package import scala.annotation.tailrec import java.nio._ import java.nio.charset._ class OutputStreamWriter(private[this] var out: OutputStream, private[this] var enc: CharsetEncoder) extends Writer { private[this] var closed: Boolean = false /** Incoming buffer: pending Chars that have been written to this instance * of OutputStreamWriter, but not yet encoded. * Normally, this should always be at most 1 Char, if it is a high surrogate * which ended up alone at the end of the input of a write(). */ private[this] var inBuf: String = "" /** Outgoing buffer: Bytes that have been decoded (from `inBuf`), but not * yet written to the underlying output stream. * The valid bytes are between 0 and outBuf.position. */ private[this] var outBuf: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4096) def this(out: OutputStream, cs: Charset) = this(out, cs.newEncoder .onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE) .onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPLACE)) def this(out: OutputStream) = this(out, Charset.defaultCharset) def this(out: OutputStream, charsetName: String) = this(out, Charset.forName(charsetName)) def getEncoding(): String = if (closed) null else override def write(c: Int): Unit = write(c.toChar.toString, 0, 1) override def write(cbuf: Array[Char], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = writeImpl(CharBuffer.wrap(cbuf, off, len)) override def write(str: String, off: Int, len: Int): Unit = writeImpl(CharBuffer.wrap(str, off, len)) private def writeImpl(cbuf: CharBuffer): Unit = { ensureOpen() val cbuf1 = if (inBuf != "") { val fullInput = CharBuffer.wrap(inBuf + cbuf.toString) inBuf = "" fullInput } else cbuf @inline @tailrec def loopEncode(): Unit = { val result = enc.encode(cbuf1, outBuf, false) if (result.isUnderflow) () else if (result.isOverflow) { makeRoomInOutBuf() loopEncode() } else { result.throwException() throw new AssertionError("should not get here") } } loopEncode() if (cbuf1.hasRemaining) inBuf = cbuf1.toString } override def flush(): Unit = { ensureOpen() flushBuffer() out.flush() } override def close(): Unit = if (!closed) { // Finish up the input @inline @tailrec def loopEncode(): Unit = { val cbuf = CharBuffer.wrap(inBuf) val result = enc.encode(cbuf, outBuf, true) if (result.isUnderflow) { assert(!cbuf.hasRemaining, "CharsetEncoder.encode() should not have returned UNDERFLOW when "+ "both endOfInput and inBuf.hasRemaining are true. It should have "+ "returned a MalformedInput error instead.") } else if (result.isOverflow) { makeRoomInOutBuf() loopEncode() } else { result.throwException() throw new AssertionError("should not get here") } } @inline @tailrec def loopFlush(): Unit = { if (enc.flush(outBuf).isOverflow) { makeRoomInOutBuf() loopFlush() } } loopEncode() loopFlush() // Flush before closing flush() // Close the underlying stream out.close() // Clean up all the resources closed = true out = null enc = null inBuf = null outBuf = null } private def ensureOpen(): Unit = { if (closed) throw new IOException("Closed writer.") } private def makeRoomInOutBuf(): Unit = { if (outBuf.position != 0) { flushBuffer() } else { // Very unlikely (outBuf.capacity is not enough to encode a single code point) outBuf.flip() val newBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(outBuf.capacity * 2) newBuf.put(outBuf) outBuf = newBuf } } /** Flushes the internal buffer of this writer, but not the underlying * output stream. */ private[io] def flushBuffer(): Unit = { ensureOpen() // Don't use outBuf.flip() first, in case out.write() throws // Hence, use 0 instead of position, and position instead of limit out.write(outBuf.array, outBuf.arrayOffset, outBuf.position) outBuf.clear() } }