path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis
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8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1801 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/CopyPropagation.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/CopyPropagation.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d48d7a0d3..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/CopyPropagation.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend.icode.analysis
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-/** A modified copy-propagation like analysis. It
- * is augmented with a record-like value which is used
- * to represent closures.
- *
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-abstract class CopyPropagation {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import icodes._
- /** Locations can be local variables, this, and fields. */
- abstract sealed class Location
- case class LocalVar(l: Local) extends Location
- case class Field(r: Record, sym: Symbol) extends Location
- case object This extends Location
- /** Values that can be on the stack. */
- sealed abstract class Value { }
- case class Record(cls: Symbol, bindings: mutable.Map[Symbol, Value]) extends Value { }
- /** The value of some location in memory. */
- case class Deref(l: Location) extends Value
- /** The boxed value of some location. */
- case class Boxed(l: Location) extends Value
- /** The constant value c. */
- case class Const(c: Constant) extends Value
- /** Unknown. */
- case object Unknown extends Value
- /** The bottom record. */
- object AllRecords extends Record(NoSymbol, mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Value]())
- /** The lattice for this analysis. */
- object copyLattice extends SemiLattice {
- type Bindings = mutable.Map[Location, Value]
- def emptyBinding = mutable.HashMap[Location, Value]()
- class State(val bindings: Bindings, var stack: List[Value]) {
- override def hashCode = bindings.hashCode + stack.hashCode
- /* comparison with bottom is reference equality! */
- override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
- case x: State =>
- if ((this eq bottom) || (this eq top) || (x eq bottom) || (x eq top)) this eq x
- else bindings == x.bindings && stack == x.stack
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- /* Return an alias for the given local. It returns the last
- * local in the chain of aliased locals. Cycles are not allowed
- * to exist (by construction).
- */
- def getAlias(l: Local): Local = {
- var target = l
- var stop = false
- while (bindings.isDefinedAt(LocalVar(target)) && !stop) {
- bindings(LocalVar(target)) match {
- case Deref(LocalVar(t)) => target = t
- case _ => stop = true
- }
- }
- target
- }
- /* Return the value bound to the given local. */
- def getBinding(l: Local): Value = {
- def loop(lv: Local): Option[Value] = (bindings get LocalVar(lv)) match {
- case Some(Deref(LocalVar(t))) => loop(t)
- case x => x
- }
- loop(l) getOrElse Deref(LocalVar(l))
- }
- /** Return a local which contains the same value as this field, if any.
- * If the field holds a reference to a local, the returned value is the
- * binding of that local.
- */
- def getFieldValue(r: Record, f: Symbol): Option[Value] = r.bindings get f map {
- case Deref(LocalVar(l)) => getBinding(l)
- case target @ Deref(Field(r1, f1)) => getFieldValue(r1, f1) getOrElse target
- case target => target
- }
- /** The same as getFieldValue, but never returns Record/Field values. Use
- * this when you want to find a replacement for a field value (either a local,
- * or a constant/this value).
- */
- def getFieldNonRecordValue(r: Record, f: Symbol): Option[Value] = {
- assert(r.bindings contains f, "Record " + r + " does not contain a field " + f)
- r.bindings(f) match {
- case Deref(LocalVar(l)) =>
- val alias = getAlias(l)
- val derefAlias = Deref(LocalVar(alias))
- Some(getBinding(alias) match {
- case Record(_, _) => derefAlias
- case Deref(Field(r1, f1)) => getFieldNonRecordValue(r1, f1) getOrElse derefAlias
- case Boxed(_) => derefAlias
- case v => v
- })
- case Deref(Field(r1, f1)) => getFieldNonRecordValue(r1, f1)
- case target @ Deref(This) => Some(target)
- case target @ Const(k) => Some(target)
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- override def toString(): String =
- "\nBindings: " + bindings + "\nStack: " + stack
- def dup: State = {
- val b: Bindings = mutable.HashMap()
- b ++= bindings
- new State(b, stack)
- }
- }
- type Elem = State
- val top = new State(emptyBinding, Nil)
- val bottom = new State(emptyBinding, Nil)
- val exceptionHandlerStack = Unknown :: Nil
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem = {
- if (a eq bottom) b
- else if (b eq bottom) a
- else if (a == b) a
- else {
- //assert(!(a.stack eq exceptionHandlerStack) && !(b.stack eq exceptionHandlerStack))
- val resStack =
- if (exceptional) exceptionHandlerStack
- else {
-// if (a.stack.length != b.stack.length)
-// throw new LubException(a, b, "Invalid stacks in states: ");
- (a.stack, b.stack).zipped map { (v1, v2) =>
- if (v1 == v2) v1 else Unknown
- }
- }
-/* if (a.stack.length != b.stack.length)
- throw new LubException(a, b, "Invalid stacks in states: ");
- val resStack = List.map2(a.stack, b.stack) { (v1, v2) =>
- if (v1 == v2) v1 else Unknown
- }
- */
- val resBindings = mutable.HashMap[Location, Value]()
- for ((k, v) <- a.bindings if b.bindings.isDefinedAt(k) && v == b.bindings(k))
- resBindings += (k -> v)
- new State(resBindings, resStack)
- }
- }
- }
- final class CopyAnalysis extends DataFlowAnalysis[copyLattice.type] {
- type P = BasicBlock
- val lattice = copyLattice
- var method: IMethod = _
- def init(m: IMethod) {
- this.method = m
- init {
- worklist += m.startBlock
- worklist ++= (m.exh map (_.startBlock))
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- in(b) = lattice.bottom
- out(b) = lattice.bottom
- assert(out.contains(b), out)
- debuglog("CopyAnalysis added point: " + b)
- }
- m.exh foreach { e =>
- in(e.startBlock) = new copyLattice.State(copyLattice.emptyBinding, copyLattice.exceptionHandlerStack)
- }
- // first block is special: it's not bottom, but a precisely defined state with no bindings
- in(m.startBlock) = new lattice.State(lattice.emptyBinding, Nil)
- }
- }
- override def run() {
- forwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)
- if (settings.debug) {
- linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
- assert(in(b) != lattice.bottom,
- "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited?"))
- }
- }
- def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem =
- b.iterator.foldLeft(in)(interpret)
- import opcodes._
- private def retain[A, B](map: mutable.Map[A, B])(p: (A, B) => Boolean) = {
- for ((k, v) <- map ; if !p(k, v)) map -= k
- map
- }
- /** Abstract interpretation for one instruction. */
- def interpret(in: copyLattice.Elem, i: Instruction): copyLattice.Elem = {
- var out = in.dup
- debuglog("- " + i + "\nin: " + in + "\n")
- i match {
- case THIS(_) =>
- out.stack = Deref(This) :: out.stack
- case CONSTANT(k) =>
- if (k.tag != UnitTag)
- out.stack = Const(k) :: out.stack
- case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(_) =>
- out.stack = (Unknown :: out.stack.drop(2))
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) =>
- out.stack = Deref(LocalVar(local)) :: out.stack
- case LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
- if (isStatic)
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack; /* ignore static fields */
- else {
- val v1 = in.stack match {
- case (r @ Record(cls, bindings)) :: xs =>
- Deref(Field(r, field))
- case Deref(LocalVar(l)) :: _ =>
- in.getBinding(l) match {
- case r @ Record(cls, bindings) => Deref(Field(r, field))
- case _ => Unknown
- }
- case Deref(Field(r, f)) :: _ =>
- val fld = in.getFieldValue(r, f)
- fld match {
- case Some(r @ Record(cls, bindings)) if bindings.isDefinedAt(f) =>
- in.getFieldValue(r, f).getOrElse(Unknown)
- case _ => Unknown
- }
- case _ => Unknown
- }
- out.stack = v1 :: out.stack.drop(1)
- }
- case LOAD_MODULE(module) =>
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack
- case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(3)
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>
- cleanReferencesTo(out, LocalVar(local))
- in.stack match {
- case Unknown :: xs => ()
- case v :: vs =>
- v match {
- case Deref(LocalVar(other)) =>
- if (other != local)
- out.bindings += (LocalVar(local) -> v)
- case _ =>
- out.bindings += (LocalVar(local) -> v)
- }
- case Nil =>
- sys.error("Incorrect icode in " + method + ". Expecting something on the stack.")
