path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt
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diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BoxUnbox.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BoxUnbox.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78fc7e1ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BoxUnbox.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2014 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+package backend.jvm
+package opt
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+class BoxUnbox[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
+ import btypes._
+ import backendUtils._
+ /**
+ * Eliminate box-unbox pairs within `method`. Such appear commonly after closure elimination:
+ *
+ * def t2 = {
+ * val f = (b: Byte, i: Int) => i + b // no specialized variant for this function type
+ * f(1, 2) // invokes the generic `apply`
+ * }
+ *
+ * The closure optimizer re-writes the `apply` call to `anonfun$adapted` method, which takes
+ * boxed arguments. After inlining this method, we get
+ *
+ * def t2 = {
+ * val a = boxByte(1)
+ * val b = boxInteger(2)
+ * val r = boxInteger(anonfun$(unboxByte(a), unboxInt(b)))
+ * unboxInt(r)
+ * }
+ *
+ * All these box/unbox operations are eliminated here.
+ *
+ * Implementation: for every box operation, find all consumers of the boxed value, then all
+ * producers of these consumers, repeat until reaching a fixpoint. If this results in a set of
+ * boxing and unboxing operations, the box can be eliminated.
+ *
+ * There are two methods for eliminating boxes:
+ * M1: If there is a single boxing operation, the boxed value(s) are stored into new local
+ * variable(s) at the allocation site. Accesses to the boxed value are re-written to reads /
+ * writes of these locals. Advantages:
+ * - supports mutable boxes (IntRef and friends)
+ * - supports eliminating unbox operations even if the box object needs to be created
+ * because it escapes (see E4)
+ * - works by keeping the unboxed value(s) in locals AND the box in its original form
+ * - only for immutable boxes: modifications to the escaped box cannot be applied to
+ * the local variable(s) holding the boxed value(s).
+ * Restriction:
+ * - does not work if there are multiple boxing operations (see E1)
+ *
+ * M2: If there are multiple boxing operations, the boxing operations are simply eliminated,
+ * leaving the unboxed value(s) on the stack. Store / load operations that previously
+ * acted on the box are adapted to handle the boxed type(s). If the box contains multiple
+ * values (or a size-2 value, which doesn't fit into locals that were used for the box),
+ * new local slots are used for store / load operations. Restrictions:
+ * - does not support re-writing writes to (mutable) boxes (see E2)
+ * - does not support re-writing reads of boxes that also escape (see E3)
+ *
+ *
+ * E1: M1 only works if there's a single boxing operation.
+ * def e1(b: Boolean) = {
+ * val i: Integer = box(10) // 10 is stored into a new local, box operation and i removed
+ * val j: Integer = box(20) // 20 is stored into a new local, box operation and j removed
+ * val r = if (b) i else j // loads and stores of the box are eliminated, r no longer exists
+ * unbox(r) // cannot rewrite: we don't know which local to load
+ * }
+ * Note: the example has no write and the box does not escape, so M2 works here.
+ *
+ * E2: mutable boxes with multiple boxing operations cannot be eliminated.
+ * M1: see E1
+ * M2: cannot replace an `IntRef` on the stack by an `Int` value on the stack, an Int on the
+ * stack cannot be modified.
+ *
+ * def e2(b: Boolean) = {
+ * val r1 = new IntRef(0)
+ * val r2 = new IntRef(1)
+ * val modRef = if (b) r1 else r2
+ * modRef.elem += 10 // M1: cannot rewrite: which local to write? same as E1.
+ * (if (b) r1 else r2).elem += 10 // M2: cannot change an Int on the stack
+ * (r1.elem, r2.elem)
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ * E3: escaping boxes with multiple boxing operations cannot be rewritten.
+ * M1: see E1.
+ * M2: at *, instead of an Integer, an Int is on the stack, but the escape method expects an
+ * Integer. We cannot just create a box at this point: if there are multiple escapes (or
+ * an escape is executed more than once), the difference could be observed (reference
+ * equality).
+ *
+ * def e3(b: Boolean) = {
+ * val i: Integer = box(1)
+ * val j: Integer = box(2)
+ * escape(if (b) i else j) // *
+ * unbox(if (b) i else j)
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ * E4: M1 supports rewriting unbox operations of immutable boxes that escape
+ * def e4 = {
+ * val i: Integer = box(10) // 10 is stored into a new local, loaded as argument for the box call
+ * escape(i) // not changed, still loads the local i holding the box
+ * unbox(i) // rewritten to a pop (of the box) and a load of the local variable
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ * E4 seems to be a bit of a corner case, but it's necessary to unblock box eliminations with
+ * mutual dependencies. Example:
+ *
+ * val ((a, b), c) = ((1, 2), 3)
+ * a + b + c
+ *
+ * generates (after a few cleanups) the following (pseudo-bytecode, ignoring primitive boxing, specialization):
+ *
+ * load 1, load 2, new Tuple2 // stack: Tuple2
+ * load 3 // stack: Tuple2; Int
+ * val local1 = new Tuple2
+ * val local2 = local1._1.asInstanceOf[Tuple2]
+ * val c = local1._2.asInstanceOf[Int]
+ * if (local2 == null) throw new MatchError(local1)
+ * val a = local2._1
+ * val b = local2._2
+ * a + b + c
+ *
+ * In order to eliminate the tuples, we first need to eliminate the outer tuple (stored in local1)
+ * - single box operation, so we use M1
+ * - there are three consumers of the outer tuple: `local1._1`, `local1._2` and
+ * `new MatchError(local1)`. in the last one, the tuple escapes.
+ * - note that the MatchError creation is dead code: local2 is never null. However, our nullness
+ * analysis cannot identify this: it does not track nullness through tuple stores and loads.
+ * - if we re-write the non-escaping consumers of the outer tuple, but keep the tuple allocation
+ * and the escaping consumer, we get the following:
+ *
+ * load 1, load 2
+ * val newLocal1 = new Tuple2; load newLocal1 // stack: Tuple2
+ * val newLocal2 = 3; load newLocal2 // stack: Tuple2; Int
+ * val local1 = new Tuple2
+ * val local2 = newLocal1
+ * val c = newLocal2
+ * if (local2 == null) throw new MatchError(local1)
+ * val a = local2._1
+ * val b = local2._2
+ * a + b + c
+ *
+ * At this point, the nullness analysis sees that `local2 == null` is false, dead code elimination
+ * removes the `throw new MatchError(local1)`. After eliminating the allocation of the outer tuple,
+ * the inner tuple (stored in newLocal1) can also be eliminated.
+ *
+ *
+ * Special case for tuples wrt specialization: a tuple getter may box or unbox the value stored
+ * in the tuple: calling `_1` on a `Tuple2$mcII$sp` boxes the primitive Int stored in the tuple.
+ * Similarly, calling `_1$mcI$sp` on a non-specialized `Tuple2` unboxes the Integer in the tuple.
+ * When eliminating such getters, we have to introduce appropriate box / unbox calls.
+ *
+ *
+ * TODO: add new calls (box / unbox) to the call graph (not urgent)
+ * TODO: update the call graph because stack heights change (not urgent).
+ * this may also affect other optimizations, we ignored the issue so far. check how stack
+ * heights stored in the call graph are used.
+ * Note: these tasks are not urgent because the call graph is not currently used during / after
+ * method-local optimizations, only before to perform inlining and closure rewriting.
+ */
+ def boxUnboxElimination(method: MethodNode, owner: InternalName): Boolean = {
+ AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForSourceValue(method) && {
+ val toInsertBefore = mutable.Map.empty[AbstractInsnNode, List[AbstractInsnNode]]
+ val toReplace = mutable.Map.empty[AbstractInsnNode, List[AbstractInsnNode]]
+ val toDelete = mutable.Set.empty[AbstractInsnNode]
+ val knownHandled = mutable.Set.empty[AbstractInsnNode]
+ lazy val prodCons = new ProdConsAnalyzer(method, owner)
+ var nextLocal = method.maxLocals
+ def getLocal(size: Int) = {
+ val r = nextLocal
+ nextLocal += size
+ r
+ }
+ var maxStackGrowth = 0
+ /** Method M1 for eliminating box-unbox pairs (see doc comment in the beginning of this file) */
+ def replaceBoxOperationsSingleCreation(creation: BoxCreation, finalCons: Set[BoxConsumer], boxKind: BoxKind, keepBox: Boolean): Unit = {
+ /**
+ * If the box is eliminated, all copy operations (loads, stores, others) of the box need to
+ * be removed. This method returns all copy operations that should be removed.
+ *
+ * Returns `None` in case some exotic copy operation is found that cannot be removed
+ * (DUP2_X1 and friends - these are never emitted by scalac). In this case, the box cannot
+ * be eliminated.
+ */
+ def copyOpsToEliminate: Option[Set[AbstractInsnNode]] = {
+ var elidableCopyOps = Set.empty[AbstractInsnNode]
+ var replaceOK = true
+ val copyOps = new CopyOpsIterator(Set(creation), finalCons, prodCons)
+ while (replaceOK && copyOps.hasNext) match {
+ case vi: VarInsnNode =>
+ elidableCopyOps += vi
+ case copyOp if copyOp.getOpcode == DUP =>
+ elidableCopyOps += copyOp
+ case _ =>
+ replaceOK = false
+ }
+ if (replaceOK) Some(elidableCopyOps) else None
+ }
+ val canRewrite = keepBox || (copyOpsToEliminate match {
+ case Some(copyOps) =>
+ toDelete ++= copyOps
+ true
+ case _ => false
+ })
+ if (canRewrite) {
+ val localSlots: Vector[(Int, Type)] = => (getLocal(tp.getSize), tp))(collection.breakOut)
+ // store boxed value(s) into localSlots
+ val storeOps = localSlots.toList reverseMap { case (slot, tp) =>
+ new VarInsnNode(tp.getOpcode(ISTORE), slot)
+ }
+ val storeInitialValues = creation.loadInitialValues match {
+ case Some(ops) => ops ::: storeOps
+ case None => storeOps
+ }
+ if (keepBox) {
+ val loadOps: List[VarInsnNode] ={ case (slot, tp) =>
+ new VarInsnNode(tp.getOpcode(ILOAD), slot)
+ })(collection.breakOut)
+ toInsertBefore(creation.valuesConsumer) = storeInitialValues ::: loadOps
+ } else {
+ toReplace(creation.valuesConsumer) = storeInitialValues
+ toDelete ++= creation.allInsns - creation.valuesConsumer
+ }
+ // rewrite consumers
+ finalCons foreach {
+ case write: StaticSetterOrInstanceWrite =>
+ assert(!keepBox, s"cannot eliminate box write if the box remains (and escapes): $write")
+ val (slot, tp) = localSlots(boxKind.extractedValueIndex(write))
+ val storeOp = new VarInsnNode(tp.getOpcode(ISTORE), slot)
+ toReplace(write.consumer) = List(storeOp)
+ case c: EscapingConsumer =>
+ assert(keepBox, s"found escaping consumer, but box is eliminated: $c")
+ case extraction =>
+ val (slot, tp) = localSlots(boxKind.extractedValueIndex(extraction))
+ val loadOps = new VarInsnNode(tp.getOpcode(ILOAD), slot) :: extraction.postExtractionAdaptationOps(tp)
+ if (keepBox) toReplace(extraction.consumer) = getPop(1) :: loadOps
+ else toReplace(extraction.consumer) = loadOps
+ toDelete ++= extraction.allInsns - extraction.consumer
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Method M2 for eliminating box-unbox pairs (see doc comment in the beginning of this file) */
+ def replaceBoxOperationsMultipleCreations(allCreations: Set[BoxCreation], allConsumers: Set[BoxConsumer], boxKind: BoxKind): Unit = {
+ /**
+ * If a single-value size-1 box is eliminated, local variables slots holding the box are
+ * reused to hold the unboxed value. In case there's an entry for that local variable in the
+ * method's local variables table (debug info), adapt the type.
+ *
+ * If there are multiple entries for a local variable that's changing types, then all
+ * entries for that variable are deleted - it's not obvious how to find the correct entry.
+ * Note that scalac never re-uses local variable slots for non-overlapping locals. Also note
+ * that all locals that are newly created during the optimizer don't have an entry either.
+ *
+ * Finally, note that variables that become unused are removed later from the table by
+ * removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes in LocalOpt.
+ *
+ * Unlike modifications that affect the method's instructions (which uses toReplace etc),
+ * we can directly modify the local variable table - it does not affect the frames of the
+ * ProdCons analysis.
+ */
+ def updateLocalVariableTypes(reTypedLocals: Map[Int, Type]): Unit = {
+ lazy val localsByIndex = method.localVariables.asScala.groupBy(_.index)
+ for ((index, tp) <- reTypedLocals) localsByIndex.get(index).map(_.toList) match {
+ case Some(List(local)) =>
+ local.desc = tp.getDescriptor
+ case Some(locals) =>
+ locals foreach method.localVariables.remove
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ /** Remove box creations - leave the boxed value(s) on the stack instead. */
+ def replaceCreationOps(): Unit = {
+ for (creation <- allCreations) creation.loadInitialValues match {
+ case None =>
+ toDelete ++= creation.allInsns
+ case Some(ops) =>
+ toReplace(creation.valuesConsumer) = ops
+ toDelete ++= (creation.allInsns - creation.valuesConsumer)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replace a value extraction operation. For a single-value box, the extraction operation can
+ * just be removed. An extraction from a multi-value box is replaced by POP operations for the
+ * non-used values, and an xSTORE / xLOAD for the extracted value. Example: tuple3._2 becomes
+ * POP; xSTORE n; POP; xLOAD n.
+ */
+ def replaceExtractionOps(): Unit = {
+ if (boxKind.boxedTypes.lengthCompare(1) == 0) {
+ // fast path for single-value boxes
+ allConsumers.foreach(extraction => extraction.postExtractionAdaptationOps(boxKind.boxedTypes.head) match {
+ case Nil =>
+ toDelete ++= extraction.allInsns
+ case ops =>
+ toReplace(extraction.consumer) = ops
+ toDelete ++= extraction.allInsns - extraction.consumer
+ })
+ } else {
+ for (extraction <- allConsumers) {
+ val valueIndex = boxKind.extractedValueIndex(extraction)
+ val replacementOps = if (valueIndex == 0) {
+ val pops = => getPop(t.getSize))
+ pops ::: extraction.postExtractionAdaptationOps(boxKind.boxedTypes.head)
+ } else {
+ var loadOps: List[AbstractInsnNode] = null
+ val consumeStack = boxKind.boxedTypes.zipWithIndex reverseMap {
+ case (tp, i) =>
+ if (i == valueIndex) {
+ val resultSlot = getLocal(tp.getSize)
+ loadOps = new VarInsnNode(tp.getOpcode(ILOAD), resultSlot) :: extraction.postExtractionAdaptationOps(tp)
+ new VarInsnNode(tp.getOpcode(ISTORE), resultSlot)
+ } else {
+ getPop(tp.getSize)
+ }
+ }
+ consumeStack ::: loadOps
+ }
+ toReplace(extraction.consumer) = replacementOps
+ toDelete ++= extraction.allInsns - extraction.consumer
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ checkCopyOpReplacements(allCreations, allConsumers, boxKind.boxedTypes, nextLocal, prodCons) match {
+ case Some((replacements, nextCopyOpLocal, reTypedLocals)) =>
+ toReplace ++= replacements
+ updateLocalVariableTypes(reTypedLocals)
+ nextLocal = nextCopyOpLocal
+ replaceCreationOps()
+ replaceExtractionOps()
+ // Conservative (safe) value for stack growth. In every frame that initially has a multi-value
+ // box on the stack, the stack now contains all of the individual values. So for every eliminated
+ // box, the maxStack may be up to N-1 slots larger.
+ maxStackGrowth += boxKind.boxedTypes.length - 1
+ case None =>
+ }
+ }
+ val it = method.instructions.iterator
+ while (it.hasNext) {
+ val insn =
+ if (!knownHandled(insn)) BoxKind.valueCreationKind(insn, prodCons) match {
+ case Some((boxCreation, boxKind)) =>
+ allCreationsConsumers(boxCreation, boxKind, prodCons) match {
+ case Some((allCreations, allConsumers)) =>
+ val (escapingConsumers, boxConsumers) = allConsumers.partition(_.isEscaping)
+ if (boxConsumers.nonEmpty) {
+ for (c <- allCreations) knownHandled ++= c.allInsns
+ for (e <- allConsumers) knownHandled ++= e.allInsns
+ val hasEscaping = escapingConsumers.nonEmpty
+ val hasWrite = allConsumers.exists(_.isWrite)
+ if (!hasEscaping && !hasWrite) {
+ // M2 -- see doc comment in the beginning of this file
+ // If both M1 and M2 can be applied, we prefer M2 because it doesn't introduce new locals.
+ replaceBoxOperationsMultipleCreations(allCreations, allConsumers, boxKind)
+ } else if (allCreations.size == 1 && (!hasEscaping || !boxKind.isMutable)) {
+ // M1 -- see doc comment in the beginning of this file
+ replaceBoxOperationsSingleCreation(allCreations.head, allConsumers, boxKind, keepBox = hasEscaping)
+ }
+ }
+ case None =>
+ }
+ case None =>
+ }
+ }
+ def removeFromCallGraph(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Unit = insn match {
+ case mi: MethodInsnNode => callGraph.removeCallsite(mi, method)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ for ((location, ops) <- toInsertBefore; op <- ops)
+ method.instructions.insertBefore(location, op)
+ for ((oldOp, newOps) <- toReplace) {
+ for (newOp <- newOps) method.instructions.insertBefore(oldOp, newOp)
+ method.instructions.remove(oldOp)
+ removeFromCallGraph(oldOp)
+ }
+ for (op <- toDelete) {
+ method.instructions.remove(op)
+ removeFromCallGraph(op)
+ }
+ method.maxLocals = nextLocal
+ method.maxStack += maxStackGrowth
+ toInsertBefore.nonEmpty || toReplace.nonEmpty || toDelete.nonEmpty
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given a box creations operation
+ * - find all ultimate consumers for the produced value. then:
+ * - for all consumed values, find all producer operations. check that all are box creations
+ * - recurse until reaching a fixpoint
+ *
+ * Returns a set of box creations and a set of box consumers. Note that the box consumers may
+ * contain [[EscapingConsumer]]s, even if there are multiple box creation operations. The callee
+ * will handle this case (and not attempt to eliminate the box).
+ */
+ def allCreationsConsumers(initialCreation: BoxCreation, boxKind: BoxKind, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[(Set[BoxCreation], Set[BoxConsumer])] = {
+ var creations = Set(initialCreation)
+ var consumers = Set.empty[BoxConsumer]
+ def addCreations(boxConsumer: BoxConsumer): Boolean = {
+ val newProds = boxConsumer.boxProducers(prodCons).filterNot(prod => creations.exists(_.producer == prod))
+ newProds.forall(prod => boxKind.checkBoxCreation(prod, prodCons) match {
+ case Some(boxCreation) =>
+ creations += boxCreation
+ addBoxConsumers(boxCreation)
+ case _ => false
+ })
+ }
+ def addBoxConsumers(creation: BoxCreation): Boolean = {
+ val newCons = creation.boxConsumers(prodCons, ultimate = true).filterNot(cons => consumers.exists(_.consumer == cons))
+ newCons.forall(cons => boxKind.checkBoxConsumer(cons, prodCons) match {
+ case Some(boxConsumer) =>
+ consumers += boxConsumer
+ addCreations(boxConsumer)
+ case _ =>
+ creations.size <= 1 && {
+ // If there's a single box creation, the box operations can still be rewritten
+ consumers += EscapingConsumer(cons)
+ true
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ if (addBoxConsumers(initialCreation)) Some((creations, consumers))
+ else None
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes two sets `initialProds` and `finalCons` such that all boxes produced by the first set
+ * are only consumed by an operation in the second set.
+ *
+ * Returns a map that replaces copy operations (ALOAD / ASTORE) between the producers and
+ * consumers with corresponding copy operations for the values stored in the box. The returned
+ * `Int` value returns the next free local variable slot.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ * - for an Integer box, an ASTORE x is simply replaced by ISTORE x
+ * - for a pair of two references, an ASTORE x is replaced by `ASTORE x1; ASTORE x2` where x1
+ * and x2 are fresh locals
+ *
+ * Not all copy operations can be supported: DUP only works for single-value boxes, the more
+ * exotic copy operations (DUP2_X2) are not supported (note that Scalac never emits them). If a
+ * copy operation cannot be replaced, this method returns `None`.
