing mobile applications which face similar &quot;minimize-code-size&quot; constraints that web-apps do. However, the bulk of Scala code which runs on the server does not use these tools.
+<h1 id="HowCompilationWorks" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#HowCompilationWorks" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>How Compilation Works</h1>
+ <p>
+ The Scala.js compilation pipeline is roughly split into multiple stages:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <b>Initial Compilation</b>: <code>.scala</code> files to <code>.class</code> and <code>.sjsir</code> files</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Fast Optimization</b>: <code>.sjsir</code> files to one smallish/fast <code>.js</code> file, or</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Full Optimization</b>: <code>.sjsir</code> files to one smaller/faster <code>.js</code> file
+ <p>
+ <code>.scala</code> files are the source code you're familiar with. <code>.class</code> files are the JVM-targetted artifacts which aren't used for actually producing <code>.js</code> files, but are kept around for pretty much everything else: the compiler uses them for separate compilation and macros, and tools such as <a href="">IntelliJ</a> or <a href="">Eclipse</a> use these files to provide IDE support for Scala.js code. <code>.js</code> files are the output Javascript, which we can execute in a web browser.</p>
+ <p>
+ <code>.sjsir</code> files are worth calling out: the name stands for &quot;ScalaJS Intermediate Representation&quot;, and these files contain compiled code half-way between Scala and Javascript: most Scala features have by this point been replaced by their Java/Javascript equivalents, but it still contains Types (which have all been inferred) that can aid in analysis. Many Scala.js specific optimizations take place on this IR.
+ <p>
+ Each stage has a purpose, and together the stages do bring benefits to offset their cost in complexity. The original compilation pipeline was much more simple:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <b>Compilation</b>: <code>.scala</code> files to <code>.js</code> files
+ <p>
+ But produced far larger (20mb) and slower executables. This section will explore each stage and we'll learn what these stages do, starting with a small example program:
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">def main() = {
+ var x = 0
+ while(x &lt; 999){
+ x = x + &quot;2&quot;.toInt
+ }
+ println(x)
+ <h2 id="Compilation" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Compilation" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Compilation</h2>
+ <p>
+ As described earlier, the Scala.js compiler is implemented as a Scala compiler plugin, and lives in the main repository in <a href="">compiler/</a>. The bulk of the plugin runs after the <code>mixin</code> phase in the <a href="">Scala compilation pipeline</a>. By this point:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Types and implicits have all been inferred</li>
+ <li>
+ Pattern-matches have been compiled to imperative code</li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">@tailrec</code> functions have been translated to while-loops, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">lazy val</code>s have been replaced by <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">var</code>s.</li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">trait</code>s have been <a href="">replaced by interfaces and classes</a>
+ <p>
+ Overall, by the time the Scala.js compiler plugin takes action, most of the high-level features of the Scala language have already been removed. Compared to a hypothetical, alternative &quot;from scratch&quot; implementation, this approach has several advantages:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ It helps ensure that the semantics of these features always, 100% match that of Scala-JVM</li>
+ <li>
+ It reduces the amount of implementation work required by re-using the existing compilation phases
+ <p>
+ This first phase is mostly a translation from the Scala compiler's internal AST to the Scala.js Intermediate Representation, and does not contain very many interesting optimizations. At the end of the initial compilation, the Scala compiler with Scala.js plugin results in two sets of files:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ The original <code>.class</code> files, <i>almost</i> as if they were compiled on the JVM, but not quite. They are sufficiently valid that the compiler can execute macros defined in them, but they should not be used to actually run.</li>
+ <li>
+ The <code>.sjsir</code> files, destined for further compilation in the Scala.js pipeline.
+ <p>
+ The ASTs defined in the <code>.sjsir</code> files is at about the same level of abstraction as the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Tree</code>s that the Scala compiler is working with at this stage. However, the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Tree</code>s within the Scala compiler contain a lot of cruft related to the compiler internals, and are also not easily serializable. This phase cleans them up into a &quot;purer&quot; format, (defined in the <a href="">ir/</a> folder) which is also serializable.
+ <p>
+ This is the only phase in the Scala.js compilation pipeline that separate compilation is possible: you can compile many different sets of Scala.js <code>.scala</code> files separately, only to combine them later. This is used e.g. for distributing Scala.js libraries as Maven Jars, which are compiled separately by library authors to be combined into a final executable later.
+ <h2 id="FastOptimization" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#FastOptimization" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Fast Optimization</h2>
+ <p>
+ Without optimizations, the actual JavaScript code emitted for the above snippet would look like this:</p>
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js">ScalaJS.c.Lexample_ScalaJSExample$.prototype.main__V = (function() {
+ var x = 0;
+ while ((x &lt; 999)) {
+ x = ((x + new ScalaJS.c.sci_StringOps().init___T(
+ ScalaJS.m.s_Predef$().augmentString__T__T(&quot;2&quot;)).toInt__I()) | 0)
+ };
+ ScalaJS.m.s_Predef$().println__O__V(x)
+ <p>
+ This is a pretty straightforward translation from the intermediate reprensentation into vanilla JavaScript code:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Scala-style method <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">def</code>s become Javascript-style prototype-function-assignment</li>
+ <li>
+ Scala <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">val</code>s and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">var</code>s become Javascript <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">var</code>s</li>
+ <li>
+ Scala <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">while</code>s become Javascript <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">while</code>s</li>
+ <li>
+ Implicits are materialized, hence all the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">StringOps</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">augmentString</code> extensions are present in the output</li>
+ <li>
+ Classes and methods are fully-qualified, e.g. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">println</code> becomes <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Predef().println</code></li>
+ <li>
+ Method names are qualified by their types, e.g. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">__O__V</code> means that <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">println</code> takes <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Object</code> and returns <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">void</code>
+ <p>
+ This is an incomplete description of the translation, but it should give a good sense of how the translation from Scala to Javascript looks like. In general, the output is verbose but straightforward.
+ <p>
+ In addition to this superficial translation, the optimizer does a number of things which are more subtle and vary from case to case. Without diving into too much detail, here are a few optimizations that are performed:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <b>Dead-code elimination</b>: entry-points to the program such as <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">@JSExport</code>ed methods/classes are kept, as are any methods/classes that these reference. All others are removed. This reduces the potentially 20mb of Javascript generated by a naive compilation to a more manageable 400kb-1mb for a typical application</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Inlining</b>: under some circumstances, the optimizer inlines the implementation of methods at call sites. For example, it does so for all &quot;small enough&quot; methods. This typically reduces the code size by a small amount, but offers a several-times speedup of the generated code by inlining away much of the overhead from the abstractions (implicit-conversions, higher-order-functions, etc.) in Scala's standard library.</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Constant-folding</b>: due to inlining and other optimizations, some variables that could have arbitrary values are known to contain a constant. These variables are replaced by their respective constants, which, in turn, can trigger more optimizations.</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Closure elimination</b>: probably one of the most important optimizations. When inlining a higher-order method such as <code>map</code>, the optimizer can in turn inline the anonymous function inside the body of the loop, effectively turning polymorphic dispatch with closures into bare-metal loops.</li></ul>
+ <p>
+ Applying these optimizations on our examples results in the following JavaScript code instead, which is what you typically execute in fastOpt stage:
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js">ScalaJS.c.Lexample_ScalaJSExample$.prototype.main__V = (function() {
+ var x = 0;
+ while ((x &lt; 999)) {
+ var jsx$1 = x;
+ var this$2 = new ScalaJS.c.sci_StringOps().init___T(&quot;2&quot;);
+ var this$4 = ScalaJS.m.jl_Integer$();
+ var s = this$2.repr$1;
+ x = ((jsx$1 + this$4.parseInt__T__I__I(s, 10)) | 0)
+ };
+ var x$1 = x;
+ var this$6 = ScalaJS.m.s_Console$();
+ var this$7 = this$6.outVar$2;
+ <p>
+ As a whole-program optimization, it tightly ties together the code it is compiling and does not let you e.g. inject additional classes later. This does not mean you cannot interact with external code at all: you can, but it has to go through explicitly <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">@JSExport</code>ed methods and classes via Javascript Interop, and not on ad-hoc classes/methods within the module. Thus it's entirely possible to have multiple &quot;whole-programs&quot; running in the same browser; they just will likely have duplicate copies of e.g. standard library classes inside of them, since they cannot share the code as it's not exported.
+ <p>
+ While the input for this phase is the aggregate <code>.sjsir</code> files from your project and all your dependencies, the output is executable Javascript. This phase usually runs in less than a second, outputs a Javascript blob in the 400kb-1mb range, and is suitable for repeated use during development. This corresponds to the <code>fastOptJS</code> command in SBT.
+ <h2 id="FullOptimization" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#FullOptimization" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Full Optimization</h2>
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js">Fd.prototype.main = function() {
+ for(var a = 0;999 &gt; a;) {
+ var b = (new D).j(&quot;2&quot;);
+ E();
+ a = a + Ja(0, b.R) | 0
+ }
+ b = Xa(ed().pc.Sb);
+ fd(b, gd(s(), a));
+ fd(b, &quot;\n&quot;);
+ <p>
+ The <a href="">Google Closure Compiler</a> (GCC) is a set of tools that work with Javascript. It has multiple <a href="">levels of optimization</a>, doing everything from basic whitespace-removal to heavy optimization. It is an old, relatively mature project that is relied on both inside and outside Google to optimize the delivery of Javascript to the browser.
+ <p>
+ Scala.js uses GCC in its most aggressive mode: <a href="">Advanced Optimization</a>. GCC spits out a compressed, minified version of the Javascript (above) that <a href="#FastOptimization">Fast Optimization</a> spits out: e.g. in the example above, all identifiers have been renamed to short strings, the <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">while</code>-loop has been replaced by a <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">for</code>-loop, and the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">println</code> function has been inlined.
+ <p>
+ As described in the linked documentation, GCC performs optimizations such as:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Whitespace removal</li>
+ <li>
+ Variable and property renaming</li>
+ <li>
+ Dead code elimination</li>
+ <li>
+ Inlining
+ <p>
+ Notably, GCC <i>does not preserve the semantics of arbitrary Javascript</i>! In particular, it only works for a subset of Javascript that it understands and can properly analyze. This is an issue when hand-writing Javascript for GCC since it's very easy to step outside that subset and have GCC break your code, but is not a worry when using Scala.js: the Scala.js optimizer (the previous phase in the pipeline) automatically outputs Javascript which GCC understands and can work with.</p>
+ <p>
+ There is some overlap between the optimizations performed by the Scala.js optimizer and GCC. For example, both apply DCE and inlining in some form. However, there are also a lot of optimizations specific to each tool. In general, the Scala.js optimizer is more concerned about producing very efficient JavaScript code, while GCC shines at making that JavaScript as small as possible (in terms of the number of characters).</p>
+ <p>
+ The combination of both these tools produces small and fast output blobs: ~100-400kb. This takes 5-10 seconds to run, which makes it somewhat slow for iterative development, so it's typically only run right before final testing and deployment. This corresponds to the <code>fullOptJS</code> command in SBT.
+<hr />
+ This hopefully has given a good overview of how the Scala.js compilation pipeline works. The pipeline and optimizer is a work-in-progress, and is changing all the time in an attempt to achieve ever-smaller executables and ever-faster code.
+ This whole chapter has been focused on the <i>what</i> but not the <i>why</i>. The chapter on <a href="#Scala.js'DesignSpace">Scala.js' Design Space</a> contains a section which talks about <a href="#SmallExecutables">why we care so much about small executables</a>.</p>
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="Scala.js'DesignSpace" style="display: block;"><h1 id="Scala.js'DesignSpace">Scala.js' Design Space<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Scala.js'DesignSpace" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ Scala.js is a relatively large project, and is the result of both an enormous amount of hard work as well as a number of decisions that craft what it's like to program in Scala.js today. Many of these decisions result in marked differences from the behavior of the same code running on the JVM. This chapter explores the reasoning and rationale behind these decisions.
+<h1 id="WhyNoReflection?" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#WhyNoReflection?" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Why No Reflection?</h1>
+ <p>
+ Scala.js prohibits reflection as it makes dead-code elimination difficult, and the compiler relies heavily on dead-code elimination to generate reasonably-sized executables. The chapter on <a href="#TheCompilationPipeline">The Compilation Pipeline</a> goes into more detail of why, but a rough estimate of the effect of various optimizations on a small application is:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <b>Full Output</b> - ~20mb</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Naive Dead-Code-Elimnation</b> - ~800kb</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Inlining Dead-Code-Elimnation</b> - ~600kb</li>
+ <li>
+ <b>Minified by Google Closure Compiler</b> - ~200kb
+ <p>
+ The default output size of 20mb makes the executables difficult to work with. Even though browsers can deal with 20mb Javascript blobs, it takes the browser several seconds to even load it, and up to a minute after that for the JIT to optimize the whole thing.
+ <h2 id="DeadCodeElimination" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#DeadCodeElimination" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Dead Code Elimination</h2>
+ <p>
+ To illustrate why reflection makes things difficult, consider a tiny application:
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">@JSExport
+object App extends js.JSApp{
+ @JSExport
+ def main() = {
+ println(foo())
+ }
+ def foo() = 10
+ def bar = &quot;i am a cow&quot;
+object Dead{
+ def complexFunction() = ...
+ <p>
+ When the <a href="#FastOptimization">Scala.js optimizer</a>, looks at this application, it is able to deduce certain things immediately:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">App</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">App.main</code> are exported via <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">@JSExport</code>, and thus can't be considered dead code.</li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code> is called from <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">App.main</code>, and so has to be kept around</li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code> is never called from <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">App.main</code> or <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code>, and so can be eliminated</li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Dead</code>, including <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Dead.complexFunction</code>, are not called from any live code, and can be eliminated.
+ <p>
+ The actual process is a bit more involved than this, but this is a first-approximation of how the dead-code-elimination works: you start with a small set of live code (e.g. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">@JSExport</code>ed things), search out to find the things which are recursively reachable from that set, and eliminate all the rest. This means that the Scala.js compiler can eliminate, e.g., parts of the Scala standard library that you are not using. The standard library is not small, and makes up the bulk of the 20mb of the uncompressed blob.
+ <h2 id="WhitherReflection?" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#WhitherReflection?" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Whither Reflection?</h2>
+ <p>
+ To imagine why reflection makes this difficult, imagine a slightly modified program which includes some reflective calls in <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">App.main</code>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">@JSExport
+object App extends js.JSApp{
+ @JSExport
+ def main() = {
+ Class.forName(userInput()).getMethod(userInput()).invoke()
+ }
+ def foo() = 10
+ def bar = &quot;i am a cow&quot;
+object Dead{
+ def complexFunction() = ...
+ <p>
+ Here, we're assuming <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">userInput()</code> is some method which returns a <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">String</code> that was input by the user or otherwise somehow decided at runtime.</p>
+ <p>
+ We can start the same process: <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">App.main</code> is live since we <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">@JSExport</code>ed it, but what objects or methods are reachable from <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">App.main</code>? The answer is: it depends on the values of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">userInput()</code>, which we don't know. And hence we don't know which classes or methods are reachable! Depending on what <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">userInput()</code> returns, any or all methods and classes could be used by <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">App.main()</code>.</p>
+ <p>
+ This leaves us a few options:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Keep every method or class around at runtime. This severely hampers the compiler's ability to optimize, and results in massive 20mb executables.</li>
+ <li>
+ Ignore reflection, and go ahead and eliminate/optimize things assuming reflection did not exist.</li>
+ <li>
+ Allow the user to annotate methods/classes that should be kept, and eliminate the rest.
+ <p>
+ All three are possible options: Scala.js started off with #1. #3 is the approach used by <a href="">Proguard</a>, which lets you annotate things e.g. <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">@KeepApplication</code> to preserve things for reflection and preventing Proguard from eliminating them as dead code.
+ <p>
+ In the end, Scala.js chose #2. This is helped by the fact that overall, Scala code tends not to use reflection as heavily as Java, or dynamic languages which use it heavily. Scala uses techniques such as <a href="">lambdas</a> or <a href="">implicits</a> to satisfy many use cases which Java has traditionally used reflection for, while friendly to the optimizer.
+ <p>
+ There are a range of use-cases for reflection where you want to inspect an object's structure or methods, where lambdas or implicits don't help. People use reflection to <a href="">serialize objects</a>, or for <a href="">routing messages to methods</a>. However, both these cases can be satisfied by...
+ <h2 id="Macros" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Macros" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Macros</h2>
+ <p>
+ The Scala programming language, since the 2.10.x series, has support for <a href="">Macros</a> in the language. Although experimental, these are heavily used in many projects such as Play and Slick and Akka, and allow a developer to perform compile-time computations and generate code where-ever the macros are used.
+ <p>
+ People typically think of macros as AST-transformers: you pass in an AST and get a modified AST out. However, in Scala, these ASTs are strongly-typed, and the macro is able to inspect the types involved in generating the output AST. This leads to a lot of <a href="">interesting techniques</a> around macros where you synthesize ASTs based on the type (explicit or inferred) of the macro callsite, something that is impossible in dynamic languages.
+ <p>
+ Practically, this means that you can use macros to do things such as inspecting the methods, fields and other type-level properties of a typed value. This allows us to do things like <a href="">serialize objects with no boilerplate</a>:
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">import upickle._
+case class Thing(a: Int, b: String)
+write(Thing(1, &quot;gg&quot;))
+// res23: String = {&quot;a&quot;: 1, &quot;b&quot;: &quot;gg&quot;}
+ <p>
+ Or to <a href="">route messages to the appropiate methods</a> without boilerplate, and <i>without</i> using reflection!
+ <p>
+ The fact that you can satisfy these use cases with macros is non-obvious: in dynamic languages, macros only get an AST, which is basically opaque when you're only passing a single value to it. With Scala, you get the value <i>together with it's type</i>, which lets you inspect the type and generate the proper serialization/routing code that is impossible to do in a dynamic language with macros.
+ <p>
+ Using macros here also plays well with the Scala.js optimizer: the macros are fully expanded before the optimizer is run, so by the time the optimizer sees the code, there is no more magic left: it is then free to do dead-code-elimination/inlining/other-optimizations without worrying about reflection causing the code to do weird things at runtime. Thus, we've managed to substitute most of the main use-cases of reflection, and so can do without it.
+<h1 id="Whydoeserrorbehaviordiffer?" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Whydoeserrorbehaviordiffer?" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Why does error behavior differ?</h1>
+ <p>
+ Scala.js deviates from the semantics of Scala-JVM in several ways. Many of these ways revolve around the edge-conditions of a program: what happens when something goes wrong? An array index is out of bounds? An integer is divided-by-zero? These differences cause some amount of annoyance when debugging, since when you mess up an array index, you expect an exception, not silently-invalid-data!
+ <p>
+ In most of these cases, it was a trade-off between performance and correctness. These are situations where the default semantics of Scala deviate from that of Javascript, and Scala.js would have to perform extra work to emulate the desired behavior. For example, compare the division behavior of the JVM and Javascript.</p>
+ <h2 id="Divide-by-zero:acasestudy" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#Divide-by-zero:acasestudy" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Divide-by-zero: a case study</h2>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">/*JVM*/
+15 / 4 // 3</code></pre>
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js">/*JS*/
+15 / 4 // 3.25</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ On the JVM, integer division is a primitive, and dividing <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">15 / 4</code> gives <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">3</code>. However, in Javascript, it gives <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">3.25</code>, since all numbers of double-precision floating points.
+ <p>
+ Scala.js works around this in the general case by adding a <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">| 0</code> to the translation, e.g.
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">/*JVM*/
+15 / 4 // 3</code></pre>
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js">/*JS*/
+(15 / 4) | 0 // 3
+ <p>
+ This gives the correct result for most numbers, and is reasonably efficient (actually, it tends to be <i>more</i> efficient on modern VMs). However, what about dividing-by-zero?
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">/*JVM*/
+15 / 0 // ArithmeticException</code></pre>
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js">/*JS*/
+15 / 0 // Infinity
+(15 / 0) | 0 // 0
+ <p>
+ On the JVM, the JVM is kind enough to throw an exception for you. However, in Javascript, the integer simply wraps around to <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">Infinity</code>, which then gets truncated down to zero.</p>
+ <p>
+ So that's the current behavior of integers in Scala.js. One may ask: can we fix it? And the answer is, we can:</p>
+ <pre><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js">/*JVM*/
+1 / 0 // ArithmeticException</code></pre>
+ <pre><code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js">/*JS*/
+function intDivide(x, y){
+ var z = x / y
+ if (z == Infinity) throw new ArithmeticException(&quot;Divide by Zero&quot;)
+ else return z
+intDivide(1, 0) // ArithmeticException</code></pre>
+ <p>
+ This translation fixes the problem, and enforces that the <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">ArithmeticException</code> is thrown at the correct time. However, this approach causes some overhead: what was previously two primitive operations is now a function call, a local variable assignment, and a conditional. That is a lot more expensive than two primitive operations!
+ <h2 id="ThePerformance/CorrectnessTradeoff" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#ThePerformance/CorrectnessTradeoff" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>The Performance/Correctness Tradeoff</h2>
+ <p>
+ In the end, a lot of the semantic differences listed here come down to the same tradeoff: we could make the code behave more-like-Scala, but at a cost of adding overhead via function calls and other checks. Furthermore, the cost is paid regardless of whether the &quot;exceptional case&quot; is triggered or not: in the example above, every division in the program pays the cost!</p>
+ <p>
+ The decision to not support these exceptional cases comes down to a value judgement: how often do people actually depend on an exception being thrown as part of their program semantics, e.g. by catching it and performing actions? And how often are they just a way of indicating bugs? It turns out that very few <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">ArithmeticException</code>s, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</code>s, or similar are actually a necessary part of the program! They exist during debugging, but after that, these code paths are never relied upon &quot;in production&quot;.</p>
+ <p>
+ Thus Scala.js goes for a compromise: in the Fast Optimization mode, we run the code with all these checks in place (this is work in progress; currently only <code>asInstanceOf</code>s are thus checked), so as to catch cases where these errors occur close-to-the-source and make it easy for you to debug them. In Full Optimization mode, on the other hand, we remove these checks, assuming you've already ran through these cases and found any bugs during development.</p>
+ <p>
+ This is a common pattern in situations where there's a tradeoff between debuggability and speed. In Scala.js' case, it allows us to get good debuggability in development, as well as good performance in production. There's some loss in debuggability in development, sacrificed in exchange for greater performance.
+<h1 id="SmallExecutables" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#SmallExecutables" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Small Executables</h1>
+ Why do we care so much about how big our executables are in Scala.js? Why don't we care about how big they are on Scala-JVM? This is mostly due to three reasons:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ When cross-compiling Scala to Javascript, the end-result tends to be much more verbose than when cross-compiled to Java Bytecode.</li>
+ <li>
+ Scala.js typically is run in web browsers, which typically do not work well with large executables compared to e.g. the JVM</li>
+ <li>
+ Scala.js often is delivered to many users over the network, and long download times force users to wait, degrading the user experience
+ <p>
+ These factors combined means that Scala.js has to put in extra effort to optimize the code to reduce it's size at compile-time.
+ <h2 id="RawVerbosity" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#RawVerbosity" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Raw Verbosity</h2>
+ <p>
+ Scala.js compiles to Javascript source code, while Scala-JVM compiles to Java bytecode. Java bytecode is a binary format and thus somewhat optimized for size, while Javascript is textual and is designed to be easy to read and write by hand.</p>
+ <p>
+ What does these mean, concretely? This means that a symbol marking something, e.g. the start of a function, is often a single byte in Java bytecode. Even more, it may not have any delimiter at all, instead the meaning of the binary data being inferred from its position in the file! On the other hand, in Javascript, declaring a function takes a long-and-verbose <code class="javascript scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">function</code> keyword, which together with peripheral punctuation (<code>.</code>, <code> = </code>, etc.) often adds up to tens of bytes to express a single idea.</p>
+ <p>
+ What does this mean concretely? This means that expressing the same meaning in Javascript usually takes more &quot;raw code&quot; than expressing the same meaning in Java bytecode. Even though Java bytecode is relatively verbose for a binary format, it still is significantly more concise the Javascript, and it shows: the Scala standard library weighs in at a cool 6mb on Scala-JVM, while it weighs 20mb on Scala.js.</p>
+ <p>
+ All things being equal, this would mean that Scala.js would have to work harder to keep down code-size than Scala-JVM would have to. Alas, not all other things are equal.
+ <h2 id="BrowsersPerformance" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#BrowsersPerformance" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Browsers Performance</h2>
+ <p>
+ Without any optimization, a naive compilation to Scala.js results in an executable (Including the standard library) weighing around 20mb. On the surface, this isn't a problem: runtimes like the JVM have no issue with loading 20mb of Java bytecode to execute; many large desktop applications weigh in the 100s of megabytes while still loading and executing fine.</p>
+ <p>
+ However, the web browser isn't a native execution environment; loading 20mb of Javascript is sufficient to heavily tax even the most modern web browsers such as Chrome and Firefox. Even though most of the code comprises class and method definitions that never have their contents executed, loading such a heavy load into e.g. Chrome makes it freeze for 5-10 seconds initially. Even after that, even after the code has all been parsed and isn't been actively executed, having all this Javascript makes the browser sluggish for up to a minute before the JIT compiler can speed things up.</p>
+ <p>
+ Overall, this means that you probably do not want to work with un-optimized Scala.js executables. Even for development, the slow load times and initial sluggishness make testing the results of your hard-work in the browser a frustrating experience. But that's not all...
+ <h2 id="DeploymentSize" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#DeploymentSize" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Deployment Size</h2>
+ <p>
+ Scala.js applications often run in the browser. Not just any browser, but the browsers of your users, who had come to your website or web-app to try and accomplish some task. This is in stark contrast the Scala-JVM applications, which most often run on servers: servers that you own and control, and can deploy code to at your leisure.
+ <p>
+ When running code on your own servers in some data center, you often do not care how big the compiled code is: the Scala standard library is several (6-7) megabytes, which added to your own code and any third-party libraries you're using, may add up to tens of megabytes, maybe a hundred or two if it's a relatively large application. Even that pales in comparison to the size of the JVM, which weighs in the 100s of megabytes.</p>
+ <p>
+ Even so, you are deploying your code on an machine (virtual or real) which has several gigabytes of memory and 100s of gigabytes of disk space. Even if the size of the code makes deployment slower, you only deploy fresh code a handful of times a day at most, and the size of your executable typically does not worry you.</p>
+ <p>
+ Scala.js is different: it runs in the browsers of your users. Before it can run in their browser, it first has to be downloaded, probably over a connection that is much slower than the one used to deploy your code to your servers or data-center. It probably is downloaded thousands of times per day, and every user which downloads it must pay the cost of waiting for it to finish downloading before they can take any actions on your website.
+ <p>
+ A typical website loads ~100kb-1mb of Javascript, and 1mb is on the heavy side. Most Javascript libraries weigh in on the order of 50-100kb. For Scala.js to be useful in the browser, it has to be able to compare favorably with these numbers.
+ <hr />
+ <p>
+ Thus, while on Scala-JVM you typically have executables that (including dependencies) end up weighing 10s to 100s of megabytes, Scala.js has a much tighter budget. A hello world Scala.js application weighs in at around 100kb, and as you write more code and use more libraries (and parts of the standard library) this number rises to the 100s of kb. This isn't tiny, especially compared to the many small Javascript libraries out there, but it definitely is much smaller than what you'd be used to on the JVM.</p>
+ <div class="header scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container" id="JavaAPIs" style="display: block;"><h1 id="JavaAPIs">Java APIs<a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#JavaAPIs" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a></h1><br /></div>
+ Below is a list of classes from the Java Standard Library that are available from Scala.js. In general, much of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">java.lang</code>, and parts of <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code>, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">java.util</code> and <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;"></code> have been ported over. This means that all these classes are available for use in Scala.js applications despite being part of the Java standard library.</p>
+ There are many reasons you may want to port a Java class to Scala.js: you want to use it directly, you may be trying to port a library which uses it. In general, we haven't been porting things &quot;for fun&quot;, and obscure classes like <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">org.omg.corba</code> will likely never be ported: we've been porting things as the need arises in order to support libraries (e.g. <a href="">Scala.Rx</a> that need them.