- }
- out.stack = out.stack drop 1
- case STORE_THIS(_) =>
- cleanReferencesTo(out, This)
- out.stack = out.stack drop 1
- case STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
- if (isStatic)
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- else {
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(2)
- cleanReferencesTo(out, Field(AllRecords, field))
- in.stack match {
- case v :: Record(_, bindings) :: vs =>
- bindings += (field -> v)
- case _ => ()
- }
- }
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) =>
- // TODO: model primitives
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack.drop(i.consumed)
- case CALL_METHOD(method, style) => style match {
- case Dynamic =>
- out = simulateCall(in, method, static = false)
- case Static(onInstance) =>
- if (onInstance) {
- val obj = out.stack.drop(
-// if (method.isPrimaryConstructor) {
- if (method.isPrimaryConstructor) {
- obj match {
- case Record(_, bindings) =>
- for (v <- out.stack.take( + 1)
- if v ne obj) {
- bindings ++= getBindingsForPrimaryCtor(in, method)
- }
- case _ => ()
- }
- // put the Record back on the stack and remove the 'returned' value
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1 +
- } else
- out = simulateCall(in, method, static = false)
- } else
- out = simulateCall(in, method, static = true)
- case SuperCall(_) =>
- out = simulateCall(in, method, static = false)
- }
- case BOX(tpe) =>
- val top = out.stack.head match {
- case Deref(loc) => Boxed(loc)
- case _ => Unknown
- }
- out.stack = top :: out.stack.tail
- case UNBOX(tpe) =>
- val top = out.stack.head
- top match {
- case Boxed(loc) => Deref(loc) :: out.stack.tail
- case _ => out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack.drop(1)
- }
- case NEW(kind) =>
- val v1 = kind match {
- case REFERENCE(cls) => Record(cls, mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Value]())
- case _ => Unknown
- }
- out.stack = v1 :: out.stack
- case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) =>
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack.drop(dims)
- case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) =>
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack.drop(1)
- case CHECK_CAST(tpe) =>
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack.drop(1)
- case SWITCH(tags, labels) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case JUMP(whereto) =>
- ()
- case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(2)
- case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case RETURN(kind) =>
- if (kind != UNIT)
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case THROW(_) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case DROP(kind) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case DUP(kind) =>
- out.stack = out.stack.head :: out.stack
- case MONITOR_ENTER() =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case MONITOR_EXIT() =>
- out.stack = out.stack.drop(1)
- case SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) =>
- ()
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>
- out.stack = Unknown :: Nil
- case _ =>
- dumpClassesAndAbort("Unknown instruction: " + i)
- }
- out
- } /* def interpret */
- /** Remove all references to this local variable from both stack
- * and bindings. It is called when a new assignment destroys
- * previous copy-relations.
- */
- final def cleanReferencesTo(s: copyLattice.State, target: Location) {
- def cleanRecord(r: Record): Record = {
- retain(r.bindings) { (loc, value) =>
- (value match {
- case Deref(loc1) if (loc1 == target) => false
- case Boxed(loc1) if (loc1 == target) => false
- case _ => true
- }) && (target match {
- case Field(AllRecords, sym1) => !(loc == sym1)
- case _ => true
- })
- }
- r
- }
- s.stack = s.stack map { v => v match {
- case Record(_, bindings) =>
- cleanRecord(v.asInstanceOf[Record])
- case Boxed(loc1) if (loc1 == target) => Unknown
- case _ => v
- }}
- retain(s.bindings) { (loc, value) =>
- (value match {
- case Deref(loc1) if (loc1 == target) => false
- case Boxed(loc1) if (loc1 == target) => false
- case rec @ Record(_, _) =>
- cleanRecord(rec)
- true
- case _ => true
- }) &&
- (loc match {
- case l: Location if (l == target) => false
- case _ => true
- })
- }
- }
- /** Update the state `s` after the call to `method`.
- * The stack elements are dropped and replaced by the result of the call.
- * If the method is impure, all bindings to record fields are cleared.
- */
- final def simulateCall(state: copyLattice.State, method: Symbol, static: Boolean): copyLattice.State = {
- val out = new copyLattice.State(state.bindings, state.stack)
- out.stack = out.stack.drop( + (if (static) 0 else 1))
- if ( != definitions.UnitTpe && !method.isConstructor)
- out.stack = Unknown :: out.stack
- if (!isPureMethod(method))
- invalidateRecords(out)
- out
- }
- /** Drop everything known about mutable record fields.
- *
- * A simple escape analysis would help here. Some of the records we
- * track never leak to other methods, therefore they can not be changed.
- * We should not drop their bindings in this case. A closure object
- * would be such an example. Some complications:
- *
- * - outer pointers. An closure escapes as an outer pointer to another
- * nested closure.
- */
- final def invalidateRecords(state: copyLattice.State) {
- def shouldRetain(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
- if (sym.isMutable)
- log("dropping binding for " + sym.fullName)
- !sym.isMutable
- }
- state.stack = state.stack map { v => v match {
- case Record(cls, bindings) =>
- retain(bindings) { (sym, _) => shouldRetain(sym) }
- Record(cls, bindings)
- case _ => v
- }}
- retain(state.bindings) { (loc, value) =>
- value match {
- case Deref(Field(rec, sym)) => shouldRetain(sym)
- case Boxed(Field(rec, sym)) => shouldRetain(sym)
- case _ => true
- }
- }
- }
- /** Return bindings from an object fields to the values on the stack. This
- * method has to find the correct mapping from fields to the order in which
- * they are passed on the stack. It works for primary constructors.
- */
- private def getBindingsForPrimaryCtor(in: copyLattice.State, ctor: Symbol): mutable.Map[Symbol, Value] = {
- val paramAccessors = ctor.owner.constrParamAccessors
- var values = in.stack.take(1 +
- val bindings = mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Value]()
- debuglog("getBindings for: " + ctor + " acc: " + paramAccessors)
- var paramTypes = ctor.tpe.paramTypes
- val diff = paramTypes.length - paramAccessors.length
- diff match {
- case 0 => ()
- case 1 if ctor.tpe.paramTypes.head == ctor.owner.rawowner.tpe =>
- // it's an unused outer
- debuglog("considering unused outer at position 0 in " + ctor.tpe.paramTypes)
- paramTypes = paramTypes.tail
- values = values.tail
- case _ =>
- debuglog("giving up on " + ctor + "(diff: " + diff + ")")
- return bindings
- }
- // this relies on having the same order in paramAccessors and
- // the arguments on the stack. It should be the same!