+ */
+ def checkCopyOpReplacements(initialProds: Set[BoxCreation], finalCons: Set[BoxConsumer], valueTypes: List[Type], nextLocal: Int, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[(Map[AbstractInsnNode, List[AbstractInsnNode]], Int, Map[Int, Type])] = {
+ var replacements = Map.empty[AbstractInsnNode, List[AbstractInsnNode]]
+ var reTypedLocals = Map.empty[Int, Type]
+ var nextCopyOpLocal = nextLocal
+ val newLocalsMap: mutable.LongMap[List[(Type, Int)]] = mutable.LongMap.empty
+ def newLocals(index: Int) = newLocalsMap.getOrElseUpdate(index, valueTypes match {
+ case List(t) if t.getSize == 1 =>
+ reTypedLocals += index -> t
+ List((t, index))
+ case _ => => {
+ val newIndex = nextCopyOpLocal
+ nextCopyOpLocal += t.getSize
+ (t, newIndex)
+ })
+ })
+ var replaceOK = true
+ val copyOps = new CopyOpsIterator(initialProds, finalCons, prodCons)
+ while (replaceOK && copyOps.hasNext) match {
+ case vi: VarInsnNode =>
+ val isLoad = vi.getOpcode == ALOAD
+ val typedVarOp = (tp: (Type, Int)) => {
+ val opc = tp._1.getOpcode(if (isLoad) ILOAD else ISTORE)
+ new VarInsnNode(opc, tp._2)
+ }
+ val locs = newLocals(vi.`var`)
+ replacements += vi -> (if (isLoad) else locs.reverseMap(typedVarOp))
+ case copyOp =>
+ if (copyOp.getOpcode == DUP && valueTypes.lengthCompare(1) == 0) {
+ if (valueTypes.head.getSize == 2)
+ replacements += copyOp -> List(new InsnNode(DUP2))
+ } else {
+ replaceOK = false
+ }
+ }
+ if (replaceOK) Some((replacements, nextCopyOpLocal, reTypedLocals)) else None
+ }
+ /**
+ * For a set of box creation operations and a corresponding set of box consumer operations,
+ * this iterator returns all copy operations (load, store, dup) that are in between.
+ */
+ class CopyOpsIterator(initialCreations: Set[BoxCreation], finalCons: Set[BoxConsumer], prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer) extends Iterator[AbstractInsnNode] {
+ private var queue = mutable.Queue.empty[AbstractInsnNode] ++ initialCreations.iterator.flatMap(_.boxConsumers(prodCons, ultimate = false))
+ // a single copy operation can consume multiple producers: val a = if (b) box(1) else box(2).
+ // the `ASTORE a` has two producers (the two box operations). we need to handle it only once.
+ private val visited = mutable.Set.empty[AbstractInsnNode]
+ private val boxConsumingOps =
+ @tailrec private def advanceToNextCopyOp(): Unit = {
+ if (queue.nonEmpty) {
+ val h = queue.front
+ if (visited(h) || boxConsumingOps(h)) {
+ queue.dequeue()
+ advanceToNextCopyOp()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def hasNext: Boolean = {
+ advanceToNextCopyOp()
+ queue.nonEmpty
+ }
+ def next(): AbstractInsnNode = {
+ advanceToNextCopyOp()
+ val r = queue.dequeue()
+ visited += r
+ queue ++= prodCons.consumersOfOutputsFrom(r)
+ r
+ }
+ }
+ trait BoxKind {
+ def checkBoxCreation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxCreation]
+ def checkBoxConsumer(insn: AbstractInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxConsumer]
+ def boxedTypes: List[Type]
+ def extractedValueIndex(extraction: BoxConsumer): Int
+ def isMutable: Boolean
+ }
+ object BoxKind {
+ def valueCreationKind(insn: AbstractInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[(BoxCreation, BoxKind)] = {
+ PrimitiveBox.checkPrimitiveBox(insn, None, prodCons) orElse
+ Ref.checkRefCreation(insn, None, prodCons) orElse
+ Tuple.checkTupleCreation(insn, None, prodCons)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if `newOp` is part of a standard object construction pattern in which:
+ *
+ * NEW T
+ * DUP
+ * [load constructor args]
+ *
+ * The method ensures that the entire construction pattern is closed in itself, without any
+ * branches going in or out. This is checked by looking at producers / consumers:
+ * - `DUP` is the only consumer of `NEW`, and vice versa
+ * - `DUP` the only producer for the receiver of the constructor call
+ * - The set of consumers of `DUP` without the constructor call is the same as
+ * the set of consumers of the value on the stack top after the constructor call
+ */
+ def checkInstanceCreation(newOp: TypeInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[(InsnNode, MethodInsnNode)] = {
+ val newCons = prodCons.consumersOfOutputsFrom(newOp)
+ if (newCons.size == 1 && newCons.head.getOpcode == DUP) {
+ val dupOp = newCons.head.asInstanceOf[InsnNode]
+ if (prodCons.producersForInputsOf(dupOp) == Set(newOp)) {
+ val dupCons = prodCons.consumersOfOutputsFrom(dupOp)
+ val initCalls = dupCons collect {
+ case mi: MethodInsnNode if == GenBCode.INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME && mi.owner == newOp.desc => mi
+ }
+ if (initCalls.size == 1) {
+ val initCall = initCalls.head
+ val numArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(initCall.desc).length
+ val receiverProds = prodCons.producersForValueAt(initCall, prodCons.frameAt(initCall).stackTop - numArgs)
+ if (receiverProds == Set(dupOp)) {
+ val dupConsWithoutInit = dupCons - initCall
+ val afterInit = initCall.getNext
+ val stackTopAfterInit = prodCons.frameAt(afterInit).stackTop
+ val initializedInstanceCons = prodCons.consumersOfValueAt(afterInit, stackTopAfterInit)
+ if (initializedInstanceCons == dupConsWithoutInit && prodCons.producersForValueAt(afterInit, stackTopAfterInit) == Set(dupOp)) {
+ return Some((dupOp, initCall))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ /**
+ * If `mi` is an invocation of a method on Predef, check if the receiver is a GETSTATIC of
+ * Predef.MODULE$ and return it.
+ */
+ def checkReceiverPredefLoad(mi: MethodInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[AbstractInsnNode] = {
+ val numArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(mi.desc).length
+ val receiverProds = prodCons.producersForValueAt(mi, prodCons.frameAt(mi).stackTop - numArgs)
+ if (receiverProds.size == 1) {
+ val prod = receiverProds.head
+ if (isPredefLoad(prod) && prodCons.consumersOfOutputsFrom(prod) == Set(mi)) return Some(prod)
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ case class PrimitiveBox(boxedType: Type, boxClass: InternalName) extends BoxKind {
+ import PrimitiveBox._
+ def checkBoxCreation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxCreation] = checkPrimitiveBox(insn, Some(this), prodCons).map(_._1)
+ def checkBoxConsumer(insn: AbstractInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxConsumer] = checkPrimitiveUnbox(insn, this, prodCons)
+ def boxedTypes: List[Type] = List(boxedType)
+ def extractedValueIndex(extraction: BoxConsumer): Int = 0
+ def isMutable = false
+ }
+ object PrimitiveBox {
+ private def boxedType(mi: MethodInsnNode) = Type.getArgumentTypes(mi.desc)(0)
+ private def boxClass(mi: MethodInsnNode) = {
+ if ( == GenBCode.INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME) mi.owner
+ else Type.getReturnType(mi.desc).getInternalName
+ }
+ def checkPrimitiveBox(insn: AbstractInsnNode, expectedKind: Option[PrimitiveBox], prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[(BoxCreation, PrimitiveBox)] = {
+ // mi is either a box factory or a box constructor invocation
+ def checkKind(mi: MethodInsnNode) = expectedKind match {
+ case Some(kind) => if (kind.boxClass == boxClass(mi)) expectedKind else None
+ case None => Some(PrimitiveBox(boxedType(mi), boxClass(mi)))
+ }
+ insn match {
+ case mi: MethodInsnNode =>
+ if (isScalaBox(mi) || isJavaBox(mi)) checkKind(mi).map((StaticFactory(mi, loadInitialValues = None), _))
+ else if (isPredefAutoBox(mi))
+ for (predefLoad <- BoxKind.checkReceiverPredefLoad(mi, prodCons); kind <- checkKind(mi))
+ yield (ModuleFactory(predefLoad, mi), kind)
+ else None
+ case ti: TypeInsnNode if ti.getOpcode == NEW =>
+ for ((dupOp, initCall) <- BoxKind.checkInstanceCreation(ti, prodCons) if isPrimitiveBoxConstructor(initCall); kind <- checkKind(initCall))
+ yield (InstanceCreation(ti, dupOp, initCall), kind)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ def checkPrimitiveUnbox(insn: AbstractInsnNode, kind: PrimitiveBox, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxConsumer] = {
+ def typeOK(mi: MethodInsnNode) = kind.boxedType == Type.getReturnType(mi.desc)
+ insn match {
+ case mi: MethodInsnNode =>
+ if ((isScalaUnbox(mi) || isJavaUnbox(mi)) && typeOK(mi)) Some(StaticGetterOrInstanceRead(mi))
+ else if (isPredefAutoUnbox(mi) && typeOK(mi)) BoxKind.checkReceiverPredefLoad(mi, prodCons).map(ModuleGetter(_, mi))
+ else None
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case class Ref(boxedType: Type, refClass: InternalName) extends BoxKind {
+ import Ref._
+ def checkBoxCreation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxCreation] = checkRefCreation(insn, Some(this), prodCons).map(_._1)
+ def checkBoxConsumer(insn: AbstractInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxConsumer] = checkRefConsumer(insn, this, prodCons)
+ def boxedTypes: List[Type] = List(boxedType)
+ def extractedValueIndex(extraction: BoxConsumer): Int = 0
+ def isMutable = true
+ }
+ object Ref {
+ private def boxedType(mi: MethodInsnNode): Type = runtimeRefClassBoxedType(mi.owner)
+ private def refClass(mi: MethodInsnNode): InternalName = mi.owner
+ private def loadZeroValue(refZeroCall: MethodInsnNode): List[AbstractInsnNode] = List(loadZeroForTypeSort(runtimeRefClassBoxedType(refZeroCall.owner).getSort))
+ def checkRefCreation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, expectedKind: Option[Ref], prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[(BoxCreation, Ref)] = {
+ def checkKind(mi: MethodInsnNode): Option[Ref] = expectedKind match {
+ case Some(kind) => if (kind.refClass == refClass(mi)) expectedKind else None
+ case None => Some(Ref(boxedType(mi), refClass(mi)))
+ }
+ insn match {
+ case mi: MethodInsnNode =>
+ if (isRefCreate(mi)) checkKind(mi).map((StaticFactory(mi, loadInitialValues = None), _))
+ else if (isRefZero(mi)) checkKind(mi).map((StaticFactory(mi, loadInitialValues = Some(loadZeroValue(mi))), _))
+ else None
+ case ti: TypeInsnNode if ti.getOpcode == NEW =>
+ for ((dupOp, initCall) <- BoxKind.checkInstanceCreation(ti, prodCons) if isRuntimeRefConstructor(initCall); kind <- checkKind(initCall))
+ yield (InstanceCreation(ti, dupOp, initCall), kind)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ def checkRefConsumer(insn: AbstractInsnNode, kind: Ref, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxConsumer] = insn match {
+ case fi: FieldInsnNode if fi.owner == kind.refClass && == "elem" =>
+ if (fi.getOpcode == GETFIELD) Some(StaticGetterOrInstanceRead(fi))
+ else if (fi.getOpcode == PUTFIELD) Some(StaticSetterOrInstanceWrite(fi))
+ else None
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ case class Tuple(boxedTypes: List[Type], tupleClass: InternalName) extends BoxKind {
+ import Tuple._
+ def checkBoxCreation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxCreation] = checkTupleCreation(insn, Some(this), prodCons).map(_._1)
+ def checkBoxConsumer(insn: AbstractInsnNode, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxConsumer] = checkTupleExtraction(insn, this, prodCons)
+ def extractedValueIndex(extraction: BoxConsumer): Int = extraction match {
+ case StaticGetterOrInstanceRead(mi: MethodInsnNode) => tupleGetterIndex(
+ case PrimitiveBoxingGetter(mi) => tupleGetterIndex(
+ case PrimitiveUnboxingGetter(mi, _) => tupleGetterIndex(
+ case _ => throw new AssertionError(s"Expected tuple getter, found $extraction")
+ }
+ def isMutable = false
+ }
+ object Tuple {
+ private def boxedTypes(mi: MethodInsnNode): List[Type] = Type.getArgumentTypes(mi.desc).toList
+ private def tupleClass(mi: MethodInsnNode): InternalName = mi.owner
+ def checkTupleCreation(insn: AbstractInsnNode, expectedKind: Option[Tuple], prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[(BoxCreation, Tuple)] = {
+ def checkKind(mi: MethodInsnNode): Option[Tuple] = expectedKind match {
+ case Some(kind) => if (kind.tupleClass == tupleClass(mi)) expectedKind else None
+ case None => Some(Tuple(boxedTypes(mi), tupleClass(mi)))
+ }
+ insn match {
+ // no need to check for TupleN.apply: the compiler transforms case companion apply calls to constructor invocations
+ case ti: TypeInsnNode if ti.getOpcode == NEW =>
+ for ((dupOp, initCall) <- BoxKind.checkInstanceCreation(ti, prodCons) if isTupleConstructor(initCall); kind <- checkKind(initCall))
+ yield (InstanceCreation(ti, dupOp, initCall), kind)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ private val specializedTupleClassR = "scala/Tuple[12]\\$mc[IJDCZ]{1,2}\\$sp".r
+ private def isSpecializedTupleClass(tupleClass: InternalName) = specializedTupleClassR.pattern.matcher(tupleClass).matches
+ private val specializedTupleGetterR = "_[12]\\$mc[IJDCZ]\\$sp".r
+ private def isSpecializedTupleGetter(mi: MethodInsnNode) = specializedTupleGetterR.pattern.matcher(
+ private val tupleGetterR = "_\\d\\d?".r
+ private def isTupleGetter(mi: MethodInsnNode) = tupleGetterR.pattern.matcher(
+ def checkTupleExtraction(insn: AbstractInsnNode, kind: Tuple, prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Option[BoxConsumer] = {
+ val expectedTupleClass = kind.tupleClass
+ insn match {
+ case mi: MethodInsnNode =>
+ val tupleClass = mi.owner
+ if (isSpecializedTupleClass(expectedTupleClass)) {
+ val typeOK = tupleClass == expectedTupleClass || tupleClass == expectedTupleClass.substring(0, expectedTupleClass.indexOf('$'))
+ if (typeOK) {
+ if (isSpecializedTupleGetter(mi)) return Some(StaticGetterOrInstanceRead(mi))
+ else if (isTupleGetter(mi)) return Some(PrimitiveBoxingGetter(mi))
+ }
+ } else if (expectedTupleClass == tupleClass) {
+ if (isSpecializedTupleGetter(mi)) return Some(PrimitiveUnboxingGetter(mi, Type.getReturnType(mi.desc)))
+ else if (isTupleGetter(mi)) return Some(StaticGetterOrInstanceRead(mi))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ private val getterIndexPattern = "_(\\d{1,2}).*".r
+ def tupleGetterIndex(getterName: String) = getterName match { case getterIndexPattern(i) => i.toInt - 1 }
+ }
+ // TODO: add more
+ // case class ValueClass(valueClass: Type, valueType: Type) extends BoxKind
+ sealed trait BoxCreation {
+ // to support box creation operations that don't consume an initial value from the stack, e.g.,
+ val loadInitialValues: Option[List[AbstractInsnNode]]
+ /**
+ * The instruction that produces the box value; for instance creations, the `NEW` operation.
+ */
+ def producer: AbstractInsnNode
+ /**
+ * The instruction that consumes the boxed values; for instance creations, the `init` call.
+ */
+ def valuesConsumer: MethodInsnNode = this match {
+ case StaticFactory(call, _) => call
+ case ModuleFactory(_, call) => call
+ case InstanceCreation(_, _, initCall) => initCall
+ }
+ def allInsns: Set[AbstractInsnNode] = this match {
+ case StaticFactory(c, _) => Set(c)
+ case ModuleFactory(m, c) => Set(m, c)
+ case InstanceCreation(n, d, i) => Set(n, d, i)
+ }
+ /**
+ * The consumers of the box produced by this box creation. If `ultimate` is true, then the
+ * final consumers are returned (e.g., an unbox operation), otherwise direct consumers (e.g.,
+ * a store operation).
+ */
+ def boxConsumers(prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer, ultimate: Boolean): Set[AbstractInsnNode] = {
+ val startInsn = this match {
+ // for the non-transitive case (ultimate == false), it's important to start at the `dupOp`,
+ // not the `newOp` - look at the BoxCreation as a black box, get its consumers.
+ case InstanceCreation(_, dupOp, _) => dupOp
+ case _ => producer
+ }
+ val cons = if (ultimate) prodCons.ultimateConsumersOfOutputsFrom(startInsn) else prodCons.consumersOfOutputsFrom(startInsn)
+ this match {
+ case InstanceCreation(_, _, initCall) => cons - initCall
+ case _ => cons
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case class StaticFactory(producer: MethodInsnNode, loadInitialValues: Option[List[AbstractInsnNode]]) extends BoxCreation
+ case class ModuleFactory(moduleLoad: AbstractInsnNode, producer: MethodInsnNode) extends BoxCreation {
+ val loadInitialValues: Option[List[AbstractInsnNode]] = None
+ }
+ case class InstanceCreation(newOp: TypeInsnNode, dupOp: InsnNode, initCall: MethodInsnNode) extends BoxCreation {
+ def producer = newOp
+ val loadInitialValues: Option[List[AbstractInsnNode]] = None
+ }
+ sealed trait BoxConsumer {
+ val consumer: AbstractInsnNode
+ def allInsns: Set[AbstractInsnNode] = this match {
+ case ModuleGetter(m, c) => Set(m, c)
+ case _ => Set(consumer)
+ }
+ /**
+ * The initial producers of the box value consumed by this box consumer
+ */
+ def boxProducers(prodCons: ProdConsAnalyzer): Set[AbstractInsnNode] = {
+ val stackTop = prodCons.frameAt(consumer).stackTop
+ val slot = if (isWrite) stackTop - 1 else stackTop
+ prodCons.initialProducersForValueAt(consumer, slot)
+ }
+ def isEscaping = this match {
+ case _: EscapingConsumer => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def isWrite = this match {
+ case _: StaticSetterOrInstanceWrite => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /**
+ * If this box consumer extracts a boxed value and applies a conversion, this method returns
+ * equivalent conversion operations. For example, invoking `_1$mcI$sp` on a non-specialized
+ * `Tuple2` extracts the Integer value and unboxes it.
+ */
+ def postExtractionAdaptationOps(typeOfExtractedValue: Type): List[AbstractInsnNode] = this match {
+ case PrimitiveBoxingGetter(_) => List(getScalaBox(typeOfExtractedValue))
+ case PrimitiveUnboxingGetter(_, unboxedPrimitive) => List(getScalaUnbox(unboxedPrimitive))
+ case _ => Nil
+ }
+ }
+ /** Static extractor (BoxesRunTime.unboxToInt) or GETFIELD or getter invocation */
+ case class StaticGetterOrInstanceRead(consumer: AbstractInsnNode) extends BoxConsumer
+ /** A getter that boxes the returned value, e.g., `Tuple2$mcII$sp._1` */
+ case class PrimitiveBoxingGetter(consumer: MethodInsnNode) extends BoxConsumer
+ /** A getter that unboxes the returned value, e.g., `Tuple2._1$mcI$sp` */
+ case class PrimitiveUnboxingGetter(consumer: MethodInsnNode, unboxedPrimitive: Type) extends BoxConsumer
+ /** An extractor method in a Scala module, e.g., `Predef.Integer2int` */
+ case class ModuleGetter(moduleLoad: AbstractInsnNode, consumer: MethodInsnNode) extends BoxConsumer
+ /** PUTFIELD or setter invocation */
+ case class StaticSetterOrInstanceWrite(consumer: AbstractInsnNode) extends BoxConsumer
+ /** An unknown box consumer */
+ case class EscapingConsumer(consumer: AbstractInsnNode) extends BoxConsumer
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala
index a5b85e54e7..f2ff73c44d 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ByteCodeRepository.scala
@@ -9,13 +9,12 @@ package opt
import asm.tree._
-import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import scala.collection.{concurrent, mutable}
import BytecodeUtils._
-import ByteCodeRepository._
import BTypes.InternalName
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
@@ -24,58 +23,91 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
* classpath. Parsed classes are cached in the `classes` map.
* @param classPath The compiler classpath where classfiles are searched and read from.
