path: root/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/GenIncOptimizer.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/GenIncOptimizer.scala')
1 files changed, 921 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/GenIncOptimizer.scala b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/GenIncOptimizer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47e1f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/GenIncOptimizer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,921 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js tools **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013-2014, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+import language.higherKinds
+import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
+import scala.collection.{GenMap, GenTraversableOnce, GenIterable, GenIterableLike}
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import Definitions.isConstructorName
+import Infos.OptimizerHints
+import Trees._
+import Types._
+import javascript.Trees.{Tree => JSTree}
+import javascript.ScalaJSClassEmitter
+/** Incremental optimizer.
+ * An incremental optimizer consumes the reachability analysis produced by
+ * an [[Analyzer]], as well as trees for classes, trait impls, etc., and
+ * optimizes them in an incremental way.
+ * It maintains state between runs to do a minimal amount of work on every
+ * run, based on detecting what parts of the program must be re-optimized,
+ * and keeping optimized results from previous runs for the rest.
+ */
+abstract class GenIncOptimizer(semantics: Semantics) {
+ import GenIncOptimizer._
+ protected val CollOps: AbsCollOps
+ private val classEmitter = new ScalaJSClassEmitter(semantics)
+ private var logger: Logger = _
+ /** Are we in batch mode? I.e., are we running from scratch?
+ * Various parts of the algorithm can be skipped entirely when running in
+ * batch mode.
+ */
+ private var batchMode: Boolean = false
+ /** Should positions be considered when comparing tree hashes */
+ private var considerPositions: Boolean = _
+ private var objectClass: Class = _
+ private val classes = CollOps.emptyMap[String, Class]
+ private val traitImpls = CollOps.emptyParMap[String, TraitImpl]
+ protected def getInterface(encodedName: String): InterfaceType
+ /** Schedule a method for processing in the PROCESS PASS */
+ protected def scheduleMethod(method: MethodImpl): Unit
+ protected def newMethodImpl(owner: MethodContainer,
+ encodedName: String): MethodImpl
+ def findTraitImpl(encodedName: String): TraitImpl = traitImpls(encodedName)
+ def findClass(encodedName: String): Class = classes(encodedName)
+ def getTraitImpl(encodedName: String): Option[TraitImpl] = traitImpls.get(encodedName)
+ def getClass(encodedName: String): Option[Class] = classes.get(encodedName)
+ type GetClassTreeIfChanged =
+ (String, Option[String]) => Option[(ClassDef, Option[String])]
+ private def withLogger[A](logger: Logger)(body: => A): A = {
+ assert(this.logger == null)
+ this.logger = logger
+ try body
+ finally this.logger = null
+ }
+ /** Update the incremental analyzer with a new run. */
+ def update(analyzer: Analyzer,
+ getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged, considerPositions: Boolean,
+ logger: Logger): Unit = withLogger(logger) {
+ batchMode = objectClass == null
+ this.considerPositions = considerPositions
+ logger.debug(s"Optimizer batch mode: $batchMode")
+ logTime(logger, "Incremental part of inc. optimizer") {
+ updateAndTagEverything(analyzer, getClassTreeIfChanged)
+ }
+ logTime(logger, "Optimizer part of inc. optimizer") {
+ processAllTaggedMethods()
+ }
+ }
+ /** Incremental part: update state and detect what needs to be re-optimized.
+ * UPDATE PASS ONLY. (This IS the update pass).
+ */
+ private def updateAndTagEverything(analyzer: Analyzer,
+ getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged): Unit = {
+ val neededClasses = CollOps.emptyParMap[String, analyzer.ClassInfo]
+ val neededTraitImpls = CollOps.emptyParMap[String, analyzer.ClassInfo]
+ for {
+ classInfo <- analyzer.classInfos.values
+ if classInfo.isNeededAtAll
+ } {
+ if (classInfo.isClass && classInfo.isAnySubclassInstantiated)
+ CollOps.put(neededClasses, classInfo.encodedName, classInfo)
+ else if (classInfo.isImplClass)
+ CollOps.put(neededTraitImpls, classInfo.encodedName, classInfo)
+ }
+ /* Remove deleted trait impls, and update existing trait impls.
+ * We don't even have to notify callers in case of additions or removals
+ * because callers have got to be invalidated by themselves.
+ * Only changed methods need to trigger notifications.
+ *
+ * Non-batch mode only.
