import sbt._ import Keys._ import scala.scalajs.sbtplugin.ScalaJSPlugin import ScalaJSPlugin.autoImport.jsDependencyManifest object ExternalCompile { private val isWindows = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().indexOf("win") >= 0 val scalaJSExternalCompileConfigSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = inTask(compile)( Defaults.runnerTask ) ++ Seq( fork in compile := true, trapExit in compile := true, javaOptions in compile += "-Xmx512M", compile := { val inputs = (compileInputs in compile).value import inputs.config._ val s = streams.value val logger = s.log val cacheDir = s.cacheDirectory // Discover classpaths def cpToString(cp: Seq[File]) = val compilerCp = inputs.compilers.scalac.scalaInstance.allJars val cpStr = cpToString(classpath) // List all my dependencies (recompile if any of these changes) val allMyDependencies = classpath filterNot (_ == classesDirectory) flatMap { cpFile => if (cpFile.isDirectory) (cpFile ** "*.class").get else Seq(cpFile) } // Compile val cachedCompile = FileFunction.cached(cacheDir / "compile", FilesInfo.lastModified, FilesInfo.exists) { dependencies => "Compiling %d Scala sources to %s..." format ( sources.size, classesDirectory)) if (classesDirectory.exists) IO.delete(classesDirectory) IO.createDirectory(classesDirectory) val sourcesArgs = /* below in doCompileJS() will emit a call to its *"Running [...]") * which we do not want to see. We use this patched logger to * filter out that particular message. */ val patchedLogger = new Logger { def log(level: Level.Value, message: => String) = { val msg = message if (level != Level.Info || !msg.startsWith("Running")) logger.log(level, msg) } def success(message: => String) = logger.success(message) def trace(t: => Throwable) = logger.trace(t) } def doCompile(sourcesArgs: List[String]): Unit = { val run = (runner in compile).value"", compilerCp, "-cp" :: cpStr :: "-d" :: classesDirectory.getAbsolutePath() :: options ++: sourcesArgs, patchedLogger) foreach sys.error } /* Crude way of overcoming the Windows limitation on command line * length. */ if ((fork in compile).value && isWindows && ( > 1536)) { IO.withTemporaryFile("sourcesargs", ".txt") { sourceListFile => IO.writeLines(sourceListFile, sourcesArgs) doCompile(List("@"+sourceListFile.getAbsolutePath())) } } else { doCompile(sourcesArgs) } // Output is all files in classesDirectory (classesDirectory ** AllPassFilter).get.toSet } cachedCompile((sources ++ allMyDependencies).toSet) // We do not have dependency analysis when compiling externally }, // Make sure jsDependencyManifest runs after compile, otherwise compile // might remove the entire directory afterwards. jsDependencyManifest <<= jsDependencyManifest.dependsOn(compile) ) val scalaJSExternalCompileSettings = ( inConfig(Compile)(scalaJSExternalCompileConfigSettings) ++ inConfig(Test)(scalaJSExternalCompileConfigSettings) ) }