+<h1 id="AvailableJavaAPIs" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#AvailableJavaAPIs" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Available Java APIs</h1>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Appendable</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.AutoCloseable</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Boolean</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Byte</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Character</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.CharSequence</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Class</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.ClassLoader</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Cloneable</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Comparable</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Double</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Float</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.InheritableThreadLocal</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Integer</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Long</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Math</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Number</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Readable</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Runnable</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Runtime</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Short</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.StackTraceElement</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.StringBuffer</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.StringBuilder</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.System</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Thread</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.ThreadLocal</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Throwables</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.Void</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.ref.PhantomReference</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.ref.Reference</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.ref.SoftReference</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.ref.WeakReference</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.lang.reflect.Array</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.Buffer</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.BufferOverflowException</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.BufferUnderflowException</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.ByteBuffer</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.ByteOrder</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.CharBuffer</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.HeapByteBuffer</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.HeapCharBuffer</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.InvalidMarkException</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.ReadOnlyBufferException</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.StringCharBuffer</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.Charset</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.CoderMalfunctionError</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.CoderResult</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.UnmappableCharacterException</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.Arrays</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.Comparator</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.Date</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.Formattable</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.FormattableFlags</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.Formatter</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.Random</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.Throwables</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.UUID</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.concurrent.Executor</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.concurrent.Throwables</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.regex.Matcher</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.regex.MatchResult</a>
+ <li>
+ <a href="">java.util.regex.Pattern</a>
+<h1 id="PortingJavaAPIs" style="display: block;" class="scalatex-header scalatex-hover-container"><a class="scalatex-header-link" href="#PortingJavaAPIs" style="position: absolute;right: 0;"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>Porting Java APIs</h1>
+ <p>
+ The process for making Java library classes available in Scala.js is relatively straightforward:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Find a class that you want to use in Scala.js, but is not implemented.</li>
+ <li>
+ Write a clean-room implementation in Scala, without looking at the source code of <a href="">OpenJDK</a>. This is due to legal-software-license incompatibility between OpenJDK and Scala.js. Reading the docs or specification are fine, as is looking at the source of alternate implementations such as <a href="">Harmony</a></li>
+ <li>
+ Submit a pull-request to the <a href="">Scala.js repository</a>, including your implementation, together with tests. See the <a href="">existing tests</a> in the repository if you need examples of how to write your own.
+ <p>
+ In general, this is a simple process, for &quot;pure-Java&quot; classes which do not use any special JVM/Java-specific APIs. However, this will not be possible for classes which do! This means that classes that make use of Java-specific things like:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Threads</li>
+ <li>
+ Filesystem APIs</li>
+ <li>
+ Network APIs</li>
+ <li>
+ <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">sun.misc.Unsafe</code>
+ <p>
+ And other similar APIs will either need to be rewritten to not-use them. For example, <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">AtomicXXXs</code> can be written without threading/unsafe APIs because Javascript is single-threaded, making the implementation for e.g. an <code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js" style="display: inline;padding: 0;margin: 0;">AtomicBoolean</code> pretty trivial:
+ <pre class="scalatex-hover-container"><code class="scala scalatex-highlight-js hljs">package java.util.concurrent.atomic
+class AtomicBoolean(private[this] var value: Boolean) extends Serializable {
+ def this() = this(false)
+ final def get(): Boolean = value
+ final def compareAndSet(expect: Boolean, update: Boolean): Boolean = {
+ if (expect != value) false else {
+ value = update
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ // For some reason, this method is not final
+ def weakCompareAndSet(expect: Boolean, update: Boolean): Boolean =
+ compareAndSet(expect, update)
+ final def set(newValue: Boolean): Unit =
+ value = newValue
+ final def lazySet(newValue: Boolean): Unit =
+ set(newValue)
+ final def getAndSet(newValue: Boolean): Boolean = {
+ val old = value
+ value = newValue
+ old
+ }
+ override def toString(): String =
+ value.toString()
+}</code><a class="scalatex-header-link" style="position: absolute;right: 0.5em;top: 0.5em;display: block;font-size: 24px;" href="" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-link "></i></a></pre>
+ <p>
+ Others can't be ported at all (e.g. <code></code>) simply because the API capabilities they provide (blocking reads &amp; writes to files) do not exist in the Javascript runtime.
+</div></div></body></html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts.js b/scripts.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d37fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts.js
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
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+f,Ve(new We,C(function(a){return function(a){return function(b){return a.h(b)}}(a)})))])));h=E().Tb;l=E().Bg;q=E().wc;h=F(h,(new z).k([sc(new tc,l,"pure-menu pure-menu-open",q)]));l=E().Yd;q=E().Bg;r=E().wc;l=F(l,(new z).k([sc(new tc,q,"pure-menu-heading",r)]));E();q=(new G).f("Contents");r=E();f=F(l,(new z).k([q,$b(r,f)]));l=E();a.appendChild(D(F(h,(new z).k([f,$b(l,e)]))));c.onclick=function(a,b,c){return function(){b.classList.toggle("active");a.classList.toggle("active");return!!c.classList.toggle("active")}}(a,
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+q=q.oa();c=D(F(h,(new z).k([F(c,(new z).k([e,hc(new ic,l,q,C(function(a){var b=E();return $b(b,a)}))]))])));b=b.l.split(" ").join("");if(0<{Je();e=Ke().ef;e=qf(a,e);for(h=df(a);;)l=h.ia(),;e=e.oa().Wf(zf())|0}else e=1+f|0;return Ce(new De,Af(c,b,f,e),a)}Ye.prototype.a=new u({nt:0},!1,"scrollmenu.ScrollSpy",w,{nt:1,c:1});function Bf(){}Bf.prototype=new v;
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+(a.charCodeAt(0)|0);return(new ig).rb(a)}));var b=C(function(a){return+a<<24>>24}),c=C(function(a){a=(new wc).f(a);jg||(jg=(new kg).b());a=a.Ma;var b=lg(mg(),a,10);if(-128>b||127<b)throw(new ng).f(qe((new re).jb((new z).k(['For input string: "','"'])),(new z).k([a])));return b<<24>>24});og||(og=(new pg).b());a.xr=Sf(b,c,og);b=C(function(a){return+a<<16>>16});c=C(function(a){a=(new wc).f(a);qg||(qg=(new rg).b());a=a.Ma;var b=lg(mg(),a,10);if(-32768>b||32767<b)throw(new ng).f(qe((new re).jb((new z).k(['For input string: "',
+'"'])),(new z).k([a])));return b<<16>>16});tg||(tg=(new ug).b());a.Cu=Sf(b,c,tg);b=C(function(a){return+a|0});c=C(function(a){a=(new wc).f(a);return lg(mg(),a.Ma,10)});vg||(vg=(new wg).b());a.Lr=Sf(b,c,vg);a.Tm=hg(C(function(a){a=(new wc).f(a);return xg(yg(),a.Ma,10)}));b=C(function(a){return ta(+a)});c=C(function(a){a=(new wc).f(a).Ma;return ta(zg(Ag(),a))});Bg||(Bg=(new Cg).b());a.Gr=Sf(b,c,Bg);b=C(function(a){return+a});c=C(function(a){a=(new wc).f(a);return zg(Ag(),a.Ma)});Dg||(Dg=(new Eg).b());
+a.Ar=Sf(b,c,Dg);Jf().li;a.rk=(new $f).Nf(C(function(a){return function(b){var c=Fg().sk;if(null===c?null===b:c.fa(b))return Gg(a.ii).h("inf");c=Fg().zk;if(null===c?null===b:c.fa(b))return Gg(a.ii).h("-inf");if(b===Fg().Bk)return Gg(a.ii).h("undef");b=b.$q();return Gg(a.Tm).h(b)}}(a)));Jf().li;b=Gg(a.rk);a.Kr=(new $f).Nf(b);Jf().yg;a.Rm=(new Mf).Ge((new Hg).Id(a));Jf().li;b=Gg(a.rk);a.Fr=(new $f).Nf(b);Jf().yg;a.Qm=(new Mf).Ge((new Ig).Id(a));Jf().yg;b=Ae();c=Ne(a.Qm);b=b.we("DurationString",c.sf(Ne(a.Rm)));
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+F(l,(new z).k([$b(q,b)]))]))))};$g.prototype.Lb=function(a){return this.qf(a)};$g.prototype.main=function(a){return this.Lb(a)};$g.prototype.a=new u({du:0},!1,"webpage.Inputs$",w,{du:1,c:1});var ah=void 0;p.webpage=p.webpage||{};p.webpage.Inputs=function(){ah||(ah=(new $g).b());return ah};function bh(){}bh.prototype=new v;
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+e));e=tb();,e.ka);e=jc().Ne;return D(F(a,(new z).k([hc(new ic,f,c,e)])))}function jh(a,b,c){return 0===(1&c.i)?a.wi(b,c):b.i}hh.prototype.wi=function(a,b){if(0===(1&b.i)){var c=E().Og,e=E().Sh,f=E().wc,e=sc(new tc,e,"text",f),f=E().Zi,h=E().wc;a.i=D(F(c,(new z).k([e,sc(new tc,f,"Type here!",h)])));b.i|=1}return a.i};hh.prototype.Lb=function(a){return this.qf(a)};hh.prototype.main=function(a){return this.Lb(a)};hh.prototype.a=new u({fu:0},!1,"webpage.Search1$",w,{fu:1,c:1});var lh=void 0;
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+0,hf=-273.15+ +ca.main.temp_max|0,ca=ka(ca.main.humidity),ra=(new wc).f(ra),Ob=(new A).v(ra.Pe(0,b.length|0),ra.Pe(b.length|0,;if(null!==Ob),Ob=Ob.wa;else throw(new H).o(Ob);var Ec=ra,Da=Ob,ra=Bh(Ch(),a,c),Ob=E().Tb,Ad=E().td,Hb=E().ij;E();var Ec=(new G).f(Ec),lk=E().Nk,mk=E().Vd,sa=F(Ad,(new z).k([F(Hb,(new z).k([Ec,N(new O,lk,"yellow",mk)])),(E(),(new G).f(Da)),(E(),(new G).f(", ")),(E(),(new G).f(sa))])),Da=E().Se,pa=F(E().Ic,(new z).k([F(E().td,(new z).k([(E(),(new G).f("Weather "))])),
+(E(),(new G).f(pa))])),Ad=E().Ic,Hb=F(E().td,(new z).k([(E(),(new G).f("Temp "))]));E();Wa=(new G).f(""+Wa);E();Ec=(new G).f(" - ");E();ra.appendChild(D(F(Ob,(new z).k([sa,F(Da,(new z).k([pa,F(Ad,(new z).k([Hb,Wa,Ec,(new G).f(""+hf)])),F(E().Ic,(new z).k([F(E().td,(new z).k([(E(),(new G).f("Humidity "))])),(E(),(new G).f(ca)),(E(),(new G).f("%"))]))]))]))));f=1+f|0}}else Bh(Ch(),a,c).innerHTML="No Results"}}(e,b,f));e=Rc().Nd;Sc(c,b,e)}
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+f&&(-65345+f|0)<(-10+c|0)?-65303+f|0:-1)&&a.Jg(b),e=1+e|0;else break}c=+n.parseInt(b,c);return c!==c||2147483647<c||-2147483648>c?a.Jg(b):c|0}}}function Ph(a,b,c){return b<<c|b>>>(-c|0)|0}function Qh(a,b){var c=b-(1431655765&b>>1)|0,c=(858993459&c)+(858993459&c>>2)|0;return y(16843009,252645135&(c+(c>>4)|0))>>24}function Rh(a,b){var c=b,c=c|c>>>1|0,c=c|c>>>2|0,c=c|c>>>4|0,c=c|c>>>8|0;return 32-Qh(0,c|c>>>16|0)|0}function Sh(a,b){return Qh(0,-1+(b&(-b|0))|0)}
+Oh.prototype.a=new u({ny:0},!1,"java.lang.Integer$",w,{ny:1,c:1});var Th=void 0;function mg(){Th||(Th=(new Oh).b());return Th}function Uh(){this.ji=null;this.xk=Id();this.wk=Id();this.hi=0}Uh.prototype=new v;
+function xg(a,b,c){if(null===b)throw(new ya).b();if(""===b)a.Jg(b);else{if(45===(65535&(b.charCodeAt(0)|0)))return Vh(xg(a,b.substring(1),c));try{var e=b,f=Id();for(;;)if(0<(e.length|0)){var h=e.substring(0,9),l=f,q=c,r=h.length|0,B=1;b:{var M;for(;;)if(0===r){M=B;break b}else if(0===r%2)var aa=y(q,q),ca=r/2|0,q=aa,r=ca;else var ca=-1+r|0,ra=y(B,q),r=ca,B=ra}var sa=Wh(l,(new U).xa(M)),pa=lg(mg(),h,c),Wa=(new U).xa(pa),hf=e.substring(9),Ob=Xh(sa,Wa),e=hf,f=Ob}else return f}catch(Ec){if(Yh(Ec))a.Jg(b);
+else throw Ec;}}}Uh.prototype.Jg=function(a){throw(new ng).f(qe((new re).jb((new z).k(['For input string: "','"'])),(new z).k([a])));};Uh.prototype.a=new u({sy:0},!1,"java.lang.Long$",w,{sy:1,c:1});var Zh=void 0;function yg(){Zh||(Zh=(new Uh).b());return Zh}function $h(){}$h.prototype=new v;function ai(){}ai.prototype=$h.prototype;function bi(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.He||"number"===typeof a)}var ci=new u({He:0},!1,"java.lang.Number",w,{He:1,c:1},bi);$h.prototype.a=ci;
+function rg(){this.ji=null;this.hi=0}rg.prototype=new v;rg.prototype.a=new u({vy:0},!1,"java.lang.Short$",w,{vy:1,c:1});var qg=void 0;function di(){}di.prototype=new v;
+di.prototype.b=function(){ei=this;this.rp=fi(!1);!0);this.Bx=null;this.ix=n.performance?{return function(){}}(this):n.performance.webkitNow?function(){return function(){return+n.performance.webkitNow()}}(this):function(){return function(){return+(new n.Date).getTime()}}(this):function(){return function(){return+(new n.Date).getTime()}}(this);return this};di.prototype.a=new u({xy:0},!1,"java.lang.System$",w,{xy:1,c:1});var ei=void 0;
+function gi(){ei||(ei=(new di).b());return ei}function hi(){this.un=null}hi.prototype=new v;hi.prototype.b=function(){ii=this;this.un=new ji;return this};hi.prototype.a=new u({zy:0},!1,"java.lang.Thread$",w,{zy:1,c:1});var ii=void 0;function ki(){this.Na=this.Dj=null}ki.prototype=new v;function li(){}li.prototype=ki.prototype;ki.prototype.b=function(){this.Dj=!1;return this};ki.prototype.La=function(){this.Dj||Vd(this,this.Go());return this.Na};function Vd(a,b){a.Na=b;a.Dj=!0}ki.prototype.Go=k(null);
+var mi=new u({Al:0},!1,"java.lang.ThreadLocal",w,{Al:1,c:1});ki.prototype.a=mi;function ni(){this.Wg=null}ni.prototype=new v;function oi(){}oi.prototype=ni.prototype;ni.prototype.o=function(a){this.Wg=a;return this};var vi=new u({Bl:0},!1,"java.lang.ref.Reference",w,{Bl:1,c:1});ni.prototype.a=vi;function wi(){}wi.prototype=new v;wi.prototype.a=new u({By:0},!1,"java.lang.reflect.Array$",w,{By:1,c:1});var xi=void 0;function yi(){}yi.prototype=new v;
+function zi(a,b){for(var c=0;c!==b.d.length;)b.d[c]=0,c=1+c|0}yi.prototype.a=new u({Cy:0},!1,"java.util.Arrays$",w,{Cy:1,c:1});var Ai=void 0;function Bi(){Ai||(Ai=(new yi).b());return Ai}function Ci(){this.Mo=this.Lo=this.Ko=this.No=null}Ci.prototype=new v;
+Ci.prototype.b=function(){Di=this;this.No=Ei(new Fi,new n.RegExp("^[^\\x25]+"));this.Ko=Ei(new Fi,new n.RegExp("^\\x25{2}"));this.Lo=Ei(new Fi,new n.RegExp("^\\x25n"));this.Mo=Ei(new Fi,new n.RegExp("^\\x25(?:([1-9]\\d*)\\$)?([-#+ 0,\\(\x3c]*)(\\d*)(?:\\.(\\d+))?([A-Za-z])"));return this};Ci.prototype.a=new u({Fy:0},!1,"java.util.Formatter$",w,{Fy:1,c:1});var Di=void 0;function Gi(){Di||(Di=(new Ci).b());return Di}function Fi(){this.Xg=null}Fi.prototype=new v;
+function Hi(a,b){return yd(zd(),a.Xg.exec(b))}function Ei(a,b){a.Xg=b;return a}Fi.prototype.a=new u({Gy:0},!1,"java.util.Formatter$RegExpExtractor",w,{Gy:1,c:1});function Ii(){}Ii.prototype=new v;function Ji(){}Ji.prototype=Ii.prototype;var Ki=new u({Lp:0},!1,"scala.DeprecatedConsole",w,{Lp:1,c:1});Ii.prototype.a=Ki;function Li(){}Li.prototype=new v;function Mi(){}Mi.prototype=Li.prototype;var Ni=new u({Mp:0},!1,"scala.FallbackArrayBuilding",w,{Mp:1,c:1});Li.prototype.a=Ni;
+function Oi(a){return C(function(a){return function(c){if(null!==c)return Bc(a,,c.wa);throw(new H).o(c);}}(a))}function Pi(){this.Rk=null}Pi.prototype=new v;function Qi(){}Qi.prototype=Pi.prototype;Pi.prototype.b=function(){this.Rk=Ri();return this};Pi.prototype.Ik=function(a){var b=this.Rk,c=Si().$,a)?(new Bd).o(b[a]):wd();if(Sd(c))return c.zc;if(wd()===c)return c=(new Ti).f(a),b[a]=c;throw(new H).o(c);};var Ui=new u({Op:0},!1,"scala.JSUniquenessCache",w,{Op:1,c:1});Pi.prototype.a=Ui;
+function Vi(){}Vi.prototype=new v;function Wi(){}Wi.prototype=Vi.prototype;var Xi=new u({Pp:0},!1,"scala.LowPriorityImplicits",w,{Pp:1,c:1});Vi.prototype.a=Xi;function Yi(){this.Zk=this.SD=this.Xj=null}Yi.prototype=new v;Yi.prototype.b=function(){Zi=this;this.Xj=(new $i).b();this.SD=C(function(){return k(!1)}(this));this.Zk=(new aj).b();return this};Yi.prototype.a=new u({VB:0},!1,"scala.PartialFunction$",w,{VB:1,c:1});var Zi=void 0;function bj(){Zi||(Zi=(new Yi).b());return Zi}
+function cj(a,b,c){return a.Ha(b)?a.h(b):c.h(b)}function dj(){}dj.prototype=new v;dj.prototype.a=new u({cC:0},!1,"scala.Predef$any2stringadd$",w,{cC:1,c:1});var ej=void 0;function fj(a,b){return null!==b&&(b===a||b===a.hj()||Ba(b,a.hj()))}function gj(){this.Bi=null}gj.prototype=new v;gj.prototype.b=function(){hj=this;this.Bi=(new ki).b();return this};gj.prototype.a=new u({kC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.BlockContext$",w,{kC:1,c:1});var hj=void 0;function ij(){hj||(hj=(new gj).b());return hj}
+function jj(){this.tH=null}jj.prototype=new v;jj.prototype.b=function(){kj=this;var a=[(new A).v(t(Ta),t(wa)),(new A).v(t(Va),t(na)),(new A).v(t(Ua),t(lj)),(new A).v(t(Xa),t(oa)),(new A).v(t(Ya),t(qa)),(new A).v(t(Za),t(Aa)),(new A).v(t($a),t(ua)),(new A).v(t(ab),t(va)),(new A).v(t(Sa),t(xa))],b=mj(new nj,ph());for(var c=0,e=a.length|0;c<e;)oj(b,a[c]),c=1+c|0;this.tH=b.Ua;return this};
+function Qc(a,b,c){var e=Rc().Nd;b=b.Ec(pj(c.Pc(b)),Fc(function(a,b){return function(c,e){return qj(c,C(function(a,b,c){return function(e){return rj(c,C(function(a,b){return function(a){return}}(a,e)),b)}}(a,b,e)),b)}}(a,e)));return rj(b,C(function(){return function(a){return a.oa()}}(a)),e)}function pj(a){sj||(sj=(new tj).b());a=(new uj).o(a);var b=new vj;b.l=(new Bd).o(wj(xj(),a));return b.Cj()}jj.prototype.a=new u({oC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.Future$",w,{oC:1,c:1});var kj=void 0;
+function Ib(){kj||(kj=(new jj).b());return kj}function qj(a,b,c){var e=(new mc).b();a.Je(C(function(a,b,c){return function(e){if(yj(e))return od(b,e);if(zj(e)){e=e.zf;try{var r=c.h(e);Aj(r)?Bj(r,Cj(b)):r.Je(C(function(a,b){return function(a){return od(b,a)}}(a,b)),Dj())}catch(B){r=Ej(J(),B);if(null!==r){e=Fj(Gj(),r);if(!e.m())return r=e.La(),od(b,pd(new qd,r));throw I(J(),r);}throw B;}}else throw(new H).o(e);}}(a,e,b)),c);return e}
+function Sc(a,b,c){a.Je(C(function(a,b){return function(a){a.A(b)}}(a,b)),c)}function rj(a,b,c){var e=(new mc).b();a.Je(C(function(a,b,c){return function(a){a=a.ep(c);return od(b,a)}}(a,e,b)),c);return e}function Eh(a,b,c){return rj(a,C(function(a,b){return function(a){if(b.h(a))return a;throw(new V).f("Future.filter predicate is not satisfied");}}(a,b)),c)}function rh(a,b,c){a.Je(C(function(a,b){return function(a){if(zj(a)){a=a.zf;var c=jc();return b.cb(a,c.Ne)}}}(a,b)),c)}function tj(){}
+tj.prototype=new v;tj.prototype.a=new u({sC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.Promise$",w,{sC:1,c:1});var sj=void 0;function pc(a,b){var c=(new uj).o(b);return od(a,c)}function od(a,b){if(a.kk(b))return a;throw(new Hj).f("Promise already completed.");}function Ij(){this.Fa=null}Ij.prototype=new v;function Jj(){}Jj.prototype=Ij.prototype;function Kj(a,b,c){return a.Fa===b?(a.Fa=c,!0):!1}var Lj=new u({Xp:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.impl.AbstractPromise",w,{Xp:1,c:1});Ij.prototype.a=Lj;function Kb(){}
+Kb.prototype=new v;function Lb(a,b){var c=(new Mj).Fj(a);b.xj(c)}Kb.prototype.a=new u({yC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.impl.Future$",w,{yC:1,c:1});var Jb=void 0;function Nj(){}Nj.prototype=new v;
+function wj(a,b){return yj(b)?b.Ib&&b.Ib.a&&b.Ib.a.y.eL?(new uj).o(b.Ib.Uh()):b.Ib&&b.Ib.a&&b.Ib.a.y.cq?pd(new qd,(new Oj).hd("Boxed ControlThrowable",b.Ib)):b.Ib&&b.Ib.a&&b.Ib.a.y.oy?pd(new qd,(new Oj).hd("Boxed InterruptedException",b.Ib)):b.Ib&&b.Ib.a&&b.Ib.a.y.Hj?pd(new qd,(new Oj).hd("Boxed Error",b.Ib)):pd(new qd,b.Ib):b}Nj.prototype.a=new u({BC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$",w,{BC:1,c:1});var Pj=void 0;function xj(){Pj||(Pj=(new Nj).b());return Pj}function Qj(){}Qj.prototype=new v;
+Qj.prototype.a=new u({NC:0},!1,"scala.math.Ordered$",w,{NC:1,c:1});var Rj=void 0;function Sj(){;this.Mb=0}Sj.prototype=new v;
+Sj.prototype.b=function(){Tj=this; Uj).b();Vj||(Vj=(new Wj).b());this.Lu=Vj;this.Nr=Xj();this.Bu=tb();this.Jr=Ke();this.Or=Yj();;;Zj||(Zj=(new ak).b());this.qr=Zj;bk||(bk=(new ck).b());;dk||(dk=(new ek).b());this.rr=dk;this.Du=fk();gk||(gk=(new hk).b());;this.Nu=Je();ik||(ik=(new jk).b());this.Eu=ik;this.yu=kk();nk||(nk=(new ok).b());this.Dr=nk;pk||(pk=(new qk).b());this.Hr=pk;rk||(rk=(new sk).b());this.Mr=rk;tk||(tk=(new uk).b());;
+Rj||(Rj=(new Qj).b());this.wu=Rj;vk||(vk=(new wk).b());this.xu=vk;xk||(xk=(new yk).b());this.Cr=xk;zk||(zk=(new Ak).b());this.hs=zk;Bk||(Bk=(new Ck).b());this.Au=Bk;return this};Sj.prototype.a=new u({SC:0},!1,"scala.package$",w,{SC:1,c:1});var Tj=void 0;function Dk(a){a=a.lh.Wg;if(null===a)throw(new V).b();return a}function Ek(){}Ek.prototype=new v;
+Ek.prototype.b=function(){Fk=this;this.Xe=Gk().Xe;this.ff=Gk().ff;this.Ye=Gk().Ye;;;;this.Ze=Gk().Ze;this.We=Gk().We;;;this.df=Gk().df;;this.Cf=Gk().Cf;this.Df=Gk().Df;return this};Ek.prototype.a=new u({WC:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ClassManifestFactory$",w,{WC:1,c:1});var Fk=void 0;function Hk(a,b){return b.Zd.isArrayClass?qe((new re).jb((new z).k(["Array[","]"])),(new z).k([Hk(a,Ik(W(),b))])):lb(b)}
+function Jk(){}Jk.prototype=new v;
+Jk.prototype.b=function(){Kk=this;this.Xe=(new Lk).b();this.ff=(new Mk).b();this.Ye=(new Nk).b(); Ok).b(); Pk).b(); Qk).b();this.Ze=(new Rk).b();this.We=(new Sk).b(); Tk).b();this.Zj=t(w);;this.hq=t(Vk); Wk).b(); Xk).b(); Yk).b();this.Df=(new Zk).b();this.Cf=(new $k).b();return this};Jk.prototype.a=new u({ZC:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$",w,{ZC:1,c:1});var Kk=void 0;
+function Gk(){Kk||(Kk=(new Jk).b());return Kk}function al(){this.Ac=this.Om=null}al.prototype=new v;al.prototype.b=function(){bl=this;Fk||(Fk=(new Ek).b());this.Om=Fk;this.Ac=Gk();return this};al.prototype.a=new u({oD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.package$",w,{oD:1,c:1});var bl=void 0;function cl(){bl||(bl=(new al).b());return bl}function dl(){}dl.prototype=new v;dl.prototype.a=new u({pD:0},!1,"scala.sys.package$",w,{pD:1,c:1});var el=void 0;function vd(){}vd.prototype=new v;
+vd.prototype.r=function(){return"DynamicVariable("+this.qd.La()+")"};vd.prototype.o=function(a){;a=new fl;if(null===this)throw I(J(),null);a.Gm=this;;this.qd=a;return this};vd.prototype.a=new u({qD:0},!1,"scala.util.DynamicVariable",w,{qD:1,c:1});function yk(){}yk.prototype=new v;yk.prototype.a=new u({sD:0},!1,"scala.util.Either$",w,{sD:1,c:1});var xk=void 0;function hl(){}hl.prototype=new v;function il(){}il.prototype=hl.prototype;
+function jl(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Wj)}var kl=new u({Wj:0},!1,"scala.util.Try",w,{Wj:1,c:1});hl.prototype.a=kl;function ll(){}ll.prototype=new v;function ml(a,b){try{return(new uj).o(b.Ed())}catch(c){var e=Ej(J(),c);if(null!==e){var f=Fj(Gj(),e);if(!f.m())return e=f.La(),pd(new qd,e);throw I(J(),e);}throw c;}}ll.prototype.a=new u({wD:0},!1,"scala.util.Try$",w,{wD:1,c:1});var nl=void 0;function ol(){nl||(nl=(new ll).b());return nl}function pl(){this.UD=null}pl.prototype=new v;
+pl.prototype.b=function(){this.UD=(new ql).b();return this};pl.prototype.a=new u({yD:0},!1,"scala.util.control.Breaks",w,{yD:1,c:1});function rl(){}rl.prototype=new v;function sl(a,b){return!(b&&b.a&&b.a.y.YJ||b&&b.a&&b.a.y.XJ||b&&b.a&&b.a.y.oy||b&&b.a&&b.a.y.WJ||b&&b.a&&b.a.y.cq)}function Fj(a,b){return sl(0,b)?(new Bd).o(b):wd()}rl.prototype.a=new u({AD:0},!1,"scala.util.control.NonFatal$",w,{AD:1,c:1});var tl=void 0;function Gj(){tl||(tl=(new rl).b());return tl}function ul(){}ul.prototype=new v;
+function vl(){}vl.prototype=ul.prototype;ul.prototype.Jj=function(a,b){var c;c=y(-862048943,b);c=Ph(mg(),c,15);c=y(461845907,c);return a^c};ul.prototype.zd=function(a,b){var c=this.Jj(a,b),c=Ph(mg(),c,13);return-430675100+y(5,c)|0};
+function wl(a,b,c){var e=(new Ab).xa(0),f=(new Ab).xa(0),h=(new Ab).xa(0),l=(new Ab).xa(1);b.A(C(function(a,b,c,e,f){return function(a){a=xl(W(),a);b.i=b.i+a|0;c.i^=a;0!==a&&(f.i=y(f.i,a));e.i=1+e.i|0}}(a,e,f,h,l)));b=a.zd(c,e.i);b=a.zd(b,f.i);b=a.Jj(b,l.i);return a.Kg(b,h.i)}function yl(a){var b=zl(),c=a.eb();if(0===c)return,Ea(Fa(),a);for(var e=-889275714,f=0;f<c;)e=b.zd(e,xl(W(),a.fb(f))),f=1+f|0;return b.Kg(e,c)}
+ul.prototype.Kg=function(a,b){var c=a^b,c=y(-2048144789,c^(c>>>16|0)),c=c^(c>>>13|0),c=y(-1028477387,c);return c^=c>>>16|0};function Al(a,b,c){var e=(new Ab).xa(0);c=(new Ab).xa(c);b.A(C(function(a,b,c){return function(e){c.i=a.zd(c.i,xl(W(),e));b.i=1+b.i|0}}(a,e,c)));return a.Kg(c.i,e.i)}var Bl=new u({dq:0},!1,"scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3",w,{dq:1,c:1});ul.prototype.a=Bl;function Cl(){}Cl.prototype=new v;
+function Dl(a,b){var c=y(-1640532531,b);mg();return y(-1640532531,c<<24|16711680&c<<8|65280&(c>>>8|0)|c>>>24|0)}Cl.prototype.a=new u({CD:0},!1,"scala.util.hashing.package$",w,{CD:1,c:1});var El=void 0;function Fl(){El||(El=(new Cl).b());return El}function ek(){}ek.prototype=new v;ek.prototype.a=new u({ED:0},!1,"scala.collection.$colon$plus$",w,{ED:1,c:1});var dk=void 0;function ck(){}ck.prototype=new v;ck.prototype.a=new u({FD:0},!1,"scala.collection.$plus$colon$",w,{FD:1,c:1});var bk=void 0;
+function Gl(a,b){var c=mj(new nj,a.lf()),e=Hl(a,C(function(a,b){return function(a){return!S(T(),b,}}(a,b)),!1);ef(c,e);return c.Ua}function Il(a,b){return 0<=b&&b<}function Jl(a,b){var c;if(b&&b.a&&b.a.y.Kc){if(!(c=a===b)&&(c=a.z()===b.z()))try{c=a.xm(b)}catch(e){if(e&&e.a&&e.a.y.hy)c=!1;else throw e;}}else c=!1;return c}function Kl(a,b){return 0<,1,,,b):Ml(a,b)}
+function Nl(a,b,c){b=0<b?b:0;c=0<c?c:0;var;c=c<e?c:e;var e=c-b|0,f=0<e?e:0,e=a.ha();for(e.vb(f);b<c;),b=1+b|0;return e.oa()}function Ll(a,b,c,e,f){for(;;){if(b===c)return e;var h=1+b|0;e=Bc(f,e,;b=h}}function Ol(a,b,c,e){var f=0,h=c,;e=l<e?l:e;c=Pl(W(),b)-c|0;for(c=e<c?e:c;f<c;)Ql(W(),b,h,,f=1+f|0,h=1+h|0}function Rl(a,b){var c=b.Pc(,;c.vb(e);for(var f=0;f<e;) A).v(,f)),f=1+f|0;return c.oa()}
+function Sl(a,b){if(b&&b.a&&{var;if({for(var e=0;e<c&&S(T(),,;)e=1+e|0;return e===c}return!1}return Tl(a,b)}function Ul(a,b){for(var c=0,;c<e;)b.h(,c=1+c|0}function Vl(a){var b=a.ha();b.vb(;for(var;0<c;)c=-1+c|0,;return b.oa()}function Wl(a){return Xl(a)?Yl(a):a.Pe(1,}function Xl(a){return}function Zl(a){return Xl(a)?$l(new am,a,}
+function bm(a,b){var c=a.ha(),e=-(0>b?0:b)|0;cm(a)&&c.vb(a.z()+e|0);for(var e=0,;e<b&&;)f.ia(),e=1+e|0;return c.hb(f).oa()}function dm(a,b,c){c=c.Pc(;;for(;;) A).v(a.ia(),b.ia()));return c.oa()}function Tl(a,b){for(var,;;)if(!S(T(),c.ia(),e.ia()))return!1;return!!}
+function fd(a,b){var c=b.Pc(,e=(new Ab).xa(0);a.A(C(function(a,b,c){return function(a){ A).v(a,c.i));c.i=1+c.i|0}}(a,c,e)));return c.oa()}function em(){this.Dc=null}em.prototype=new v;em.prototype.b=function(){fm=this;this.Dc=(new gm).b();return this};em.prototype.a=new u({LD:0},!1,"scala.collection.Iterator$",w,{LD:1,c:1});var fm=void 0;function Yj(){fm||(fm=(new em).b());return fm}
+function hm(a){if({var b=a.ia();return im(new jm,b,Rb(function(a){return function(){return a.kc()}}(a)))}fk();return km()}function lm(a){return("non-empty":"empty")+" iterator"}function mm(a,b){for(;;)b.h(a.ia())}function nm(a,b){for(var c=!0;c&&;)c=!!b.h(a.ia());return c}function om(a,b,c){for(;!a.m();)b=Bc(c,b,a.x()),a=a.u();return b}
+function pm(a,b){var c;if(0>b)c=1;else a:{c=a;var e=0;for(;;){if(e===b){c=c.m()?0:1;break a}if(c.m()){c=-1;break a}e=1+e|0;c=c.u()}c=void 0}return c}function qm(a,b){var c=a.Yk(b);if(0>b||c.m())throw(new X).f(""+b);return c.x()}function rm(a){for(var b=0;!a.m();)b=1+b|0,a=a.u();return b}function tf(a){if(a.m())throw(new V).b();for(var b=a.u();!b.m();)a=b,b=b.u();return a.x()}
+function sm(a,b){if(b&&b.a&&b.a.y.Me){if(a===b)return!0;for(var c=a,e=b;!c.m()&&!e.m()&&S(T(),c.x(),e.x());)c=c.u(),e=e.u();return c.m()&&e.m()}return Tl(a,b)}function tm(a,b){for(var c=a,e=b;!c.m()&&0<e;)c=c.u(),e=-1+e|0;return c}function um(a,b){if(a.m())throw(new vm).f("empty.reduceLeft");return a.u().Ec(a.x(),b)}function wm(a,b){var c=(new cc).o(a);a.A(C(function(a,b,c){return function(a){c.h(a)&&(b.i=b.i.Wd(}}(a,c,b)));return c.i}
+function xm(a,b,c,e,f){var;a=(new ym).Qi(h,C(function(){return function(a){if(null!==a){var;a=a.wa;ej||(ej=(new dj).b());return""+(""+zm(Fa(),b)+" -\x3e ")+a}throw(new H).o(a);}}(a)));return Am(a,b,c,e,f)}function Ug(a){var b=(new Bm).xa(a.z());a=a.Aa();Cm(b,a);return b}function Dm(a){throw(new V).f("key not found: "+a);}
+function Em(a){var b=K(),c=(new cc).o(b);a.A(C(function(a,b){return function(a){b.i=Td(new Ud,a,b.i)}}(a,c)));b=a.ha();cm(a)&&b.vb(a.z());for(a=c.i;!a.m();)c=a.x(),,a=a.u();return b.oa()}function Fm(a,b){if(0>b)return 1;for(var c=0,;;){if(c===b)return;e.ia();c=1+c|0}return c-b|0}function Gm(a,b){return b.Aa().pg(a,Fc(function(){return function(a,b){return a.Xd(b)}}(a)))}function sf(a,b){var c=b.Ff();cm(a)&&c.vb(a.z());c.hb(;return c.oa()}
+function Hm(a){return a.Ug(a.Ud()+"(",", ",")")}function Im(a,b,c){c=c.Pc(;a.A(C(function(a,b,c){return function(a){return b.hb(c.h(a).Aa())}}(a,c,b)));return c.oa()}function Qd(a,b,c){c=qf(a,c);a.A(C(function(a,b,c){return function(a){return}}(a,c,b)));return c.oa()}function Hl(a,b,c){var e=a.ha();a.A(C(function(a,b,c,e){return function(a){return!!b.h(a)!==c? 0}}(a,b,c,e)));return e.oa()}function Yl(a){if(a.m())throw(new vm).f("empty.tail");return a.fd(1)}
+function qf(a,b){var c=b.Pc(;cm(a)&&c.vb(a.z());return c}function Jm(a){a=lb(la(;var b;Fa();b=a;var c=Km(46);b=b.lastIndexOf(c)|0;-1!==b&&(a=a.substring(1+b|0));b=Lm(Fa(),a,36);-1!==b&&(a=a.substring(0,b));return a}function Mm(a,b){var c=a.ha(),e=a.ha();a.A(C(function(a,b,c,e){return function(a){return(e.h(a)?b:c).za(a)}}(a,c,e,b)));return(new A).v(c.oa(),e.oa())}
+function Pm(a,b){var c=(new Qm).b();a.A(C(function(a,b,c){return function(e){var r=c.h(e),B=b.Fc(r);if(Sd(B))r=B.zc;else if(wd()===B)B=a.ha(),,B),r=B;else throw(new H).o(B);return}}(a,c,b)));var e=mj(new nj,ph());(new wf).Pf(c,C(function(){return function(a){return null!==a}}(a))).A(C(function(a,b){return function(a){if(null!==a)return A).v(,a.wa.oa()));throw(new H).o(a);}}(a,e)));return e.Ua}
+function Rm(a,b){if(a.m())throw(new vm).f("empty.min");return a.Uc(Fc(function(a,b){return function(a,c){return b.Tg(a,c)?a:c}}(a,b)))}function Sm(a,b){var c=b.Ff();c.hb(a.Aa());return c.oa()}function Tm(a,b){var c=mj(new nj,ph());a.A(C(function(a,b){return function(a){return}}(a,c,b)));return c.Ua}function Am(a,b,c,e,f){var h=id(!0);Um(b,c);a.A(C(function(a,b,c,e){return function(a){if(b.i)Vm(c,a),b.i=!1;else return Um(c,e),Vm(c,a)}}(a,h,b,e)));Um(b,f);return b}
+function Ml(a,b){if(a.m())throw(new vm).f("empty.reduceLeft");var c=id(!0),e=(new cc).o(0);a.A(C(function(a,b,c,e){return function(a){b.i?(c.i=a,b.i=!1):c.i=Bc(e,c.i,a)}}(a,c,e,b)));return e.i}function Wm(a,b,c){b=(new cc).o(b);a.A(C(function(a,b,c){return function(a){b.i=Bc(c,b.i,a)}}(a,b,c)));return b.i}function Xm(a,b){if(a.m())throw(new vm).f("empty.max");return a.Uc(Fc(function(a,b){return function(a,c){return b.Mg(a,c)?a:c}}(a,b)))}
+function Ym(a,b,c,e){return a.hf((new Zm).b(),b,c,e).ad.Gb}function $m(a){var b=(new Ab).xa(0);a.A(C(function(a,b){return function(){b.i=1+b.i|0}}(a,b)));return b.i}function an(){}an.prototype=new v;function bn(){}bn.prototype=an.prototype;an.prototype.ha=function(){return mj(new nj,};var cn=new u({ej:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.GenMapFactory",w,{ej:1,c:1});an.prototype.a=cn;function dn(){}dn.prototype=new v;function en(){}en.prototype=dn.prototype;
+function sb(a,b){if(b.m())return a.kf();var c=a.ha();c.hb(b);return c.oa()}dn.prototype.kf=function(){return this.ha().oa()};var fn=new u({Xa:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.GenericCompanion",w,{Xa:1,c:1});dn.prototype.a=fn;function gn(a,b){var c=a.ib().ha();a.Aa().A(C(function(a,b,c){return function(a){return b.hb(c.h(a).Aa())}}(a,c,b)));return c.oa()}function hn(a,b){a:b:for(;;){if(!b.m()){a.Sb(b.x());b=b.u();continue b}break a}}
+function ef(a,b){b&&b.a&&b.a.y.Me?hn(a,b):b.A(C(function(a){return function(b){return a.Sb(b)}}(a)));return a}function jn(a,b){var c=mj(new nj,ph());ef(c,a);oj(c,(new A).v(,b.wa));return c.Ua}function kn(a,b){var c=mj(new nj,ph());(new wf).Pf(a,C(function(a,b){return function(a){return!S(T(),,b)}}(a,b))).A(C(function(a,b){return function(a){return}}(a,c)));return c.Ua}function ln(){}ln.prototype=new v;function mn(){}mn.prototype=ln.prototype;
+var nn=new u({fm:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$Merger",w,{fm:1,c:1});ln.prototype.a=nn;function hk(){}hk.prototype=new v;hk.prototype.a=new u({NE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Stream$$hash$colon$colon$",w,{NE:1,c:1});var gk=void 0;function on(){this.qd=null}on.prototype=new v;on.prototype.Fj=function(a){this.qd=a;return this};function pn(a,b){return im(new jm,b,a.qd)}function qn(a,b){return rn(b,a.qd)}
+on.prototype.a=new u({PE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Stream$ConsWrapper",w,{PE:1,c:1});function sn(){;this.Mb=!1}sn.prototype=new v;function tn(a,b,c){;if(null===b)throw I(J(),null);a.G=b;return a}function un(a){a.Mb||(,a.Mb=!0);;return a.Na}sn.prototype.a=new u({UE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.StreamIterator$LazyCell",w,{UE:1,c:1});function xc(a,b){var c=a.r(),e="\\Q"+(new ig).rb(b)+"\\E";return vn(Fa(),c,e)}
+function wn(a,b,c){b=0<b?b:0;var,e=c<e?c:e;if(b>=e)return a.ha().oa();c=a.ha();a=a.r().substring(b,e);return c.hb((new wc).f(a)).oa()}function xn(){}xn.prototype=new v;,b){return b&&b.a&&b.a.y.yq?a===(null===b?null:b.Ma):!1};function yn(a,b,c,e){a=0>c?0:c;return e<=a||a>=(b.length|0)?"":b.substring(a,e>(b.length|0)?b.length|0:e)}xn.prototype.a=new u({VE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.StringOps$",w,{VE:1,c:1});var zn=void 0;
+function An(){zn||(zn=(new xn).b());return zn}function Bn(a,b,c){if(32>c)return a.mb().d[31&b];if(1024>c)return a.P().d[31&b>>5].d[31&b];if(32768>c)return a.ea().d[31&b>>10].d[31&b>>5].d[31&b];if(1048576>c)return a.ra().d[31&b>>15].d[31&b>>10].d[31&b>>5].d[31&b];if(33554432>c)return a.Pa().d[31&b>>20].d[31&b>>15].d[31&b>>10].d[31&b>>5].d[31&b];if(1073741824>c)return a.Bc().d[31&b>>25].d[31&b>>20].d[31&b>>15].d[31&b>>10].d[31&b>>5].d[31&b];throw(new pe).b();}
+function Cn(a,b){var c=-1+a.zb()|0;switch(c){case 5:a.If(Y(a.Bc()));a.Zb(Y(a.Pa()));a.db(Y(a.ra()));a.Ba(Y(a.ea()));;a.Bc().d[31&b>>25]=a.Pa();a.Pa().d[31&b>>20]=a.ra();a.ra().d[31&b>>15]=a.ea();a.ea().d[31&b>>10]=a.P();a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb();break;case 4:a.Zb(Y(a.Pa()));a.db(Y(a.ra()));a.Ba(Y(a.ea()));;a.Pa().d[31&b>>20]=a.ra();a.ra().d[31&b>>15]=a.ea();a.ea().d[31&b>>10]=a.P();a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb();break;case 3:a.db(Y(a.ra()));a.Ba(Y(a.ea()));;a.ra().d[31&
+b>>15]=a.ea();a.ea().d[31&b>>10]=a.P();a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb();break;case 2:a.Ba(Y(a.ea()));;a.ea().d[31&b>>10]=a.P();a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb();break;case;a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb();break;case 0:break;default:throw(new H).o(c);}}function Dn(a,b){var c=a.d[b];a.d[b]=null;return Y(c)}
+function En(a,b,c){a.Fd(c);c=-1+c|0;switch(c){case -1:break;case 0:a.Ca(b.mb());break;case;a.Ca(b.mb());break;case 2:a.Ba(b.ea());;a.Ca(b.mb());break;case 3:a.db(b.ra());a.Ba(b.ea());;a.Ca(b.mb());break;case 4:a.Zb(b.Pa());a.db(b.ra());a.Ba(b.ea());;a.Ca(b.mb());break;case 5:a.If(b.Bc());a.Zb(b.Pa());a.db(b.ra());a.Ba(b.ea());;a.Ca(b.mb());break;default:throw(new H).o(c);}}
+function Fn(a,b,c){if(32<=c)if(1024>c)a.Ca(a.P().d[31&b>>5]);else if(32768>c)[31&b>>10]),a.Ca(a.P().d[31&b>>5]);else if(1048576>c)a.Ba(a.ra().d[31&b>>15]),[31&b>>10]),a.Ca(a.P().d[31&b>>5]);else if(33554432>c)a.db(a.Pa().d[31&b>>20]),a.Ba(a.ra().d[31&b>>15]),[31&b>>10]),a.Ca(a.P().d[31&b>>5]);else if(1073741824>c)a.Zb(a.Bc().d[31&b>>25]),a.db(a.Pa().d[31&b>>20]),a.Ba(a.ra().d[31&b>>15]),[31&b>>10]),a.Ca(a.P().d[31&b>>5]);else throw(new pe).b();}
+function Y(a){null===a&&Gn("NULL");var b=s(x(w),[a.d.length]);Ja(a,0,b,0,a.d.length);return b}function Hn(a,b){var c=s(x(w),[32]);Ja(a,0,c,b,32-(0<b?b:0)|0);return c}
+function In(a,b,c,e){if(32<=e)if(1024>e)1===a.zb()&&(,[32])),a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb(),a.Fd(1+a.zb()|0)),a.Ca(s(x(w),[32]));else if(32768>e)2===a.zb()&&(a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),a.ea().d[31&b>>10]=a.P(),a.Fd(1+a.zb()|0)),[31&c>>10]),null===a.P()&&,[32])),a.Ca(s(x(w),[32]));else if(1048576>e)3===a.zb()&&(a.db(s(x(w),[32])),a.ra().d[31&b>>15]=a.ea(),a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),,[32])),a.Fd(1+a.zb()|0)),a.Ba(a.ra().d[31&c>>15]),null===a.ea()&&a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),[31&
+c>>10]),null===a.P()&&,[32])),a.Ca(s(x(w),[32]));else if(33554432>e)4===a.zb()&&(a.Zb(s(x(w),[32])),a.Pa().d[31&b>>20]=a.ra(),a.db(s(x(w),[32])),a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),,[32])),a.Fd(1+a.zb()|0)),a.db(a.Pa().d[31&c>>20]),null===a.ra()&&a.db(s(x(w),[32])),a.Ba(a.ra().d[31&c>>15]),null===a.ea()&&a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),[31&c>>10]),null===a.P()&&,[32])),a.Ca(s(x(w),[32]));else if(1073741824>e)5===a.zb()&&(a.If(s(x(w),[32])),a.Bc().d[31&b>>25]=a.Pa(),a.Zb(s(x(w),[32])),
+a.db(s(x(w),[32])),a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),,[32])),a.Fd(1+a.zb()|0)),a.Zb(a.Bc().d[31&c>>20]),null===a.Pa()&&a.Zb(s(x(w),[32])),a.db(a.Pa().d[31&c>>20]),null===a.ra()&&a.db(s(x(w),[32])),a.Ba(a.ra().d[31&c>>15]),null===a.ea()&&a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),[31&c>>10]),null===a.P()&&,[32])),a.Ca(s(x(w),[32]));else throw(new pe).b();}function Jn(){}Jn.prototype=new v;Jn.prototype.ha=function(){var a=(new Zm).b();return Kn(new Ln,a,C(function(){return function(a){return(new Mn).f(a)}}(this)))};
+Jn.prototype.a=new u({bF:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.WrappedString$",w,{bF:1,c:1});var Nn=void 0;function On(){}On.prototype=new v;On.prototype.a=new u({eF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$ofRef$",w,{eF:1,c:1});var Pn=void 0;function Qn(a,b,c){cm(c)&&(c=c.z(),a.vb(b<c?b:c))}function Rn(){}Rn.prototype=new v;
+Rn.prototype.Vi=function(a,b){if(!(500>a))throw(new Sn).o("assertion failed: loadFactor too large; must be \x3c 0.5");return Tn(Un(Wh((new U).xa(b),(new U).xa(a)),(new U).j(1E3,0,0)))};Rn.prototype.a=new u({iF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.FlatHashTable$",w,{iF:1,c:1});var Vn=void 0;function Wn(){Vn||(Vn=(new Rn).b());return Vn}function Xn(){}Xn.prototype=new v;Xn.prototype.r=k("NullSentinel");Xn.prototype.ja=k(0);
+Xn.prototype.a=new u({kF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.FlatHashTable$NullSentinel$",w,{kF:1,c:1});var Yn=void 0;function Zn(){Yn||(Yn=(new Xn).b());return Yn}function $n(a,b){for(var c=null===b?Zn():b,e=Ca(c),e=ao(a,e),f=a.ya.d[e];null!==f&&!S(T(),f,c);)e=(1+e|0)%a.ya.d.length,f=a.ya.d[e];return f}
+function bo(a,b){for(var c=Ca(b),c=ao(a,c),e=a.ya.d[c];null!==e;){if(S(T(),e,b))return;c=(1+c|0)%a.ya.d.length;e=a.ya.d[c]}a.ya.d[c]=b;a.xc=1+a.xc|0;null!==a.jc&&(c>>=5,e=a.jc,e.d[c]=1+e.d[c]|0);if(a.xc>=a.yf)for(c=a.ya,a.ya=s(x(w),[y(2,a.ya.d.length)]),a.xc=0,null!==a.jc&&(e=1+(a.ya.d.length>>5)|0,a.jc.d.length!==e?a.jc=s(x(Ya),[e]):zi(Bi(),a.jc)),a.hg=Qh(mg(),-1+a.ya.d.length|0),a.yf=Wn().Vi(a.Ve,a.ya.d.length),e=0;e<c.d.length;){var f=c.d[e];null!==f&&bo(a,f);e=1+e|0}}
+function ao(a,b){var c=a.hg,e=Dl(Fl(),b),c=c%32,f=-1+a.ya.d.length|0;return((e>>>c|0|e<<(32-c|0))>>>(32-Qh(mg(),f)|0)|0)&f}function co(){}co.prototype=new v;function eo(){fo();return go(0,16)}co.prototype.Vi=function(a,b){return Tn(Un(Wh((new U).xa(b),(new U).xa(a)),(new U).j(1E3,0,0)))};function go(a,b){var c=-1+b|0,c=c|c>>>1|0,c=c|c>>>2|0,c=c|c>>>4|0,c=c|c>>>8|0;return 1+(c|c>>>16|0)|0}co.prototype.a=new u({pF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.HashTable$",w,{pF:1,c:1});var ho=void 0;
+function fo(){ho||(ho=(new co).b());return ho}function io(a){for(var b=-1+a.ya.d.length|0;null===a.ya.d[b]&&0<b;)b=-1+b|0;return b}function jo(a,b){var c=xl(W(),b);return ko(a,b,lo(a,c))}function ko(a,b,c){for(a=a.ya.d[c];;)if(null!==a?(c=a.Tf,c=!S(T(),c,b)):c=!1,c)a=a.Kd;else break;return a}function mo(a,b){if(null!==a.jc){var c=a.jc,e=b>>5;c.d[e]=1+c.d[e]|0}}function no(a,b){if(null!==a.jc){var c=a.jc,e=b>>5;c.d[e]=-1+c.d[e]|0}}
+function lo(a,b){var c=-1+a.ya.d.length|0,e=a.hg,f=Dl(Fl(),b),e=e%32;return(f>>>e|0|f<<(32-e|0))>>(32-Qh(mg(),c)|0)&c}