+ */
+ assert(!batchMode || traitImpls.isEmpty)
+ if (!batchMode) {
+ CollOps.retain(traitImpls) { (traitImplName, traitImpl) =>
+ CollOps.remove(neededTraitImpls, traitImplName).fold {
+ /* Deleted trait impl. Mark all its methods as deleted, and remove it
+ * from known trait impls.
+ */
+ traitImpl.methods.values.foreach(_.delete())
+ false
+ } { traitImplInfo =>
+ /* Existing trait impl. Update it. */
+ val (added, changed, removed) =
+ traitImpl.updateWith(traitImplInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
+ for (method <- changed)
+ traitImpl.myInterface.tagStaticCallersOf(method)
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Add new trait impls.
+ * Easy, we don't have to notify anyone.
+ */
+ for (traitImplInfo <- neededTraitImpls.values) {
+ val traitImpl = new TraitImpl(traitImplInfo.encodedName)
+ CollOps.put(traitImpls, traitImpl.encodedName, traitImpl)
+ traitImpl.updateWith(traitImplInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
+ }
+ if (!batchMode) {
+ /* Class removals:
+ * * If a class is deleted or moved, delete its entire subtree (because
+ * all its descendants must also be deleted or moved).
+ * * If an existing class was instantiated but is no more, notify callers
+ * of its methods.
+ *
+ * Non-batch mode only.
+ */
+ val objectClassStillExists =
+ objectClass.walkClassesForDeletions(neededClasses.get(_))
+ assert(objectClassStillExists, "Uh oh, java.lang.Object was deleted!")
+ /* Class changes:
+ * * Delete removed methods, update existing ones, add new ones
+ * * Update the list of ancestors
+ * * Class newly instantiated
+ *
+ * Non-batch mode only.
+ */
+ objectClass.walkForChanges(
+ CollOps.remove(neededClasses, _).get,
+ getClassTreeIfChanged,
+ Set.empty)
+ }
+ /* Class additions:
+ * * Add new classes (including those that have moved from elsewhere).
+ * In batch mode, we avoid doing notifications.
+ */
+ // Group children by (immediate) parent
+ val newChildrenByParent = CollOps.emptyAccMap[String, Analyzer#ClassInfo]
+ for (classInfo <- neededClasses.values) {
+ val superInfo = classInfo.superClass
+ if (superInfo == null) {
+ assert(batchMode, "Trying to add java.lang.Object in incremental mode")
+ objectClass = new Class(None, classInfo.encodedName)
+ classes += classInfo.encodedName -> objectClass
+ objectClass.setupAfterCreation(classInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
+ } else {
+ CollOps.acc(newChildrenByParent, superInfo.encodedName, classInfo)
+ }
+ }
+ val getNewChildren =
+ (name: String) => CollOps.getAcc(newChildrenByParent, name)
+ // Walk the tree to add children
+ if (batchMode) {
+ objectClass.walkForAdditions(getNewChildren, getClassTreeIfChanged)
+ } else {
+ val existingParents =
+ CollOps.parFlatMapKeys(newChildrenByParent)(classes.get)
+ for (parent <- existingParents)
+ parent.walkForAdditions(getNewChildren, getClassTreeIfChanged)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Optimizer part: process all methods that need reoptimizing.
+ * PROCESS PASS ONLY. (This IS the process pass).
+ */
+ protected def processAllTaggedMethods(): Unit
+ protected def logProcessingMethods(count: Int): Unit =
+ logger.debug(s"Optimizing $count methods.")