- for ((p, i) <- paramAccessors.zipWithIndex) {
-// assert(p.tpe == paramTypes(i), "In: " + ctor.fullName
-// + " having acc: " + (paramAccessors map (_.tpe))+ " vs. params" + paramTypes
-// + "\n\t failed at pos " + i + " with " + p.tpe + " == " + paramTypes(i))
- if (p.tpe == paramTypes(i))
- bindings += (p -> values.head)
- values = values.tail
- }
- debuglog("\t" + bindings)
- bindings
- }
- /** Is symbol `m` a pure method?
- */
- final def isPureMethod(m: Symbol): Boolean =
- m.isGetter // abstract getters are still pure, as we 'know'
- final override def toString() = (
- if (method eq null) List("<null>")
- else method.blocks map { b =>
- "\nIN(%s):\t Bindings: %s".format(b.label, in(b).bindings) +
- "\nIN(%s):\t Stack: %s".format(b.label, in(b).stack)
- }
- ).mkString
- } /* class CopyAnalysis */
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/DataFlowAnalysis.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/DataFlowAnalysis.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a378998f8f..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/DataFlowAnalysis.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend.icode.analysis
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-/** A generic framework for data flow analysis.
- */
-trait DataFlowAnalysis[L <: SemiLattice] {
- /** A type for program points. */
- type P <: ProgramPoint[P]
- val lattice: L
- val worklist: mutable.Set[P] = new mutable.LinkedHashSet
- val in: mutable.Map[P, lattice.Elem] = new mutable.HashMap
- val out: mutable.Map[P, lattice.Elem] = new mutable.HashMap
- val visited: mutable.HashSet[P] = new mutable.HashSet
- /** collect statistics? */
- var stat = true
- /** the number of times we iterated before reaching a fixpoint. */
- var iterations = 0
- /* Implement this function to initialize the worklist. */
- def init(f: => Unit): Unit = {
- iterations = 0
- in.clear(); out.clear(); worklist.clear(); visited.clear()
- f
- }
- def run(): Unit
- /** Implements forward dataflow analysis: the transfer function is
- * applied when inputs to a Program point change, to obtain the new
- * output value.
- *
- * @param f the transfer function.
- */
- def forwardAnalysis(f: (P, lattice.Elem) => lattice.Elem): Unit = try {
- while (!worklist.isEmpty) {
- if (stat) iterations += 1
- //Console.println("worklist in: " + worklist);
- val point =; worklist -= point; visited += point
- //Console.println("taking out point: " + point + " worklist out: " + worklist);
- val output = f(point, in(point))
- if ((lattice.bottom == out(point)) || output != out(point)) {
- // Console.println("Output changed at " + point
- // + " from: " + out(point) + " to: " + output
- // + " for input: " + in(point) + " and they are different: " + (output != out(point)))
- out(point) = output
- val succs = point.successors
- succs foreach { p =>
- val updated = lattice.lub(in(p) :: (p.predecessors map out.apply), p.exceptionHandlerStart)
- if(updated != in(p)) {
- in(p) = updated
- if (!worklist(p)) { worklist += p; }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } catch {
- case e: NoSuchElementException =>
- Console.println("in: " + in.mkString("", "\n", ""))
- Console.println("out: " + out.mkString("", "\n", ""))
- e.printStackTrace
- sys.error("Could not find element " + e.getMessage)
- }
- def backwardAnalysis(f: (P, lattice.Elem) => lattice.Elem): Unit =
- while (worklist.nonEmpty) {
- if (stat) iterations += 1
- val point = worklist.head
- worklist -= point
- out(point) = lattice.lub(point.successors map in.apply, exceptional = false) // TODO check for exception handlers
- val input = f(point, out(point))
- if ((lattice.bottom == in(point)) || input != in(point)) {
- in(point) = input
- worklist ++= point.predecessors
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/Liveness.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/Liveness.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 939641c3eb..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/Liveness.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend.icode
-package analysis
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import immutable.ListSet
- * Compute liveness information for local variables.
- *
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-abstract class Liveness {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import icodes._
- /** The lattice for this analysis. */
- object livenessLattice extends SemiLattice {
- type Elem = Set[Local]
- object top extends ListSet[Local] with ReferenceEquality
- object bottom extends ListSet[Local] with ReferenceEquality
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem = a ++ b
- }
- final class LivenessAnalysis extends DataFlowAnalysis[livenessLattice.type] {
- type P = BasicBlock
- val lattice = livenessLattice
- var method: IMethod = _
- val gen: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Set[Local]] = perRunCaches.newMap()
- val kill: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Set[Local]] = perRunCaches.newMap()
- def init(m: IMethod) {
- this.method = m
- gen.clear()
- kill.clear()
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- val (g, k) = genAndKill(b)
- gen += (b -> g)
- kill += (b -> k)
- }
- init {
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- worklist += b
- in(b) = lattice.bottom
- out(b) = lattice.bottom
- }
- }
- }
- import opcodes._
- /** Return the gen and kill sets for this block. */
- def genAndKill(b: BasicBlock): (Set[Local], Set[Local]) = {
- var genSet = new ListSet[Local]
- var killSet = new ListSet[Local]
- for (i <- b) i match {
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) if (!killSet(local)) => genSet = genSet + local
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) if (!genSet(local)) => killSet = killSet + local
- case _ => ()
- }
- (genSet, killSet)
- }
- override def run() {
- backwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)
- if (settings.debug) {
- linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
- assert(lattice.bottom != in(b),
- "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited?"))
- }
- }
- def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, out: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem =
- gen(b) ++ (out -- kill(b))
- /** Abstract interpretation for one instruction. Very important:
- * liveness is a backward DFA, so this method should be used to compute
- * liveness *before* the given instruction `i`.
- */
- def interpret(out: lattice.Elem, i: Instruction): lattice.Elem = {
- debuglog("- " + i + "\nout: " + out + "\n")
- i match {
- case LOAD_LOCAL(l) => out + l
- case STORE_LOCAL(l) => out - l
- case _ => out
- }
- }
- override def toString() =
- (method.blocks map (b => "\nlive-in(%s)=%s\nlive-out(%s)=%s".format(b, in(b), b, out(b)))).mkString
- } /* Liveness analysis */
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/LubException.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/LubException.scala
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index e91bf7a044..0000000000
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend.icode.analysis
-class LubException(a: Any, b: Any, msg: String) extends Exception {
- override def toString() = "Lub error: " + msg + a + b
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend.icode.analysis
-/** Program points are locations in the program where we want to
- * assert certain properties through data flow analysis, e.g.
- * basic blocks.
- */
-trait ProgramPoint[a <: ProgramPoint[a]] {
- def predecessors: List[a]
- def successors: List[a]
- def exceptionHandlerStart: Boolean
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend.icode
-package analysis
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import immutable.ListSet
-/** Compute reaching definitions. We are only interested in reaching
- * definitions for local variables, since values on the stack
- * behave as-if in SSA form: the closest instruction which produces a value
- * on the stack is a reaching definition.