+function oo(a,b,c){var e=xl(W(),b),e=lo(a,e),f=ko(a,b,e);if(null!==f)a=f;else{b=(new po).v(b,c);b.Kd=a.ya.d[e];a.ya.d[e]=b;a.xc=1+a.xc|0;mo(a,e);if(a.xc>a.yf){b=y(2,a.ya.d.length);c=a.ya;a.ya=s(x(nb),[b]);null!==a.jc&&(e=1+(a.ya.d.length>>5)|0,a.jc.d.length!==e?a.jc=s(x(Ya),[e]):zi(Bi(),a.jc));for(e=-1+c.d.length|0;0<=e;){for(f=c.d[e];null!==f;){var h=f.Tf,h=xl(W(),h),h=lo(a,h),l=f.Kd;f.Kd=a.ya.d[h];a.ya.d[h]=f;f=l;mo(a,h)}e=-1+e|0}a.yf=fo().Vi(a.Ve,b)}a=null}return a}
+function qo(a,b){var c=ro(a,b);if( c.vh;throw(new X).f(""+b);}function so(a){if(a.m())throw(new pe).f("requirement failed: tail of empty list");return a.kd}function ro(a,b){for(var c=0,e=a;;)if(c<b&&e.kd!==e)e=e.kd,c=1+c|0;else break;return e}function to(a){if(a.kd===a)throw(new V).b();return a.vh}
+function uo(a,b){var c=(new U).xa(a.q.d.length);if(vo((new U).xa(b),c)){for(c=Wh((new U).j(2,0,0),c);vo((new U).xa(b),c);)c=Wh((new U).j(2,0,0),c);vo(c,(new U).j(4194303,511,0))&&(c=(new U).j(4194303,511,0));c=s(x(w),[Tn(c)]);Ja(a.q,0,c,0,a.ub);a.q=c}}function wo(a,b){if(b>=a.ub)throw(new X).f(""+b);return a.q.d[b]}function xo(){this.Pm=null}xo.prototype=new v;xo.prototype.b=function(){yo=this;this.Pm=zc(new Ac,s(x(w),[0]));return this};
+function Rf(a,b){if(null===b)return null;if(mb(b,1))return zc(new Ac,b);if(fb(b,1)){var c=new zo;c.q=b;return c}if(ib(b,1))return c=new Ao,c.q=b,c;if(gb(b,1))return c=new Bo,c.q=b,c;if(hb(b,1))return c=new Co,c.q=b,c;if(cb(b,1))return c=new Do,c.q=b,c;if(db(b,1))return c=new Eo,c.q=b,c;if(eb(b,1))return c=new Fo,c.q=b,c;if(bb(b,1))return c=new Go,c.q=b,c;if(Ho(b))return c=new Io,c.q=b,c;throw(new H).o(b);}xo.prototype.a=new u({HF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$",w,{HF:1,c:1});
+var yo=void 0;function yc(){yo||(yo=(new xo).b());return yo}function Jo(){this.Ih=this.Nd=null}Jo.prototype=new v;Jo.prototype.b=function(){Ko=this;Lo||(Lo=(new Mo).b());this.Nd=Lo;No||(No=(new Oo).b());this.Ih=No;return this};Jo.prototype.a=new u({dG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.concurrent.JSExecutionContext$",w,{dG:1,c:1});var Ko=void 0;function Po(){Ko||(Ko=(new Jo).b());return Ko}function Qo(){this.Ih=this.Nd=null}Qo.prototype=new v;Qo.prototype.b=function(){Ro=this;this.Nd=Po().Nd;this.Ih=Po().Ih;return this};
+Qo.prototype.a=new u({eG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.concurrent.JSExecutionContext$Implicits$",w,{eG:1,c:1});var Ro=void 0;function Rc(){Ro||(Ro=(new Qo).b());return Ro}function So(){}So.prototype=new v;function Ri(){To||(To=(new So).b());return{}}So.prototype.a=new u({hG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.js.Dictionary$",w,{hG:1,c:1});var To=void 0;function Uo(){this.$g=null}Uo.prototype=new v;Uo.prototype.b=function(){Vo=this;this.$g=n.Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;return this};
+Uo.prototype.a=new u({kG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.js.WrappedDictionary$Cache$",w,{kG:1,c:1});var Vo=void 0;function Si(){Vo||(Vo=(new Uo).b());return Vo}function Wo(){this.Ag=!1;this.po=this.Rw=this.Gj=this.ti=null;this.Kk=!1;this.cp=this.Ao=0}Wo.prototype=new v;
+Wo.prototype.b=function(){Xo=this;this.ti=(this.Ag=!!(n.ArrayBuffer&&n.Int32Array&&n.Float32Array&&n.Float64Array))?new n.ArrayBuffer(8):null;this.Gj=this.Ag?new n.Int32Array(this.ti,0,2):null;this.Rw=this.Ag?new n.Float32Array(this.ti,0,2):null;this.po=this.Ag?new n.Float64Array(this.ti,0,1):null;if(this.Ag)this.Gj[0]=16909060,a=1===((new n.Int8Array(this.ti,0,8))[0]|0);else var a=!0;this.Ao=(this.Kk=a)?0:1;this.cp=this.Kk?1:0;return this};
+function Ga(a,b){var c=b|0;if(c===b&&-Infinity!==1/b)return c;if(a.Ag)a.po[0]=b,c=Yo(Zo((new U).xa(a.Gj[a.Ao]|0),32),$o((new U).j(4194303,1023,0),(new U).xa(a.Gj[a.cp]|0)));else{if(b!==b)var c=!1,e=2047,f=+n.Math.pow(2,51);else if(Infinity===b||-Infinity===b)c=0>b,e=2047,f=0;else if(0===b)c=-Infinity===1/b,f=e=0;else{var h=(c=0>b)?-b:b;if(h>=+n.Math.pow(2,-1022)){var e=+n.Math.pow(2,52),f=+n.Math.log(h)/0.6931471805599453,f=+n.Math.floor(f)|0,f=1023>f?f:1023,l=h/+n.Math.pow(2,f)*e,h=+n.Math.floor(l),
+l=l-h,h=0.5>l?h:0.5<l?1+h:0!==h%2?1+h:h;2<=h/e&&(f=1+f|0,h=1);1023<f?(f=2047,h=0):(f=1023+f|0,h-=e);e=f;f=h}else e=h/+n.Math.pow(2,-1074),f=+n.Math.floor(e),h=e-f,e=0,f=0.5>h?f:0.5<h?1+f:0!==f%2?1+f:f}f=+ +f;h=f|0;c=Yo(Zo((new U).xa((c?-2147483648:0)|(e|0)<<20|f/4294967296|0),32),$o((new U).j(4194303,1023,0),(new U).xa(h)))}return Tn(ap(c,bp(c,32)))}Wo.prototype.a=new u({pG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.runtime.Bits$",w,{pG:1,c:1});var Xo=void 0;function Ha(){Xo||(Xo=(new Wo).b());return Xo}
+function cp(){}cp.prototype=new v;
+function vn(a,b,c){if(null===b)throw(new ya).b();c=(dp(),(new ep).Oi(c,0));a=[];b=ka(b);c=fp(new gp,c,b,b.length|0);for(var e=0;2147483646>(a.length|0)&&hp(c);){var f=ip(c).index|0;a.push(b.substring(e,f));e=jp(c)}a.push(b.substring(e));if(0===e&&2===(a.length|0))a=Ee(Fe(),(new z).k([b]),Ge(Ie(),t(ma)));else{for(b=a.length|0;;){if(1<b){c=a[-1+b|0];if(null===c)throw(new ya).b();c=""===c}else c=!1;if(c)b=-1+b|0;else break}b=s(x(ma),[b]);for(var f=Pl(W(),b),e=c=0,h=a.length|0,f=h<f?h:f,h=Pl(W(),b),f=
+f<h?f:h;c<f;)Ql(W(),b,e,a[c]),c=1+c|0,e=1+e|0;a=b}return a}function zm(a,b){return null===b?"null":ka(b)}function Lm(a,b,c){a=Km(c);return b.indexOf(a)|0}function Km(a){if(0===(-65536&a)){var b=n.String,c=b.fromCharCode;a=[a];a=[].concat(a);return c.apply(b,a)}if(0>a||1114111<a)throw(new pe).b();a=-65536+a|0;b=n.String;c=b.fromCharCode;a=[55296|a>>10,56320|1023&a];a=[].concat(a);return c.apply(b,a)}
+function Ea(a,b){for(var c=0,e=1,f=-1+(b.length|0)|0;0<=f;)c=c+y(65535&(b.charCodeAt(f)|0),e)|0,e=y(31,e),f=-1+f|0;return c}cp.prototype.a=new u({rG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.runtime.RuntimeString$",w,{rG:1,c:1});var kp=void 0;function Fa(){kp||(kp=(new cp).b());return kp}function lp(){this.VJ=!1;this.$v=this.Ln=this.hw=null;this.Mb=!1}lp.prototype=new v;
+lp.prototype.b=function(){mp=this;for(var a={O:"java_lang_Object",T:"java_lang_String",V:"scala_Unit",Z:"scala_Boolean",C:"scala_Char",B:"scala_Byte",S:"scala_Short",I:"scala_Int",J:"scala_Long",F:"scala_Float",D:"scala_Double"},b=0;22>=b;)2<=b&&(a["T"+b]="scala_Tuple"+b),a["F"+b]="scala_Function"+b,b=1+b|0;this.hw=a;this.Ln={sjsr_:"scala_scalajs_runtime_",sjs_:"scala_scalajs_",sci_:"scala_collection_immutable_",scm_:"scala_collection_mutable_",scg_:"scala_collection_generic_",sc_:"scala_collection_",
+sr_:"scala_runtime_",s_:"scala_",jl_:"java_lang_",ju_:"java_util_"};this.$v=n.Object.keys(this.Ln);return this};lp.prototype.a=new u({sG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.runtime.StackTrace$",w,{sG:1,c:1});var mp=void 0;function np(){mp||(mp=(new lp).b());return mp}function op(){}op.prototype=new v;function I(a,b){return pp(b)?b.Jf:b}function Ej(a,b){return b&&b.a&&b.a.y.nb?b:(new qp).o(b)}op.prototype.a=new u({tG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.runtime.package$",w,{tG:1,c:1});var rp=void 0;
+function J(){rp||(rp=(new op).b());return rp}function Ho(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&1===a.a.ui&&}var xa=new u({Tq:0},!1,"scala.runtime.BoxedUnit",w,{Tq:1,c:1},function(a){return void 0===a});function sp(){}sp.prototype=new v;
+function S(a,b,c){return b===c?!0:bi(b)?bi(c)?tp(b,c):up(c)?"number"===typeof b?+b===c.l:za(b)?vp(Ma(b),(new U).xa(c.l)):null===b?null===c:Ba(b,c):null===b?null===c:Ba(b,c):up(b)?up(c)?b.l===c.l:bi(c)?"number"===typeof c?+c===b.l:za(c)?vp(Ma(c),(new U).xa(b.l)):null===c?null===b:Ba(c,b):null===b&&null===c:null===b?null===c:Ba(b,c)}
+function tp(a,b){if("number"===typeof a){var c=+a;if("number"===typeof b)return c===+b;if(za(b)){var e=Ma(b);return c===wp(e)}return xp(b)?b.fa(c):!1}return za(a)?(c=Ma(a),za(b)?(e=Ma(b),vp(c,e)):"number"===typeof b?(e=+b,wp(c)===e):xp(b)?b.fa(c):!1):null===a?null===b:Ba(a,b)}function yp(a,b){return null===b?0:b.l}sp.prototype.a=new u({zG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime$",w,{zG:1,c:1});var zp=void 0;function T(){zp||(zp=(new sp).b());return zp}
+var Vk=new u({DG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.Null$",w,{DG:1,c:1});function Ap(){}Ap.prototype=new v;function Pl(a,b){if(mb(b,1)||fb(b,1)||ib(b,1)||gb(b,1)||hb(b,1)||cb(b,1)||db(b,1)||eb(b,1)||bb(b,1)||Ho(b))return b.d.length;if(null===b)throw(new ya).b();throw(new H).o(b);}
+function xl(a,b){var c;if(null===b)c=0;else if(bi(b))if(T(),La(b))c=b|0;else if(za(b))c=Tn(Ma(b)),c=vp((new U).xa(c),Ma(b))?c:Tn(ap(Ma(b),bp(Ma(b),32)));else if("number"===typeof b){var e=+b|0;c=+b;e===c?c=e:(e=Bp(Na(),+b),c=wp(e)===c?Tn(ap(e,bp(e,32))):Ga(Ha(),+b))}else c=Ca(b);else c=Ca(b);return c}
+function Ql(a,b,c,e){if(mb(b,1))b.d[c]=e;else if(fb(b,1))b.d[c]=e|0;else if(ib(b,1))b.d[c]=+e;else if(gb(b,1))b.d[c]=Ma(e);else if(hb(b,1))b.d[c]=ta(e);else if(cb(b,1))b.d[c]=yp(T(),e);else if(db(b,1))b.d[c]=e|0;else if(eb(b,1))b.d[c]=e|0;else if(bb(b,1))b.d[c]=!!e;else if(Ho(b))b.d[c]=e;else{if(null===b)throw(new ya).b();throw(new H).o(b);}}
+function Ik(a,b){if(b&&b.a&&b.a.y.To)return b.Zd.getComponentType();if(b&&b.a&&b.a.y.bc)return b.ld();throw(new vm).f(qe((new re).jb((new z).k(["unsupported schematic "," (",")"])),(new z).k([b,la(b)])));}function Cp(a,b){var c=b.kb(),"(";return Ym(c,e,",",")")}Ap.prototype.a=new u({FG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime$",w,{FG:1,c:1});var Dp=void 0;function W(){Dp||(Dp=(new Ap).b());return Dp}function Ep(){}Ep.prototype=new v;
+Ep.prototype.Jj=function(a,b){var c;c=y(-862048943,b);c=Ph(mg(),c,15);c=y(461845907,c);return a^c};function Fp(a,b){if(null===b)return 0;if(za(b)){var c=Ma(b);return Tn(c)}return"number"===typeof b?+b|0:b!==b||ta(b)===b?ta(b)|0:Ca(b)}Ep.prototype.zd=function(a,b){var c=this.Jj(a,b),c=Ph(mg(),c,13);return-430675100+y(5,c)|0};Ep.prototype.Kg=function(a,b){var c=a^b,c=y(-2048144789,c^(c>>>16|0)),c=c^(c>>>13|0),c=y(-1028477387,c);return c^=c>>>16|0};
+Ep.prototype.a=new u({HG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.Statics$",w,{HG:1,c:1});var Gp=void 0;function Hp(){Gp||(Gp=(new Ep).b());return Gp}function Ip(){;this.Bp=null;this.bp=Id()}Ip.prototype=new Jd;Ip.prototype.a=new u({ps:0},!1,"rx.core.Dynamic$State",Kd,{ps:1,Wm:1,c:1});function Jp(){}Jp.prototype=new v;
+function Rd(a){a:b:for(;;){if(0!==a.z()){var b=a,c=C(function(a){return a.wa.Rg()}),e=Fd(),e=Gd(e),b=Ma(Qd(b,c,e).Xf(Kp()));a=Mm(a,C(function(a){return function(b){return vp(b.wa.Rg(),a)}}(b)));if(null!==a),a=a.wa;else throw(new H).o(a);b=Pm(b,C(function(a){return a.wa}));c=(new Lp).b();b=Mp(new Np,b,c);c=(new Op).b();e=Pp().ka;a=Qd(b,c,e).oo(jc().Ne).sd().Hm(a);continue b}break a}}Jp.prototype.a=new u({ts:0},!1,"rx.core.Propagator$Immediate$",w,{ts:1,c:1,jI:1});var Qp=void 0;
+function Rp(){Qp||(Qp=(new Jp).b());return Qp}function Sp(){}Sp.prototype=new v;Sp.prototype.zn=function(a,b,c){this.Fk(a,b,c)};Sp.prototype.Fk=function(a,b,c){a.setAttribute(b.oc,ka(c))};Sp.prototype.a=new u({Ds:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$GenericAttr",w,{Ds:1,c:1,Ns:1});function je(){this.Sc=null}je.prototype=new v;,b){return N(new O,a,b,this.Sc)};{this.Sc=a;return this};
+je.prototype.a=new u({Es:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$GenericPixelStyle",w,{Es:1,c:1,Ss:1});function Tp(){this.Sc=null}Tp.prototype=new v;,b){var c=new O,e;ej||(ej=(new dj).b());e=""+zm(Fa(),b)+"px";return N(c,a,e,this.Sc)};{this.Sc=a;return this};Tp.prototype.a=new u({Fs:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$GenericPixelStylePx",w,{Fs:1,c:1,Ss:1});function L(){}L.prototype=new v;L.prototype.a=new u({Gs:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$GenericStyle",w,{Gs:1,c:1,DI:1});
+function We(){this.eo=null}We.prototype=new v;function Ve(a,b){a.eo=b;return a}We.prototype.zn=function(a,b,c){this.Fk(a,b,c)};We.prototype.Fk=function(a,b,c){a[b.oc]=this.eo.h(c)};We.prototype.a=new u({Ls:0},!1,"scalatags.LowPriorityImplicits$$anon$1",w,{Ls:1,c:1,Ns:1});function fe(){}fe.prototype=new v;"");fe.prototype.a=new u({Qs:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Namespace$$anon$1",w,{Qs:1,c:1,Os:1});function ge(){}ge.prototype=new v;"");
+ge.prototype.a=new u({Rs:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Namespace$$anon$2",w,{Rs:1,c:1,Os:1});function Be(){this.qk=null}Be.prototype=new v;Be.prototype.Wl=g("qk");Be.prototype.Ge=function(a){this.qk=a;return this};Be.prototype.a=new u({Qt:0},!1,"upickle.Knot$R",w,{Qt:1,c:1,pn:1});function Mf(){this.Lm=null}Mf.prototype=new v;Mf.prototype.Wl=g("Lm");Mf.prototype.Ge=function(a){this.Lm=a;return this};Mf.prototype.a=new u({Ut:0},!1,"upickle.Reader$$anon$3",w,{Ut:1,c:1,pn:1});function $f(){}
+$f.prototype=new v;$f.prototype.Nf=function(a){;return this};$"mr");$f.prototype.a=new u({Zt:0},!1,"upickle.Writer$$anon$2",w,{Zt:1,c:1,Xt:1});var wa=new u({dy:0},!1,"java.lang.Boolean",w,{dy:1,c:1,nc:1},function(a){return"boolean"===typeof a});function ig(){this.l=0}ig.prototype=new v;ig.prototype.fa=function(a){return up(a)?this.l===a.l:!1};ig.prototype.r=function(){return n.String.fromCharCode(this.l)};ig.prototype.rb=function(a){this.l=a;return this};
+ig.prototype.ja=g("l");function up(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.So)}var lj=new u({So:0},!1,"java.lang.Character",w,{So:1,c:1,nc:1});ig.prototype.a=lj;function gl(){}gl.prototype=new li;function Up(){}Up.prototype=gl.prototype;var Vp=new u({Vo:0},!1,"java.lang.InheritableThreadLocal",mi,{Vo:1,Al:1,c:1});gl.prototype.a=Vp;function ji(){}ji.prototype=new v;ji.prototype.uf=da();ji.prototype.a=new u({yy:0},!1,"java.lang.Thread",w,{yy:1,c:1,zl:1});function Wp(){this.fL=this.uh=this.Fb=null}
+Wp.prototype=new v;function Xp(){}m=Xp.prototype=Wp.prototype;m.b=function(){,null,null);return this};m.Bj=function(){var a=np(),b;a:try{b=a.undef()}catch(c){a=Ej(J(),c);if(null!==a){if(pp(a)){b=a.Jf;break a}throw I(J(),a);}throw c;}this.stackdata=b;return this};m.Mi=g("Fb");m.r=function(){var a=lb(la(this)),b=this.Mi();return null===b?a:a+": "+b};m.hd=function(a,b){this.Fb=a;this.uh=b;this.Bj();return this};var Yp=new u({nb:0},!1,"java.lang.Throwable",w,{nb:1,c:1,e:1});
+Wp.prototype.a=Yp;function Zp(){this.Wg=null}Zp.prototype=new oi;function $p(){}$p.prototype=Zp.prototype;Zp.prototype.Hx=function(a){,a);return this};var aq=new u({Xo:0},!1,"java.lang.ref.WeakReference",vi,{Xo:1,Bl:1,c:1});Zp.prototype.a=aq;function bq(){this.gk=Id();this.iK=0;this.xo=!1}bq.prototype=new v;bq.prototype.b=function(){,cq());return this};
+bq.prototype.rl=function(a){this.xo=!1;this.gk=$o((new U).j(4194303,4194303,15),ap((new U).j(2942573,6011,0),a));this.xo=!1;return this};function cd(a,b){if(0>=b)throw(new pe).f("n must be positive");var c;if((b&(-b|0))===b)c=Tn(dq(Wh((new U).xa(b),(new U).xa(eq(a))),31));else a:{for(;;){c=eq(a);var e=c%b;if(!(0>((c-e|0)+(-1+b|0)|0))){c=e;break a}}c=void 0}return c}
+function eq(a){a.gk=$o((new U).j(4194303,4194303,15),Xh((new U).j(11,0,0),Wh((new U).j(2942573,6011,0),a.gk)));return Tn(bp(a.gk,17))}bq.prototype.a=new u({Ly:0},!1,"java.util.Random",w,{Ly:1,c:1,e:1});function fq(){this.ur=0;this.Jm=null}fq.prototype=new v;function gq(){}gq.prototype=fq.prototype;fq.prototype.r=g("Jm");,b){this.ur=a;this.Jm=b;return this};var hq=new u({Sf:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit",w,{Sf:1,c:1,e:1});fq.prototype.a=hq;
+function gp(){;this.Gp=this.Hp=0;this.Ie=this.wl=this.Xg=null;!1;this.yn=0}gp.prototype=new v;function hp(a){if({a.Fl=!0;a.Ie=a.Xg.exec(a.wl);if(null!==a.Ie){var b=a.Ie[0];if(void 0===b)throw(new V).f("undefined.get");if(null===b)throw(new ya).b();""===b&&(b=a.Xg,b.lastIndex=1+(b.lastIndex|0)|0)}else!1;return null!==a.Ie}return!1}function ip(a){if(null===a.Ie)throw(new Hj).f("No match available");return a.Ie}
+function iq(a){jq(a);hp(a);null===a.Ie||0===(ip(a).index|0)&&jp(a)===(a.wl.length|0)||jq(a);return null!==a.Ie}function jp(a){var b=ip(a).index|0;a=ip(a)[0];if(void 0===a)throw(new V).f("undefined.get");return b+(a.length|0)|0}function fp(a,b,c,e){;a.Ho=c;a.Hp=0;a.Gp=e;a.Xg=new n.RegExp(,;a.wl=ka(Ia(a.Ho,a.Hp,a.Gp));a.Ie=null;a.Fl=!1;!0;a.yn=0;return a}function jq(a){a.Xg.lastIndex=0;a.Ie=null;a.Fl=!1;!0;a.yn=0}
+gp.prototype.a=new u({Xy:0},!1,"java.util.regex.Matcher",w,{Xy:1,c:1,$J:1});function kq(){}kq.prototype=new v;kq.prototype.Ff=function(){return(new Zm).b()};kq.prototype.Pc=function(){return(new Zm).b()};kq.prototype.a=new u({bC:0},!1,"scala.Predef$$anon$3",w,{bC:1,c:1,Qh:1});function lq(){}lq.prototype=new v;lq.prototype.a=new u({lC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.BlockContext$DefaultBlockContext$",w,{lC:1,c:1,Up:1});var mq=void 0;function Mj(){this.Cp=this.rj=null}Mj.prototype=new v;
+Mj.prototype.Fj=function(a){this.rj=a;this.Cp=(new mc).b();return this};Mj.prototype.uf=function(){var a=this.Cp,b;a:try{b=(new uj).o(this.rj.Ed())}catch(c){b=Ej(J(),c);if(null!==b){var e=Fj(Gj(),b);if(!e.m()){b=e.La();b=pd(new qd,b);break a}throw I(J(),b);}throw c;}od(a,b)};Mj.prototype.a=new u({zC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.impl.Future$PromiseCompletingRunnable",w,{zC:1,c:1,zl:1});function xp(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.MK)}function Uj(){}Uj.prototype=new v;Uj.prototype.r=k("object AnyRef");
+Uj.prototype.a=new u({TC:0},!1,"scala.package$$anon$1",w,{TC:1,c:1,vK:1});function nq(){}nq.prototype=new vl;nq.prototype.b=function(){oq=this;,"Seq");this.dp=Ea(Fa(),"Map");,"Set");return this};function pq(a,b){var c;if(qq(b)){c=0;for(var,f=b;!f.m();){var h=f.x(),f=f.u(),e=a.zd(e,xl(W(),h));c=1+c|0}c=a.Kg(e,c)}else c=Al(a,b,;return c}
+nq.prototype.a=new u({BD:0},!1,"scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3$",Bl,{BD:1,dq:1,c:1});var oq=void 0;function zl(){oq||(oq=(new nq).b());return oq}function wf(){this.G=this.Ld=null}wf.prototype=new v;function rq(){}rq.prototype=wf.prototype;wf.prototype.A=function(a){this.G.A(C(function(a,c){return function(e){return a.Ld.h(e)?c.h(e):void 0}}(this,a)))};,b){var c=b.Pc(;this.G.A(C(function(a,b,c){return function(l){return a.Ld.h(l)? 0}}(this,a,c)));return c.oa()};wf.prototype.Pf=function(a,b){this.Ld=b;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;return this};var sq=new u({fq:0},!1,"scala.collection.TraversableLike$WithFilter",w,{fq:1,c:1,E:1});wf.prototype.a=sq;function tq(){this.G=null}tq.prototype=new v;tq.prototype.Ff=function(){return this.G.ha()};tq.prototype.Pc=function(){return this.G.ha()};
+tq.prototype.a=new u({WD:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.GenMapFactory$MapCanBuildFrom",w,{WD:1,c:1,Qh:1});function uq(){}uq.prototype=new en;function vq(){}vq.prototype=uq.prototype;var wq=new u({eg:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.GenSetFactory",fn,{eg:1,Xa:1,c:1});uq.prototype.a=wq;function xq(){this.rg=null}xq.prototype=new v;xq.prototype.Ff=function(){return this.rg.ha()};xq.prototype.Pc=function(){return this.rg.ha()};
+function Gd(a){var b=new xq;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);b.rg=a;return b}xq.prototype.a=new u({XD:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.GenSetFactory$$anon$1",w,{XD:1,c:1,Qh:1});function yq(){this.ka=null}yq.prototype=new en;function zq(){}zq.prototype=yq.prototype;yq.prototype.b=function(){this.ka=(new Aq).Ri(this);return this};var Bq=new u({Cb:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.GenTraversableFactory",fn,{Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1});yq.prototype.a=Bq;function Cq(){this.G=null}Cq.prototype=new v;function Dq(){}
+Dq.prototype=Cq.prototype;Cq.prototype.Ff=function(){return this.G.ha()};Cq.prototype.Pc=function(a){return a.ib().ha()};Cq.prototype.Ri=function(a){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;return this};var Eq=new u({$j:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.GenTraversableFactory$GenericCanBuildFrom",w,{$j:1,c:1,Qh:1});Cq.prototype.a=Eq;function Fq(){}Fq.prototype=new bn;function Gq(){}Gq.prototype=Fq.prototype;var Hq=new u({ck:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.MapFactory",cn,{ck:1,ej:1,c:1});
+Fq.prototype.a=Hq;function Iq(){this.Ll=this.Zx=null}Iq.prototype=new mn;function Jq(a,b){a.Ll=b;var c=new Kq;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;a.Zx=c;return a}Iq.prototype.Hk=function(a,b){return Bc(this.Ll,a,b)};Iq.prototype.a=new u({aE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$$anon$2",nn,{aE:1,fm:1,c:1});function Kq(){}Kq.prototype=new mn;Kq.prototype.Hk=function(a,b){return Bc(,b,a)};
+Kq.prototype.a=new u({bE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$$anon$2$$anon$3",nn,{bE:1,fm:1,c:1});function Lq(){}Lq.prototype=new v;m=Lq.prototype;m.b=function(){return this};m.h=function(){return this};m.dd=function(){return+this};m.r=k("\x3cfunction1\x3e");m.a=new u({mE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.List$$anon$1",w,{mE:1,c:1,p:1});function Mq(){}Mq.prototype=new v;function Nq(){}Nq.prototype=Mq.prototype;Mq.prototype.qh=function(){return+this.Ed()};Mq.prototype.r=k("\x3cfunction0\x3e");
+Mq.prototype.pi=function(){this.Ed()};var Oq=new u({jg:0},!1,"scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0",w,{jg:1,c:1,$e:1});Mq.prototype.a=Oq;function Pq(){}Pq.prototype=new v;function Qq(){}Qq.prototype=Pq.prototype;Pq.prototype.b=function(){return this};Pq.prototype.dd=function(a){return+this.h(a)};Pq.prototype.r=k("\x3cfunction1\x3e");var Rq=new u({Nc:0},!1,"scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1",w,{Nc:1,c:1,p:1});Pq.prototype.a=Rq;function Sq(){}Sq.prototype=new v;function Tq(){}Tq.prototype=Sq.prototype;
+Sq.prototype.r=k("\x3cfunction2\x3e");var Uq=new u({Sq:0},!1,"scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2",w,{Sq:1,c:1,Er:1});Sq.prototype.a=Uq;function Vq(){this.i=!1}Vq.prototype=new v;Vq.prototype.r=function(){return""+this.i};function id(a){var b=new Vq;b.i=a;return b}Vq.prototype.a=new u({yG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.BooleanRef",w,{yG:1,c:1,e:1});function rb(){this.i=0}rb.prototype=new v;rb.prototype.Fe=function(a){this.i=a;return this};rb.prototype.r=function(){return""+this.i};
+rb.prototype.a=new u({AG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.DoubleRef",w,{AG:1,c:1,e:1});function Ab(){this.i=0}Ab.prototype=new v;Ab.prototype.r=function(){return""+this.i};Ab.prototype.xa=function(a){this.i=a;return this};Ab.prototype.a=new u({BG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.IntRef",w,{BG:1,c:1,e:1});function cc(){this.i=null}cc.prototype=new v;cc.prototype.r=function(){return zm(Fa(),this.i)};cc.prototype.o=function(a){this.i=a;return this};cc.prototype.a=new u({EG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.ObjectRef",w,{EG:1,c:1,e:1});
+function Wq(){this.i=0}Wq.prototype=new v;Wq.prototype.r=function(){return""+this.i};function ch(){var a=new Wq;a.i=0;return a}Wq.prototype.a=new u({IG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.VolatileByteRef",w,{IG:1,c:1,e:1});function Xq(){}Xq.prototype=new v;function Yq(){}Yq.prototype=Xq.prototype;;var Zq=new u({$h:0},!1,"",w,{$h:1,c:1,nh:1,Zh:1});Xq.prototype.a=Zq;function $q(){;this.cj=!1}$q.prototype=new v;
+$q.prototype.Rg=function(){return(new U).j(4194303,4194303,524287)};$q.prototype.Xi=function(){var a=[];if(0===(a.length|0))return ar();var b=br(new cr,ar());for(var c=0,e=a.length|0;c<e;)dr(b,a[c]),c=1+c|0;return b.Ua};function ec(a,b){var c=new $q;;c.Gn=b;c.oc="";c.cj=!0;xd(a,c)}$q.prototype.Sl=function(a){this.Xi().xl(a).m()||this.Gn.pi();return ar()};$q.prototype.a=new u({rs:0},!1,"rx.core.Obs",w,{rs:1,c:1,Ym:1,Xm:1});function ic(){}ic.prototype=new v;
+ic.prototype.ri=function(a){,c){return function(e){a.jq.h(e).Ef(c)}}(this,a)))};ic.prototype.Ef=function(a){this.ri(a)};function hc(a,b,c,e){;a.jq=e;if(null===b)throw I(J(),null);a.G=b;return a}ic.prototype.a=new u({Cs:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$Cap$SeqFrag",w,{Cs:1,c:1,uk:1,oh:1});function er(){}er.prototype=new v;er.prototype.r=k("TypedTag");er.prototype.a=new u({Js:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$TypedTag$",w,{Js:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var fr=void 0;
+function gr(){fr||(fr=(new er).b());return fr}function hr(){this.G=this.uh=null}hr.prototype=new v;hr.prototype.ri=function(a){a.appendChild(this.uh)};hr.prototype.Ef=function(a){this.ri(a)};function $b(a,b){var c=new hr;c.uh=b;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);c.G=a;return c}hr.prototype.a=new u({Ms:0},!1,"scalatags.LowPriorityImplicits$bindNode",w,{Ms:1,c:1,uk:1,oh:1});function Xf(){this.Mm=this.Nm=null}Xf.prototype=new v;function Wf(a,b,c){a.Nm=b;a.Mm=c;return a}Xf.prototype.Wl=g("Mm");"Nm");Xf.prototype.a=new u({St:0},!1,"upickle.ReadWriter$$anon$1",w,{St:1,c:1,Xt:1,pn:1});var na=new u({ey:0},!1,"java.lang.Byte",ci,{ey:1,He:1,c:1,nc:1},function(a){return a<<24>>24===a&&1/a!==1/-0}),va=new u({iy:0},!1,"java.lang.Double",ci,{iy:1,He:1,c:1,nc:1},function(a){return"number"===typeof a});function ir(){}ir.prototype=new Xp;function jr(){}jr.prototype=ir.prototype;ir.prototype.f=function(a){,a,null);return this};
+var kr=new u({Hj:0},!1,"java.lang.Error",Yp,{Hj:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});ir.prototype.a=kr;function nd(){}nd.prototype=new Xp;function lr(){}lr.prototype=nd.prototype;nd.prototype.b=function(){,null,null);return this};nd.prototype.f=function(a){,a,null);return this};var mr=new u({Nb:0},!1,"java.lang.Exception",Yp,{Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});nd.prototype.a=mr;
+var ua=new u({ky:0},!1,"java.lang.Float",ci,{ky:1,He:1,c:1,nc:1},function(a){return a!==a||ta(a)===a}),qa=new u({my:0},!1,"java.lang.Integer",ci,{my:1,He:1,c:1,nc:1},function(a){return La(a)}),Aa=new u({ry:0},!1,"java.lang.Long",ci,{ry:1,He:1,c:1,nc:1},function(a){return za(a)}),oa=new u({uy:0},!1,"java.lang.Short",ci,{uy:1,He:1,c:1,nc:1},function(a){return a<<16>>16===a&&1/a!==1/-0});function nr(){this.Hf=null;!1}nr.prototype=new v;m=nr.prototype;
+m.b=function(){,(new or).b());return this};function pr(a,b,c,e,f,h,l){var q=(b.length|0)+(c.length|0)|0;if(h<=q)b=""+c+b;else{var r=qr("-",f);e=qr("0",f)&&!e;var B="";for(h=h-q|0;0<h;)B=""+B+(e?"0":" "),h=-1+h|0;h=B;if(e&&r)throw(new rr).f(f);b=r?""+c+b+h:e?""+c+h+b:""+h+c+b}Jh();l=Hh(l)===l?b.toUpperCase():b;a.Hf.Ek(l)}m.r=function(){return(};m.Jx=function(a){this.Hf=a;!1;return this};
+function tr(a,b,c,e,f,h){var l=65535&(b.charCodeAt(0)|0);43===l||45===l?pr(a,b.substring(1),""+(new ig).rb(l)+c,!1,e,f,h):pr(a,b,c,!1,e,f,h)}function qr(a,b){return 0<=(b.indexOf(a)|0)}function ur(a,b,c,e,f,h){var l=vr(e).toExponential(b);101===(65535&(l.charCodeAt(-3+(l.length|0)|0)|0))?(b=l.substring(0,-1+(l.length|0)|0),l=65535&(l.charCodeAt(-1+(l.length|0)|0)|0),b=b+"0"+(new ig).rb(l)):b=l;l=vr(e);l!==l?e=!0:(e=vr(e),e=Infinity===e||-Infinity===e);wr(a,b,e,c,f,h)}
+function sr(){throw(new xr).b();}{if(!{var a=this.Hf;a&&a.a&&a.a.y.nh&&}!0};function wr(a,b,c,e,f,h){45!==(65535&(b.charCodeAt(0)|0))?qr("+",e)?pr(a,b,"+",c,e,f,h):qr(" ",e)?pr(a,b," ",c,e,f,h):pr(a,b,"",c,e,f,h):qr("(",e)?pr(a,b.substring(1)+")","(",c,e,f,h):pr(a,b.substring(1),"-",c,e,f,h)}function vr(a){if(bi(a))return"number"===typeof a?a:a.Zn();if(up(a))return yp(T(),a);throw(new H).o(a);}m.a=new u({Ey:0},!1,"java.util.Formatter",w,{Ey:1,c:1,nh:1,Zh:1});
+function yr(){}yr.prototype=new v;function cq(){zr||(zr=(new yr).b());return Yo(Zo((new U).xa(Ar()),32),$o((new U).j(4194303,1023,0),(new U).xa(Ar())))}function Ar(){var a=4294967296*+n.Math.random();return-2147483648+ +n.Math.floor(a)|0}yr.prototype.a=new u({My:0},!1,"java.util.Random$",w,{My:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var zr=void 0;
+function Br(){;this.SH=Id();this.TH=Id();this.UH=Id();this.VH=Id();this.WH=Id();this.XH=Id();this.YH=Id();this.PI=Id()}Br.prototype=new v;Br.prototype.b=function(){Cr=this;this.di=(new Dr).b(); Er).b(); Fr).b(); Gr).b(); Hr).b();this.Yh=(new Ir).b();this.wg=(new Jr).b();this.vr=Ee(Fe(),(new z).k([this.di,,,,,this.Yh,this.wg]),Ge(Ie(),t(hq)));return this};
+function Kr(a,b,c,e){vo(b,e)?b=(new U).j(4194303,4194303,524287):(a=Vh(e),b=vo(a,b)?(new U).j(1,0,524288):Wh(b,c));return b}Br.prototype.a=new u({Oy:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit$",w,{Oy:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var Cr=void 0;function Z(){Cr||(Cr=(new Br).b());return Cr}function Dr(){}Dr.prototype=new gq;m=Dr.prototype;m.b=function(){,0,"NANOSECONDS");return this};m.jh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(481280,14305,0))};{return Un(a,(new U).j(3710976,858306,0))};{return Un(a,(new U).j(1755648,238,0))};m.hh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(1E3,0,0))};m.fh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(983040,3822149,4))};m.ih=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(1E6,0,0))};m.Cg=function(a,b){return};;m.a=new u({Py:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit$$anon$1",hq,{Py:1,Sf:1,c:1,e:1});function Er(){}Er.prototype=new gq;m=Er.prototype;
+m.b=function(){,1,"MICROSECONDS");return this};m.jh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(1279744,14,0))};{return Un(a,(new U).j(1287168,858,0))};{return Un(a,(new U).j(1E6,0,0))};m.hh=ba();m.fh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(1531904,20599,0))};m.ih=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(1E3,0,0))};m.Cg=function(a,b){return b.hh(a)};{return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(1E3,0,0),(new U).j(2315255,1207959,524))};
+m.a=new u({Qy:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit$$anon$2",hq,{Qy:1,Sf:1,c:1,e:1});function Fr(){}Fr.prototype=new gq;m=Fr.prototype;m.b=function(){,2,"MILLISECONDS");return this};m.jh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(6E4,0,0))};{return Un(a,(new U).j(36E5,0,0))};{return Un(a,(new U).j(1E3,0,0))};m.hh=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(1E3,0,0),(new U).j(2315255,1207959,524))};
+m.fh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(2513920,20,0))};m.ih=ba();m.Cg=function(a,b){return b.ih(a)};{return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(1E6,0,0),(new U).j(1071862,2199023,0))};m.a=new u({Ry:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit$$anon$3",hq,{Ry:1,Sf:1,c:1,e:1});function Gr(){}Gr.prototype=new gq;m=Gr.prototype;m.b=function(){,3,"SECONDS");return this};m.jh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(60,0,0))};{return Un(a,(new U).j(3600,0,0))};;m.hh=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(1E6,0,0),(new U).j(1071862,2199023,0))};m.fh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(86400,0,0))};m.ih=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(1E3,0,0),(new U).j(2315255,1207959,524))};m.Cg=function(a,b){return};{return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(1755648,238,0),(new U).j(97540,2199,0))};m.a=new u({Sy:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit$$anon$4",hq,{Sy:1,Sf:1,c:1,e:1});function Hr(){}Hr.prototype=new gq;m=Hr.prototype;
+m.b=function(){,4,"MINUTES");return this};m.jh=ba();{return Un(a,(new U).j(60,0,0))};{return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(60,0,0),(new U).j(2236962,559240,8738))};m.hh=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(1279744,14,0),(new U).j(1625680,36650,0))};m.fh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(1440,0,0))};m.ih=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(6E4,0,0),(new U).j(2485264,3095955,8))};m.Cg=function(a,b){return b.jh(a)};{return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(481280,14305,0),(new U).j(2727923,36,0))};m.a=new u({Ty:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit$$anon$5",hq,{Ty:1,Sf:1,c:1,e:1});function Ir(){}Ir.prototype=new gq;m=Ir.prototype;m.b=function(){,5,"HOURS");return this};m.jh=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(60,0,0),(new U).j(2236962,559240,8738))};;{return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(3600,0,0),(new U).j(876143,2665713,145))};
+m.hh=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(1287168,858,0),(new U).j(3522348,610,0))};m.fh=function(a){return Un(a,(new U).j(24,0,0))};m.ih=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(36E5,0,0),(new U).j(3326959,610839,0))};m.Cg=function(a,b){return};{return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(3710976,858306,0),(new U).j(2562047,0,0))};m.a=new u({Uy:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit$$anon$6",hq,{Uy:1,Sf:1,c:1,e:1});function Jr(){}Jr.prototype=new gq;m=Jr.prototype;
+m.b=function(){,6,"DAYS");return this};m.jh=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(1440,0,0),(new U).j(93206,372827,364))};{return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(24,0,0),(new U).j(1398101,1398101,21845))};{return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(86400,0,0),(new U).j(211268,285834,6))};m.hh=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(1531904,20599,0),(new U).j(1894391,25,0))};m.fh=ba();m.ih=function(a){return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(2513920,20,0),(new U).j(2760063,25451,0))};
+m.Cg=function(a,b){return b.fh(a)};{return Kr(Z(),a,(new U).j(983040,3822149,4),(new U).j(106751,0,0))};m.a=new u({Vy:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit$$anon$7",hq,{Vy:1,Sf:1,c:1,e:1});function Lr(){this.l=null}Lr.prototype=new v;function Mr(){}Mr.prototype=Lr.prototype;function Dd(a,b,c){return b===a.l?(a.l=c,!0):!1}Lr.prototype.r=function(){return zm(Fa(),this.l)};Lr.prototype.o=function(a){this.l=a;return this};
+var Nr=new u({ap:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference",w,{ap:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});Lr.prototype.a=Nr;function ep(){;this.hl=0;this.Zo=this.Em=null;;this.Yo=null}ep.prototype=new v;ep.prototype.r=g("tf");
+ep.prototype.Oi=function(a,b){;this.hl=b;if(0!==(16&b))var c=(new A).v(Or(dp(),a),b);else{var e=dp().Po.exec(a);if(null!==e){e=e[1];if(void 0===e)throw(new V).f("undefined.get");e=(new Bd).o((new A).v(Or(0,e),b))}else e=wd();if(e.m()){var f=dp(),,h=this.hl,f=f.Oo.exec(e);if(null!==f){var l=f[0];if(void 0===l)throw(new V).f("undefined.get");e=e.substring(l.length|0);l=f[1];if(void 0===l)l=h;else{var l=(new wc).f(l),q=0,r=l.Ma.length|0,B=h;a:{var M;for(;;)if(q===r){M=B;break a}else h=
+1+q|0,,B|=0,q=yp(T(),q),B|=Pr(q),q=h}l=M|0}M=f[2];if(void 0===M)c=l;else{M=(new wc).f(M);r=0;f=M.Ma.length|0;h=l;a:for(;;)if(r===f){c=h;break a}else l=1+r|0,,h|=0,r=yp(T(),r),h&=~Pr(r),r=l;c|=0}c=(new Bd).o((new A).v(e,c))}else c=wd()}else c=e;c=c.m()?(new A).v(,this.hl):c.La()}if(null!==c)c=(new A).v(,c.wa|0);else throw(new H).o(c);this.Em=c;;|0;c="g";0!==(2&"i");0!==(8&"m");this.Yo=c;return this};
+ep.prototype.a=new u({Yy:0},!1,"java.util.regex.Pattern",w,{Yy:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});function Qr(){this.sJ=this.ZH=this.rJ=this.bI=this.eI=this.cJ=this.aI=this.$H=this.tJ=0;this.Oo=this.Po=null}Qr.prototype=new v;Qr.prototype.b=function(){Rr=this;this.Po=new n.RegExp("^\\\\Q(.|\\n|\\r)\\\\E$");this.Oo=new n.RegExp("^\\(\\?([idmsuxU]*)(?:-([idmsuxU]*))?\\)");return this};
+function Or(a,b){for(var c="",e=0;e<(b.length|0);){var f=65535&(b.charCodeAt(e)|0);switch(f){case 92:case 46:case 40:case 41:case 91:case 93:case 123:case 125:case 124:case 63:case 42:case 43:case 94:case 36:f="\\"+(new ig).rb(f);break;default:f=(new ig).rb(f)}c=""+c+f;e=1+e|0}return c}
+function Pr(a){switch(a){case 105:return 2;case 100:return 1;case 109:return 8;case 115:return 32;case 117:return 64;case 120:return 4;case 85:return 256;default:throw el||(el=(new dl).b()),I(J(),(new Sr).f("bad in-pattern flag"));}}Qr.prototype.a=new u({Zy:0},!1,"java.util.regex.Pattern$",w,{Zy:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var Rr=void 0;function dp(){Rr||(Rr=(new Qr).b());return Rr}function Tr(){}Tr.prototype=new Ji;
+Tr.prototype.b=function(){Ur=this; vd).o(gi().rp);this.el=(new vd).o(gi().co);this.Cx=(new vd).o(null);return this};Tr.prototype.a=new u({OB:0},!1,"scala.Console$",Ki,{OB:1,Lp:1,c:1,xK:1});var Ur=void 0;function Vr(){Ur||(Ur=(new Tr).b());return Ur}function Wr(){}Wr.prototype=new v;function yd(a,b){return null===b?wd():(new Bd).o(b)}Wr.prototype.a=new u({UB:0},!1,"scala.Option$",w,{UB:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var Xr=void 0;function zd(){Xr||(Xr=(new Wr).b());return Xr}
+function aj(){this.fz=null}aj.prototype=new v;m=aj.prototype;m.b=function(){this.fz=C(function(){return function(){return wd()}}(this));return this};m.h=function(a){throw(new H).o(a);};m.dd=function(a){throw(new H).o(a);};m.r=k("\x3cfunction1\x3e");m.sf=ba();m.Ha=k(!1);m.cb=function(a,b){return cj(this,a,b)};m.a=new u({WB:0},!1,"scala.PartialFunction$$anon$1",w,{WB:1,c:1,H:1,p:1});function Mg(){this.Ii=this.Hi=null}Mg.prototype=new v;m=Mg.prototype;m.h=function(a){return this.Hi.cb(a,this.Ii)};
+m.dd=function(a){return+this.h(a)};m.r=k("\x3cfunction1\x3e");m.sf=function(a){return Lg(new Mg,this.Hi,this.Ii.sf(a))};m.Ha=function(a){return this.Hi.Ha(a)||this.Ii.Ha(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){var c=this.Hi.cb(a,bj().Xj);return bj().Xj===c?this.Ii.cb(a,b):c};function Lg(a,b,c){a.Hi=b;a.Ii=c;return a}m.a=new u({YB:0},!1,"scala.PartialFunction$OrElse",w,{YB:1,c:1,H:1,p:1});function Yr(){}Yr.prototype=new Wi;
+Yr.prototype.b=function(){Zr=this;Tj||(Tj=(new Sj).b());rf();$r||($r=(new as).b());this.pu=$r;;this.zr=cl().Om;this.ou=cl().Ac;bs||(bs=(new cs).b());;this.Fu=(new kq).b();this.Ne=(new ds).b();this.TD=(new es).b();return this};function fs(a,b){if(!b)throw(new pe).f("requirement failed");}Yr.prototype.a=new u({ZB:0},!1,"scala.Predef$",Xi,{ZB:1,Pp:1,c:1,tK:1});var Zr=void 0;function jc(){Zr||(Zr=(new Yr).b());return Zr}function gs(){}gs.prototype=new v;
+gs.prototype.a=new u({eC:0},!1,"scala.StringContext$",w,{eC:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var hs=void 0;function Ti(){this.oc=null}Ti.prototype=new v;m=Ti.prototype;m.fa=function(a){return this===a};m.r=function(){return"'"+this.oc};m.f=function(a){this.oc=a;return this};m.ja=function(){var a=this.oc;return Ea(Fa(),a)};m.a=new u({gC:0},!1,"scala.Symbol",w,{gC:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});function is(){this.G=this.Ap=this.Eo=null}is.prototype=new v;function js(a,b,c){a.Eo=c;if(null===b)throw I(J(),null);a.G=b;return a}
+is.prototype.uf=function(){fs(jc(),null===this.G.vf.La());var a;var b=ij().Bi.La();null===b&&(ii||(ii=(new hi).b()),b=ii.un,b&&b.a&&b.a.y.Up||(mq||(mq=(new lq).b()),b=mq));a=b;var b=ij(),c=b.Bi.La();try{Vd(b.Bi,this);try{this.Ap=a;var e=this.Eo;a:b:for(;;){a=e;var f=K();if(null===f?null!==a:!f.fa(a))if(vf(a)){var;Vd(this.G.vf,a.rd);try{h.uf()}catch(l){var q=Ej(J(),l);if(null!==q){var r=this.G.vf.La();Vd(this.G.vf,K());this.G;js(new is,this.G,r).uf();throw I(J(),q);}throw l;}e=this.G.vf.La();
+continue b}else throw(new H).o(a);break a}}finally{var B=this.G.vf;B.Dj=!1;this.Ap=B.Na=null}}finally{Vd(b.Bi,c)}};is.prototype.a=new u({jC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.BatchingExecutor$Batch",w,{jC:1,c:1,zl:1,Up:1});function ks(){this.fK=0;this.rH=this.Yq=this.Am=null;this.wL=Id();this.hK=Id();this.sK=Id();this.gK=Id();this.UJ=Id();this.KJ=Id();}ks.prototype=new v;
+ks.prototype.b=function(){ls=this;rf();var a=Z().wg,a=(new A).v(a,"d day"),b=Z().Yh,b=(new A).v(b,"h hour"),c=Z().ci,c=(new A).v(c,"min minute"),e=Z().gi,e=(new A).v(e,"s sec second"),f=Z().bi,f=(new A).v(f,"ms milli millisecond"),h=Z().ai,h=(new A).v(h,"\u00b5s micro microsecond"),l=Z().di,a=(new z).k([a,b,c,e,f,h,(new A).v(l,"ns nano nanosecond")]),b=rf().ka,a=this.Am=sf(a,b),b=jc().Ne,a=Tm(a,b);this.Yq=Mp(new Np,a,C(function(){return function(a){a=ms(a);return tf(a)}}(this)));b=this.Am;a=function(a){return function(b){if(null!==
+b){var;b=ns(a,b.wa);var c=function(a,b){return function(a){return(new A).v(a,b)}}(a,c),e=rf().ka;if(e===rf().ka){if(b===K())return K();var e=b.x(),f=e=Td(new Ud,c(e),K());for(b=b.u();b!==K();){var h=b.x(),h=Td(new Ud,c(h),K()),f=f.rd=h;b=b.u()}return e}for(e=qf(b,e);!b.m();)f=b.x(),,b=b.u();return e.oa()}throw(new H).o(b);}}(this);if(rf().ka===rf().ka)if(b===K())a=K();else{c=b;e=id(!1);f=(new cc).o(null);for(h=(new cc).o(null);c!==K();)l=c.x(),a(l).A(C(function(a,b,c,e){return function(a){b.i?
