import $ import $ import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission import $ivy.`org.scalaj::scalaj-http:2.4.1` import coursier.maven.MavenRepository import mill._ import mill.scalalib._ import publish._ import mill.modules.Jvm.createAssembly object Deps { object Scalajs_0_6 { val scalajsJsEnvs = ivy"org.scala-js::scalajs-js-envs:0.6.22" val scalajsSbtTestAdapter = ivy"org.scala-js::scalajs-sbt-test-adapter:0.6.22" val scalajsTools = ivy"org.scala-js::scalajs-tools:0.6.22" } object Scalajs_1_0 { val scalajsEnvJsdomNodejs = ivy"org.scala-js::scalajs-env-jsdom-nodejs:1.0.0-M2" val scalajsEnvNodejs = ivy"org.scala-js::scalajs-env-nodejs:1.0.0-M2" val scalajsEnvPhantomjs = ivy"org.scala-js::scalajs-env-phantomjs:1.0.0-M2" val scalajsSbtTestAdapter = ivy"org.scala-js::scalajs-sbt-test-adapter:1.0.0-M2" val scalajsTools = ivy"org.scala-js::scalajs-tools:1.0.0-M2" } val acyclic = ivy"com.lihaoyi::acyclic:0.1.7" val ammonite = ivy"com.lihaoyi:::ammonite:1.6.9" val bloopConfig = ivy"ch.epfl.scala::bloop-config:1.2.5" val flywayCore = ivy"org.flywaydb:flyway-core:6.0.1" val graphvizJava = ivy"guru.nidi:graphviz-java:0.8.3" val ipcsocket = ivy"org.scala-sbt.ipcsocket:ipcsocket:1.0.0" val ipcsocketExcludingJna = ipcsocket.exclude( "" -> "jna", "" -> "jna-platform" ) val javaxServlet = ivy"org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:javax.servlet:3.0.0.v201112011016" val jettyServer = ivy"org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:8.1.16.v20140903" val jettyWebsocket = ivy"org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-websocket:8.1.16.v20140903" val jgraphtCore = ivy"org.jgrapht:jgrapht-core:1.3.0" val jna = ivy"" val jnaPlatform = ivy"" val junitInterface = ivy"com.novocode:junit-interface:0.11" val osLib = ivy"com.lihaoyi::os-lib:0.2.6" val testng = ivy"org.testng:testng:6.11" val sbtTestInterface = ivy"org.scala-sbt:test-interface:1.0" def scalaCompiler(scalaVersion: String) = ivy"org.scala-lang:scala-compiler:${scalaVersion}" val scalafmtDynamic = ivy"org.scalameta::scalafmt-dynamic:2.0.0-RC6" def scalaReflect(scalaVersion: String) = ivy"org.scala-lang:scala-reflect:${scalaVersion}" val sourcecode = ivy"com.lihaoyi::sourcecode:0.1.4" val ujsonCirce = ivy"com.lihaoyi::ujson-circe:0.7.4" val upickle = ivy"com.lihaoyi::upickle:0.7.1" val utest = ivy"com.lihaoyi::utest:0.6.4" val zinc = ivy"org.scala-sbt::zinc:1.2.5" val bsp = ivy"ch.epfl.scala:bsp4j:2.0.0-M4" } trait MillPublishModule extends PublishModule{ def artifactName = "mill-" + super.artifactName() def publishVersion = build.publishVersion()._2 def pomSettings = PomSettings( description = artifactName(), organization = "com.lihaoyi", url = "", licenses = Seq(License.MIT), versionControl = VersionControl.github("lihaoyi", "mill"), developers = Seq( Developer("lihaoyi", "Li Haoyi","") ) ) def javacOptions = Seq("-source", "1.8", "-target", "1.8") } trait MillApiModule extends MillPublishModule with ScalaModule{ def scalaVersion = T{ "2.12.8" } def compileIvyDeps = Agg(Deps.acyclic) def scalacOptions = Seq("-P:acyclic:force") def scalacPluginIvyDeps = Agg(Deps.acyclic) def repositories = super.repositories ++ Seq( MavenRepository("") ) } trait MillModule extends MillApiModule { outer => def scalacPluginClasspath = super.scalacPluginClasspath() ++ Seq(main.moduledefs.jar()) def testArgs = T{ Seq.empty[String] } val test = new Tests(implicitly) class Tests(ctx0: mill.define.Ctx) extends mill.Module()(ctx0) with super.Tests{ def repositories = super.repositories ++ Seq( MavenRepository("") ) def forkArgs = T{ testArgs() } def moduleDeps = if (this == main.test) Seq(main) else Seq(outer, main.test) def ivyDeps = Agg(Deps.utest) def testFrameworks = Seq("mill.UTestFramework") def scalacPluginClasspath = super.scalacPluginClasspath() ++ Seq(main.moduledefs.jar()) } } object main extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(core, client) def compileIvyDeps = Agg( Deps.scalaReflect(scalaVersion()) ) def generatedSources = T { Seq(PathRef(shared.generateCoreSources(T.ctx().dest))) } def testArgs = Seq( "-DMILL_VERSION=" + build.publishVersion()._2, ) val test = new Tests(implicitly) class Tests(ctx0: mill.define.Ctx) extends super.Tests(ctx0){ def generatedSources = T { Seq(PathRef(shared.generateCoreTestSources(T.ctx().dest))) } } object api extends MillApiModule{ def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.osLib, Deps.upickle ) } object core extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(moduledefs, api) def compileIvyDeps = Agg( Deps.scalaReflect(scalaVersion()) ) def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.ammonite, // Necessary so we can share the JNA classes throughout the build process Deps.jna, Deps.jnaPlatform ) def generatedSources = T { val dest = T.ctx().dest val version = publishVersion() writeBuildInfo(dest, version) shared.generateCoreSources(dest) Seq(PathRef(dest)) } def writeBuildInfo(dir : os.Path, version : String) = { val code = s""" |package mill | |object BuildInfo { | val millVersion = "$version" |} """.stripMargin.trim os.write(dir / "BuildInfo.scala", code) } } object moduledefs extends MillPublishModule with ScalaModule{ def scalaVersion = T{ "2.12.8" } def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.scalaCompiler(scalaVersion()), Deps.sourcecode, ) } object client extends MillPublishModule{ def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.ipcsocketExcludingJna ) object test extends Tests{ def testFrameworks = Seq("com.novocode.junit.JUnitFramework") def ivyDeps = Agg(Deps.junitInterface) } } object graphviz extends MillModule{ def moduleDeps = Seq(main, scalalib) def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.graphvizJava, Deps.jgraphtCore ) def testArgs = Seq( "-DMILL_GRAPHVIZ=" + runClasspath().map(_.path).mkString(",") ) } } object scalalib extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(main, scalalib.api) def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.sbtTestInterface, Deps.scalafmtDynamic ) def genTask(m: ScalaModule) = T.task{ Seq(m.jar(), m.sourceJar()) ++ m.runClasspath() } override def generatedSources = T{ val dest = T.ctx().dest os.write(dest / "Versions.scala", s"""package mill.scalalib | |/** | * Dependency versions. | * Generated from mill in | */ |object Versions { | /** Version of Ammonite. */ | val ammonite = "${Deps.ammonite.dep.version}" | /** Version of Zinc. */ | val zinc = "${Deps.zinc.dep.version}" |} | |""".stripMargin) super.generatedSources() ++ Seq(PathRef(dest)) } def testArgs = T{ val genIdeaArgs = genTask(main.moduledefs)() ++ genTask(main.core)() ++ genTask(main)() ++ genTask(scalalib)() ++ genTask(scalajslib)() ++ genTask(scalanativelib)() worker.testArgs() ++ main.graphviz.testArgs() ++ Seq( "-Djna.nosys=true", "-DMILL_BUILD_LIBRARIES=" +","), "-DMILL_SCALA_LIB=" + runClasspath().map(_.path).mkString(",") ) } object backgroundwrapper extends MillPublishModule{ def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.sbtTestInterface ) def testArgs = T{ Seq( "-DMILL_BACKGROUNDWRAPPER=" + runClasspath().map(_.path).mkString(",") ) } } object api extends MillApiModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(main.api) } object worker extends MillApiModule{ def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib.api) def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.zinc ) def testArgs = T{Seq( "-DMILL_SCALA_WORKER=" + runClasspath().map(_.path).mkString(",") )} } } object scalajslib extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib, scalajslib.api) def testArgs = T{ val mapping = Map( "MILL_SCALAJS_WORKER_0_6" -> worker("0.6").compile().classes.path, "MILL_SCALAJS_WORKER_1_0" -> worker("1.0").compile().classes.path ) Seq("-Djna.nosys=true") ++ scalalib.worker.testArgs() ++ scalalib.backgroundwrapper.testArgs() ++ (for((k, v) <- mapping.toSeq) yield s"-D$k=$v") } object api extends MillApiModule{ def moduleDeps = Seq(main.core) def ivyDeps = Agg(Deps.sbtTestInterface) } object worker extends Cross[WorkerModule]("0.6", "1.0") class WorkerModule(scalajsBinary: String) extends MillApiModule{ def moduleDeps = Seq(scalajslib.api) def ivyDeps = scalajsBinary match { case "0.6" => Agg( Deps.Scalajs_0_6.scalajsTools, Deps.Scalajs_0_6.scalajsSbtTestAdapter, Deps.Scalajs_0_6.scalajsJsEnvs, Deps.jettyWebsocket, Deps.jettyServer, Deps.javaxServlet ) case "1.0" => Agg( Deps.Scalajs_1_0.scalajsTools, Deps.Scalajs_1_0.scalajsSbtTestAdapter, Deps.Scalajs_1_0.scalajsEnvNodejs, Deps.Scalajs_1_0.scalajsEnvJsdomNodejs, Deps.Scalajs_1_0.scalajsEnvPhantomjs, Deps.jettyWebsocket, Deps.jettyServer, Deps.javaxServlet ) } } } object contrib extends MillModule { object testng extends MillPublishModule{ def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.sbtTestInterface, Deps.testng ) } object twirllib extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib) } object playlib extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib, twirllib, playlib.api) def testArgs = T { val mapping = Map( "MILL_CONTRIB_PLAYLIB_ROUTECOMPILER_WORKER_2_6" -> worker("2.6").compile().classes.path, "MILL_CONTRIB_PLAYLIB_ROUTECOMPILER_WORKER_2_7" -> worker("2.7").compile().classes.path ) scalalib.worker.testArgs() ++ scalalib.backgroundwrapper.testArgs() ++ (for ((k, v) <- mapping.toSeq) yield s"-D$k=$v") } object api extends MillApiModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib) } object worker extends Cross[WorkerModule]( "2.6", "2.7") class WorkerModule(scalajsBinary: String) extends MillApiModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(playlib.api) def ivyDeps = scalajsBinary match { case "2.6"=> Agg( ivy"" ) case "2.7" => Agg( ivy"" ) } } } object scalapblib extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib) } object scoverage extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib, scoverage.api) def testArgs = T { val mapping = Map( "MILL_SCOVERAGE_REPORT_WORKER_1_3_1" -> worker("1.3.1").compile().classes.path, "MILL_SCOVERAGE_REPORT_WORKER_1_4_0" -> worker("1.4.0").compile().classes.path ) scalalib.worker.testArgs() ++ scalalib.backgroundwrapper.testArgs() ++ (for ((k, v) <- mapping) yield s"-D$k=$v") } // So we can test with buildinfo in the classpath val test = new Tests(implicitly) class Tests(ctx0: mill.define.Ctx) extends super.Tests(ctx0) { override def moduleDeps = super.moduleDeps :+ contrib.buildinfo } object api extends MillApiModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib) } object worker extends Cross[WorkerModule]("1.3.1", "1.4.0") class WorkerModule(scoverageVersion: String) extends MillApiModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scoverage.api) def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"org.scoverage::scalac-scoverage-plugin:${scoverageVersion}") } } object buildinfo extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib) // why do I need this? def testArgs = T{ Seq("-Djna.nosys=true") ++ scalalib.worker.testArgs() ++ scalalib.backgroundwrapper.testArgs() } } object tut extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib) def testArgs = Seq("-DMILL_VERSION=" + build.publishVersion()._2) } object flyway extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib) def ivyDeps = Agg(Deps.flywayCore) } object docker extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib) } object bloop extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib, scalajslib, scalanativelib) def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.bloopConfig, Deps.ujsonCirce ) def testArgs = T(scalanativelib.testArgs()) } object bsp extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib, scalajslib, main, scalanativelib) def ivyDeps = Agg( Deps.bsp, Deps.ujsonCirce, Deps.sbtTestInterface ) } } object scalanativelib extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib, scalanativelib.api) def scalacOptions = Seq[String]() // disable -P:acyclic:force def testArgs = T{ val mapping = Map( "MILL_SCALANATIVE_WORKER_0_3" -> worker("0.3").runClasspath() .map(_.path) .filter(_.toIO.exists) .mkString(",") ) scalalib.worker.testArgs() ++ scalalib.backgroundwrapper.testArgs() ++ (for((k, v) <- mapping.toSeq) yield s"-D$k=$v") } object api extends MillApiModule{ def moduleDeps = Seq(main.core) def ivyDeps = Agg(Deps.sbtTestInterface) } object worker extends Cross[WorkerModule]("0.3") class WorkerModule(scalaNativeBinary: String) extends MillApiModule { def scalaNativeVersion = T{ "0.3.8" } def moduleDeps = Seq(scalanativelib.api) def ivyDeps = scalaNativeBinary match { case "0.3" => Agg( ivy"org.scala-native::tools:${scalaNativeVersion()}", ivy"org.scala-native::util:${scalaNativeVersion()}", ivy"org.scala-native::nir:${scalaNativeVersion()}", ivy"org.scala-native::nir:${scalaNativeVersion()}", ivy"org.scala-native::test-runner:${scalaNativeVersion()}", ) } } } def testRepos = T{ Seq( "MILL_ACYCLIC_REPO" -> shared.downloadTestRepo("lihaoyi/acyclic", "bc41cd09a287e2c270271e27ccdb3066173a8598", T.ctx().dest/"acyclic"), "MILL_JAWN_REPO" -> shared.downloadTestRepo("non/jawn", "fd8dc2b41ce70269889320aeabf8614fe1e8fbcb", T.ctx().dest/"jawn"), "MILL_BETTERFILES_REPO" -> shared.downloadTestRepo("pathikrit/better-files", "ba74ae9ef784dcf37f1b22c3990037a4fcc6b5f8", T.ctx().dest/"better-files"), "MILL_AMMONITE_REPO" -> shared.downloadTestRepo("lihaoyi/ammonite", "26b7ebcace16b4b5b4b68f9344ea6f6f48d9b53e", T.ctx().dest/"ammonite"), "MILL_UPICKLE_REPO" -> shared.downloadTestRepo("lihaoyi/upickle", "7f33085c890db7550a226c349832eabc3cd18769", T.ctx().dest/"upickle"), "MILL_PLAY_JSON_REPO" -> shared.downloadTestRepo("playframework/play-json", "0a5ba16a03f3b343ac335117eb314e7713366fd4", T.ctx().dest/"play-json"), "MILL_CAFFEINE_REPO" -> shared.downloadTestRepo("ben-manes/caffeine", "c02c623aedded8174030596989769c2fecb82fe4", T.ctx().dest/"caffeine") ) } object