- */
-abstract class ReachingDefinitions {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import icodes._
- /** The lattice for reaching definitions. Elements are
- * a triple (local variable, basic block, index of instruction of that basic block)
- */
- object rdefLattice extends SemiLattice {
- type Definition = (Local, BasicBlock, Int)
- type Elem = IState[ListSet[Definition], Stack]
- type StackPos = ListSet[(BasicBlock, Int)]
- type Stack = List[StackPos]
- private def referenceEqualSet(name: String) = new ListSet[Definition] with ReferenceEquality {
- override def toString = "<" + name + ">"
- }
- val top: Elem = IState(referenceEqualSet("top"), Nil)
- val bottom: Elem = IState(referenceEqualSet("bottom"), Nil)
- /** The least upper bound is set inclusion for locals, and pairwise set inclusion for stacks. */
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem = {
- if (bottom == a) b
- else if (bottom == b) a
- else IState(a.vars ++ b.vars,
- if (a.stack.isEmpty) b.stack
- else if (b.stack.isEmpty) a.stack
- else {
- // !!! These stacks are with some frequency not of the same size.
- // I can't reverse engineer the logic well enough to say whether this
- // indicates a problem. Even if it doesn't indicate a problem,
- // it'd be nice not to call zip with mismatched sequences because
- // it makes it harder to spot the real problems.
- val result = (a.stack, b.stack).zipped map (_ ++ _)
- if (settings.debug && (a.stack.length != b.stack.length))
- devWarning(s"Mismatched stacks in ReachingDefinitions#lub2: ${a.stack}, ${b.stack}, returning $result")
- result
- }
- )
- }
- }
- class ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis extends DataFlowAnalysis[rdefLattice.type] {
- type P = BasicBlock
- val lattice = rdefLattice
- import lattice.{ Definition, Stack, Elem, StackPos }
- var method: IMethod = _
- val gen = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, ListSet[Definition]]()
- val kill = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, ListSet[Local]]()
- val drops = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Int]()
- val outStack = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Stack]()
- def init(m: IMethod) {
- this.method = m
- gen.clear()
- kill.clear()
- drops.clear()
- outStack.clear()
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- val (g, k) = genAndKill(b)
- val (d, st) = dropsAndGen(b)
- gen += (b -> g)
- kill += (b -> k)
- drops += (b -> d)
- outStack += (b -> st)
- }
- init {
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- worklist += b
- in(b) = lattice.bottom
- out(b) = lattice.bottom
- }
- m.exh foreach { e =>
- in(e.startBlock) = lattice.IState(new ListSet[Definition], List(new StackPos))
- }
- }
- }
- import opcodes._
- def genAndKill(b: BasicBlock): (ListSet[Definition], ListSet[Local]) = {
- var genSet = ListSet[Definition]()
- var killSet = ListSet[Local]()
- for ((STORE_LOCAL(local), idx) <- b.toList.zipWithIndex) {
- killSet = killSet + local
- genSet = updateReachingDefinition(b, idx, genSet)
- }
- (genSet, killSet)
- }
- private def dropsAndGen(b: BasicBlock): (Int, Stack) = {
- var depth, drops = 0
- var stackOut: Stack = Nil
- for ((instr, idx) <- b.toList.zipWithIndex) {
- instr match {
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) => ()
- case _ if instr.consumed > depth =>
- drops += (instr.consumed - depth)
- depth = 0
- stackOut = Nil
- case _ =>
- stackOut = stackOut.drop(instr.consumed)
- depth -= instr.consumed
- }
- var prod = instr.produced
- depth += prod
- while (prod > 0) {
- stackOut ::= ListSet((b, idx))
- prod -= 1
- }
- }
-// Console.println("drops(" + b + ") = " + drops)
-// Console.println("stackout(" + b + ") = " + stackOut)
- (drops, stackOut)
- }
- override def run() {
- forwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)
- if (settings.debug) {
- linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
- assert(lattice.bottom != in(b),
- "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited? " + in(b)
- + ": bot: " + lattice.bottom
- + "\nin(b) == bottom: " + (in(b) == lattice.bottom)
- + "\nbottom == in(b): " + (lattice.bottom == in(b))))
- }
- }
- import opcodes._
- import lattice.IState
- def updateReachingDefinition(b: BasicBlock, idx: Int, rd: ListSet[Definition]): ListSet[Definition] = {
- val STORE_LOCAL(local) = b(idx)
- val tmp = local
- (rd filter { case (l, _, _) => l != tmp }) + ((tmp, b, idx))
- }
- private def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem = {
- var locals: ListSet[Definition] = (in.vars filter { case (l, _, _) => !kill(b)(l) }) ++ gen(b)
- if (locals eq lattice.bottom.vars) locals = new ListSet[Definition]
- IState(locals, outStack(b) ::: in.stack.drop(drops(b)))
- }
- /** Return the reaching definitions corresponding to the point after idx. */
- def interpret(b: BasicBlock, idx: Int, in: lattice.Elem): Elem = {
- var locals = in.vars
- var stack = in.stack
- val instr = b(idx)
- instr match {
- case STORE_LOCAL(l1) =>
- locals = updateReachingDefinition(b, idx, locals)
- stack = stack.drop(instr.consumed)
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>
- stack = Nil
- case _ =>
- stack = stack.drop(instr.consumed)
- }
- var prod = instr.produced
- while (prod > 0) {
- stack ::= ListSet((b, idx))
- prod -= 1
- }
- IState(locals, stack)
- }
- /** Return the instructions that produced the 'm' elements on the stack, below given 'depth'.
- * for instance, findefs(bb, idx, 1, 1) returns the instructions that might have produced the
- * value found below the topmost element of the stack.
- */
- def findDefs(bb: BasicBlock, idx: Int, m: Int, depth: Int): List[(BasicBlock, Int)] = if (idx > 0) {
- assert(bb.closed, bb)
- val instrs = bb.getArray
- var res: List[(BasicBlock, Int)] = Nil
- var i = idx
- var n = m
- var d = depth
- // "I look for who produced the 'n' elements below the 'd' topmost slots of the stack"
- while (n > 0 && i > 0) {
- i -= 1
- val prod = instrs(i).produced
- if (prod > d) {
- res = (bb, i) :: res
- n = n - (prod - d)
- instrs(i) match {
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) => ()
- case _ => d = instrs(i).consumed
- }
- } else {
- d -= prod
- d += instrs(i).consumed
- }
- }
- if (n > 0) {
- val stack =
- assert(stack.length >= n, "entry stack is too small, expected: " + n + " found: " + stack)
- stack.drop(d).take(n) foreach { defs =>
- res = defs.toList ::: res
- }
- }
- res
- } else {
- val stack =
- assert(stack.length >= m, "entry stack is too small, expected: " + m + " found: " + stack)
- stack.drop(depth).take(m) flatMap (_.toList)
- }
- /** Return the definitions that produced the topmost 'm' elements on the stack,
- * and that reach the instruction at index 'idx' in basic block 'bb'.
- */
- def findDefs(bb: BasicBlock, idx: Int, m: Int): List[(BasicBlock, Int)] =
- findDefs(bb, idx, m, 0)
- override def toString: String = {
- if (method eq null) "<null>"
- else method.code.blocks map { b =>
- " entry(%s) = %s\n".format(b, in(b)) +
- " exit(%s) = %s\n".format(b, out(b))
- } mkString ("ReachingDefinitions {\n", "\n", "\n}")
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/SemiLattice.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/SemiLattice.scala
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package backend.icode
-package analysis
-/** A complete lattice.
- */
-trait SemiLattice {
- type Elem <: AnyRef
- /** Hold together local variable and stack state. The
- * equals method uses reference equality for top and bottom,
- * and structural equality for other values.
