package scalaParser import acyclic.file import language.implicitConversions import syntax._ import org.parboiled2._ /** * Parser for Scala syntax. * * The `G` parameter that gets passed in to each rule stands for * "Greedy", and determines whether or not that rule is to consume * newlines after the last terminal in that rule. We need to pass it * everywhere so it can go all the way to the last terminal deep * inside the parse tree, which can then decide whether or not to * consume whitespace. * * The vast majority of terminals will consume newlines; only rules * which occur in {} blocks won't have their terminals consume newlines, * and only the *last* terminal in the rule will be affected. * That's why the parser does terminals-consume-newlines-by-default, * and leaves it up to the dev to thread the `G` variable where-ever * we want the opposite behavior. */ class ScalaSyntax(val input: ParserInput) extends Parser with Basic with Identifiers with Literals { // Aliases for common things. These things are used in almost every parser // in the file, so it makes sense to keep them short. type R0 = Rule0 /** * Parses all whitespace, excluding newlines. This is only * really useful in e.g. {} blocks, where we want to avoid * capturing newlines so semicolon-inference would work */ def WS = rule { zeroOrMore(Basic.WhitespaceChar | Literals.Comment) } /** * Parses whitespace, including newlines. * This is the default for most things */ def WL = rule{ zeroOrMore(Basic.WhitespaceChar | Literals.Comment | Basic.Newline) } /** * By default, all strings and characters greedily * capture all whitespace immediately after the token. */ implicit private[this] def wspStr(s: String): R0 = rule { WL ~ str(s) } implicit private[this] def wspChar(s: Char): R0 = rule { WL ~ ch(s) } /** * Most keywords don't just require the correct characters to match, * they have to ensure that subsequent characters *don't* match in * order for it to be a keyword. This enforces that rule for key-words * (W) and key-operators (O) which have different non-match criteria. */ object K { def W(s: String) = rule{ WL ~ Key.W(s) } def O(s: String) = rule{ WL ~ Key.O(s) } } /** * helper printing function */ def pr(s: String) = rule { run(println(s"LOGGING $cursor: $s")) } def Id = rule { WL ~ Identifiers.Id } def VarId = rule { WL ~ Identifiers.VarId } def Literal = rule { WL ~ Literals.Literal } def Semi = rule { WS ~ Basic.Semi } def Semis = rule { oneOrMore(Semi) } def Newline = rule { WL ~ Basic.Newline } def QualId = rule { WL ~ oneOrMore(Id).separatedBy('.') } def Ids = rule { oneOrMore(Id) separatedBy ',' } def NotNewline: R0 = rule{ &( WS ~ noneOf("\n") )} def OneNewlineMax: R0 = rule{ optional(Basic.Newline) ~ NotNewline} def StableId: R0 = { def ClassQualifier = rule { '[' ~ Id ~ ']' } rule { zeroOrMore(Id ~ '.') ~ (K.W("this") | K.W("super") ~ optional(ClassQualifier)) ~ zeroOrMore('.' ~ Id) | Id ~ zeroOrMore('.' ~ Id) } } def Type: R0 = { def WildcardType: R0 = rule{ K.W("_") } def ExistentialDcl = rule { K.W("type") ~ TypeDcl | K.W("val") ~ ValDcl } def ExistentialClause = rule { "forSome" ~ '{' ~ oneOrMore(ExistentialDcl).separatedBy(Semi) } def FunctionArgTypes = rule { InfixType | '(' ~ optional(oneOrMore(ParamType) separatedBy ',') ~ ')' } rule { (WildcardType | FunctionArgTypes ~ K.O("=>") ~ Type | InfixType ~ optional(ExistentialClause)) ~ TypeBounds } } def InfixType = rule { CompoundType ~ zeroOrMore(Id ~ OneNewlineMax ~ CompoundType) } def CompoundType = { def RefineStat = rule { "type" ~ TypeDef | Dcl | MATCH } def Refinement = rule { OneNewlineMax ~ '{' ~ oneOrMore(RefineStat).separatedBy(Semi) ~ "}" } rule { oneOrMore(AnnotType).separatedBy(K.W("with")) ~ optional(Refinement) } } def AnnotType = rule { SimpleType ~ zeroOrMore(Annotation) } def SimpleType: R0 = { def BasicType: R0 = rule { '(' ~ Types ~ ')' | StableId ~ '.' ~ K.W("type") | StableId } rule { BasicType ~ optional('#' ~ Id) ~ optional(TypeArgs) } } def TypeArgs = rule { '[' ~ Types ~ "]" } def Types = rule { oneOrMore(Type).separatedBy(',') } def TypePat = rule { CompoundType } def Ascription = rule { ":" ~ ("_" ~ "*" | InfixType | oneOrMore(Annotation)) } def ParamType = rule { K.O("=>") ~ Type | Type ~ "*" | Type } def LambdaHead: R0 = { def Bindings: R0 = { def Binding: R0 = rule { (Id | K.W("_")) ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ Type) } rule { '(' ~ zeroOrMore(Binding).separatedBy(',') ~ ')' } } rule{ ( Bindings | optional(K.W("implicit")) ~ Id ~ optional(Ascription) | "_" ~ optional(Ascription) ) ~ K.O("=>") } } def Enumerators(G: Boolean = false): R0 = { def Generator: R0 = rule { Pattern1 ~ K.O("<-") ~ Expr0(G) ~ optional(Guard(G)) } def Enumerator: R0 = rule { Generator | Guard(G) | Pattern1 ~ K.O("=") ~ Expr0(G) } rule { Generator ~ zeroOrMore(Semis ~ Enumerator) ~ WL } } def Expr = Expr0() def ExprSensitive = Expr0(true) def Expr0(G: Boolean = false): R0 = { def IfCFlow = rule { "if" ~ '(' ~ Expr ~ ')' ~ Expr0(G) ~ optional(optional(Semi) ~ K.W("else") ~ Expr0(G)) } def WhileCFlow = rule { "while" ~ '(' ~ Expr ~ ')' ~ Expr0(G) } def TryCFlow = rule { K.W("try") ~ Expr0(G) ~ optional(K.W("catch") ~ Expr0(G)) ~ optional(K.W("finally") ~ Expr0(G)) } def DoWhileCFlow = rule { K.W("do") ~ Expr0(G) ~ optional(Semi) ~ "while" ~ '(' ~ Expr ~ ")" } def ForCFlow = { rule { "for" ~ ('(' ~ Enumerators() ~ ')' | '{' ~ Enumerators(G = true) ~ '}') ~ optional(K.W("yield")) ~ Expr0(G) } } rule { zeroOrMore(LambdaHead) ~ ( IfCFlow | WhileCFlow | TryCFlow | DoWhileCFlow | ForCFlow | K.W("throw") ~ Expr0(G) | K.W("return") ~ optional(Expr0(G)) | SimpleExpr ~ K.O("=") ~ Expr0(G) | PostfixExpr(G) ~ optional("match" ~ '{' ~ CaseClauses ~ "}" | Ascription) ) } } def PostfixExpr(G: Boolean = false): R0 = { def PrefixExpr = rule { optional(WL ~ anyOf("-+~!")) ~ SimpleExpr } def Check = if (G) OneNewlineMax else MATCH def InfixExpr: R0 = rule { PrefixExpr ~ zeroOrMore( NotNewline ~ Id ~ Check ~ PrefixExpr ) } rule { InfixExpr ~ optional(NotNewline ~ Id ~ optional(Newline)) } } def SimpleExpr: R0 = { def Path: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Id ~ '.') ~ K.W("this") ~ zeroOrMore('.' ~ Id) | StableId } def SimpleExpr1 = rule{ K.W("new") ~ (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody) | BlockExpr | Literal | Path | K.W("_") | '(' ~ optional(Exprs) ~ ")" } rule { SimpleExpr1 ~ zeroOrMore('.' ~ Id | TypeArgs | ArgumentExprs) ~ optional( "_") } } def Exprs: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(Expr).separatedBy(',') } def ArgumentExprs: R0 = rule { '(' ~ optional(Exprs ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ K.W("_") ~ '*')) ~ ")" | OneNewlineMax ~ BlockExpr } def BlockExpr: R0 = rule { '{' ~ (CaseClauses | Block) ~ "}" } def BlockStats: R0 = { def BlockStat: R0 = rule { Import | zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ (optional(K.W("implicit") | K.W("lazy")) ~ Def | zeroOrMore(LocalModifier) ~ TmplDef) | Expr0(true) } rule{ oneOrMore(BlockStat).separatedBy(Semis) } } def Block: R0 = { def BlockEnd: R0 = rule{ optional(Semis) ~ &("}" | K.W("case")) } def ResultExpr: R0 = Expr0(true) rule { zeroOrMore(LambdaHead) ~ optional(Semis) ~ ( ResultExpr ~ BlockEnd | BlockStats ~ optional(Semis ~ ResultExpr) ~ BlockEnd | MATCH ~ BlockEnd ) } } def CaseClauses: R0 = { def CaseClause: R0 = rule { K.W("case") ~ Pattern ~ optional(Guard()) ~ K.O("=>") ~ Block } rule { oneOrMore(CaseClause) } } def Guard(G: Boolean = false): R0 = rule { K.W("if") ~ PostfixExpr(G) } def Pattern: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(Pattern1).separatedBy('|') } def Pattern1: R0 = rule { K.W("_") ~ K.O(":") ~ TypePat | VarId ~ K.O(":") ~ TypePat | Pattern2 } def Pattern2: R0 = { def Pattern3: R0 = rule { SimplePattern ~ zeroOrMore(Id ~ SimplePattern) } rule{ VarId ~ "@" ~ Pattern3 | Pattern3 | VarId } } def SimplePattern: R0 = { def Patterns: R0 = rule { K.W("_") ~ '*' | oneOrMore(Pattern).separatedBy(',') } rule { K.W("_") | Literal | '(' ~ optional(Patterns) ~ ')' | ( StableId ~ optional( '(' ~ (optional(Patterns ~ ',') ~ optional(VarId ~ '@') ~ K.W("_") ~ '*' | optional(Patterns)) ~ ')' ) ) | VarId } } def TypeParamClause: R0 = { def VariantTypeParam: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ optional(anyOf("+-")) ~ TypeParam } rule { '[' ~ oneOrMore(VariantTypeParam).separatedBy(',') ~ ']' } } def FunTypeParamClause: R0 = rule { '[' ~ oneOrMore(TypeParam).separatedBy(',') ~ ']' } def TypeBounds: R0 = rule{ optional(K.O(">:") ~ Type) ~ optional(K.O("<:") ~ Type) } def TypeParam: R0 = rule { (Id | K.W("_")) ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ TypeBounds ~ zeroOrMore(K.O("<%") ~ Type) ~ zeroOrMore(K.O(":") ~ Type) } def ParamClauses: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(ParamClause) ~ optional(OneNewlineMax ~ '(' ~ K.W("implicit") ~ Params ~ ')') } def ParamClause: R0 = rule { OneNewlineMax ~ '(' ~ optional(Params) ~ ')' } def Params: R0 = { def Param: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ Id ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ ParamType) ~ optional(K.O("=") ~ Expr) } rule { zeroOrMore(Param).separatedBy(',') } } def ClassParam: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ optional(zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ (K.W("val") | K.W("var"))) ~ Id ~ K.O(":") ~ ParamType ~ optional(K.O("=") ~ Expr) } def Modifier: R0 = rule { LocalModifier | AccessModifier | K.W("override") } def LocalModifier: R0 = rule { K.W("abstract") | K.W("final") | K.W("sealed") | K.W("implicit") | K.W("lazy") } def AccessModifier: R0 = { def AccessQualifier: R0 = rule { '[' ~ (K.W("this") | Id) ~ ']' } rule { (K.W("private") | K.W("protected")) ~ optional(AccessQualifier) } } def Annotation: R0 = rule { '@' ~ SimpleType ~ zeroOrMore(ArgumentExprs) } def TemplateBody: R0 = rule { '{' ~ optional(SelfType) ~ zeroOrMore(TemplateStat).separatedBy(Semis) ~ '}' } def TemplateStat: R0 = rule { Import | zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ OneNewlineMax) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ (Def | Dcl) | Expr } def SelfType: R0 = rule { K.W("this") ~ K.O(":") ~ Type ~ K.O("=>") | Id ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ Type) ~ K.O("=>") } def Import: R0 = { def ImportExpr: R0 = rule { StableId ~ optional('.' ~ ("_" | ImportSelectors)) } def ImportSelectors: R0 = rule { '{' ~ zeroOrMore(ImportSelector ~ ',') ~ (ImportSelector | K.W("_")) ~ "}" } def ImportSelector: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(K.O("=>") ~ (Id | K.W("_"))) } rule { K.W("import") ~ oneOrMore(ImportExpr).separatedBy(',') } } def Dcl: R0 = { def VarDcl: R0 = rule { Ids ~ K.O(":") ~ Type } def FunDcl: R0 = rule { FunSig ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ Type) } rule { K.W("val") ~ ValDcl | K.W("var") ~ VarDcl | K.W("def") ~ FunDcl | K.W("type") ~ TypeDcl } } def FunSig: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(FunTypeParamClause) ~ ParamClauses } def ValDcl: R0 = rule { Ids ~ K.O(":") ~ Type } def TypeDcl: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ TypeBounds } def PatVarDef: R0 = { def PatDef: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(Pattern2).separatedBy(',') ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ Type) ~ K.O("=") ~ Expr } def VarDef: R0 = rule { Ids ~ K.O(":") ~ Type ~ K.O("=") ~ K.W("_") | PatDef } rule { K.W("val") ~ PatDef | K.W("var") ~ VarDef } } def Def: R0 = { def ConstrExpr: R0 = rule { ConstrBlock | SelfInvocation } def FunDef: R0 = rule { K.W("this") ~ ParamClause ~ ParamClauses ~ (K.O("=") ~ ConstrExpr | OneNewlineMax ~ ConstrBlock) | FunSig ~ ( optional(K.O(":") ~ Type) ~ K.O("=") ~ optional(K.W("macro")) ~ Expr | OneNewlineMax ~ '{' ~ Block ~ "}" ) } rule { K.W("def") ~ FunDef | K.W("type") ~ TypeDef | PatVarDef | TmplDef } } def TypeDef: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ K.O("=") ~ Type } def TmplDef: R0 = { def TraitTemplate: R0 = { def TraitParents: R0 = rule { AnnotType ~ zeroOrMore(K.W("with") ~ AnnotType) } rule{ optional(EarlyDefs) ~ TraitParents ~ optional(TemplateBody) } } def ClassParamClauses: R0 = { def Implicit: R0 = rule{ OneNewlineMax ~ '(' ~ K.W("implicit") ~ ClassParam ~ ")" } def ClassParamClause: R0 = { def ClassParams: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(ClassParam).separatedBy(',') } rule { OneNewlineMax ~'(' ~ optional(ClassParams) ~ ")" } } rule { oneOrMore(ClassParamClause) ~ optional(Implicit) | Implicit } } def ConstrPrelude: R0 = { def Annot: R0 = rule { '@' ~ SimpleType ~ ArgumentExprs } rule{ NotNewline ~ ( oneOrMore(Annot) ~ optional(AccessModifier) | zeroOrMore(Annot) ~ AccessModifier ) } } def ClassDef: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ optional(ConstrPrelude) ~ optional(ClassParamClauses) ~ ClassTemplateOpt } def TraitTemplateOpt: R0 = rule { K.W("extends") ~ TraitTemplate | optional(optional(K.W("extends")) ~ TemplateBody) } def TraitDef: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ TraitTemplateOpt } rule { K.W("trait") ~ TraitDef | optional(K.W("case")) ~ ( K.W("class") ~ ClassDef | K.W("object") ~ ObjectDef ) } } def ObjectDef: R0 = rule { Id ~ ClassTemplateOpt } def ClassTemplateOpt: R0 = rule { K.W("extends") ~ ClassTemplate | optional(optional(K.W("extends")) ~ TemplateBody) } def ClassTemplate: R0 = { def ClassParents: R0 = { def Constr: R0 = rule{ AnnotType ~ zeroOrMore(ArgumentExprs) } rule{ Constr ~ zeroOrMore(K.W("with") ~ AnnotType) } } rule{ optional(EarlyDefs) ~ ClassParents ~ optional(TemplateBody) } } def EarlyDefs: R0 = { def EarlyDef: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ OneNewlineMax) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ PatVarDef } rule{ '{' ~ optional(oneOrMore(EarlyDef).separatedBy(Semis)) ~ '}' ~ K.W("with") } } def ConstrBlock: R0 = rule { '{' ~ SelfInvocation ~ optional(Semis ~ BlockStats) ~ '}' } def SelfInvocation: R0 = rule { K.W("this") ~ oneOrMore(ArgumentExprs) } def TopStatSeq: R0 = { def PackageObject: R0 = rule { K.W("package") ~ K.W("object") ~ ObjectDef } def Packaging: R0 = rule { K.W("package") ~ QualId ~ '{' ~ TopStatSeq ~ '}' } def TopStat: R0 = rule { Packaging | PackageObject | Import | zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ OneNewlineMax) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ TmplDef } rule { oneOrMore(TopStat).separatedBy(Semis) } } def CompilationUnit: Rule1[String] = { def TopPackageSeq: R0 = rule{ oneOrMore(K.W("package") ~ QualId).separatedBy(Semis) } rule { capture( optional(Semis) ~ (TopPackageSeq ~ optional(Semis ~ TopStatSeq) | TopStatSeq) ~ optional(Semis) ~ WL ) } } }