
A suite of utilities to build a debian root filesystem and bootable image for the Raspberry Pi 2, model B.


  • mkrootfs Build a debian root filesystem in the given directory
  • mkrootimg Bundle a root filesystem into a bootable, binary image that can be flashed to an sd card.

Run any of the above utilities without arguments for additional information.

Usage Example

The typical use-case, creating a bootable image involves the following steps:

  1. Create a root filesystem in a temporary directory "tmprootfs".

    mkrootfs --hostname=pi --release=stretch --ssh-key=/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub tmprootfs
  2. Pack the root filesystem into a binary image

    mkrootimg tmprootfs pi2-stretch.img
  3. Copy the image to an sd card.

    dd if=pi2-stretch.img of=/dev/mmc0
  4. Boot a Raspberry Pi from the card.

Note that several initialization tasks are performed during the first boot:

  • the root filesystem is expanded to fill the whole sd card
  • ssh keys and machine ids are regenerated

Progress will be signaled through the ACT and PWR LEDs:

  • both leds will flash rapidly for a couple of seconds, indicating that first-boot tasks are about to start
  • PWR will blink in a "heartbeat" pattern and ACT will indicate sd card activity
  • first-boot tasks are run
  • after completion, the ACT led will blink in a heartbeat pattern an PWR will be turned off


  • qemu-user-static
  • qemu-debootstrap


This program is free software, released under the GNU General Public License version 2.

Copyright (C) 2016 Jakob Odersky jakob@odersky.com

Copyright (C) 2015 Jan Wagner mail@jwagner.eu

The structure of the scripts was mostly copied from the rpi2-gen-image utility, by Jan Wagner.