+ /** Base class for [[Class]] and [[TraitImpl]]. */
+ abstract class MethodContainer(val encodedName: String) {
+ def thisType: Type
+ val myInterface = getInterface(encodedName)
+ val methods = mutable.Map.empty[String, MethodImpl]
+ var lastVersion: Option[String] = None
+ private def reachableMethodsOf(info: Analyzer#ClassInfo): Set[String] = {
+ (for {
+ methodInfo <- info.methodInfos.values
+ if methodInfo.isReachable && !methodInfo.isAbstract
+ } yield {
+ methodInfo.encodedName
+ }).toSet
+ }
+ /** UPDATE PASS ONLY. Global concurrency safe but not on same instance */
+ def updateWith(info: Analyzer#ClassInfo,
+ getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged): (Set[String], Set[String], Set[String]) = {
+ myInterface.ancestors =
+ val addedMethods = Set.newBuilder[String]
+ val changedMethods = Set.newBuilder[String]
+ val deletedMethods = Set.newBuilder[String]
+ val reachableMethods = reachableMethodsOf(info)
+ val methodSetChanged = methods.keySet != reachableMethods
+ if (methodSetChanged) {
+ // Remove deleted methods
+ methods retain { (methodName, method) =>
+ if (reachableMethods.contains(methodName)) {
+ true
+ } else {
+ deletedMethods += methodName
+ method.delete()
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear lastVersion if there are new methods
+ if (reachableMethods.exists(!methods.contains(_)))
+ lastVersion = None
+ }
+ for ((tree, version) <- getClassTreeIfChanged(encodedName, lastVersion)) {
+ lastVersion = version
+ this match {
+ case cls: Class =>
+ cls.isModuleClass = tree.kind == ClassKind.ModuleClass
+ cls.fields = for (field @ VarDef(_, _, _, _) <- tree.defs) yield field
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ tree.defs.foreach {
+ case methodDef: MethodDef if[Ident] &&
+ reachableMethods.contains( =>
+ val methodName =
+ val methodInfo = info.methodInfos(methodName)
+ methods.get(methodName).fold {
+ addedMethods += methodName
+ val method = newMethodImpl(this, methodName)
+ method.updateWith(methodInfo, methodDef)
+ methods(methodName) = method
+ method
+ } { method =>
+ if (method.updateWith(methodInfo, methodDef))
+ changedMethods += methodName
+ method
+ }
+ case _ => // ignore
+ }
+ }
+ (addedMethods.result(), changedMethods.result(), deletedMethods.result())
+ }
+ }
+ /** Class in the class hierarchy (not an interface).
+ * A class may be a module class.
+ * A class knows its superclass and the interfaces it implements. It also
+ * maintains a list of its direct subclasses, so that the instances of
+ * [[Class]] form a tree of the class hierarchy.
+ */
+ class Class(val superClass: Option[Class],
+ _encodedName: String) extends MethodContainer(_encodedName) {
+ if (encodedName == Definitions.ObjectClass) {
+ assert(superClass.isEmpty)
+ assert(objectClass == null)
+ } else {
+ assert(superClass.isDefined)
+ }
+ /** Parent chain from this to Object. */
+ val parentChain: List[Class] =
+ this :: superClass.fold[List[Class]](Nil)(_.parentChain)
+ /** Reverse parent chain from Object to this. */
+ val reverseParentChain: List[Class] =
+ parentChain.reverse
+ def thisType: Type = ClassType(encodedName)
+ var interfaces: Set[InterfaceType] = Set.empty
+ var subclasses: CollOps.ParIterable[Class] = CollOps.emptyParIterable
+ var isInstantiated: Boolean = false
+ var isModuleClass: Boolean = false
+ var hasElidableModuleAccessor: Boolean = false
+ var fields: List[VarDef] = Nil
+ var isInlineable: Boolean = false
+ var tryNewInlineable: Option[RecordValue] = None
+ override def toString(): String =
+ encodedName
+ /** Walk the class hierarchy tree for deletions.
+ * This includes "deleting" classes that were previously instantiated but
+ * are no more.
+ * UPDATE PASS ONLY. Not concurrency safe on same instance.
+ */
+ def walkClassesForDeletions(
+ getClassInfoIfNeeded: String => Option[Analyzer#ClassInfo]): Boolean = {
+ def sameSuperClass(info: Analyzer#ClassInfo): Boolean =
+ if (info.superClass == null) superClass.isEmpty
+ else superClass.exists(_.encodedName == info.superClass.encodedName)
+ getClassInfoIfNeeded(encodedName) match {
+ case Some(classInfo) if sameSuperClass(classInfo) =>
+ // Class still exists. Recurse.
+ subclasses = subclasses.filter(
+ _.walkClassesForDeletions(getClassInfoIfNeeded))
+ if (isInstantiated && !classInfo.isInstantiated)
+ notInstantiatedAnymore()
+ true
+ case _ =>
+ // Class does not exist or has been moved. Delete the entire subtree.
+ deleteSubtree()
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ /** Delete this class and all its subclasses. UPDATE PASS ONLY. */
+ def deleteSubtree(): Unit = {
+ delete()
+ for (subclass <- subclasses)
+ subclass.deleteSubtree()
+ }
+ private def delete(): Unit = {
+ if (isInstantiated)
+ notInstantiatedAnymore()
+ for (method <- methods.values)
+ method.delete()
+ classes -= encodedName
+ /* Note: no need to tag methods that call *statically* one of the methods
+ * of the deleted classes, since they've got to be invalidated by
+ * themselves.
