path: root/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/InteroperabilityTest.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/InteroperabilityTest.scala')
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/InteroperabilityTest.scala b/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/InteroperabilityTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..594345a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/InteroperabilityTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+package scala.scalajs.testsuite.compiler
+import scala.scalajs.js
+import org.scalajs.jasminetest.{JasmineTest, JasmineTestFramework}
+import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._
+ * Based on examples in:
+ *
+ */
+object InteroperabilityTest extends JasmineTest {
+ describe("JavaScript interoperability") {
+ it("should support backquotes to escape Scala fields") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var interoperabilityTestFieldEscape = {
+ def: 0,
+ val: function(x) { if (x) this.def = x; return this.def; }
+ };
+ interoperabilityTestFieldEscape;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestFieldEscape]
+ obj.`def` = 7357
+ expect(obj.`def`).toEqual(7357)
+ expect(obj.`val`()).toEqual(7357)
+ expect(obj.`val`(42)).toEqual(42)
+ }
+ it("should support @JSName to specify the JavaScript name for fields") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var interoperabilityTestJSName = {
+ def: 42,
+ val: function(x) { if (x) this.def = x; return this.def; }
+ };
+ interoperabilityTestJSName;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestJSName]
+ expect(obj.value()).toEqual(42)
+ expect(obj.value(7357)).toEqual(7357)
+ }
+ it("should translate explicit getter and setter names to field access") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var interoperabilityTestProperty = { a: 1 };
+ interoperabilityTestProperty;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestProperty]
+ expect(obj.a).toEqual(1)
+ obj.a = 100
+ expect(obj.a).toEqual(100)
+ }
+ it("should support @JSName together with field access") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var interoperabilityTestProperty = { b: 1 };
+ interoperabilityTestProperty;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestPropertyNamed]
+ expect(obj.a).toEqual(1)
+ obj.a = 100
+ expect(obj.a).toEqual(100)
+ expect(obj.b).toEqual(100)
+ }
+ it("should support @JSBracketAccess to specify access using []-subscription") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var interoperabilityTestJSBracketAccess = [ 0, 1, 7357 ];
+ interoperabilityTestJSBracketAccess;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestJSBracketAccess]
+ expect(obj(2)).toEqual(7357)
+ obj(2) = 42
+ expect(obj(2)).toEqual(42)
+ }
+ it("should allow instanciation of JS classes inheriting from js.Object") {
+ js.eval("""
+ var InteroperabilityTestInherit = {
+ Pattern: function(x) {
+ this.field = 42;
+ this.method = function() {
+ return '42';
+ };
+ this.getConstructorParam = function() {
+ return x;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ """)
+ val obj = new InteroperabilityTestPattern("Scala.js")
+ expect(obj.field).toEqual(42)
+ expect(obj.method).toEqual("42")
+ expect(obj.getConstructorParam).toEqual("Scala.js")
+ }
+ it("should acces top-level JS objects via Scala objects inheriting from js.Object") {
+ js.eval("""
+ var InteroperabilityTestTopLevelObject = function(value) {
+ return {
+ value: value,
+ valueAsInt: function() {
+ return parseInt(value);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ """)
+ // Use alias for convenience: see end of file for definition
+ val TopLevel = InteroperabilityTestTopLevel
+ val obj = TopLevel("7357")
+ expect(obj.value).toEqual("7357")
+ expect(obj.valueAsInt).toEqual(7357)
+ }