- */
- final case class IState[V, S](vars: V, stack: S) {
- override def hashCode = vars.hashCode + stack.hashCode
- override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
- case x: IState[_, _] =>
- if ((this eq bottom) || (this eq top) || (x eq bottom) || (x eq top)) this eq x
- else stack == x.stack && vars == x.vars
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- private def tstring(x: Any): String = x match {
- case xs: TraversableOnce[_] => xs map tstring mkString " "
- case _ => "" + x
- }
- override def toString = "IState(" + tstring(vars) + ", " + tstring(stack) + ")"
- }
- /** Return the least upper bound of a and b. */
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem
- /** Return the top element. */
- def top: Elem
- /** Return the bottom element. */
- def bottom: Elem
- /** Compute the least upper bound of a list of elements. */
- def lub(xs: List[Elem], exceptional: Boolean): Elem =
- if (xs.isEmpty) bottom
- else try xs reduceLeft lub2(exceptional)
- catch { case e: LubException => Console.println("Lub on blocks: " + xs) ; throw e }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/TypeFlowAnalysis.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/analysis/TypeFlowAnalysis.scala
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-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Martin Odersky
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend.icode.analysis
-import scala.collection.{mutable, immutable}
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
-/** A data-flow analysis on types, that works on `ICode`.
- *
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-abstract class TypeFlowAnalysis {
- val global: Global
- import global._
- import definitions.{ ObjectClass, NothingClass, AnyRefClass, StringClass, ThrowableClass }
- /** The lattice of ICode types.
- */
- object typeLattice extends SemiLattice {
- type Elem = icodes.TypeKind
- val top = icodes.REFERENCE(ObjectClass)
- val bottom = icodes.REFERENCE(NothingClass)
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem) =
- if (a eq bottom) b
- else if (b eq bottom) a
- else icodes.lub(a, b)
- }
- /** The lattice of type stacks. It is a straight forward extension of
- * the type lattice (lub is pairwise lub of the list elements).
- */
- object typeStackLattice extends SemiLattice {
- import icodes._
- type Elem = TypeStack
- val top = new TypeStack
- val bottom = new TypeStack
- val exceptionHandlerStack = new TypeStack(List(REFERENCE(AnyRefClass)))
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(s1: TypeStack, s2: TypeStack) = {
- if (s1 eq bottom) s2
- else if (s2 eq bottom) s1
- else if ((s1 eq exceptionHandlerStack) || (s2 eq exceptionHandlerStack)) sys.error("merging with exhan stack")
- else {
-// if (s1.length != s2.length)
-// throw new CheckerException("Incompatible stacks: " + s1 + " and " + s2);
- new TypeStack((s1.types, s2.types).zipped map icodes.lub)
- }
- }
- }
- /** A map which returns the bottom type for unfound elements */
- class VarBinding extends mutable.HashMap[icodes.Local, icodes.TypeKind] {
- override def default(l: icodes.Local) = typeLattice.bottom
- def this(o: VarBinding) = {
- this()
- this ++= o
- }
- }
- /** The type flow lattice contains a binding from local variable
- * names to types and a type stack.
- */
- object typeFlowLattice extends SemiLattice {
- type Elem = IState[VarBinding, icodes.TypeStack]
- val top = new Elem(new VarBinding,
- val bottom = new Elem(new VarBinding, typeStackLattice.bottom)
- def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem) = {
- val IState(env1, _) = a
- val IState(env2, _) = b
- val resultingLocals = new VarBinding
- env1 foreach { case (k, v) =>
- resultingLocals += ((k, typeLattice.lub2(exceptional)(v, env2(k))))
- }
- env2 collect { case (k, v) if resultingLocals(k) eq typeLattice.bottom =>
- resultingLocals += ((k, typeLattice.lub2(exceptional)(v, env1(k))))
- }
- val stack =
- if (exceptional) typeStackLattice.exceptionHandlerStack
- else typeStackLattice.lub2(exceptional)(a.stack, b.stack)
- IState(resultingLocals, stack)
- }
- }
- val timer = new Timer
- class MethodTFA extends DataFlowAnalysis[typeFlowLattice.type] {
- import icodes._
- import icodes.opcodes._
- type P = BasicBlock
- val lattice = typeFlowLattice
- val STRING = icodes.REFERENCE(StringClass)
- var method: IMethod = _
- /** Initialize the in/out maps for the analysis of the given method. */
- def init(m: icodes.IMethod) {
- this.method = m
- //typeFlowLattice.lubs = 0
- init {
- worklist += m.startBlock
- worklist ++= (m.exh map (_.startBlock))
- m foreachBlock { b =>
- in(b) = typeFlowLattice.bottom
- out(b) = typeFlowLattice.bottom
- }
- // start block has var bindings for each of its parameters
- val entryBindings = new VarBinding ++= (m.params map (p => ((p, p.kind))))
- in(m.startBlock) = lattice.IState(entryBindings, typeStackLattice.bottom)
- m.exh foreach { e =>
- in(e.startBlock) = lattice.IState(in(e.startBlock).vars, typeStackLattice.exceptionHandlerStack)
- }
- }
- }
- def this(m: icodes.IMethod) {
- this()
- init(m)
- }
- def run() = {
- timer.start()
- // icodes.lubs0 = 0
- forwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)
- timer.stop
- if (settings.debug) {
- linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
- assert(visited.contains(b),
- "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited? .." + visited))
- }
- // log("" + method.symbol.fullName + " [" + method.code.blocks.size + " blocks] "
- // + "\n\t" + iterations + " iterations: " + t + " ms."