- * @param classes Cache for parsed ClassNodes. Also stores the source of the bytecode:
- * [[Classfile]] if read from `classPath`, [[CompilationUnit]] if the bytecode
- * corresponds to a class being compiled.
- * The `Long` field encodes the age of the node in the map, which allows removing
- * old entries when the map grows too large.
- * For Java classes in mixed compilation, the map contains an error message: no
- * ClassNode is generated by the backend and also no classfile that could be parsed.
-class ByteCodeRepository(val classPath: ClassFileLookup[AbstractFile], val isJavaSourceDefined: InternalName => Boolean, val classes: collection.concurrent.Map[InternalName, Either[ClassNotFound, (ClassNode, Source, Long)]]) {
+class ByteCodeRepository[BT <: BTypes](val classPath: ClassPath, val btypes: BT) {
+ import btypes._
+ /**
+ * Contains ClassNodes and the canonical path of the source file path of classes being compiled in
+ * the current compilation run.
+ */
+ val compilingClasses: concurrent.Map[InternalName, (ClassNode, String)] = recordPerRunCache(concurrent.TrieMap.empty)
+ /**
+ * Cache for parsed ClassNodes.
+ * The `Long` field encodes the age of the node in the map, which allows removing old entries when
+ * the map grows too large (see limitCacheSize).
+ * For Java classes in mixed compilation, the map contains an error message: no ClassNode is
+ * generated by the backend and also no classfile that could be parsed.
+ */
+ val parsedClasses: concurrent.Map[InternalName, Either[ClassNotFound, (ClassNode, Long)]] = recordPerRunCache(concurrent.TrieMap.empty)
private val maxCacheSize = 1500
private val targetSize = 500
- private val idCounter = new AtomicLong(0)
+ private object lruCounter extends AtomicLong(0l) with collection.generic.Clearable {
+ def clear(): Unit = { this.set(0l) }
+ }
+ recordPerRunCache(lruCounter)
* Prevent the code repository from growing too large. Profiling reveals that the average size
* of a ClassNode is about 30 kb. I observed having 17k+ classes in the cache, i.e., 500 mb.
- *
- * We can only remove classes with `Source == Classfile`, those can be parsed again if requested.
private def limitCacheSize(): Unit = {
- if (classes.count(c => c._2.isRight && c._2.right.get._2 == Classfile) > maxCacheSize) {
- val removeId = idCounter.get - targetSize
- val toRemove = classes.iterator.collect({
- case (name, Right((_, Classfile, id))) if id < removeId => name
- }).toList
- toRemove foreach classes.remove
+ if (parsedClasses.size > maxCacheSize) {
+ // OK if multiple threads get here
+ val minimalLRU = parsedClasses.valuesIterator.collect({
+ case Right((_, lru)) => lru
+ }).toList.sorted(Ordering.Long.reverse).drop(targetSize).headOption.getOrElse(Long.MaxValue)
+ parsedClasses retain {
+ case (_, Right((_, lru))) => lru > minimalLRU
+ case _ => false
+ }
- def add(classNode: ClassNode, source: Source) = {
- classes( = Right((classNode, source, idCounter.incrementAndGet()))
+ def add(classNode: ClassNode, sourceFilePath: Option[String]) = sourceFilePath match {
+ case Some(path) if path != "<no file>" => compilingClasses( = (classNode, path)
+ case _ => parsedClasses( = Right((classNode, lruCounter.incrementAndGet()))
+ }
+ private def parsedClassNode(internalName: InternalName): Either[ClassNotFound, ClassNode] = {
+ val r = parsedClasses.get(internalName) match {
+ case Some(l @ Left(_)) => l
+ case Some(r @ Right((classNode, _))) =>
+ parsedClasses(internalName) = Right((classNode, lruCounter.incrementAndGet()))
+ r
+ case None =>
+ limitCacheSize()
+ val res = parseClass(internalName).map((_, lruCounter.incrementAndGet()))
+ parsedClasses(internalName) = res
+ res
+ }
- * The class node and source for an internal name. If the class node is not yet available, it is
- * parsed from the classfile on the compile classpath.
+ * The class node and source file path (if the class is being compiled) for an internal name. If
+ * the class node is not yet available, it is parsed from the classfile on the compile classpath.
- def classNodeAndSource(internalName: InternalName): Either[ClassNotFound, (ClassNode, Source)] = {
- val r = classes.getOrElseUpdate(internalName, {
- limitCacheSize()
- parseClass(internalName).map((_, Classfile, idCounter.incrementAndGet()))
- })
- => (v._1, v._2))
+ def classNodeAndSourceFilePath(internalName: InternalName): Either[ClassNotFound, (ClassNode, Option[String])] = {
+ compilingClasses.get(internalName) match {
+ case Some((c, p)) => Right((c, Some(p)))
+ case _ => parsedClassNode(internalName).map((_, None))
+ }
* The class node for an internal name. If the class node is not yet available, it is parsed from
* the classfile on the compile classpath.
- def classNode(internalName: InternalName): Either[ClassNotFound, ClassNode] = classNodeAndSource(internalName).map(_._1)
+ def classNode(internalName: InternalName): Either[ClassNotFound, ClassNode] = {
+ compilingClasses.get(internalName) match {
+ case Some((c, _)) => Right(c)
+ case None => parsedClassNode(internalName)
+ }
+ }
* The field node for a field matching `name` and `descriptor`, accessed in class `classInternalName`.
@@ -86,7 +118,6 @@ class ByteCodeRepository(val classPath: ClassFileLookup[AbstractFile], val isJav
def fieldNode(classInternalName: InternalName, name: String, descriptor: String): Either[FieldNotFound, (FieldNode, InternalName)] = {
def fieldNodeImpl(parent: InternalName): Either[FieldNotFound, (FieldNode, InternalName)] = {
- def msg = s"The field node $name$descriptor could not be found in class $classInternalName or any of its superclasses."
classNode(parent) match {
case Left(e) => Left(FieldNotFound(name, descriptor, classInternalName, Some(e)))
case Right(c) =>
@@ -105,33 +136,135 @@ class ByteCodeRepository(val classPath: ClassFileLookup[AbstractFile], val isJav
* The method node for a method matching `name` and `descriptor`, accessed in class `ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor`.
* The declaration of the method may be in one of the parents.
+ * Note that the JVM spec performs method lookup in two steps: resolution and selection.
+ *
+ * Method resolution, defined in jvms- and jvms-, is the first step and is identical
+ * for all invocation styles (virtual, interface, special, static). If C is the receiver class
+ * in the invocation instruction:
+ * 1 find a matching method (name and descriptor) in C
+ * 2 then in C's superclasses
+ * 3 then find the maximally-specific matching superinterface methods, succeed if there's a
+ * single non-abstract one. static and private methods in superinterfaces are not considered.
+ * 4 then pick a random non-static, non-private superinterface method.
+ * 5 then fail.
+ *
+ * Note that for an `invokestatic` instruction, a method reference `B.m` may resolve to `A.m`, if
+ * class `B` doesn't specify a matching method `m`, but the parent `A` does.
+ *
+ * Selection depends on the invocation style and is defined in jvms-6.5.
+ * - invokestatic: invokes the resolved method
+ * - invokevirtual / invokeinterface: searches for an override of the resolved method starting
+ * at the dynamic receiver type. the search procedure is basically the same as in resolution,
+ * but it fails at 4 instead of picking a superinterface method at random.
+ * - invokespecial: if C is the receiver in the invocation instruction, searches for an override
+ * of the resolved method starting at
+ * - the superclass of the current class, if C is a superclass of the current class
+ * - C otherwise
+ * again, the search procedure is the same.
+ *
+ * In the method here we implement method *resolution*. Whether or not the returned method is
+ * actually invoked at runtime depends on the invocation instruction and the class hierarchy, so
+ * the users (e.g. the inliner) have to be aware of method selection.
+ *
+ * Note that the returned method may be abstract (ACC_ABSTRACT), native (ACC_NATIVE) or signature
+ * polymorphic (methods `invoke` and `invokeExact` in class `MethodHandles`).
+ *
* @return The [[MethodNode]] of the requested method and the [[InternalName]] of its declaring
- * class, or an error message if the method could not be found.
+ * class, or an error message if the method could not be found. An error message is also
+ * returned if method resolution results in multiple default methods.
def methodNode(ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor: String, name: String, descriptor: String): Either[MethodNotFound, (MethodNode, InternalName)] = {
- // on failure, returns a list of class names that could not be found on the classpath
- def methodNodeImpl(ownerInternalName: InternalName): Either[List[ClassNotFound], (MethodNode, InternalName)] = {
- classNode(ownerInternalName) match {
- case Left(e) => Left(List(e))
- case Right(c) =>
- c.methods.asScala.find(m => == name && m.desc == descriptor) match {
- case Some(m) => Right((m, ownerInternalName))
- case None => findInParents(Option(c.superName) ++: c.interfaces.asScala.toList, Nil)
- }
+ def findMethod(c: ClassNode): Option[MethodNode] = c.methods.asScala.find(m => == name && m.desc == descriptor)
+ // "In Java SE 8, the only
+ // signature polymorphic methods are the invoke and invokeExact methods of the class MethodHandle.
+ def isSignaturePolymorphic(owner: InternalName) = owner == coreBTypes.jliMethodHandleRef.internalName && (name == "invoke" || name == "invokeExact")
+ // Note: if `owner` is an interface, in the first iteration we search for a matching member in the interface itself.
+ // If that fails, the recursive invocation checks in the superclass (which is Object) with `publicInstanceOnly == true`.
+ // This is specified in jvms- interface method resolution only returns public, non-static methods of Object.
+ def findInSuperClasses(owner: ClassNode, publicInstanceOnly: Boolean = false): Either[ClassNotFound, Option[(MethodNode, InternalName)]] = {
+ findMethod(owner) match {
+ case Some(m) if !publicInstanceOnly || (isPublicMethod(m) && !isStaticMethod(m)) => Right(Some((m,
+ case None =>
+ if (isSignaturePolymorphic( Right(Some((owner.methods.asScala.find( == name).get,
+ else if (owner.superName == null) Right(None)
+ else classNode(owner.superName).flatMap(findInSuperClasses(_, isInterface(owner)))
- // find the MethodNode in one of the parent classes
- def findInParents(parents: List[InternalName], failedClasses: List[ClassNotFound]): Either[List[ClassNotFound], (MethodNode, InternalName)] = parents match {
- case x :: xs => methodNodeImpl(x).left.flatMap(failed => findInParents(xs, failed ::: failedClasses))
- case Nil => Left(failedClasses)
+ def findInInterfaces(initialOwner: ClassNode): Either[ClassNotFound, Option[(MethodNode, InternalName)]] = {
+ val visited = mutable.Set.empty[InternalName]
+ val found = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[(MethodNode, ClassNode)]
+ def findIn(owner: ClassNode): Option[ClassNotFound] = {
+ for (i <- owner.interfaces.asScala if !visited(i)) classNode(i) match {
+ case Left(e) => return Some(e)
+ case Right(c) =>
+ visited += i
+ // abstract and static methods are excluded, see jvms-
+ for (m <- findMethod(c) if !isPrivateMethod(m) && !isStaticMethod(m)) found += ((m, c))
+ val recursionResult = findIn(c)
+ if (recursionResult.isDefined) return recursionResult
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ findIn(initialOwner)
+ val result =
+ if (found.size <= 1) found.headOption
+ else {
+ val maxSpecific = found.filterNot({
+ case (method, owner) =>
+ isAbstractMethod(method) || {
+ val ownerTp = classBTypeFromClassNode(owner)
+ found exists {
+ case (other, otherOwner) =>
+ (other ne method) && {
+ val otherTp = classBTypeFromClassNode(otherOwner)
+ otherTp.isSubtypeOf(ownerTp).get
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ // (*) note that if there's no single, non-abstract, maximally-specific method, the jvm
+ // method resolution (jvms- returns any of the non-private, non-static parent
+ // methods at random (abstract or concrete).
+ // we chose not to do this here, to prevent the inliner from potentially inlining the
+ // wrong method. in other words, we guarantee that a concrete method is only returned if
+ // it resolves deterministically.
+ // however, there may be multiple abstract methods inherited. in this case we *do* want
+ // to return a result to allow performing accessibility checks in the inliner. note that
+ // for accessibility it does not matter which of these methods is return, as they are all
+ // non-private (i.e., public, protected is not possible, jvms-4.1).
+ // the remaining case (when there's no max-specific method, but some non-abstract one)
+ // does not occur in bytecode generated by scalac or javac. we return no result in this
+ // case. this may at worst prevent some optimizations from happening.
+ if (maxSpecific.size == 1) maxSpecific.headOption
+ else if (found.forall(p => isAbstractMethod(p._1))) found.headOption // (*)
+ else None
+ }
+ Right( => (p._1,
// In a MethodInsnNode, the `owner` field may be an array descriptor, for example when invoking `clone`. We don't have a method node to return in this case.
- if (ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor.charAt(0) == '[')
- Left(MethodNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor, Nil))
- else
- methodNodeImpl(ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor), descriptor, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor, _))
+ if (ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor.charAt(0) == '[') {
+ Left(MethodNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor, None))
+ } else {
+ def notFound(cnf: Option[ClassNotFound]) = Left(MethodNotFound(name, descriptor, ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor, cnf))
+ val res: Either[ClassNotFound, Option[(MethodNode, InternalName)]] = classNode(ownerInternalNameOrArrayDescriptor).flatMap(c =>
+ findInSuperClasses(c) flatMap {
+ case None => findInInterfaces(c)
+ case res => Right(res)
+ }
+ )
+ res match {
+ case Left(e) => notFound(Some(e))
+ case Right(None) => notFound(None)
+ case Right(Some(res)) => Right(res)
+ }
+ }
private def parseClass(internalName: InternalName): Either[ClassNotFound, ClassNode] = {
@@ -157,17 +290,7 @@ class ByteCodeRepository(val classPath: ClassFileLookup[AbstractFile], val isJav
} match {
case Some(node) => Right(node)
- case None => Left(ClassNotFound(internalName, isJavaSourceDefined(internalName)))
+ case None => Left(ClassNotFound(internalName, javaDefinedClasses(internalName)))
-object ByteCodeRepository {
- /**
- * The source of a ClassNode in the ByteCodeRepository. Can be either [[CompilationUnit]] if the
- * class is being compiled or [[Classfile]] if the class was parsed from the compilation classpath.
- */
- sealed trait Source
- object CompilationUnit extends Source
- object Classfile extends Source
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala
index 7aadd2c466..bfd92cac5c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/BytecodeUtils.scala
@@ -8,28 +8,29 @@ package backend.jvm
package opt
import scala.annotation.{tailrec, switch}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Collections._
-import{MethodWriter, ClassWriter, Label, Opcodes, Type}
+import{Label, Type}
import GenBCode._
-import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
-import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsJava._
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
object BytecodeUtils {
- final val maxJVMMethodSize = 65535
+ final val maxJVMMethodSize = 65535
// 5% margin, more than enough for the instructions added by the inliner (store / load args, null check for instance methods)
final val maxMethodSizeAfterInline = maxJVMMethodSize - (maxJVMMethodSize / 20)
object Goto {
def unapply(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Option[JumpInsnNode] = {
- if (instruction.getOpcode == Opcodes.GOTO) Some(instruction.asInstanceOf[JumpInsnNode])
+ if (instruction.getOpcode == GOTO) Some(instruction.asInstanceOf[JumpInsnNode])
else None
@@ -49,8 +50,9 @@ object BytecodeUtils {
object VarInstruction {
- def unapply(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Option[VarInsnNode] = {
- if (isVarInstruction(instruction)) Some(instruction.asInstanceOf[VarInsnNode])
+ def unapply(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Option[(AbstractInsnNode, Int)] = {
+ if (isLoadStoreOrRet(instruction)) Some((instruction, instruction.asInstanceOf[VarInsnNode].`var`))
+ else if (instruction.getOpcode == IINC) Some((instruction, instruction.asInstanceOf[IincInsnNode].`var`))
else None
@@ -59,30 +61,46 @@ object BytecodeUtils {
def isJumpNonJsr(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
val op = instruction.getOpcode
// JSR is deprecated in classfile version 50, disallowed in 51. historically, it was used to implement finally.
- op == Opcodes.GOTO || isConditionalJump(instruction)
+ op == GOTO || isConditionalJump(instruction)
def isConditionalJump(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
val op = instruction.getOpcode
- (op >= Opcodes.IFEQ && op <= Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE) || op == Opcodes.IFNULL || op == Opcodes.IFNONNULL
+ (op >= IFEQ && op <= IF_ACMPNE) || op == IFNULL || op == IFNONNULL
def isReturn(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
val op = instruction.getOpcode
- op >= Opcodes.IRETURN && op <= Opcodes.RETURN
+ op >= IRETURN && op <= RETURN
def isLoad(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
val op = instruction.getOpcode
- op >= Opcodes.ILOAD && op <= Opcodes.ALOAD
+ op >= ILOAD && op <= ALOAD
def isStore(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
val op = instruction.getOpcode
- op >= Opcodes.ISTORE && op <= Opcodes.ASTORE
+ op >= ISTORE && op <= ASTORE
+ }
+ def isLoadStoreOrRet(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = isLoad(instruction) || isStore(instruction) || instruction.getOpcode == RET
+ def isLoadOrStore(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = isLoad(instruction) || isStore(instruction)
+ def isNonVirtualCall(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
+ val op = instruction.getOpcode
- def isVarInstruction(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = isLoad(instruction) || isStore(instruction)
+ def isVirtualCall(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
+ val op = instruction.getOpcode
+ }
+ def isCall(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
+ isNonVirtualCall(instruction) || isVirtualCall(instruction)
+ }
def isExecutable(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = instruction.getOpcode >= 0
@@ -90,27 +108,40 @@ object BytecodeUtils { == INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME || == CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME
- def isStaticMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0
+ def isPublicMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_PUBLIC) != 0
- def isAbstractMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0
+ def isPrivateMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_PRIVATE) != 0
- def isSynchronizedMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & Opcodes.ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) != 0
+ def isStaticMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_STATIC) != 0
- def isNativeMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE) != 0
+ def isAbstractMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0
- def isFinalClass(classNode: ClassNode): Boolean = (classNode.access & Opcodes.ACC_FINAL) != 0
+ def isSynchronizedMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) != 0
- def isFinalMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & (Opcodes.ACC_FINAL | Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC)) != 0
+ def isNativeMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_NATIVE) != 0
- def isStrictfpMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & Opcodes.ACC_STRICT) != 0
+ def hasCallerSensitiveAnnotation(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = methodNode.visibleAnnotations != null && methodNode.visibleAnnotations.asScala.exists(_.desc == "Lsun/reflect/CallerSensitive;")
+ def isFinalClass(classNode: ClassNode): Boolean = (classNode.access & ACC_FINAL) != 0
+ def isInterface(classNode: ClassNode): Boolean = (classNode.access & ACC_INTERFACE) != 0
+ def isFinalMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & (ACC_FINAL | ACC_PRIVATE | ACC_STATIC)) != 0
+ def isStrictfpMethod(methodNode: MethodNode): Boolean = (methodNode.access & ACC_STRICT) != 0
def isReference(t: Type) = t.getSort == Type.OBJECT || t.getSort == Type.ARRAY
- def nextExecutableInstruction(instruction: AbstractInsnNode, alsoKeep: AbstractInsnNode => Boolean = Set()): Option[AbstractInsnNode] = {
- var result = instruction
- do { result = result.getNext }
- while (result != null && !isExecutable(result) && !alsoKeep(result))
- Option(result)
+ @tailrec def nextExecutableInstruction(insn: AbstractInsnNode, alsoKeep: AbstractInsnNode => Boolean = Set()): Option[AbstractInsnNode] = {
+ val next = insn.getNext
+ if (next == null || isExecutable(next) || alsoKeep(next)) Option(next)
+ else nextExecutableInstruction(next, alsoKeep)
+ }
+ @tailrec def nextExecutableInstructionOrLabel(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Option[AbstractInsnNode] = {
+ val next = insn.getNext
+ if (next == null || isExecutable(next) || next.isInstanceOf[LabelNode]) Option(next)
+ else nextExecutableInstructionOrLabel(next)
def sameTargetExecutableInstruction(a: JumpInsnNode, b: JumpInsnNode): Boolean = {
@@ -124,14 +155,14 @@ object BytecodeUtils {
def removeJumpAndAdjustStack(method: MethodNode, jump: JumpInsnNode) {
val instructions = method.instructions
val op = jump.getOpcode
- if ((op >= Opcodes.IFEQ && op <= Opcodes.IFGE) || op == Opcodes.IFNULL || op == Opcodes.IFNONNULL) {
+ if ((op >= IFEQ && op <= IFLE) || op == IFNULL || op == IFNONNULL) {
instructions.insert(jump, getPop(1))
- } else if ((op >= Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ && op <= Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE) || op == Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ || op == Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE) {
+ } else if ((op >= IF_ICMPEQ && op <= IF_ICMPLE) || op == IF_ACMPEQ || op == IF_ACMPNE) {
instructions.insert(jump, getPop(1))
instructions.insert(jump, getPop(1))
} else {
// we can't remove JSR: its execution does not only jump, it also adds a return address to the stack
- assert(jump.getOpcode == Opcodes.GOTO)
+ assert(jump.getOpcode == GOTO)
@@ -148,37 +179,61 @@ object BytecodeUtils {
def negateJumpOpcode(jumpOpcode: Int): Int = (jumpOpcode: @switch) match {
- case Opcodes.IFEQ => Opcodes.IFNE
- case Opcodes.IFNE => Opcodes.IFEQ
+ case IFEQ => IFNE
+ case IFNE => IFEQ
+ case IFLT => IFGE
+ case IFGE => IFLT
- case Opcodes.IFLT => Opcodes.IFGE
- case Opcodes.IFGE => Opcodes.IFLT
+ case IFGT => IFLE
+ case IFLE => IFGT
- case Opcodes.IFGT => Opcodes.IFLE
- case Opcodes.IFLE => Opcodes.IFGT
- case Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ => Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE
- case Opcodes.IF_ICMPNE => Opcodes.IF_ICMPEQ
- case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT => Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE
- case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGE => Opcodes.IF_ICMPLT
- case Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT => Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE
- case Opcodes.IF_ICMPLE => Opcodes.IF_ICMPGT
- case Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ => Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE
- case Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE => Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ
+ }
- case Opcodes.IFNULL => Opcodes.IFNONNULL
- case Opcodes.IFNONNULL => Opcodes.IFNULL
+ def isSize2LoadOrStore(opcode: Int): Boolean = (opcode: @switch) match {
+ case LLOAD | DLOAD | LSTORE | DSTORE => true
+ case _ => false
def getPop(size: Int): InsnNode = {
- val op = if (size == 1) Opcodes.POP else Opcodes.POP2
+ val op = if (size == 1) POP else POP2
new InsnNode(op)
- def instructionResultSize(instruction: AbstractInsnNode) = InstructionResultSize(instruction)
+ def instructionResultSize(insn: AbstractInsnNode) =
+ def loadZeroForTypeSort(sort: Int) = (sort: @switch) match {
+ case Type.BOOLEAN |
+ Type.BYTE |
+ Type.CHAR |
+ Type.SHORT |
+ Type.INT => new InsnNode(ICONST_0)
+ case Type.LONG => new InsnNode(LCONST_0)
+ case Type.FLOAT => new InsnNode(FCONST_0)
+ case Type.DOUBLE => new InsnNode(DCONST_0)
+ case Type.OBJECT => new InsnNode(ACONST_NULL)
+ }
+ /**
+ * The number of local variable slots used for parameters and for the `this` reference.