+ it("should allow to call JS methods with variadic parameters") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var obj = {
+ foo: function() {
+ var args = new Array(arguments.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ return args;
+ }
+ };
+ obj;
+ """)
+ val elems = Seq[js.Any]("plop", 42, 51)
+ val dyn = obj.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic]
+ expect(
+ expect(, 6)).toEqual(js.Array(3, 6))
+ expect("hello", false)).toEqual(js.Array("hello", false))
+ expect(dyn.applyDynamic("foo")(elems: _*)).toEqual(js.Array("plop", 42, 51))
+ val stat = obj.asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestVariadicMethod]
+ expect(
+ expect(, 6)).toEqual(js.Array(3, 6))
+ expect("hello", false)).toEqual(js.Array("hello", false))
+ expect( _*)).toEqual(js.Array("plop", 42, 51))
+ }
+ it("should allow to call JS constructors with variadic parameters") {
+ import js.Dynamic.{newInstance => jsnew}
+ js.eval("""
+ var InteroperabilityTestVariadicCtor = function() {
+ var args = new Array(arguments.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ this.args = args;
+ };
+ """)
+ val elems = Seq[js.Any]("plop", 42, 51)
+ val ctor =
+ expect(jsnew(ctor)().args).toEqual(js.Array())
+ expect(jsnew(ctor)(3, 6).args).toEqual(js.Array(3, 6))
+ expect(jsnew(ctor)("hello", false).args).toEqual(js.Array("hello", false))
+ expect(jsnew(ctor)(elems: _*).args).toEqual(js.Array("plop", 42, 51))
+ import scala.scalajs.testsuite.compiler.{InteroperabilityTestVariadicCtor => C}
+ expect(new C().args).toEqual(js.Array())
+ expect(new C(3, 6).args).toEqual(js.Array(3, 6))
+ expect(new C("hello", false).args).toEqual(js.Array("hello", false))
+ expect(new C(elems: _*).args).toEqual(js.Array("plop", 42, 51))
+ }
+ it("should acces top-level JS objects via Scala object inheriting from js.GlobalScope") {
+ js.eval("""
+ var interoperabilityTestGlobalScopeValue = "7357";
+ var interoperabilityTestGlobalScopeValueAsInt = function() {
+ return parseInt(interoperabilityTestGlobalScopeValue);
+ };
+ """)
+ // Use alias for convenience: see end of file for definition
+ val Global = InteroperabilityTestGlobalScope
+ expect(Global.interoperabilityTestGlobalScopeValue).toEqual("7357")
+ expect(Global.interoperabilityTestGlobalScopeValueAsInt).toEqual(7357)
+ Global.interoperabilityTestGlobalScopeValue = "42"
+ expect(Global.interoperabilityTestGlobalScopeValueAsInt).toEqual(42)
+ }
+ it("should protect receiver of raw JS apply if it's a select - #804") {
+ val rawReceiver = js.eval("""
+ var interoperabilityTestRawReceiver = {
+ member: 0xbad,
+ check: function(raw) { return this.member ? this.member : raw; }
+ };
+ interoperabilityTestRawReceiver;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestRawReceiver]
+ expect(rawReceiver.check(7357)).toEqual(7357)
+ val check = rawReceiver.check
+ expect(check(0x600d)).toEqual(0x600d)
+ class InScalaSelect(check: js.Function1[Int, Int]) {
+ @JSExport
+ val member: Int = 0xbad2
+ def test(): Unit = expect(check(5894)).toEqual(5894)
+ }
+ new InScalaSelect(check).test()
+ }
+ it("should properly handle default parameters") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var interoperabilityTestDefaultParam = {
+ fun: function() { return arguments; }
+ };
+ interoperabilityTestDefaultParam;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestDefaultParam]
+ // Helpers
+ import js.Dynamic.{literal => args}
+ val undef = js.undefined
+ expect(obj.simple(1)).toEqual(args(`0` = 1))
+ expect(obj.simple(1,5)).toEqual(args(`0` = 1, `1` = 5))
+ expect(obj.named(y = 5)).toEqual(args(`0` = undef, `1` = 5))
+ expect(obj.named(x = 5)).toEqual(args(`0` = 5))
+ expect(obj.multi()(1,2,3,4)()).toEqual(args(
+ `0` = undef,
+ `1` = 1,
+ `2` = 2,
+ `3` = 3,
+ `4` = 4))
+ expect(obj.multi(2)()(5)).toEqual(args(
+ `0` = 2,
+ `1` = 5))
+ }
+ it("should properly handle default parameters for constructors - #791") {
+ js.eval("""