- // + "\n\tlubs: " + typeFlowLattice.lubs + " out of which " + icodes.lubs0 + " typer lubs")
- }
- def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem = {
- var result = lattice.IState(new VarBinding(in.vars), new TypeStack(in.stack))
- var instrs = b.toList
- while(!instrs.isEmpty) {
- val i = instrs.head
- result = mutatingInterpret(result, i)
- instrs = instrs.tail
- }
- result
- }
- /** Abstract interpretation for one instruction. */
- def interpret(in: typeFlowLattice.Elem, i: Instruction): typeFlowLattice.Elem = {
- val out = lattice.IState(new VarBinding(in.vars), new TypeStack(in.stack))
- mutatingInterpret(out, i)
- }
- def mutatingInterpret(out: typeFlowLattice.Elem, i: Instruction): typeFlowLattice.Elem = {
- val bindings = out.vars
- val stack = out.stack
- if (settings.debug) {
- // Console.println("[before] Stack: " + stack);
- // Console.println(i);
- }
- i match {
- case THIS(clasz) => stack push toTypeKind(clasz.tpe)
- case CONSTANT(const) => stack push toTypeKind(const.tpe)
- case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) =>
- stack.pop2 match {
- case (idxKind, ARRAY(elem)) =>
- assert(idxKind == INT || idxKind == CHAR || idxKind == SHORT || idxKind == BYTE)
- stack.push(elem)
- case (_, _) =>
- stack.push(kind)
- }
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) =>
- val t = bindings(local)
- stack push (if (t == typeLattice.bottom) local.kind else t)
- case LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
- if (!isStatic) { stack.pop }
- stack push toTypeKind(field.tpe)
- case LOAD_MODULE(module) => stack push toTypeKind(module.tpe)
- case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) => stack.pop3
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) => val t = stack.pop; bindings += (local -> t)
- case STORE_THIS(_) => stack.pop
- case STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic) => if (isStatic) stack.pop else stack.pop2
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(primitive) =>
- primitive match {
- case Negation(kind) => stack.pop; stack.push(kind)
- case Test(_, kind, zero) =>
- stack.pop
- if (!zero) { stack.pop }
- stack push BOOL
- case Comparison(_, _) => stack.pop2; stack push INT
- case Arithmetic(op, kind) =>
- stack.pop
- if (op != NOT) { stack.pop }
- val k = kind match {
- case BYTE | SHORT | CHAR => INT
- case _ => kind
- }
- stack push k
- case Logical(op, kind) => stack.pop2; stack push kind
- case Shift(op, kind) => stack.pop2; stack push kind
- case Conversion(src, dst) => stack.pop; stack push dst
- case ArrayLength(kind) => stack.pop; stack push INT
- case StartConcat => stack.push(ConcatClass)
- case EndConcat => stack.pop; stack.push(STRING)
- case StringConcat(el) => stack.pop2; stack push ConcatClass
- }
- case cm @ CALL_METHOD(_, _) =>
- stack pop cm.consumed
- cm.producedTypes foreach (stack push _)
- case BOX(kind) => stack.pop; stack.push(BOXED(kind))
- case UNBOX(kind) => stack.pop; stack.push(kind)
- case NEW(kind) => stack.push(kind)
- case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) => stack.pop(dims); stack.push(ARRAY(elem))
- case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) => stack.pop; stack.push(BOOL)
- case CHECK_CAST(tpe) => stack.pop; stack.push(tpe)
- case _: SWITCH => stack.pop
- case _: JUMP => ()
- case _: CJUMP => stack.pop2
- case _: CZJUMP => stack.pop
- case RETURN(kind) => if (kind != UNIT) { stack.pop }
- case THROW(_) => stack.pop
- case DROP(kind) => stack.pop
- case DUP(kind) => stack.push(stack.head)
- case MONITOR_ENTER() | MONITOR_EXIT() => stack.pop
- case SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) => ()
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(clasz) =>
- stack.pop(stack.length)
- stack.push(toTypeKind(clasz.tpe))
- case _ =>
- dumpClassesAndAbort("Unknown instruction: " + i)
- }
- out
- } // interpret
- abstract class InferredType {
- /** Return the type kind pointed by this inferred type. */
- def getKind(in: lattice.Elem): icodes.TypeKind = this match {
- case Const(k) =>
- k
- case TypeOfVar(l: icodes.Local) =>
- if (in.vars.isDefinedAt(l)) in.vars(l) else l.kind
- case TypeOfStackPos(n: Int) =>
- assert(in.stack.length >= n)
- in.stack(n)
- }
- }
- /** A type that does not depend on input to the transfer function. */
- case class Const(t: icodes.TypeKind) extends InferredType
- /** The type of a given local variable. */
- case class TypeOfVar(l: icodes.Local) extends InferredType
- /** The type found at a stack position. */
- case class TypeOfStackPos(n: Int) extends InferredType
- abstract class Gen
- case class Bind(l: icodes.Local, t: InferredType) extends Gen
- case class Push(t: InferredType) extends Gen
- /** A flow transfer function of a basic block. */
- class TransferFunction(consumed: Int, gens: List[Gen]) extends (lattice.Elem => lattice.Elem) {
- def apply(in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem = {
- val out = lattice.IState(new VarBinding(in.vars), new TypeStack(in.stack))
- val stack = out.stack
- out.stack.pop(consumed)
- for (g <- gens) g match {
- case Bind(l, t) =>
- out.vars += (l -> t.getKind(in))
- case Push(t) =>
- stack.push(t.getKind(in))
- }
- out
- }
- }
- }
- case class CallsiteInfo(bb: icodes.BasicBlock, receiver: Symbol, stackLength: Int, concreteMethod: Symbol)
- /**
- A full type-flow analysis on a method computes in- and out-flows for each basic block (that's what MethodTFA does).
- For the purposes of Inliner, doing so guarantees that an abstract typestack-slot is available by the time an inlining candidate (a CALL_METHOD instruction) is visited.
- This subclass (MTFAGrowable) of MethodTFA also aims at performing such analysis on CALL_METHOD instructions, with some differences:
- (a) early screening is performed while the type-flow is being computed (in an override of `blockTransfer`) by testing a subset of the conditions that Inliner checks later.
- The reasoning here is: if the early check fails at some iteration, there's no chance a follow-up iteration (with a yet more lub-ed typestack-slot) will succeed.
- Failure is sufficient to remove that particular CALL_METHOD from the typeflow's `remainingCALLs`.
- A forward note: in case inlining occurs at some basic block B, all blocks reachable from B get their CALL_METHOD instructions considered again as candidates
- (because of the more precise types that -- perhaps -- can be computed).
- (b) in case the early check does not fail, no conclusive decision can be made, thus the CALL_METHOD stays `isOnwatchlist`.
- In other words, `remainingCALLs` tracks those callsites that still remain as candidates for inlining, so that Inliner can focus on those.
- `remainingCALLs` also caches info about the typestack just before the callsite, so as to spare computing them again at inlining time.
- Besides caching, a further optimization involves skipping those basic blocks whose in-flow and out-flow isn't needed anyway (as explained next).
- A basic block lacking a callsite in `remainingCALLs`, when visited by the standard algorithm, won't cause any inlining.
- But as we know from the way type-flows are computed, computing the in- and out-flow for a basic block relies in general on those of other basic blocks.
- In detail, we want to focus on that sub-graph of the CFG such that control flow may reach a remaining candidate callsite.
- Those basic blocks not in that subgraph can be skipped altogether. That's why:
- - `forwardAnalysis()` in `MTFAGrowable` now checks for inclusion of a basic block in `relevantBBs`
- - same check is performed before adding a block to the worklist, and as part of choosing successors.
- The bookkeeping supporting on-the-fly pruning of irrelevant blocks requires overriding most methods of the dataflow-analysis.
- The rest of the story takes place in Inliner, which does not visit all of the method's basic blocks but only on those represented in `remainingCALLs`.
- @author Miguel Garcia,
- */
- class MTFAGrowable extends MethodTFA {
- import icodes._
- val remainingCALLs = mutable.Map.empty[opcodes.CALL_METHOD, CallsiteInfo]
- val preCandidates = mutable.Set.empty[BasicBlock]
- var callerLin: Traversable[BasicBlock] = null
- override def run {
- timer.start()
- forwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)
- timer.stop
- /* Now that `forwardAnalysis(blockTransfer)` has finished, all inlining candidates can be found in `remainingCALLs`,
- whose keys are callsites and whose values are pieces of information about the typestack just before the callsite in question.
- In order to keep `analyzeMethod()` simple, we collect in `preCandidates` those basic blocks containing at least one candidate. */
- preCandidates.clear()
- for(rc <- remainingCALLs) {
- preCandidates +=
- }
- if (settings.debug) {
- for(b <- callerLin; if (b != method.startBlock) && preCandidates(b)) {
- assert(visited.contains(b),
- "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited? .." + visited)
- }
- }
- }
- var shrinkedWatchlist = false
- /*
- This is the method where information cached elsewhere is put to use. References are given those other places that populate those caches.
- The goal is avoiding computing type-flows for blocks we don't need (ie blocks not tracked in `relevantBBs`). The method used to add to `relevantBBs` is `putOnRadar`.
- Moreover, it's often the case that the last CALL_METHOD of interest ("of interest" equates to "being tracked in `isOnWatchlist`) isn't the last instruction on the block.
- There are cases where the typeflows computed past this `lastInstruction` are needed, and cases when they aren't.