+ */
+ }
+ def notInstantiatedAnymore(): Unit = {
+ assert(isInstantiated)
+ isInstantiated = false
+ for (intf <- interfaces) {
+ intf.removeInstantiatedSubclass(this)
+ for (methodName <- allMethods().keys)
+ intf.tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName)
+ }
+ }
+ def walkForChanges(
+ getClassInfo: String => Analyzer#ClassInfo,
+ getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged,
+ parentMethodAttributeChanges: Set[String]): Unit = {
+ val classInfo = getClassInfo(encodedName)
+ val (addedMethods, changedMethods, deletedMethods) =
+ updateWith(classInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
+ val oldInterfaces = interfaces
+ val newInterfaces =
+ => getInterface(info.encodedName)).toSet
+ interfaces = newInterfaces
+ val methodAttributeChanges =
+ (parentMethodAttributeChanges -- methods.keys ++
+ addedMethods ++ changedMethods ++ deletedMethods)
+ // Tag callers with dynamic calls
+ val wasInstantiated = isInstantiated
+ isInstantiated = classInfo.isInstantiated
+ assert(!(wasInstantiated && !isInstantiated),
+ "(wasInstantiated && !isInstantiated) should have been handled "+
+ "during deletion phase")
+ if (isInstantiated) {
+ if (wasInstantiated) {
+ val existingInterfaces = oldInterfaces.intersect(newInterfaces)
+ for {
+ intf <- existingInterfaces
+ methodName <- methodAttributeChanges
+ } {
+ intf.tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName)
+ }
+ if (newInterfaces.size != oldInterfaces.size ||
+ newInterfaces.size != existingInterfaces.size) {
+ val allMethodNames = allMethods().keys
+ for {
+ intf <- oldInterfaces ++ newInterfaces -- existingInterfaces
+ methodName <- allMethodNames
+ } {
+ intf.tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ val allMethodNames = allMethods().keys
+ for (intf <- interfaces) {
+ intf.addInstantiatedSubclass(this)
+ for (methodName <- allMethodNames)
+ intf.tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Tag callers with static calls
+ for (methodName <- methodAttributeChanges)
+ myInterface.tagStaticCallersOf(methodName)
+ // Module class specifics
+ updateHasElidableModuleAccessor()
+ // Inlineable class
+ if (updateIsInlineable(classInfo)) {
+ for (method <- methods.values; if isConstructorName(method.encodedName))
+ myInterface.tagStaticCallersOf(method.encodedName)
+ }
+ // Recurse in subclasses
+ for (cls <- subclasses)
+ cls.walkForChanges(getClassInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged,
+ methodAttributeChanges)
+ }
+ def walkForAdditions(
+ getNewChildren: String => GenIterable[Analyzer#ClassInfo],
+ getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged): Unit = {
+ val subclassAcc = CollOps.prepAdd(subclasses)
+ for (classInfo <- getNewChildren(encodedName)) {
+ val cls = new Class(Some(this), classInfo.encodedName)
+ CollOps.add(subclassAcc, cls)
+ classes += classInfo.encodedName -> cls
+ cls.setupAfterCreation(classInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
+ cls.walkForAdditions(getNewChildren, getClassTreeIfChanged)
+ }
+ subclasses = CollOps.finishAdd(subclassAcc)
+ }
+ def updateHasElidableModuleAccessor(): Unit = {
+ hasElidableModuleAccessor =
+ isAdHocElidableModuleAccessor(encodedName) ||
+ (isModuleClass && lookupMethod("init___").exists(isElidableModuleConstructor))
+ }
+ def updateIsInlineable(classInfo: Analyzer#ClassInfo): Boolean = {
+ val oldTryNewInlineable = tryNewInlineable
+ isInlineable = classInfo.optimizerHints.hasInlineAnnot
+ if (!isInlineable) {
+ tryNewInlineable = None
+ } else {
+ val allFields = reverseParentChain.flatMap(_.fields)
+ val (fieldValues, fieldTypes) = (for {
+ VarDef(Ident(name, originalName), tpe, mutable, rhs) <- allFields
+ } yield {
+ (rhs, RecordType.Field(name, originalName, tpe, mutable))
+ }).unzip
+ tryNewInlineable = Some(
+ RecordValue(RecordType(fieldTypes), fieldValues)(Position.NoPosition))
+ }
+ tryNewInlineable != oldTryNewInlineable
+ }
+ def setupAfterCreation(classInfo: Analyzer#ClassInfo,
+ getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged): Unit = {
+ updateWith(classInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
+ interfaces =
+ => getInterface(info.encodedName)).toSet
+ isInstantiated = classInfo.isInstantiated
+ if (batchMode) {
+ if (isInstantiated) {
+ /* Only add the class to all its ancestor interfaces */
+ for (intf <- interfaces)
+ intf.addInstantiatedSubclass(this)
+ }
+ } else {
+ val allMethodNames = allMethods().keys
+ if (isInstantiated) {
+ /* Add the class to all its ancestor interfaces + notify all callers
+ * of any of the methods.