+ var InteroperabilityTestCtor = function(x,y) {
+ this.values = Array(x || 6, y || 8)
+ }
+ """);
+ expect(new InteroperabilityTestCtor().values).toEqual(js.Array(6,8))
+ expect(new InteroperabilityTestCtor(y = 7).values).toEqual(js.Array(6,7))
+ expect(new InteroperabilityTestCtor(3).values).toEqual(js.Array(3,8))
+ expect(new InteroperabilityTestCtor(10, 2).values).toEqual(js.Array(10,2))
+ }
+ it("should generate exports for methods inherited from traits - #178") {
+ import js.annotation.JSExport
+ trait Foo {
+ @JSExport
+ def theValue = 1
+ }
+ class Bar extends Foo
+ val x = (new Bar).asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic]
+ // Call the export by using js.Dynamic
+ expect(x.theValue).toEqual(1)
+ }
+ it("should allow constructor params that are vals/vars in facades - #1277") {
+ js.eval("""
+ var InteroparabilityCtorInlineValue = function(x,y) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ }
+ """)
+ val obj = new InteroparabilityCtorInlineValue(10, -1)
+ expect(obj.x).toEqual(10)
+ expect(obj.y).toEqual(-1)
+ obj.y = 100
+ expect(obj.x).toEqual(10)
+ expect(obj.y).toEqual(100)
+ }
+ it("should unbox Chars received from calling a JS interop method") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var obj = {
+ get: function() { return JSUtils().stringToChar('e'); }
+ };
+ obj;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestCharResult]
+ expect(obj.get().toInt).toEqual('e'.toInt)
+ }
+ it("should box Chars given to a JS interop method") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var obj = {
+ twice: function(c) { c = JSUtils().charToString(c); return c+c; }
+ };
+ obj;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestCharParam]
+ expect(obj.twice('x')).toEqual("xx")
+ }
+ it("should unbox value classes received from calling a JS interop method") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var obj = {
+ test: function(vc) { return vc; }
+ };
+ obj;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestValueClassResult]
+ val r = obj.test(new SomeValueClass(5))
+ expect(r.i).toEqual(5)
+ }
+ it("should box value classes given to a JS interop method") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var obj = {
+ stringOf: function(vc) { return vc.toString(); }
+ };
+ obj;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestValueClassParam]
+ val vc = new SomeValueClass(7)
+ expect(obj.stringOf(vc)).toEqual("SomeValueClass(7)")
+ }
+ it("should not unbox values received from JS method in statement position") {
+ /* To test this, we verify that a purposefully ill-typed facade does not
+ * throw a ClassCastException when called in statement position.
+ */
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var obj = {
+ test: function() { return 4; } // typed as String in the trait
+ };
+ obj;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestNoUnboxResultInStatement]
+ obj.test() // in statement position, should not throw
+ if (JasmineTestFramework.hasTag("compliant-asinstanceof"))
+ expect(() => obj.test()).toThrow // in expression position, should throw
+ }
+ when("compliant-asinstanceof").
+ it("should protect conversions from JS types to Scala types") {
+ class Foo
+ val foo: Any = new Foo
+ val invalidNumber: js.prim.Number = foo.asInstanceOf[js.prim.Number]
+ val nullNumber: js.prim.Number = null
+ expect(() => invalidNumber: Double).toThrow
+ expect(nullNumber: Double).toEqual(0)
+ val invalidBoolean: js.prim.Boolean = foo.asInstanceOf[js.prim.Boolean]
+ val nullBoolean: js.prim.Boolean = null
+ expect(() => invalidBoolean: Boolean).toThrow
+ expect(nullBoolean: Boolean).toEqual(false)
+ val invalidString: js.prim.String = foo.asInstanceOf[js.prim.String]
+ val nullString: js.prim.String = null
+ expect(() => invalidString: String).toThrow
+ expect(nullString: String).toBeNull
+ }
+ when("compliant-asinstanceof").