- The reasoning behind this decision is described in `populatePerimeter()`. All `blockTransfer()` needs to do (in order to know at which instruction it can stop)
- is querying `isOnPerimeter`.
- Upon visiting a CALL_METHOD that's an inlining candidate, the relevant pieces of information about the pre-instruction typestack are collected for future use.
- That is, unless the candidacy test fails. The reasoning here is: if such early check fails at some iteration, there's no chance a follow-up iteration
- (with a yet more lub-ed typestack-slot) will succeed. In case of failure we can safely remove the CALL_METHOD from both `isOnWatchlist` and `remainingCALLs`.
- */
- override def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, in: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem = {
- var result = lattice.IState(new VarBinding(in.vars), new TypeStack(in.stack))
- val stopAt = if(isOnPerimeter(b)) lastInstruction(b) else null
- var isPastLast = false
- var instrs = b.toList
- while(!isPastLast && !instrs.isEmpty) {
- val i = instrs.head
- if(isOnWatchlist(i)) {
- val cm = i.asInstanceOf[opcodes.CALL_METHOD]
- val msym = cm.method
- val paramsLength =
- val receiver = result.stack.types.drop(paramsLength).head match {
- case REFERENCE(s) => s
- case _ => NoSymbol // e.g. the scrutinee is BOX(s) or ARRAY
- }
- val concreteMethod = inliner.lookupImplFor(msym, receiver)
- val isCandidate = {
- ( inliner.isClosureClass(receiver) || concreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden || receiver.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden ) &&
- !blackballed(concreteMethod)
- }
- if(isCandidate) {
- remainingCALLs(cm) = CallsiteInfo(b, receiver, result.stack.length, concreteMethod)
- } else {
- remainingCALLs.remove(cm)
- isOnWatchlist.remove(cm)
- shrinkedWatchlist = true
- }
- }
- isPastLast = (i eq stopAt)
- if(!isPastLast) {
- result = mutatingInterpret(result, i)
- instrs = instrs.tail
- }
- }
- result
- } // end of method blockTransfer
- val isOnWatchlist = mutable.Set.empty[Instruction]
- val warnIfInlineFails = mutable.Set.empty[opcodes.CALL_METHOD] // cache for a given IMethod (ie cleared on Inliner.analyzeMethod).
- /* Each time CallerCalleeInfo.isSafeToInline determines a concrete callee is unsafe to inline in the current caller,
- the fact is recorded in this TFA instance for the purpose of avoiding devoting processing to that callsite next time.
- The condition of "being unsafe to inline in the current caller" sticks across inlinings and TFA re-inits
- because it depends on the instructions of the callee, which stay unchanged during the course of `analyzeInc(caller)`
- (with the caveat of the side-effecting `makePublic` in `helperIsSafeToInline`).*/
- val knownUnsafe = mutable.Set.empty[Symbol]
- val knownSafe = mutable.Set.empty[Symbol]
- val knownNever = mutable.Set.empty[Symbol] // `knownNever` needs be cleared only at the very end of the inlining phase (unlike `knownUnsafe` and `knownSafe`)
- final def blackballed(msym: Symbol): Boolean = { knownUnsafe(msym) || knownNever(msym) }
- val relevantBBs = mutable.Set.empty[BasicBlock]
- /*
- * Rationale to prevent some methods from ever being inlined:
- *
- * (1) inlining getters and setters results in exposing a private field,
- * which may itself prevent inlining of the caller (at best) or
- * lead to situations like SI-5442 ("IllegalAccessError when mixing optimized and unoptimized bytecode")
- *
- * (2) only invocations having a receiver object are considered (ie no static-methods are ever inlined).
- * This is taken care of by checking `isDynamic` (ie virtual method dispatch) and `Static(true)` (ie calls to private members)
- */
- private def isPreCandidate(cm: opcodes.CALL_METHOD): Boolean = {
- val msym = cm.method
- val style =
- !blackballed(msym) &&
- !msym.isConstructor &&
- (!msym.isAccessor || inliner.isClosureClass(msym.owner)) &&
- (style.isDynamic || (style.hasInstance && style.isStatic))
- }
- override def init(m: icodes.IMethod) {
- super.init(m)
- remainingCALLs.clear()
- knownUnsafe.clear()
- knownSafe.clear()
- // initially populate the watchlist with all callsites standing a chance of being inlined
- isOnWatchlist.clear()
- relevantBBs.clear()
- warnIfInlineFails.clear()
- /* TODO Do we want to perform inlining in non-finally exception handlers?
- * Seems counterproductive (the larger the method the less likely it will be JITed.
- * It's not that putting on radar only `linearizer linearizeAt (m, m.startBlock)` makes for much shorter inlining times (a minor speedup nonetheless)
- * but the effect on method size could be explored. */
- putOnRadar(m.linearizedBlocks(linearizer))
- populatePerimeter()
- // usually but not always true (counterexample in SI-6015) `(relevantBBs.isEmpty || relevantBBs.contains(m.startBlock))`
- }
- def conclusives(b: BasicBlock): List[opcodes.CALL_METHOD] = {
- knownBeforehand(b) filter { cm => inliner.isMonadicMethod(cm.method) || inliner.hasInline(cm.method) }
- }
- def knownBeforehand(b: BasicBlock): List[opcodes.CALL_METHOD] = {
- b.toList collect { case c : opcodes.CALL_METHOD => c } filter { cm => isPreCandidate(cm) && isReceiverKnown(cm) }
- }
- private def isReceiverKnown(cm: opcodes.CALL_METHOD): Boolean = {
- cm.method.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden && cm.method.owner.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden
- }
- private def putOnRadar(blocks: Traversable[BasicBlock]) {
- for(bb <- blocks) {
- val calls = bb.toList collect { case cm : opcodes.CALL_METHOD => cm }
- for(c <- calls; if(inliner.hasInline(c.method))) {
- warnIfInlineFails += c
- }
- val preCands = calls filter isPreCandidate
- isOnWatchlist ++= preCands
- }
- relevantBBs ++= blocks
- }
- /* those BBs in the argument are also included in the result */
- private def transitivePreds(starters: Traversable[BasicBlock]): Set[BasicBlock] = {
- val result = mutable.Set.empty[BasicBlock]
- var toVisit: List[BasicBlock] = starters.toList.distinct
- while(toVisit.nonEmpty) {
- val h = toVisit.head
- toVisit = toVisit.tail
- result += h
- for(p <- h.predecessors; if !result(p) && !toVisit.contains(p)) { toVisit = p :: toVisit }
- }
- result.toSet
- }
- /* A basic block B is "on the perimeter" of the current control-flow subgraph if none of its successors belongs to that subgraph.
- * In that case, for the purposes of inlining, we're interested in the typestack right before the last inline candidate in B, not in those afterwards.
- * In particular we can do without computing the outflow at B. */
- private def populatePerimeter() {
- isOnPerimeter.clear()
- var done = true
- do {
- val (frontier, toPrune) = (relevantBBs filter hasNoRelevantSuccs) partition isWatching
- isOnPerimeter ++= frontier
- relevantBBs --= toPrune
- done = toPrune.isEmpty
- } while(!done)
- lastInstruction.clear()
- for (b <- isOnPerimeter; lastIns = b.toList.reverse find isOnWatchlist) {
- lastInstruction += (b -> lastIns.get.asInstanceOf[opcodes.CALL_METHOD])
- }
- // assertion: "no relevant block can have a predecessor that is on perimeter"
- assert((for (b <- relevantBBs; if transitivePreds(b.predecessors) exists isOnPerimeter) yield b).isEmpty)
- }
- private val isOnPerimeter = mutable.Set.empty[BasicBlock]
- private val lastInstruction = mutable.Map.empty[BasicBlock, opcodes.CALL_METHOD]
- def hasNoRelevantSuccs(x: BasicBlock): Boolean = { !(x.successors exists relevantBBs) }
- def isWatching(x: BasicBlock): Boolean = (x.toList exists isOnWatchlist)
- /**
- This method is invoked after one or more inlinings have been performed in basic blocks whose in-flow is non-bottom (this makes a difference later).