+ */
+ def parametersSize(methodNode: MethodNode): Int = {
+ (Type.getArgumentsAndReturnSizes(methodNode.desc) >> 2) - (if (isStaticMethod(methodNode)) 1 else 0)
+ }
def labelReferences(method: MethodNode): Map[LabelNode, Set[AnyRef]] = {
val res = mutable.Map.empty[LabelNode, Set[AnyRef]]
@@ -222,29 +277,6 @@ object BytecodeUtils {
- /**
- * In order to run an Analyzer, the maxLocals / maxStack fields need to be available. The ASM
- * framework only computes these values during bytecode generation.
- *
- * Since there's currently no better way, we run a bytecode generator on the method and extract
- * the computed values. This required changes to the ASM codebase:
- * - the [[MethodWriter]] class was made public
- * - accessors for maxLocals / maxStack were added to the MethodWriter class
- *
- * We could probably make this faster (and allocate less memory) by hacking the ASM framework
- * more: create a subclass of MethodWriter with a /dev/null byteVector. Another option would be
- * to create a separate visitor for computing those values, duplicating the functionality from the
- * MethodWriter.
- */
- def computeMaxLocalsMaxStack(method: MethodNode): Unit = {
- val cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS)
- val excs = method.exceptions.asScala.toArray
- val mw = cw.visitMethod(method.access,, method.desc, method.signature, excs).asInstanceOf[MethodWriter]
- method.accept(mw)
- method.maxLocals = mw.getMaxLocals
- method.maxStack = mw.getMaxStack
- }
def codeSizeOKForInlining(caller: MethodNode, callee: MethodNode): Boolean = {
// Looking at the implementation of CodeSizeEvaluator, all instructions except tableswitch and
// lookupswitch are <= 8 bytes. These should be rare enough for 8 to be an OK rough upper bound.
@@ -289,34 +321,36 @@ object BytecodeUtils {
- * Clone the instructions in `methodNode` into a new [[InsnList]], mapping labels according to
- * the `labelMap`. Returns the new instruction list and a map from old to new instructions.
- */
- def cloneInstructions(methodNode: MethodNode, labelMap: Map[LabelNode, LabelNode]): (InsnList, Map[AbstractInsnNode, AbstractInsnNode]) = {
- val javaLabelMap = labelMap.asJava
- val result = new InsnList
- var map = Map.empty[AbstractInsnNode, AbstractInsnNode]
- for (ins <- methodNode.instructions.iterator.asScala) {
- val cloned = ins.clone(javaLabelMap)
- result add cloned
- map += ((ins, cloned))
- }
- (result, map)
- }
- /**
* Clone the local variable descriptors of `methodNode` and map their `start` and `end` labels
* according to the `labelMap`.
- def cloneLocalVariableNodes(methodNode: MethodNode, labelMap: Map[LabelNode, LabelNode], prefix: String): List[LocalVariableNode] = {
- methodNode.localVariables.iterator() => new LocalVariableNode(
- prefix +,
- localVariable.desc,
- localVariable.signature,
- labelMap(localVariable.start),
- labelMap(localVariable.end),
- localVariable.index
- )).toList
+ def cloneLocalVariableNodes(methodNode: MethodNode, labelMap: Map[LabelNode, LabelNode], calleeMethodName: String, shift: Int): List[LocalVariableNode] = {
+ methodNode.localVariables.iterator() => {
+ val name =
+ if (calleeMethodName.length + < BTypes.InlinedLocalVariablePrefixMaxLenght) {
+ calleeMethodName + "_" +
+ } else {
+ val parts ="_").toVector
+ val (methNames, varName) = (calleeMethodName +: parts.init, parts.last)
+ // keep at least 5 characters per method name
+ val maxNumMethNames = BTypes.InlinedLocalVariablePrefixMaxLenght / 5
+ val usedMethNames =
+ if (methNames.length < maxNumMethNames) methNames
+ else {
+ val half = maxNumMethNames / 2
+ methNames.take(half) ++ methNames.takeRight(half)
+ }
+ val charsPerMethod = BTypes.InlinedLocalVariablePrefixMaxLenght / usedMethNames.length
+ usedMethNames.foldLeft("")((res, methName) => res + methName.take(charsPerMethod) + "_") + varName
+ }
+ new LocalVariableNode(
+ name,
+ localVariable.desc,
+ localVariable.signature,
+ labelMap(localVariable.start),
+ labelMap(localVariable.end),
+ localVariable.index + shift)
+ }).toList
@@ -344,23 +378,14 @@ object BytecodeUtils {
* method which explains the issue with such phantom values.
def fixLoadedNothingOrNullValue(loadedType: Type, loadInstr: AbstractInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode, bTypes: BTypes): Unit = {
- if (loadedType == bTypes.coreBTypes.RT_NOTHING.toASMType) {
- methodNode.instructions.insert(loadInstr, new InsnNode(Opcodes.ATHROW))
- } else if (loadedType == bTypes.coreBTypes.RT_NULL.toASMType) {
- methodNode.instructions.insert(loadInstr, new InsnNode(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL))
- methodNode.instructions.insert(loadInstr, new InsnNode(Opcodes.POP))
+ if (loadedType == bTypes.coreBTypes.srNothingRef.toASMType) {
+ methodNode.instructions.insert(loadInstr, new InsnNode(ATHROW))
+ } else if (loadedType == bTypes.coreBTypes.srNullRef.toASMType) {
+ methodNode.instructions.insert(loadInstr, new InsnNode(ACONST_NULL))
+ methodNode.instructions.insert(loadInstr, new InsnNode(POP))
- /**
- * A wrapper to make ASM's Analyzer a bit easier to use.
- */
- class AsmAnalyzer[V <: Value](methodNode: MethodNode, classInternalName: InternalName, interpreter: Interpreter[V] = new BasicInterpreter) {
- val analyzer = new Analyzer(interpreter)
- analyzer.analyze(classInternalName, methodNode)
- def frameAt(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Frame[V] = analyzer.frameAt(instruction, methodNode)
- }
implicit class AnalyzerExtensions[V <: Value](val analyzer: Analyzer[V]) extends AnyVal {
def frameAt(instruction: AbstractInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode): Frame[V] = analyzer.getFrames()(methodNode.instructions.indexOf(instruction))
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CallGraph.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CallGraph.scala
index 96455c0e38..a740ca525c 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CallGraph.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CallGraph.scala
@@ -7,182 +7,320 @@ package
package backend.jvm
package opt
+import scala.collection.immutable.IntMap
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{NoPosition, Position}
-import{Value, Analyzer, BasicInterpreter}
-import{Opcodes, Type, Handle}
+import{Handle, Opcodes, Type}
-import scala.collection.concurrent
-import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
+import scala.collection.{concurrent, mutable}
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import{InternalName, MethodInlineInfo}
-import{NotNull, NullnessAnalyzer}
-import ByteCodeRepository.{Source, CompilationUnit}
import BytecodeUtils._
class CallGraph[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
import btypes._
+ import backendUtils._
- val callsites: concurrent.Map[MethodInsnNode, Callsite] = recordPerRunCache(concurrent.TrieMap.empty)
+ /**
+ * The call graph contains the callsites in the program being compiled.
+ *
+ * Indexing the call graph by the containing MethodNode and the invocation MethodInsnNode allows
+ * finding callsites efficiently. For example, an inlining heuristic might want to know all
+ * callsites within a callee method.
+ *
+ * Note that the call graph is not guaranteed to be complete: callsites may be missing. In
+ * particular, if a method is very large, all of its callsites might not be in the hash map.
+ * The reason is that adding a method to the call graph requires running an ASM analyzer, which
+ * can be too slow.
+ *
+ * Note that call graph entries (Callsite instances) keep a reference to the invocation
+ * MethodInsnNode, which keeps all AbstractInsnNodes of the method reachable. Adding classes
+ * from the classpath to the call graph (in addition to classes being compiled) may prevent
+ * method instruction nodes from being GCd. The ByteCodeRepository has a fixed size cache for
+ * parsed ClassNodes - keeping all ClassNodes alive consumed too much memory.
+ * The call graph is less problematic because only methods being called are kept alive, not entire
+ * classes. But we should keep an eye on this.
+ */
+ val callsites: mutable.Map[MethodNode, Map[MethodInsnNode, Callsite]] = recordPerRunCache(concurrent.TrieMap.empty withDefaultValue Map.empty)
+ /**
+ * Closure instantiations in the program being compiled.
+ *
+ * Indexing closure instantiations by the containing MethodNode is beneficial for the closure
+ * optimizer: finding callsites to re-write requires running a producers-consumers analysis on
+ * the method. Here the closure instantiations are already grouped by method.
+ */
+ val closureInstantiations: mutable.Map[MethodNode, Map[InvokeDynamicInsnNode, ClosureInstantiation]] = recordPerRunCache(concurrent.TrieMap.empty withDefaultValue Map.empty)
+ def removeCallsite(invocation: MethodInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode): Option[Callsite] = {
+ val methodCallsites = callsites(methodNode)
+ val newCallsites = methodCallsites - invocation
+ if (newCallsites.isEmpty) callsites.remove(methodNode)
+ else callsites(methodNode) = newCallsites
+ methodCallsites.get(invocation)
+ }
+ def addCallsite(callsite: Callsite): Unit = {
+ val methodCallsites = callsites(callsite.callsiteMethod)
+ callsites(callsite.callsiteMethod) = methodCallsites + (callsite.callsiteInstruction -> callsite)
+ }
- val closureInstantiations: concurrent.Map[InvokeDynamicInsnNode, ClosureInstantiation] = recordPerRunCache(concurrent.TrieMap.empty)
+ def containsCallsite(callsite: Callsite): Boolean = callsites(callsite.callsiteMethod) contains callsite.callsiteInstruction
+ def findCallSite(method: MethodNode, call: MethodInsnNode): Option[Callsite] = callsites.getOrElse(method, Map.empty).get(call)
+ def removeClosureInstantiation(indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode): Option[ClosureInstantiation] = {
+ val methodClosureInits = closureInstantiations(methodNode)
+ val newClosureInits = methodClosureInits - indy
+ if (newClosureInits.isEmpty) closureInstantiations.remove(methodNode)
+ else closureInstantiations(methodNode) = newClosureInits
+ methodClosureInits.get(indy)
+ }
+ def addClosureInstantiation(closureInit: ClosureInstantiation) = {
+ val methodClosureInits = closureInstantiations(closureInit.ownerMethod)
+ closureInstantiations(closureInit.ownerMethod) = methodClosureInits + (closureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.indy -> closureInit)
+ }
def addClass(classNode: ClassNode): Unit = {
val classType = classBTypeFromClassNode(classNode)
- for {
- m <- classNode.methods.asScala
- (calls, closureInits) = analyzeCallsites(m, classType)
- } {
- calls foreach (callsite => callsites(callsite.callsiteInstruction) = callsite)
- closureInits foreach (lmf => closureInstantiations(lmf.indy) = ClosureInstantiation(lmf, m, classType))
- }
+ classNode.methods.asScala.foreach(addMethod(_, classType))
- /**
- * Returns a list of callsites in the method, plus a list of closure instantiation indy instructions.
- */
- def analyzeCallsites(methodNode: MethodNode, definingClass: ClassBType): (List[Callsite], List[LambdaMetaFactoryCall]) = {
+ def addIfMissing(methodNode: MethodNode, definingClass: ClassBType): Unit = {
+ if (!callsites.contains(methodNode)) addMethod(methodNode, definingClass)
+ }
- case class CallsiteInfo(safeToInline: Boolean, safeToRewrite: Boolean,
- annotatedInline: Boolean, annotatedNoInline: Boolean,
- warning: Option[CalleeInfoWarning])
+ def addMethod(methodNode: MethodNode, definingClass: ClassBType): Unit = {
+ if (!BytecodeUtils.isAbstractMethod(methodNode) && !BytecodeUtils.isNativeMethod(methodNode)) {
+ // TODO: run dataflow analyses to make the call graph more precise
+ // - producers to get forwarded parameters (ForwardedParam)
+ // - typeAnalysis for more precise argument types, more precise callee
+ // For now we run a NullnessAnalyzer. It is used to determine if the receiver of an instance
+ // call is known to be not-null, in which case we don't have to emit a null check when inlining.
+ // It is also used to get the stack height at the call site.
+ val analyzer = {
+ if (compilerSettings.optNullnessTracking && AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForNullness(methodNode)) {
+ Some(new AsmAnalyzer(methodNode, definingClass.internalName, new NullnessAnalyzer(btypes, methodNode)))
+ } else if (AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForBasicValue(methodNode)) {
+ Some(new AsmAnalyzer(methodNode, definingClass.internalName))
+ } else None
+ }
- /**
- * Analyze a callsite and gather meta-data that can be used for inlining decisions.
- */
- def analyzeCallsite(calleeMethodNode: MethodNode, calleeDeclarationClassBType: ClassBType, receiverTypeInternalName: InternalName, calleeSource: Source): CallsiteInfo = {
- val methodSignature = + calleeMethodNode.desc
+ // if the method is too large to run an analyzer, it is not added to the call graph
+ if (analyzer.nonEmpty) {
+ val Some(a) = analyzer
+ def receiverNotNullByAnalysis(call: MethodInsnNode, numArgs: Int) = a.analyzer match {
+ case nullnessAnalyzer: NullnessAnalyzer =>
+ val frame = nullnessAnalyzer.frameAt(call, methodNode)
+ frame.getStack(frame.getStackSize - 1 - numArgs) eq NotNullValue
+ case _ => false
+ }
- try {
- // The inlineInfo.methodInfos of a ClassBType holds an InlineInfo for each method *declared*
- // within a class (not for inherited methods). Since we already have the classBType of the
- // callee, we only check there for the methodInlineInfo, we should find it there.
- match {
- case Some(methodInlineInfo) =>
- val canInlineFromSource = compilerSettings.YoptInlineGlobal || calleeSource == CompilationUnit
+ var methodCallsites = Map.empty[MethodInsnNode, Callsite]
+ var methodClosureInstantiations = Map.empty[InvokeDynamicInsnNode, ClosureInstantiation]
+ // lazy so it is only computed if actually used by computeArgInfos
+ lazy val prodCons = new ProdConsAnalyzer(methodNode, definingClass.internalName)
+ methodNode.instructions.iterator.asScala foreach {
+ case call: MethodInsnNode if a.frameAt(call) != null => // skips over unreachable code
+ val callee: Either[OptimizerWarning, Callee] = for {
+ (method, declarationClass) <- byteCodeRepository.methodNode(call.owner,, call.desc): Either[OptimizerWarning, (MethodNode, InternalName)]
+ (declarationClassNode, calleeSourceFilePath) <- byteCodeRepository.classNodeAndSourceFilePath(declarationClass): Either[OptimizerWarning, (ClassNode, Option[String])]
+ } yield {
+ val declarationClassBType = classBTypeFromClassNode(declarationClassNode)
+ val info = analyzeCallsite(method, declarationClassBType, call, calleeSourceFilePath)
+ import info._
+ Callee(
+ callee = method,
+ calleeDeclarationClass = declarationClassBType,
+ isStaticallyResolved = isStaticallyResolved,
+ sourceFilePath = sourceFilePath,
+ annotatedInline = annotatedInline,
+ annotatedNoInline = annotatedNoInline,
+ samParamTypes = info.samParamTypes,
+ calleeInfoWarning = warning)
+ }
- val isAbstract = BytecodeUtils.isAbstractMethod(calleeMethodNode)
+ val argInfos = computeArgInfos(callee, call, prodCons)
- // (1) A non-final method can be safe to inline if the receiver type is a final subclass. Example:
- // class A { @inline def f = 1 }; object B extends A; B.f // can be inlined
- //
- // TODO: type analysis can render more calls statically resolved. Example:
- // new A.f // can be inlined, the receiver type is known to be exactly A.
- val isStaticallyResolved: Boolean = {
- methodInlineInfo.effectivelyFinal ||
- classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(receiverTypeInternalName).info.orThrow.inlineInfo.isEffectivelyFinal // (1)
+ val receiverNotNull = call.getOpcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC || {
+ val numArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(call.desc).length
+ receiverNotNullByAnalysis(call, numArgs)
- val isRewritableTraitCall = isStaticallyResolved && methodInlineInfo.traitMethodWithStaticImplementation
- val warning =
- MethodInlineInfoIncomplete(calleeDeclarationClassBType.internalName,, calleeMethodNode.desc, _))
- // (1) For invocations of final trait methods, the callee isStaticallyResolved but also
- // abstract. Such a callee is not safe to inline - it needs to be re-written to the
- // static impl method first (safeToRewrite).
- // (2) Final trait methods can be rewritten from the interface to the static implementation
- // method to enable inlining.
