package ch.jodersky.sbt.jni package plugins import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import /** Packages libraries built with JniNative. */ object JniPackage extends AutoPlugin { // JvmPlugin is required or else it will override resource generators when first included override def requires = JniNative && plugins.JvmPlugin override def trigger = allRequirements object autoImport { val enableNativeCompilation = settingKey[Boolean]( "Determines if native compilation is enabled. If not enabled, only pre-compiled libraries in " + "`unmanagedNativeDirectories` will be packaged." ) val unmanagedNativeDirectories = settingKey[Seq[File]]( "Unmanaged directories containing native libraries. The libraries must be regular files " + "contained in a subdirectory corresponding to a platform. For example " + "`/x86_64-linux/` is an unmanaged library for machines having " + "the x86_64 architecture and running the Linux kernel." ) val unmanagedNativeLibraries = taskKey[Seq[(File, String)]]( "Reads `unmanagedNativeDirectories` and maps libraries to their locations on the classpath " + "(i.e. their path in a fat jar)." ) val managedNativeLibraries = taskKey[Seq[(File, String)]]( "Maps locally built, platform-dependant libraries to their locations on the classpath." ) val nativeLibraries = taskKey[Seq[(File, String)]]( "All native libraries, managed and unmanaged." ) } import autoImport._ import JniNative.autoImport._ lazy val settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( enableNativeCompilation := true, unmanagedNativeDirectories := Seq(baseDirectory.value / "lib_native"), unmanagedNativeLibraries := { val baseDirs: Seq[File] = unmanagedNativeDirectories.value val mappings: Seq[(File, String)] = unmanagedNativeDirectories.value.flatMap { dir => val files: Seq[File] = (dir ** "*").get files pair rebase(dir, "/native") } mappings }, managedNativeLibraries := Def.taskDyn[Seq[(File, String)]] { val enableManaged = (enableNativeCompilation).value if (enableManaged) Def.task { val library: File = nativeCompile.value val platform = nativePlatform.value Seq(library -> s"/native/$platform/${}") } else Def.task { Seq.empty } }.value, nativeLibraries := unmanagedNativeLibraries.value ++ managedNativeLibraries.value, resourceGenerators += Def.task { val libraries: Seq[(File, String)] = nativeLibraries.value val resources: Seq[File] = for ((file, path) <- libraries) yield { // native library as a managed resource file val resource = resourceManaged.value / path // copy native library to a managed resource, so that it is always available // on the classpath, even when not packaged as a jar IO.copyFile(file, resource) resource } resources }.taskValue ) override lazy val projectSettings = inConfig(Compile)(settings) ++ Seq(crossPaths := false) // don't add scala version to native jars }