+ * TODO: be more selective on methods that are notified: it is not
+ * necessary to modify callers of methods defined in a parent class
+ * that already existed in the previous run.
+ */
+ for (intf <- interfaces) {
+ intf.addInstantiatedSubclass(this)
+ for (methodName <- allMethodNames)
+ intf.tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName)
+ }
+ }
+ /* Tag static callers because the class could have been *moved*,
+ * not just added.
+ */
+ for (methodName <- allMethodNames)
+ myInterface.tagStaticCallersOf(methodName)
+ }
+ updateHasElidableModuleAccessor()
+ updateIsInlineable(classInfo)
+ }
+ private def isElidableModuleConstructor(impl: MethodImpl): Boolean = {
+ def isTriviallySideEffectFree(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
+ case _:VarRef | _:Literal | _:This => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def isElidableStat(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
+ case Block(stats) =>
+ stats.forall(isElidableStat)
+ case Assign(Select(This(), _, _), rhs) =>
+ isTriviallySideEffectFree(rhs)
+ case TraitImplApply(ClassType(traitImpl), methodName, List(This())) =>
+ traitImpls(traitImpl).methods( match {
+ case Skip() => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ case StaticApply(This(), ClassType(cls), methodName, args) =>
+ Definitions.isConstructorName( &&
+ args.forall(isTriviallySideEffectFree) &&
+ impl.owner.asInstanceOf[Class].superClass.exists { superCls =>
+ superCls.encodedName == cls &&
+ superCls.lookupMethod(
+ }
+ case StoreModule(_, _) =>
+ true
+ case _ =>
+ isTriviallySideEffectFree(tree)
+ }
+ isElidableStat(impl.originalDef.body)
+ }
+ /** All the methods of this class, including inherited ones.
+ * It has () so we remember this is an expensive operation.
+ */
+ def allMethods(): scala.collection.Map[String, MethodImpl] = {
+ val result = mutable.Map.empty[String, MethodImpl]
+ for (parent <- reverseParentChain)
+ result ++= parent.methods
+ result
+ }
+ /** BOTH PASSES. */
+ @tailrec
+ final def lookupMethod(methodName: String): Option[MethodImpl] = {
+ methods.get(methodName) match {
+ case Some(impl) => Some(impl)
+ case none =>
+ superClass match {
+ case Some(p) => p.lookupMethod(methodName)
+ case none => None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Trait impl. */
+ class TraitImpl(_encodedName: String) extends MethodContainer(_encodedName) {
+ def thisType: Type = NoType
+ }
+ /** Thing from which a [[MethodImpl]] can unregister itself from. */
+ trait Unregisterable {
+ def unregisterDependee(dependee: MethodImpl): Unit
+ }
+ /** Type of a class or interface.
+ * Types are created on demand when a method is called on a given
+ * [[ClassType]].
+ *
+ * Fully concurrency safe unless otherwise noted.
