path: root/jni-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/jodersky/sbt/jni/JniPlugin.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'jni-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/jodersky/sbt/jni/JniPlugin.scala')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/jodersky/sbt/jni/JniPlugin.scala b/jni-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/jodersky/sbt/jni/JniPlugin.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b76b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/jodersky/sbt/jni/JniPlugin.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+package ch.jodersky.sbt.jni
+import build._
+import ch.jodersky.jni.{NativeLoader, Platform}
+import sbt._
+import sbt.Keys._
+object Jni extends AutoPlugin {
+ override def requires = plugins.JvmPlugin
+ object autoImport {
+ //Main task, inspect this first
+ val nativeCompile = taskKey[File]("Builds a native library (by calling the native build tool).")
+ val nativePlatform = settingKey[Platform]("Platform of the system this build is running on.")
+ val nativeBuildTools = taskKey[Seq[BuildTool]](
+ "A collection of build tools that are tested to determine the current build environment")
+ val nativeBuildTool = taskKey[BuildTool](
+ "The build tool to be used when building a native library.")
+ }
+ import autoImport._
+ lazy val mainSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
+ nativePlatform := Platform.current.getOrElse{
+ sLog.value.warn("Warning: cannot determine platform! It will be set to 'unknown'.")
+ Platform.Unknown
+ },
+ sourceDirectory in nativeCompile := sourceDirectory.value / "native",
+ target in nativeCompile := target.value / "native" / (nativePlatform).value.id,
+ nativeBuildTools := Seq(CMake, Autotools),
+ nativeBuildTool := {
+ val tools = nativeBuildTools.value
+ val src = (sourceDirectory in nativeCompile).value
+ val tool = if (src.exists && src.isDirectory) {
+ tools.find(t => t detect src)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ tool.getOrElse(
+ sys.error("No supported native build tool detected. " +
+ s"Check that the setting 'sourceDirectory in nativeCompile' (currently $src) " +
+ "points to a valid directory. Supported build tools are: " +
+ tools.map(_.name).mkString(","))
+ )
+ },
+ clean in nativeCompile := {
+ val log = streams.value.log
+ log.debug("Cleaning native build")
+ try {
+ val tool = nativeBuildTool.value
+ tool.api.clean(
+ (sourceDirectory in nativeCompile).value,
+ log
+ )
+ } catch {
+ case ex: Exception =>
+ log.debug(s"Native cleaning failed: $ex")
+ }
+ },
+ nativeCompile := {
+ val tool = nativeBuildTool.value
+ val src = (sourceDirectory in nativeCompile).value
+ val buildDir = (target in nativeCompile).value / "build"
+ val targetDir = (target in nativeCompile).value / "lib"
+ val log = streams.value.log
+ IO.createDirectory(buildDir)
+ IO.createDirectory(targetDir)
+ tool.api.library(src, buildDir, targetDir, log)
+ },
+ // change clean task to also clean native sources
+ clean := {
+ (clean in nativeCompile).value
+ clean.value
+ }
+ )
+ override lazy val projectSettings = inConfig(Compile)(mainSettings)