package import scala.annotation.tailrec import java.nio._ import java.nio.charset._ class InputStreamReader(private[this] var in: InputStream, private[this] var decoder: CharsetDecoder) extends Reader { private[this] var closed: Boolean = false /** Buffer in which to read bytes from the underlying input stream. * * Class invariant: contains bytes already read from `in` but not yet * decoded. */ private[this] var inBuf: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4096) inBuf.limit(0) /** Tells whether the end of the underlying input stream has been reached. * Class invariant: if true, then `` has returned -1. */ private[this] var endOfInput: Boolean = false /** Buffer in which to decode bytes into chars. * Usually, it is not used, because we try to decode directly to the * destination array. So as long as we do not really need one, we share * an empty buffer. * * Class invariant: contains chars already decoded but not yet *read* by * the user of this instance. */ private[this] var outBuf: CharBuffer = InputStreamReader.CommonEmptyCharBuffer def this(in: InputStream, charset: Charset) = this(in, charset.newDecoder .onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE)) def this(in: InputStream) = this(in, Charset.defaultCharset) def this(in: InputStream, charsetName: String) = this(in, Charset.forName(charsetName)) def close(): Unit = { closed = true in = null decoder = null inBuf = null outBuf = null } def getEncoding(): String = if (closed) null else override def read(): Int = { ensureOpen() if (outBuf.hasRemaining) outBuf.get() else } def read(cbuf: Array[Char], off: Int, len: Int): Int = { ensureOpen() if (off < 0 || len < 0 || len > cbuf.length - off) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException if (len == 0) 0 else if (outBuf.hasRemaining) { // Reuse chars decoded last time val available = Math.min(outBuf.remaining, len) outBuf.get(cbuf, off, available) available } else { // Try and decode directly into the destination array val directOut = CharBuffer.wrap(cbuf, off, len) val result = readImpl(directOut) if (result != InputStreamReader.Overflow) { result } else { /* There's not enough space in the destination array to receive even * a tiny bit of output from the decoder. We need to decode to the * outBuf instead. * This happens typically when the next code point to decode is a * supplementary character, and the given `len` is 1. */ readMoreThroughOutBuf(cbuf, off, len) } } } // In a separate method because this is (hopefully) not a common case private def readMoreThroughOutBuf(cbuf: Array[Char], off: Int, len: Int): Int = { // Return outBuf to its full capacity outBuf.limit(outBuf.capacity) outBuf.position(0) @tailrec // but not inline, this is not a common path def loopWithOutBuf(desiredOutBufSize: Int): Int = { if (outBuf.capacity < desiredOutBufSize) outBuf = CharBuffer.allocate(desiredOutBufSize) val charsRead = readImpl(outBuf) if (charsRead == InputStreamReader.Overflow) loopWithOutBuf(desiredOutBufSize*2) else charsRead } val charsRead = loopWithOutBuf(2*len) assert(charsRead != 0) // can be -1, though outBuf.flip() if (charsRead == -1) -1 else { val available = Math.min(charsRead, len) outBuf.get(cbuf, off, available) available } } @tailrec private def readImpl(out: CharBuffer): Int = { val initPos = out.position val result = decoder.decode(inBuf, out, endOfInput) if (out.position != initPos) { /* Good, we made progress, so we can return. * Note that the `result` does not matter. Whether it's an underflow, * an overflow, or even an error, if we read *something*, we can return * that. * The next invocation of read() will cause a new invocation of decode(), * which will necessarily return the same result (but without advancing * at all), which will cause one of the following cases to be handled. */ out.position - initPos } else if (result.isUnderflow) { if (endOfInput) { assert(!inBuf.hasRemaining, "CharsetDecoder.decode() should not have returned UNDERFLOW when "+ "both endOfInput and inBuf.hasRemaining are true. It should have "+ "returned a MalformedInput error instead.") // Flush if (decoder.flush(out).isOverflow) InputStreamReader.Overflow else { // Done if (out.position == initPos) -1 else out.position - initPos } } else { // We need to read more from the underlying input stream if (inBuf.limit == inBuf.capacity) { inBuf.compact() if (!inBuf.hasRemaining) { throw new AssertionError( "Scala.js implementation restriction: " + inBuf.capacity + " bytes do not seem to be enough for " + getEncoding + " to decode a single code point. " + "Please report this as a bug.") } inBuf.limit(inBuf.position) inBuf.position(0) } /* Note that this stores the new data after the limit of the buffer. * Further, note that we may read more bytes than strictly necessary, * according to the specification of InputStreamReader. */ val bytesRead =, inBuf.limit, inBuf.capacity - inBuf.limit) if (bytesRead == -1) endOfInput = true else inBuf.limit(inBuf.limit + bytesRead) readImpl(out) } } else if (result.isOverflow) { InputStreamReader.Overflow } else { result.throwException() throw new AssertionError("should not get here") } } /* In theory, `in.available() > 0` is incorrect. We should return true only * if there are enough bytes available to read at least one code point. * However, this is how the JDK behaves, and even the JavaDoc suggests this * is the expected behavior. */ override def ready(): Boolean = outBuf.hasRemaining || in.available() > 0 private def ensureOpen(): Unit = { if (closed) throw new IOException("Stream closed") } } object InputStreamReader { private final val Overflow = -2 /** Empty CharBuffer shared by all InputStreamReaders as long as they do * not really need one. * Since we do not use `mark()`, it is fine to share them, because `mark()` * is the only piece of mutable state for an empty buffer. Everything else * is effectively immutable (e.g., position and limit must always be 0). */ private val CommonEmptyCharBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(0) }