+(a=Td(new Ud,a,K()),e.i.rd=a,e.i=a):(c.i=Td(new Ud,a,K()),e.i=c.i,b.i=!0)}}(b,e,f,h))),c=c.u();a=e.i?f.i:K()}else{rf();for(c=(new os).b();!b.m();)e=b.x(),e=a(e).Aa(),ps(c,e),b=b.u();a=c.lj()}this.rH=a.Re(jc().Ne); rs,Id(),Z().wg);this.Bk=(new ss).b(); ts).b();this.zk=(new us).b();return this};
+function vs(a){if(vp(ws(a,(new U).j(983040,3822149,4)),Id())){Fg();a=Un(a,(new U).j(983040,3822149,4));var b=Z().wg;return qs(new rs,a,b)}if(vp(ws(a,(new U).j(3710976,858306,0)),Id()))return Fg(),a=Un(a,(new U).j(3710976,858306,0)),b=Z().Yh,qs(new rs,a,b);if(vp(ws(a,(new U).j(481280,14305,0)),Id()))return Fg(),a=Un(a,(new U).j(481280,14305,0)),b=Z().ci,qs(new rs,a,b);if(vp(ws(a,(new U).j(1755648,238,0)),Id()))return Fg(),a=Un(a,(new U).j(1755648,238,0)),b=Z().gi,qs(new rs,a,b);if(vp(ws(a,(new U).j(1E6,
+0,0)),Id()))return Fg(),a=Un(a,(new U).j(1E6,0,0)),b=Z().bi,qs(new rs,a,b);if(vp(ws(a,(new U).j(1E3,0,0)),Id()))return Fg(),a=Un(a,(new U).j(1E3,0,0)),b=Z().ai,qs(new rs,a,b);Fg();b=Z().di;return qs(new rs,a,b)}function ms(a){a=a.trim();a=vn(Fa(),a,"\\s+");var b=rf().ka.Ff();b.vb(a.d.length);b.hb(zc(new Ac,a));return b.oa()}
+function ns(a,b){var c=ms(b);if(vf(c))var,c=c.rd;else throw(new H).o(c);var f=c,c=function(){return function(a){rf();a=(new z).k([a,a+"s"]);var b=rf().ka;return sf(a,b)}}(a);if(rf().ka===rf().ka)if(f===K())c=K();else{for(var h=f,l=id(!1),q=(new cc).o(null),r=(new cc).o(null);h!==K();){var B=h.x();c(B).A(C(function(a,b,c,e){return function(a){b.i?(a=Td(new Ud,a,K()),e.i.rd=a,e.i=a):(c.i=Td(new Ud,a,K()),e.i=c.i,b.i=!0)}}(f,l,q,r)));h=h.u()}c=l.i?q.i:K()}else{rf();for(h=(new os).b();!f.m();)l=
+f.x(),l=c(l).Aa(),ps(h,l),f=f.u();c=h.lj()}return Td(new Ud,e,c)}ks.prototype.a=new u({tC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.duration.Duration$",w,{tC:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var ls=void 0;function Fg(){ls||(ls=(new ks).b());return ls}function xs(){this.l=this.pp=this.yj=null}xs.prototype=new v;xs.prototype.uf=function(){fs(jc(),null!==this.l);try{this.pp.h(this.l)}catch(a){var b=Ej(J(),a);if(null!==b){var c=Fj(Gj(),b);if(c.m())throw I(J(),b);b=c.La();this.yj.Jh(b)}else throw a;}};
+function ys(a,b){var c=new xs;c.yj=a;c.pp=b;c.l=null;return c}function zs(a,b){fs(jc(),null===a.l);a.l=b;try{a.yj.xj(a)}catch(c){var e=Ej(J(),c);if(null!==e){var f=Fj(Gj(),e);if(f.m())throw I(J(),e);e=f.La();a.yj.Jh(e)}else throw c;}}xs.prototype.a=new u({xC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.impl.CallbackRunnable",w,{xC:1,c:1,zl:1,qC:1});function qk(){}qk.prototype=new v;qk.prototype.a=new u({FC:0},!1,"scala.math.Fractional$",w,{FC:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var pk=void 0;function sk(){}sk.prototype=new v;
+sk.prototype.a=new u({GC:0},!1,"scala.math.Integral$",w,{GC:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var rk=void 0;function uk(){}uk.prototype=new v;uk.prototype.a=new u({HC:0},!1,"scala.math.Numeric$",w,{HC:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var tk=void 0;function As(){}As.prototype=new v;
+As.prototype.b=function(){Bs=this;;this.qn=t(Uk);this.rn=t(Vk);this.Xe=cl().Ac.Xe;this.ff=cl().Ac.ff;this.Ye=cl().Ac.Ye;;;;this.Ze=cl().Ac.Ze;this.We=cl().Ac.We;;;this.df=cl().Ac.df;;;this.Cf=cl().Ac.Cf;this.Df=cl().Ac.Df;return this};
+function Ge(a,b){var c;b===t(Va)?c=Ie().Xe:b===t(Xa)?c=Ie().ff:b===t(Ua)?c=Ie().Ye:b===t(Ya)?c=Ie().bf:b===t(Za)?c=Ie().cf:b===t($a)?c=Ie().af:b===t(ab)?c=Ie().Ze:b===t(Ta)?c=Ie().We:b===t(Sa)?c=Ie() Cs,c.Tj=b);return c}As.prototype.a=new u({XC:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ClassTag$",w,{XC:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var Bs=void 0;function Ie(){Bs||(Bs=(new As).b());return Bs}function fl(){;this.Gm=null}fl.prototype=new Up;
+fl.prototype.Go=function(){return};fl.prototype.a=new u({rD:0},!1,"scala.util.DynamicVariable$$anon$1",Vp,{rD:1,Vo:1,Al:1,c:1});function Ak(){}Ak.prototype=new v;Ak.prototype.r=k("Left");Ak.prototype.a=new u({tD:0},!1,"scala.util.Left$",w,{tD:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var zk=void 0;function Ds(){this.Sd=null}Ds.prototype=new v;function Es(){}Es.prototype=Ds.prototype;Ds.prototype.b=function(){,(new bq).b());return this};Ds.prototype.Kx=function(a){this.Sd=a;return this};
+var Fs=new u({aq:0},!1,"scala.util.Random",w,{aq:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});Ds.prototype.a=Fs;function Ck(){}Ck.prototype=new v;Ck.prototype.r=k("Right");Ck.prototype.a=new u({vD:0},!1,"scala.util.Right$",w,{vD:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var Bk=void 0;function Gs(){this.Km=!1}Gs.prototype=new v;Gs.prototype.b=function(){Hs=this;this.Km=!1;return this};Gs.prototype.a=new u({zD:0},!1,"scala.util.control.NoStackTrace$",w,{zD:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var Hs=void 0;function Is(){this.VD=this.Yi=null}Is.prototype=new v;
+function be(a,b){var c=new Is;,(dp(),(new ep).Oi(a,0)),b);return c}Is.prototype.Lx=function(a,b){this.Yi=a;this.VD=b;return this};Is.prototype.r=function(){return};
+function oe(a,b){if(null===b)return wd();var c=fp(new gp,a.Yi,b,"string"===typeof b?b.length|;if(iq(c)){var e=-1+(ip(c).length|0)|0,e=(new Js).j(1,e,1),f=rf().ka,e=sf(e,f),c=function(a,b){return function(a){a|=0;a=ip(b)[a];return void 0===a?null:a}}(a,c),f=rf().ka;if(f===rf().ka)if(e===K())c=K();else{for(var f=e.x(),h=f=Td(new Ud,c(f),K()),e=e.u();e!==K();)var l=e.x(),l=Td(new Ud,c(l),K()),h=h.rd=l,e=e.u();c=f}else{for(f=qf(e,f);!e.m();)h=e.x(),,e=e.u();c=f.oa()}return(new Bd).o(c)}return wd()}
+Is.prototype.a=new u({DD:0},!1,"scala.util.matching.Regex",w,{DD:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});function Ks(){this.G=null}Ks.prototype=new Dq;Ks.prototype.b=function(){,Ke());return this};Ks.prototype.Ff=function(){Ke();gf();Je();return(new cf).b()};Ks.prototype.a=new u({ID:0},!1,"scala.collection.IndexedSeq$$anon$1",Eq,{ID:1,$j:1,c:1,Qh:1});function Ls(){this.ka=null}Ls.prototype=new zq;function Ms(){}Ms.prototype=Ls.prototype;
+var Ns=new u({tc:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.GenSeqFactory",Bq,{tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1});Ls.prototype.a=Ns;function Aq(){}Aq.prototype=new Dq;Aq.prototype.Ff=function(){return};Aq.prototype.Ri=function(a){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;,a);return this};Aq.prototype.a=new u({YD:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.GenTraversableFactory$$anon$1",Eq,{YD:1,$j:1,c:1,Qh:1});function $s(){}$s.prototype=new Gq;function at(){}at.prototype=$s.prototype;
+var bt=new u({em:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.ImmutableMapFactory",Hq,{em:1,ck:1,ej:1,c:1});$s.prototype.a=bt;function ak(){}ak.prototype=new v;ak.prototype.r=k("::");ak.prototype.a=new u({ZD:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon$",w,{ZD:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var Zj=void 0;function ct(){this.vk=0}ct.prototype=new v;ct.prototype.b=function(){dt=this;this.vk=512;return this};
+function et(a,b,c,e){var f=(new wc).f("%d %s %d by %s"),h=[a,e?"to":"until",b,c];Fa();var l=f.Ma,q=tb();q.ka;ft();var r=[];h.length|0;for(var B=0,M=h.length|0;B<M;){var aa=xp(h[B])?h[B].qL():h[B];r.push(aa);B=1+B|0}for(var ca=Ie().ug.pc(r.length|0),ra=Pl(W(),ca),sa=0,pa=0,Wa=r.length|0,hf=Wa<ra?Wa:ra,Ob=Pl(W(),ca),Ec=hf<Ob?hf:Ob;sa<Ec;)Ql(W(),ca,pa,r[sa]),sa=1+sa|0,pa=1+pa|0;var Da=(new nr).b(),Ad;if(,Ad=void 0;else{for(var Hb=l,lk=0,mk=0;;){var Dy=Hb;if(null===Dy){var Ey;throw(new ya).b();
+}Ey=Dy;if(""!==Ey){var pi=Hb;var Fy=Hi(Gi().No,pi);if(Fy.m())if(Hi(Gi().Ko,pi).m())if(Hi(Gi().Lo,pi).m()){var Gy=Hi(Gi().Mo,pi);if(Gy.m())throw(new H).o(pi);var He=Gy.La(),bC=Hb,Hy=He[0];if(void 0===Hy){var Iy;throw(new V).f("undefined.get");}Iy=Hy;var Hb=bC.substring(Iy.length|0),Jy=He[2];if(void 0===Jy){var Qa;throw(new V).f("undefined.get");}Qa=Jy;var Ky=He[1],Os=void 0===Ky?"":Ky;if(null===Os){var Ly;throw(new ya).b();}Ly=Os;var sg=""!==Ly?lg(mg(),Os,10):qr("\x3c",Qa)?mk:lk=1+lk|0;mk=sg;if(0>=
+sg||sg>ca.d.length){var My=He[5];if(void 0===My){var Ny;throw(new V).f("undefined.get");}Ny=My;throw(new gt).f(Ny);}var ha=ca.d[-1+sg|0],Oy=He[3],Ps=void 0===Oy?"":Oy;if(null===Ps){var Py;throw(new ya).b();}Py=Ps;var Qy=""!==Py,Ub=Qy?lg(mg(),Ps,10):0,Ry=He[4],Qs=void 0===Ry?"":Ry;if(null===Qs){var Sy;throw(new ya).b();}Sy=Qs;var qi=""!==Sy,ri=qi?lg(mg(),Qs,10):0,Ty=He[5];if(void 0===Ty){var Uy;throw(new V).f("undefined.get");}Uy=Ty;var Db=65535&(Uy.charCodeAt(0)|0);switch(Db){case 98:case 66:if(null===
+ha)var Rs="false";else if("boolean"===typeof ha)var cC=ha,Rs=zm(Fa(),cC);else Rs="true";pr(Da,Rs,"",!1,Qa,Ub,Db);break;case 104:case 72:var dC=null===ha?"null":(+(Ca(ha)>>>0)).toString(16);pr(Da,dC,"",!1,Qa,Ub,Db);break;case 115:case 83:if(null!==ha||qr("#",Qa))if(ha&&ha.a&&ha.a.y.ZJ){var eC=ha,fC=(qr("-",Qa)?1:0)|(qr("#",Qa)?4:0),Vy;Jh();var Wy=Db;Vy=Hh(Wy)===Wy;eC.TJ(Da,fC|(Vy?2:0),Qy?Ub:-1,qi?ri:-1);wd()}else{if(null===ha||qr("#",Qa))throw ht();pr(Da,ka(ha),"",!1,Qa,Ub,Db)}else pr(Da,"null","",
+!1,Qa,Ub,Db);break;case 99:case 67:var Ss;var si=ha;if(La(si))Ss=si|0;else if(up(si))Ss=yp(T(),si);else throw(new H).o(si);var hC=(new ig).rb(65535&Ss).l;pr(Da,n.String.fromCharCode(hC),"",!1,Qa,Ub,Db);break;case 100:var iC=vr(ha);wr(Da,""+iC,!1,Qa,Ub,Db);break;case 111:if(La(ha))var Nm=(+((ha|0)>>>0)).toString(8);else if(za(ha)){var ti=Ma(ha),Ts=2097151&,Us=(1048575&ti.da)<<1|>>21,Xy=ti.w<<2|ti.da>>20;if(0!==Xy)var jC=(+(Xy>>>0)).toString(8),Yy=(+(Us>>>0)).toString(8),kC="0000000".substring(Yy.length|
+0),Zy=(+(Ts>>>0)).toString(8),Nm=jC+(""+kC+Yy)+(""+"0000000".substring(Zy.length|0)+Zy);else if(0!==Us)var lC=(+(Us>>>0)).toString(8),$y=(+(Ts>>>0)).toString(8),Nm=lC+(""+"0000000".substring($y.length|0)+$y);else Nm=(+(Ts>>>0)).toString(8)}else throw(new H).o(ha);tr(Da,Nm,qr("#",Qa)?"0":"",Qa,Ub,Db);break;case 120:case 88:if(La(ha))var Om=(+((ha|0)>>>0)).toString(16);else if(za(ha)){var ui=Ma(ha),Vs=ui.da>>2,|(3&ui.da)<<22;if(0!==ui.w)var mC=(+(ui.w>>>0)).toString(16),az=(+(Vs>>>0)).toString(16),
+nC="000000".substring(1+(az.length|0)|0),bz=(+(Ws>>>0)).toString(16),Om=mC+(""+nC+az)+(""+"000000".substring(bz.length|0)+bz);else if(0!==Vs)var oC=(+(Vs>>>0)).toString(16),cz=(+(Ws>>>0)).toString(16),Om=oC+(""+"000000".substring(cz.length|0)+cz);else Om=(+(Ws>>>0)).toString(16)}else throw(new H).o(ha);tr(Da,Om,qr("#",Qa)?"0x":"",Qa,Ub,Db);break;case 101:case 69:ur(Da,qi?ri:6,Qa,ha,Ub,Db);break;case 103:case 71:var Xs=vr(ha),Ys=0>Xs?-Xs:Xs,Zs=qi?0===ri?1:ri:6;if(1E-4<=Ys&&Ys<+n.Math.pow(10,Zs)){var pC=
++n.Math.log(Ys)/2.302585092994046,qC=+n.Math.ceil(pC)|0,rC=vr(ha),dz=Zs-qC|0,sC=rC.toFixed(0<dz?dz:0);wr(Da,sC,!1,Qa,Ub,Db)}else ur(Da,-1+Zs|0,Qa,ha,Ub,Db);break;case 102:var tC=vr(ha).toFixed(qi?ri:6),ez=vr(ha);if(ez!==ez)var fz=!0;else var gz=vr(ha),fz=Infinity===gz||-Infinity===gz;wr(Da,tC,fz,Qa,Ub,Db);break;default:throw(new H).o((new ig).rb(Db));}}else Hb=Hb.substring(2),Da.Hf.Dk(10);else Hb=Hb.substring(2),Da.Hf.Dk(37);else{var hz=Fy.La(),uC=Hb,iz=hz[0];if(void 0===iz){var jz;throw(new V).f("undefined.get");
+}jz=iz;var Hb=uC.substring(jz.length|0),vC=Da.Hf,kz=hz[0];if(void 0===kz){var lz;throw(new V).f("undefined.get");}lz=kz;vC.Ek(lz)}}else break}Ad=Da}var wC=(;;return wC}function it(a,b,c,e,f){throw(new pe).f(et(b,c,e,f)+": seqs cannot contain more than Int.MaxValue elements.");}ct.prototype.a=new u({DE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Range$",w,{DE:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var dt=void 0;function kk(){dt||(dt=(new ct).b());return dt}function jt(){this.G=null}jt.prototype=new Dq;
+jt.prototype.b=function(){,fk());return this};jt.prototype.a=new u({RE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Stream$StreamCanBuildFrom",Eq,{RE:1,$j:1,c:1,Qh:1});function kt(){;this.Ql=null}kt.prototype=new rq;kt.prototype.A=function(a){var b=this.G;a:b:for(;;){if(!b.m()){var c=b.x();this.Ql.h(c)&&a.h(c);b=b.u();continue b}break a}};
+function lt(a,b,c){var e=null;for(b=(new cc).o(b);;){if(b.i.m())return km();e=b.i.x();b.i=b.i.u();if(a.Ql.h(e))return e=c.h(e),im(new jm,e,Rb(function(a,b,c){return function(){return lt(a,c.i,b)}}(a,c,b)))}},b){return mt(b.Pc(this.G))?(this.G,lt(this,this.G,a)),a,b)};kt.prototype.a=new u({SE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Stream$StreamWithFilter",sq,{SE:1,fq:1,c:1,E:1});function jk(){}jk.prototype=new v;
+jk.prototype.a=new u({GF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder$",w,{GF:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var ik=void 0;function nt(){this.Kf=null}nt.prototype=new Nq;nt.prototype.Ed=function(){return(0,this.Kf)()};function Rb(a){var b=new nt;b.Kf=a;return b}nt.prototype.a=new u({mG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.runtime.AnonFunction0",Oq,{mG:1,jg:1,c:1,$e:1});function ot(){this.Kf=null}ot.prototype=new Qq;ot.prototype.h=function(a){return(0,this.Kf)(a)};function C(a){var b=new ot;b.Kf=a;return b}
+ot.prototype.a=new u({nG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.runtime.AnonFunction1",Rq,{nG:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1});function pt(){this.Kf=null}pt.prototype=new Tq;function Fc(a){var b=new pt;b.Kf=a;return b}function Bc(a,b,c){return(0,a.Kf)(b,c)}pt.prototype.a=new u({oG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.runtime.AnonFunction2",Uq,{oG:1,Sq:1,c:1,Er:1});function U(){}U.prototype=new ai;function Yo(a,b){return(new U).j(|,a.da|b.da,a.w|b.w)}
+function qt(a,b){return 0===(524288&a.w)?0!==(524288&b.w)||a.w>b.w||a.w===b.w&&a.da>b.da||a.w===b.w&&a.da===b.da&&>!(0===(524288&b.w)||a.w<b.w||a.w===b.w&&a.da<b.da||a.w===b.w&&a.da===b.da&&<}m=U.prototype;m.fa=function(a){return za(a)?vp(this,a):!1};
+function Wh(a,b){var c=8191&,>>13|(15&a.da)<<9,f=8191&a.da>>4,h=a.da>>17|(255&a.w)<<5,l=(1048320&a.w)>>8;c|=0;e|=0;f|=0;h|=0;l|=0;var q=8191&,>>13|(15&b.da)<<9,B=8191&b.da>>4,M=b.da>>17|(255&b.w)<<5,aa=(1048320&b.w)>>8;var q=q|0,r=r|0,B=B|0,ca=M|0,ra=aa|0,sa=y(c,q),pa=y(e,q),aa=y(f,q),M=y(h,q),l=y(l,q);0!==r&&(pa=pa+y(c,r)|0,aa=aa+y(e,r)|0,M=M+y(f,r)|0,l=l+y(h,r)|0);0!==B&&(aa=aa+y(c,B)|0,M=M+y(e,B)|0,l=l+y(f,B)|0);0!==ca&&(M=M+y(c,ca)|0,l=l+y(e,ca)|0);0!==ra&&(l=l+y(c,ra)|0);
+c=(4194303&sa)+((511&pa)<<13)|0;e=((((sa>>22)+(pa>>9)|0)+((262143&aa)<<4)|0)+((31&M)<<17)|0)+(c>>22)|0;return(new U).j(4194303&c,4194303&e,1048575&((((aa>>18)+(M>>5)|0)+((4095&l)<<8)|0)+(e>>22)|0))}m.j=function(a,b,c){;this.da=b;this.w=c;return this};function ws(a,b){return rt(a,b)[1]}
+m.r=function(){if("0";if(vp(this,Na().xg))return"-9223372036854775808";if(0!==(524288&this.w))return"-"+Vh(this).r();var a=Na().wn,b=this,c="";for(;;){var e=b;if( c;e=rt(b,a);b=e[0];e=""+Tn(e[1]);c=("":"000000000".substring(e.length|0))+e+c}};
+function rt(a,b){if( st).f("/ by zero");if([Na().cd,Na().cd];if(vp(b,Na().xg))return vp(a,Na().xg)?[Na().Ak,Na().cd]:[Na().cd,a];var c=0!==(524288&a.w),e=0!==(524288&b.w),f=vp(a,Na().xg),h=0===b.w&&0===b.da&&0!|0))?Sh(mg(),!==b.da&&|0))?22+Sh(mg(),b.da)|0:0!==b.w&&0===b.da&&|0))?44+Sh(mg(),b.w)|0:-1;if(0<=h){if(f)return c=dq(a,h),[e?
+Vh(c):c,Na().cd];var f=0!==(524288&a.w)?Vh(a):a,l=dq(f,h),e=c!==e?Vh(l):l,f=22>=h?(new U).j(<<h)|0),0,0):44>=h?(new U).j(,f.da&(-1+(1<<(-22+h|0))|0),0):(new U).j(,f.da,f.w&(-1+(1<<(-44+h|0))|0)),c=c?Vh(f):f;return[e,c]}h=0!==(524288&b.w)?Vh(b):b;if(f)var q=Na().yk;else{var r=0!==(524288&a.w)?Vh(a):a;if(vo(h,r))return[Na().cd,a];q=r}var r=tt(h)-tt(q)|0,B=Zo(h,r),h=r,r=B,B=q,q=Na().cd;a:for(;;){if(0>h)var M=!0;else M=B,;if(M){var aa=q,l=B;break a}else M=
+Xh(B,Vh(r)),0===(524288&M.w)?(B=-1+h|0,r=dq(r,1),q=22>h?(new U).j(|1<<h,q.da,q.w):44>h?(new U).j(,q.da|1<<(-22+h|0),q.w):(new U).j(,q.da,q.w|1<<(-44+h|0)),h=B,B=M):(h=-1+h|0,r=dq(r,1))}e=c!==e?Vh(aa):aa;c&&f?(c=Vh(l),f=Na().Ak,c=Xh(c,Vh(f))):c=c?Vh(l):l;return[e,c]}function $o(a,b){return(new U).j(,a.da&b.da,a.w&b.w)}
+function bp(a,b){var c=63&b;if(22>c){var e=22-c|0;return(new U).j(4194303&(>>c|a.da<<e),4194303&(a.da>>c|a.w<<e),1048575&(a.w>>>c|0))}return 44>c?(e=-22+c|0,(new U).j(4194303&(a.da>>e|a.w<<(44-c|0)),4194303&(a.w>>>e|0),0)):(new U).j(4194303&(a.w>>>(-44+c|0)|0),0,0)}function vo(a,b){return 0===(524288&a.w)?0!==(524288&b.w)||a.w>b.w||a.w===b.w&&a.da>b.da||a.w===b.w&&a.da===b.da&&>!(0===(524288&b.w)||a.w<b.w||a.w===b.w&&a.da<b.da||a.w===b.w&&a.da===b.da&&<}
+function Zo(a,b){var c=63&b;if(22>c){var e=22-c|0;return(new U).j(4194303&<<c,4194303&(a.da<<c|>>e),1048575&(a.w<<c|a.da>>e))}return 44>c?(e=-22+c|0,(new U).j(0,4194303&<<e,1048575&(a.da<<e|>>(44-c|0)))):(new U).j(0,0,1048575&<<(-44+c|0))}function Tn(a){return|a.da<<22}m.xa=function(a){,4194303&a,4194303&a>>22,0>a?1048575:0);return this};
+function Vh(a){var b=4194303&(|0),c=4194303&(~a.da+(0===b?1:0)|0);return(new U).j(b,c,1048575&(~a.w+(0===b&&0===c?1:0)|0))}function Xh(a,b){var|0,e=(a.da+b.da|0)+(c>>22)|0;return(new U).j(4194303&c,4194303&e,1048575&((a.w+b.w|0)+(e>>22)|0))}
+function dq(a,b){var c=63&b,e=0!==(524288&a.w),f=e?-1048576|a.w:a.w;if(22>c)return e=22-c|0,(new U).j(4194303&(>>c|a.da<<e),4194303&(a.da>>c|f<<e),1048575&f>>c);if(44>c){var h=-22+c|0;return(new U).j(4194303&(a.da>>h|f<<(44-c|0)),4194303&f>>h,1048575&(e?1048575:0))}return(new U).j(4194303&f>>(-44+c|0),4194303&(e?4194303:0),1048575&(e?1048575:0))}function wp(a){return vp(a,Na().xg)?-9223372036854775E3:0!==(524288&a.w)?-wp(Vh(a))*a.da+17592186044416*a.w}
+function Un(a,b){return rt(a,b)[0]}function tt(a){return 0!==a.w?-12+Rh(mg(),a.w)|0:0!==a.da?10+Rh(mg(),a.da)|0:32+Rh(mg(),|0}m.Zn=function(){return wp(this)};m.ja=function(){return Tn(ap(this,bp(this,32)))};function ap(a,b){return(new U).j(^,a.da^b.da,a.w^b.w)}function vp(a,b){return}function za(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Oq)}m.a=new u({Oq:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.runtime.RuntimeLong",ci,{Oq:1,He:1,c:1,nc:1});
+function ut(){this.pJ=this.oJ=this.nJ=this.mJ=this.lJ=this.kJ=this.jJ=this.hJ=this.gJ=this.OI=this.NI=this.PH=this.OH=this.NH=0;}ut.prototype=new v;ut.prototype.b=function(){vt=this; U).j(0,0,0);this.Ak=(new U).j(1,0,0);this.qu=(new U).j(4194303,4194303,1048575);this.xg=(new U).j(0,0,524288);this.yk=(new U).j(4194303,4194303,524287);this.wn=(new U).j(1755648,238,0);return this};function Id(){return Na().cd}
+function Bp(a,b){if(b!==b)return;if(-9223372036854775E3>b)return a.xg;if(9223372036854775E3<=b)return a.yk;if(0>b)return Vh(Bp(a,-b));var c=b,e=17592186044416<=c?c/17592186044416|0:0,c=c-17592186044416*e,f=4194304<=c?c/4194304|0:0;return(new U).j(c-4194304*f|0,f,e)}ut.prototype.a=new u({qG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.runtime.RuntimeLong$",w,{qG:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var vt=void 0;function Na(){vt||(vt=(new ut).b());return vt}function wt(){}wt.prototype=new v;function xt(){}m=xt.prototype=wt.prototype;
+m.b=function(){return this};m.h=function(a){return this.cb(a,bj().Zk)};m.dd=function(a){return+this.cb(a,bj().Zk)};m.r=k("\x3cfunction1\x3e");m.sf=function(a){return Lg(new Mg,this,a)};var yt=new u({Qb:0},!1,"scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction",w,{Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1});wt.prototype.a=yt;var Uk=new u({CG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.Nothing$",Yp,{CG:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function zt(){this.Fa=0;}
+zt.prototype=new v;m=zt.prototype;m.qh=function(){return+(At(this),NaN)};m.h=function(a){Bt(this,a)};m.dd=function(a){return+(Bt(this,a),NaN)};m.r=k("\x3cfunction0\x3e");function Bt(a,b){var c=a.Fa;switch(c){case 3:b.Si()?od(,b):(a.An=b.La(),a.Fa=6,At(a));break;case 6:b.Si()?od(,b):(a.Bn=b.La(),a.Fa=7,At(a));break;case 10:b.Si()?od(,b):(a.Cn=b.La(),a.Fa=13,At(a));break;case 9:b.Si()?od(,b):(a.Dn=b.La(),a.Fa=14,At(a));break;default:throw(new H).o(c);}}m.pi=function(){At(this)};
+function Gb(a,b,c,e,f){var h=new zt;h.zi=a;h.Yg=b;h.Ml=c;h.Kj=e;;h.Fa=0; mc).b();h.wh=Rc().Ih;h.Kw=void 0;return h}m.Ed=function(){At(this)};
+function At(a){try{var b=a.Fa;switch(b){case 0:a.Fa=1;At(a);break;case 1:a.Fa=3;At(a);break;case 3:nc(,a.wh);break;case 6:var c=a.An;a.Yg.beginPath();a.Yg.moveTo(+c.clientX-+Mb(Cb(),a.zi).left,+c.clientY-+Mb(Cb(),a.zi).top);lc(a.Ml,a.Kj).Je(a,a.wh);break;case 7:a.aj=a.Bn;a.Fa=8;At(a);break;case 8:a.Fa="mousemove"===a.aj.type?10:11;At(a);break;case 10:a.Yg.lineTo(+a.aj.clientX-+Mb(Cb(),a.zi).left,+a.aj.clientY-+Mb(Cb(),a.zi).top);a.Yg.stroke();lc(a.Ml,a.Kj).Je(a,a.wh);break;case 13:a.aj=
+a.Cn;a.Fa=8;At(a);break;case 11:a.Fa=12;At(a);break;case 12:a.Fa=9;At(a);break;case 9:a.Yg.fill();nc(a.Kj).Je(a,a.wh);break;case 14:a.Dn;a.Yg.clearRect(0,0,1E3,1E3);a.Fa=1;At(a);break;case 4:a.Fa=5;At(a);break;case 5:a.Fa=2;At(a);break;case 2:var,f=(new uj).o(void 0);od(e,f);break;default:throw(new H).o(b);}}catch(h){if(b=Ej(J(),h),null!==b)if(sl(Gj(),b))od(,pd(new qd,b));else throw I(J(),b);else throw h;}}
+m.a=new u({Sr:0},!1,"advanced.Async$stateMachine$macro$1$1",w,{Sr:1,c:1,p:1,Np:1,$e:1});function Ct(){this.sp=null}Ct.prototype=new Yq;function Dt(){}Dt.prototype=Ct.prototype;{this.sp=a;return this};var Et=new u({tk:0},!1,"",Zq,{tk:1,$h:1,c:1,nh:1,Zh:1});Ct.prototype.a=Et;function Ft(){this.le=0;this.rg=null}Ft.prototype=new v;m=Ft.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.ia=function(){var a=this.rg.Pl.h(this.le);this.le=1+this.le|0;return a};
+m.m=function(){return!};function Qe(a){var b=new Ft;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);b.rg=a;b.le=0;return b}m.Yf=function(a){return Ym(this,"",a,"")};m.r=function(){return lm(this)};m.A=function(a){mm(this,a)};m.Ec=function(a,b){return Wm(this,a,b)};m.z=function(){return $m(this)};{return this.le<this.rg.Mj};m.Xf=function(a){return Rm(this,a)};m.kc=function(){return hm(this)};m.hf=function(a,b,c,e){return Am(this,a,b,c,e)};m.Wf=function(a){return Xm(this,a)};,b){return Wm(this,a,b)};{var a=Fd(),a=Gd(a);return Sm(this,a)};m.Re=function(a){return Tm(this,a)};m.Uc=function(a){return Ml(this,a)};m.a=new u({ks:0},!1,"org.scalajs.dom.ext.EasySeq$$anon$1",w,{ks:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function Qg(a){return"string"===typeof a}var ma=new u({Ju:0},!1,"java.lang.String",w,{Ju:1,c:1,e:1,Ro:1,nc:1},Qg);function Sn(){}Sn.prototype=new jr;Sn.prototype.o=function(a){,ka(a));return this};
+Sn.prototype.a=new u({cy:0},!1,"java.lang.AssertionError",kr,{cy:1,Hj:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function Gt(){}Gt.prototype=new Yq;Gt.prototype.a=new u({qy:0},!1,"java.lang.JSConsoleBasedPrintStream$DummyOutputStream",Zq,{qy:1,$h:1,c:1,nh:1,Zh:1});function Sr(){}Sr.prototype=new lr;function Ht(){}Ht.prototype=Sr.prototype;Sr.prototype.b=function(){,null,null);return this};Sr.prototype.f=function(a){,a,null);return this};
+var It=new u({Gc:0},!1,"java.lang.RuntimeException",mr,{Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});Sr.prototype.a=It;function or(){this.Gb=null}or.prototype=new v;m=or.prototype;m.b=function(){,"");return this};function Jt(a,b){a.Gb=""+a.Gb+(null===b?"null":b);return a}m.Uq=function(a,b){return this.Gb.substring(a,b)};m.r=g("Gb");function Kt(a){var b=new or;,ka(a));return b}m.Ek=function(a){return Lt(this,a)};function Lt(a,b){return null===b?Jt(a,null):Jt(a,ka(b))}
+m.xa=function(){,"");return this};function Mt(a,b,c,e){return null===b?Mt(a,"null",c,e):Jt(a,ka(Ia(b,c,e)))}{return this.Gb.length|0};function Nt(a,b){var c=(new ig).rb(b).l;return Jt(a,n.String.fromCharCode(c))}m.f=function(a){this.Gb=a;return this};m.Dk=function(a){return Nt(this,a)};
+function Ot(a){for(var b=a.Gb,c="",e=0;e<(b.length|0);){var f=65535&(b.charCodeAt(e)|0);if(55296===(64512&f)&&(1+e|0)<(b.length|0)){var h=65535&(b.charCodeAt(1+e|0)|0);56320===(64512&h)?(f=(new ig).rb(f).l,f=n.String.fromCharCode(f),h=(new ig).rb(h).l,c=""+f+n.String.fromCharCode(h)+c,e=2+e|0):(h=(new ig).rb(f).l,c=""+n.String.fromCharCode(h)+c,e=1+e|0)}else h=(new ig).rb(f).l,c=""+n.String.fromCharCode(h)+c,e=1+e|0}a.Gb=c;return a}
+m.a=new u({wy:0},!1,"java.lang.StringBuilder",w,{wy:1,c:1,Ro:1,Qo:1,e:1});function Oj(){}Oj.prototype=new lr;Oj.prototype.a=new u({Ny:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException",mr,{Ny:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function Pt(){this.Ti=Id()}Pt.prototype=new ai;Pt.prototype.rl=function(a){this.Ti=a;return this};Pt.prototype.r=function(){return this.Ti.r()};Pt.prototype.Zn=function(){return wp(this.Ti)};
+Pt.prototype.a=new u({Wy:0},!1,"java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong",ci,{Wy:1,He:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});function Qt(){}Qt.prototype=new Mi;Qt.prototype.b=function(){Rt=this;,[0]);this.Aw=s(x(Va),[0]);this.Bw=s(x(Ua),[0]);this.Cw=s(x(ab),[0]);this.Dw=s(x($a),[0]);this.Ew=s(x(Ya),[0]);this.Fw=s(x(Za),[0]);this.Hw=s(x(Xa),[0]);this.Gw=s(x(w),[0]);return this};
+function Ee(a,b,c){a=c.pc(;c=c=0;for(;;){var e=b.ia();Ql(W(),a,c,e);c=1+c|0}return a}
+function St(a,b,c,e,f,h){a=la(b);var l;if(l=!!a.Zd.isArrayClass)l=la(e),l.Zd.isPrimitive||a.Zd.isPrimitive?a=l===a||(l===t(Xa)?a===t(Va):l===t(Ya)?a===t(Va)||a===t(Xa):l===t($a)?a===t(Va)||a===t(Xa)||a===t(Ya):l===t(ab)&&(a===t(Va)||a===t(Xa)||a===t(Ya)||a===t($a))):(a=a.Zd.getFakeInstance(),a=!!l.Zd.isInstance(a)),l=a;if(l)Ja(b,c,e,f,h);else for(a=c,c=c+h|0;a<c;){W();h=e;l=f;var q;W();q=b;var r=a;if(mb(q,1)||fb(q,1)||ib(q,1)||gb(q,1)||hb(q,1))q=q.d[r];else if(cb(q,1))q=(new ig).rb(q.d[r]);else if(db(q,
+1)||eb(q,1)||bb(q,1)||Ho(q))q=q.d[r];else{if(null===q)throw(new ya).b();throw(new H).o(q);}Ql(0,h,l,q);a=1+a|0;f=1+f|0}}Qt.prototype.a=new u({NB:0},!1,"scala.Array$",Ni,{NB:1,Mp:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var Rt=void 0;function Fe(){Rt||(Rt=(new Qt).b());return Rt}function Tt(){}Tt.prototype=new jr;Tt.prototype.b=function(){,"an implementation is missing");return this};Tt.prototype.a=new u({TB:0},!1,"scala.NotImplementedError",kr,{TB:1,Hj:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});
+function Ut(){}Ut.prototype=new v;function Vt(){}Vt.prototype=Ut.prototype;Ut.prototype.b=function(){return this};Ut.prototype.dd=ba();Ut.prototype.r=k("\x3cfunction1\x3e");var Wt=new u({Qp:0},!1,"scala.Predef$$eq$colon$eq",w,{Qp:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});Ut.prototype.a=Wt;function Xt(){}Xt.prototype=new v;function Yt(){}Yt.prototype=Xt.prototype;Xt.prototype.b=function(){return this};Xt.prototype.dd=ba();Xt.prototype.r=k("\x3cfunction1\x3e");
+var Zt=new u({Rp:0},!1,"scala.Predef$$less$colon$less",w,{Rp:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});Xt.prototype.a=Zt;function $t(){this.Rk=null}$t.prototype=new Qi;$t.prototype.a=new u({hC:0},!1,"scala.Symbol$",Ui,{hC:1,Op:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var au=void 0;function bu(){this.vf=null}bu.prototype=new v;bu.prototype.b=function(){cu=this;this.vf=(new ki).b();return this};bu.prototype.Jh=function(a){throw(new Hj).hd("problem in scala.concurrent internal callback",a);};
+bu.prototype.xj=function(a){if(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.qC){var b=this.vf.La();null===b?(rf(),a=(new z).k([a]),b=rf().ka,js(new is,this,sf(a,b)).uf()):Vd(this.vf,Td(new Ud,a,b))}else a.uf()};bu.prototype.a=new u({pC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$",w,{pC:1,c:1,Vp:1,wK:1,$o:1});var cu=void 0;function Dj(){cu||(cu=(new bu).b());return cu}function ok(){}ok.prototype=new v;ok.prototype.b=function(){nk=this;return this};
+ok.prototype.a=new u({DC:0},!1,"scala.math.Equiv$",w,{DC:1,c:1,yK:1,g:1,e:1});var nk=void 0;function wk(){}wk.prototype=new v;wk.prototype.b=function(){vk=this;return this};wk.prototype.a=new u({OC:0},!1,"scala.math.Ordering$",w,{OC:1,c:1,zK:1,g:1,e:1});var vk=void 0;function du(){this.HH=this.Wg=null}du.prototype=new $p;du.prototype.a=new u({VC:0},!1,"scala.ref.WeakReferenceWithWrapper",aq,{VC:1,Xo:1,Bl:1,c:1,OK:1});function cs(){}cs.prototype=new v;cs.prototype.r=k("\x3c?\x3e");
+cs.prototype.a=new u({nD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.NoManifest$",w,{nD:1,c:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1});var bs=void 0;function bd(){this.Sd=null}bd.prototype=new Es;bd.prototype.a=new u({uD:0},!1,"scala.util.Random$",Fs,{uD:1,aq:1,c:1,g:1,e:1});var ad=void 0;function eu(){}eu.prototype=new v;function fu(){}m=fu.prototype=eu.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.b=function(){return this};m.m=function(){return!};m.Yf=function(a){return Ym(this,"",a,"")};m.r=function(){return lm(this)};
+m.A=function(a){mm(this,a)};m.Ec=function(a,b){return Wm(this,a,b)};m.z=function(){return $m(this)};m.Xf=function(a){return Rm(this,a)};m.kc=function(){return hm(this)};m.hf=function(a,b,c,e){return Am(this,a,b,c,e)};m.Wf=function(a){return Xm(this,a)};,b){return Wm(this,a,b)};{var a=Fd(),a=Gd(a);return Sm(this,a)};m.Re=function(a){return Tm(this,a)};m.Uc=function(a){return Ml(this,a)};var gu=new u({rc:0},!1,"scala.collection.AbstractIterator",w,{rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});
+eu.prototype.a=gu;function hu(){}hu.prototype=new vq;function iu(){}iu.prototype=hu.prototype;var ju=new u({ch:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.SetFactory",wq,{ch:1,eg:1,Xa:1,c:1,ob:1});hu.prototype.a=ju;function ku(){this.rm=this.Ua=null}ku.prototype=new v;function lu(a){a=a.Ua;var b=mu();for(a=a.Wa;!a.m();){var c=a.x(),b=nu(b,c);a=a.u()}return b}m=ku.prototype;m.b=function(){,mu());return this};m.Sb=function(a){return ou(this,a)};
+m.Qf=function(a){var b=ps((new os).b(),a);this.Ua=Em(b);b=(new pu).b();this.rm=ef(b,a);return this};m.oa=function(){return lu(this)};m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};{return ou(this,a)};m.vb=da();function ou(a,b){null===$n(a.rm,b)&&(qu(a.Ua,b),ru(a.rm,b));return a}m.hb=function(a){return ef(this,a)};m.a=new u({tE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.ListSet$ListSetBuilder",w,{tE:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1});function as(){}as.prototype=new at;{return ph()};
+as.prototype.a=new u({vE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Map$",bt,{vE:1,em:1,ck:1,ej:1,c:1});var $r=void 0;function po(){this.Kd=this.l=this.Tf=null}po.prototype=new v;function su(a){return"(kv: "+a.Tf+", "+a.l+")"+(null!==a.Kd?" -\x3e "+su(a.Kd):"")}po.prototype.v=function(a,b){this.Tf=a;this.l=b;return this};po.prototype.r=function(){return su(this)};po.prototype.a=new u({hF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.DefaultEntry",w,{hF:1,c:1,Dq:1,g:1,e:1});function tu(){this.Ua=this.Dc=null}
+tu.prototype=new v;function uu(a,b){a.Dc=b;a.Ua=b;return a}m=tu.prototype;m.Sb=function(a){this.Ua.Sb(a);return this};m.oa=g("Ua");m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};{this.Ua.Sb(a);return this};m.vb=da();m.hb=function(a){return ef(this,a)};m.a=new u({lF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.GrowingBuilder",w,{lF:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1});function vu(){this.Md=null}vu.prototype=new v;function wu(){}m=wu.prototype=vu.prototype;m.b=function(){this.Md=(new os).b();return this};
+m.Sb=function(a){return xu(this,a)};function xu(a,b){var c=a.Md;rf();var e=(new z).k([b]),f=rf().ka;qu(c,sf(e,f));return a}m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};{return xu(this,a)};m.vb=da();m.hb=function(a){qu(this.Md,a);return this};var yu=new u({Eq:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.LazyBuilder",w,{Eq:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1});vu.prototype.a=yu;function nj(){this.Ua=this.Dc=null}nj.prototype=new v;function oj(a,b){a.Ua=a.Ua.fe(b);return a}m=nj.prototype;m.Sb=function(a){return oj(this,a)};
+m.oa=g("Ua");m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};function mj(a,b){a.Dc=b;a.Ua=b;return a}{return oj(this,a)};m.vb=da();m.hb=function(a){return ef(this,a)};m.a=new u({yF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.MapBuilder",w,{yF:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1});function cr(){this.Ua=this.Dc=null}cr.prototype=new v;m=cr.prototype;m.Sb=function(a){return dr(this,a)};m.oa=g("Ua");m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};function dr(a,b){a.Ua=a.Ua.Xd(b);return a}function br(a,b){a.Dc=b;a.Ua=b;return a}{return dr(this,a)};m.vb=da();m.hb=function(a){return ef(this,a)};m.a=new u({DF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.SetBuilder",w,{DF:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1});function zu(){this.Ua=this.qz=this.ue=null;this.te=this.jf=0}zu.prototype=new v;m=zu.prototype;m.ul=function(a){this.qz=this.ue=a;this.te=this.jf=0;return this};m.Sb=function(a){return Au(this,a)};
+function Au(a,b){var c=1+a.te|0;if(a.jf<c){for(var e=0===a.jf?16:y(2,a.jf);e<c;)e=y(2,e);c=e;a.Ua=Bu(a,c);a.jf=c}a.Ua.Te(a.te,b);a.te=1+a.te|0;return a}
+function Bu(a,b){var c=Ik(W(),a.ue);if(c===t(Va)){var c=new Eo,e=s(x(Va),[b]);c.q=e}else c===t(Xa)?(c=new Fo,e=s(x(Xa),[b]),c.q=e):c===t(Ua)?(c=new Do,e=s(x(Ua),[b]),c.q=e):c===t(Ya)?(c=new zo,e=s(x(Ya),[b]),c.q=e):c===t(Za)?(c=new Bo,e=s(x(Za),[b]),c.q=e):c===t($a)?(c=new Co,e=s(x($a),[b]),c.q=e):c===t(ab)?(c=new Ao,e=s(x(ab),[b]),c.q=e):c===t(Ta)?(c=new Go,e=s(x(Ta),[b]),c.q=e):c===t(Sa)?(c=new Io,e=s(x(xa),[b]),c.q=e):c=zc(new Ac,a.ue.pc(b));0<a.te&&St(Fe(),a.Ua.q,0,c.q,0,a.te);return c}
+m.oa=function(){return 0!==this.jf&&this.jf===this.te?this.Ua:Bu(this,this.te)};m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};{return Au(this,a)};m.vb=function(a){this.jf<a&&(this.Ua=Bu(this,a),this.jf=a)};m.hb=function(a){return ef(this,a)};m.a=new u({RF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArrayBuilder",w,{RF:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1});function Oo(){}Oo.prototype=new v;Oo.prototype.b=function(){No=this;return this};
+Oo.prototype.Jh=function(a){var b=Vr().el.qd.La();a="Failure in async execution: "+a;Cu(b,null===a?"null":a);Cu(b,"\n")};Oo.prototype.xj=function(a){n.setTimeout(function(a,c){return function(){try{c.uf()}catch(e){var f=Ej(J(),e);if(null!==f)a.Jh(f);else throw e;}}}(this,a),0)};Oo.prototype.a=new u({fG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.concurrent.QueueExecutionContext$",w,{fG:1,c:1,mC:1,Vp:1,$o:1});var No=void 0;function Mo(){}Mo.prototype=new v;Mo.prototype.b=function(){Lo=this;return this};
+Mo.prototype.Jh=function(a){var b=Vr().el.qd.La();a="Failure in async execution: "+a;Cu(b,null===a?"null":a);Cu(b,"\n")};Mo.prototype.xj=function(a){try{a.uf()}catch(b){if(a=Ej(J(),b),null!==a)this.Jh(a);else throw b;}};Mo.prototype.a=new u({gG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.concurrent.RunNowExecutionContext$",w,{gG:1,c:1,mC:1,Vp:1,$o:1});var Lo=void 0;function Du(){this.Dl=this.Nn=null;this.le=0}Du.prototype=new v;m=Du.prototype;m.ia=function(){return this.Nl()};m.Aa=function(){return this};m.m=function(){return!};
+m.Dh=function(a){this.Nn=a;this.Dl=n.Object.keys(a);this.le=0;return this};m.Yf=function(a){return Ym(this,"",a,"")};m.r=function(){return lm(this)};m.A=function(a){mm(this,a)};m.Ec=function(a,b){return Wm(this,a,b)};m.z=function(){return $m(this)};m.Nl=function(){var a=this.Dl[this.le];this.le=1+this.le|0;var b=this.Nn;if(Si().$,a))b=b[a];else throw(new V).f("key not found: "+a);return(new A).v(a,b)};{return this.le<(this.Dl.length|0)};m.Xf=function(a){return Rm(this,a)};
+m.kc=function(){return hm(this)};m.hf=function(a,b,c,e){return Am(this,a,b,c,e)};m.Wf=function(a){return Xm(this,a)};,b){return Wm(this,a,b)};{var a=Fd(),a=Gd(a);return Sm(this,a)};m.Re=function(a){return Tm(this,a)};m.Uc=function(a){return Ml(this,a)};m.a=new u({lG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.js.WrappedDictionary$DictionaryIterator",w,{lG:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function Eu(){}Eu.prototype=new Nq;function Fu(){}Fu.prototype=Eu.prototype;
+var Gu=new u({Pq:0},!1,"scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0$mcD$sp",Oq,{Pq:1,jg:1,c:1,$e:1,PB:1});Eu.prototype.a=Gu;function Hu(){}Hu.prototype=new Nq;function Iu(){}Iu.prototype=Hu.prototype;var Ju=new u({Qq:0},!1,"scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0$mcI$sp",Oq,{Qq:1,jg:1,c:1,$e:1,QB:1});Hu.prototype.a=Ju;function Ku(){}Ku.prototype=new Nq;function Lu(){}Lu.prototype=Ku.prototype;var Mu=new u({Rq:0},!1,"scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0$mcV$sp",Oq,{Rq:1,jg:1,c:1,$e:1,Np:1});Ku.prototype.a=Mu;
+function gc(){this.Ep=null}gc.prototype=new Qq;gc.prototype.h=function(a){return Nu(this,a)};{this.Ep=a;return this};function Nu(a,b){Qb().fi;return(new Tb).Ng(Rb(function(a,b){return function(){var f=b.toLowerCase(),h=Vb(a.Ep);if(f.substring(0,h.length|0)===h)return F(E().Ic,(new z).k([(E(),(new G).f(b))]));var f=E().Ic,h=yf(),l=E().Vd;return F(f,(new z).k([N(new O,h,"none",l)]))}}(a,b)),(Wb(),""))}
+gc.prototype.a=new u({Wr:0},!1,"advanced.BasicRx$$anonfun$6",Rq,{Wr:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function Ou(){}Ou.prototype=new Qq;Ou.prototype.h=function(a){this.Gk(a)};function Zb(a,b){var c=new Ou;;;return c}Ou.prototype.Gk=function(){var;Rp();var b=a.Fa;try{var c=(new uj).o(}catch(e){if(c=Ej(J(),e),null!==c){var f=Fj(Gj(),c);if(f.m())throw I(J(),c);c=f.La();c=pd(new qd,c)}else throw e;}b.l=c;Pd(a)};
+Ou.prototype.a=new u({Xr:0},!1,"advanced.BasicRx$$anonfun$main$1",Rq,{Xr:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function Pu(){}Pu.prototype=new Qq;function fc(a,b){var c=new Pu;c.Dp=a;;return c}Pu.prototype.h=function(a){this.Gk(a)};Pu.prototype.Gk=function(){var a=this.Dp;Rp();var b=a.Fa;try{var c=(new uj).o(}catch(e){if(c=Ej(J(),e),null!==c){var f=Fj(Gj(),c);if(f.m())throw I(J(),c);c=f.La();c=pd(new qd,c)}else throw e;}b.l=c;Pd(a)};
+Pu.prototype.a=new u({Yr:0},!1,"advanced.BasicRx$$anonfun$main2$1",Rq,{Yr:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function Qu(){this.yp=null}Qu.prototype=new Qq;Qu.prototype.h=function(a){Ru(this,a)};function oc(a){var b=new Qu;b.yp=a;return b}function Ru(a,b){var c=C(function(a){return function(b){return a.yp.kk((new uj).o(b))}}(a)),e=Rc().Ih;Sc(b,c,e)}Qu.prototype.a=new u({$r:0},!1,"advanced.Channel$$anonfun$$bar$1",Rq,{$r:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function Pc(){}Pc.prototype=new Qq;Pc.prototype.h=function(a){return Su(a)};
+function Su(a){sd();var b=Dc(Hc(),a),c=ph(),b=ld(b,c);a=C(function(a){return function(b){return(new A).v(a,Cc(Hc(),b.responseText))}}(a));c=Rc().Nd;return rj(b,a,c)}Pc.prototype.a=new u({bs:0},!1,"advanced.Futures$$anonfun$1",Rq,{bs:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function Lc(){}Lc.prototype=new Qq;Lc.prototype.h=function(a){this.Jk(a)};
+Lc.prototype.Jk=function(a){var b=new n.XMLHttpRequest;"GET",Dc(Hc(),a));b.onload=function(a,b,f){return function(){var h=Cc(Hc(),b.responseText);a.Qj.hb((new z).k([(new A).v(f,h)]));return,a.up,a.Qj):void 0}}(this,b,a);b.send()};Lc.prototype.vl=function(a,b,c){;this.up=b;this.Qj=c;return this};Lc.prototype.a=new u({cs:0},!1,"advanced.Futures$$anonfun$advanced$Futures$$handle0$1$1",Rq,{cs:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});
+function Nc(){this.Rj=this.vp=this.lp=null}Nc.prototype=new Qq;Nc.prototype.h=function(a){this.Jk(a)};Nc.prototype.Jk=function(a){sd();var b=Dc(Hc(),a),c=ph(),b=ld(b,c);a=C(function(a,b){return function(c){c=Cc(Hc(),c.responseText);a.Rj.hb((new z).k([(new A).v(b,c)]));return,a.vp,a.Rj):void 0}}(this,a));c=Rc().Nd;Sc(b,a,c)};Nc.prototype.vl=function(a,b,c){this.lp=a;this.vp=b;this.Rj=c;return this};
+Nc.prototype.a=new u({ds:0},!1,"advanced.Futures$$anonfun$advanced$Futures$$handle1$1$1",Rq,{ds:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function Op(){}Op.prototype=new Qq;Op.prototype.h=function(a){return Tu(a)};function Tu(a){if(null!==a){var;a=b.Sl(a.wa,Rp());var b=C(function(a){return function(b){return(new A).v(a,b)}}(b)),c=Fd(),c=Gd(c);return Qd(a,b,c)}throw(new H).o(a);}Op.prototype.a=new u({us:0},!1,"rx.core.Propagator$Immediate$$anonfun$10",Rq,{us:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function Lp(){}
+Lp.prototype=new Qq;Lp.prototype.h=function(a){return Uu(a)};function Uu(a){var b=C(function(a){return}),c=Fd(),c=Gd(c);return Qd(a,b,c)}Lp.prototype.a=new u({vs:0},!1,"rx.core.Propagator$Immediate$$anonfun$9",Rq,{vs:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function Sb(){this.Fa=this.oc=null;this.cj=!1;}Sb.prototype=new v;m=Sb.prototype;m.Xi=function(){return ar()};m.Rg=function(){return Id()};m.Zl=d("bj");