- What we know about those inlinings is given by:
- - `staleOut`: These are the blocks where a callsite was inlined.
- For each callsite, all instructions in that block before the callsite were left in the block, and the rest moved to an `afterBlock`.
- The out-flow of these basic blocks is thus in general stale, that's why we'll add them to the TFA worklist.
- - `inlined` : These blocks were spliced into the method's CFG as part of inlining. Being new blocks, they haven't been visited yet by the typeflow analysis.
- - `staleIn` : These blocks are what `doInline()` calls `afterBlock`s, ie the new home for instructions that previously appeared
- after a callsite in a `staleOut` block.
- Based on the above information, we have to bring up-to-date the caches that `forwardAnalysis` and `blockTransfer` use to skip blocks and instructions.
- Those caches are `relevantBBs` and `isOnPerimeter` (for blocks) and `isOnWatchlist` and `lastInstruction` (for CALL_METHODs).
- Please notice that all `inlined` and `staleIn` blocks are reachable from `staleOut` blocks.
- The update takes place in two steps:
- (1) `staleOut foreach { so => putOnRadar(linearizer linearizeAt (m, so)) }`
- This results in initial populations for `relevantBBs` and `isOnWatchlist`.
- Because of the way `isPreCandidate` reuses previous decision-outcomes that are still valid,
- this already prunes some candidates standing no chance of being inlined.
- (2) `populatePerimeter()`
- Based on the CFG-subgraph determined in (1) as reflected in `relevantBBs`,
- this method detects some blocks whose typeflows aren't needed past a certain CALL_METHOD
- (not needed because none of its successors is relevant for the purposes of inlining, see `hasNoRelevantSuccs`).
- The blocks thus chosen are said to be "on the perimeter" of the CFG-subgraph.
- For each of them, its `lastInstruction` (after which no more typeflows are needed) is found.
- */
- def reinit(m: icodes.IMethod, staleOut: List[BasicBlock], inlined: scala.collection.Set[BasicBlock], staleIn: scala.collection.Set[BasicBlock]) {
- if (this.method == null || this.method.symbol != m.symbol) {
- init(m)
- return
- } else if(staleOut.isEmpty && inlined.isEmpty && staleIn.isEmpty) {
- // this promotes invoking reinit if in doubt, no performance degradation will ensue!
- return
- }
- worklist.clear() // calling reinit(f: => Unit) would also clear visited, thus forgetting about blocks visited before reinit.
- // asserts conveying an idea what CFG shapes arrive here:
- // staleIn foreach (p => assert( !in.isDefinedAt(p), p))
- // staleIn foreach (p => assert(!out.isDefinedAt(p), p))
- // inlined foreach (p => assert( !in.isDefinedAt(p), p))
- // inlined foreach (p => assert(!out.isDefinedAt(p), p))
- // inlined foreach (p => assert(!p.successors.isEmpty || p.lastInstruction.isInstanceOf[icodes.opcodes.THROW], p))
- // staleOut foreach (p => assert( in.isDefinedAt(p), p))
- // remainingCALLs.clear()
- isOnWatchlist.clear()
- relevantBBs.clear()
- // never rewrite in(m.startBlock)
- staleOut foreach { b =>
- enqueue(b)
- out(b) = typeFlowLattice.bottom
- }
- // nothing else is added to the worklist, bb's reachable via succs will be tfa'ed
- blankOut(inlined)
- blankOut(staleIn)
- // no need to add startBlocks from m.exh
- staleOut foreach { so => putOnRadar(linearizer linearizeAt (m, so)) }
- populatePerimeter()
- } // end of method reinit
- /* this is not a general purpose method to add to the worklist,
- * because the assert is expected to hold only when called from MTFAGrowable.reinit() */
- private def enqueue(b: BasicBlock) {
- assert(in(b) ne typeFlowLattice.bottom)
- if(!worklist.contains(b)) { worklist += b }
- }
- private def blankOut(blocks: scala.collection.Set[BasicBlock]) {
- blocks foreach { b =>
- in(b) = typeFlowLattice.bottom
- out(b) = typeFlowLattice.bottom
- }
- }
- /*
- This is basically the plain-old forward-analysis part of a dataflow algorithm,
- adapted to skip non-relevant blocks (as determined by `reinit()` via `populatePerimeter()`).
- The adaptations are:
- - only relevant blocks dequeued from the worklist move on to have the transfer function applied
- - `visited` now means the transfer function was applied to the block,
- but please notice that this does not imply anymore its out-flow to be different from bottom,
- because a block on the perimeter will have per-instruction typeflows computed only up to its `lastInstruction`.
- In case you need to know whether a visted block `v` has been "fully visited", evaluate `out(v) ne typeflowLattice.bottom`
- - given that the transfer function may remove callsite-candidates from the watchlist (thus, they are not candidates anymore)
- there's an opportunity to detect whether a previously relevant block has been left without candidates.
- That's what `shrinkedWatchlist` detects. Provided the block was on the perimeter, we know we can skip it from now now,
- and we can also constrain the CFG-subgraph by finding a new perimeter (thus the invocation to `populatePerimeter()`).
- */
- override def forwardAnalysis(f: (P, lattice.Elem) => lattice.Elem): Unit = {
- while (!worklist.isEmpty && relevantBBs.nonEmpty) {
- if (stat) iterations += 1
- val point =; worklist -= point
- if(relevantBBs(point)) {
- shrinkedWatchlist = false
- val output = f(point, in(point))
- visited += point
- if(isOnPerimeter(point)) {
- if(shrinkedWatchlist && !isWatching(point)) {
- relevantBBs -= point
- populatePerimeter()
- }
- } else {
- val propagate = ((lattice.bottom == out(point)) || output != out(point))
- if (propagate) {
- out(point) = output
- val succs = point.successors filter relevantBBs
- succs foreach { p =>
- assert((p.predecessors filter isOnPerimeter).isEmpty)
- val existing = in(p)
- // TODO move the following assertion to typeFlowLattice.lub2 for wider applicability (ie MethodTFA in addition to MTFAGrowable).
- assert(existing == lattice.bottom ||
- p.exceptionHandlerStart ||
- (output.stack.length == existing.stack.length),
- "Trying to merge non-bottom type-stacks with different stack heights. For a possible cause see SI-6157.")
- val updated = lattice.lub(List(output, existing), p.exceptionHandlerStart)
- if(updated != in(p)) {
- in(p) = updated
- enqueue(p)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- class Timer {
- var millis = 0L
- private var lastStart = 0L
- def start() {
- lastStart = System.nanoTime()
- }
- /** Stop the timer and return the number of milliseconds since the last
- * call to start. The 'millis' field is increased by the elapsed time.
- */
- def stop: Long = {
- val elapsed = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - lastStart)
- millis += elapsed
- elapsed
- }
- }