+ */
+ abstract class InterfaceType(val encodedName: String) extends Unregisterable {
+ override def toString(): String =
+ s"intf $encodedName"
+ /** PROCESS PASS ONLY. Concurrency safe except with
+ * [[addInstantiatedSubclass]] and [[removeInstantiatedSubclass]]
+ */
+ def instantiatedSubclasses: Iterable[Class]
+ /** UPDATE PASS ONLY. Concurrency safe except with
+ * [[instantiatedSubclasses]]
+ */
+ def addInstantiatedSubclass(x: Class): Unit
+ /** UPDATE PASS ONLY. Concurrency safe except with
+ * [[instantiatedSubclasses]]
+ */
+ def removeInstantiatedSubclass(x: Class): Unit
+ /** PROCESS PASS ONLY. Concurrency safe except with [[ancestors_=]] */
+ def ancestors: List[String]
+ /** UPDATE PASS ONLY. Not concurrency safe. */
+ def ancestors_=(v: List[String]): Unit
+ /** PROCESS PASS ONLY. Concurrency safe except with [[ancestors_=]]. */
+ def registerAskAncestors(asker: MethodImpl): Unit
+ def registerDynamicCaller(methodName: String, caller: MethodImpl): Unit
+ def registerStaticCaller(methodName: String, caller: MethodImpl): Unit
+ def tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName: String): Unit
+ def tagStaticCallersOf(methodName: String): Unit
+ }
+ /** A method implementation.
+ * It must be concrete, and belong either to a [[Class]] or a [[TraitImpl]].
+ *
+ * A single instance is **not** concurrency safe (unless otherwise noted in
+ * a method comment). However, the global state modifications are
+ * concurrency safe.
+ */
+ abstract class MethodImpl(val owner: MethodContainer,
+ val encodedName: String) extends OptimizerCore.MethodImpl
+ with OptimizerCore.AbstractMethodID
+ with Unregisterable {
+ private[this] var _deleted: Boolean = false
+ var optimizerHints: OptimizerHints = OptimizerHints.empty
+ var originalDef: MethodDef = _
+ var desugaredDef: JSTree = _
+ var preciseInfo: Infos.MethodInfo = _
+ def thisType: Type = owner.thisType
+ def deleted: Boolean = _deleted
+ override def toString(): String =
+ s"$owner.$encodedName"
+ def registerBodyAsker(asker: MethodImpl): Unit
+ def tagBodyAskers(): Unit
+ private def registerAskAncestors(intf: InterfaceType): Unit = {
+ intf.registerAskAncestors(this)
+ registeredTo(intf)
+ }
+ private def registerDynamicCall(intf: InterfaceType,
+ methodName: String): Unit = {
+ intf.registerDynamicCaller(methodName, this)
+ registeredTo(intf)
+ }
+ private def registerStaticCall(intf: InterfaceType,
+ methodName: String): Unit = {
+ intf.registerStaticCaller(methodName, this)
+ registeredTo(intf)
+ }
+ def registerAskBody(target: MethodImpl): Unit = {
+ target.registerBodyAsker(this)
+ registeredTo(target)
+ }
+ protected def registeredTo(intf: Unregisterable): Unit
+ protected def unregisterFromEverywhere(): Unit
+ /** Return true iff this is the first time this method is called since the
+ * last reset (via [[resetTag]]).
+ */
+ protected def protectTag(): Boolean
+ protected def resetTag(): Unit
+ /** Returns true if the method's attributes changed.
+ * Attributes are whether it is inlineable, and whether it is a trait
+ * impl forwarder. Basically this is what is declared in
+ * [[OptimizerCore.AbstractMethodID]].
+ * In the process, tags all the body askers if the body changes.
+ * UPDATE PASS ONLY. Not concurrency safe on same instance.
+ */
+ def updateWith(methodInfo: Analyzer#MethodInfo,
+ methodDef: MethodDef): Boolean = {
+ assert(!_deleted, "updateWith() called on a deleted method")
+ val bodyChanged = {
+ originalDef == null ||
+ (methodDef.hash zip originalDef.hash).forall {
+ case (h1, h2) => !Hashers.hashesEqual(h1, h2, considerPositions)
+ }
+ }
+ if (bodyChanged)
+ tagBodyAskers()
+ val hints = methodInfo.optimizerHints
+ val changed = hints != optimizerHints || bodyChanged
+ if (changed) {
+ val oldAttributes = (inlineable, isTraitImplForwarder)
+ optimizerHints = hints
+ originalDef = methodDef
+ desugaredDef = null
+ preciseInfo = null
+ updateInlineable()
+ tag()
+ val newAttributes = (inlineable, isTraitImplForwarder)
+ newAttributes != oldAttributes
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ /** UPDATE PASS ONLY. Not concurrency safe on same instance. */
+ def delete(): Unit = {
+ assert(!_deleted, "delete() called twice")
+ _deleted = true
+ if (protectTag())
+ unregisterFromEverywhere()
+ }
+ /** Concurrency safe with itself and [[delete]] on the same instance
+ *
+ * [[tag]] can be called concurrently with [[delete]] when methods in
+ * traits/classes are updated.