- CallsiteInfo(
- safeToInline =
- canInlineFromSource &&
- isStaticallyResolved && // (1)
- !isAbstract &&
- !BytecodeUtils.isConstructor(calleeMethodNode) &&
- !BytecodeUtils.isNativeMethod(calleeMethodNode),
- safeToRewrite = canInlineFromSource && isRewritableTraitCall, // (2)
- annotatedInline = methodInlineInfo.annotatedInline,
- annotatedNoInline = methodInlineInfo.annotatedNoInline,
- warning = warning)
- case None =>
- val warning = MethodInlineInfoMissing(calleeDeclarationClassBType.internalName,, calleeMethodNode.desc,
- CallsiteInfo(false, false, false, false, Some(warning))
+ methodCallsites += call -> Callsite(
+ callsiteInstruction = call,
+ callsiteMethod = methodNode,
+ callsiteClass = definingClass,
+ callee = callee,
+ argInfos = argInfos,
+ callsiteStackHeight = a.frameAt(call).getStackSize,
+ receiverKnownNotNull = receiverNotNull,
+ callsitePosition = callsitePositions.getOrElse(call, NoPosition),
+ annotatedInline = inlineAnnotatedCallsites(call),
+ annotatedNoInline = noInlineAnnotatedCallsites(call)
+ )
+ case LambdaMetaFactoryCall(indy, samMethodType, implMethod, instantiatedMethodType) if a.frameAt(indy) != null =>
+ val lmf = LambdaMetaFactoryCall(indy, samMethodType, implMethod, instantiatedMethodType)
+ val capturedArgInfos = computeCapturedArgInfos(lmf, prodCons)
+ methodClosureInstantiations += indy -> ClosureInstantiation(
+ lmf,
+ methodNode,
+ definingClass,
+ capturedArgInfos)
+ case _ =>
- } catch {
- case Invalid(noInfo: NoClassBTypeInfo) =>
- val warning = MethodInlineInfoError(calleeDeclarationClassBType.internalName,, calleeMethodNode.desc, noInfo)
- CallsiteInfo(false, false, false, false, Some(warning))
+ callsites(methodNode) = methodCallsites
+ closureInstantiations(methodNode) = methodClosureInstantiations
+ }
- // TODO: run dataflow analyses to make the call graph more precise
- // - producers to get forwarded parameters (ForwardedParam)
- // - typeAnalysis for more precise argument types, more precise callee
- // For now we run a NullnessAnalyzer. It is used to determine if the receiver of an instance
- // call is known to be not-null, in which case we don't have to emit a null check when inlining.
- // It is also used to get the stack height at the call site.
- localOpt.minimalRemoveUnreachableCode(methodNode, definingClass.internalName)
- val analyzer: Analyzer[_ <: Value] = {
- if (compilerSettings.YoptNullnessTracking) new NullnessAnalyzer
- else new Analyzer(new BasicInterpreter)
+ def computeArgInfos(callee: Either[OptimizerWarning, Callee], callsiteInsn: MethodInsnNode, prodCons: => ProdConsAnalyzer): IntMap[ArgInfo] = {
+ if (callee.isLeft) IntMap.empty
+ else {
+ lazy val numArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(callsiteInsn.desc).length + (if (callsiteInsn.getOpcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC) 0 else 1)
+ argInfosForSams(callee.get.samParamTypes, callsiteInsn, numArgs, prodCons)
- analyzer.analyze(definingClass.internalName, methodNode)
+ }
- def receiverNotNullByAnalysis(call: MethodInsnNode, numArgs: Int) = analyzer match {
- case nullnessAnalyzer: NullnessAnalyzer =>
- val frame = nullnessAnalyzer.frameAt(call, methodNode)
- frame.getStack(frame.getStackSize - 1 - numArgs).nullness == NotNull
+ def computeCapturedArgInfos(lmf: LambdaMetaFactoryCall, prodCons: => ProdConsAnalyzer): IntMap[ArgInfo] = {
+ val capturedSams = capturedSamTypes(lmf)
+ val numCaptures = Type.getArgumentTypes(lmf.indy.desc).length
+ argInfosForSams(capturedSams, lmf.indy, numCaptures, prodCons)
+ }
- case _ => false
+ private def argInfosForSams(sams: IntMap[ClassBType], consumerInsn: AbstractInsnNode, numConsumed: => Int, prodCons: => ProdConsAnalyzer): IntMap[ArgInfo] = {
+ // TODO: use type analysis instead of ProdCons - should be more efficient
+ // some random thoughts:
+ // - assign special types to parameters and indy-lambda-functions to track them
+ // - upcast should not change type flow analysis: don't lose information.
+ // - can we do something about factory calls? Foo(x) for case class foo gives a Foo.
+ // inline the factory? analysis across method boundary?
+ // assign to a lazy val to prevent repeated evaluation of the by-name arg
+ lazy val prodConsI = prodCons
+ lazy val firstConsumedSlot = {
+ val consumerFrame = prodConsI.frameAt(consumerInsn)
+ consumerFrame.stackTop - numConsumed + 1
- val callsites = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Callsite]
- val closureInstantiations = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[LambdaMetaFactoryCall]
- methodNode.instructions.iterator.asScala foreach {
- case call: MethodInsnNode =>
- val callee: Either[OptimizerWarning, Callee] = for {
- (method, declarationClass) <- byteCodeRepository.methodNode(call.owner,, call.desc): Either[OptimizerWarning, (MethodNode, InternalName)]
- (declarationClassNode, source) <- byteCodeRepository.classNodeAndSource(declarationClass): Either[OptimizerWarning, (ClassNode, Source)]
- declarationClassBType = classBTypeFromClassNode(declarationClassNode)
- } yield {
- val CallsiteInfo(safeToInline, safeToRewrite, annotatedInline, annotatedNoInline, warning) = analyzeCallsite(method, declarationClassBType, call.owner, source)
- Callee(
- callee = method,
- calleeDeclarationClass = declarationClassBType,
- safeToInline = safeToInline,
- safeToRewrite = safeToRewrite,
- annotatedInline = annotatedInline,
- annotatedNoInline = annotatedNoInline,
- calleeInfoWarning = warning)
+ sams flatMap {
+ case (index, _) =>
+ val prods = prodConsI.initialProducersForValueAt(consumerInsn, firstConsumedSlot + index)
+ if (prods.size != 1) None
+ else {
+ val argInfo = prods.head match {
+ case LambdaMetaFactoryCall(_, _, _, _) => Some(FunctionLiteral)
+ case ParameterProducer(local) => Some(ForwardedParam(local))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+, _))
+ }
+ }
- val argInfos = if (callee.isLeft) Nil else {
- // TODO: for now it's Nil, because we don't run any data flow analysis
- // there's no point in using the parameter types, that doesn't add any information.
- // NOTE: need to run the same analyses after inlining, to re-compute the argInfos for the
- // new duplicated callsites, see Inliner.inline
- Nil
- }
+ def samParamTypes(methodNode: MethodNode, receiverType: ClassBType): IntMap[ClassBType] = {
+ val paramTypes = {
+ val params = Type.getMethodType(methodNode.desc) => bTypeForDescriptorOrInternalNameFromClassfile(t.getDescriptor))
+ val isStatic = BytecodeUtils.isStaticMethod(methodNode)
+ if (isStatic) params else receiverType +: params
+ }
+ samTypes(paramTypes)
+ }
- val receiverNotNull = call.getOpcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC || {
- val numArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(call.desc).length
- receiverNotNullByAnalysis(call, numArgs)
- }
+ def capturedSamTypes(lmf: LambdaMetaFactoryCall): IntMap[ClassBType] = {
+ val capturedTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(lmf.indy.desc).map(t => bTypeForDescriptorOrInternalNameFromClassfile(t.getDescriptor))
+ samTypes(capturedTypes)
+ }
- callsites += Callsite(
- callsiteInstruction = call,
- callsiteMethod = methodNode,
- callsiteClass = definingClass,
- callee = callee,
- argInfos = argInfos,
- callsiteStackHeight = analyzer.frameAt(call, methodNode).getStackSize,
- receiverKnownNotNull = receiverNotNull,
- callsitePosition = callsitePositions.getOrElse(call, NoPosition)
- )
- case LambdaMetaFactoryCall(indy, samMethodType, implMethod, instantiatedMethodType) =>
- closureInstantiations += LambdaMetaFactoryCall(indy, samMethodType, implMethod, instantiatedMethodType)
- case _ =>
- }
+ private def samTypes(types: Array[BType]): IntMap[ClassBType] = {
+ var res = IntMap.empty[ClassBType]
+ for (i <- types.indices) {
+ types(i) match {
+ case c: ClassBType =>
+ if ( res = res.updated(i, c)
- (callsites.toList, closureInstantiations.toList)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ res
+ * Just a named tuple used as return type of `analyzeCallsite`.
+ */
+ private case class CallsiteInfo(isStaticallyResolved: Boolean, sourceFilePath: Option[String],
+ annotatedInline: Boolean, annotatedNoInline: Boolean,
+ samParamTypes: IntMap[ClassBType],
+ warning: Option[CalleeInfoWarning])
+ /**
+ * Analyze a callsite and gather meta-data that can be used for inlining decisions.
+ */
+ private def analyzeCallsite(calleeMethodNode: MethodNode, calleeDeclarationClassBType: ClassBType, call: MethodInsnNode, calleeSourceFilePath: Option[String]): CallsiteInfo = {
+ val methodSignature = + calleeMethodNode.desc
+ try {
+ // The inlineInfo.methodInfos of a ClassBType holds an InlineInfo for each method *declared*
+ // within a class (not for inherited methods). Since we already have the classBType of the
+ // callee, we only check there for the methodInlineInfo, we should find it there.
+ match {
+ case Some(methodInlineInfo) =>
+ val isAbstract = BytecodeUtils.isAbstractMethod(calleeMethodNode)
+ val receiverType = classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(call.owner)
+ // (1) A non-final method can be safe to inline if the receiver type is a final subclass. Example:
+ // class A { @inline def f = 1 }; object B extends A; B.f // can be inlined
+ //
+ // TODO: (1) doesn't cover the following example:
+ // trait TravLike { def map = ... }
+ // sealed trait List extends TravLike { ... } // assume map is not overridden
+ // final case class :: / final case object Nil
+ // (l: List).map // can be inlined
+ // we need to know that
+ // - the receiver is sealed
+ // - what are the children of the receiver
+ // - all children are final
+ // - none of the children overrides map
+ //
+ // TODO: type analysis can render more calls statically resolved. Example:
+ // new A.f // can be inlined, the receiver type is known to be exactly A.
+ val isStaticallyResolved: Boolean = {
+ isNonVirtualCall(call) || // SD-86: super calls (invokespecial) can be inlined -- TODO: check if that's still needed, and if it's correct: scala-dev#143
+ methodInlineInfo.effectivelyFinal ||
+ // (1)
+ }
+ val warning =
+ MethodInlineInfoIncomplete(calleeDeclarationClassBType.internalName,, calleeMethodNode.desc, _))
+ CallsiteInfo(
+ isStaticallyResolved = isStaticallyResolved,
+ sourceFilePath = calleeSourceFilePath,
+ annotatedInline = methodInlineInfo.annotatedInline,
+ annotatedNoInline = methodInlineInfo.annotatedNoInline,
+ samParamTypes = samParamTypes(calleeMethodNode, receiverType),
+ warning = warning)
+ case None =>
+ val warning = MethodInlineInfoMissing(calleeDeclarationClassBType.internalName,, calleeMethodNode.desc,
+ CallsiteInfo(false, None, false, false, IntMap.empty, Some(warning))
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case Invalid(noInfo: NoClassBTypeInfo) =>
+ val warning = MethodInlineInfoError(calleeDeclarationClassBType.internalName,, calleeMethodNode.desc, noInfo)
+ CallsiteInfo(false, None, false, false, IntMap.empty, Some(warning))
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* A callsite in the call graph.
* @param callsiteInstruction The invocation instruction
@@ -197,21 +335,35 @@ class CallGraph[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* @param callsitePosition The source position of the callsite, used for inliner warnings.
final case class Callsite(callsiteInstruction: MethodInsnNode, callsiteMethod: MethodNode, callsiteClass: ClassBType,
- callee: Either[OptimizerWarning, Callee], argInfos: List[ArgInfo],
- callsiteStackHeight: Int, receiverKnownNotNull: Boolean, callsitePosition: Position) {
+ callee: Either[OptimizerWarning, Callee], argInfos: IntMap[ArgInfo],
+ callsiteStackHeight: Int, receiverKnownNotNull: Boolean, callsitePosition: Position,
+ annotatedInline: Boolean, annotatedNoInline: Boolean) {
+ /**
+ * Contains callsites that were created during inlining by cloning this callsite. Used to find
+ * corresponding callsites when inlining post-inline requests.
+ */
+ val inlinedClones = mutable.Set.empty[ClonedCallsite]
+ // an annotation at the callsite takes precedence over an annotation at the definition site
+ def isInlineAnnotated = annotatedInline || (callee.get.annotatedInline && !annotatedNoInline)
+ def isNoInlineAnnotated = annotatedNoInline || (callee.get.annotatedNoInline && !annotatedInline)
override def toString =
"Invocation of" +
s" ${"?")}.${ + callsiteInstruction.desc}" +
s"@${callsiteMethod.instructions.indexOf(callsiteInstruction)}" +
- s" in ${callsiteClass.internalName}.${}"
+ s" in ${callsiteClass.internalName}.${}${callsiteMethod.desc}"
+ final case class ClonedCallsite(callsite: Callsite, clonedWhenInlining: Callsite)
* Information about invocation arguments, obtained through data flow analysis of the callsite method.
sealed trait ArgInfo
- final case class ArgTypeInfo(argType: BType, isPrecise: Boolean, knownNotNull: Boolean) extends ArgInfo
+ case object FunctionLiteral extends ArgInfo
final case class ForwardedParam(index: Int) extends ArgInfo
+ // final case class ArgTypeInfo(argType: BType, isPrecise: Boolean, knownNotNull: Boolean) extends ArgInfo
// can be extended, e.g., with constant types
@@ -221,46 +373,50 @@ class CallGraph[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* virtual calls, an override of the callee might be invoked. Also,
* the callee can be abstract.
* @param calleeDeclarationClass The class in which the callee is declared
- * @param safeToInline True if the callee can be safely inlined: it cannot be overridden,
- * and the inliner settings (project / global) allow inlining it.
- * @param safeToRewrite True if the callee is the interface method of a concrete trait method
- * that can be safely re-written to the static implementation method.
+ * @param isStaticallyResolved True if the callee cannot be overridden
* @param annotatedInline True if the callee is annotated @inline
* @param annotatedNoInline True if the callee is annotated @noinline
+ * @param samParamTypes A map from parameter positions to SAM parameter types
* @param calleeInfoWarning An inliner warning if some information was not available while
* gathering the information about this callee.
- final case class Callee(callee: MethodNode, calleeDeclarationClass: ClassBType,
- safeToInline: Boolean, safeToRewrite: Boolean,
+ final case class Callee(callee: MethodNode, calleeDeclarationClass: btypes.ClassBType,
+ isStaticallyResolved: Boolean, sourceFilePath: Option[String],
annotatedInline: Boolean, annotatedNoInline: Boolean,
+ samParamTypes: IntMap[btypes.ClassBType],
calleeInfoWarning: Option[CalleeInfoWarning]) {
- assert(!(safeToInline && safeToRewrite), s"A callee of ${} can be either safeToInline or safeToRewrite, but not both.")
+ override def toString = s"Callee($calleeDeclarationClass.${})"
+ def canInlineFromSource = inlinerHeuristics.canInlineFromSource(sourceFilePath)
+ def isAbstract = isAbstractMethod(callee)
+ def isSpecialMethod = isConstructor(callee) || isNativeMethod(callee) || hasCallerSensitiveAnnotation(callee)
+ def safeToInline = isStaticallyResolved && canInlineFromSource && !isAbstract && !isSpecialMethod
- final case class ClosureInstantiation(lambdaMetaFactoryCall: LambdaMetaFactoryCall, ownerMethod: MethodNode, ownerClass: ClassBType) {
+ /**
+ * Metadata about a closure instantiation, stored in the call graph
+ *
+ * @param lambdaMetaFactoryCall the InvokeDynamic instruction
+ * @param ownerMethod the method where the closure is allocated
+ * @param ownerClass the class containing the above method
+ * @param capturedArgInfos information about captured arguments. Used for updating the call
+ * graph when re-writing a closure invocation to the body method.
+ */
+ final case class ClosureInstantiation(lambdaMetaFactoryCall: LambdaMetaFactoryCall, ownerMethod: MethodNode, ownerClass: ClassBType, capturedArgInfos: IntMap[ArgInfo]) {
+ /**
+ * Contains closure instantiations that were created during inlining by cloning this instantiation.
+ */
+ val inlinedClones = mutable.Set.empty[ClosureInstantiation]
override def toString = s"ClosureInstantiation($lambdaMetaFactoryCall, ${ + ownerMethod.desc}, $ownerClass)"
final case class LambdaMetaFactoryCall(indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode, samMethodType: Type, implMethod: Handle, instantiatedMethodType: Type)
object LambdaMetaFactoryCall {
- private val lambdaMetaFactoryInternalName: InternalName = "java/lang/invoke/LambdaMetafactory"
- private val metafactoryHandle = {
- val metafactoryMethodName: String = "metafactory"
- val metafactoryDesc: String = "(Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandle;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;"
- new Handle(Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC, lambdaMetaFactoryInternalName, metafactoryMethodName, metafactoryDesc)
- }
- private val altMetafactoryHandle = {
- val altMetafactoryMethodName: String = "altMetafactory"
- val altMetafactoryDesc: String = "(Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/invoke/MethodType;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/invoke/CallSite;"
- new Handle(Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC, lambdaMetaFactoryInternalName, altMetafactoryMethodName, altMetafactoryDesc)
- }
def unapply(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Option[(InvokeDynamicInsnNode, Type, Handle, Type)] = insn match {
- case indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode if indy.bsm == metafactoryHandle || indy.bsm == altMetafactoryHandle =>
+ case indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode if indy.bsm == coreBTypes.lambdaMetaFactoryMetafactoryHandle || indy.bsm == coreBTypes.lambdaMetaFactoryAltMetafactoryHandle =>
indy.bsmArgs match {
- case Array(samMethodType: Type, implMethod: Handle, instantiatedMethodType: Type, xs@_*) => // xs binding because IntelliJ gets confused about _@_*
+ case Array(samMethodType: Type, implMethod: Handle, instantiatedMethodType: Type, _@_*) =>
// LambdaMetaFactory performs a number of automatic adaptations when invoking the lambda
// implementation method (casting, boxing, unboxing, and primitive widening, see Javadoc).
@@ -284,7 +440,7 @@ class CallGraph[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
// When re-writing the closure callsite to the implMethod, we have to insert a cast.
// The check below ensures that
- // (1) the implMethod type has the expected singature (captured types plus argument types
+ // (1) the implMethod type has the expected signature (captured types plus argument types
// from instantiatedMethodType)
// (2) the receiver of the implMethod matches the first captured type
// (3) all parameters that are not the same in samMethodType and instantiatedMethodType
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ClosureOptimizer.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ClosureOptimizer.scala
index b0dc6ead1b..2fca8991ab 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ClosureOptimizer.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/ClosureOptimizer.scala
@@ -8,21 +8,39 @@ package backend.jvm
package opt
import scala.annotation.switch
-import scala.collection.immutable
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.collection.immutable.IntMap
import scala.reflect.internal.util.NoPosition
import{Type, Opcodes}
import BytecodeUtils._
import BackendReporting._
import Opcodes._
-import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
import btypes._
import callGraph._
+ import coreBTypes._
+ import backendUtils._
+ import ClosureOptimizer._
+ private object closureInitOrdering extends Ordering[ClosureInstantiation] {
+ override def compare(x: ClosureInstantiation, y: ClosureInstantiation): Int = {
+ val cls = x.ownerClass.internalName compareTo y.ownerClass.internalName
+ if (cls != 0) return cls
+ val mName = compareTo
+ if (mName != 0) return mName
+ val mDesc = x.ownerMethod.desc compareTo y.ownerMethod.desc
+ if (mDesc != 0) return mDesc
+ def pos(inst: ClosureInstantiation) = inst.ownerMethod.instructions.indexOf(inst.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.indy)
+ pos(x) - pos(y)
+ }
+ }
* If a closure is allocated and invoked within the same method, re-write the invocation to the
@@ -54,55 +72,51 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* [invoke the closure body method]
def rewriteClosureApplyInvocations(): Unit = {
- implicit object closureInitOrdering extends Ordering[ClosureInstantiation] {
- override def compare(x: ClosureInstantiation, y: ClosureInstantiation): Int = {
- val cls = x.ownerClass.internalName compareTo y.ownerClass.internalName
- if (cls != 0) return cls
- val mName = compareTo
- if (mName != 0) return mName
- val mDesc = x.ownerMethod.desc compareTo y.ownerMethod.desc
- if (mDesc != 0) return mDesc
- def pos(inst: ClosureInstantiation) = inst.ownerMethod.instructions.indexOf(inst.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.indy)
- pos(x) - pos(y)
- }
+ // sort all closure invocations to rewrite to ensure bytecode stability
+ val toRewrite = mutable.TreeMap.empty[ClosureInstantiation, mutable.ArrayBuffer[(MethodInsnNode, Int)]](closureInitOrdering)
+ def addRewrite(init: ClosureInstantiation, invocation: MethodInsnNode, stackHeight: Int): Unit = {
+ val callsites = toRewrite.getOrElseUpdate(init, mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(MethodInsnNode, Int)])
+ callsites += ((invocation, stackHeight))
- // Grouping the closure instantiations by method allows running the ProdConsAnalyzer only once per
- // method. Also sort the instantiations: If there are multiple closure instantiations in a method,
- // closure invocations need to be re-written in a consistent order for bytecode stability. The local
- // variable slots for storing captured values depends on the order of rewriting.
