/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2014-2013 Typesafe Inc. */ package scala.async package run package live import org.junit.Test import internal.AsyncTestLV import AsyncTestLV._ case class Cell[T](v: T) class Meter(val len: Long) extends AnyVal case class MCell[T](var v: T) class LiveVariablesSpec { AsyncTestLV.clear() @Test def `zero out fields of reference type`() { val f = async { Cell(1) } def m1(x: Cell[Int]): Cell[Int] = async { Cell(x.v + 1) } def m2(x: Cell[Int]): String = async { x.v.toString } def m3() = async { val a: Cell[Int] = await(f) // await$1$1 // a == Cell(1) val b: Cell[Int] = await(m1(a)) // await$2$1 // b == Cell(2) assert(AsyncTestLV.log.exists(_ == ("await$1$1" -> Cell(1))), AsyncTestLV.log) val res = await(m2(b)) // await$3$1 assert(AsyncTestLV.log.exists(_ == ("await$2$1" -> Cell(2)))) res } assert(m3() == "2") } @Test def `zero out fields of type Any`() { val f = async { Cell(1) } def m1(x: Cell[Int]): Cell[Int] = async { Cell(x.v + 1) } def m2(x: Any): String = async { x.toString } def m3() = async { val a: Cell[Int] = await(f) // await$4$1 // a == Cell(1) val b: Any = await(m1(a)) // await$5$1 // b == Cell(2) assert(AsyncTestLV.log.exists(_ == ("await$4$1" -> Cell(1)))) val res = await(m2(b)) // await$6$1 assert(AsyncTestLV.log.exists(_ == ("await$5$1" -> Cell(2)))) res } assert(m3() == "Cell(2)") } @Test def `do not zero out fields of primitive type`() { val f = async { 1 } def m1(x: Int): Cell[Int] = async { Cell(x + 1) } def m2(x: Any): String = async { x.toString } def m3() = async { val a: Int = await(f) // await$7$1 // a == 1 val b: Any = await(m1(a)) // await$8$1 // b == Cell(2) assert(!AsyncTestLV.log.exists(p => p._1 == "await$7$1")) val res = await(m2(b)) // await$9$1 assert(AsyncTestLV.log.exists(_ == ("await$8$1" -> Cell(2)))) res } assert(m3() == "Cell(2)") } @Test def `zero out fields of value class type`() { val f = async { Cell(1) } def m1(x: Cell[Int]): Meter = async { new Meter(x.v + 1) } def m2(x: Any): String = async { x.toString } def m3() = async { val a: Cell[Int] = await(f) // await$10$1 // a == Cell(1) val b: Meter = await(m1(a)) // await$11$1 // b == Meter(2) assert(AsyncTestLV.log.exists(_ == ("await$10$1" -> Cell(1)))) val res = await(m2(b.len)) // await$12$1 assert(AsyncTestLV.log.exists(entry => entry._1 == "await$11$1" && entry._2.asInstanceOf[Meter].len == 2L)) res } assert(m3() == "2") } @Test def `zero out fields after use in loop`() { val f = async { MCell(1) } def m1(x: MCell[Int], y: Int): Int = async { x.v + y } def m3() = async { // state #1 val a: MCell[Int] = await(f) // await$13$1 // state #2 var y = MCell(0) while (a.v < 10) { // state #4 a.v = a.v + 1 y = MCell(await(a).v + 1) // await$14$1 // state #7 } // state #3 assert(AsyncTestLV.log.exists(entry => entry._1 == "await$14$1")) val b = await(m1(a, y.v)) // await$15$1 // state #8 assert(AsyncTestLV.log.exists(_ == ("a$1" -> MCell(10))), AsyncTestLV.log) assert(AsyncTestLV.log.exists(_ == ("y$1" -> MCell(11)))) b } assert(m3() == 21, m3()) } @Test def `don't zero captured fields captured lambda`() { val f = async { val x = "x" val y = "y" await(0) y.reverse val f = () => assert(x != null) await(0) f } AsyncTestLV.assertNotNulledOut("x") AsyncTestLV.assertNulledOut("y") f() } @Test def `don't zero captured fields captured by-name`() { def func0[A](a: => A): () => A = () => a val f = async { val x = "x" val y = "y" await(0) y.reverse val f = func0(assert(x != null)) await(0) f } AsyncTestLV.assertNotNulledOut("x") AsyncTestLV.assertNulledOut("y") f() } @Test def `don't zero captured fields nested class`() { def func0[A](a: => A): () => A = () => a val f = async { val x = "x" val y = "y" await(0) y.reverse val f = new Function0[Unit] { def apply = assert(x != null) } await(0) f } AsyncTestLV.assertNotNulledOut("x") AsyncTestLV.assertNulledOut("y") f() } @Test def `don't zero captured fields nested object`() { def func0[A](a: => A): () => A = () => a val f = async { val x = "x" val y = "y" await(0) y.reverse object f extends Function0[Unit] { def apply = assert(x != null) } await(0) f } AsyncTestLV.assertNotNulledOut("x") AsyncTestLV.assertNulledOut("y") f() } @Test def `don't zero captured fields nested def`() { val f = async { val x = "x" val y = "y" await(0) y.reverse def xx = x val f = xx _ await(0) f } AsyncTestLV.assertNotNulledOut("x") AsyncTestLV.assertNulledOut("y") f() } @Test def `capture bug`() { sealed trait Base case class B1() extends Base case class B2() extends Base val outer = List[(Base, Int)]((B1(), 8)) def getMore(b: Base) = 4 def baz = async { outer.head match { case (a @ B1(), r) => { val ents = await(getMore(a)) { () => println(a) assert(a ne null) } } case (b @ B2(), x) => () => ??? } } baz() } // https://github.com/scala/async/issues/104 @Test def dontNullOutVarsOfTypeNothing_t104(): Unit = { implicit val ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext = null import scala.async.Async._ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global def errorGenerator(randomNum: Double) = { Future { if (randomNum < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Random number was too low!") } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Random number was too high!") } } } def randomTimesTwo = async { val num = _root_.scala.math.random if (num < 0 || num > 1) { await(errorGenerator(num)) } num * 2 } Await.result(randomTimesTwo, TestLatch.DefaultTimeout) // was: NotImplementedError } }