+ *
+ */
+ def tag(): Unit = if (protectTag()) {
+ scheduleMethod(this)
+ unregisterFromEverywhere()
+ }
+ def process(): Unit = if (!_deleted) {
+ val (optimizedDef, info) = new Optimizer().optimize(thisType, originalDef)
+ desugaredDef =
+ if (owner.isInstanceOf[Class])
+ classEmitter.genMethod(owner.encodedName, optimizedDef)
+ else
+ classEmitter.genTraitImplMethod(owner.encodedName, optimizedDef)
+ preciseInfo = info
+ resetTag()
+ }
+ /** All methods are PROCESS PASS ONLY */
+ private class Optimizer extends OptimizerCore(semantics) {
+ type MethodID = MethodImpl
+ val myself: MethodImpl.this.type = MethodImpl.this
+ protected def getMethodBody(method: MethodID): MethodDef = {
+ MethodImpl.this.registerAskBody(method)
+ method.originalDef
+ }
+ protected def dynamicCall(intfName: String,
+ methodName: String): List[MethodID] = {
+ val intf = getInterface(intfName)
+ MethodImpl.this.registerDynamicCall(intf, methodName)
+ intf.instantiatedSubclasses.flatMap(_.lookupMethod(methodName)).toList
+ }
+ protected def staticCall(className: String,
+ methodName: String): Option[MethodID] = {
+ val clazz = classes(className)
+ MethodImpl.this.registerStaticCall(clazz.myInterface, methodName)
+ clazz.lookupMethod(methodName)
+ }
+ protected def traitImplCall(traitImplName: String,
+ methodName: String): Option[MethodID] = {
+ val traitImpl = traitImpls(traitImplName)
+ registerStaticCall(traitImpl.myInterface, methodName)
+ traitImpl.methods.get(methodName)
+ }
+ protected def getAncestorsOf(intfName: String): List[String] = {
+ val intf = getInterface(intfName)
+ registerAskAncestors(intf)
+ intf.ancestors
+ }
+ protected def hasElidableModuleAccessor(moduleClassName: String): Boolean =
+ classes(moduleClassName).hasElidableModuleAccessor
+ protected def tryNewInlineableClass(className: String): Option[RecordValue] =
+ classes(className).tryNewInlineable
+ }
+ }
+object GenIncOptimizer {
+ private val isAdHocElidableModuleAccessor =
+ Set("s_Predef$")
+ private[optimizer] def logTime[A](logger: Logger,
+ title: String)(body: => A): A = {
+ val startTime = System.nanoTime()
+ val result = body
+ val endTime = System.nanoTime()
+ val elapsedTime = endTime - startTime
+ logger.time(title, elapsedTime)
+ result
+ }
+ private[optimizer] trait AbsCollOps {
+ type Map[K, V] <: mutable.Map[K, V]
+ type ParMap[K, V] <: GenMap[K, V]
+ type AccMap[K, V]
+ type ParIterable[V] <: GenIterableLike[V, ParIterable[V]]
+ type Addable[V]
+ def emptyAccMap[K, V]: AccMap[K, V]
+ def emptyMap[K, V]: Map[K, V]
+ def emptyParMap[K, V]: ParMap[K, V]
+ def emptyParIterable[V]: ParIterable[V]
+ // Operations on ParMap
+ def put[K, V](map: ParMap[K, V], k: K, v: V): Unit
+ def remove[K, V](map: ParMap[K, V], k: K): Option[V]
+ def retain[K, V](map: ParMap[K, V])(p: (K, V) => Boolean): Unit
+ // Operations on AccMap
+ def acc[K, V](map: AccMap[K, V], k: K, v: V): Unit
+ def getAcc[K, V](map: AccMap[K, V], k: K): GenIterable[V]
+ def parFlatMapKeys[A, B](map: AccMap[A, _])(
+ f: A => GenTraversableOnce[B]): GenIterable[B]
+ // Operations on ParIterable
+ def prepAdd[V](it: ParIterable[V]): Addable[V]
+ def add[V](addable: Addable[V], v: V): Unit
+ def finishAdd[V](addable: Addable[V]): ParIterable[V]
+ }