+ it("should asInstanceOf values received from calling a JS interop method") {
+ val obj = js.eval("""
+ var obj = {
+ testChar: function() { return 5; },
+ testInt: function() { return 6.4; },
+ testShort: function() { return 60000; },
+ testDouble: function() { return JSUtils().stringToChar('e'); },
+ testString: function() { return {}; },
+ testValueClass: function() { return "hello"; },
+ testNormalClass: function() { return 45; },
+ testAny: function() { return {}; }
+ };
+ obj;
+ """).asInstanceOf[InteroperabilityTestAsInstanceOfResult]
+ expect(() => obj.testChar()).toThrow
+ expect(() => obj.testInt()).toThrow
+ expect(() => obj.testShort()).toThrow
+ expect(() => obj.testDouble()).toThrow
+ expect(() => obj.testString()).toThrow
+ expect(() => obj.testValueClass()).toThrow
+ expect(() => obj.testNormalClass()).toThrow
+ expect(() => obj.testAny()).not.toThrow
+ }
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestFieldEscape extends js.Object {
+ var `def`: Int = js.native
+ def `val`(): Int = js.native
+ def `val`(n: Int): Int = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestJSName extends js.Object {
+ @JSName("val")
+ def value(): Int = js.native
+ @JSName("val")
+ def value(n: Int): Int = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestProperty extends js.Object {
+ def a_=(x: Int): Unit = js.native
+ def a: Int = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestPropertyNamed extends js.Object {
+ @JSName("b")
+ def a_=(x: Int): Unit = js.native
+ @JSName("b")
+ def a: Int = js.native
+ def b: Int = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestJSBracketAccess extends js.Object {
+ @JSBracketAccess
+ def apply(index: Int): Int = js.native
+ @JSBracketAccess
+ def update(index: Int, v: Int): Unit = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestRawReceiver extends js.Object {
+ val check: js.Function1[Int, Int] = js.native
+ }
+ /** Trait with different method signatures, all forwarded to the same
+ * JS raw function that returns the argument list for inspection
+ */
+ trait InteroperabilityTestDefaultParam extends js.Object {
+ @JSName("fun")
+ def simple(x: Int, y: Int = 5): js.Any = js.native
+ @JSName("fun")
+ def named(x: Int = 1, y: Int = 1, z: Int = 1): js.Any = js.native
+ @JSName("fun")
+ def multi(x: Int = 1)(ys: Int*)(z: Int = 1): js.Any = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestCharResult extends js.Object {
+ def get(): Char = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestCharParam extends js.Object {
+ def twice(c: Char): String = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestValueClassResult extends js.Object {
+ def test(vc: Any): SomeValueClass = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestValueClassParam extends js.Object {
+ def stringOf(vc: SomeValueClass): String = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestNoUnboxResultInStatement extends js.Object {
+ def test(): String = js.native
+ }
+ trait InteroperabilityTestAsInstanceOfResult extends js.Object {
+ def testChar(): Char = js.native
+ def testInt(): Int = js.native
+ def testShort(): Short = js.native
+ def testDouble(): Double = js.native
+ def testString(): String = js.native
+ def testValueClass(): SomeValueClass = js.native
+ def testNormalClass(): List[Int] = js.native
+ def testAny(): Any = js.native
+ }
+ * Helper classes, traits and objects defined here since they cannot be nested.
+ */
+class InteroperabilityTestPattern protected () extends js.Object {
+ def this(pattern: String) = this()
+ val field: Int = js.native
+ def method(): String = js.native
+ def getConstructorParam(): String = js.native
+trait InteroperabilityTestTopLevel extends js.Object {
+ val value: String = js.native
+ def valueAsInt(): Int = js.native
+object InteroperabilityTestTopLevel extends js.Object {
+ def apply(value: String): InteroperabilityTestTopLevel = js.native
+trait InteroperabilityTestVariadicMethod extends js.Object {
+ def foo(args: Any*): js.Array[Any] = js.native
+class InteroperabilityTestVariadicCtor(inargs: Any*) extends js.Object {
+ val args: js.Array[Any] = js.native
+object InteroperabilityTestGlobalScope extends js.GlobalScope {
+ var interoperabilityTestGlobalScopeValue: String = js.native
+ def interoperabilityTestGlobalScopeValueAsInt(): Int = js.native
+class SomeValueClass(val i: Int) extends AnyVal {
+ override def toString(): String = s"SomeValueClass($i)"
+class InteroperabilityTestCtor(x: Int = 5, y: Int = ???) extends js.Object {
+ def values: js.Array[Int] = js.native
+class InteroparabilityCtorInlineValue(val x: Int, var y: Int) extends js.Object