+m.Ng=function(a,b){this.oc=b;this.Zl((new Vu).o(ar()));this.cj=!0;this.Fa=(new Lr).o(ml(ol(),a));return this};{return this.Fa.l};m.Sl=function(){return Ed(this)};m.a=new u({ys:0},!1,"rx.core.Var",w,{ys:1,c:1,ws:1,qs:1,Xm:1,Ym:1});function Wu(){}Wu.prototype=new v;m=Wu.prototype;m.b=function(){Xu=this;return this};m.h=function(a){return(new Yu).f(a)};m.dd=function(a){return+(new Yu).f(a)};m.r=k("\x3cfunction1\x3e");
+m.a=new u({Hs:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$RawFrag$",w,{Hs:1,c:1,lt:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});var Xu=void 0;function Zu(){}Zu.prototype=new v;m=Zu.prototype;m.b=function(){$u=this;return this};m.h=function(a){return(new G).f(a)};m.dd=function(a){return+(new G).f(a)};m.r=k("\x3cfunction1\x3e");m.a=new u({Is:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$StringFrag$",w,{Is:1,c:1,lt:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});var $u=void 0;function ue(){this.oc=null}ue.prototype=new v;m=ue.prototype;"Attr");m.eb=k(1);
+m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:a&&a.a&&!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.oc;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};m.f=function(a){this.oc=a;var b=ce();if(!ne(oe(b.Mk,a)))throw(new pe).f(qe((new re).jb((new z).k(["Illegal attribute name: "," is not a valid XML attribute name"])),(new z).k([a])));return this};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};
+m.a=new u({cn:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Attr",w,{cn:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function bv(){this.Ke=this.Be=this.of=null}bv.prototype=new v;function cv(){}m=cv.prototype=bv.prototype;"PixelStyle");,b){this.of=a;this.Be=b;this.Ke=(new $).ma(a,b);return this};m.eb=k(2);m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:a&&a.a&&!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.of;case 1:return this.Be;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};
+m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};var dv=new u({ph:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.PixelStyle",w,{ph:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});bv.prototype.a=dv;function $(){this.Be=this.of=null}$.prototype=new v;function ev(){}m=ev.prototype=$.prototype;,b){this.of=a;this.Be=b;return this};"Style");m.eb=k(2);m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:a&&a.a&&!1};
+m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.of;case 1:return this.Be;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};var fv=new u({bd:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Style",w,{bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});$.prototype.a=fv;function gv(){this.Mf=this.Tc=null;}gv.prototype=new v;m=gv.prototype;"MenuNode");m.eb=k(4);
+m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:a&&a.a&&,this.Tc,a.Tc)&&this.Mf===a.Mf&&this.Qe===a.Qe&&!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.Tc;case 1:return this.Mf;case 2:return this.Qe;case 3:return;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};function Af(a,b,c,e){var f=new gv;f.Tc=a;f.Mf=b;f.Qe=c;;return f}
+m.ja=function(){var a=-889275714,a=Hp().zd(a,Fp(Hp(),this.Tc)),a=Hp().zd(a,Fp(Hp(),this.Mf)),a=Hp().zd(a,this.Qe),a=Hp().zd(a,;return Hp().Kg(a,4)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};m.a=new u({hn:0},!1,"scrollmenu.MenuNode",w,{hn:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function hv(){}hv.prototype=new Qq;hv.prototype.h=function(a){return iv(this,a)};function nf(a){var b=new hv;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;return b}
+function iv(a,b){return Rb(function(a,b){return function(){return af(,b,}}(a,b))}hv.prototype.a=new u({ot:0},!1,"scrollmenu.ScrollSpy$$anonfun$headers$2",Rq,{ot:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function jv(){this.ql=null}jv.prototype=new Qq;jv.prototype.h=function(a){var b=this.ql.m()?wd():(new Bd).o(this.ql.x());b.m()?a=!1:(b=b.La(),a=S(T(),b.l.Tc,a.l.Tc));return!a};function xf(a){var b=new jv;b.ql=a;return b}
+jv.prototype.a=new u({pt:0},!1,"scrollmenu.ScrollSpy$$anonfun$walkTree$1$1",Rq,{pt:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function De(){this.Ae=this.l=null}De.prototype=new v;m=De.prototype;"Tree");m.eb=k(2);m.fa=function(a){if(this===a)return!0;if(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.jn&&S(T(),this.l,a.l)){var b=this.Ae;a=a.Ae;return null===b?null===a:kv(a)?b.Wc(a):!1}return!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.l;case 1:return this.Ae;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};
+m.kb=function(){return av(this)};function Ce(a,b,c){a.l=b;a.Ae=c;return a}m.a=new u({jn:0},!1,"scrollmenu.Tree",w,{jn:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function lv(){}lv.prototype=new v;lv.prototype.b=function(){mv=this;return this};lv.prototype.we=function(a,b){return b.sf((new nv).f(a))};function Oe(a){a=Ne(a).sf((new ov).f("Tagged Object scrollmenu.Tree"));return(new Mf).Ge(a)}lv.prototype.a=new u({Gt:0},!1,"upickle.Internal$",w,{Gt:1,c:1,KI:1,rt:1,Wt:1,ut:1});var mv=void 0;
+function Ae(){mv||(mv=(new lv).b());return mv}function pv(){}pv.prototype=new Qq;m=pv.prototype;m.h=function(a){return(new Rg).jb(a)};m.Cm=function(a){return Cp(W(),(new Rg).jb(a))};m.Vl=function(a){return av((new Rg).jb(a))};m.r=k("Arr");m.Ul=function(a,b){switch(b){case 0:return a;default:throw(new X).f(""+b);}};m.dl=function(a,b){if(qv(b)){var c=null===b?null:b.l;return null===a?null===c:a.fa(c)}return!1};m.a=new u({Jt:0},!1,"upickle.Js$Arr$",Rq,{Jt:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});var rv=void 0;
+function sv(){rv||(rv=(new pv).b());return rv}function tv(){}tv.prototype=new Qq;tv.prototype.h=function(a){return(new Uf).Fe(+a)};tv.prototype.r=k("Num");tv.prototype.a=new u({Mt:0},!1,"upickle.Js$Num$",Rq,{Mt:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});var uv=void 0;function vv(){uv||(uv=(new tv).b())}function wv(){}wv.prototype=new Qq;m=wv.prototype;m.h=function(a){return(new Qf).jb(a)};m.Cm=function(a){return Cp(W(),(new Qf).jb(a))};m.Vl=function(a){return av((new Qf).jb(a))};m.r=k("Obj");
+m.Ul=function(a,b){switch(b){case 0:return a;default:throw(new X).f(""+b);}};m.dl=function(a,b){if(xv(b)){var c=null===b?null:b.l;return null===a?null===c:a.fa(c)}return!1};m.a=new u({Nt:0},!1,"upickle.Js$Obj$",Rq,{Nt:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});var yv=void 0;function zv(){yv||(yv=(new wv).b());return yv}function Av(){}Av.prototype=new Qq;Av.prototype.h=function(a){return(new Tf).f(a)};,b){return Bv(b)?a===(null===b?null:b.l):!1};Av.prototype.r=k("Str");
+Av.prototype.a=new u({Ot:0},!1,"upickle.Js$Str$",Rq,{Ot:1,Nc:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});var Cv=void 0;function fg(){Cv||(Cv=(new Av).b());return Cv}function Dv(){}Dv.prototype=new v;Dv.prototype.b=function(){Ev=this;Yf(this);return this};Dv.prototype.we=function(a,b){return Ae().we(a,b)};
+Dv.prototype.a=new u({au:0},!1,"upickle.package$",w,{au:1,c:1,Wt:1,LI:1,rt:1,ut:1});var Ev=void 0;function xe(){Ev||(Ev=(new Dv).b());return Ev}function st(){}st.prototype=new Ht;st.prototype.a=new u({by:0},!1,"java.lang.ArithmeticException",It,{by:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function pe(){}pe.prototype=new Ht;function Fv(){}Fv.prototype=pe.prototype;pe.prototype.b=function(){,null,null);return this};
+pe.prototype.f=function(a){,a,null);return this};var Gv=new u({Pg:0},!1,"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",It,{Pg:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});pe.prototype.a=Gv;function Hj(){}Hj.prototype=new Ht;function Hv(){}Hv.prototype=Hj.prototype;Hj.prototype.b=function(){,null,null);return this};Hj.prototype.f=function(a){,a,null);return this};
+var Iv=new u({Uo:0},!1,"java.lang.IllegalStateException",It,{Uo:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});Hj.prototype.a=Iv;function X(){}X.prototype=new Ht;X.prototype.a=new u({ly:0},!1,"java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException",It,{ly:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function ya(){}ya.prototype=new Ht;ya.prototype.b=function(){,null);return this};ya.prototype.a=new u({ty:0},!1,"java.lang.NullPointerException",It,{ty:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});
+function vm(){}vm.prototype=new Ht;vm.prototype.f=function(a){,a,null);return this};vm.prototype.a=new u({Ay:0},!1,"java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException",It,{Ay:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function V(){}V.prototype=new Ht;V.prototype.b=function(){,null);return this};V.prototype.a=new u({Ky:0},!1,"java.util.NoSuchElementException",It,{Ky:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});
+function H(){;this.op=this.Wi=null;this.Ok=!1}H.prototype=new Ht;H.prototype.Mi=function(){if(!this.Ok&&!this.Ok){var a;if(null===this.Wi)a="null";else try{a=ka(this.Wi)+" ("+("of class "+lb(la(this.Wi)))+")"}catch(b){if(null!==Ej(J(),b))a="an instance of class "+lb(la(this.Wi));else throw b;}this.op=a;this.Ok=!0}return this.op};H.prototype.o=function(a){this.Wi=a;;return this};H.prototype.a=new u({RB:0},!1,"scala.MatchError",It,{RB:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});
+function Jv(){}Jv.prototype=new v;function Kv(){}Kv.prototype=Jv.prototype;Jv.prototype.b=function(){return this};Jv.prototype.lj=function(){return this.m()?K():Td(new Ud,this.La(),K())};function ne(a){return!a.m()}var Lv=new u({am:0},!1,"scala.Option",w,{am:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});Jv.prototype.a=Lv;function ds(){}ds.prototype=new Yt;ds.prototype.h=ba();ds.prototype.a=new u({$B:0},!1,"scala.Predef$$anon$1",Zt,{$B:1,Rp:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function es(){}es.prototype=new Vt;es.prototype.h=ba();
+es.prototype.a=new u({aC:0},!1,"scala.Predef$$anon$2",Wt,{aC:1,Qp:1,c:1,p:1,g:1,e:1});function re(){this.Md=null}re.prototype=new v;m=re.prototype;"StringContext");m.eb=k(1);m.fa=function(a){if(this===a)return!0;if(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Tp){var b=this.Md;a=a.Md;return null===b?null===a:b.fa(a)}return!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.Md;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};
+function Mv(a,b){if(!==(|0))throw(new pe).f("wrong number of arguments ("") for interpolated string with "" parts");}
+function qe(a,b){var c=function(){return function(a){hs||(hs=(new gs).b());a:{var b=a.length|0,c=Lm(Fa(),a,92);switch(c){case -1:break a;default:var e=(new or).b();b:{var f=c,c=0;for(;;)if(0<=f){f>c&&Mt(e,a,c,f);c=1+f|0;if(c>=b)throw(new Nv).Oi(a,f);var h=65535&(a.charCodeAt(c)|0);switch(h){case 98:f=8;break;case 116:f=9;break;case 110:f=10;break;case 102:f=12;break;case 114:f=13;break;case 34:f=34;break;case 39:f=39;break;case 92:f=92;break;default:if(48<=h&&55>=h){h=65535&(a.charCodeAt(c)|0);f=
+-48+h|0;c=1+c|0;if(c<b&&48<=(65535&(a.charCodeAt(c)|0))&&55>=(65535&(a.charCodeAt(c)|0))){var l=c,f=-48+(y(8,f)+(65535&(a.charCodeAt(l)|0))|0)|0,c=1+c|0;c<b&&51>=h&&48<=(65535&(a.charCodeAt(c)|0))&&55>=(65535&(a.charCodeAt(c)|0))&&(h=c,f=-48+(y(8,f)+(65535&(a.charCodeAt(h)|0))|0)|0,c=1+c|0)}c=-1+c|0;f&=65535}else throw(new Nv).Oi(a,f);}c=1+c|0;Nt(e,f);f=c;Fa();h=a;l=Km(92);h=h.indexOf(l,c)|0;c=f;f=h}else{c<b&&Mt(e,a,c,b);a=e.Gb;break b}a=void 0}}}return a}}(a);Mv(a,b);for(var,,
+h=e.ia(),h=(new or).f(c(h));;){Lt(h,f.ia());var l=e.ia();Jt(h,c(l))}return h.Gb}m.jb=function(a){this.Md=a;return this};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};m.a=new u({Tp:0},!1,"scala.StringContext",w,{Tp:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Ov(){}Ov.prototype=new v;function Pv(){}Pv.prototype=Ov.prototype;Ov.prototype.b=function(){return this};var Qv=new u({Kh:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.duration.Duration",w,{Kh:1,c:1,g:1,e:1,bg:1,nc:1});Ov.prototype.a=Qv;
+function vj(){this.l=null}vj.prototype=new v;m=vj.prototype;m.kk=k(!1);m.Je=function(a,b){zs(ys(b,a),this.l.zc)};m.Cj=function(){return this};m.Io=k(!0);m.a=new u({CC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$KeptPromise",w,{CC:1,c:1,AC:1,rC:1,nC:1,iC:1});function Cd(){this.lh=null}Cd.prototype=new v;m=Cd.prototype;m.qh=function(){return+Dk(this)};m.fa=function(a){return fj(this,a)};m.r=function(){return""+this.hj()};
+m.Ix=function(a,b){var c=new du;c.HH=this;,a,null===b?null:b.rL());this.lh=c;return this};m.o=function(a){,a,null);return this};m.hj=g("lh");m.pi=function(){Dk(this)};m.Ed=function(){return Dk(this)};m.ja=function(){return Ka(this.lh)};m.a=new u({UC:0},!1,"scala.ref.WeakReference",w,{UC:1,c:1,PK:1,NK:1,$e:1,dC:1});function ql(){}ql.prototype=new Xp;ql.prototype.b=function(){;return this};
+ql.prototype.Bj=function(){Hs||(Hs=(new Gs).b());return Hs.Km?};ql.prototype.a=new u({xD:0},!1,"scala.util.control.BreakControl",Yp,{xD:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1,cq:1,QK:1});function Rv(){this.ka=null}Rv.prototype=new zq;Rv.prototype.ha=function(){Pp();return(new os).b()};Rv.prototype.a=new u({KD:0},!1,"scala.collection.Iterable$",Bq,{KD:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var Sv=void 0;function Xj(){Sv||(Sv=(new Rv).b());return Sv}function ym(){}ym.prototype=new fu;
+ym.prototype.ia=function(){return};ym.prototype.Qi=function(a,b){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;;return this};{return};ym.prototype.a=new u({MD:0},!1,"scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$11",gu,{MD:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function Tv(){this.kl=null;this.Ej=!1;}Tv.prototype=new fu;Tv.prototype.ia=function(){return!1,this.kl):Yj().Dc.ia()};
+Tv.prototype.Qi=function(a,b){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;this.xp=b;this.Ej=!1;return this};{if(!this.Ej){do{if(!!1;}while(!this.xp.h(this.kl));this.Ej=!0}return!0};Tv.prototype.a=new u({ND:0},!1,"scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$13",gu,{ND:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function gm(){}gm.prototype=new fu;gm.prototype.ia=function(){throw(new V).f("next on empty iterator");};!1);
+gm.prototype.a=new u({OD:0},!1,"scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$2",gu,{OD:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function Uv(){this.yc=null}Uv.prototype=new fu;Uv.prototype.ia=function(){if({var a=this.yc.x();this.yc=this.yc.u();return a}return Yj().Dc.ia()};{return!this.yc.m()};Uv.prototype.a=new u({PD:0},!1,"scala.collection.LinearSeqLike$$anon$1",gu,{PD:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function Wj(){this.Hv=this.ka=null}Wj.prototype=new zq;
+Wj.prototype.b=function(){;Vj=this;this.Hv=(new pl).b();return this};Wj.prototype.ha=function(){Vv||(Vv=(new Wv).b());return(new os).b()};Wj.prototype.a=new u({RD:0},!1,"scala.collection.Traversable$",Bq,{RD:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var Vj=void 0;function Xv(){}Xv.prototype=new iu;function Yv(){}Yv.prototype=Xv.prototype;Xv.prototype.kf=function(){return this.wj()};Xv.prototype.ha=function(){return br(new cr,this.wj())};
+var Zv=new u({ak:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.ImmutableSetFactory",ju,{ak:1,ch:1,eg:1,Xa:1,c:1,ob:1});Xv.prototype.a=Zv;function $v(){}$v.prototype=new iu;function aw(){}aw.prototype=$v.prototype;$v.prototype.ha=function(){return uu(new tu,this.kf())};var bw=new u({qq:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.MutableSetFactory",ju,{qq:1,ch:1,eg:1,Xa:1,c:1,ob:1});$v.prototype.a=bw;function cw(){this.ka=null}cw.prototype=new zq;cw.prototype.ha=function(){return(new os).b()};
+cw.prototype.a=new u({kE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Iterable$",Bq,{kE:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var dw=void 0;function Pp(){dw||(dw=(new cw).b());return dw}function ew(){this.Rh=null}ew.prototype=new fu;ew.prototype.ia=function(){return this.Nl()};ew.prototype.Nl=function(){if({var a=(new A).v(this.Rh.Gh(),this.Rh.Uh());this.Rh=this.Rh.$f();return a}throw(new V).f("next on empty iterator");};{return!this.Rh.m()};
+ew.prototype.a=new u({nE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.ListMap$$anon$1",gu,{nE:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function fw(){}fw.prototype=new fu;fw.prototype.ia=function(){if(!{var;;return a}return Yj().Dc.ia()};fw.prototype.Qf=function(a){;return this};{return!};fw.prototype.a=new u({rE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.ListSet$$anon$1",gu,{rE:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});
+function gw(){this.Md=null}gw.prototype=new wu;gw.prototype.oa=function(){return hw(this)};function hw(a){return a.Md.Wa.kc().Lg(C(function(){return function(a){return a.kc()}}(a)),(fk(),(new jt).b()))}function mt(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.wq)}gw.prototype.a=new u({wq:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Stream$StreamBuilder",yu,{wq:1,Eq:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1});function iw(){this.yc=null}iw.prototype=new fu;
+iw.prototype.ia=function(){if(! Yj().Dc.ia();var a=this.yc.Mb?this.yc.Na:un(this.yc),b=a.x();this.yc=tn(new sn,this,Rb(function(a,b){return function(){return b.u()}}(this,a)));return b};function jw(a){var b=new iw;b.yc=tn(new sn,b,Rb(function(a,b){return function(){return b}}(b,a)));return b}{return!(this.yc.Mb?this.yc.Na:un(this.yc)).m()};
+iw.prototype.kc=function(){var a=this.yc.Mb?this.yc.Na:un(this.yc);this.yc=tn(new sn,this,Rb(function(){return function(){fk();return km()}}(this)));return a};iw.prototype.a=new u({TE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.StreamIterator",gu,{TE:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function Wv(){this.ka=null}Wv.prototype=new zq;Wv.prototype.ha=function(){return(new os).b()};Wv.prototype.a=new u({WE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Traversable$",Bq,{WE:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var Vv=void 0;
+function kw(){this.Cc=null;this.Od=0;;this.dg=0;}kw.prototype=new fu;function lw(){}lw.prototype=kw.prototype;
+kw.prototype.ia=function(){if(null!{var;||(;return a}a:{var a=this.Ph,b=this.dg;for(;;){b===(-1+a.d.length|0)?(this.Od=-1+this.Od|0,0<=this.Od?(this.Ph=this.Yj.d[this.Od],[this.Od],this.Yj.d[this.Od]=null):(this.Ph=null,this.dg=0)):this.dg=1+this.dg|0;if((a=a.d[b])&&a.a&&a.a.y.sq||a&&a.a&&a.a.y.uq){;break a}if(mw(a)||nw(a))0<=this.Od&&(this.Yj.d[this.Od]=this.Ph,[this.Od]=this.dg),this.Od=1+this.Od|0,this.Ph=ow(a),
+this.dg=0,a=ow(a),b=0;else{;a=this.ia();break a}}a=void 0}return a};{return null!||0<=this.Od};function ow(a){if(mw(a))return a.qb;if(nw(a))return a.Hb;throw(new H).o(a);}kw.prototype.Bo=function(a){this.Cc=a;this.Od=0;this.Yj=s(x(x(pw)),[6]);,[6]);this.Ph=this.Cc;this.dg=0;;return this};var qw=new u({lm:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.TrieIterator",gu,{lm:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});kw.prototype.a=qw;
+function cf(){;this.Wn=this.Un=this.Sn=this.Qn=this.On=this.Ei=null}cf.prototype=new v;m=cf.prototype;m.ra=g("Sn");m.b=function(){this.Ei=s(x(w),[32]);this.Di=1;;return this};m.zb=g("Di");m.Sb=function(a){return rw(this,a)};m.If=d("Wn");m.mb=g("Ei");m.Pa=g("Un");m.Ba=d("Qn");
+function rw(a,b){if(a.Sg>=a.Ei.d.length){var|0,^c;if(1024>e)1===a.zb()&&(,[32])),a.P().d[0]=a.mb(),a.Fd(1+a.zb()|0)),a.Ca(s(x(w),[32])),a.P().d[31&c>>5]=a.mb();else if(32768>e)2===a.zb()&&(a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),a.ea().d[0]=a.P(),a.Fd(1+a.zb()|0)),a.Ca(s(x(w),[32])),,[32])),a.P().d[31&c>>5]=a.mb(),a.ea().d[31&c>>10]=a.P();else if(1048576>e)3===a.zb()&&(a.db(s(x(w),[32])),a.ra().d[0]=a.ea(),a.Fd(1+a.zb()|0)),a.Ca(s(x(w),[32])),,[32])),a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),
+a.P().d[31&c>>5]=a.mb(),a.ea().d[31&c>>10]=a.P(),a.ra().d[31&c>>15]=a.ea();else if(33554432>e)4===a.zb()&&(a.Zb(s(x(w),[32])),a.Pa().d[0]=a.ra(),a.Fd(1+a.zb()|0)),a.Ca(s(x(w),[32])),,[32])),a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),a.db(s(x(w),[32])),a.P().d[31&c>>5]=a.mb(),a.ea().d[31&c>>10]=a.P(),a.ra().d[31&c>>15]=a.ea(),a.Pa().d[31&c>>20]=a.ra();else if(1073741824>e)5===a.zb()&&(a.If(s(x(w),[32])),a.Bc().d[0]=a.Pa(),a.Fd(1+a.zb()|0)),a.Ca(s(x(w),[32])),,[32])),a.Ba(s(x(w),[32])),a.db(s(x(w),[32])),
+a.Zb(s(x(w),[32])),a.P().d[31&c>>5]=a.mb(),a.ea().d[31&c>>10]=a.P(),a.ra().d[31&c>>15]=a.ea(),a.Pa().d[31&c>>20]=a.ra(),a.Bc().d[31&c>>25]=a.Pa();else throw(new pe).b();;a.Sg=0}a.Ei.d[a.Sg]=b;a.Sg=1+a.Sg|0;return a}m.oa=function(){return ff(this)};"On");m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};m.Zb=d("Un");m.P=g("On");m.Bc=g("Wn");function ff(a){var|0;if(0===b)return Je().qj;var c=(new sw).j(0,b,0);En(c,a,a.Di);1<a.Di&&Fn(c,0,-1+b|0);return c}{return rw(this,a)};
+m.vb=da();m.Fd=d("Di");m.ea=g("Qn");m.Ca=d("Ei");m.hb=function(a){return ef(this,a)};m.db=d("Sn");m.a=new u({ZE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.VectorBuilder",w,{ZE:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,zq:1});function Ln(){this.lo=this.Sd=null}Ln.prototype=new v;function Kn(a,b,c){a.lo=c;a.Sd=b;return a}m=Ln.prototype;m.fa=function(a){return fj(this,a)};m.Sb=function(a){;return this};m.r=function(){return""+this.hj()};m.oa=function(){return this.lo.h(this.Sd.oa())};m.hj=g("Sd");
+m.Mc=function(a,b){this.Sd.Mc(a,b)};{;return this};m.ja=function(){return this.Sd.ja()};m.vb=function(a){this.Sd.vb(a)};m.hb=function(a){this.Sd.hb(a);return this};m.a=new u({gF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.Builder$$anon$1",w,{gF:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,dC:1});function tw(){this.Ee=0;}tw.prototype=new fu;tw.prototype.ia=function(){return|0,[-1+this.Ee|0]===Zn()?[-1+this.Ee|0]):Yj().Dc.ia()};
+function uw(a){var b=new tw;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;b.Ee=0;return b}{for(;this.Ee<[this.Ee];)this.Ee=1+this.Ee|0;return this.Ee<};tw.prototype.a=new u({jF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.FlatHashTable$$anon$1",gu,{jF:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function vw(){this.yl=null;this.Bh=0;this.Ig=null}vw.prototype=new fu;function ww(a){var b=new vw;b.yl=a.ya;b.Bh=io(a);b.Ig=b.yl.d[b.Bh];return b}
+vw.prototype.ia=function(){var a=this.Ig;for(this.Ig=this.Ig.Kd;null===this.Ig&&0<this.Bh;)this.Bh=-1+this.Bh|0,this.Ig=this.yl.d[this.Bh];return a};{return null!==this.Ig};vw.prototype.a=new u({qF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.HashTable$$anon$1",gu,{qF:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function xw(){this.ka=null}xw.prototype=new zq;xw.prototype.ha=function(){return(new Bm).b()};xw.prototype.a=new u({sF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.Iterable$",Bq,{sF:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});
+var yw=void 0;function zw(){this.Cc=null}zw.prototype=new fu;zw.prototype.ia=function(){var a=this.Cc.vh;this.Cc=this.Cc.kd;return a};{return!this.Cc.m()};function Aw(a){var b=new zw;b.Cc=a;return b}zw.prototype.a=new u({vF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.LinkedListLike$$anon$1",gu,{vF:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function Bw(){this.Ci=null}Bw.prototype=new fu;
+Bw.prototype.ia=function(){if({var a=this.Ci.x();this.Ci=this.Ci.u();return a}throw(new V).f("next on empty Iterator");};{return this.Ci!==K()};Bw.prototype.a=new u({xF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer$$anon$1",gu,{xF:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function Cw(){this.Jn=this.yi=0;this.or=null}Cw.prototype=new fu;Cw.prototype.ia=function(){var a=this.or.fb(this.yi);this.yi=1+this.yi|0;return a};
+function av(a){var b=new Cw;b.or=a;b.yi=0;b.Jn=a.eb();return b}{return this.yi<this.Jn};Cw.prototype.a=new u({GG:0},!1,"scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime$$anon$1",gu,{GG:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function Dw(){this.sp=null;this.Tu=!1;this.OJ=this.Rv=null;this.BJ=this.Iw=this.ay=this.Uv=!1}Dw.prototype=new Dt;function Ew(){}Ew.prototype=Dw.prototype;Dw.prototype.Ek=function(a){a=null===a?"null":ka(a);Cu(this,null===a?"null":a);return this};
+function Gn(a){var b=Vr().tp.qd.La();Cu(b,zm(Fa(),a));Cu(b,"\n")}Dw.prototype.Fx=function(a,b,c){this.Tu=b;this.Rv=c;,a);this.Iw=this.ay=this.Uv=!1;return this};Dw.prototype.Dk=function(a){Fa();a=(new ig).rb(a).l;a=n.String.fromCharCode(a);Cu(this,a);return this};{,a,!1,null);return this};var Fw=new u({Sm:0},!1,"",Et,{Sm:1,tk:1,$h:1,c:1,nh:1,Zh:1,Qo:1});Dw.prototype.a=Fw;
+function Vu(){this.ik=this.l=null}Vu.prototype=new Mr;m=Vu.prototype;"SpinSet");m.eb=k(1);m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Zm?S(T(),this.ik,a.ik):!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.ik;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.o=function(a){this.ik=a;,a);return this};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};m.a=new u({Zm:0},!1,"rx.core.SpinSet",Nr,{Zm:1,ap:1,c:1,g:1,e:1,ua:1,n:1});function Yu(){this.Na=null}
+Yu.prototype=new v;m=Yu.prototype;"RawFrag");m.eb=k(1);m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:a&&a.a&&a.a.y.$m?this.Na===a.Na:!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.Na;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};m.ri=function(a){a.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend",this.Na)};m.Ef=function(a){this.ri(a)};m.f=function(a){this.Na=a;return this};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};
+m.a=new u({$m:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$RawFrag",w,{$m:1,c:1,oh:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function tc(){this.Sc=this.Na=this.Yd=null}tc.prototype=new v;m=tc.prototype;"AttrPair");m.eb=k(3);m.fa=function(a){if(this===a)return!0;if(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.dn){var b=this.Yd,c=a.Yd;return(null===b?null===c:b.fa(c))&&S(T(),this.Na,a.Na)?this.Sc===a.Sc:!1}return!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.Yd;case 1:return this.Na;case 2:return this.Sc;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};
+function sc(a,b,c,e){a.Yd=b;a.Na=c;a.Sc=e;return a}m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};m.Ef=function(a){this.Sc.zn(a,this.Yd,this.Na)};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};m.a=new u({dn:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.AttrPair",w,{dn:1,c:1,oh:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Gw(){$.call(this);this.G=this.he=null}Gw.prototype=new ev;Gw.prototype.Ga=function(a,b,c){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;$,b,c);a=(new L).b();this.he=N(new O,this,"auto",a);return this};
+Gw.prototype.a=new u({Ts:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StyleMisc$AutoStyle",fv,{Ts:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Hw(){$.call(this);this.G=null}Hw.prototype=new ev;Hw.prototype.Ga=function(a,b,c){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;$,b,c);return this};Hw.prototype.a=new u({Us:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StyleMisc$BorderRadius",fv,{Us:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Iw(){$.call(this);this.G=this.oH=this.Az=this.pH=null}Iw.prototype=new ev;
+Iw.prototype.Ga=function(a,b,c){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;$,b,c);a=(new L).b();this.pH=N(new O,this,"thin",a);a=(new L).b();this.Az=N(new O,this,"medium",a);a=(new L).b();this.oH=N(new O,this,"thick",a);return this};Iw.prototype.a=new u({Ws:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StyleMisc$BorderWidth",fv,{Ws:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Jw(){$.call(this);this.G=null}Jw.prototype=new ev;
+Jw.prototype.Ga=function(a,b,c){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;$,b,c);return this};Jw.prototype.a=new u({Xs:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StyleMisc$MultiImageStyle",fv,{Xs:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Kw(){$.call(this);this.G=this.Ol=null}Kw.prototype=new ev;Kw.prototype.Ga=function(a,b,c){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;$,b,c);a=(new L).b();this.Ol=N(new O,this,"none",a);return this};
+Kw.prototype.a=new u({Ys:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StyleMisc$NoneOpenStyle",fv,{Ys:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Lw(){$.call(this);this.G=this.Jz=null}Lw.prototype=new ev;Lw.prototype.Ga=function(a,b,c){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;$,b,c);a=(new L).b();this.Jz=N(new O,this,"normal",a);return this};Lw.prototype.a=new u({Zs:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StyleMisc$NormalOpenStyle",fv,{Zs:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});
+function Mw(){$.call(this);}Mw.prototype=new ev;function Nw(){}Nw.prototype=Mw.prototype;
+Mw.prototype.Ga=function(a,b,c){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;$,b,c);a=(new L).b();this.ow=N(new O,this,"dotted",a);a=(new L).b();this.ew=N(new O,this,"dashed",a);a=(new L).b();this.vG=N(new O,this,"solid",a);a=(new L).b(); O,this,"double",a);a=(new L).b();this.jx=N(new O,this,"groove",a);a=(new L).b();this.JB=N(new O,this,"ridge",a);a=(new L).b();this.Vx=N(new O,this,"inset",a);a=(new L).b();this.sB=N(new O,this,"outset",a);return this};
+var Ow=new u({fn:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StyleMisc$OutlineStyle",fv,{fn:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});Mw.prototype.a=Ow;function Pw(){$.call(this);this.G=this.he=this.TF=this.ux=this.BH=null}Pw.prototype=new ev;Pw.prototype.Ga=function(a,b,c){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;$,b,c);a=(new L).b();this.BH=N(new O,this,"visible",a);a=(new L).b();this.ux=N(new O,this,"hidden",a);a=(new L).b();this.TF=N(new O,this,"scroll",a);a=(new L).b();this.he=N(new O,this,"auto",a);return this};
+Pw.prototype.a=new u({$s:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StyleMisc$Overflow",fv,{$s:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Qw(){;this.G=this.he=null}Qw.prototype=new cv;Qw.prototype.Ga=function(a,b,c){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;,b,c);this.he=(new je).me((new L).b()).ye(this.Ke,"auto");return this};Qw.prototype.a=new u({at:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StyleMisc$PixelAutoStyle",dv,{at:1,ph:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function O(){this.Sc=this.Na=this.Fb=null}
+O.prototype=new v;m=O.prototype;"StylePair");m.eb=k(3);m.fa=function(a){if(this===a)return!0;if(a&&a.a&&{var b=this.Fb,c=a.Fb;return(null===b?null===c:b.fa(c))&&S(T(),this.Na,a.Na)?this.Sc===a.Sc:!1}return!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.Fb;case 1:return this.Na;case 2:return this.Sc;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};m.Ef=function(a){,ka(this.Na))};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};
+function N(a,b,c,e){a.Fb=b;a.Na=c;a.Sc=e;return a}m.a=new u({gn:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StylePair",w,{gn:1,c:1,oh:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Rw(){$.call(this);$}Rw.prototype=new ev;
+Rw.prototype.Hd=function(a){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;$,"display","display");a=(new L).b();this.Ol=N(new O,this,"none",a);a=(new L).b();this.Px=N(new O,this,"inline",a);a=(new L).b(); O,this,"block",a);a=(new L).b();this.jz=N(new O,this,"list-item",a);a=(new L).b();this.Qx=N(new O,this,"inline-block",a);a=(new L).b();this.Sx=N(new O,this,"inline-table",a);a=(new L).b();this.VG=N(new O,this,"table",a);a=(new L).b();this.WG=N(new O,this,"table-caption",
+a);a=(new L).b();this.XG=N(new O,this,"table-cell",a);a=(new L).b();this.YG=N(new O,this,"table-column",a);a=(new L).b();this.ZG=N(new O,this,"table-column-group",a);a=(new L).b();this.$G=N(new O,this,"table-footer-group",a);a=(new L).b();this.aH=N(new O,this,"table-header-group",a);a=(new L).b();this.bH=N(new O,this,"table-row",a);a=(new L).b();this.cH=N(new O,this,"table-row-group",a);a=(new L).b();this.Qw=N(new O,this,"flex",a);a=(new L).b();this.Rx=N(new O,this,"inline-flex",a);return this};
+Rw.prototype.a=new u({ht:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Styles$display$",fv,{ht:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Sw(){$.call(this);}Sw.prototype=new ev;
+Sw.prototype.Hd=function(a){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;$,"position","position");a=(new L).b();this.KG=N(new O,this,"static",a);a=(new L).b();this.HB=N(new O,this,"relative",a);a=(new L).b();this.xn=N(new O,this,"absolute",a);a=(new L).b();this.Pw=N(new O,this,"fixed",a);return this};Sw.prototype.a=new u({it:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Styles$position$",fv,{it:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Tw(){}Tw.prototype=new xt;m=Tw.prototype;
+m.Ya=function(a,b){if(qv(a)){var c=null===a?null:a.l;if(null!==c&&0===c.$b(2)){var,,e=Ne(this.go).h(e);return(new A).v(e,Ne(}}return b.h(a)};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=function(a){return qv(a)&&(a=null===a?null:a.l,null!==a&&0===a.$b(2))?!0:!1};function Uw(a,b,c){var e=new Tw;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;e.go=b;;return e}
+m.a=new u({st:0},!1,"upickle.Generated$$anonfun$Tuple2R$1",yt,{st:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function Kf(){}Kf.prototype=new xt;m=Kf.prototype;m.Ya=function(a){var b=Oi(,,e=this.ho,;Jf().yg;c=c.we("Array(2)",Uw(c,e,f));return b.h(Ne((new Mf).Ge(c)).h(a))};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=k(!0);
+m.a=new u({tt:0},!1,"upickle.GeneratedInternal$$anonfun$Case2R$1",yt,{tt:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function Vw(){}Vw.prototype=new xt;function Lf(a,b,c,e){var f=new Vw;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;;f.Mn=c;f.Fp=e;return f}m=Vw.prototype;m.Ya=function(a,b){return xv(a)?this.Fp.h((new Rg).jb(Nf(null===a?null:a.l,,this.Mn))):b.h(a)};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=function(a){return xv(a)};
+m.a=new u({vt:0},!1,"upickle.GeneratedUtil$$anonfun$readerCaseFunction$1",yt,{vt:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function gg(){}gg.prototype=new xt;m=gg.prototype;m.Ya=function(a,b){if(Bv(a)){var c=null===a?null:a.l;au||(au=(new $t).b());return,c)}return b.h(a)};m.Id=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=function(a){return Bv(a)};
+m.a=new u({wt:0},!1,"upickle.Implicits$$anonfun$10",yt,{wt:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function Ig(){}Ig.prototype=new xt;m=Ig.prototype;m.Ya=function(a,b){if(Bv(a)){var c=null===a?null:a.l;Fg();var c=(new wc).f(c),e=yg();return vs(xg(e,c.Ma,10))}return b.h(a)};m.Id=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=function(a){return Bv(a)};m.a=new u({xt:0},!1,"upickle.Implicits$$anonfun$4",yt,{xt:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});
+function Zf(){}Zf.prototype=new xt;m=Zf.prototype;m.Ya=function(){jc();throw(new Tt).b();};m.Id=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=k(!0);m.a=new u({yt:0},!1,"upickle.Implicits$$anonfun$5",yt,{yt:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function dg(){}dg.prototype=new xt;m=dg.prototype;m.Ya=da();m.Id=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=k(!0);
+m.a=new u({zt:0},!1,"upickle.Implicits$$anonfun$6",yt,{zt:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function Hg(){}Hg.prototype=new xt;m=Hg.prototype;m.Ya=function(a,b){var c=!1,e=null;return Bv(a)&&(c=!0,e=null===a?null:a.l,"inf"===e)?Fg().sk:c&&"-inf"===e?Fg().zk:c&&"undef"===e?Fg().Bk:b.h(a)};m.Id=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};
+m.$a=function(a){var b=!1,c=null;return Bv(a)&&(b=!0,c=null===a?null:a.l,"inf"===c)?!0:b&&"-inf"===c||b&&"undef"===c?!0:!1};m.a=new u({At:0},!1,"upickle.Implicits$$anonfun$7",yt,{At:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function ag(){}ag.prototype=new xt;m=ag.prototype;m.Ya=function(a,b){return bg()===a?!0:cg()===a?!1:b.h(a)};m.Id=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=function(a){return bg()===a?!0:cg()===a};
+m.a=new u({Bt:0},!1,"upickle.Implicits$$anonfun$8",yt,{Bt:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function eg(){}eg.prototype=new xt;m=eg.prototype;m.Ya=function(a,b){return Bv(a)?null===a?null:a.l:b.h(a)};m.Id=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=function(a){return Bv(a)};m.a=new u({Ct:0},!1,"upickle.Implicits$$anonfun$9",yt,{Ct:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function Ww(){}Ww.prototype=new xt;m=Ww.prototype;
+m.Ya=function(a,b){if(qv(a)){var c=null===a?null:a.l,e=C(function(a){return function(b){return Ne(a.ko).h(b)}}(this)),f=tb(),,f.ka);return sf(c,this.Hn)}return b.h(a)};function Kg(a,b,c){var e=new Ww;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;e.ko=b;e.Hn=c;return e}m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=function(a){return qv(a)};m.a=new u({Dt:0},!1,"upickle.Implicits$$anonfun$SeqishR$1",yt,{Dt:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});
+function Xw(){}Xw.prototype=new xt;m=Xw.prototype;m.Ya=function(a,b){if(Yw(a)){var c=a.l;try{return}catch(e){if(Yh(e))throw Of(new Pf,(new Uf).Fe(c),"Number");throw e;}}else if(Bv(a)){c=null===a?null:a.l;try{return}catch(f){if(Yh(f))throw Of(new Pf,(new Tf).f(c),"Number");throw f;}}else return b.h(a)};function Vf(a,b){var c=new Xw;;;return c}m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};
+m.$a=function(a){return Yw(a)||Bv(a)};m.a=new u({Et:0},!1,"upickle.Implicits$$anonfun$upickle$Implicits$$numericReaderFunc$1",yt,{Et:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function Zw(){this.qo=null}Zw.prototype=new xt;m=Zw.prototype;m.Ya=function(a,b){return Bv(a)?this.qo.h(null===a?null:a.l):b.h(a)};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};function Jg(a){var b=new Zw;b.qo=a;return b}m.$a=function(a){return Bv(a)};
+m.a=new u({Ft:0},!1,"upickle.Implicits$$anonfun$upickle$Implicits$$numericStringReaderFunc$1",yt,{Ft:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function nv(){this.hp=null}nv.prototype=new xt;m=nv.prototype;m.Ya=function(a){throw Of(new Pf,a,this.hp);};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.f=function(a){this.hp=a;return this};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=k(!0);m.a=new u({Ht:0},!1,"upickle.Internal$$anonfun$validate$1",yt,{Ht:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function ov(){this.ip=null}ov.prototype=new xt;
+m=ov.prototype;m.Ya=function(a){throw Of(new Pf,a,this.ip);};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.f=function(a){this.ip=a;return this};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=k(!0);m.a=new u({It:0},!1,"upickle.Internal$$anonfun$validateReader$1",yt,{It:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function Rg(){this.l=null}Rg.prototype=new v;m=Rg.prototype;{this.l;return"Arr"};m.eb=function(){this.l;return 1};m.fa=function(a){return sv().dl(this.l,a)};m.fb=function(a){return sv().Ul(this.l,a)};
+m.r=function(){return sv().Cm(this.l)};m.jb=function(a){this.l=a;return this};m.ja=function(){return this.l.ja()};m.kb=function(){return sv().Vl(this.l)};function qv(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.ln)}m.a=new u({ln:0},!1,"upickle.Js$Arr",w,{ln:1,c:1,Bf:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function $w(){}$w.prototype=new v;m=$w.prototype;m.b=function(){ax=this;return this};"False");m.eb=k(0);m.fb=function(a){throw(new X).f(""+a);};m.r=k("False");m.ja=k(67643651);m.kb=function(){return av(this)};
+m.a=new u({Kt:0},!1,"upickle.Js$False$",w,{Kt:1,c:1,Bf:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});var ax=void 0;function cg(){ax||(ax=(new $w).b());return ax}function bx(){}bx.prototype=new v;m=bx.prototype;m.b=function(){cx=this;return this};"Null");m.eb=k(0);m.fb=function(a){throw(new X).f(""+a);};m.r=k("Null");m.ja=k(2439591);m.kb=function(){return av(this)};m.a=new u({Lt:0},!1,"upickle.Js$Null$",w,{Lt:1,c:1,Bf:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});var cx=void 0;function Og(){cx||(cx=(new bx).b());return cx}
+function Uf(){this.l=0}Uf.prototype=new v;m=Uf.prototype;{this.l;return"Num"};m.eb=function(){this.l;return 1};m.fa=function(a){vv();return Yw(a)?this.l===a.l:!1};m.Fe=function(a){this.l=a;return this};m.fb=function(a){a:switch(vv(),a){case 0:a=this.l;break a;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}return a};m.r=function(){vv();var a=this.l;return Cp(W(),(new Uf).Fe(a))};m.ja=function(){var a=this.l;return Ga(Ha(),a)};m.kb=function(){vv();return av((new Uf).Fe(this.l))};
