package import java.nio.charset.Charset import java.util.Formatter class PrintStream private (_out: OutputStream, autoFlush: Boolean, charset: Charset) extends FilterOutputStream(_out) with Appendable with Closeable { /* The way we handle charsets here is a bit tricky, because we want to * minimize the area of reachability for normal programs. * * First, if nobody uses the constructor taking an explicit encoding, we * don't want to reach Charset.forName(), which pulls in all of the * implemented charsets. * * Second, most programs will reach PrintStream only because of * java.lang.System.{out,err}, which are subclasses of PrintStream that do * not actually need to encode anything: they override all of PrintStream's * methods to bypass the encoding altogether, and hence don't even need * the default charset. * * This is why we have: * * A private constructor taking the Charset directly, instead of its name. * * Which is allowed to be `null`, which stands for the default charset. * * The default charset is only loaded lazily in the initializer of the * encoder field. */ def this(out: OutputStream) = this(out, false, null: Charset) def this(out: OutputStream, autoFlush: Boolean) = this(out, autoFlush, null: Charset) def this(out: OutputStream, autoFlush: Boolean, encoding: String) = this(out, autoFlush, Charset.forName(encoding)) /* The following constructors, although implemented, will not link, since * File, FileOutputStream and BufferedOutputStream are not implemented. * They're here just in case a third-party library on the classpath * implements those. */ def this(file: File) = this(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))) def this(file: File, csn: String) = this(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)), false, csn) def this(fileName: String) = this(new File(fileName)) def this(fileName: String, csn: String) = this(new File(fileName), csn) private lazy val encoder = { val c = if (charset == null) Charset.defaultCharset else charset /* We pass `this` as the output stream for the encoding writer so that * we can apply auto-flushing. Note that this will flush() more often * than required by the spec. It appears to be consistent with how the * JDK behaves. */ new OutputStreamWriter(this, c) } private var closing: Boolean = false private var closed: Boolean = false private var errorFlag: Boolean = false override def flush(): Unit = ensureOpenAndTrapIOExceptions(out.flush()) override def close(): Unit = trapIOExceptions { if (!closing) { closing = true encoder.close() flush() closed = true out.close() } } def checkError(): Boolean = { if (closed) { /* Just check the error flag. * Common sense would tell us to look at the underlying writer's * checkError() result too (like we do in the not closed case below). * But the JDK does not behave like that. So we don't either. */ errorFlag } else { flush() /* If the underlying writer is also a PrintStream, we also check its * checkError() result. This is not clearly specified by the JavaDoc, * but, experimentally, the JDK seems to behave that way. */ errorFlag || (out match { case out: PrintStream => out.checkError() case _ => false }) } } protected[io] def setError(): Unit = errorFlag = true protected[io] def clearError(): Unit = errorFlag = false /* Note that calling directly the write() methods will happily bypass the * potential lone high surrogate that is buffered in the underlying * OutputStreamWriter. This means that the following sequence of operations: * * ps.print('\ud83d') // high surrogate of PILE OF POO * ps.write('a') * ps.print('\udca9') // low surrogate of PILE OF POO * * will result in the following bytes being emitted to the underlying stream: * * a\ud83d\udca9 * * i.e., first the 'a', then the PILE OF POO. * * This is consistent with the behavior of the JDK. */ override def write(b: Int): Unit = { ensureOpenAndTrapIOExceptions { out.write(b) if (autoFlush && b == '\n') flush() } } override def write(buf: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = { ensureOpenAndTrapIOExceptions { out.write(buf, off, len) if (autoFlush) flush() } } def print(b: Boolean): Unit = printString(String.valueOf(b)) def print(c: Char): Unit = printString(String.valueOf(c)) def print(i: Int): Unit = printString(String.valueOf(i)) def print(l: Long): Unit = printString(String.valueOf(l)) def print(f: Float): Unit = printString(String.valueOf(f)) def print(d: Double): Unit = printString(String.valueOf(d)) def print(s: String): Unit = printString(if (s == null) "null" else s) def print(obj: AnyRef): Unit = printString(String.valueOf(obj)) private def printString(s: String): Unit = ensureOpenAndTrapIOExceptions { encoder.write(s) encoder.flushBuffer() } def print(s: Array[Char]): Unit = ensureOpenAndTrapIOExceptions { encoder.write(s) encoder.flushBuffer() } def println(): Unit = ensureOpenAndTrapIOExceptions { encoder.write('\n') // In Scala.js the line separator is always LF encoder.flushBuffer() if (autoFlush) flush() } def println(b: Boolean): Unit = { print(b); println() } def println(c: Char): Unit = { print(c); println() } def println(i: Int): Unit = { print(i); println() } def println(l: Long): Unit = { print(l); println() } def println(f: Float): Unit = { print(f); println() } def println(d: Double): Unit = { print(d); println() } def println(s: Array[Char]): Unit = { print(s); println() } def println(s: String): Unit = { print(s); println() } def println(obj: AnyRef): Unit = { print(obj); println() } def printf(fmt: String, args: Array[Object]): PrintStream = format(fmt, args) // Not implemented: //def printf(l: java.util.Locale, fmt: String, args: Array[Object]): PrintStream = ??? def format(fmt: String, args: Array[Object]): PrintStream = { new Formatter(this).format(fmt, args) this } // Not implemented: //def format(l: java.util.Locale, fmt: String, args: Array[Object]): PrintStream = ??? def append(csq: CharSequence): PrintStream = { print(if (csq == null) "null" else csq.toString) this } def append(csq: CharSequence, start: Int, end: Int): PrintStream = { val csq1 = if (csq == null) "null" else csq print(csq1.subSequence(start, end).toString) this } def append(c: Char): PrintStream = { print(c) this } @inline private[this] def trapIOExceptions(body: => Unit): Unit = { try { body } catch { case _: IOException => setError() } } @inline private[this] def ensureOpenAndTrapIOExceptions(body: => Unit): Unit = { if (closed) setError() else trapIOExceptions(body) } }