/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Typesafe Inc. */ package scala.async package run package toughtype import language.{reflectiveCalls, postfixOps} import scala.concurrent._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.async.Async._ import org.junit.{Assert, Test} import scala.async.internal.AsyncId object ToughTypeObject { import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global class Inner def m2 = async[(List[_], ToughTypeObject.Inner)] { val y = await(future[List[_]](Nil)) val z = await(future[Inner](new Inner)) (y, z) } } class ToughTypeSpec { @Test def `propogates tough types`() { val fut = ToughTypeObject.m2 val res: (List[_], scala.async.run.toughtype.ToughTypeObject.Inner) = Await.result(fut, 2 seconds) res._1 mustBe (Nil) } @Test def patternMatchingPartialFunction() { import AsyncId.{await, async} async { await(1) val a = await(1) val f = { case x => x + a }: PartialFunction[Int, Int] await(f(2)) } mustBe 3 } @Test def patternMatchingPartialFunctionNested() { import AsyncId.{await, async} async { await(1) val neg1 = -1 val a = await(1) val f = { case x => ({case x => neg1 * x}: PartialFunction[Int, Int])(x + a) }: PartialFunction[Int, Int] await(f(2)) } mustBe -3 } @Test def patternMatchingFunction() { import AsyncId.{await, async} async { await(1) val a = await(1) val f = { case x => x + a }: Function[Int, Int] await(f(2)) } mustBe 3 } @Test def existentialBindIssue19() { import AsyncId.{await, async} def m7(a: Any) = async { a match { case s: Seq[_] => val x = s.size var ss = s ss = s await(x) } } m7(Nil) mustBe 0 } @Test def existentialBind2Issue19() { import scala.async.Async._, scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global def conjure[T]: T = null.asInstanceOf[T] def m3 = async { val p: List[Option[_]] = conjure[List[Option[_]]] await(future(1)) } def m4 = async { await(future[List[_]](Nil)) } } @Test def singletonTypeIssue17() { import AsyncId.{async, await} class A { class B } async { val a = new A def foo(b: a.B) = 0 await(foo(new a.B)) } } @Test def existentialMatch() { import AsyncId.{async, await} trait Container[+A] case class ContainerImpl[A](value: A) extends Container[A] def foo: Container[_] = async { val a: Any = List(1) a match { case buf: Seq[_] => val foo = await(5) val e0 = buf(0) ContainerImpl(e0) } } foo } @Test def existentialIfElse0() { import AsyncId.{async, await} trait Container[+A] case class ContainerImpl[A](value: A) extends Container[A] def foo: Container[_] = async { val a: Any = List(1) if (true) { val buf: Seq[_] = List(1) val foo = await(5) val e0 = buf(0) ContainerImpl(e0) } else ??? } foo } // This test was failing when lifting `def r` with: // symbol value m#10864 does not exist in r$1 // // We generated: // // private[this] def r$1#5727[A#5728 >: Nothing#157 <: Any#156](m#5731: Foo#2349[A#5728]): Unit#208 = Bippy#2352.this.bar#5532({ // m#5730; // () // }); // // Notice the incorrect reference to `m`. // // We compensated in `Lifter` by copying `ValDef` parameter symbols directly across. // // Turns out the behaviour stems from `thisMethodType` in `Namers`, which treats type parameter skolem symbols. @Test def nestedMethodWithInconsistencyTreeAndInfoParamSymbols() { import language.{reflectiveCalls, postfixOps} import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext, future, Await} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.async.Async.{async, await} import scala.async.internal.AsyncId class Foo[A] object Bippy { import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global def bar(f: => Unit): Unit = f def quux: Future[String] = ??? def foo = async { def r[A](m: Foo[A])(n: A) = { bar { locally(m) locally(n) identity[A] _ } } await(quux) r(new Foo[String])("") } } Bippy } @Test def ticket63(): Unit = { import scala.async.Async._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } object SomeExecutionContext extends ExecutionContext { def reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit = ??? def execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit = ??? } trait FunDep[W, S, R] { def method(w: W, s: S): Future[R] } object FunDep { implicit def `Something to do with List`[W, S, R](implicit funDep: FunDep[W, S, R]) = new FunDep[W, List[S], W] { def method(w: W, l: List[S]) = async { val it = l.iterator while (it.hasNext) { await(funDep.method(w, it.next())) } w }(SomeExecutionContext) } } } @Test def ticket66Nothing() { import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global val e = new Exception() val f: Future[Nothing] = Future.failed(e) val f1 = async { await(f) } try { Await.result(f1, 5.seconds) } catch { case `e` => } } @Test def ticket83ValueClass() { import scala.async.Async._ import scala.concurrent._, duration._, ExecutionContext.Implicits.global val f = async { val uid = new IntWrapper("foo") await(Future(uid)) } val result = Await.result(f, 5.seconds) result mustEqual (new IntWrapper("foo")) } @Test def ticket86NestedValueClass() { import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global val f = async { val a = Future.successful(new IntWrapper("42")) await(await(a).plusStr) } val result = Await.result(f, 5.seconds) result mustEqual "42!" } @Test def ticket86MatchedValueClass(): Unit = { import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global def doAThing(param: IntWrapper) = Future(None) val fut = async { Option(new IntWrapper("value!")) match { case Some(valueHolder) => await(doAThing(valueHolder)) case None => None } } val result = Await.result(fut, 5.seconds) result mustBe None } @Test def ticket86MatchedParameterizedValueClass(): Unit = { import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global def doAThing(param: ParamWrapper[String]) = Future(None) val fut = async { Option(new ParamWrapper("value!")) match { case Some(valueHolder) => await(doAThing(valueHolder)) case None => None } } val result = Await.result(fut, 5.seconds) result mustBe None } } class IntWrapper(val value: String) extends AnyVal { def plusStr = Future.successful(value + "!") } class ParamWrapper[T](val value: T) extends AnyVal trait A trait B trait L[A2, B2 <: A2] { def bar(a: Any, b: Any) = 0 }