- val closureInstantiationsByMethod: Map[MethodNode, immutable.TreeSet[ClosureInstantiation]] = {
- closureInstantiations.values.groupBy(_.ownerMethod).mapValues(immutable.TreeSet.empty ++ _)
- }
+ // For each closure instantiation find callsites of the closure and add them to the toRewrite
+ // buffer (cannot change a method's bytecode while still looking for further invocations to
+ // rewrite, the frame indices of the ProdCons analysis would get out of date). If a callsite
+ // cannot be rewritten, for example because the lambda body method is not accessible, issue a
+ // warning. The `toList` in the next line prevents modifying closureInstantiations while
+ // iterating it: minimalRemoveUnreachableCode (called in the loop) removes elements.
+ for (method <- closureInstantiations.keysIterator.toList if AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForBasicValue(method)) closureInstantiations.get(method) match {
+ case Some(closureInitsBeforeDCE) if closureInitsBeforeDCE.nonEmpty =>
+ val ownerClass = closureInitsBeforeDCE.head._2.ownerClass.internalName
+ // Advanced ProdCons queries (initialProducersForValueAt) expect no unreachable code.
+ localOpt.minimalRemoveUnreachableCode(method, ownerClass)
+ if (AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForSourceValue(method)) closureInstantiations.get(method) match {
+ case Some(closureInits) =>
+ // A lazy val to ensure the analysis only runs if necessary (the value is passed by name to `closureCallsites`)
+ lazy val prodCons = new ProdConsAnalyzer(method, ownerClass)
+ for (init <- closureInits.valuesIterator) closureCallsites(init, prodCons) foreach {
+ case Left(warning) =>
+ backendReporting.inlinerWarning(warning.pos, warning.toString)
+ case Right((invocation, stackHeight)) =>
+ addRewrite(init, invocation, stackHeight)
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
- // For each closure instantiation, a list of callsites of the closure that can be re-written
- // If a callsite cannot be rewritten, for example because the lambda body method is not accessible,
- // a warning is returned instead.
- val callsitesToRewrite: List[(ClosureInstantiation, List[Either[RewriteClosureApplyToClosureBodyFailed, (MethodInsnNode, Int)]])] = {
- closureInstantiationsByMethod.iterator.flatMap({
- case (methodNode, closureInits) =>
- // A lazy val to ensure the analysis only runs if necessary (the value is passed by name to `closureCallsites`)
- lazy val prodCons = new ProdConsAnalyzer(methodNode, closureInits.head.ownerClass.internalName)
- => (init, closureCallsites(init, prodCons)))
- }).toList // mapping to a list (not a map) to keep the sorting of closureInstantiationsByMethod
+ case _ =>
- // Rewrite all closure callsites (or issue inliner warnings for those that cannot be rewritten)
- for ((closureInit, callsites) <- callsitesToRewrite) {
+ for ((closureInit, invocations) <- toRewrite) {
// Local variables that hold the captured values and the closure invocation arguments.
- // They are lazy vals to ensure that locals for captured values are only allocated if there's
- // actually a callsite to rewrite (an not only warnings to be issued).
- lazy val (localsForCapturedValues, argumentLocalsList) = localsForClosureRewrite(closureInit)
- for (callsite <- callsites) callsite match {
- case Left(warning) =>
- backendReporting.inlinerWarning(warning.pos, warning.toString)
- case Right((invocation, stackHeight)) =>
- rewriteClosureApplyInvocation(closureInit, invocation, stackHeight, localsForCapturedValues, argumentLocalsList)
- }
+ val (localsForCapturedValues, argumentLocalsList) = localsForClosureRewrite(closureInit)
+ for ((invocation, stackHeight) <- invocations)
+ rewriteClosureApplyInvocation(closureInit, invocation, stackHeight, localsForCapturedValues, argumentLocalsList)
@@ -122,20 +136,7 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
val argTypes = closureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.samMethodType.getArgumentTypes
val firstArgLocal = ownerMethod.maxLocals
- // The comment in the unapply method of `LambdaMetaFactoryCall` explains why we have to introduce
- // casts for arguments that have different types in samMethodType and instantiatedMethodType.
- val castLoadTypes = {
- val instantiatedMethodType = closureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.instantiatedMethodType
- (argTypes, instantiatedMethodType.getArgumentTypes).zipped map {
- case (samArgType, instantiatedArgType) if samArgType != instantiatedArgType =>
- // the LambdaMetaFactoryCall extractor ensures that the two types are reference types,
- // so we don't end up casting primitive values.
- Some(instantiatedArgType)
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- }
- val argLocals = LocalsList.fromTypes(firstArgLocal, argTypes, castLoadTypes)
+ val argLocals = LocalsList.fromTypes(firstArgLocal, argTypes)
ownerMethod.maxLocals = firstArgLocal + argLocals.size
(captureLocals, argLocals)
@@ -154,7 +155,7 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
// TODO: This is maybe over-cautious.
// We are checking if the closure body method is accessible at the closure callsite.
// If the closure allocation has access to the body method, then the callsite (in the same
- // method as the alloction) should have access too.
+ // method as the allocation) should have access too.
val bodyAccessible: Either[OptimizerWarning, Boolean] = for {
(bodyMethodNode, declClass) <- byteCodeRepository.methodNode(lambdaBodyHandle.getOwner, lambdaBodyHandle.getName, lambdaBodyHandle.getDesc): Either[OptimizerWarning, (MethodNode, InternalName)]
isAccessible <- inliner.memberIsAccessible(bodyMethodNode.access, classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(declClass), classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(lambdaBodyHandle.getOwner), ownerClass)
@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
- def pos = callGraph.callsites.get(invocation).map(_.callsitePosition).getOrElse(NoPosition)
+ def pos = callGraph.callsites(ownerMethod).get(invocation).map(_.callsitePosition).getOrElse(NoPosition)
val stackSize: Either[RewriteClosureApplyToClosureBodyFailed, Int] = bodyAccessible match {
case Left(w) => Left(RewriteClosureAccessCheckFailed(pos, w))
case Right(false) => Left(RewriteClosureIllegalAccess(pos, ownerClass.internalName))
@@ -173,6 +174,28 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
+ /**
+ * Check whether `invocation` invokes the SAM of the IndyLambda `closureInit`.
+ *
+ * In addition to a perfect match, we also identify cases where a generic FunctionN is created
+ * but the invocation is to a specialized variant apply$sp... Vice-versa, we also allow the
+ * case where a specialized FunctionN$sp.. is created but the generic apply is invoked. In
+ * these cases, the translation will introduce the necessary box / unbox invocations. Example:
+ *
+ * val f: Int => Any = (x: Int) => 1
+ * f(10)
+ *
+ * The IndyLambda creates a specialized `JFunction1$mcII$sp`, whose SAM is `apply$mcII$sp(I)I`.
+ * The invocation calls `apply(Object)Object`: the method name and type don't match.
+ * We identify these cases, insert the necessary unbox operation for the arguments, and invoke
+ * the `$anonfun(I)I` method.
+ *
+ * Tests in InlinerTest.optimizeSpecializedClosures. In that test, methods t4/t4a/t5/t8 show
+ * examples where the parameters have to be unboxed because generic `apply` is called, but the
+ * lambda body method takes primitive types.
+ * The opposite case is in t9: a the specialized `apply$sp..` is invoked, but the lambda body
+ * method takes boxed arguments, so we have to insert boxing operations.
+ */
private def isSamInvocation(invocation: MethodInsnNode, closureInit: ClosureInstantiation, prodCons: => ProdConsAnalyzer): Boolean = {
val indy = closureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.indy
if (invocation.getOpcode == INVOKESTATIC) false
@@ -187,11 +210,85 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
receiverProducers.size == 1 && receiverProducers.head == indy
- == && {
- val indySamMethodDesc = closureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.samMethodType.getDescriptor
- indySamMethodDesc == invocation.desc
- } &&
- closureIsReceiver // most expensive check last
+ def isSpecializedVersion(specName: String, nonSpecName: String) = specName.startsWith(nonSpecName) && specializationSuffix.pattern.matcher(specName.substring(nonSpecName.length)).matches
+ def sameOrSpecializedType(specTp: Type, nonSpecTp: Type) = {
+ specTp == nonSpecTp || {
+ val specDesc = specTp.getDescriptor
+ val nonSpecDesc = nonSpecTp.getDescriptor
+ specDesc.length == 1 && primitives.contains(specDesc) && nonSpecDesc == ObjectRef.descriptor
+ }
+ }
+ def specializedDescMatches(specMethodDesc: String, nonSpecMethodDesc: String) = {
+ val specArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(specMethodDesc)
+ val nonSpecArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(nonSpecMethodDesc)
+ specArgs.corresponds(nonSpecArgs)(sameOrSpecializedType) && sameOrSpecializedType(Type.getReturnType(specMethodDesc), Type.getReturnType(nonSpecMethodDesc))
+ }
+ def nameAndDescMatch = {
+ val aName =
+ val bName =
+ val aDesc = invocation.desc
+ val bDesc = closureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.samMethodType.getDescriptor
+ if (aName == bName) aDesc == bDesc
+ else if (isSpecializedVersion(aName, bName)) specializedDescMatches(aDesc, bDesc)
+ else if (isSpecializedVersion(bName, aName)) specializedDescMatches(bDesc, aDesc)
+ else false
+ }
+ nameAndDescMatch && closureIsReceiver // most expensive check last
+ }
+ }
+ private def isPrimitiveType(asmType: Type) = {
+ val sort = asmType.getSort
+ Type.VOID <= sort && sort <= Type.DOUBLE
+ }
+ /**
+ * The argument types of the lambda body method may differ in two ways from the argument types of
+ * the closure member method that is invoked (and replaced by a call to the body).
+ * - The lambda body method may have more specific types than the invoked closure member, see
+ * comment in [[LambdaMetaFactoryCall.unapply]].
+ * - The invoked closure member might be a specialized variant of the SAM or vice-versa, see
+ * comment method [[isSamInvocation]].
+ */
+ private def adaptStoredArguments(closureInit: ClosureInstantiation, invocation: MethodInsnNode): Int => Option[AbstractInsnNode] = {
+ val invokeDesc = invocation.desc
+ // The lambda body method has additional parameters for captured values. Here we need to consider
+ // only those parameters of the body method that correspond to lambda parameters. This happens
+ // to be exactly LMF.instantiatedMethodType. In fact, `LambdaMetaFactoryCall.unapply` ensures
+ // that the body method signature is exactly (capturedParams + instantiatedMethodType).
+ val lambdaBodyMethodDescWithoutCaptures = closureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.instantiatedMethodType.getDescriptor
+ if (invokeDesc == lambdaBodyMethodDescWithoutCaptures) {
+ _ => None
+ } else {
+ val invokeArgTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(invokeDesc)
+ val implMethodArgTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(lambdaBodyMethodDescWithoutCaptures)
+ val res = new Array[Option[AbstractInsnNode]](invokeArgTypes.length)
+ for (i <- invokeArgTypes.indices) {
+ if (invokeArgTypes(i) == implMethodArgTypes(i)) {
+ res(i) = None
+ } else if (isPrimitiveType(implMethodArgTypes(i)) && invokeArgTypes(i).getDescriptor == ObjectRef.descriptor) {
+ res(i) = Some(getScalaUnbox(implMethodArgTypes(i)))
+ } else if (isPrimitiveType(invokeArgTypes(i)) && implMethodArgTypes(i).getDescriptor == ObjectRef.descriptor) {
+ res(i) = Some(getScalaBox(invokeArgTypes(i)))
+ } else {
+ assert(!isPrimitiveType(invokeArgTypes(i)), invokeArgTypes(i))
+ assert(!isPrimitiveType(implMethodArgTypes(i)), implMethodArgTypes(i))
+ // The comment in the unapply method of `LambdaMetaFactoryCall` explains why we have to introduce
+ // casts for arguments that have different types in samMethodType and instantiatedMethodType.
+ //
+ // Note:
+ // - invokeArgTypes is the same as the argument types in the IndyLambda's samMethodType,
+ // this is ensured by the `isSamInvocation` filter in this file
+ // - implMethodArgTypes is the same as the arg types in the IndyLambda's instantiatedMethodType,
+ // this is ensured by the unapply method in LambdaMetaFactoryCall (file CallGraph)
+ res(i) = Some(new TypeInsnNode(CHECKCAST, implMethodArgTypes(i).getInternalName))
+ }
+ }
+ res
@@ -200,7 +297,7 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
val lambdaBodyHandle = closureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.implMethod
// store arguments
- insertStoreOps(invocation, ownerMethod, argumentLocalsList)
+ insertStoreOps(invocation, ownerMethod, argumentLocalsList, adaptStoredArguments(closureInit, invocation))
// drop the closure from the stack
ownerMethod.instructions.insertBefore(invocation, new InsnNode(POP))
@@ -210,8 +307,9 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
insertLoadOps(invocation, ownerMethod, argumentLocalsList)
// update maxStack
- val capturesStackSize = localsForCapturedValues.size
- val invocationStackHeight = stackHeight + capturesStackSize - 1 // -1 because the closure is gone
+ // One slot per value is correct for long / double, see comment in the `analysis` package object.
+ val numCapturedValues = localsForCapturedValues.locals.length
+ val invocationStackHeight = stackHeight + numCapturedValues - 1 // -1 because the closure is gone
if (invocationStackHeight > ownerMethod.maxStack)
ownerMethod.maxStack = invocationStackHeight
@@ -227,46 +325,75 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
insns.insertBefore(invocation, new InsnNode(DUP))
- val isInterface = bodyOpcode == INVOKEINTERFACE
- val bodyInvocation = new MethodInsnNode(bodyOpcode, lambdaBodyHandle.getOwner, lambdaBodyHandle.getName, lambdaBodyHandle.getDesc, isInterface)
+ val bodyInvocation = new MethodInsnNode(bodyOpcode, lambdaBodyHandle.getOwner, lambdaBodyHandle.getName, lambdaBodyHandle.getDesc, lambdaBodyHandle.isInterface)
ownerMethod.instructions.insertBefore(invocation, bodyInvocation)
- val returnType = Type.getReturnType(lambdaBodyHandle.getDesc)
- fixLoadedNothingOrNullValue(returnType, bodyInvocation, ownerMethod, btypes) // see comment of that method
+ val bodyReturnType = Type.getReturnType(lambdaBodyHandle.getDesc)
+ val invocationReturnType = Type.getReturnType(invocation.desc)
+ if (isPrimitiveType(invocationReturnType) && bodyReturnType.getDescriptor == ObjectRef.descriptor) {
+ val op =
+ if (invocationReturnType.getSort == Type.VOID) getPop(1)
+ else getScalaUnbox(invocationReturnType)
+ ownerMethod.instructions.insertBefore(invocation, op)
+ } else if (isPrimitiveType(bodyReturnType) && invocationReturnType.getDescriptor == ObjectRef.descriptor) {
+ val op =
+ if (bodyReturnType.getSort == Type.VOID) getBoxedUnit
+ else getScalaBox(bodyReturnType)
+ ownerMethod.instructions.insertBefore(invocation, op)
+ } else {
+ // see comment of that method
+ fixLoadedNothingOrNullValue(bodyReturnType, bodyInvocation, ownerMethod, btypes)
+ }
// update the call graph
- val originalCallsite = callGraph.callsites.remove(invocation)
+ val originalCallsite = callGraph.removeCallsite(invocation, ownerMethod)
// the method node is needed for building the call graph entry
val bodyMethod = byteCodeRepository.methodNode(lambdaBodyHandle.getOwner, lambdaBodyHandle.getName, lambdaBodyHandle.getDesc)
- def bodyMethodIsBeingCompiled = byteCodeRepository.classNodeAndSource(lambdaBodyHandle.getOwner).map(_._2 == CompilationUnit).getOrElse(false)
- val bodyMethodCallsite = Callsite(
- callsiteInstruction = bodyInvocation,
- callsiteMethod = ownerMethod,
- callsiteClass = closureInit.ownerClass,
- callee ={
- case (bodyMethodNode, bodyMethodDeclClass) => Callee(
+ val sourceFilePath = byteCodeRepository.compilingClasses.get(lambdaBodyHandle.getOwner).map(_._2)
+ val callee ={
+ case (bodyMethodNode, bodyMethodDeclClass) =>
+ val bodyDeclClassType = classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(bodyMethodDeclClass)
+ Callee(
callee = bodyMethodNode,
- calleeDeclarationClass = classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(bodyMethodDeclClass),
- safeToInline = compilerSettings.YoptInlineGlobal || bodyMethodIsBeingCompiled,
- safeToRewrite = false, // the lambda body method is not a trait interface method
+ calleeDeclarationClass = bodyDeclClassType,
+ isStaticallyResolved = true,
+ sourceFilePath = sourceFilePath,
annotatedInline = false,
annotatedNoInline = false,
+ samParamTypes = callGraph.samParamTypes(bodyMethodNode, bodyDeclClassType),
calleeInfoWarning = None)
- }),
- argInfos = Nil,
+ })
+ val argInfos = closureInit.capturedArgInfos ++ => cs.argInfos map {
+ case (index, info) => (index + numCapturedValues, info)
+ }).getOrElse(IntMap.empty)
+ val bodyMethodCallsite = Callsite(
+ callsiteInstruction = bodyInvocation,
+ callsiteMethod = ownerMethod,
+ callsiteClass = closureInit.ownerClass,
+ callee = callee,
+ argInfos = argInfos,
callsiteStackHeight = invocationStackHeight,
receiverKnownNotNull = true, // see below (*)
- callsitePosition =
+ callsitePosition =,
+ annotatedInline = false,
+ annotatedNoInline = false
// (*) The documentation in class LambdaMetafactory says:
// "if implMethod corresponds to an instance method, the first capture argument
// (corresponding to the receiver) must be non-null"
// Explanation: If the lambda body method is non-static, the receiver is a captured
// value. It can only be captured within some instance method, so we know it's non-null.
- callGraph.callsites(bodyInvocation) = bodyMethodCallsite
+ callGraph.addCallsite(bodyMethodCallsite)
+ // Rewriting a closure invocation may render code unreachable. For example, the body method of
+ // (x: T) => ??? has return type Nothing$, and an ATHROW is added (see fixLoadedNothingOrNullValue).
+ unreachableCodeEliminated -= ownerMethod
+ if (hasAdaptedImplMethod(closureInit) && inliner.canInlineCallsite(bodyMethodCallsite).isEmpty)
+ inliner.inlineCallsite(bodyMethodCallsite)
@@ -283,13 +410,10 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
// local. On the other hand, further optimizations (copy propagation, remove unused locals) will
// clean it up.
- // Captured variables don't need to be cast when loaded at the callsite (castLoadTypes are None).
- // This is checked in `isClosureInstantiation`: the types of the captured variables in the indy
- // instruction match exactly the corresponding parameter types in the body method.
- val localsForCaptures = LocalsList.fromTypes(firstCaptureLocal, capturedTypes, castLoadTypes = _ => None)
+ val localsForCaptures = LocalsList.fromTypes(firstCaptureLocal, capturedTypes)
closureInit.ownerMethod.maxLocals = firstCaptureLocal + localsForCaptures.size
- insertStoreOps(indy, closureInit.ownerMethod, localsForCaptures)
+ insertStoreOps(indy, closureInit.ownerMethod, localsForCaptures, _ => None)
insertLoadOps(indy, closureInit.ownerMethod, localsForCaptures)
@@ -301,8 +425,16 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* The lowest stack value is stored in the head of the locals list, so the last local is stored first.
- private def insertStoreOps(before: AbstractInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode, localsList: LocalsList) =
- insertLocalValueOps(before, methodNode, localsList, store = true)
+ private def insertStoreOps(before: AbstractInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode, localsList: LocalsList, beforeStore: Int => Option[AbstractInsnNode]) = {
+ // The first instruction needs to store into the last local of the `localsList`.
+ // To avoid reversing the list, we use `insert(previous)`.
+ val previous = before.getPrevious
+ def ins(op: AbstractInsnNode) = methodNode.instructions.insert(previous, op)
+ for ((l, i) <- localsList.locals.zipWithIndex) {
+ ins(new VarInsnNode(l.storeOpcode, l.local))
+ beforeStore(i) foreach ins
+ }
+ }
* Insert load operations in front of the `before` instruction to copy the local values denoted
@@ -310,20 +442,10 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* The head of the locals list will be the lowest value on the stack, so the first local is loaded first.
