package mill.scalalib.scalafmt import java.nio.file.{Paths => JPaths} import mill._ import mill.define.{Discover, ExternalModule, Worker} import mill.api.Ctx import org.scalafmt.interfaces.Scalafmt import scala.collection.mutable import mill.api.Result object ScalafmtWorkerModule extends ExternalModule { def worker: Worker[ScalafmtWorker] = T.worker { new ScalafmtWorker() } lazy val millDiscover = Discover[this.type] } private[scalafmt] class ScalafmtWorker { private val reformatted: mutable.Map[os.Path, Int] = mutable.Map.empty private var configSig: Int = 0 def reformat(input: Seq[PathRef], scalafmtConfig: PathRef)(implicit ctx: Ctx): Unit = { reformatAction(input, scalafmtConfig, dryRun = false) } def checkFormat(input: Seq[PathRef], scalafmtConfig: PathRef)(implicit ctx: Ctx): Result[Unit] = { val misformatted = reformatAction(input, scalafmtConfig, dryRun = true) if (misformatted.isEmpty) { Result.Success(()) } else { val out = ctx.log.outputStream for (u <- misformatted) { out.println(u.path.toString) } Result.Failure(s"Found ${misformatted.length} misformatted files") } } // run scalafmt over input files and return any files that changed // (only save changes to files if dryRun is false) private def reformatAction( input: Seq[PathRef], scalafmtConfig: PathRef, dryRun: Boolean )(implicit ctx: Ctx): Seq[PathRef] = { // only consider files that have changed since last reformat val toConsider = if (scalafmtConfig.sig != configSig) input else input.filterNot(ref => reformatted.get(ref.path).contains(ref.sig)) if (toConsider.nonEmpty) { if (dryRun) {"Checking format of ${toConsider.size} Scala sources") } else {"Formatting ${toConsider.size} Scala sources") } val scalafmt = Scalafmt .create(this.getClass.getClassLoader) .withRespectVersion(false) val configPath = if (os.exists(scalafmtConfig.path)) scalafmtConfig.path.toNIO else JPaths.get(getClass.getResource("default.scalafmt.conf").toURI) // keeps track of files that are misformatted val misformatted = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[PathRef] def markFormatted(path: PathRef) = { val updRef = PathRef(path.path) reformatted += updRef.path -> updRef.sig } toConsider.foreach { pathToFormat => val code = val formattedCode = scalafmt.format(configPath, pathToFormat.path.toNIO, code) if (code != formattedCode) { misformatted += pathToFormat if (!dryRun) { os.write.over(pathToFormat.path, formattedCode) markFormatted(pathToFormat) } } else { markFormatted(pathToFormat) } } configSig = scalafmtConfig.sig misformatted.toList } else {"Everything is formatted already") Nil } } }