+function Yw(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&}m.a=new u({mn:0},!1,"upickle.Js$Num",w,{mn:1,c:1,Bf:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Qf(){this.l=null}Qf.prototype=new v;m=Qf.prototype;{this.l;return"Obj"};m.eb=function(){this.l;return 1};m.fa=function(a){return zv().dl(this.l,a)};m.fb=function(a){return zv().Ul(this.l,a)};m.r=function(){return zv().Cm(this.l)};m.jb=function(a){this.l=a;return this};m.ja=function(){return this.l.ja()};m.kb=function(){return zv().Vl(this.l)};
+function xv(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.nn)}m.a=new u({nn:0},!1,"upickle.Js$Obj",w,{nn:1,c:1,Bf:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Tf(){this.l=null}Tf.prototype=new v;m=Tf.prototype;{this.l;return"Str"};m.eb=function(){this.l;return 1};m.fa=function(a){return fg().cl(this.l,a)};m.fb=function(a){a:switch(fg(),a){case 0:a=this.l;break a;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}return a};m.r=function(){fg();var a=this.l;return Cp(W(),(new Tf).f(a))};m.f=function(a){this.l=a;return this};
+m.ja=function(){var a=this.l;return Ea(Fa(),a)};m.kb=function(){fg();var a=(new Tf).f(this.l);return av(a)};function Bv(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.on)}m.a=new u({on:0},!1,"upickle.Js$Str",w,{on:1,c:1,Bf:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function dx(){}dx.prototype=new v;m=dx.prototype;m.b=function(){ex=this;return this};"True");m.eb=k(0);m.fb=function(a){throw(new X).f(""+a);};m.r=k("True");m.ja=k(2615726);m.kb=function(){return av(this)};
+m.a=new u({Pt:0},!1,"upickle.Js$True$",w,{Pt:1,c:1,Bf:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});var ex=void 0;function bg(){ex||(ex=(new dx).b());return ex}function Ng(){}Ng.prototype=new xt;m=Ng.prototype;m.Ya=function(a,b){return Og()===a?null:b.h(a)};m.Ha=function(a){return this.$a(a)};m.cb=function(a,b){return this.Ya(a,b)};m.$a=function(a){return Og()===a};m.a=new u({Vt:0},!1,"upickle.Reader$$anonfun$read$1",yt,{Vt:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function qh(){this.lg=null}qh.prototype=new xt;m=qh.prototype;
+m.Ni=function(a){this.lg=a;return this};m.qi=function(a){var b=this.lg,c=E().Pj;E();return b.appendChild(D(F(c,(new z).k([(new G).f(a.responseText)]))))};m.Ha=k(!0);m.cb=function(a,b){return this.qi(a,b)};m.a=new u({iu:0},!1,"webpage.Weather1$$anonfun$main$1",yt,{iu:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function uh(){this.lg=null}uh.prototype=new xt;m=uh.prototype;m.Ni=function(a){this.lg=a;return this};
+m.qi=function(a){var b=this.lg,c=E().Pj;E();a=n.JSON.parse(a.responseText);a=n.JSON.stringify(a,void 0,4);return b.appendChild(D(F(c,(new z).k([(new G).f(a)]))))};m.Ha=k(!0);m.cb=function(a,b){return this.qi(a,b)};m.a=new u({ku:0},!1,"webpage.Weather2$$anonfun$main$1",yt,{ku:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function xh(){this.lg=null}xh.prototype=new xt;m=xh.prototype;m.Ni=function(a){this.lg=a;return this};
+m.qi=function(a){if(200===(a.status|0)){var b=n.JSON.parse(a.responseText),c=ka(,e=ka(,f=-273.15+ +b.main.temp_min|0;a=-273.15+ +b.main.temp_max|0;var b=ka(b.main.humidity),h=this.lg,l=E().Tb,q=F(E().td,(new z).k([(E(),(new G).f("Weather in Singapore:"))])),r=E().Se,c=F(E().Ic,(new z).k([F(E().td,(new z).k([(E(),(new G).f("Country "))])),(E(),(new G).f(c))])),e=F(E().Ic,(new z).k([F(E().td,(new z).k([(E(),(new G).f("Weather "))])),(E(),(new G).f(e))])),B=E().Ic,M=F(E().td,
+(new z).k([(E(),(new G).f("Temp "))]));E();f=(new G).f(""+f);E();var aa=(new G).f(" - ");E();return h.appendChild(D(F(l,(new z).k([q,F(r,(new z).k([c,e,F(B,(new z).k([M,f,aa,(new G).f(""+a)])),F(E().Ic,(new z).k([F(E().td,(new z).k([(E(),(new G).f("Humidity "))])),(E(),(new G).f(b)),(E(),(new G).f("%"))]))]))]))))}};m.Ha=k(!0);m.cb=function(a,b){return this.qi(a,b)};m.a=new u({mu:0},!1,"webpage.Weather3$$anonfun$main$1",yt,{mu:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function A(){}
+A.prototype=new v;m=A.prototype;"Tuple2");m.eb=k(2);m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:a&&a.a&&,,,this.wa,a.wa):!1};m.fb=function(a){a:switch(a){case;break a;case 1:a=this.wa;break a;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}return a};m.v=function(a,b){;this.wa=b;return this};m.r=function(){return"("","+this.wa+")"};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};
+m.a=new u({vn:0},!1,"scala.Tuple2",w,{vn:1,c:1,uK:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function ng(){}ng.prototype=new Fv;function Yh(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Wo)}ng.prototype.a=new u({Wo:0},!1,"java.lang.NumberFormatException",Gv,{Wo:1,Pg:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function xr(){}xr.prototype=new Hv;xr.prototype.a=new u({Hy:0},!1,"java.util.FormatterClosedException",Iv,{Hy:1,Uo:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function fx(){}fx.prototype=new Fv;function gx(){}gx.prototype=fx.prototype;
+var hx=new u({Ij:0},!1,"java.util.IllegalFormatException",Gv,{Ij:1,Pg:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});fx.prototype.a=hx;function ix(){}ix.prototype=new Kv;m=ix.prototype;"None");m.eb=k(0);m.m=k(!0);m.La=function(){throw(new V).f("None.get");};m.fb=function(a){throw(new X).f(""+a);};m.r=k("None");m.ja=k(2433880);m.kb=function(){return av(this)};m.a=new u({SB:0},!1,"scala.None$",Lv,{SB:1,am:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});var jx=void 0;function wd(){jx||(jx=(new ix).b());return jx}function $i(){}
+$i.prototype=new xt;$i.prototype.Ha=k(!0);$i.prototype.cb=function(){return bj().Xj};$i.prototype.a=new u({XB:0},!1,"scala.PartialFunction$$anonfun$4",yt,{XB:1,Qb:1,c:1,p:1,H:1,g:1,e:1});function Bd(){this.zc=null}Bd.prototype=new Kv;m=Bd.prototype;"Some");m.eb=k(1);m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:Sd(a)?S(T(),this.zc,a.zc):!1};m.m=k(!1);m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.zc;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.La=g("zc");m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};
+m.o=function(a){this.zc=a;return this};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};function Sd(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Sp)}m.a=new u({Sp:0},!1,"scala.Some",Lv,{Sp:1,am:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Nv(){;this.Dx=0}Nv.prototype=new Fv;
+Nv.prototype.Oi=function(a,b){this.Dx=b;var c=(new re).jb((new z).k(["invalid escape "," index ",' in "','". Use \\\\\\\\ for literal \\\\.']));fs(jc(),0<=b&&b<(a.length|0));if(b===(-1+(a.length|0)|0))var e="at terminal";else var e=(new re).jb((new z).k(["'\\\\","' not one of "," at"])),f=65535&(a.charCodeAt(1+b|0)|0),e=qe(e,(new z).k([(new ig).rb(f),"[\\b, \\t, \\n, \\f, \\r, \\\\, \\\", \\']"]));,qe(c,(new z).k([e,b,a])));return this};
+Nv.prototype.a=new u({fC:0},!1,"scala.StringContext$InvalidEscapeException",Gv,{fC:1,Pg:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function kx(){}kx.prototype=new Pv;function lx(){}lx.prototype=kx.prototype;kx.prototype.$q=function(){throw(new pe).f(qe((new re).jb((new z).k([""," not allowed on infinite Durations"])),(new z).k(["toNanos"])));};var mx=new u({Uj:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.duration.Duration$Infinite",Qv,{Uj:1,Kh:1,c:1,g:1,e:1,bg:1,nc:1});kx.prototype.a=mx;function rs(){;this.Th=null}
+rs.prototype=new Pv;m=rs.prototype;m.fa=function(a){return a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Wp?vp(,};m.r=function(){return""" "+(Fg().Yq.h(this.Th)+(vp(,(new U).j(1,0,0))?"":"s"))};
+function qs(a,b,c){;a.Th=c;if(Z().di===c)b=nx(a,(new U).j(4194303,4194303,524287));else if(Z().ai===c)b=nx(a,(new U).j(2315255,1207959,524));else if(Z().bi===c)b=nx(a,(new U).j(1071862,2199023,0));else if(Z().gi===c)b=nx(a,(new U).j(97540,2199,0));else if(Z().ci===c)b=nx(a,(new U).j(2727923,36,0));else if(Z().Yh===c)b=nx(a,(new U).j(2562047,0,0));else if(Z().wg===c)b=nx(a,(new U).j(106751,0,0));else{b=Z().wg.Cg(b,c);if(c=qt(b,(new U).j(4087553,4194303,1048575)))c=(new U).j(106751,0,0),c=qt(c,
+b);b=c}if(!b)throw(new pe).f("requirement failed: Duration is limited to +-(2^63-1)ns (ca. 292 years)");return a}function nx(a,b){var c=Vh(b);return qt(,c)&&qt(b,}m.ja=function(){return Tn(};m.$q=function(){return};m.a=new u({Wp:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration",Qv,{Wp:1,Kh:1,c:1,g:1,e:1,bg:1,nc:1});function mc(){this.Fa=null}mc.prototype=new Jj;m=mc.prototype;m.b=function(){Kj(this,null,K());return this};
+function ox(a,b){var c=a;a:b:for(;;){var e=c.Fa;if(jl(e))zs(b,e);else if(Aj(e)){c=Cj(c);continue b}else if(qq(e)){if(!Kj(c,e,Td(new Ud,b,e)))continue b}else throw(new H).o(e);break a}}m.kk=function(a){a=wj(xj(),a);var b;a:{b=this;for(;;){var c=b.Fa;if(qq(c)){if(Kj(b,c,a)){b=c;break a}}else if(Aj(c))b=Cj(b);else{b=null;break a}}b=void 0}if(null!==b){if(!b.m())for(;!b.m();)zs(b.x(),a),b=b.u();return!0}return!1};
+function Bj(a,b){var c=a;a:b:for(;;){if(c!==b){var e=c.Fa;if(jl(e)){if(!b.kk(e))throw(new Hj).f("Cannot link completed promises together");}else if(Aj(e)){c=Cj(c);continue b}else if(qq(e))if(Kj(c,e,b)){if(!e.m())for(c=e;!c.m();)e=c.x(),ox(b,e),c=c.u()}else continue b;else throw(new H).o(e);}break a}}function Cj(a){for(;;){var b=a.Fa;if(Aj(b)){var c;b:{c=b;for(;;){var e=c.Fa;if(Aj(e))c=e;else break b}c=void 0}if(b===c||Kj(a,b,c))return c}else return a}}m.Je=function(a,b){ox(this,ys(b,a))};m.Cj=function(){return this};
+m.Io=function(){var a;a:{a=this;for(;;){var b=a.Fa;if(jl(b)){a=!0;break a}if(Aj(b))a=Cj(a);else{a=!1;break a}}a=void 0}return a};function Aj(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Yp)}m.a=new u({Yp:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise",Lj,{Yp:1,Xp:1,c:1,AC:1,rC:1,nC:1,iC:1});function qd(){this.Ib=null}qd.prototype=new il;m=qd.prototype;"Failure");m.eb=k(1);m.ep=function(){return this};m.fa=function(a){if(this===a)return!0;if(yj(a)){var b=this.Ib;a=a.Ib;return null===b?null===a:b.fa(a)}return!1};
+m.La=function(){throw I(J(),this.Ib);};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.Ib;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};m.A=da();function pd(a,b){a.Ib=b;return a}m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};m.Si=k(!0);function yj(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.$p)}m.a=new u({$p:0},!1,"scala.util.Failure",kl,{$p:1,Wj:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function uj(){this.zf=null}uj.prototype=new il;m=uj.prototype;"Success");m.eb=k(1);
+m.ep=function(a){try{return(new uj).o(a.h(this.zf))}catch(b){a=Ej(J(),b);if(null!==a){var c=Fj(Gj(),a);if(!c.m())return a=c.La(),pd(new qd,a);throw I(J(),a);}throw b;}};m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:zj(a)?S(T(),this.zf,a.zf):!1};m.La=g("zf");m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.zf;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};m.A=function(a){a.h(this.zf)};m.o=function(a){this.zf=a;return this};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};
+m.Si=k(!1);function zj(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&}m.a=new u({bq:0},!1,"scala.util.Success",kl,{bq:1,Wj:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function px(){this.ka=null}px.prototype=new Ms;function qx(){}qx.prototype=px.prototype;var rx=new u({Lc:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.SeqFactory",Ns,{Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});px.prototype.a=rx;function sx(){}sx.prototype=new lw;{return tx(a)};
+sx.prototype.a=new u({eE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$HashTrieMap$$anon$1",qw,{eE:1,lm:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function ux(){}ux.prototype=new lw;{return a.Vb};ux.prototype.a=new u({iE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashSet$HashTrieSet$$anon$1",qw,{iE:1,lm:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1});function vx(){}vx.prototype=new Yv;vx.prototype.wj=function(){return ar()};
+vx.prototype.a=new u({GE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Set$",Zv,{GE:1,ak:1,ch:1,eg:1,Xa:1,c:1,ob:1});var wx=void 0;function Fd(){wx||(wx=(new vx).b());return wx}function xx(){;!1;this.Vk=0;this.Xn=this.Vn=this.Tn=this.Rn=this.Pn=this.Wk=null}xx.prototype=new fu;m=xx.prototype;
+m.ia=function(){if(! V).f("reached iterator end");var a=this.Wk.d[this.Vf];this.Vf=1+this.Vf|0;if(|0)<{var b=32+this.Gf|0,c=this.Gf^b;if(1024>c)this.Ca(this.P().d[31&b>>5]);else if(32768>c)[31&b>>10]),this.Ca(this.P().d[0]);else if(1048576>c)this.Ba(this.ra().d[31&b>>15]),[0]),this.Ca(this.P().d[0]);else if(33554432>c)this.db(this.Pa().d[31&b>>20]),this.Ba(this.ra().d[0]),[0]),this.Ca(this.P().d[0]);
+else if(1073741824>c)this.Zb(this.Bc().d[31&b>>25]),this.db(this.Pa().d[0]),this.Ba(this.ra().d[0]),[0]),this.Ca(this.P().d[0]);else throw(new pe).b();this.Gf=b;|0;>b?b:32;this.Vf=0}else!1;return a};m.ra=g("Tn");m.zb=g("Vk");m.If=d("Xn");m.mb=g("Wk");m.Pa=g("Vn");m.Ba=d("Rn");"Pn");"ge");m.Zb=d("Vn");m.P=g("Pn");m.Bc=g("Xn");m.Fd=d("Vk");m.ea=g("Rn");m.Ca=d("Wk");m.db=d("Tn");
+m.a=new u({$E:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.VectorIterator",gu,{$E:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1,zq:1});function yx(){}yx.prototype=new v;function zx(){}zx.prototype=yx.prototype;yx.prototype.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};var Ax=new u({Bq:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuilder",w,{Bq:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,g:1,e:1});yx.prototype.a=Ax;function Bx(){this.uo=this.Wh=this.Qk=this.rh=null}Bx.prototype=new Lu;function ub(a,b,c,e){var f=new Bx;f.rh=a;f.Qk=b;f.Wh=c;f.uo=e;return f}
+Bx.prototype.pi=function(){this.Wh.i=(1+this.Wh.i)%pb(wb(),this.rh);0===this.Wh.i&&qb(wb(),this.rh);this.uo.og(C(function(a){return null!==a&&null!!0:!1})).A(C(function(a){return function(b){a:{if(null!==b){var,e=b.wa|0;if(null!==c){;c=c.wa;wb();e=((a.rh.height|0)/3|0)*(0.5+e);c=c.dd(75*(a.Wh.i/pb(wb(),a.rh)));wb();c=c*(a.rh.height|0)/30;a.Qk.fillStyle=b;a.Qk.fillRect(a.Wh.i,c+e,3,3);break a}}throw(new H).o(b);}}}(this)))};Bx.prototype.Ed=function(){this.pi()};
+Bx.prototype.a=new u({Qr:0},!1,"Splash$$anonfun$main$1",Mu,{Qr:1,Rq:1,jg:1,c:1,$e:1,Np:1,g:1,e:1});function Xb(){this.mj=null}Xb.prototype=new Iu;{this.mj=a;return this};Xb.prototype.Ed=function(){var a=Vb(this.mj),a=(new wc).f(a),a=xc(a,32);Pn||(Pn=(new On).b());var b;b=(new Cx).ul(Ge(Ie(),Ik(W(),la(a))));for(var c=0,e=a.d.length;c<e;){var f=a.d[c];0<(f.length|0)&&Dx(b,f);c=1+c|0}return Ex(b).d.length};
+Xb.prototype.a=new u({Ur:0},!1,"advanced.BasicRx$$anonfun$2",Ju,{Ur:1,Qq:1,jg:1,c:1,$e:1,QB:1,g:1,e:1});function Fx(){}Fx.prototype=new Fu;Fx.prototype.qh=function(){for(var a=Vb(this.mj),a=(new wc).f(a),b=0,c=b=0,e=a.Ma.length|0;c<e;){var;32!==yp(T(),f)&&(b=1+b|0);c=1+c|0}return b/(Vb(|0)};Fx.prototype.Ed=function(){return this.qh()};function Yb(a,b){var c=new Fx;c.mj=a;;return c}
+Fx.prototype.a=new u({Vr:0},!1,"advanced.BasicRx$$anonfun$3",Gu,{Vr:1,Pq:1,jg:1,c:1,$e:1,PB:1,g:1,e:1});function md(){;}md.prototype=new lr;m=md.prototype;"AjaxException");m.eb=k(1);m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Um?S(T(),,!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};
+m.a=new u({Um:0},!1,"org.scalajs.dom.ext.AjaxException",mr,{Um:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1});function Tb(){this.Kp=this.Fa=this.oc=this.Jp=null;this.cj=!1;}Tb.prototype=new v;m=Tb.prototype;m.Rg=function(){return this.Fa.l.bp};m.Xi=function(){return};m.Zl=d("bj");m.Ng=function(a,b){this.Jp=a;this.oc=b;this.Zl((new Vu).o(ar()));this.cj=!0;this.Kp=(new Pt).rl(Id());this.Fa=(new Vu).o(Gx(this));return this};{return this.Fa.l.l};
+function Gx(a){var b=a.Kp,c=b.Ti;b.Ti=Xh((new U).j(1,0,0),c);var b=Wb().Fi,e=K(),e=(new Bd).o((new A).v(a,e)),f=b.qd.La();Vd(b.qd,e);try{var h=ml(ol(),a.Jp),l=Wb().Fi,q=(new A).v(h,l.qd.La().La().wa)}finally{Vd(b.qd,f)}if(null!==q),l=q.wa;else throw(new H).o(q);q=h;h=l;l=rf().ka;if(l===rf().ka)if(h===K())l=K();else for(l=h.x(),b=l=Td(new Ud,l.Rg(),K()),e=h.u();e!==K();)f=e.x(),f=Td(new Ud,f.Rg(),K()),b=b.rd=f,e=e.u();else{l=qf(h,l);for(b=h;!b.m();)e=b.x(),,b=b.u();l=l.oa()}b=Td(new Ud,
+Id(),l);e=Kp();l=new Ip;b=Ma(Xm(b,e));l.Bp=h;l.bp=b;,a,c,q);return l}m.Sl=function(a){if(!this.Xi().xl(a).m()||a.pb(this)){var b=Gx(this);a=this.Fa.l.l;var c=this.Fa;a:for(;;){var e=c.l,f=qt(b.Bm,e.Bm)?(new Bd).o(b):wd();if(Sd(f)){if(Dd(c,e,f.zc))break a}else if(wd()===f)break a;else throw(new H).o(f);}b=this.Fa.l.l;a=(null===b?null===a:b.fa(a))?sb(jc().tn,K()):Ed(this)}else a=ar();return a};m.a=new u({ns:0},!1,"rx.core.Dynamic",w,{ns:1,c:1,ws:1,qs:1,Xm:1,Ym:1,kI:1,iI:1});
+function Hx(){;this.vx=this.Iz=null}Hx.prototype=new Nw;Hx.prototype.Ga=function(a,b,c){,a,b,c);a=(new L).b();this.Iz=N(new O,this,"none",a);a=(new L).b();this.vx=N(new O,this,"hidden",a);return this};Hx.prototype.a=new u({Vs:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.StyleMisc$BorderStyle",Ow,{Vs:1,fn:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Ix(){;}Ix.prototype=new cv;"he");
+Ix.prototype.Hd=function(a){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;,"marginRight","margin-right");ie(this);return this};Ix.prototype.a=new u({bt:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Styles$$anon$1",dv,{bt:1,ph:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1,en:1});function Jx(){;}Jx.prototype=new cv;"he");Jx.prototype.Hd=function(a){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;,"marginTop","margin-top");ie(this);return this};
+Jx.prototype.a=new u({ct:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Styles$$anon$2",dv,{ct:1,ph:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1,en:1});function Kx(){;}Kx.prototype=new cv;"he");Kx.prototype.Hd=function(a){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;,"marginLeft","margin-left");ie(this);return this};Kx.prototype.a=new u({dt:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Styles$$anon$3",dv,{dt:1,ph:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1,en:1});
+function Lx(){$.call(this);}Lx.prototype=new ev;m=Lx.prototype;m.pq=d("vm");"Cl");m.kq=d("Sk");m.nq=d("Hl");m.oq=d("Yl");m.lq=d("Gg");m.Hd=function(a){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;$,"textAlignLast","text-align-last");ke(this);return this};m.a=new u({et:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Styles$$anon$4",fv,{et:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1,gt:1});
+function Mx(){$.call(this);}Mx.prototype=new ev;m=Mx.prototype;m.pq=d("vm");"Cl");m.kq=d("Sk");m.nq=d("Hl");m.oq=d("Yl");m.lq=d("Gg");m.Hd=function(a){if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);;$,"textAlign","text-align");ke(this);return this};m.a=new u({ft:0},!1,"scalatags.generic.Styles$$anon$5",fv,{ft:1,bd:1,c:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1,gt:1});function Nx(){;this.Jo=null;this.jl=!1;this.xi=null}
+Nx.prototype=new Ew;function fi(a){var b=new Nx;b.Jo=a;,(new Gt).b());b.jl=!0;b.xi="";return b}function Cu(a,b){for(var c=b;""!==c;){var e=c.indexOf("\n")|0;if(0>e)a.xi=""+a.xi+c,a.jl=!1,c="";else{var f=""+a.xi+c.substring(0,e);n.console&&(a.Jo&&n.console.error?n.console.error(f):n.console.log(f));a.xi="";a.jl=!0;c=c.substring(1+e|0)}}};Nx.prototype.a=new u({py:0},!1,"java.lang.JSConsoleBasedPrintStream",Fw,{py:1,Sm:1,tk:1,$h:1,c:1,nh:1,Zh:1,Qo:1});
+function Ox(){;this.Fn=0;this.fl=null}Ox.prototype=new gx;Ox.prototype.Mi=function(){return"Conversion \x3d "+(new ig).rb(this.Fn)+", Flags \x3d "+this.fl};Ox.prototype.rb=function(a){this.Fn=a;;this.fl=null;return this};function ht(){var a=new Ox;,115);a.fl="#";return a}Ox.prototype.a=new u({Dy:0},!1,"java.util.FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException",hx,{Dy:1,Ij:1,Pg:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function rr(){;}
+rr.prototype=new gx;rr.prototype.b=function(){;;return this};rr.prototype.Mi=function(){return"Flags \x3d '""'"};rr.prototype.f=function(a){;if(null===a)throw(new ya).b();;return this};rr.prototype.a=new u({Iy:0},!1,"java.util.IllegalFormatFlagsException",hx,{Iy:1,Ij:1,Pg:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function gt(){;this.$l=null}gt.prototype=new gx;
+gt.prototype.b=function(){;this.$l=null;return this};gt.prototype.Mi=function(){return"Format specifier '"+this.$l+"'"};gt.prototype.f=function(a){;if(null===a)throw(new ya).b();this.$l=a;return this};gt.prototype.a=new u({Jy:0},!1,"java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException",hx,{Jy:1,Ij:1,Pg:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1});function ss(){}ss.prototype=new lx;ss.prototype.fa=k(!1);ss.prototype.r=k("Duration.Undefined");
+ss.prototype.a=new u({uC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.duration.Duration$$anon$1",mx,{uC:1,Uj:1,Kh:1,c:1,g:1,e:1,bg:1,nc:1});function ts(){}ts.prototype=new lx;ts.prototype.r=k("Duration.Inf");ts.prototype.a=new u({vC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.duration.Duration$$anon$2",mx,{vC:1,Uj:1,Kh:1,c:1,g:1,e:1,bg:1,nc:1});function us(){}us.prototype=new lx;us.prototype.r=k("Duration.MinusInf");us.prototype.a=new u({wC:0},!1,"scala.concurrent.duration.Duration$$anon$3",mx,{wC:1,Uj:1,Kh:1,c:1,g:1,e:1,bg:1,nc:1});
+function Cs(){this.Tj=null}Cs.prototype=new v;m=Cs.prototype;m.pc=function(a){var b=this.ld();b===t(Va)?a=s(x(Va),[a]):b===t(Xa)?a=s(x(Xa),[a]):b===t(Ua)?a=s(x(Ua),[a]):b===t(Ya)?a=s(x(Ya),[a]):b===t(Za)?a=s(x(Za),[a]):b===t($a)?a=s(x($a),[a]):b===t(ab)?a=s(x(ab),[a]):b===t(Ta)?a=s(x(Ta),[a]):b===t(Sa)?a=s(x(xa),[a]):(xi||(xi=(new wi).b()),a=this.ld().Zd.newArrayOfThisClass([a]));return a};m.fa=function(a){var b;a&&a.a&&a.a.y.bc?(b=this.ld(),a=a.ld(),b=b===a):b=!1;return b};
+m.r=function(){return Hk(this,this.Tj)};m.ld=g("Tj");m.ja=function(){return xl(W(),this.Tj)};m.a=new u({YC:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ClassTag$$anon$1",w,{YC:1,c:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Px(){this.ka=null}Px.prototype=new qx;Px.prototype.ha=function(){Qx||(Qx=(new Rx).b());return(new os).b()};Px.prototype.a=new u({QD:0},!1,"scala.collection.Seq$",rx,{QD:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var Sx=void 0;function tb(){Sx||(Sx=(new Px).b());return Sx}function Tx(){this.ka=null}
+Tx.prototype=new qx;function Ux(){}Ux.prototype=Tx.prototype;var Vx=new u({bk:0},!1,"scala.collection.generic.IndexedSeqFactory",rx,{bk:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});Tx.prototype.a=Vx;function Wx(){this.iw=null}Wx.prototype=new at;Wx.prototype.b=function(){Xx=this;this.iw=Jq(new Iq,Fc(function(){return ba()}(this)));return this};
+function Yx(a,b,c,e,f,h,l){var q=31&(b>>>h|0),r=31&(e>>>h|0);if(q!==r)return a=1<<q|1<<r,b=s(x(Zx),[2]),q<r?(b.d[0]=c,b.d[1]=f):(b.d[0]=f,b.d[1]=c),$x(new ay,a,b,l);r=s(x(Zx),[1]);q=1<<q;r.d[0]=Yx(a,b,c,e,f,5+h|0,l);return $x(new ay,q,r,l)}{return by()};Wx.prototype.a=new u({$D:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$",bt,{$D:1,em:1,ck:1,ej:1,c:1,TK:1,g:1,e:1});var Xx=void 0;function cy(){Xx||(Xx=(new Wx).b());return Xx}function Rx(){this.ka=null}Rx.prototype=new qx;
+Rx.prototype.ha=function(){return(new os).b()};Rx.prototype.a=new u({FE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Seq$",rx,{FE:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var Qx=void 0;function Cx(){;this.od=this.ze=0}Cx.prototype=new zx;m=Cx.prototype;m.ul=function(a){;this.od=this.ze=0;return this};m.fa=function(a){return a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Cq?this.od===a.od&&this.Cc===a.Cc:!1};m.Sb=function(a){return Dx(this,a)};m.r=k("ArrayBuilder.ofRef");m.oa=function(){return Ex(this)};
+function Dx(a,b){dy(a,1+a.od|0);a.Cc.d[a.od]=b;a.od=1+a.od|0;return a}function Ex(a){return 0!==a.ze&&a.ze===a.od?a.Cc:ey(a,a.od)}{return Dx(this,a)};m.vb=function(a){this.ze<a&&(this.Cc=ey(this,a),this.ze=a)};function dy(a,b){if(a.ze<b||0===a.ze){for(var c=0===a.ze?16:y(2,a.ze);c<b;)c=y(2,c);a.Cc=ey(a,c);a.ze=c}}function ey(a,b){var;0<a.od&&St(Fe(),a.Cc,0,c,0,a.od);return c}
+m.hb=function(a){a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Kq?(dy(this,|0),St(Fe(),a.q,0,this.Cc,this.od,,|0,a=this):a=ef(this,a);return a};m.a=new u({Cq:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuilder$ofRef",Ax,{Cq:1,Bq:1,c:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,g:1,e:1});function Kc(){this.ka=null}Kc.prototype=new qx;Kc.prototype.ha=function(){return(new z).b()};Kc.prototype.a=new u({fF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.Buffer$",rx,{fF:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var Jc=void 0;
+function fy(){this.ka=null}fy.prototype=new qx;fy.prototype.ha=function(){return(new Bm).b()};fy.prototype.a=new u({rF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.IndexedSeq$",rx,{rF:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var gy=void 0;function hy(){gy||(gy=(new fy).b());return gy}function iy(){this.ka=null}iy.prototype=new qx;iy.prototype.ha=function(){return(new z).b()};iy.prototype.a=new u({iG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.js.WrappedArray$",rx,{iG:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var jy=void 0;
+function ft(){jy||(jy=(new iy).b());return jy}function G(){this.Na=null}G.prototype=new v;m=G.prototype;"StringFrag");m.eb=k(1);m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:a&&a.a&&!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.Na;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return Cp(W(),this)};m.Ef=function(a){a.appendChild(this.Xl())};m.Xl=function(){return n.document.createTextNode(this.Na)};m.f=function(a){this.Na=a;return this};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};
+m.kb=function(){return av(this)};m.a=new u({an:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$StringFrag",w,{an:1,c:1,kt:1,uk:1,oh:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1,e:1});function Pf(){;this.Lj=this.uj=null}Pf.prototype=new lr;m=Pf.prototype;"Data");m.eb=k(2);m.fa=function(a){if(this===a)return!0;if(a&&a.a&&{var b=this.uj,c=a.uj;return(null===b?null===c:b.fa(c))?this.Lj===a.Lj:!1}return!1};m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.uj;case 1:return this.Lj;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};
+function Of(a,b,c){a.uj=b;a.Lj=c;,qe((new re).jb((new z).k(["data: "," msg: ",""])),(new z).k([b,c])));return a}m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};m.a=new u({kn:0},!1,"upickle.Invalid$Data",mr,{kn:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1,MI:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1});function ky(){}ky.prototype=new v;m=ky.prototype;m.b=function(){ly=this;return this};m.Mg=function(a,b){return 0<=this.Qc(a,b)};m.Qc=function(a,b){return(a|0)<(b|0)?-1:(a|0)===(b|0)?0:1};
+m.Tg=function(a,b){return 0>=this.Qc(a,b)};m.a=new u({PC:0},!1,"scala.math.Ordering$Int$",w,{PC:1,c:1,QC:1,Mh:1,Fh:1,Nh:1,Lh:1,g:1,e:1});var ly=void 0;function zf(){ly||(ly=(new ky).b());return ly}function my(){}my.prototype=new v;m=my.prototype;m.b=function(){ny=this;return this};m.Mg=function(a,b){return 0<=this.Qc(a,b)};m.Qc=function(a,b){var c=Ma(a),e=Ma(b);return vo(e,c)?-1:vp(c,e)?0:1};m.Tg=function(a,b){return 0>=this.Qc(a,b)};
+m.a=new u({RC:0},!1,"scala.math.Ordering$Long$",w,{RC:1,c:1,KK:1,Mh:1,Fh:1,Nh:1,Lh:1,g:1,e:1});var ny=void 0;function Kp(){ny||(ny=(new my).b());return ny}function oy(){;this.vo=0}oy.prototype=new v;function py(){}py.prototype=oy.prototype;oy.prototype.fa=function(a){return this===a};oy.prototype.r=g("ar");oy.prototype.f=function(a){;this.vo=Ka(this);return this};oy.prototype.ja=g("vo");
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+uy.prototype=new Ux;uy.prototype.b=function(){;vy=this;this.ef=(new Ks).b();return this};uy.prototype.ha=function(){gf();Je();return(new cf).b()};uy.prototype.a=new u({HD:0},!1,"scala.collection.IndexedSeq$",Vx,{HD:1,bk:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var vy=void 0;function Ke(){vy||(vy=(new uy).b());return vy}function am(){this.Ch=this.Gg=0;this.G=null}am.prototype=new fu;
+am.prototype.ia=function(){this.Ch>=this.Gg&&Yj().Dc.ia();var;this.Ch=1+this.Ch|0;return a};function $l(a,b,c){a.Gg=c;if(null===b)throw I(J(),null);a.G=b;a.Ch=0;return a}{return this.Ch<this.Gg};am.prototype.a=new u({JD:0},!1,"scala.collection.IndexedSeqLike$Elements",gu,{JD:1,rc:1,c:1,ec:1,t:1,s:1,RK:1,g:1,e:1});function wy(){}wy.prototype=new Yv;
+function xy(a,b,c,e,f,h){var l=31&(b>>>h|0),q=31&(e>>>h|0);if(l!==q)return a=1<<l|1<<q,b=s(x(yy),[2]),l<q?(b.d[0]=c,b.d[1]=f):(b.d[0]=f,b.d[1]=c),zy(new Ay,a,b,c.z()+f.z()|0);q=s(x(yy),[1]);l=1<<l;c=xy(a,b,c,e,f,5+h|0);q.d[0]=c;return zy(new Ay,l,q,c.Oe)}wy.prototype.wj=function(){return By()};wy.prototype.a=new u({fE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashSet$",Zv,{fE:1,ak:1,ch:1,eg:1,Xa:1,c:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});var Cy=void 0;function mz(){Cy||(Cy=(new wy).b());return Cy}function nz(){this.ka=null}
+nz.prototype=new Ux;nz.prototype.ha=function(){Je();return(new cf).b()};nz.prototype.a=new u({jE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq$",Vx,{jE:1,bk:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1});var oz=void 0;function gf(){oz||(oz=(new nz).b());return oz}function pz(){}pz.prototype=new Yv;pz.prototype.wj=function(){return mu()};pz.prototype.ha=function(){return(new ku).b()};pz.prototype.a=new u({qE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.ListSet$",Zv,{qE:1,ak:1,ch:1,eg:1,Xa:1,c:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});var qz=void 0;
+function rz(){}rz.prototype=new aw;rz.prototype.kf=function(){return(new pu).b()};rz.prototype.a=new u({oF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.HashSet$",bw,{oF:1,qq:1,ch:1,eg:1,Xa:1,c:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});var sz=void 0;function qp(){;this.Jf=null}qp.prototype=new Ht;m=qp.prototype;"JavaScriptException");m.eb=k(1);m.Bj=function(){np();this.stackdata=this.Jf;return this};m.fa=function(a){return this===a?!0:pp(a)?S(T(),this.Jf,a.Jf):!1};
+m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return this.Jf;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.r=function(){return ka(this.Jf)};m.o=function(a){this.Jf=a;;return this};m.ja=function(){return yl(this)};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};function pp(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Mq)}m.a=new u({Mq:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.js.JavaScriptException",It,{Mq:1,Gc:1,Nb:1,nb:1,c:1,e:1,ua:1,n:1,g:1});function te(){this.Zf=this.ue=null;this.Vh=!1;this.Vg=null}te.prototype=new v;m=te.prototype;"TypedTag");
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+Pk.prototype.pc=function(a){return s(x(Za),[a])};Pk.prototype.ld=function(){return t(Za)};Pk.prototype.a=new u({aD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$10",qy,{aD:1,Le:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Qk(){}Qk.prototype=new py;Qk.prototype.b=function(){,"Float");return this};Qk.prototype.pc=function(a){return s(x($a),[a])};Qk.prototype.ld=function(){return t($a)};
+Qk.prototype.a=new u({bD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$11",qy,{bD:1,Le:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Rk(){}Rk.prototype=new py;Rk.prototype.b=function(){,"Double");return this};Rk.prototype.pc=function(a){return s(x(ab),[a])};Rk.prototype.ld=function(){return t(ab)};Rk.prototype.a=new u({cD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$12",qy,{cD:1,Le:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Sk(){}
+Sk.prototype=new py;Sk.prototype.b=function(){,"Boolean");return this};Sk.prototype.pc=function(a){return s(x(Ta),[a])};Sk.prototype.ld=function(){return t(Ta)};Sk.prototype.a=new u({dD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$13",qy,{dD:1,Le:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Tk(){}Tk.prototype=new py;Tk.prototype.b=function(){,"Unit");return this};Tk.prototype.pc=function(a){return s(x(xa),[a])};Tk.prototype.ld=function(){return t(Sa)};
+Tk.prototype.a=new u({eD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$14",qy,{eD:1,Le:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Lk(){}Lk.prototype=new py;Lk.prototype.b=function(){,"Byte");return this};Lk.prototype.pc=function(a){return s(x(Va),[a])};Lk.prototype.ld=function(){return t(Va)};Lk.prototype.a=new u({jD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$6",qy,{jD:1,Le:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Mk(){}Mk.prototype=new py;
+Mk.prototype.b=function(){,"Short");return this};Mk.prototype.pc=function(a){return s(x(Xa),[a])};Mk.prototype.ld=function(){return t(Xa)};Mk.prototype.a=new u({kD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$7",qy,{kD:1,Le:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Nk(){}Nk.prototype=new py;Nk.prototype.b=function(){,"Char");return this};Nk.prototype.pc=function(a){return s(x(Ua),[a])};Nk.prototype.ld=function(){return t(Ua)};
+Nk.prototype.a=new u({lD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$8",qy,{lD:1,Le:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Ok(){}Ok.prototype=new py;Ok.prototype.b=function(){,"Int");return this};Ok.prototype.pc=function(a){return s(x(Ya),[a])};Ok.prototype.ld=function(){return t(Ya)};Ok.prototype.a=new u({mD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$9",qy,{mD:1,Le:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});
+function uz(){;;this.wo=0}uz.prototype=new sy;function vz(){}vz.prototype=uz.prototype;uz.prototype.fa=function(a){return this===a};uz.prototype.r=g("br");uz.prototype.ja=g("wo");uz.prototype.Pi=function(a,b){;,wd(),a,K());this.wo=Ka(this);return this};var wz=new u({Oh:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$PhantomManifest",ty,{Oh:1,Zg:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});uz.prototype.a=wz;function xz(){this.AB=this.ka=null}
+xz.prototype=new qx;xz.prototype.b=function(){;yz=this;this.AB=(new Lq).b();return this};xz.prototype.kf=function(){return K()};xz.prototype.ha=function(){return(new os).b()};xz.prototype.a=new u({lE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.List$",rx,{lE:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});var yz=void 0;function rf(){yz||(yz=(new xz).b());return yz}function zz(){this.ka=null}zz.prototype=new qx;
+function Az(a,b,c){var e=b.x();return im(new jm,e,Rb(function(a,b,c){return function(){return Bz(b.u(),c)}}(a,b,c)))}function Cz(a,b,c){return im(new jm,b,Rb(function(a,b,c){return function(){return Cz(a,b+c|0,c)}}(a,b,c)))}zz.prototype.kf=function(){return km()};zz.prototype.ha=function(){return(new gw).b()};zz.prototype.a=new u({ME:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Stream$",rx,{ME:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});var Dz=void 0;function fk(){Dz||(Dz=(new zz).b());return Dz}
+function Ez(){this.ka=null}Ez.prototype=new qx;Ez.prototype.ha=function(){return(new Bm).b()};Ez.prototype.a=new u({dF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer$",rx,{dF:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});var Fz=void 0;function Gz(){this.ka=null}Gz.prototype=new qx;Gz.prototype.kf=function(){return(new Hz).b()};Gz.prototype.ha=function(){var a=(new Iz).b();return Kn(new Ln,a,C(function(){return function(a){return a.Ub}}(this)))};
+Gz.prototype.a=new u({uF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.LinkedList$",rx,{uF:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});var Jz=void 0;function Kz(){this.ka=null}Kz.prototype=new qx;Kz.prototype.ha=function(){return uu(new tu,(new os).b())};Kz.prototype.a=new u({wF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer$",rx,{wF:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});var Lz=void 0;function Mz(){this.ka=null}Mz.prototype=new qx;Mz.prototype.ha=function(){return(new Iz).b()};
+Mz.prototype.a=new u({zF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.MutableList$",rx,{zF:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});var Nz=void 0;function Oz(){this.ka=null}Oz.prototype=new qx;Oz.prototype.ha=function(){var a=(new Iz).b();return Kn(new Ln,a,C(function(){return function(a){var c=a.Ub,e=a.Jd;a=a.Hc;var f=new Pz;;f.Ub=c;f.Jd=e;f.Hc=a;return f}}(this)))};Oz.prototype.a=new u({BF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.Queue$",rx,{BF:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});
+var Qz=void 0;function Yc(){Qz||(Qz=(new Oz).b());return Qz}function Wk(){}Wk.prototype=new vz;Wk.prototype.b=function(){,Gk().Zj,"Any");return this};Wk.prototype.pc=function(a){return this.rf(a)};Wk.prototype.rf=function(a){return s(x(w),[a])};Wk.prototype.a=new u({$C:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$1",wz,{$C:1,Oh:1,Zg:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Xk(){}Xk.prototype=new vz;
+Xk.prototype.b=function(){,Gk().Zj,"Object");return this};Xk.prototype.pc=function(a){return this.rf(a)};Xk.prototype.rf=function(a){return s(x(w),[a])};Xk.prototype.a=new u({fD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$2",wz,{fD:1,Oh:1,Zg:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Yk(){}Yk.prototype=new vz;Yk.prototype.b=function(){,Gk().Zj,"AnyVal");return this};Yk.prototype.pc=function(a){return this.rf(a)};
+Yk.prototype.rf=function(a){return s(x(w),[a])};Yk.prototype.a=new u({gD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$3",wz,{gD:1,Oh:1,Zg:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function Zk(){}Zk.prototype=new vz;Zk.prototype.b=function(){,Gk().hq,"Null");return this};Zk.prototype.pc=function(a){return this.rf(a)};Zk.prototype.rf=function(a){return s(x(w),[a])};
+Zk.prototype.a=new u({hD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$4",wz,{hD:1,Oh:1,Zg:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});function $k(){}$k.prototype=new vz;$k.prototype.b=function(){,Gk().gq,"Nothing");return this};$k.prototype.pc=function(a){return this.rf(a)};$k.prototype.rf=function(a){return s(x(w),[a])};$k.prototype.a=new u({iD:0},!1,"scala.reflect.ManifestFactory$$anon$5",wz,{iD:1,Oh:1,Zg:1,c:1,Vc:1,bc:1,Jc:1,qc:1,g:1,e:1,n:1});
+function kv(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Qa)}function Rz(){this.qj=this.ka=null;this.qJ=this.fI=0}Rz.prototype=new Ux;Rz.prototype.b=function(){;Sz=this;this.qj=(new sw).j(0,0,0);return this};Rz.prototype.kf=g("qj");Rz.prototype.ha=function(){return(new cf).b()};Rz.prototype.a=new u({YE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Vector$",Vx,{YE:1,bk:1,Lc:1,tc:1,Cb:1,Xa:1,c:1,Ob:1,ob:1,g:1,e:1});var Sz=void 0;function Je(){Sz||(Sz=(new Rz).b());return Sz}function pg(){}pg.prototype=new v;
+m=pg.prototype;m.b=function(){og=this;return this};m.kj=function(a){return a|0};m.Mg=function(a,b){return 0<=this.Qc(a,b)};m.Qc=function(a,b){return(a|0)-(b|0)|0};m.Tg=function(a,b){return 0>=this.Qc(a,b)};m.a=new u({IC:0},!1,"scala.math.Numeric$ByteIsIntegral$",w,{IC:1,c:1,AK:1,Zp:1,Vj:1,Mh:1,Fh:1,Nh:1,Lh:1,g:1,e:1,HK:1});var og=void 0;function wg(){}wg.prototype=new v;m=wg.prototype;m.b=function(){vg=this;return this};m.kj=function(a){return a|0};m.Mg=function(a,b){return 0<=this.Qc(a,b)};
+m.Qc=function(a,b){return(a|0)<(b|0)?-1:(a|0)===(b|0)?0:1};m.Tg=function(a,b){return 0>=this.Qc(a,b)};m.a=new u({LC:0},!1,"scala.math.Numeric$IntIsIntegral$",w,{LC:1,c:1,FK:1,Zp:1,Vj:1,Mh:1,Fh:1,Nh:1,Lh:1,g:1,e:1,QC:1});var vg=void 0;function ug(){}ug.prototype=new v;m=ug.prototype;m.b=function(){tg=this;return this};m.kj=function(a){return a|0};m.Mg=function(a,b){return 0<=this.Qc(a,b)};m.Qc=function(a,b){return(a|0)-(b|0)|0};m.Tg=function(a,b){return 0>=this.Qc(a,b)};
+m.a=new u({MC:0},!1,"scala.math.Numeric$ShortIsIntegral$",w,{MC:1,c:1,GK:1,Zp:1,Vj:1,Mh:1,Fh:1,Nh:1,Lh:1,g:1,e:1,LK:1});var tg=void 0;function Tz(){}Tz.prototype=new v;function Uz(){}m=Uz.prototype=Tz.prototype;m.oo=function(a){return gn(this,a)};m.Lg=function(a,b){return Im(this,a,b)};m.Yf=function(a){return this.Ug("",a,"")};m.Ug=function(a,b,c){return Ym(this,a,b,c)};m.og=function(a){return(new wf).Pf(this,a)};m.Ec=function(a,b){return Wm(this,a,b)};m.Lf=function(a){return Hl(this,a,!1)};m.z=function(){return $m(this)};
+m.Xf=function(a){return Rm(this,a)};m.u=function(){return Yl(this)};m.hf=function(a,b,c,e){return Am(this,a,b,c,e)};m.Wf=function(a){return Xm(this,a)};{var a=Fd(),a=Gd(a);return sf(this,a)};{return this};,b){return this.Ec(a,b)};m.Re=function(a){return Tm(this,a)};,b){return Qd(this,a,b)};{return!this.m()};m.Uc=function(a){return Ml(this,a)};m.ha=function(){return this.ib().ha()};m.Ud=function(){return Jm(this)};