- private def insertLoadOps(before: AbstractInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode, localsList: LocalsList) =
- insertLocalValueOps(before, methodNode, localsList, store = false)
- private def insertLocalValueOps(before: AbstractInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode, localsList: LocalsList, store: Boolean): Unit = {
- // If `store` is true, the first instruction needs to store into the last local of the `localsList`.
- // Load instructions on the other hand are emitted in the order of the list.
- // To avoid reversing the list, we use `insert(previousInstr)` for stores and `insertBefore(before)` for loads.
- lazy val previous = before.getPrevious
+ private def insertLoadOps(before: AbstractInsnNode, methodNode: MethodNode, localsList: LocalsList) = {
for (l <- localsList.locals) {
- val varOp = new VarInsnNode(if (store) l.storeOpcode else l.loadOpcode, l.local)
- if (store) methodNode.instructions.insert(previous, varOp)
- else methodNode.instructions.insertBefore(before, varOp)
- if (!store) for (castType <- l.castLoadedValue)
- methodNode.instructions.insert(varOp, new TypeInsnNode(CHECKCAST, castType.getInternalName))
+ val op = new VarInsnNode(l.loadOpcode, l.local)
+ methodNode.instructions.insertBefore(before, op)
@@ -345,12 +467,12 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* Local(6, refOpOffset) ::
* Nil
- def fromTypes(firstLocal: Int, types: Array[Type], castLoadTypes: Int => Option[Type]): LocalsList = {
+ def fromTypes(firstLocal: Int, types: Array[Type]): LocalsList = {
var sizeTwoOffset = 0
val locals: List[Local] = => {
// The ASM method `type.getOpcode` returns the opcode for operating on a value of `type`.
val offset = types(i).getOpcode(ILOAD) - ILOAD
- val local = Local(firstLocal + i + sizeTwoOffset, offset, castLoadTypes(i))
+ val local = Local(firstLocal + i + sizeTwoOffset, offset)
if (local.size == 2) sizeTwoOffset += 1
@@ -364,10 +486,15 @@ class ClosureOptimizer[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* The xLOAD / xSTORE opcodes are in the following sequence: I, L, F, D, A, so the offset for
* a local variable holding a reference (`A`) is 4. See also method `getOpcode` in [[]].
- case class Local(local: Int, opcodeOffset: Int, castLoadedValue: Option[Type]) {
+ case class Local(local: Int, opcodeOffset: Int) {
def size = if (loadOpcode == LLOAD || loadOpcode == DLOAD) 2 else 1
def loadOpcode = ILOAD + opcodeOffset
def storeOpcode = ISTORE + opcodeOffset
+object ClosureOptimizer {
+ val primitives = "BSIJCFDZV"
+ val specializationSuffix = s"(\\$$mc[$primitives]+\\$$sp)".r
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CopyProp.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CopyProp.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..518646812e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/CopyProp.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2014 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+package backend.jvm
+package opt
+import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+class CopyProp[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
+ import btypes._
+ import backendUtils._
+ /**
+ * For every `xLOAD n`, find all local variable slots that are aliases of `n` using an
+ * AliasingAnalyzer and change the instruction to `xLOAD m` where `m` is the smallest alias.
+ * This leaves behind potentially stale `xSTORE n` instructions, which are then eliminated
+ * by [[eliminateStaleStores]].
+ */
+ def copyPropagation(method: MethodNode, owner: InternalName): Boolean = {
+ AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForAliasing(method) && {
+ var changed = false
+ val numParams = parametersSize(method)
+ lazy val aliasAnalysis = new AsmAnalyzer(method, owner, new AliasingAnalyzer(new BasicInterpreter))
+ // Remember locals that are used in a `LOAD` instruction. Assume a program has two LOADs:
+ //
+ // ...
+ // LOAD 3 // aliases of 3 here: <3>
+ // ...
+ // LOAD 1 // aliases of 1 here: <1, 3>
+ //
+ // In this example, we should change the second load from 1 to 3, which might render the
+ // local variable 1 unused.
+ val knownUsed = new Array[Boolean](method.maxLocals)
+ def usedOrMinAlias(it: IntIterator, init: Int): Int = {
+ if (knownUsed(init)) init
+ else {
+ var r = init
+ while (it.hasNext) {
+ val n =
+ // knownUsed.length is the number of locals, `n` may be a stack slot
+ if (n < knownUsed.length && knownUsed(n)) return n
+ if (n < r) r = n
+ }
+ r
+ }
+ }
+ val it = method.instructions.iterator
+ while (it.hasNext) match {
+ case vi: VarInsnNode if vi.`var` >= numParams && isLoad(vi) =>
+ val aliases = aliasAnalysis.frameAt(vi).asInstanceOf[AliasingFrame[_]].aliasesOf(vi.`var`)
+ if (aliases.size > 1) {
+ val alias = usedOrMinAlias(aliases.iterator, vi.`var`)
+ if (alias != -1) {
+ changed = true
+ vi.`var` = alias
+ }
+ }
+ knownUsed(vi.`var`) = true
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ changed
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Eliminate `xSTORE` instructions that have no consumer. If the instruction can be completely
+ * eliminated, it is replaced by a POP. The [[eliminatePushPop]] cleans up unnecessary POPs.
+ *
+ * Note that an `ASOTRE` can not always be eliminated: it removes a reference to the object that
+ * is currently stored in that local, which potentially frees it for GC (SI-5313). Therefore
+ * we replace such stores by `POP; ACONST_NULL; ASTORE x`.
+ */
+ def eliminateStaleStores(method: MethodNode, owner: InternalName): Boolean = {
+ AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForSourceValue(method) && {
+ lazy val prodCons = new ProdConsAnalyzer(method, owner)
+ def hasNoCons(varIns: AbstractInsnNode, slot: Int) = prodCons.consumersOfValueAt(varIns.getNext, slot).isEmpty
+ // insns to delete: IINC that have no consumer
+ val toDelete = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[IincInsnNode]
+ // xSTORE insns to be replaced by POP or POP2
+ val storesToDrop = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[VarInsnNode]
+ // ASTORE insn that have no consumer.
+ // - if the local is not live, the store is replaced by POP
+ // - otherwise, pop the argument value and store NULL instead. Unless the boolean field is
+ // `true`: then the store argument is already known to be ACONST_NULL.
+ val toNullOut = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(VarInsnNode, Boolean)]
+ // `true` for variables that are known to be live
+ val liveVars = new Array[Boolean](method.maxLocals)
+ val it = method.instructions.iterator
+ while (it.hasNext) match {
+ case vi: VarInsnNode if isStore(vi) && hasNoCons(vi, vi.`var`) =>
+ val canElim = vi.getOpcode != ASTORE || {
+ val currentFieldValueProds = prodCons.initialProducersForValueAt(vi, vi.`var`)
+ currentFieldValueProds.size == 1 && (currentFieldValueProds.head match {
+ case ParameterProducer(0) => !isStaticMethod(method) // current field value is `this`, which won't be gc'd anyway
+ case _: UninitializedLocalProducer => true // field is not yet initialized, so current value cannot leak
+ case _ => false
+ })
+ }
+ if (canElim) storesToDrop += vi
+ else {
+ val prods = prodCons.producersForValueAt(vi, prodCons.frameAt(vi).stackTop)
+ val isStoreNull = prods.size == 1 && prods.head.getOpcode == ACONST_NULL
+ toNullOut += ((vi, isStoreNull))
+ }
+ case ii: IincInsnNode if hasNoCons(ii, ii.`var`) =>
+ toDelete += ii
+ case vi: VarInsnNode =>
+ liveVars(vi.`var`) = true
+ case ii: IincInsnNode =>
+ liveVars(ii.`var`) = true
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ def replaceByPop(vi: VarInsnNode): Unit = {
+ val size = if (isSize2LoadOrStore(vi.getOpcode)) 2 else 1
+ method.instructions.set(vi, getPop(size))
+ }
+ toDelete foreach method.instructions.remove
+ storesToDrop foreach replaceByPop
+ for ((vi, isStoreNull) <- toNullOut) {
+ if (!liveVars(vi.`var`)) replaceByPop(vi) // can drop `ASTORE x` where x has only dead stores
+ else {
+ if (!isStoreNull) {
+ val prev = vi.getPrevious
+ method.instructions.insert(prev, new InsnNode(ACONST_NULL))
+ method.instructions.insert(prev, getPop(1))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ toDelete.nonEmpty || storesToDrop.nonEmpty || toNullOut.nonEmpty
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * When a POP instruction has a single producer, remove the POP and eliminate the producer by
+ * bubbling up the POPs. For example, given
+ * we first eliminate the POP, then the IADD, then its inputs, so the entire sequence goes away.
+ * If a producer cannot be eliminated (need to keep side-effects), a POP is inserted.
+ *
+ * A special case eliminates the creation of unused objects with side-effect-free constructors:
+ * NEW scala/Tuple1; DUP; ALOAD 0; INVOKESPECIAL scala/Tuple1.<init>; POP
+ * The POP has a single producer (the DUP), it's easy to eliminate these two. A special case
+ * is needed to eliminate the INVOKESPECIAL and NEW.
+ */
+ def eliminatePushPop(method: MethodNode, owner: InternalName): Boolean = {
+ AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForSourceValue(method) && {
+ // A queue of instructions producing a value that has to be eliminated. If possible, the
+ // instruction (and its inputs) will be removed, otherwise a POP is inserted after
+ val queue = mutable.Queue.empty[ProducedValue]
+ // Contains constructor invocations for values that can be eliminated if unused.
+ val sideEffectFreeConstructorCalls = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[MethodInsnNode]
+ // instructions to remove (we don't change the bytecode while analyzing it. this allows
+ // running the ProdConsAnalyzer only once.)
+ val toRemove = mutable.Set.empty[AbstractInsnNode]
+ // instructions to insert before some instruction
+ val toInsertBefore = mutable.Map.empty[AbstractInsnNode, List[InsnNode]]
+ // an instruction to insert after some instruction
+ val toInsertAfter = mutable.Map.empty[AbstractInsnNode, AbstractInsnNode]
+ lazy val prodCons = new ProdConsAnalyzer(method, owner)
+ /**
+ * Returns the producers for the stack value `inputSlot` consumed by `cons`, if the consumer
+ * instruction is the only consumer for all of these producers.
+ *
+ * If a producer has multiple consumers, or the value is the caught exception in a catch
+ * block, this method returns Set.empty.
+ */
+ def producersIfSingleConsumer(cons: AbstractInsnNode, inputSlot: Int): Set[AbstractInsnNode] = {
+ /**
+ * True if the values produced by `prod` are all the same. Most instructions produce a single
+ * value. DUP and DUP2 (with a size-2 input) produce two equivalent values. However, there
+ * are some exotic instructions that produce multiple non-equal values (DUP_X1, SWAP, ...).
+ *
+ * Assume we have `DUP_X2; POP`. In order to remove the `POP` we need to change the DUP_X2
+ * into something else, which is not straightforward.
+ *
+ * Since scalac never emits any of those exotic bytecodes, we don't optimize them.
+ */
+ def producerHasSingleOutput(prod: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = prod match {
+ case _: ExceptionProducer[_] | _: UninitializedLocalProducer =>
+ // POP of an exception in a catch block cannot be removed. For an uninitialized local,
+ // there should not be a consumer. We are conservative and include it here, so the
+ // producer would not be removed.
+ false
+ case _: ParameterProducer =>
+ true
+ case _ => (prod.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ case DUP => true
+ case DUP2 => prodCons.frameAt(prod).peekStack(0).getSize == 2
+ case _ =>, prodCons.frameAt(prod))) == 1
+ }
+ }
+ val prods = prodCons.producersForValueAt(cons, inputSlot)
+ val singleConsumer = prods forall { prod =>
+ producerHasSingleOutput(prod) && {
+ // for DUP / DUP2, we only consider the value that is actually consumed by cons
+ val conss = prodCons.consumersOfValueAt(prod.getNext, inputSlot)
+ conss.size == 1 && conss.head == cons
+ }
+ }
+ if (singleConsumer) prods else Set.empty
+ }
+ /**
+ * For a POP instruction that is the single consumer of its producers, remove the POP and
+ * enqueue the producers.
+ */
+ def handleInitialPop(pop: AbstractInsnNode): Unit = {
+ val prods = producersIfSingleConsumer(pop, prodCons.frameAt(pop).stackTop)
+ if (prods.nonEmpty) {
+ toRemove += pop
+ val size = if (pop.getOpcode == POP2) 2 else 1
+ queue ++=, size))
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Traverse the method in its initial state and collect all POP instructions and side-effect
+ * free constructor invocations that can be eliminated.
+ */
+ def collectInitialPopsAndPureConstrs(): Unit = {
+ val it = method.instructions.iterator
+ while (it.hasNext) {
+ val insn =
+ (insn.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ case POP | POP2 =>
+ handleInitialPop(insn)
+ val mi = insn.asInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode]
+ if (isSideEffectFreeConstructorCall(mi)) sideEffectFreeConstructorCalls += mi
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Eliminate the `numArgs` inputs of the instruction `prod` (which was eliminated). For
+ * each input value
+ * - if the `prod` instruction is the single consumer, enqueue the producers of the input
+ * - otherwise, insert a POP instruction to POP the input value
+ */
+ def handleInputs(prod: AbstractInsnNode, numArgs: Int): Unit = {
+ val frame = prodCons.frameAt(prod)
+ val pops = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[InsnNode]
+ @tailrec def handle(stackOffset: Int): Unit = {
+ if (stackOffset >= 0) {
+ val prods = producersIfSingleConsumer(prod, frame.stackTop - stackOffset)
+ val nSize = frame.peekStack(stackOffset).getSize
+ if (prods.isEmpty) pops append getPop(nSize)
+ else queue ++=, nSize))
+ handle(stackOffset - 1)
+ }
+ }
+ handle(numArgs - 1) // handle stack offsets (numArgs - 1) to 0
+ if (pops.nonEmpty) toInsertBefore(prod) = pops.toList
+ }
+ /**
+ * Eliminate LMF `indy` and its inputs.
+ */
+ def handleClosureInst(indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode): Unit = {
+ toRemove += indy
+ callGraph.removeClosureInstantiation(indy, method)
+ handleInputs(indy, Type.getArgumentTypes(indy.desc).length)
+ }
+ def runQueue(): Unit = while (queue.nonEmpty) {
+ val ProducedValue(prod, size) = queue.dequeue()
+ def prodString = s"Producer ${AsmUtils textify prod}@${method.instructions.indexOf(prod)}\n${AsmUtils textify method}"
+ def popAfterProd(): Unit = toInsertAfter(prod) = getPop(size)
+ (prod.getOpcode: @switch) match {
+ toRemove += prod
+ case opc @ (DUP | DUP2) =>
+ assert(opc != 2 || size == 2, s"DUP2 for two size-1 values; $prodString") // ensured in method `producerHasSingleOutput`
+ if (toRemove(prod))
+ // the DUP is already scheduled for removal because one of its consumers is a POP.
+ // now the second consumer is also a POP, so we need to eliminate the DUP's input.
+ handleInputs(prod, 1)
+ else
+ toRemove += prod
+ case DUP_X1 | DUP_X2 | DUP2_X1 | DUP2_X2 | SWAP =>
+ // these are excluded in method `producerHasSingleOutput`
+ assert(false, s"Cannot eliminate value pushed by an instruction with multiple output values; $prodString")
+ case IDIV | LDIV | IREM | LREM =>
+ popAfterProd() // keep potential division by zero
+ toRemove += prod
+ handleInputs(prod, 2)
+ case INEG | LNEG | FNEG | DNEG |
+ I2L | I2F | I2D | L2I | L2F | L2D | F2I | F2L | F2D | D2I | D2L | D2F | I2B | I2C | I2S =>
+ toRemove += prod
+ handleInputs(prod, 1)
+ // TODO eliminate side-effect free module loads (
+ if (isBoxedUnit(prod)) toRemove += prod
+ else popAfterProd() // keep potential class initialization (static field) or NPE (instance field)
+ val methodInsn = prod.asInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode]
+ if (isSideEffectFreeCall(methodInsn)) {
+ toRemove += prod
+ callGraph.removeCallsite(methodInsn, method)
+ val receiver = if (methodInsn.getOpcode == INVOKESTATIC) 0 else 1
+ handleInputs(prod, Type.getArgumentTypes(methodInsn.desc).length + receiver)
+ } else
+ popAfterProd()
+ prod match {
+ case callGraph.LambdaMetaFactoryCall(indy, _, _, _) => handleClosureInst(indy)
+ case _ => popAfterProd()
+ }
+ case NEW =>
+ if (isNewForSideEffectFreeConstructor(prod)) toRemove += prod
+ else popAfterProd()
+ case LDC => prod.asInstanceOf[LdcInsnNode].cst match {
+ case _: java.lang.Integer | _: java.lang.Float | _: java.lang.Long | _: java.lang.Double | _: String =>
+ toRemove += prod
+ case _ =>
+ // don't remove class literals, method types, method handles: keep a potential NoClassDefFoundError
+ popAfterProd()
+ }
+ toRemove += prod
+ handleInputs(prod, prod.asInstanceOf[MultiANewArrayInsnNode].dims)
+ case _ =>
+ popAfterProd()
+ }
+ }
+ // there are two cases when we can eliminate a constructor call:
+ // - NEW T; INVOKESPECIAL T.<init> -- there's no DUP, the new object is consumed only by the constructor)
+ // - NEW T; DUP; INVOKESPECIAL T.<init>, where the DUP will be removed
+ def eliminateUnusedPureConstructorCalls(): Boolean = {
+ var changed = false
+ def removeConstructorCall(mi: MethodInsnNode): Unit = {
+ toRemove += mi
+ callGraph.removeCallsite(mi, method)
+ sideEffectFreeConstructorCalls -= mi
+ changed = true
+ }
+ for (mi <- sideEffectFreeConstructorCalls.toList) { // toList to allow removing elements while traversing
+ val frame = prodCons.frameAt(mi)
+ val stackTop = frame.stackTop
+ val numArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(mi.desc).length
+ val receiverProds = producersIfSingleConsumer(mi, stackTop - numArgs)
+ if (receiverProds.size == 1) {
+ val receiverProd = receiverProds.head
+ if (receiverProd.getOpcode == NEW) {
+ removeConstructorCall(mi)
+ handleInputs(mi, numArgs + 1) // removes the producers of args and receiver
+ } else if (receiverProd.getOpcode == DUP && toRemove.contains(receiverProd)) {
+ val dupProds = producersIfSingleConsumer(receiverProd, prodCons.frameAt(receiverProd).stackTop)
+ if (dupProds.size == 1 && dupProds.head.getOpcode == NEW) {
+ removeConstructorCall(mi)
+ handleInputs(mi, numArgs) // removes the producers of args. the producer of the receiver is DUP and already in toRemove.
+ queue += ProducedValue(dupProds.head, 1) // removes the NEW (which is NOT the producer of the receiver!)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ changed
+ }
+ collectInitialPopsAndPureConstrs()
+ // eliminating producers enables eliminating unused constructor calls (when a DUP gets removed).
+ // vice-versa, eliminating a constructor call adds producers of constructor parameters to the queue.
+ // so the two run in a loop.
+ runQueue()
+ while (eliminateUnusedPureConstructorCalls())
+ runQueue()
+ var changed = false
+ toInsertAfter foreach {
+ case (target, insn) =>
+ nextExecutableInstructionOrLabel(target) match {
+ // `insn` is of type `InsnNode`, so we only need to check the Opcode when comparing to another instruction
+ case Some(next) if next.getOpcode == insn.getOpcode && toRemove(next) =>
+ // Inserting and removing a POP at the same place should not enable `changed`. This happens
+ // when a POP directly follows a producer that cannot be eliminated, e.g. INVOKESTATIC A.m ()I; POP
+ // The POP is initially added to `toRemove`, and the `INVOKESTATIC` producer is added to the queue.
+ // Because the producer cannot be elided, a POP is added to `toInsertAfter`.
+ toRemove -= next
+ case _ =>
+ changed = true
+ method.instructions.insert(target, insn)
+ }
+ }
+ toInsertBefore foreach {
+ case (target, insns) =>
+ changed = true
+ insns.foreach(method.instructions.insertBefore(target, _))
+ }
+ toRemove foreach { insn =>
+ changed = true
+ method.instructions.remove(insn)
+ }
+ changed
+ }
+ }
+ case class ProducedValue(producer: AbstractInsnNode, size: Int) {
+ override def toString = s"<${AsmUtils textify producer}>"
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove `xSTORE n; xLOAD n` pairs if
+ * - the local variable n is not used anywhere else in the method (1), and
+ * - there are no executable instructions and no live labels (jump targets) between the two (2)
+ *
+ * Note: store-load pairs that cannot be eliminated could be replaced by `DUP; xSTORE n`, but
+ * that's just cosmetic and doesn't help for anything.
