package java.lang import scala.scalajs.js /* This is a hijacked class. Its instances are primitive numbers. * Constructors are not emitted. */ final class Byte private () extends Number with Comparable[Byte] { def this(value: scala.Byte) = this() def this(s: String) = this() @inline override def byteValue(): scala.Byte = this.asInstanceOf[scala.Byte] @inline override def shortValue(): scala.Short = byteValue.toShort @inline def intValue(): scala.Int = byteValue.toInt @inline def longValue(): scala.Long = byteValue.toLong @inline def floatValue(): scala.Float = byteValue.toFloat @inline def doubleValue(): scala.Double = byteValue.toDouble @inline override def equals(that: Any): scala.Boolean = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] @inline override def hashCode(): Int = byteValue @inline override def compareTo(that: Byte): Int =, that.byteValue) @inline override def toString(): String = Byte.toString(byteValue) } object Byte { final val TYPE = classOf[scala.Byte] final val SIZE = 8 /* MIN_VALUE and MAX_VALUE should be 'final val's. But it is impossible to * write a proper Byte literal in Scala, that would both considered a Byte * and a constant expression (optimized as final val). * Since vals and defs are binary-compatible (although they're not strictly * speaking source-compatible, because of stability), we implement them as * defs. Source-compatibility is not an issue because user code is compiled * against the JDK .class files anyway. */ def MIN_VALUE: scala.Byte = -128 def MAX_VALUE: scala.Byte = 127 @inline def valueOf(byteValue: scala.Byte): Byte = new Byte(byteValue) @inline def valueOf(s: String): Byte = valueOf(parseByte(s)) @inline def valueOf(s: String, radix: Int): Byte = valueOf(parseByte(s, radix)) @inline def parseByte(s: String): scala.Byte = parseByte(s, 10) def parseByte(s: String, radix: Int): scala.Byte = { val r = Integer.parseInt(s, radix) if (r < MIN_VALUE || r > MAX_VALUE) throw new NumberFormatException(s"""For input string: "$s"""") else r.toByte } @inline def toString(b: scala.Byte): String = "" + b @inline def compare(x: scala.Byte, y: scala.Byte): scala.Int = x - y }