+var Vz=new u({aa:0},!1,"scala.collection.AbstractTraversable",w,{aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1});Tz.prototype.a=Vz;function Eg(){}Eg.prototype=new v;m=Eg.prototype;m.b=function(){Dg=this;return this};m.kj=function(a){return+a};m.Mg=function(a,b){return+a>=+b};m.Qc=function(a,b){var c=+a,e=+b;return Mh(Ag(),c,e)};m.Tg=function(a,b){return+a<=+b};m.a=new u({JC:0},!1,"scala.math.Numeric$DoubleIsFractional$",w,{JC:1,c:1,CK:1,BK:1,Vj:1,Mh:1,Fh:1,Nh:1,Lh:1,g:1,e:1,EC:1,IK:1});
+var Dg=void 0;function Cg(){}Cg.prototype=new v;m=Cg.prototype;m.b=function(){Bg=this;return this};m.kj=function(a){return ta(a)};m.Mg=function(a,b){var c=ta(a),e=ta(b);return c>=e};m.Qc=function(a,b){var c=ta(a),e=ta(b);return Mh(Ag(),c,e)};m.Tg=function(a,b){var c=ta(a),e=ta(b);return c<=e};m.a=new u({KC:0},!1,"scala.math.Numeric$FloatIsFractional$",w,{KC:1,c:1,EK:1,DK:1,Vj:1,Mh:1,Fh:1,Nh:1,Lh:1,g:1,e:1,EC:1,JK:1});var Bg=void 0;function cm(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.dc)}function Wz(){}
+Wz.prototype=new Uz;function Xz(){}m=Xz.prototype=Wz.prototype;m.x=function(){return};m.Gi=function(a){for(var,c=!1;!c&&;)c=!!a.h(b.ia());return c};m.Wc=function(a){return Tl(this,a)};m.ib=function(){return Xj()};m.Li=function(a){var;return nm(b,a)};m.A=function(a){var;mm(b,a)};m.Af=function(a){return fd(this,a)};m.fd=function(a){return bm(this,a)};m.kc=function(){return};
+m.Dg=function(a,b,c){var e=b;b=b+c|0;c=Pl(W(),a);b=b<c?b:c;for(;e<b&&;)Ql(W(),a,e,c.ia()),e=1+e|0};var Yz=new u({ca:0},!1,"scala.collection.AbstractIterable",Vz,{ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1});Wz.prototype.a=Yz;var pw=new u({Ea:0},!0,"scala.collection.immutable.Iterable",void 0,{Ea:1,Ja:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,Ia:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1});function wc(){this.Ma=null}wc.prototype=new v;m=wc.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return(new Mn).f(this.Ma)};
+m.x=function(){return Zl(this)};{a=65535&(this.Ma.charCodeAt(a)|0);return(new ig).rb(a)};m.$b=function(a){return|0};m.Wc=function(a){return Sl(this,a)};m.m=function(){return Xl(this)};{return(new Mn).f(this.Ma)};m.fa=function(a){return An().cl(this.Ma,a)};m.Lg=function(a,b){return Im(this,a,b)};m.Yf=function(a){return Ym(this,"",a,"")};m.Ug=function(a,b,c){return Ym(this,a,b,c)};m.og=function(a){return(new wf).Pf(this,a)};m.r=g("Ma");
+m.A=function(a){Ul(this,a)};m.Ec=function(a,b){return Ll(this,0,this.Ma.length|0,a,b)};m.Pe=function(a,b){return yn(An(),this.Ma,a,b)};m.Lf=function(a){return Hl(this,a,!1)};m.qe=function(){return Vl(this)};m.z=function(){return this.Ma.length|0};{return $l(new am,this,this.Ma.length|0)};{return this.Ma.length|0};m.Af=function(a){return Rl(this,a)};m.Xf=function(a){return Rm(this,a)};m.kc=function(){var a=$l(new am,this,this.Ma.length|0);return hm(a)};
+m.fd=function(a){var b=this.Ma.length|0;return yn(An(),this.Ma,a,b)};m.pd=function(){return(new Mn).f(this.Ma)};m.hf=function(a,b,c,e){return Am(this,a,b,c,e)};m.Wf=function(a){return Xm(this,a)};"Ma");{var a=Fd(),a=Gd(a);return sf(this,a)};,b){return Ll(this,0,this.Ma.length|0,a,b)};m.Dg=function(a,b,c){Ol(this,a,b,c)};m.ja=function(){var a=this.Ma;return Ea(Fa(),a)};m.f=function(a){this.Ma=a;return this};m.Re=function(a){return Tm(this,a)};,b){return Qd(this,a,b)};m.Dd=function(a){this.Ma;return(new Mn).f(a)};m.Uc=function(a){return Kl(this,a)};m.ha=function(){this.Ma;return(new Zm).b()};m.Ud=function(){return Jm(this)};m.a=new u({yq:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.StringOps",w,{yq:1,c:1,xq:1,nd:1,dc:1,Ta:1,U:1,n:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,Q:1,Ra:1,bg:1,nc:1});var tz=new u({Sa:0},!0,"scala.collection.Seq",void 0,{Sa:1,H:1,p:1,$:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1});
+function Zz(){}Zz.prototype=new Xz;function $z(){}$z.prototype=Zz.prototype;var aA=new u({mm:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.AbstractIterable",Yz,{mm:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1});Zz.prototype.a=aA;function bA(){this.Mj=0;this.Pl=null}bA.prototype=new v;function cA(){}m=cA.prototype=bA.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.x=function(){return Qe(this).ia()};m.Ex=function(a,b){this.Mj=a;this.Pl=b;return this};{return this.Pl.h(a)};
+m.$b=function(a){return Fm(this,a)};m.h=function(a){return|0)};m.Wc=function(a){return Tl(this,a)};m.dd=function(a){|0)};m.m=function(){return 0===this.$b(0)};{return this};m.fa=function(a){return kv(a)?this.Wc(a):!1};m.Lg=function(a,b){return Im(this,a,b)};m.Ug=function(a,b,c){return Ym(this,a,b,c)};m.Yf=function(a){return Ym(this,"",a,"")};m.og=function(a){return(new wf).Pf(this,a)};m.ib=function(){return tb()};m.r=function(){return Hm(this)};
+m.A=function(a){var b=Qe(this);mm(b,a)};m.Ec=function(a,b){return Wm(this,a,b)};m.Lf=function(a){return Hl(this,a,!1)};m.qe=function(){return Em(this)};m.z=g("Mj");m.sf=function(a){return Lg(new Mg,this,a)};{return Qe(this)};"Mj");m.Af=function(a){return fd(this,a)};m.Xf=function(a){return Rm(this,a)};m.kc=function(){var a=Qe(this);return hm(a)};m.fd=function(a){return bm(this,a)};m.pd=function(){return this};m.u=function(){return Yl(this)};
+m.hf=function(a,b,c,e){return Am(this,a,b,c,e)};m.Wf=function(a){return Xm(this,a)};m.Ha=function(a){return Il(this,a|0)};{return this};{var a=Fd(),a=Gd(a);return sf(this,a)};,b){return Wm(this,a,b)};m.cb=function(a,b){return cj(this,a,b)};m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this)};m.Re=function(a){return Tm(this,a)};,b){return Qd(this,a,b)};m.Dd=ba();m.Uc=function(a){return Ml(this,a)};m.ha=function(){tb();Qx||(Qx=(new Rx).b());return(new os).b()};
+m.Ud=function(){return Jm(this)};var dA=new u({Vm:0},!1,"org.scalajs.dom.ext.EasySeq",w,{Vm:1,c:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,$:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1});bA.prototype.a=dA;function eA(){}eA.prototype=new cA;function Pe(a){var b=new eA;,a.length|0,C(function(a){return function(b){return a[b|0]}}(a)));return b}
+eA.prototype.a=new u({ms:0},!1,"org.scalajs.dom.ext.package$PimpedNodeList",dA,{ms:1,Vm:1,c:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,$:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1});
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+this.GA=this.pA=this.oA=this.nA=this.mA=this.lA=this.kA=this.jA=this.iA=this.qp=this.jB=this.eB=this.XA=this.TA=this.OA=this.NA=this.MA=this.LA=this.FA=this.vA=this.$z=this.Zz=this.Yz=this.BA=this.YF=this.ZA=this.xA=this.wA=this.eA=this.WA=this.fB=this.bB=this.uA=this.dA=this.aA=this.MB=this.Zv=this.zz=this.yx=this.Gb=this.KB=this.Yv=this.LB=this.$$F=this.Jv=this.dv=this.wc=this.Ku=this.Hu=this.Ir=this.Gu=this.zu=null}fA.prototype=new v;
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+function Te(){var a=E();null===a.Oj&&null===a.Oj&&(a.Oj=(new Sw).Hd(a));return a.Oj}fA.prototype.a=new u({Ks:0},!1,"scalatags.JsDom$all$",w,{Ks:1,c:1,nI:1,HI:1,xI:1,rI:1,vI:1,uI:1,sI:1,yI:1,BI:1,zI:1,wI:1,AI:1,II:1,tI:1,EI:1,CI:1,JI:1,FI:1,lI:1,mI:1,pI:1,qI:1,oI:1});var gA=void 0;function E(){gA||(gA=(new fA).b());return gA}function hA(){}hA.prototype=new Xz;function iA(){}m=iA.prototype=hA.prototype;m.$b=function(a){return Fm(this,a)};m.dd=function(a){return+this.h(a)};
+m.m=function(){return 0===this.$b(0)};m.fa=function(a){return kv(a)?this.Wc(a):!1};m.r=function(){return Hm(this)};m.qe=function(){return Em(this)};m.sf=function(a){return Lg(new Mg,this,a)};m.z=function(){return};m.pd=function(){return this};m.cb=function(a,b){return cj(this,a,b)};m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this.Td())};m.Dd=ba();
+var jA=new u({ab:0},!1,"scala.collection.AbstractSeq",Yz,{ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1});hA.prototype.a=jA;function kA(){}kA.prototype=new Xz;function lA(){}m=lA.prototype=kA.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this.ig()};m.h=function(a){var b=this.Fc(a);if(wd()===b)a=Dm(a);else if(Sd(b))a=b.zc;else throw(new H).o(b);return a};{return this};m.dd=function(a){return+this.h(a)};m.m=function(){return 0===this.z()};
+m.fa=function(a){if(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Xb){var b;if(!(b=this===a)&&(b=this.z()===a.z()))try{for(var,e=!0;e&&;){var f=c.ia();if(null!==f){var h=f.wa,l=a.Fc(;b:{if(Sd(l)){var q=l.zc;if(S(T(),h,q)){e=!0;break b}}e=!1}}else throw(new H).o(f);}b=e}catch(r){if(r&&r.a&&r.a.y.hy)Gn("class cast "),b=!1;else throw r;}a=b}else a=!1;return a};m.r=function(){return Hm(this)};m.lf=function(){return ph()};m.sf=function(a){return Lg(new Mg,this,a)};m.ig=function(){return this};m.pb=function(a){return ne(this.Fc(a))};
+m.hf=function(a,b,c,e){return xm(this,a,b,c,e)};m.Ha=function(a){return this.pb(a)};m.ja=function(){var a=zl();return wl(a,this.ig(),a.dp)};m.cb=function(a,b){return cj(this,a,b)};m.Ud=k("Map");m.ha=function(){return mj(new nj,this.lf())};var mA=new u({Wb:0},!1,"scala.collection.AbstractMap",Yz,{Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1});kA.prototype.a=mA;function nA(){}nA.prototype=new Xz;function oA(){}m=oA.prototype=nA.prototype;
+m.dd=function(a){return+this.h(a)};m.m=function(){return 0===this.z()};m.fa=function(a){return Jl(this,a)};m.r=function(){return Hm(this)};m.xm=function(a){return this.Li(a)};m.ja=function(){var a=zl();return wl(a,this.dh(),};,b){return Qd(this,a,b)};m.xl=function(a){return this.Lf(a)};m.Hm=function(a){return Gm(this,a)};m.ha=function(){return br(new cr,this.Fg())};m.Ud=k("Set");
+var pA=new u({md:0},!1,"scala.collection.AbstractSet",Yz,{md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1});nA.prototype.a=pA;function Tg(){this.G=this.Aj=null}Tg.prototype=new lA;function qA(){}m=qA.prototype=Tg.prototype;m.Im=function(a){var b=mj(new nj,ph());ef(b,this);oj(b,(new A).v(,a.wa));return b.Ua};
+m.A=function(a){(new wf).Pf(this.G,C(function(){return function(a){return null!==a}}(this))).A(C(function(a,c){return function(e){if(null!==e)return c.h((new A).v(,a.Aj.h(e.wa)));throw(new H).o(e);}}(this,a)))};m.Do=function(a,b){this.Aj=b;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);this.G=a;return this};m.Wd=function(a){return Gl(this,a)};m.z=function(){return this.G.z()};{var,a=(new Tv).Qi(a,C(function(){return function(a){return null!==a}}(this)));return(new ym).Qi(a,C(function(a){return function(c){if(null!==c)return(new A).v(,a.Aj.h(c.wa));throw(new H).o(c);}}(this)))};m.Fc=function(a){a=this.G.Fc(a);var b=this.Aj;return a.m()?wd():(new Bd).o(b.h(a.La()))};m.pb=function(a){return this.G.pb(a)};m.fe=function(a){return this.Im(a)};
+var rA=new u({eq:0},!1,"scala.collection.MapLike$MappedValues",mA,{eq:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,GD:1});Tg.prototype.a=rA;function sA(){}sA.prototype=new lA;function tA(){}m=tA.prototype=sA.prototype;m.b=function(){return this};m.Aa=function(){return this};{return this};m.ib=function(){return Pp()};m.lf=function(){return this.$k()};m.$k=function(){return ph()};m.ig=function(){return this};m.Re=function(){return this};
+var uA=new u({Ad:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.AbstractMap",mA,{Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1});sA.prototype.a=uA;function vA(){}vA.prototype=new oA;function wA(){}m=wA.prototype=vA.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.b=function(){return this};m.x=function(){throw(new V).f("Set has no elements");};m.h=function(a){return this.pb(a)};{return this};m.m=k(!0);{throw(new V).f("Empty ListSet has no outer pointer");};m.ib=function(){qz||(qz=(new pz).b());return qz};m.Xh=function(a){return nu(this,a)};m.z=k(0);{return(new fw).Qf(this)};m.Fg=function(){return mu()};m.dh=function(){return this};m.u=function(){return};m.pb=k(!1);{return this};m.Xd=function(a){return this.Xh(a)};{throw(new V).f("Next of an empty set");};
+m.Hm=function(a){var b;a.m()?b=this:(b=(new ku).Qf(this),a=a.Aa(),b=lu(ef(b,a)));return b};m.Ud=k("ListSet");var xA=new u({im:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.ListSet",pA,{im:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,g:1,e:1});vA.prototype.a=xA;function yA(){}yA.prototype=new oA;m=yA.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.b=function(){zA=this;return this};m.h=k(!1);{return this};m.ib=function(){return Fd()};
+m.A=da();m.z=k(0);{return Yj().Dc};m.Fg=function(){return ar()};m.dh=function(){return this};m.pb=k(!1);{return this};m.Xd=function(a){return(new AA).o(a)};m.a=new u({HE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Set$EmptySet$",pA,{HE:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,g:1,e:1});var zA=void 0;function ar(){zA||(zA=(new yA).b());return zA}function AA(){this.Za=null}
+AA.prototype=new oA;m=AA.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.Gi=function(a){return!!a.h(this.Za)};m.h=function(a){return this.pb(a)};{return this};m.ib=function(){return Fd()};m.Li=function(a){return!!a.h(this.Za)};m.A=function(a){a.h(this.Za)};m.z=k(1);m.o=function(a){this.Za=a;return this};{Yj();var a=(new z).k([this.Za]);return $l(new am,a,a.q.length|0)};m.Fg=function(){return ar()};m.dh=function(){return this};{return this.pb(a)?this:(new BA).v(this.Za,a)};m.pb=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.Za)};{return this};m.Xd=function(a){return};m.a=new u({IE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Set$Set1",pA,{IE:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,g:1,e:1});function BA(){this.Eb=this.Za=null}BA.prototype=new oA;m=BA.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};
+m.Gi=function(a){return!!a.h(this.Za)||!!a.h(this.Eb)};m.h=function(a){return this.pb(a)};{return this};m.v=function(a,b){this.Za=a;this.Eb=b;return this};m.ib=function(){return Fd()};m.Li=function(a){return!!a.h(this.Za)&&!!a.h(this.Eb)};m.A=function(a){a.h(this.Za);a.h(this.Eb)};m.z=k(2);{Yj();var a=(new z).k([this.Za,this.Eb]);return $l(new am,a,a.q.length|0)};m.Fg=function(){return ar()};m.dh=function(){return this};{if(this.pb(a))a=this;else{var b=this.Eb,c=new CA;c.Za=this.Za;c.Eb=b;;a=c}return a};m.pb=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.Za)||S(T(),a,this.Eb)};{return this};m.Xd=function(a){return};m.a=new u({JE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Set$Set2",pA,{JE:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,g:1,e:1});function CA(){}CA.prototype=new oA;
+m=CA.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.Gi=function(a){return!!a.h(this.Za)||!!a.h(this.Eb)||!!a.h(};m.h=function(a){return this.pb(a)};{return this};m.ib=function(){return Fd()};m.Li=function(a){return!!a.h(this.Za)&&!!a.h(this.Eb)&&!!a.h(};m.A=function(a){a.h(this.Za);a.h(this.Eb);a.h(};m.z=k(3);{Yj();var a=(new z).k([this.Za,this.Eb,]);return $l(new am,a,a.q.length|0)};m.Fg=function(){return ar()};m.dh=function(){return this};{return this.pb(a)?this:(new DA).Of(this.Za,this.Eb,,a)};m.pb=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.Za)||S(T(),a,this.Eb)||S(T(),a,};{return this};m.Xd=function(a){return};m.a=new u({KE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Set$Set3",pA,{KE:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,g:1,e:1});function DA(){}DA.prototype=new oA;
+m=DA.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.Gi=function(a){return!!a.h(this.Za)||!!a.h(this.Eb)||!!a.h(||!!a.h(this.Eg)};m.h=function(a){return this.pb(a)};{return this};m.ib=function(){return Fd()};m.Li=function(a){return!!a.h(this.Za)&&!!a.h(this.Eb)&&!!a.h(!!a.h(this.Eg)};m.A=function(a){a.h(this.Za);a.h(this.Eb);a.h(;a.h(this.Eg)};m.z=k(4);{Yj();var a=(new z).k([this.Za,this.Eb,,this.Eg]);return $l(new am,a,a.q.length|0)};m.Fg=function(){return ar()};
+m.dh=function(){return this};{if(this.pb(a))return this;var b=(new EA).b(),c=this.Eb;a=[,this.Eg,a];var e=FA(FA(b,this.Za),c),b=0,c=a.length|0,f=e;for(;;){if(b===c)return f;e=1+b|0;f=f.Xd(a[b]);b=e}};m.pb=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.Za)||S(T(),a,this.Eb)||S(T(),a,||S(T(),a,this.Eg)};m.Of=function(a,b,c,e){this.Za=a;this.Eb=b;;this.Eg=e;return this};{return this};m.Xd=function(a){return};
+m.a=new u({LE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Set$Set4",pA,{LE:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,g:1,e:1});function EA(){}EA.prototype=new oA;function GA(){}m=GA.prototype=EA.prototype;m.oj=function(a,b){return HA(new IA,a,b)};{return,a))};m.Aa=function(){return this};m.b=function(){return this};m.h=function(a){return this.pb(a)};
+function FA(a,b){return a.oj(b,,0)}{return this};m.ib=function(){return mz()};m.A=da();function JA(a,b){var c=6+a.z()|0,c=s(x(yy),[224>c?c:224]),c=a.Ki(b,!1,0,c,0);return null===c?By():c}m.xm=function(a){if(a&&a.a&& this.jj(a,0);var;return nm(b,a)};m.Lf=function(a){return JA(this,a)};m.z=k(0);{return Yj().Dc};m.Fg=function(){return By()};{a=a+~(a<<9)|0;a^=a>>>14|0;a=a+(a<<4)|0;return a^(a>>>10|0)};m.Eh=k(null);m.dh=function(){return this};
+m.pb=function(a){return this.De(a,,0)};{return this};m.Ki=k(null);m.Xd=function(a){return FA(this,a)};m.xl=function(a){if(a&&a.a&&{var b=this.z(),c=a.z(),b=6+(b<c?b:c)|0,b=s(x(yy),[224>b?b:224]);a=this.Eh(a,0,b,0);a=null===a?By():a}else a=JA(this,a);return a};m.De=k(!1);m.jj=k(!0);
+var yy=new u({gg:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashSet",pA,{gg:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});EA.prototype.a=yy;function KA(){}KA.prototype=new wA;
+KA.prototype.a=new u({sE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.ListSet$EmptyListSet$",xA,{sE:1,im:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,g:1,e:1});var LA=void 0;function mu(){LA||(LA=(new KA).b());return LA}function MA(){}MA.prototype=new wA;m=MA.prototype;m.x=g("mf");m.m=k(!1);"G");m.Xh=function(a){return NA(this,a)?this:nu(this,a)};
+m.z=function(){var a;a:{a=this;var b=0;for(;;){if(a.m()){a=b;break a};b=1+b|0}a=void 0}return a};function nu(a,b){var c=new MA;;if(null===a)throw I(J(),null);c.G=a;return c}m.pb=function(a){return NA(this,a)};m.u=g("G");function NA(a,b){for(;;){if(a.m())return!1;if(S(T(),a.x(),b))return!0;}}"G");m.Xd=function(a){return this.Xh(a)};
+m.a=new u({uE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.ListSet$Node",xA,{uE:1,im:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,g:1,e:1});function OA(){}OA.prototype=new iA;function PA(){}PA.prototype=OA.prototype;OA.prototype.Aa=function(){return};{return this};
+var QA=new u({Yb:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.AbstractSeq",jA,{Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1});OA.prototype.a=QA;function RA(){}RA.prototype=new GA;
+RA.prototype.a=new u({gE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashSet$EmptyHashSet$",yy,{gE:1,gg:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});var SA=void 0;function By(){SA||(SA=(new RA).b());return SA}function Ay(){this.ud=0;this.Hb=null;this.Oe=0}Ay.prototype=new GA;m=Ay.prototype;
+m.oj=function(a,b,c){var e=1<<(31&(b>>>c|0)),f=Qh(mg(),this.ud&(-1+e|0));if(0!==(this.ud&e)){e=this.Hb.d[f];a=e.oj(a,b,5+c|0);if(e===a)return this;b=s(x(yy),[this.Hb.d.length]);St(Fe(),this.Hb,0,b,0,this.Hb.d.length);b.d[f]=a;return zy(new Ay,this.ud,b,this.Oe+(a.z()-e.z()|0)|0)}c=s(x(yy),[1+this.Hb.d.length|0]);St(Fe(),this.Hb,0,c,0,f);c.d[f]=HA(new IA,a,b);St(Fe(),this.Hb,f,c,1+f|0,this.Hb.d.length-f|0);return zy(new Ay,this.ud|e,c,1+this.Oe|0)};
+m.A=function(a){for(var b=0;b<this.Hb.d.length;)this.Hb.d[b].A(a),b=1+b|0};m.z=g("Oe");{var a=new ux;,this.Hb);return a};
+m.Eh=function(a,b,c,e){if(a===this)return this;if(a&&a.a&& a.Eh(this,b,c,e);if(nw(a)){var f=this.Hb,h=this.ud,l=0,q=a.Hb,r=a.ud,B=0;if(0===(h&r))return null;for(var M=e,aa=0,ca=0;0!==(h&r);){var ra=h^h&(-1+h|0),sa=r^r&(-1+r|0);if(ra===sa){var pa=f.d[l].Eh(q.d[B],5+b|0,c,M);null!==pa&&(aa=aa+pa.z()|0,ca|=ra,c.d[M]=pa,M=1+M|0);h&=~ra;l=1+l|0;r&=~sa;B=1+B|0}else{var pa=-1+ra|0,Wa=-1+sa|0;pa<Wa!==0>pa!==0>Wa?(h&=~ra,l=1+l|0):(r&=~sa,B=1+B|0)}}if(0===ca)return null;if(aa===this.Oe)return this;
+if(aa===a.Oe)return a;a=M-e|0;return 1!==a||nw(c.d[e])?(b=s(x(yy),[a]),Ja(c,e,b,0,a),zy(new Ay,ca,b,aa)):c.d[e]}return null};
+m.Ki=function(a,b,c,e,f){for(var h=f,l=0,q=0,r=0;r<this.Hb.d.length;){var B=this.Hb.d[r].Ki(a,b,5+c|0,e,h);null!==B&&(e.d[h]=B,h=1+h|0,l=l+B.z()|0,q|=1<<r);r=1+r|0}if(h===f)return null;if(l===this.Oe)return this;if(h!==(1+f|0)||nw(e.d[f])){b=h-f|0;a=s(x(yy),[b]);Ja(e,f,a,0,b);if(b===this.Hb.d.length)q=this.ud;else{mz();e=0;for(f=this.ud;0!==q;)b=f^f&(-1+f|0),0!==(1&q)&&(e|=b),f&=~b,q=q>>>1|0;q=e}return zy(new Ay,q,a,l)}return e.d[f]};
+function zy(a,b,c,e){a.ud=b;a.Hb=c;a.Oe=e;jc();if(Qh(mg(),b)!==c.d.length)throw(new Sn).o("assertion failed");return a}m.De=function(a,b,c){var e=31&(b>>>c|0),f=1<<e;return-1===this.ud?this.Hb.d[31&e].De(a,b,5+c|0):0!==(this.ud&f)?(e=Qh(mg(),this.ud&(-1+f|0)),this.Hb.d[e].De(a,b,5+c|0)):!1};
+m.jj=function(a,b){if(a===this)return!0;if(nw(a)&&this.Oe<=a.Oe){var c=this.ud,e=this.Hb,f=0,h=a.Hb,l=a.ud,q=0;if((c&l)===c){for(;0!==c;){var r=c^c&(-1+c|0),B=l^l&(-1+l|0);if(r===B){if(!e.d[f].jj(h.d[q],5+b|0))return!1;c&=~r;f=1+f|0}l&=~B;q=1+q|0}return!0}}return!1};function nw(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.vq)}
+m.a=new u({vq:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashSet$HashTrieSet",yy,{vq:1,gg:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function TA(){}TA.prototype=new GA;function UA(){}UA.prototype=TA.prototype;
+var VA=new u({dk:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashSet$LeafHashSet",yy,{dk:1,gg:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});TA.prototype.a=VA;function WA(){}WA.prototype=new tA;function XA(){}m=XA.prototype=WA.prototype;m.Uh=function(){throw(new V).f("empty map");};{return this};m.lf=function(){return YA()};m.Wd=function(a){return this.ok(a)};m.$k=function(){return YA()};
+m.z=k(0);m.ig=function(){return this};{var a=new ew;a.Rh=this;var b=rf().ka,a=Sm(a,b);return a.Dd(a.qe()).ga()};m.Gh=function(){throw(new V).f("empty map");};m.pj=function(a,b){return ZA(new $A,this,a,b)};m.ok=function(){return this};m.Fc=function(){return wd()};m.$f=function(){throw(new V).f("empty map");};m.fe=function(a){return this.pj(,a.wa)};
+var aB=new u({hm:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.ListMap",uA,{hm:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1});WA.prototype.a=aB;function bB(){}bB.prototype=new tA;m=bB.prototype;m.Wd=function(){return this};{return Yj().Dc};m.z=k(0);m.Fc=function(){return wd()};m.fe=function(a){return(new cB).v(,a.wa)};
+m.a=new u({wE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Map$EmptyMap$",uA,{wE:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1});var dB=void 0;function ph(){dB||(dB=(new bB).b());return dB}function cB(){this.Oa=this.ta=null}cB.prototype=new tA;m=cB.prototype;m.v=function(a,b){this.ta=a;this.Oa=b;return this};m.A=function(a){a.h((new A).v(this.ta,this.Oa))};m.Wd=function(a){return this.qg(a)};{Yj();var a=(new z).k([(new A).v(this.ta,this.Oa)]);return $l(new am,a,a.q.length|0)};m.z=k(1);,b){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?(new cB).v(this.ta,b):(new eB).Of(this.ta,this.Oa,a,b)};m.Fc=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?(new Bd).o(this.Oa):wd()};m.qg=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?ph():this};m.fe=function(a){return,a.wa)};
+m.a=new u({xE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map1",uA,{xE:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1});function eB(){}eB.prototype=new tA;m=eB.prototype;m.A=function(a){a.h((new A).v(this.ta,this.Oa));a.h((new A).v(this.Ka,};m.Wd=function(a){return this.qg(a)};{Yj();var a=(new z).k([(new A).v(this.ta,this.Oa),(new A).v(this.Ka,]);return $l(new am,a,a.q.length|0)};m.z=k(2);,b){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?(new eB).Of(this.ta,b,this.Ka,,a,this.Ka)?(new eB).Of(this.ta,this.Oa,this.Ka,b):fB(this.ta,this.Oa,this.Ka,,a,b)};m.Fc=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?(new Bd).o(this.Oa):S(T(),a,this.Ka)?(new Bd).o(};m.Of=function(a,b,c,e){this.ta=a;this.Oa=b;this.Ka=c;;return this};
+m.qg=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?(new cB).v(this.Ka,,a,this.Ka)?(new cB).v(this.ta,this.Oa):this};m.fe=function(a){return,a.wa)};m.a=new u({yE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map2",uA,{yE:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1});function gB(){}gB.prototype=new tA;m=gB.prototype;
+m.A=function(a){a.h((new A).v(this.ta,this.Oa));a.h((new A).v(this.Ka,;a.h((new A).v(,this.Rb))};function fB(a,b,c,e,f,h){var l=new gB;l.ta=a;l.Oa=b;l.Ka=c;;;l.Rb=h;return l}m.Wd=function(a){return this.qg(a)};{Yj();var a=(new z).k([(new A).v(this.ta,this.Oa),(new A).v(this.Ka,,(new A).v(,this.Rb)]);return $l(new am,a,a.q.length|0)};m.z=k(3);,b){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?fB(this.ta,b,this.Ka,,,this.Rb):S(T(),a,this.Ka)?fB(this.ta,this.Oa,this.Ka,b,,this.Rb):S(T(),a,,this.Oa,this.Ka,,,b):hB(this.ta,this.Oa,this.Ka,,,this.Rb,a,b)};m.Fc=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?(new Bd).o(this.Oa):S(T(),a,this.Ka)?(new Bd).o(,a, Bd).o(this.Rb):wd()};
+m.qg=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?(new eB).Of(this.Ka,,,this.Rb):S(T(),a,this.Ka)?(new eB).Of(this.ta,this.Oa,,this.Rb):S(T(),a, eB).Of(this.ta,this.Oa,this.Ka,};m.fe=function(a){return,a.wa)};m.a=new u({zE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map3",uA,{zE:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1});
+function iB(){}iB.prototype=new tA;m=iB.prototype;m.A=function(a){a.h((new A).v(this.ta,this.Oa));a.h((new A).v(this.Ka,;a.h((new A).v(,this.Rb));a.h((new A).v(this.yd,this.xe))};m.Wd=function(a){return this.qg(a)};{Yj();var a=(new z).k([(new A).v(this.ta,this.Oa),(new A).v(this.Ka,,(new A).v(,this.Rb),(new A).v(this.yd,this.xe)]);return $l(new am,a,a.q.length|0)};m.z=k(4);
+function hB(a,b,c,e,f,h,l,q){var r=new iB;r.ta=a;r.Oa=b;r.Ka=c;;;r.Rb=h;r.yd=l;r.xe=q;return r},b){var c;if(S(T(),a,this.ta))c=hB(this.ta,b,this.Ka,,,this.Rb,this.yd,this.xe);else if(S(T(),a,this.Ka))c=hB(this.ta,this.Oa,this.Ka,b,,this.Rb,this.yd,this.xe);else if(S(T(),a,,this.Oa,this.Ka,,,b,this.yd,this.xe);else if(S(T(),a,this.yd))c=hB(this.ta,this.Oa,this.Ka,,,this.Rb,this.yd,b);else{var e=(new jB).b(),f=(new A).v(this.Ka,;c=(new z).k([(new A).v(,this.Rb),(new A).v(this.yd,this.xe),(new A).v(a,
+b)]);var e=kB(kB(e,(new A).v(this.ta,this.Oa)),f),f=cy(),h=new tq;if(null===f)throw I(J(),null);h.G=f;f=h.Pc(;cm(c)&&(h=c.Aa().z(),cm(e)&&f.vb(e.z()+h|0));f.hb(;f.hb(c.Aa());c=f.oa()}return c};m.Fc=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?(new Bd).o(this.Oa):S(T(),a,this.Ka)?(new Bd).o(,a, Bd).o(this.Rb):S(T(),a,this.yd)?(new Bd).o(this.xe):wd()};
+m.qg=function(a){return S(T(),a,this.ta)?fB(this.Ka,,,this.Rb,this.yd,this.xe):S(T(),a,this.Ka)?fB(this.ta,this.Oa,,this.Rb,this.yd,this.xe):S(T(),a,,this.Oa,this.Ka,,this.yd,this.xe):S(T(),a,this.yd)?fB(this.ta,this.Oa,this.Ka,,,this.Rb):this};m.fe=function(a){return,a.wa)};
+m.a=new u({AE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Map$Map4",uA,{AE:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1});function Np(){}Np.prototype=new qA;function Mp(a,b,c){,b,c);return a}m=Np.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};{return this};m.Im=function(a){return jn(this,a)};m.ib=function(){return Pp()};m.lf=function(){return ph()};
+m.Wd=function(a){return kn(this,a)};m.ig=function(){return this};m.Re=function(){return this};m.fe=function(a){return jn(this,a)};m.a=new u({BE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.MapLike$$anon$2",rA,{BE:1,eq:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,GD:1,XK:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1});function jB(){}jB.prototype=new tA;function lB(){}m=lB.prototype=jB.prototype;{return,a))};m.Aa=function(){return this};
+m.b=function(){return this};{return this};m.nj=function(a,b,c,e,f){return mB(a,b,e,f)};m.xh=function(){return wd()};function kB(a,b){return a.nj(,,0,b.wa,b,null)}m.A=da();m.Wd=function(a){return this.$i(a,,0)};m.lf=function(){cy();return by()};m.$i=function(){return this};m.Ji=k(null);m.Lf=function(a){cy();var b=6+this.z()|0,b=s(x(Zx),[224>b?b:224]);cy();a=this.Ji(a,!1,0,b,0);return null===a?by():a};m.$k=function(){cy();return by()};m.z=k(0);m.ig=function(){return this};{return Yj().Dc};{a=a+~(a<<9)|0;a^=a>>>14|0;a=a+(a<<4)|0;return a^(a>>>10|0)};m.Fc=function(a){return this.xh(a,,0)};m.fe=function(a){return kB(this,a)};var Zx=new u({fj:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashMap",uA,{fj:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1,tb:1});jB.prototype.a=Zx;function IA(){this.Vb=null;this.Va=0}IA.prototype=new UA;m=IA.prototype;
+m.oj=function(a,b,c){if(b===this.Va&&S(T(),a,this.Vb))return this;if(b!==this.Va)return xy(mz(),this.Va,this,b,HA(new IA,a,b),c);c=mu();return nB(new oB,b,nu(c,this.Vb).Xh(a))};function HA(a,b,c){a.Vb=b;a.Va=c;return a}m.A=function(a){a.h(this.Vb)};{Yj();var a=(new z).k([this.Vb]);return $l(new am,a,a.q.length|0)};m.z=k(1);m.Eh=function(a,b){return a.De(this.Vb,this.Va,b)?this:null};m.Ki=function(a,b){return b!==!!a.h(this.Vb)?this:null};
+m.De=function(a,b){return b===this.Va&&S(T(),a,this.Vb)};m.jj=function(a,b){return a.De(this.Vb,this.Va,b)};m.a=new u({uq:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashSet$HashSet1",VA,{uq:1,dk:1,gg:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function oB(){this.Va=0;}oB.prototype=new UA;m=oB.prototype;
+m.oj=function(a,b,c){return b===this.Va?nB(new oB,b,,this.Va,this,b,HA(new IA,a,b),c)};m.A=function(a){var b=(new fw).Qf(;mm(b,a)};m.z=function(){return};{return(new fw).Qf(};m.Eh=function(a,b){for(var,e=br(new cr,mu()),c=(new fw).Qf(c);!;){var f=c.ia();a.De(f,this.Va,b)&&dr(e,f)}e=e.Ua;c=e.z();return 0===c? IA,e.x(),this.Va):nB(new oB,this.Va,e)};
+function nB(a,b,c){a.Va=b;;return a}m.Ki=function(a,b){var c=b?Hl(,a,!0):Hl(,a,!1),e=c.z();switch(e){case 0:return null;case 1:return HA(new IA,c.x(),this.Va);default:return oB,this.Va,c)}};m.De=function(a,b){return b===this.Va&&};m.jj=function(a,b){for(var c=(new fw).Qf(,e=!0;;)if(e&&!,e=a.De(e,this.Va,b);else break;return e};
+m.a=new u({hE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashSet$HashSetCollision1",VA,{hE:1,dk:1,gg:1,md:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,Pd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function pB(){}pB.prototype=new iA;function qB(){}m=qB.prototype=pB.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.b=function(){return this};{return qm(this,a)};m.$b=function(a){return pm(this,a)};m.h=function(a){return qm(this,a|0)};
+m.Wc=function(a){return sm(this,a)};{return this};m.Lg=function(a,b){if(b===rf().ka){if(this===K())return K();for(var c=this,e=id(!1),f=(new cc).o(null),h=(new cc).o(null);c!==K();)a.h(c.x()).A(C(function(a,b,c,e){return function(a){b.i?(a=Td(new Ud,a,K()),e.i.rd=a,e.i=a):(c.i=Td(new Ud,a,K()),e.i=c.i,b.i=!0)}}(this,e,f,h))),c=c.u();return e.i?f.i:K()}return Im(this,a,b)};m.Yk=function(a){return rB(this,a)};m.ib=function(){return rf()};
+m.A=function(a){for(var b=this;!b.m();)a.h(b.x()),b=b.u()};m.Ec=function(a,b){return om(this,a,b)};m.qe=function(){for(var a=K(),b=this;!b.m();)var c=b.x(),a=Td(new Ud,c,a),b=b.u();return a};{var a=new Uv;a.yc=this;return a};function rB(a,b){for(var c=a,e=b;!c.m()&&0<e;)c=c.u(),e=-1+e|0;return c}m.Td=function(){return this};{return rm(this)};m.kc=function(){return this.m()?km():im(new jm,this.x(),Rb(function(a){return function(){return a.u().kc()}}(this)))};
+m.fd=function(a){return rB(this,a)};m.pd=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return 0<=(a|0)&&0<pm(this,a|0)};m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this)};,b){if(b===rf().ka){if(this===K())return K();for(var c=Td(new Ud,a.h(this.x()),K()),e=c,f=this.u();f!==K();)var h=Td(new Ud,a.h(f.x()),K()),e=e.rd=h,f=f.u();return c}return Qd(this,a,b)};m.Dd=ba();m.Uc=function(a){return um(this,a)};m.Ud=k("List");function qq(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.ek)}
+var sB=new u({ek:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.List",jA,{ek:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,gj:1,wf:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Me:1,cg:1,ua:1,ah:1,e:1});pB.prototype.a=sB;function tB(){}tB.prototype=new XA;
+tB.prototype.a=new u({oE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.ListMap$EmptyListMap$",aB,{oE:1,hm:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1});var uB=void 0;function YA(){uB||(uB=(new tB).b());return uB}function $A(){}$A.prototype=new XA;m=$A.prototype;m.Uh=g("ng");
+m.h=function(a){a:{var b=this;for(;;){if(b.m())throw(new V).f("key not found: "+a);if(S(T(),a,b.Gh())){a=b.Uh();break a}b=b.$f()}a=void 0}return a};m.m=k(!1);m.Wd=function(a){return vB(a,this)};m.z=function(){var a;a:{a=this;var b=0;for(;;){if(a.m()){a=b;break a}a=a.$f();b=1+b|0}a=void 0}return a};m.Gh=g("Vb");m.pj=function(a,b){var c=vB(a,this);return ZA(new $A,c,a,b)};m.ok=function(a){return vB(a,this)};
+m.Fc=function(a){a:{var b=this;for(;;){if(S(T(),a,b.Gh())){a=(new Bd).o(b.Uh());break a}if(b.$f().m()){a=wd();break a}else b=b.$f()}a=void 0}return a};function ZA(a,b,c,e){a.Vb=c;;if(null===b)throw I(J(),null);a.G=b;return a}function vB(a,b){var c=K();for(;;){if(b.m())return tf(c);if(S(T(),a,b.Gh())){for(var e=b.$f();!c.m();){var f=c.x();e=ZA(new $A,e,f.Gh(),f.Uh());c=c.u()}return e}e=b.$f();c=Td(new Ud,b,c);b=e}}m.$f=g("G");
+m.a=new u({pE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.ListMap$Node",aB,{pE:1,hm:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1});function wB(){;!1;this.Wq=this.El=this.ce=0}wB.prototype=new iA;function xB(){}m=xB.prototype=wB.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.Rf=k(!1);m.x=function(){return};{return this.oi(a)};
+m.h=function(a){return this.oi(a|0)};m.m=g("id");{return this};m.fa=function(a){if(a&&a.a&&{if(;if(!a.m()&&this.uc===a.uc){var b=yB(this);return b===yB(a)&&(this.uc===b||}return!1}return kv(a)?this.Wc(a):!1};m.oi=function(a){zB(this);if(0>a||a>=this.ce)throw(new X).f(""+a);return this.uc+y(,a)|0};
+m.j=function(a,b,c){this.uc=a;this.Hg=b;;>b&&0<c||a<b&&0>c||a===b&&!this.Rf();if(0===c){var e;throw(new pe).f("step cannot be 0.");},(new U).xa(,(new U).xa(this.Rf()||!vp(ws(AB(this),(new U).xa(,Id())?1:0)),e=vo(e,(new U).j(4194303,511,0))?-1:Tn(e));this.ce=e;if(|0;else switch(c){case 1:b=this.Rf()?b:-1+b|0;break;case -1:b=this.Rf()?b:1+b|0;break;default:a=Tn(ws(AB(this),(new U).xa(c))),b=0!==a?b-a|0:this.Rf()?b:b-c|0}this.El=
+b;this.Wq=this.El+c|0;return this};m.ib=function(){return gf()};m.r=function(){var a=this.ce>kk().vk||!>this.ce?", ... )":")",b;b=kk().vk;0>=b||,b=(new wB).j(b,b,>=this.ce&&0<=this.ce?this:(new Js).j(this.uc,this.uc+y(,-1+b|0)|0,;return Ym(b,"Range(",", ",a)};m.A=function(a){zB(this);for(var b=-2147483648!==this.uc||-2147483648!==this.Hg,c=this.uc,e=0,f=this.Wq,;b?c!==f:e<this.ce;)a.h(c),e=1+e|0,c=c+h|0};
+m.Kn=function(a,b,c){return(new wB).j(a,b,c)};m.qe=function(){return Js).j(yB(this),this.uc,|0)};m.z=function(){return};{return $l(new am,this,};function zB(a){0>a.ce&&it(kk(),a.uc,a.Hg,,a.Rf())}{return 0>this.ce?it(kk(),this.uc,this.Hg,,this.Rf()):this.ce};m.Td=function(){return this};
+function BB(a,b){if(0>=b|| a;if(b>=a.ce&&0<=a.ce){var c=a.Hg;return(new wB).j(c,c,}return a.Kn(a.uc+y(,b)|0,a.Hg,}m.Xf=function(a){return a===zf()?0<,a)|0};m.fd=function(a){return BB(this,a)};m.pd=function(){return this};m.u=function(){;return BB(this,1)};m.Wf=function(a){return a===zf()?0<,a)|0};function yB(a){return,tf(a)|0):a.El}
+m.Ha=function(a){return Il(this,a|0)};m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this)};m.Dd=ba();function AB(a){var b=(new U).xa(a.Hg);a=(new U).xa(a.uc);return Xh(b,Vh(a))}var DB=new u({jm:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Range",jA,{jm:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,gm:1,wf:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,sc:1,dc:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});wB.prototype.a=DB;function EB(){}EB.prototype=new iA;function FB(){}m=FB.prototype=EB.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};
+function GB(a){for(var b=km(),b=(new cc).o(b),c=a;!c.m();){fk();var e=pn((new on).Fj(Rb(function(a,b){return function(){return b.i}}(a,b))),c.x());e.u();b.i=e;c=c.u()}return b.i}m.b=function(){return this};{return qm(this,a)};m.$b=function(a){return pm(this,a)};m.Wc=function(a){return sm(this,a)};m.h=function(a){return qm(this,a|0)};m.oo=function(a){return HB(this,a)};{return this};
+m.Lg=function(a,b){if(mt(b.Pc(this))){if(this.m())var c=km();else{for(var c=(new cc).o(this),e=a.h(c.i.x()).kc();!c.i.m()&&e.m();)c.i=c.i.u(),c.i.m()||(e=a.h(c.i.x()).kc());c=c.i.m()?(fk(),km()):rn(e,Rb(function(a,b,c){return function(){return c.i.u().Lg(b,(fk(),(new jt).b()))}}(this,a,c)))}return c}return Im(this,a,b)};m.Yk=function(a){return IB(this,a)};m.Yf=function(a){return this.Ug("",a,"")};
+m.Ug=function(a,b,c){var e=this,f=this;for(e.m()||(e=e.u());f!==e&&!e.m();){e=e.u();if(e.m())break;e=e.u();if(e===f)break;f=f.u()}return Ym(this,a,b,c)};m.og=function(a){var b=new kt;b.Ql=a;,this,a);return b};m.ib=function(){return fk()};m.r=function(){return Ym(this,"Stream(",", ",")")};m.A=function(a){var b=this;a:b:for(;;){if(!b.m()){a.h(b.x());b=b.u();continue b}break a}};m.Ec=function(a,b){var c=this;for(;;){if(c.m())return a;var e=c.u(),f=Bc(b,a,c.x()),c=e;a=f}};
+function Bz(a,b){for(var c=a;!c.m()&&!b.h(c.x());)c=c.u();return c.m()?km():Az(fk(),c,b)}m.Lf=function(a){return Bz(this,a)};m.qe=function(){return GB(this)};{return jw(this)};{for(var a=0,b=this;!b.m();)a=1+a|0,b=b.u();return a};m.Af=function(a){var b=fk();return JB(this,Cz(b,0,1),a)};m.Td=function(){return this};m.kc=function(){return this};
+function HB(a,b){for(var c=(new cc).o(a);!c.i.m();){var e=b.h(c.i.x());if(e.m())c.i=c.i.u();else return e=e.kc(),fk(),qn((new on).Fj(Rb(function(a,b,c){return function(){return HB(c.i.u(),b)}}(a,b,c))),e)}fk();return km()}m.fd=function(a){return IB(this,a)};function IB(a,b){var c=a;for(;;){if(0>=b||c.m())return c;var c=c.u(),e=-1+b|0;b=e}}m.pd=function(){return this};
+m.hf=function(a,b,c,e){Um(a,b);if(!this.m()){Vm(a,this.x());b=this;if(b.xf()){var f=this.u();if(f.m())return Um(a,e),a;if(b!==f&&f.xf())for(b=f,f=f.u();b!==f&&f.xf();)Vm(Um(a,c),b.x()),b=b.u(),f=f.u(),f.xf()&&(f=f.u());if(f.xf()){for(var h=this,l=0;h!==f;)h=h.u(),f=f.u(),l=1+l|0;b===f&&0<l&&(Vm(Um(a,c),b.x()),b=b.u())}for(;b!==f;)Vm(Um(a,c),b.x()),b=b.u()}b.m()||(b.xf()?Um(Um(a,c),"..."):Um(Um(a,c),"?"))}Um(a,e);return a};m.Ha=function(a){return 0<=(a|0)&&0<pm(this,a|0)};
+m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this)};,b){if(mt(b.Pc(this))){if(this.m())var c=km();else c=a.h(this.x()),c=im(new jm,c,Rb(function(a,b){return function(){return a.u().ac(b,(fk(),(new jt).b()))}}(this,a)));return c}return Qd(this,a,b)};m.Dd=ba();m.Uc=function(a){if(this.m())throw(new vm).f("empty.reduceLeft");for(var b=this.x(),c=this.u();!c.m();)b=Bc(a,b,c.x()),c=c.u();return b};
+function rn(a,b){if(a.m())return b.Ed().kc();var c=a.x();return im(new jm,c,Rb(function(a,b){return function(){return rn(a.u(),b)}}(a,b)))}m.Ud=k("Stream");function JB(a,b,c){return mt(c.Pc(a))?(a.m()||b.m()?a=km():(c=(new A).v(a.x(),b.x()),a=im(new jm,c,Rb(function(a,b){return function(){return JB(a.u(),b.u(),(fk(),(new jt).b()))}}(a,b)))),a):dm(a,b,c)}
+var KB=new u({km:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Stream",jA,{km:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,gj:1,wf:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Me:1,cg:1,ah:1,g:1,e:1});EB.prototype.a=KB;function LB(){}LB.prototype=new lB;
+LB.prototype.a=new u({cE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$EmptyHashMap$",Zx,{cE:1,fj:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1,tb:1});var MB=void 0;function by(){MB||(MB=(new LB).b());return MB}function NB(){this.Vb=null;this.Va=0;}NB.prototype=new lB;function tx(a){null===a.Ui&&(a.Ui=(new A).v(a.Vb,;return a.Ui}
+function mB(a,b,c,e){var f=new NB;f.Vb=a;f.Va=b;;f.Ui=e;return f}m=NB.prototype;m.nj=function(a,b,c,e,f,h){if(b===this.Va&&S(T(),a,this.Vb)){if(null===h)return,b,e,f);a=h.Hk(this.Ui,f);return mB(,b,a.wa,a)}if(b!==this.Va)return a=mB(a,b,e,f),Yx(cy(),this.Va,this,b,a,c,2);c=YA();return OB(new PB,b,ZA(new $A,c,this.Vb,,e))};m.xh=function(a,b){return b===this.Va&&S(T(),a,this.Vb)?(new Bd).o(};m.A=function(a){a.h(tx(this))};
+m.$i=function(a,b){return b===this.Va&&S(T(),a,this.Vb)?(cy(),by()):this};m.Ji=function(a,b){return b!==!!a.h(tx(this))?this:null};m.z=k(1);{Yj();var a=(new z).k([tx(this)]);return $l(new am,a,a.q.length|0)};m.a=new u({sq:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$HashMap1",Zx,{sq:1,fj:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1,tb:1});function PB(){this.Va=0;this.jd=null}