integration extends MillModule { def moduleDeps = Seq(main.moduledefs, scalalib, scalajslib, scalanativelib) def testArgs = T{ scalajslib.testArgs() ++ scalalib.worker.testArgs() ++ scalalib.backgroundwrapper.testArgs() ++ scalanativelib.testArgs() ++ Seq( "-DMILL_TESTNG=" + contrib.testng.runClasspath().map(_.path).mkString(","), "-DMILL_VERSION=" + build.publishVersion()._2, "-DMILL_SCALA_LIB=" + scalalib.runClasspath().map(_.path).mkString(","), "-Djna.nosys=true" ) ++ (for((k, v) <- testRepos()) yield s"-D$k=$v") } def forkArgs = testArgs() } def launcherScript(shellJvmArgs: Seq[String], cmdJvmArgs: Seq[String], shellClassPath: Agg[String], cmdClassPath: Agg[String]) = { mill.modules.Jvm.universalScript( shellCommands = { val jvmArgsStr = shellJvmArgs.mkString(" ") def java(mainClass: String) = s"""exec $$JAVACMD $jvmArgsStr $$JAVA_OPTS -cp "${shellClassPath.mkString(":")}" $mainClass "$$@"""" s"""if [ -z "$$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then | JAVACMD="java" |else | JAVACMD="$$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" |fi |case "$$1" in | -i | --interactive ) | ${java("mill.MillMain")} | ;; | *) | ${java("mill.main.client.MillClientMain")} | ;; |esac""".stripMargin }, cmdCommands = { val jvmArgsStr = cmdJvmArgs.mkString(" ") def java(mainClass: String) = s""""%JAVACMD%" $jvmArgsStr %JAVA_OPTS% -cp "${cmdClassPath.mkString(";")}" $mainClass %*""" s"""set "JAVACMD=java.exe" |if not "%JAVA_HOME%"=="" set "JAVACMD=%JAVA_HOME%\\bin\\java.exe" |if "%1" == "-i" set _I_=true |if "%1" == "--interactive" set _I_=true |if defined _I_ ( | ${java("mill.MillMain")} |) else ( | ${java("mill.main.client.MillClientMain")} |)""".stripMargin } ) } object dev extends MillModule{ def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib, scalajslib, scalanativelib) def forkArgs = ( scalalib.testArgs() ++ scalajslib.testArgs() ++ scalalib.worker.testArgs() ++ scalanativelib.testArgs() ++ scalalib.backgroundwrapper.testArgs() ++ // Workaround for Zinc/JNA bug // Seq( "-Djna.nosys=true", "-DMILL_VERSION=" + build.publishVersion()._2, "-DMILL_CLASSPATH=" + runClasspath().map(_.path.toString).mkString(",") ) ).distinct // Pass dev.assembly VM options via file in Windows due to small max args limit def windowsVmOptions(taskName: String, batch: os.Path, args: Seq[String]) (implicit ctx: mill.util.Ctx) = { if (System.getProperty("java.specification.version").startsWith("1.")) { throw new Error(s"$taskName in Windows is only supported using Java 9 or above") } val vmOptionsFile = T.ctx().dest / "mill.vmoptions" T.ctx()"Generated $vmOptionsFile; it should be kept in the same directory as $taskName's ${batch.last}") os.write(vmOptionsFile, args.mkString("\r\n")) } def launcher = T{ val isWin = scala.util.Properties.isWin val outputPath = T.ctx().dest / (if (isWin) "run.bat" else "run") os.write(outputPath, prependShellScript()) if (isWin) { windowsVmOptions("dev.launcher", outputPath, forkArgs()) } else { os.perms.set(outputPath, "rwxrwxrwx") } PathRef(outputPath) } def assembly = T{ val isWin = scala.util.Properties.isWin val millPath = T.ctx().dest / (if (isWin) "mill.bat" else "mill") os.move(super.assembly().path, millPath) if (isWin) windowsVmOptions("dev.launcher", millPath, forkArgs()) PathRef(millPath) } def prependShellScript = T{ val classpath = runClasspath().map(_.path.toString) val args = forkArgs() val (shellArgs, cmdArgs) = if (!scala.util.Properties.isWin) ( args, args ) else ( Seq("""-XX:VMOptionsFile="$( dirname "$0" )"/mill.vmoptions"""), Seq("""-XX:VMOptionsFile=%~dp0\mill.vmoptions""") ) launcherScript( shellArgs, cmdArgs, classpath, classpath ) } def run(args: String*) = T.command{ args match{ case Nil => mill.eval.Result.Failure("Need to pass in cwd as first argument to") case wd0 +: rest => val wd = os.Path(wd0, os.pwd) os.makeDir.all(wd) mill.modules.Jvm.baseInteractiveSubprocess( Seq(launcher().path.toString) ++ rest, forkEnv(), workingDir = wd ) mill.eval.Result.Success(()) } } } def assembly = T{ val version = publishVersion()._2 val devRunClasspath = dev.runClasspath().map(_.path) val filename = if (scala.util.Properties.isWin) "mill.bat" else "mill" val commonArgs = Seq( "-DMILL_VERSION=" + version, // Workaround for Zinc/JNA bug // "-Djna.nosys=true" ) val shellArgs = Seq("-DMILL_CLASSPATH=$0") ++ commonArgs val cmdArgs = Seq("-DMILL_CLASSPATH=%0") ++ commonArgs os.move( createAssembly( devRunClasspath, prependShellScript = launcherScript( shellArgs, cmdArgs, Agg("$0"), Agg("%~dpnx0") ) ).path, T.ctx().dest / filename ) PathRef(T.ctx().dest / filename) } def millBootstrap = T.sources(os.pwd / "mill") def launcher = T{ val outputPath = T.ctx().dest / "mill" val millBootstrapGrepPrefix = "\nDEFAULT_MILL_VERSION=" os.write( outputPath, .replaceAll( millBootstrapGrepPrefix + "[^\\n]+", millBootstrapGrepPrefix + publishVersion()._2 ) ) os.perms.set(outputPath, "rwxrwxrwx") PathRef(outputPath) } val isMasterCommit = { sys.env.get("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST") == Some("false") && (sys.env.get("TRAVIS_BRANCH") == Some("master") || sys.env("TRAVIS_TAG") != "") } def gitHead = T.input{ sys.env.get("TRAVIS_COMMIT").getOrElse( os.proc('git, "rev-parse", "HEAD").call().out.trim ) } def publishVersion = T.input{ val tag = try Option( os.proc('git, 'describe, "--exact-match", "--tags", "--always", gitHead()).call().out.trim ) catch{case e => None} val dirtySuffix = os.proc('git, 'diff).call().out.trim match{ case "" => "" case s => "-DIRTY" + Integer.toHexString(s.hashCode) } tag match{ case Some(t) => (t, t) case None => val latestTaggedVersion = os.proc('git, 'describe, "--abbrev=0", "--always", "--tags").call().out.trim val commitsSinceLastTag = os.proc('git, "rev-list", gitHead(), "--not", latestTaggedVersion, "--count").call().out.trim.toInt (latestTaggedVersion, s"$latestTaggedVersion-$commitsSinceLastTag-${gitHead().take(6)}$dirtySuffix") } } def uploadToGithub(authKey: String) = T.command{ val (releaseTag, label) = publishVersion() if (releaseTag == label){ scalaj.http.Http("") .postData( ujson.write( ujson.Obj( "tag_name" -> releaseTag, "name" -> releaseTag ) ) ) .header("Authorization", "token " + authKey) .asString } upload.apply(assembly().path, releaseTag, label + "-assembly", authKey) upload.apply(launcher().path, releaseTag, label, authKey) }