+PB.prototype=new lB;m=PB.prototype;m.nj=function(a,b,c,e,f,h){if(b===this.Va){if(null===h||!ne(this.jd.Fc(a)))return OB(new PB,b,this.jd.pj(a,e));c=this.jd;a=h.Hk((new A).v(a,this.jd.h(a)),f);return OB(new PB,b,c.pj(,a.wa))}a=mB(a,b,e,f);return Yx(cy(),this.Va,this,b,a,c,1+this.jd.z()|0)};m.xh=function(a,b){return b===this.Va?this.jd.Fc(a):wd()};m.A=function(a){var;mm(b,a)};
+m.$i=function(a,b){if(b===this.Va){var c=this.jd.ok(a),e=c.z();switch(e){case 0:return cy(),by();case 1:return,mB(,b,c.wa,c);default:return e===this.jd.z()?this:OB(new PB,b,c)}}else return this};m.Ji=function(a,b){var c=b?wm(this.jd,a):Hl(this.jd,a,!1),e=c.z();switch(e){case 0:return null;case;if(null!==c)var,f=c.wa;else throw(new H).o(c);return mB(e,this.Va,f,c);default:return e===this.jd.z()?this:OB(new PB,this.Va,c)}};{return};
+m.z=function(){return this.jd.z()};function OB(a,b,c){a.Va=b;a.jd=c;return a}m.a=new u({dE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$HashMapCollision1",Zx,{dE:1,fj:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1,tb:1});function ay(){this.vd=0;this.qb=null;this.ub=0}ay.prototype=new lB;m=ay.prototype;
+m.nj=function(a,b,c,e,f,h){var l=1<<(31&(b>>>c|0)),q=Qh(mg(),this.vd&(-1+l|0));if(0!==(this.vd&l)){l=this.qb.d[q];a=l.nj(a,b,5+c|0,e,f,h);if(a===l)return this;b=s(x(Zx),[this.qb.d.length]);St(Fe(),this.qb,0,b,0,this.qb.d.length);b.d[q]=a;return $x(new ay,this.vd,b,this.ub+(a.z()-l.z()|0)|0)}c=s(x(Zx),[1+this.qb.d.length|0]);St(Fe(),this.qb,0,c,0,q);c.d[q]=mB(a,b,e,f);St(Fe(),this.qb,q,c,1+q|0,this.qb.d.length-q|0);return $x(new ay,this.vd|l,c,1+this.ub|0)};
+m.xh=function(a,b,c){var e=31&(b>>>c|0),f=1<<e;return-1===this.vd?this.qb.d[31&e].xh(a,b,5+c|0):0!==(this.vd&f)?(e=Qh(mg(),this.vd&(-1+f|0)),this.qb.d[e].xh(a,b,5+c|0)):wd()};m.A=function(a){for(var b=0;b<this.qb.d.length;)this.qb.d[b].A(a),b=1+b|0};
+m.$i=function(a,b,c){var e=1<<(31&(b>>>c|0)),f=Qh(mg(),this.vd&(-1+e|0));if(0!==(this.vd&e)){var h=this.qb.d[f];a=h.$i(a,b,5+c|0);if(a===h)return this;if(0===a.z()){e^=this.vd;if(0!==e)return a=s(x(Zx),[-1+this.qb.d.length|0]),St(Fe(),this.qb,0,a,0,f),St(Fe(),this.qb,1+f|0,a,f,-1+(this.qb.d.length-f|0)|0),f=this.ub-h.z()|0,1!==a.d.length||mw(a.d[0])?$x(new ay,e,a,f):a.d[0];cy();return by()}return 1!==this.qb.d.length||mw(a)?(e=s(x(Zx),[this.qb.d.length]),St(Fe(),this.qb,0,e,0,this.qb.d.length),e.d[f]=
+a,f=this.ub+(a.z()-h.z()|0)|0,$x(new ay,this.vd,e,f)):a}return this};m.Ji=function(a,b,c,e,f){for(var h=f,l=0,q=0,r=0;r<this.qb.d.length;){var B=this.qb.d[r].Ji(a,b,5+c|0,e,h);null!==B&&(e.d[h]=B,h=1+h|0,l=l+B.z()|0,q|=1<<r);r=1+r|0}if(h===f)return null;if(l===this.ub)return this;if(h!==(1+f|0)||mw(e.d[f])){b=h-f|0;a=s(x(Zx),[b]);Ja(e,f,a,0,b);if(b===this.qb.d.length)q=this.vd;else{cy();e=0;for(f=this.vd;0!==q;)b=f^f&(-1+f|0),0!==(1&q)&&(e|=b),f&=~b,q=q>>>1|0;q=e}return $x(new ay,q,a,l)}return e.d[f]};{var a=new sx;,this.qb);return a};m.z=g("ub");function $x(a,b,c,e){a.vd=b;a.qb=c;a.ub=e;return a}function mw(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.tq)}m.a=new u({tq:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$HashTrieMap",Zx,{tq:1,fj:1,Ad:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Bd:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Cd:1,g:1,e:1,tb:1});function Js(){}Js.prototype=new xB;Js.prototype.Rf=k(!0);
+Js.prototype.Kn=function(a,b,c){return(new Js).j(a,b,c)};Js.prototype.a=new u({EE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Range$Inclusive",DB,{EE:1,jm:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,gm:1,wf:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,sc:1,dc:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function jm(){this.jk=this.Zq=this.yo=null}jm.prototype=new FB;m=jm.prototype;m.x=g("yo");m.xf=function(){return null===this.jk};m.m=k(!1);
+m.u=function(){this.xf()||this.xf()||(this.Zq=this.jk.Ed(),this.jk=null);return this.Zq};function im(a,b,c){a.yo=b;a.jk=c;return a}m.a=new u({OE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Stream$Cons",KB,{OE:1,km:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,gj:1,wf:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Me:1,cg:1,ah:1,g:1,e:1});function QB(){}QB.prototype=new FB;m=QB.prototype;m.x=function(){this.zh()};m.xf=k(!1);m.m=k(!0);
+m.zh=function(){throw(new V).f("head of empty stream");};m.u=function(){throw(new vm).f("tail of empty stream");};m.a=new u({QE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Stream$Empty$",KB,{QE:1,km:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,gj:1,wf:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Me:1,cg:1,ah:1,g:1,e:1});var RB=void 0;function km(){RB||(RB=(new QB).b());return RB}
+function sw(){;!1;;$d=this.Gd=this.wd=this.ed=this.Rc=null}sw.prototype=new iA;m=sw.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.ra=g("Gd");
+function SB(a,b,c,e){if(>e)a.Ca(Y(a.mb()));else if(1024>e),a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb(),a.Ca(Dn(a.P(),31&c>>5));else if(32768>e),a.Ba(Y(a.ea())),a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb(),a.ea().d[31&b>>10]=a.P(),,31&c>>10)),a.Ca(Dn(a.P(),31&c>>5));else if(1048576>e),a.Ba(Y(a.ea())),a.db(Y(a.ra())),a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb(),a.ea().d[31&b>>10]=a.P(),a.ra().d[31&b>>15]=a.ea(),a.Ba(Dn(a.ra(),31&c>>15)),,31&c>>10)),a.Ca(Dn(a.P(),31&c>>5));else if(33554432>
+e),a.Ba(Y(a.ea())),a.db(Y(a.ra())),a.Zb(Y(a.Pa())),a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb(),a.ea().d[31&b>>10]=a.P(),a.ra().d[31&b>>15]=a.ea(),a.Pa().d[31&b>>20]=a.ra(),a.db(Dn(a.Pa(),31&c>>20)),a.Ba(Dn(a.ra(),31&c>>15)),,31&c>>10)),a.Ca(Dn(a.P(),31&c>>5));else if(1073741824>e),a.Ba(Y(a.ea())),a.db(Y(a.ra())),a.Zb(Y(a.Pa())),a.If(Y(a.Bc())),a.P().d[31&b>>5]=a.mb(),a.ea().d[31&b>>10]=a.P(),a.ra().d[31&b>>15]=a.ea(),a.Pa().d[31&b>>20]=a.ra(),a.Bc().d[31&b>>25]=a.Pa(),a.Zb(Dn(a.Bc(),
+31&c>>25)),a.db(Dn(a.Pa(),31&c>>20)),a.Ba(Dn(a.ra(),31&c>>15)),,31&c>>10)),a.Ca(Dn(a.P(),31&c>>5));else throw(new pe).b();else{b=-1+a.zb()|0;switch(b){case 5:a.If(Y(a.Bc()));a.Zb(Dn(a.Bc(),31&c>>25));a.db(Dn(a.Pa(),31&c>>20));a.Ba(Dn(a.ra(),31&c>>15));,31&c>>10));a.Ca(Dn(a.P(),31&c>>5));break;case 4:a.Zb(Y(a.Pa()));a.db(Dn(a.Pa(),31&c>>20));a.Ba(Dn(a.ra(),31&c>>15));,31&c>>10));a.Ca(Dn(a.P(),31&c>>5));break;case 3:a.db(Y(a.ra()));a.Ba(Dn(a.ra(),31&c>>15));,31&c>>10));a.Ca(Dn(a.P(),31&c>>5));break;case 2:a.Ba(Y(a.ea()));,31&c>>10));a.Ca(Dn(a.P(),31&c>>5));break;case;a.Ca(Dn(a.P(),31&c>>5));break;case 0:a.Ca(Y(a.mb()));break;default:throw(new H).o(b);}!0}}m.x=function(){if(0===this.$b(0))throw(new vm).f("empty.head");return};{var b=a+this.Oc|0;if(0<=a&&b<this.xd)a=b;else throw(new X).f(""+a);return Bn(this,a,a^};m.zb=g("lc");m.$b=function(a){return|0};
+m.h=function(a){return|0)};{return this};m.j=function(a,b,c){this.Oc=a;this.xd=b;;!1;return this};m.If=d("je");m.ib=function(){return Je()};m.mb=g("Rc");m.Ba=d("wd");m.Pa=g("$d");function TB(a,b){var|0;switch(c){case 0:a.Rc=Hn(a.Rc,b);break;case 1:a.ed=Hn(a.ed,b);break;case 2:a.wd=Hn(a.wd,b);break;case 3:a.Gd=Hn(a.Gd,b);break;case 4:a.$d=Hn(a.$d,b);break;case,b);break;default:throw(new H).o(c);}}{return df(this)};"ed");{return this.xd-this.Oc|0};m.Td=function(){return this};m.Zb=d("$d");function UB(a,b,c,e){,b),In(a,b,c,e)):(In(a,b,c,e),!0)}m.P=g("ed");m.fd=function(a){return VB(this,a)};m.Bc=g("je");m.u=function(){if(0===this.$b(0))throw(new vm).f("empty.tail");return VB(this,1)};m.pd=function(){return this};function WB(a){if(32>a)return 1;if(1024>a)return 2;if(32768>a)return 3;if(1048576>a)return 4;if(33554432>a)return 5;if(1073741824>a)return 6;throw(new pe).b();}
+function df(a){var b=a.Oc,c=a.xd,e=new xx;;e.Gf=-32&b;e.Vf=31&b;b=c-e.Gf|0;>b?b:32;|0)<c;En(e,a,;,;1<e.Vk&&Fn(e,a.Oc,a.Oc^;return e}m.Ha=function(a){return Il(this,a|0)};function XB(a,b){for(var c=0;c<b;)a.d[c]=null,c=1+c|0}m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this)};m.Fd=d("lc");m.ea=g("wd");m.Ca=d("Rc");
+function jf(a,b){if(a.xd!==a.Oc){var c=-32&(-1+a.Oc|0),e=31&(-1+a.Oc|0);if(a.Oc!==(32+c|0)){var f=(new sw).j(-1+a.Oc|0,a.xd,c);En(f,a,;;SB(f,,c,^c);f.Rc.d[e]=b;return f}var h=(1<<y(5,|0,f=h&~(-1+(1<<y(5,|0))|0),h=h>>>y(5,|0)|0;if(0!==f){if(1<{var c=c+f|0,|0,f=(new sw).j((-1+a.Oc|0)+f|0,a.xd+f|0,c);En(f,a,;;TB(f,h);UB(f,l,c,l^c);f.Rc.d[e]=b;return f}e=32+c|0;;l=(new sw).j((-1+a.Oc|0)+f|0,a.xd+f|0,e);En(l,a,;;
+TB(l,h);SB(l,c,e,c^e);l.Rc.d[-1+f|0]=b;return l}if(0>c)return f=(1<<y(5,|0))-(1<<y(5,|0,h=c+f|0,|0,f=(new sw).j((-1+a.Oc|0)+f|0,a.xd+f|0,h),En(f,a,,,UB(f,c,h,c^h),f.Rc.d[e]=b,f;;h=(new sw).j(-1+a.Oc|0,a.xd,c);En(h,a,;;UB(h,f,c,f^c);h.Rc.d[e]=b;return h}e=s(x(w),[32]);e.d[31]=b;f=(new sw).j(31,32,0);;f.Rc=e;return f}
+function VB(a,b){var c;if(0>=b)c=a;else if((a.Oc+b|0)<a.xd){var e=a.Oc+b|0,f=-32&e,h=WB(e^(-1+a.xd|0)),l=e&~(-1+(1<<y(5,h))|0);c=(new sw).j(e-l|0,a.xd-l|0,f-l|0);En(c,a,;;SB(c,,f,^f);;f=-1+h|0;switch(f){case 0:c.ed=null;c.wd=null;c.Gd=null;c.$d=null;;break;case 1:c.wd=null;c.Gd=null;c.$d=null;;break;case 2:c.Gd=null;c.$d=null;;break;case 3:c.$d=null;;break;case;break;case 5:break;default:throw(new H).o(f);}e=e-l|0;if(32>e)XB(c.Rc,
+e);else if(1024>e)XB(c.Rc,31&e),c.ed=YB(c.ed,e>>>5|0);else if(32768>e)XB(c.Rc,31&e),c.ed=YB(c.ed,31&(e>>>5|0)),c.wd=YB(c.wd,e>>>10|0);else if(1048576>e)XB(c.Rc,31&e),c.ed=YB(c.ed,31&(e>>>5|0)),c.wd=YB(c.wd,31&(e>>>10|0)),c.Gd=YB(c.Gd,e>>>15|0);else if(33554432>e)XB(c.Rc,31&e),c.ed=YB(c.ed,31&(e>>>5|0)),c.wd=YB(c.wd,31&(e>>>10|0)),c.Gd=YB(c.Gd,31&(e>>>15|0)),c.$d=YB(c.$d,e>>>20|0);else if(1073741824>e)XB(c.Rc,31&e),c.ed=YB(c.ed,31&(e>>>5|0)),c.wd=YB(c.wd,31&(e>>>10|0)),c.Gd=YB(c.Gd,31&(e>>>15|0)),
+c.$d=YB(c.$d,31&(e>>>20|0)),,e>>>25|0);else throw(new pe).b();}else c=Je().qj;return c}m.Dd=ba();function YB(a,b){var c=s(x(w),[a.d.length]);Ja(a,b,c,b,c.d.length-b|0);return c}m.db=d("Gd");m.a=new u({XE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Vector",jA,{XE:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,gm:1,wf:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,sc:1,dc:1,zq:1,g:1,e:1,tb:1});function Mn(){}Mn.prototype=new iA;m=Mn.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};
+m.x=function(){return Zl(this)};{a=65535&(|0);return(new ig).rb(a)};m.$b=function(a){return|0};m.h=function(a){a=65535&(|0)|0);return(new ig).rb(a)};m.Wc=function(a){return Sl(this,a)};m.m=function(){return Xl(this)};{return this};m.r=g("ee");m.ib=function(){return gf()};m.A=function(a){Ul(this,a)};m.Ec=function(a,b){return Ll(this,0,|0,a,b)};m.Pe=function(a,b){return ZB(this,a,b)};m.qe=function(){return Vl(this)};{return $l(new am,this,|0)};m.Td=function(){return this};{return|0};m.Af=function(a){return Rl(this,a)};m.fd=function(a){return ZB(this,a,|0)};m.pd=function(){return this};m.u=function(){return Wl(this)};m.Ha=function(a){return Il(this,a|0)};m.Dg=function(a,b,c){Ol(this,a,b,c)};m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this)};m.f=function(a){;return this};
+function ZB(a,b,c){b=0>b?0:b;if(c<=b||b>=(|0))return(new Mn).f("");c=c>(|0)?|0:c;jc();return(new Mn).f((null!==a?,c))}m.Dd=ba();m.Uc=function(a){return Kl(this,a)};m.ha=function(){Nn||(Nn=(new Jn).b());return Nn.ha()};
+m.a=new u({aF:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.WrappedString",jA,{aF:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,gm:1,wf:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,sc:1,dc:1,xq:1,nd:1,bg:1,nc:1});function Ud(){}Ud.prototype=new qB;m=Ud.prototype;"::");m.x=g("mf");m.eb=k(2);m.m=k(!1);m.fb=function(a){switch(a){case 0:return;case 1:return this.rd;default:throw(new X).f(""+a);}};m.u=g("rd");
+function Td(a,b,c){;a.rd=c;return a}m.kb=function(){return av(this)};function vf(a){return!!(a&&a.a&&a.a.y.rq)}m.a=new u({rq:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon",sB,{rq:1,ek:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,gj:1,wf:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Me:1,cg:1,ua:1,ah:1,e:1,g:1});function $B(){}$B.prototype=new qB;m=$B.prototype;m.x=function(){this.zh()};"Nil");m.eb=k(0);m.fa=function(a){return kv(a)?a.m():!1};
+function CB(){throw(new vm).f("tail of empty list");}m.m=k(!0);m.fb=function(a){throw(new X).f(""+a);};m.zh=function(){throw(new V).f("head of empty list");};m.u=function(){return CB()};m.kb=function(){return av(this)};m.a=new u({CE:0},!1,"scala.collection.immutable.Nil$",sB,{CE:1,ek:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,gj:1,wf:1,Ea:1,Ja:1,Ia:1,Me:1,cg:1,ua:1,ah:1,e:1,g:1});var aC=void 0;
+function K(){aC||(aC=(new $B).b());return aC}function gC(){}gC.prototype=new lA;function xC(){}m=xC.prototype=gC.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.ib=function(){yw||(yw=(new xw).b());return yw};m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};m.vb=da();m.ha=function(){return this.lf()};m.hb=function(a){return ef(this,a)};
+var yC=new u({nm:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.AbstractMap",mA,{nm:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Hq:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,Iq:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,fg:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1});gC.prototype.a=yC;function zC(){}zC.prototype=new $z;function AC(){}m=AC.prototype=zC.prototype;m.dd=function(a){return+(null!==$n(this,a))};m.m=function(){return 0===this.z()};m.fa=function(a){return Jl(this,a)};m.r=function(){return Hm(this)};
+m.xm=function(a){var b=uw(this);return nm(b,a)};m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};m.ja=function(){var a=zl();return wl(a,this,};m.vb=da();,b){return Qd(this,a,b)};m.Ud=k("Set");m.ha=function(){return this.ib().kf()};m.hb=function(a){return ef(this,a)};
+var BC=new u({Aq:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.AbstractSet",aA,{Aq:1,mm:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,CF:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,EF:1,dj:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,fg:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1});zC.prototype.a=BC;function Sg(){}Sg.prototype=new xC;m=Sg.prototype;m.nk=function(a){var;Si().$,a)&&delete[a];return this};m.h=function(a){return this.Ik(a)};{return this};
+m.Dh=function(a){;return this};m.Sb=function(a){return CC(this,a)};m.lf=function(){return(new Sg).Dh(Ri())};m.Wd=function(a){var b=(new Sg).Dh(Ri());return ef(b,this).nk(a)};,b){[a]=b};m.ig=function(){return this};m.oa=function(){return this};{return(new Du).Dh(};m.Fc=function(a){var;return Si().$,a)?(new Bd).o([a]):wd()};
+m.Ik=function(a){var;if(Si().$,a))return[a];throw(new V).f("key not found: "+a);};function CC(a,b){[]=b.wa;return a}{return CC(this,a)};m.pb=function(a){var;return!!Si().$,a)};{return CC(this,a)};m.fe=function(a){var b=(new Sg).Dh(Ri());return ef(b,this).pk(a)};
+m.a=new u({jG:0},!1,"scala.scalajs.js.WrappedDictionary",yC,{jG:1,nm:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Hq:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,Iq:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,fg:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1});function Hz(){this.kd=this.vh=null}Hz.prototype=new PA;m=Hz.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.b=function(){this.kd=this;return this};m.x=function(){return to(this)};{return qo(this,a)};m.h=function(a){return qo(this,a|0)};
+m.m=function(){return this.kd===this};{return this};m.ib=function(){Jz||(Jz=(new Gz).b());return Jz};m.A=function(a){for(var b=this;!b.m();)a.h(b.vh),b=b.kd};{return Aw(this)};{return this};{var a;a:{a=this;var b=0;for(;;){if(a.kd===a){a=b;break a}b=1+b|0;a=a.kd}a=void 0}return a};m.Td=function(){return this};m.fd=function(a){return ro(this,a)};m.u=function(){return so(this)};m.pd=function(){return this};
+m.Ha=function(a){return Il(this,a|0)};m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this)};m.a=new u({tF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.LinkedList",QA,{tF:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Fq:1,Me:1,cg:1,bL:1,g:1,e:1});function DC(){}DC.prototype=new PA;function EC(){}EC.prototype=DC.prototype;DC.prototype.hb=function(a){return ef(this,a)};
+var FC=new u({fk:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.AbstractBuffer",QA,{fk:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,om:1,pm:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,fg:1,dj:1,Da:1});DC.prototype.a=FC;function GC(){}GC.prototype=new PA;function HC(){}m=HC.prototype=GC.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.x=function(){return Zl(this)};m.$b=function(a){return|0};m.Wc=function(a){return Sl(this,a)};m.m=function(){return Xl(this)};{return this};m.ib=function(){return hy()};m.A=function(a){Ul(this,a)};m.Ec=function(a,b){return Ll(this,0,,a,b)};m.Pe=function(a,b){return Nl(this,a,b)};m.qe=function(){return Vl(this)};{return this};{return $l(new am,this,};m.Td=function(){return this};m.Af=function(a){return Rl(this,a)};m.fd=function(a){var;return Nl(this,a,b)};m.pd=function(){return this};m.u=function(){return Wl(this)};
+m.Ha=function(a){return Il(this,a|0)};m.Dg=function(a,b,c){Ol(this,a,b,c)};m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this)};m.Dd=ba();m.Uc=function(a){return Kl(this,a)};m.ha=function(){return(new zu).ul(this.Ce())};m.Ud=k("WrappedArray");var IC=new u({se:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray",QA,{se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1});
+GC.prototype.a=IC;function Iz(){this.Jd=this.Ub=null;this.Hc=0}Iz.prototype=new PA;function JC(){}m=JC.prototype=Iz.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.b=function(){this.Jd=this.Ub=(new Hz).b();this.Hc=0;return this};m.x=function(){if(!this.m())return to(this.Ub);throw(new V).b();};{return qo(this.Ub,a)};m.Lq=function(){return this};m.$b=function(a){return pm(this,a)};m.h=function(a){return qo(this.Ub,a|0)};m.Wc=function(a){return sm(this,a)};m.m=function(){return 0===this.Hc};{return this};m.Yk=function(a){return tm(this,a)};m.Sb=function(a){return dd(this,a)};m.ib=function(){Nz||(Nz=(new Mz).b());return Nz};m.A=function(a){for(var b=this;!b.m();)a.h(b.x()),b=b.u()};m.Ec=function(a,b){return om(this,a,b)};function KC(a,b){if(a.m())throw(new pe).f("requirement failed: tail of empty list");b.Ub=so(a.Ub);b.Hc=-1+a.Hc|0;b.Jd=0===b.Hc?b.Ub:a.Jd}m.oa=function(){return this};{return Aw(this.Ub)};{return this};
+m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};"Hc");m.Td=function(){return this};m.fd=function(a){return tm(this,a)};m.u=function(){return this.Vq()};m.pd=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return 0<=(a|0)&&0<pm(this,a|0)};{return dd(this,a)};m.vb=da();m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this.Lq())};
+function dd(a,b){if(0===a.Hc){var c=a.Ub,e=new Hz;;null!==c&&(e.vh=b,e.kd=c);a.Ub=e;0===a.Hc&&(a.Jd=a.Ub)}else a.Jd.kd=(new Hz).b(),a.Jd=a.Jd.kd,a.Jd.vh=b,a.Jd.kd=(new Hz).b();a.Hc=1+a.Hc|0;return a}m.Tk=function(){this.Jd=this.Ub=(new Hz).b();this.Hc=0};m.Vq=function(){var a=(new Iz).b();KC(this,a);return a};m.Dd=ba();m.Uc=function(a){return um(this,a)};m.ha=function(){return(new Iz).b()};m.hb=function(a){return ef(this,a)};
+var LC=new u({Jq:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.MutableList",QA,{Jq:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Fq:1,Me:1,cg:1,ah:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,g:1,e:1});Iz.prototype.a=LC;function Qm(){this.Ve=0;this.ya=null;this.yf=this.xc=0;this.jc=null;this.hg=0}Qm.prototype=new xC;m=Qm.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.b=function(){,null);return this};
+m.nk=function(a){var b=xl(W(),a),b=lo(this,b),c=this.ya.d[b];if(null!==c){var e=c.Tf;if(S(T(),e,a))this.ya.d[b]=c.Kd,this.xc=-1+this.xc|0,no(this,b);else{for(e=c.Kd;;){if(null!==e)var f=e.Tf,f=!S(T(),f,a);else f=!1;if(f)c=e,e=e.Kd;else break}null!==e&&(c.Kd=e.Kd,this.xc=-1+this.xc|0,no(this,b))}}return this};m.h=function(a){var b=jo(this,a);return null===b?Dm(a):b.l};{return this};function MC(a,b){var c=oo(a,,b.wa);null!==c&&(c.l=b.wa);return a}m.Sb=function(a){return MC(this,a)};
+m.A=function(a){for(var b=this.ya,c=io(this),e=b.d[c];null!==e;){var f=e;a.h((new A).v(f.Tf,f.l));for(e=e.Kd;null===e&&0<c;)c=-1+c|0,e=b.d[c]}};m.lf=function(){return(new Qm).b()};m.Wd=function(a){var b=(new Qm).b();return ef(b,this).nk(a)};m.z=g("xc");,b){var c=oo(this,a,b);if(null===c)wd();else{var e=c.l;c.l=b;(new Bd).o(e)}};m.ig=function(){return this};m.oa=function(){return this};{return(new ym).Qi(ww(this),C(function(){return function(a){return(new A).v(a.Tf,a.l)}}(this)))};
+m.Ox=function(a){this.Ve=750;this.ya=s(x(nb),[eo()]);this.xc=0;this.yf=fo().Vi(this.Ve,eo());this.jc=null;this.hg=Qh(mg(),-1+this.ya.d.length|0);null!==a&&(this.Ve=a.lz(),this.ya=a.kL(),this.xc=a.dH(),this.yf=a.qH(),this.hg=a.WF(),this.jc=a.cG());return this};m.Fc=function(a){a=jo(this,a);return null===a?wd():(new Bd).o(a.l)};{return MC(this,a)};m.pb=function(a){return null!==jo(this,a)};{return MC(this,a)};m.fe=function(a){var b=(new Qm).b();return ef(b,this).pk(a)};
+m.a=new u({mF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.HashMap",yC,{mF:1,nm:1,Wb:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,fc:1,Xb:1,cc:1,gc:1,H:1,p:1,Da:1,Hq:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,Iq:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,fg:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,$K:1,aL:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function Pz(){}Pz.prototype=new JC;m=Pz.prototype;m.Lq=function(){return this};function ed(a){if(a.m())throw(new V).f("queue empty");a.Ub=a.Ub.kd;a.Hc=-1+a.Hc|0;0===a.Hc&&(a.Jd=a.Ub)}{return this};m.ib=function(){return Yc()};
+m.Td=function(){return this};m.fd=function(a){return tm(this,a)};m.u=function(){return NC(this)};m.pd=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return 0<=(a|0)&&0<pm(this,a|0)};function NC(a){var b=(new Pz).b();KC(a,b);return b}m.Vq=function(){return NC(this)};m.Dd=ba();m.ha=function(){return Yc().ha()};
+m.a=new u({AF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.Queue",LC,{AF:1,Jq:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Fq:1,Me:1,cg:1,ah:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,g:1,e:1});function pu(){this.Ve=0;this.ya=null;this.yf=this.xc=0;this.jc=null;this.hg=0}pu.prototype=new AC;m=pu.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.b=function(){,null);return this};
+m.h=function(a){return null!==$n(this,a)};{return this};m.Sb=function(a){return ru(this,a)};m.ib=function(){sz||(sz=(new rz).b());return sz};m.A=function(a){for(var b=0,c=this.ya.d.length;b<c;){var e=this.ya.d[b];null!==e&&a.h(e===Zn()?null:e);b=1+b|0}};m.z=g("xc");m.oa=function(){return this};{return uw(this)};
+m.Nx=function(a){this.Ve=450;this.ya=s(x(w),[go(fo(),32)]);this.xc=0;this.yf=Wn().Vi(this.Ve,go(fo(),32));this.jc=null;this.hg=Qh(mg(),-1+this.ya.d.length|0);null!==a&&(this.Ve=a.lz(),this.ya=a.jL(),this.xc=a.dH(),this.yf=a.qH(),this.hg=a.WF(),this.jc=a.cG());return this};{return ru(this,a)};m.Xd=function(a){var b=(new pu).b();return ru(ef(b,this),a)};function ru(a,b){var c=null===b?Zn():b;bo(a,c);return a}
+m.a=new u({nF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.HashSet",BC,{nF:1,Aq:1,mm:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,CF:1,Yc:1,p:1,Kc:1,Xc:1,$c:1,Zc:1,Da:1,EF:1,dj:1,Pb:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,fg:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,YK:1,ZK:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function Go(){this.q=null}Go.prototype=new HC;m=Go.prototype;{return this.q.d[a]};m.h=function(a){return this.q.d[a|0]};m.Te=function(a,b){this.q.d[a]=!!b};{return this.q.d.length};m.Ce=function(){return Ie().We};
+m.a=new u({IF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofBoolean",IC,{IF:1,se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function Eo(){this.q=null}Eo.prototype=new HC;m=Eo.prototype;{return this.q.d[a]};m.h=function(a){return this.q.d[a|0]};m.Te=function(a,b){this.q.d[a]=b|0};{return this.q.d.length};
+m.Ce=function(){return Ie().Xe};m.a=new u({JF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofByte",IC,{JF:1,se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function Do(){this.q=null}Do.prototype=new HC;m=Do.prototype;{return(new ig).rb(this.q.d[a])};m.h=function(a){return(new ig).rb(this.q.d[a|0])};
+m.Te=function(a,b){var c=yp(T(),b);this.q.d[a]=c};{return this.q.d.length};m.Ce=function(){return Ie().Ye};m.a=new u({KF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofChar",IC,{KF:1,se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function Ao(){this.q=null}Ao.prototype=new HC;m=Ao.prototype;{return this.q.d[a]};
+m.h=function(a){return this.q.d[a|0]};m.Te=function(a,b){this.q.d[a]=+b};{return this.q.d.length};m.Ce=function(){return Ie().Ze};m.a=new u({LF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofDouble",IC,{LF:1,se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function Co(){this.q=null}Co.prototype=new HC;m=Co.prototype;{return this.q.d[a]};
+m.h=function(a){return this.q.d[a|0]};m.Te=function(a,b){var c=ta(b);this.q.d[a]=c};{return this.q.d.length};m.Ce=function(){return Ie().af};m.a=new u({MF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofFloat",IC,{MF:1,se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function zo(){this.q=null}zo.prototype=new HC;m=zo.prototype;{return this.oi(a)};m.h=function(a){return this.oi(a|0)};m.Te=function(a,b){this.q.d[a]=b|0};m.oi=function(a){return this.q.d[a]};{return this.q.d.length};m.Ce=function(){return Ie().bf};m.a=new u({NF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofInt",IC,{NF:1,se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});
+function Bo(){this.q=null}Bo.prototype=new HC;m=Bo.prototype;{return this.q.d[a]};m.h=function(a){return this.q.d[a|0]};m.Te=function(a,b){var c=Ma(b);this.q.d[a]=c};{return this.q.d.length};m.Ce=function(){return Ie().cf};
+m.a=new u({OF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofLong",IC,{OF:1,se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function Ac(){this.$n=this.q=null;this.Pk=!1}Ac.prototype=new HC;m=Ac.prototype;m.h=function(a){return|0)};{return this.q.d[a]};m.Te=function(a,b){this.q.d[a]=b};
+function zc(a,b){a.q=b;return a}{return this.q.d.length};m.Ce=function(){this.Pk||this.Pk||(this.$n=Ge(Ie(),Ik(W(),la(this.q))),this.Pk=!0);return this.$n};m.a=new u({Kq:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofRef",IC,{Kq:1,se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function Fo(){this.q=null}Fo.prototype=new HC;
+m=Fo.prototype;{return this.q.d[a]};m.h=function(a){return this.q.d[a|0]};m.Te=function(a,b){this.q.d[a]=b|0};{return this.q.d.length};m.Ce=function(){return Ie().ff};m.a=new u({PF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofShort",IC,{PF:1,se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});
+function Io(){this.q=null}Io.prototype=new HC;m=Io.prototype;{this.q.d[a]};m.h=function(a){this.q.d[a|0]};m.Te=function(a,b){this.q.d[a]=b};{return this.q.d.length};m.Ce=function(){return Ie().gf};
+m.a=new u({QF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofUnit",IC,{QF:1,se:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,Qd:1,sc:1,dc:1,Rd:1,re:1,de:1,nd:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});function os(){this.Qg=this.Wa=null;this.zj=!1;this.Uf=0}os.prototype=new EC;m=os.prototype;m.b=function(){this.Wa=K();this.zj=!1;this.Uf=0;return this};m.x=function(){return this.Wa.x()};{if(0>a||a>=this.Uf)throw(new X).f(""+a);return qm(this.Wa,a)};m.$b=function(a){return pm(this.Wa,a)};m.h=function(a){return|0)};m.Wc=function(a){return sm(this.Wa,a)};m.m=function(){return this.Wa.m()};m.lj=function(){this.zj=!this.Wa.m();return this.Wa};{return this};m.fa=function(a){return a&&a.a&&a.a.y.Gq?this.Wa.fa(a.Wa):kv(a)?this.Wc(a):!1};m.Yf=function(a){return Ym(this.Wa,"",a,"")};m.Ug=function(a,b,c){return Ym(this.Wa,a,b,c)};
+m.Sb=function(a){return qu(this,a)};m.ib=function(){Lz||(Lz=(new Kz).b());return Lz};m.A=function(a){for(var b=this.Wa;!b.m();)a.h(b.x()),b=b.u()};m.Ec=function(a,b){return om(this.Wa,a,b)};m.z=g("Uf");m.oa=function(){return this.lj()};{var a=new Bw;a.Ci=this.Wa.m()?K():this.Wa;return a};m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};"Uf");m.Td=function(){return this};m.Xf=function(a){return Rm(this.Wa,a)};m.kc=function(){return this.Wa.kc()};
+m.hf=function(a,b,c,e){return Am(this.Wa,a,b,c,e)};function qu(a,b){if(a.zj&&!a.Wa.m()){var c=a.Wa,e=a.Qg.rd;for(a.Tk();c!==e;)qu(a,c.x()),c=c.u()}a.Wa.m()?(a.Qg=Td(new Ud,b,K()),a.Wa=a.Qg):(c=a.Qg,a.Qg=Td(new Ud,b,K()),c.rd=a.Qg);a.Uf=1+a.Uf|0;return a}m.Wf=function(a){return Xm(this.Wa,a)};m.Ha=function(a){return 0<=(a|0)&&0<pm(this.Wa,a|0)};{var a=this.Wa,b=Fd(),b=Gd(b);return sf(a,b)};,b){return om(this.Wa,a,b)};{return qu(this,a)};m.vb=da();
+m.Re=function(a){return Tm(this.Wa,a)};m.Tk=function(){this.Wa=K();this.Qg=null;this.zj=!1;this.Uf=0};{return!this.Wa.m()};function ps(a,b){a:for(;;){var c=b;if(null!==c&&c===a){var e=a,c=a.Uf,f=e.ha();if(!(0>=c)){f.Mc(c,e);for(var h=0,;h<c&&;),h=1+h|0}b=f.oa();continue a}return ef(a,b)}}m.Uc=function(a){return um(this.Wa,a)};m.hb=function(a){return ps(this,a)};m.Ud=k("ListBuffer");
+m.a=new u({Gq:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer",FC,{Gq:1,fk:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,om:1,pm:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,fg:1,dj:1,Da:1,Pb:1,VK:1,UK:1,WK:1,e:1});function Zm(){}Zm.prototype=new PA;m=Zm.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};m.b=function(){,16,"");return this};m.x=function(){return Zl(this)};{a=65535&(|0);return(new ig).rb(a)};m.$b=function(a){return|0};m.h=function(a){a=65535&(|0)|0);return(new ig).rb(a)};m.Wc=function(a){return Sl(this,a)};m.m=function(){return Xl(this)};{return this};m.Uq=function(a,b){return,b)};m.Sb=function(a){a=yp(T(),a);Nt(,a);return this};m.ib=function(){return hy()};m.r=function(){return};m.A=function(a){Ul(this,a)};
+m.Ec=function(a,b){return Ll(this,0,|0,a,b)};m.Pe=function(a,b){return wn(this,a,b)};m.qe=function(){return(new Zm).Co(Ot(Kt(};m.oa=function(){return};function Um(a,b){Jt(,b);return a}{return this};{return $l(new am,this,|0)};m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};,b){,Jt((new or).xa((b.length|0)+a|0),b));return this};m.Af=function(a){return Rl(this,a)};{return|0};m.Td=function(){return this};m.fd=function(a){return wn(this,a,|0)};m.pd=function(){return this};m.u=function(){return Wl(this)};m.Co=function(a){;return this};function Vm(a,b){Jt(,zm(Fa(),b));return a}m.Ha=function(a){return Il(this,a|0)};{a=yp(T(),a);Nt(,a);return this};m.Dg=function(a,b,c){Ol(this,a,b,c)};m.vb=da();m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this)};m.Dd=ba();m.Uc=function(a){return Kl(this,a)};
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+m.b=function(){,[]);return this};m.x=function(){return Zl(this)};{return this.q[a]};m.$b=function(a){return|0};m.Wc=function(a){return Sl(this,a)};m.h=function(a){return this.q[a|0]};m.m=function(){return Xl(this)};{return this};m.Sb=function(a){this.q.push(a);return this};m.ib=function(){return ft()};m.A=function(a){Ul(this,a)};m.Ec=function(a,b){return Ll(this,0,this.q.length|0,a,b)};m.Pe=function(a,b){return Nl(this,a,b)};m.qe=function(){return Vl(this)};
+m.oa=function(){return this};{return $l(new am,this,this.q.length|0)};{return this};m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};m.Af=function(a){return Rl(this,a)};{return this.q.length|0};m.Td=function(){return this};m.fd=function(a){return Nl(this,a,this.q.length|0)};m.u=function(){return Wl(this)};m.pd=function(){return this};m.Ha=function(a){return Il(this,a|0)};{this.q.push(a);return this};m.Dg=function(a,b,c){Ol(this,a,b,c)};m.vb=da();
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+m=Bm.prototype;m.Aa=function(){return this};function OC(a,b){uo(a,1+a.ub|0);a.q.d[a.ub]=b;a.ub=1+a.ub|0;return a}m.b=function(){,16);return this};m.x=function(){return Zl(this)};{return wo(this,a)};m.$b=function(a){return|0};m.h=function(a){return wo(this,a|0)};m.Wc=function(a){return Sl(this,a)};m.m=function(){return Xl(this)};{return this};m.Sb=function(a){return OC(this,a)};m.ib=function(){Fz||(Fz=(new Ez).b());return Fz};
+m.A=function(a){for(var b=0,c=this.ub;b<c;)a.h(this.q.d[b]),b=1+b|0};m.Ec=function(a,b){return Ll(this,0,this.ub,a,b)};m.Pe=function(a,b){return Nl(this,a,b)};m.qe=function(){return Vl(this)};m.oa=function(){return this};{return this};{return $l(new am,this,this.ub)};m.Mc=function(a,b){Qn(this,a,b)};m.xa=function(a){a=this.Fo=a;this.q=s(x(w),[1<a?a:1]);this.ub=0;return this};m.Af=function(a){return Rl(this,a)};"ub");m.Td=function(){return this};
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+m.ja=function(){return pq(zl(),this)};m.Dd=ba();m.Uc=function(a){return Kl(this,a)};m.hb=function(a){return Cm(this,a)};m.Ud=k("ArrayBuffer");m.a=new u({cF:0},!1,"scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer",FC,{cF:1,fk:1,Yb:1,ab:1,ca:1,aa:1,c:1,W:1,M:1,N:1,E:1,t:1,s:1,K:1,L:1,R:1,X:1,$:1,Y:1,Q:1,U:1,n:1,Sa:1,H:1,p:1,Qa:1,Ra:1,Ta:1,hc:1,xb:1,yb:1,wb:1,ic:1,Db:1,Bb:1,Ab:1,om:1,pm:1,Kb:1,Jb:1,fg:1,dj:1,Da:1,de:1,Rd:1,dc:1,nd:1,Pb:1,cL:1,Qd:1,sc:1,tb:1,g:1,e:1});}).call(this);
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(min-width:80em){.pure-u-xl-1,.pure-u-xl-1-1,.pure-u-xl-1-2,.pure-u-xl-1-3,.pure-u-xl-2-3,.pure-u-xl-1-4,.pure-u-xl-3-4,.pure-u-xl-1-5,.pure-u-xl-2-5,.pure-u-xl-3-5,.pure-u-xl-4-5,.pure-u-xl-5-5,.pure-u-xl-1-6,.pure-u-xl-5-6,.pure-u-xl-1-8,.pure-u-xl-3-8,.pure-u-xl-5-8,.pure-u-xl-7-8,.pure-u-xl-1-12,.pure-u-xl-5-12,.pure-u-xl-7-12,.pure-u-xl-11-12,.pure-u-xl-1-24,.pure-u-xl-2-24,.pure-u-xl-3-24,.pure-u-xl-4-24,.pure-u-xl-5-24,.pure-u-xl-6-24,.pure-u-xl-7-24,.pure-u-xl-8-24,.pure-u-xl-9-24,.pure-u-xl-10-24,.pure-u-xl-11-24,.pure-u-xl-12-24,.pure-u-xl-13-24,.pure-u-xl-14-24,.pure-u-xl-15-24,.pure-u-xl-16-24,.pure-u-xl-17-24,.pure-u-xl-18-24,.pure-u-xl-19-24,.pure-u-xl-20-24,.pure-u-xl-21-24,.pure-u-xl-22-24,.pure-u-xl-23-24,.pure-u-xl-24-24{display:inline-block;*display:inline;zoom:1;letter-spacing:normal;word-spacing:normal;vertical-align:top;text-rendering:auto}.pure-u-xl-1-24{width:4.1667%;*width:4.1357%}.pure-u-xl-1-12,.pure-u-xl-2-24{width:8.3333%;*width:8.3023%}.pure-u-xl-1-8,.pure-u-xl-3-24{width:12.5%;*width:12.469%}.pure-u-xl-1-6,.pure-u-xl-4-24{width:16.6667%;*width:16.6357%}.pure-u-xl-1-5{width:20%;*width:19.969%}.pure-u-xl-5-24{width:20.8333%;*width:20.8023%}.pure-u-xl-1-4,.pure-u-xl-6-24{width:25%;*width:24.969%}.pure-u-xl-7-24{width:29.1667%;*width:29.1357%}.pure-u-xl-1-3,.pure-u-xl-8-24{width:33.3333%;*width:33.3023%}.pure-u-xl-3-8,.pure-u-xl-9-24{width:37.5%;*width:37.469%}.pure-u-xl-2-5{width:40%;*width:39.969%}.pure-u-xl-5-12,.pure-u-xl-10-24{width:41.6667%;*width:41.6357%}.pure-u-xl-11-24{width:45.8333%;*width:45.8023%}.pure-u-xl-1-2,.pure-u-xl-12-24{width:50%;*width:49.969%}.pure-u-xl-13-24{width:54.1667%;*width:54.1357%}.pure-u-xl-7-12,.pure-u-xl-14-24{width:58.3333%;*width:58.3023%}.pure-u-xl-3-5{width:60%;*width:59.969%}.pure-u-xl-5-8,.pure-u-xl-15-24{width:62.5%;*width:62.469%}.pure-u-xl-2-3,.pure-u-xl-16-24{width:66.6667%;*width:66.6357%}.pure-u-xl-17-24{width:70.8333%;*width:70.8023%}.pure-u-xl-3-4,.pure-u-xl-18-24{width:75%;*width:74.969%}.pure-u-xl-19-24{width:79.1667%;*width:79.1357%}.pure-u-xl-4-5{width:80%;*width:79.969%}.pure-u-xl-5-6,.pure-u-xl-20-24{width:83.3333%;*width:83.3023%}.pure-u-xl-7-8,.pure-u-xl-21-24{width:87.5%;*width:87.469%}.pure-u-xl-11-12,.pure-u-xl-22-24{width:91.6667%;*width:91.6357%}.pure-u-xl-23-24{width:95.8333%;*width:95.8023%}.pure-u-xl-1,.pure-u-xl-1-1,.pure-u-xl-5-5,.pure-u-xl-24-24{width:100%}}
+ position: fixed;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ right: 0px;
+ left: 0px;
+ height: 100%;
+ overflow-y: scroll
+.pure-img-responsive {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ height: auto;
+.header {
+ margin: 0;
+ color: #333;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 2.5em 2em 0;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
+.header h1 {
+ margin: 0.2em 0;
+ font-size: 3em;
+ font-weight: 300;
+.header h2 {
+ font-weight: 300;
+ color: #ccc;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin-top: 0;
+.content-subhead {
+ margin: 50px 0 20px 0;
+ font-weight: 300;
+ color: #888;
+Add transition to containers so they can push in and out.
+ -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;
+ -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;
+ -ms-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;
+ -o-transition: all 0.2s ease-out;
+ transition: all 0.2s ease-out;
+The `#menu` `<div>` is the parent `<div>` that contains the `.pure-menu` that
+appears on the left side of the page.
+#menu {
+ margin-left: -250px; /* "#menu" width */
+ width: 250px;
+ position: fixed;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ z-index: 1000; /* so the menu or its navicon stays above all content */
+ background: #191818;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+All anchors inside the menu should be styled like this.
+#menu a {
+ color: #999;
+ border: none;
+ padding: 0.6em 0 0.6em 0.6em;
+Remove all background/borders, since we are applying them to #menu.
+#menu .pure-menu,
+#menu .pure-menu ul {
+ border: none;
+ background: transparent;
+Add that light border to separate items into groups.
+#menu .pure-menu ul,
+#menu .pure-menu .menu-item-divided {
+ border-top: 1px solid #333;
+Change color of the anchor links on hover/focus.
+#menu .pure-menu li a:hover,
+#menu .pure-menu li a:focus {
+ background: #333;
+This styles the selected menu item `<li>`.
+#menu .pure-menu-selected,
+#menu .pure-menu-heading {
+ background: #1f8dd6;
+This styles a link within a selected menu item `<li>`.
+#menu .pure-menu-selected {
+ color: #fff;
+This styles the menu heading.
+#menu .pure-menu-heading {
+ font-size: 110%;
+ color: #fff;
+ margin: 0;
+/* -- Dynamic Button For Responsive Menu -------------------------------------*/
+The button to open/close the Menu is custom-made and not part of Pure. Here's
+how it works:
+`.menu-link` represents the responsive menu toggle that shows/hides on
+small screens.
+*/ {
+ position: fixed;
+ display: block; /* show this only on small screens */
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0; /* "#menu width" */
+ background: #000;
+ background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
+ font-size: 10px; /* change this value to increase/decrease button size */
+ z-index: 10;
+ width: 2em;
+ height: auto;
+ padding: 2.1em 1.6em;
+, {
+ background: #000;
+ span {
+ position: relative;
+ display: block;
+ span, span:before, span:after {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 0.2em;
+ span:before, span:after {
+ position: absolute;
+ margin-top: -0.6em;
+ content: " ";
+ span:after {
+ margin-top: 0.6em;
+/* -- Responsive Styles (Media Queries) ------------------------------------- */
+Hides the menu at `48em`, but modify this based on your app's needs.
+@media (min-width: 72em) {
+ .header,
+ .content {
+ padding-left: 2em;
+ padding-right: 2em;
+ }
+ #layout {
+ padding-left: 250px; /* left col width "#menu" */
+ left: 0;
+ }
+ #main{
+ left: 250px;
+ }
+ #menu {
+ left: 250px;
+ }
+ .menu-link {
+ position: fixed;
+ left: 250px;
+ display: none;
+ }
+ .menu-link {
+ left: 250px;
+ }
+#menu .collapsed .menu-item-list .hide ul li > a{
+ padding-top: 0px;
+ padding-bottom: 0px;
+#menu li.hide > ul{
+ overflow: hidden;
+#menu .hide li > a:not(:hover){
+ background: none;
+ color: #999;
+#menu .menu-item-list li.selected{
+ border-left: 2px solid white;
+#menu .menu-item-list .hide li.selected{
+ border-left: none;
+ ul, .menu-item-list a{
+ -webkit-transition: max-height 0.2s ease;
+ -moz-transition: max-height 0.2s ease;
+ -ms-transition: max-height 0.2s ease;
+ -o-transition: max-height 0.2s ease;
+ transition: max-height 0.2s ease;
+ overflow: hidden
+/*Override stuff from pure =/ it's not doing what I want*/
+.pure-menu li > ul{
+ position:relative;
+ visibility:visible;
+ left: 0px;
+ top: 0px;
+ width: 100%;
+.half-table td{
+ width: 50%;
+.half-table th{
+ width: 50%;
+This is the parent `<div>` that contains the menu and the content area.
+#layout {
+ position: relative;
+ padding-left: 0;
+} {
+ position: relative;
+ left: 250px;
+} #menu {
+ left: 250px;
+ width: 250px;
+ .menu-link {
+ left: 250px;
+} \ No newline at end of file