+ *
+ * (1) This could be made more precise by running a prodCons analysis and checking that the load
+ * is the only user of the store. Then we could eliminate the pair even if the variable is live
+ * (except for ASTORE, SI-5313). Not needing an analyzer is more efficient, and catches most
+ * cases.
+ *
+ * (2) The implementation uses a conservative estimation for liveness (if some instruction uses
+ * local n, then n is considered live in the entire method). In return, it doesn't need to run an
+ * Analyzer on the method, making it more efficient.
+ *
+ * This method also removes `ACONST_NULL; ASTORE n` if the local n is not live. This pattern is
+ * introduced by [[eliminateStaleStores]].
+ *
+ * The implementation is a little tricky to support the following case:
+ * The outer store-load pair can be removed if two the inner pairs can be.
+ */
+ def eliminateStoreLoad(method: MethodNode): Boolean = {
+ val removePairs = mutable.Set.empty[RemovePair]
+ val liveVars = new Array[Boolean](method.maxLocals)
+ val liveLabels = mutable.Set.empty[LabelNode]
+ def mkRemovePair(store: VarInsnNode, other: AbstractInsnNode, depends: List[RemovePairDependency]): RemovePair = {
+ val r = RemovePair(store, other, depends)
+ removePairs += r
+ r
+ }
+ def registerLiveVarsLabels(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Unit = insn match {
+ case vi: VarInsnNode => liveVars(vi.`var`) = true
+ case ii: IincInsnNode => liveVars(ii.`var`) = true
+ case j: JumpInsnNode => liveLabels += j.label
+ case s: TableSwitchInsnNode => liveLabels += s.dflt; liveLabels ++= s.labels.asScala
+ case s: LookupSwitchInsnNode => liveLabels += s.dflt; liveLabels ++= s.labels.asScala
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ val pairStartStack = new mutable.Stack[(AbstractInsnNode, mutable.ListBuffer[RemovePairDependency])]
+ def push(insn: AbstractInsnNode) = {
+ pairStartStack push ((insn, mutable.ListBuffer.empty))
+ }
+ def addDepends(dependency: RemovePairDependency) = if (pairStartStack.nonEmpty) {
+ val (_, depends) =
+ depends += dependency
+ }
+ def completesStackTop(load: AbstractInsnNode) = isLoad(load) && pairStartStack.nonEmpty && {
+ match {
+ case (store: VarInsnNode, _) => store.`var` == load.asInstanceOf[VarInsnNode].`var`
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Try to pair `insn` with its correspondent on the stack
+ * - if the stack top is a store and `insn` is a corresponding load, create a pair
+ * - otherwise, check the two top stack values for `null; store`. if it matches, create
+ * a pair and continue pairing `insn` on the remaining stack
+ * - otherwise, empty the stack and mark the local variables in it live
+ */
+ def tryToPairInstruction(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Unit = {
+ @tailrec def emptyStack(): Unit = if (pairStartStack.nonEmpty) {
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(pairStartStack.pop()._1)
+ emptyStack()
+ }
+ @tailrec def tryPairing(): Unit = {
+ if (completesStackTop(insn)) {
+ val (store: VarInsnNode, depends) = pairStartStack.pop()
+ addDepends(mkRemovePair(store, insn, depends.toList))
+ } else if (pairStartStack.nonEmpty) {
+ val (top, topDepends) = pairStartStack.pop()
+ if (pairStartStack.nonEmpty) {
+ (, top) match {
+ case ((ldNull: InsnNode, depends), store: VarInsnNode) if ldNull.getOpcode == ACONST_NULL && store.getOpcode == ASTORE =>
+ pairStartStack.pop()
+ addDepends(mkRemovePair(store, ldNull, depends.toList))
+ // example: store; (null; store;) (store; load;) load
+ // s1^ ^^^^^p1^^^^^ // p1 is added to s1's depends
+ // then: store; (null; store;) load
+ // s2^ ^^^^p2^^^^^ // p1 and p2 are added to s2's depends
+ topDepends foreach addDepends
+ tryPairing()
+ case _ =>
+ // empty the stack - a non-matching insn was found, cannot create any pairs to remove
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(insn)
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(top)
+ emptyStack()
+ }
+ } else {
+ // stack only has one element
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(insn)
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(top)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // stack is empty already
+ registerLiveVarsLabels(insn)
+ }
+ }
+ tryPairing()
+ }
+ var insn = method.instructions.getFirst
+ @tailrec def advanceToNextExecutableOrLabel(): Unit = {
+ insn = insn.getNext
+ if (insn != null && !isExecutable(insn) && !insn.isInstanceOf[LabelNode]) advanceToNextExecutableOrLabel()
+ }
+ while (insn != null) {
+ insn match {
+ case _ if insn.getOpcode == ACONST_NULL => push(insn)
+ case vi: VarInsnNode if isStore(vi) => push(insn)
+ case label: LabelNode if pairStartStack.nonEmpty => addDepends(LabelNotLive(label))
+ case _ => tryToPairInstruction(insn)
+ }
+ advanceToNextExecutableOrLabel()
+ }
+ // elide RemovePairs that depend on live labels or other RemovePair that have to be elided.
+ // example: store 1; store 2; label x; load 2; load 1
+ // if x is live, the inner pair has to be elided, causing the outer pair to be elided too.
+ var doneEliding = false
+ def elide(removePair: RemovePair) = {
+ doneEliding = false
+ liveVars(`var`) = true
+ removePairs -= removePair
+ }
+ while (!doneEliding) {
+ doneEliding = true
+ for (removePair <- removePairs.toList) {
+ val slot =`var`
+ if (liveVars(slot)) elide(removePair)
+ else removePair.depends foreach {
+ case LabelNotLive(label) => if (liveLabels(label)) elide(removePair)
+ case other: RemovePair => if (!removePairs(other)) elide(removePair)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (removePair <- removePairs) {
+ method.instructions.remove(
+ method.instructions.remove(removePair.other)
+ }
+ removePairs.nonEmpty
+ }
+trait RemovePairDependency
+case class RemovePair(store: VarInsnNode, other: AbstractInsnNode, depends: List[RemovePairDependency]) extends RemovePairDependency {
+ override def toString = s"<${AsmUtils textify store},${AsmUtils textify other}> [$depends]"
+case class LabelNotLive(label: LabelNode) extends RemovePairDependency
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlineInfoAttribute.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlineInfoAttribute.scala
index e7dd5abc57..7bc4ea2392 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlineInfoAttribute.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlineInfoAttribute.scala
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import
* In principle we could encode the InlineInfo into a Java annotation (instead of a classfile attribute).
* However, an attribute allows us to save many bits. In particular, note that the strings in an
* InlineInfo are serialized as references to constants in the constant pool, and those strings
- * (traitImplClassSelfType, method names, method signatures) would exist in there anyway. So the
+ * (method names, method signatures) would exist in there anyway. So the
* ScalaInlineAttribute remains relatively compact.
case class InlineInfoAttribute(inlineInfo: InlineInfo) extends Attribute(InlineInfoAttribute.attributeName) {
@@ -47,13 +47,16 @@ case class InlineInfoAttribute(inlineInfo: InlineInfo) extends Attribute(InlineI
- var hasSelfIsFinal = 0
- if (inlineInfo.isEffectivelyFinal) hasSelfIsFinal |= 1
- if (inlineInfo.traitImplClassSelfType.isDefined) hasSelfIsFinal |= 2
- result.putByte(hasSelfIsFinal)
+ var flags = 0
+ if (inlineInfo.isEffectivelyFinal) flags |= 1
+ // flags |= 2 // no longer written
+ if (inlineInfo.sam.isDefined) flags |= 4
+ result.putByte(flags)
- for (selfInternalName <- inlineInfo.traitImplClassSelfType) {
- result.putShort(cw.newUTF8(selfInternalName))
+ for (samNameDesc <- inlineInfo.sam) {
+ val (name, desc) = samNameDesc.span(_ != '(')
+ result.putShort(cw.newUTF8(name))
+ result.putShort(cw.newUTF8(desc))
// The method count fits in a short (the methods_count in a classfile is also a short)
@@ -68,10 +71,10 @@ case class InlineInfoAttribute(inlineInfo: InlineInfo) extends Attribute(InlineI
var inlineInfo = 0
- if (info.effectivelyFinal) inlineInfo |= 1
- if (info.traitMethodWithStaticImplementation) inlineInfo |= 2
- if (info.annotatedInline) inlineInfo |= 4
- if (info.annotatedNoInline) inlineInfo |= 8
+ if (info.effectivelyFinal) inlineInfo |= 1
+ // inlineInfo |= 2 // no longer written
+ if (info.annotatedInline) inlineInfo |= 4
+ if (info.annotatedNoInline) inlineInfo |= 8
@@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ case class InlineInfoAttribute(inlineInfo: InlineInfo) extends Attribute(InlineI
- * De-serialize the attribute into an InlineInfo. The attribute starts at cr.b(off), but we don't
+ * Deserialize the attribute into an InlineInfo. The attribute starts at cr.b(off), but we don't
* need to access that array directly, we can use the `read` methods provided by the ClassReader.
* `buf` is a pre-allocated character array that is guaranteed to be long enough to hold any
@@ -94,15 +97,17 @@ case class InlineInfoAttribute(inlineInfo: InlineInfo) extends Attribute(InlineI
val version = nextByte()
if (version == 1) {
- val hasSelfIsFinal = nextByte()
- val isFinal = (hasSelfIsFinal & 1) != 0
- val hasSelf = (hasSelfIsFinal & 2) != 0
- val self = if (hasSelf) {
- val selfName = nextUTF8()
- Some(selfName)
- } else {
- None
+ val flags = nextByte()
+ val isFinal = (flags & 1) != 0
+ val hasSelf = (flags & 2) != 0
+ val hasSam = (flags & 4) != 0
+ if (hasSelf) nextUTF8() // no longer used
+ val sam = if (!hasSam) None else {
+ val name = nextUTF8()
+ val desc = nextUTF8()
+ Some(name + desc)
val numEntries = nextShort()
@@ -111,14 +116,15 @@ case class InlineInfoAttribute(inlineInfo: InlineInfo) extends Attribute(InlineI
val desc = nextUTF8()
val inlineInfo = nextByte()
- val isFinal = (inlineInfo & 1) != 0
- val traitMethodWithStaticImplementation = (inlineInfo & 2) != 0
- val isInline = (inlineInfo & 4) != 0
- val isNoInline = (inlineInfo & 8) != 0
- (name + desc, MethodInlineInfo(isFinal, traitMethodWithStaticImplementation, isInline, isNoInline))
+ val isFinal = (inlineInfo & 1) != 0
+ // = (inlineInfo & 2) != 0 // no longer used
+ val isInline = (inlineInfo & 4) != 0
+ val isNoInline = (inlineInfo & 8) != 0
+ (name + desc, MethodInlineInfo(isFinal, isInline, isNoInline))
- InlineInfoAttribute(InlineInfo(self, isFinal, infos, None))
+ val info = InlineInfo(isFinal, sam, infos, None)
+ InlineInfoAttribute(info)
} else {
val msg = UnknownScalaInlineInfoVersion(cr.getClassName, version)
InlineInfoAttribute(BTypes.EmptyInlineInfo.copy(warning = Some(msg)))
@@ -128,9 +134,18 @@ case class InlineInfoAttribute(inlineInfo: InlineInfo) extends Attribute(InlineI
object InlineInfoAttribute {
+ * Notes:
+ * - `traitImplClassSelfType` is no longer emitted, `hasTraitImplClassSelfType` is always emitted
+ * as 0. Similarly, `traitMethodWithStaticImplementation` is always emitted 0.
+ * - When reading an existing attribute where `hasTraitImplClassSelfType` is 1, the
+ * `traitImplClassSelfType` is ignored. Also the value of `traitMethodWithStaticImplementation`
+ * is ignored.
+ *
* [u1] version
- * [u1] isEffectivelyFinal (<< 0), hasTraitImplClassSelfType (<< 1)
+ * [u1] isEffectivelyFinal (<< 0), hasTraitImplClassSelfType (<< 1), hasSam (<< 2), hasLateInterfaces (<< 3)
* [u2]? traitImplClassSelfType (reference)
+ * [u2]? samName (reference)
+ * [u2]? samDescriptor (reference)
* [u2] numMethodEntries
* [u2] name (reference)
* [u2] descriptor (reference)
@@ -142,7 +157,7 @@ object InlineInfoAttribute {
- * In order to instruct the ASM framework to de-serialize the ScalaInlineInfo attribute, we need
+ * In order to instruct the ASM framework to deserialize the ScalaInlineInfo attribute, we need
* to pass a prototype instance when running the class reader.
-object InlineInfoAttributePrototype extends InlineInfoAttribute(InlineInfo(null, false, null, null))
+object InlineInfoAttributePrototype extends InlineInfoAttribute(InlineInfo(false, null, null, null))
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala
index 6b2786c1a3..0ae8347dc5 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/Inliner.scala
@@ -9,59 +9,126 @@ package opt
import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import asm.Handle
import asm.Opcodes._
import asm.tree._
-import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
-import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsJava._
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import AsmUtils._
import BytecodeUtils._
import collection.mutable
+import{Analyzer, SourceInterpreter}
import BackendReporting._
class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
import btypes._
import callGraph._
+ import inlinerHeuristics._
+ import backendUtils._
- def eliminateUnreachableCodeAndUpdateCallGraph(methodNode: MethodNode, definingClass: InternalName): Unit = {
- localOpt.minimalRemoveUnreachableCode(methodNode, definingClass) foreach {
- case invocation: MethodInsnNode => callGraph.callsites.remove(invocation)
- case indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode => callGraph.closureInstantiations.remove(indy)
- case _ =>
+ sealed trait InlineLog {
+ def request: InlineRequest
+ }
+ final case class InlineLogSuccess(request: InlineRequest, sizeBefore: Int, sizeInlined: Int) extends InlineLog {
+ var downstreamLog: mutable.Buffer[InlineLog] = mutable.ListBuffer.empty
+ }
+ final case class InlineLogFail(request: InlineRequest, warning: CannotInlineWarning) extends InlineLog
+ final case class InlineLogRollback(request: InlineRequest, warnings: List[CannotInlineWarning]) extends InlineLog
+ object InlineLog {
+ private def shouldLog(request: InlineRequest): Boolean = {
+ def logEnabled = compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.isSetByUser
+ def matchesName = {
+ val prefix = compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.value match {
+ case "_" => ""
+ case p => p
+ }
+ val name: String = request.callsite.callsiteClass.internalName + "." +
+ name startsWith prefix
+ }
+ logEnabled && (upstream != null || (isTopLevel && matchesName))
+ }
+ // indexed by callsite method
+ private val logs = mutable.Map.empty[MethodNode, mutable.LinkedHashSet[InlineLog]]
+ private var upstream: InlineLogSuccess = _
+ private var isTopLevel = true
+ def withInlineLogging[T](request: InlineRequest)(inlineRequest: => Unit)(inlinePost: => T): T = {
+ def doInlinePost(): T = {
+ val savedIsTopLevel = isTopLevel
+ isTopLevel = false
+ try inlinePost
+ finally isTopLevel = savedIsTopLevel
+ }
+ if (shouldLog(request)) {
+ val sizeBefore = request.callsite.callsiteMethod.instructions.size
+ inlineRequest
+ val log = InlineLogSuccess(request, sizeBefore, request.callsite.callee.get.callee.instructions.size)
+ apply(log)
+ val savedUpstream = upstream
+ upstream = log
+ try doInlinePost()
+ finally upstream = savedUpstream
+ } else {
+ inlineRequest
+ doInlinePost()
+ }
+ }
+ def apply(log: => InlineLog): Unit = if (shouldLog(log.request)) {
+ if (upstream != null) upstream.downstreamLog += log
+ else {
+ val methodLogs = logs.getOrElseUpdate(log.request.callsite.callsiteMethod, mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty)
+ methodLogs += log
+ }
+ }
+ def entryString(log: InlineLog, indent: Int = 0): String = {
+ val callee = log.request.callsite.callee.get
+ val calleeString = callee.calleeDeclarationClass.internalName + "." +
+ val indentString = " " * indent
+ log match {
+ case s @ InlineLogSuccess(_, sizeBefore, sizeInlined) =>
+ val self = s"${indentString}inlined $calleeString. Before: $sizeBefore ins, inlined: $sizeInlined ins."
+ if (s.downstreamLog.isEmpty) self
+ else, indent + 2)).mkString(self + "\n", "\n", "")
+ case InlineLogFail(_, w) =>
+ s"${indentString}failed $calleeString. ${w.toString.replace('\n', ' ')}"
+ case InlineLogRollback(_, _) =>
+ s"${indentString}rolling back, nested inline failed."
+ }
+ }
+ def print(): Unit = if (compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.isSetByUser) {
+ val byClassAndMethod: List[(InternalName, mutable.Map[MethodNode, mutable.LinkedHashSet[InlineLog]])] = {
+ logs.
+ groupBy(_._2.head.request.callsite.callsiteClass.internalName).
+ toList.sortBy(_._1)
+ }
+ for {
+ (c, methodLogs) <- byClassAndMethod
+ (m, mLogs) <- methodLogs.toList.sortBy(
+ mLog <- mLogs // insertion order
+ } {
+ println(s"Inline into $c.${}: ${entryString(mLog)}")
+ }
def runInliner(): Unit = {
- rewriteFinalTraitMethodInvocations()
for (request <- collectAndOrderInlineRequests) {
- val Right(callee) = request.callee // collectAndOrderInlineRequests returns callsites with a known callee
- // Inlining a method can create unreachable code. Example:
- // def f = throw e
- // def g = f; println() // println is unreachable after inlining f
- // If we have an inline request for a call to g, and f has been already inlined into g, we
- // need to run DCE before inlining g.
- eliminateUnreachableCodeAndUpdateCallGraph(callee.callee, callee.calleeDeclarationClass.internalName)
- // DCE above removes unreachable callsites from the call graph. If the inlining request denotes
- // such an eliminated callsite, do nothing.
- if (callGraph.callsites contains request.callsiteInstruction) {
- val r = inline(request.callsiteInstruction, request.callsiteStackHeight, request.callsiteMethod, request.callsiteClass,
- callee.callee, callee.calleeDeclarationClass,
- request.receiverKnownNotNull, keepLineNumbers = false)
- for (warning <- r) {
- if ((callee.annotatedInline && btypes.compilerSettings.YoptWarningEmitAtInlineFailed) || warning.emitWarning(compilerSettings)) {
- val annotWarn = if (callee.annotatedInline) " is annotated @inline but" else ""
- val msg = s"${BackendReporting.methodSignature(callee.calleeDeclarationClass.internalName, callee.callee)}$annotWarn could not be inlined:\n$warning"
- backendReporting.inlinerWarning(request.callsitePosition, msg)
- }
- }
+ val Right(callee) = request.callsite.callee // collectAndOrderInlineRequests returns callsites with a known callee
+ val warnings = inline(request)
+ for (warning <- warnings) {
+ if (warning.emitWarning(compilerSettings))
+ backendReporting.inlinerWarning(request.callsite.callsitePosition, warning.toString)
+ InlineLog.print()
@@ -69,165 +136,21 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* - Always remove the same request when breaking inlining cycles
* - Perform inlinings in a consistent order
- object callsiteOrdering extends Ordering[Callsite] {
- override def compare(x: Callsite, y: Callsite): Int = {
- val cls = x.callsiteClass.internalName compareTo y.callsiteClass.internalName
+ object callsiteOrdering extends Ordering[InlineRequest] {
+ override def compare(x: InlineRequest, y: InlineRequest): Int = {
+ val xCs = x.callsite
+ val yCs = y.callsite
+ val cls = xCs.callsiteClass.internalName compareTo yCs.callsiteClass.internalName
if (cls != 0) return cls
- val name = compareTo
+ val name = compareTo
if (name != 0) return name
- val desc = x.callsiteMethod.desc compareTo y.callsiteMethod.desc
+ val desc = xCs.callsiteMethod.desc compareTo yCs.callsiteMethod.desc
if (desc != 0) return desc
def pos(c: Callsite) = c.callsiteMethod.instructions.indexOf(c.callsiteInstruction)
- pos(x) - pos(y)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Select callsites from the call graph that should be inlined. The resulting list of inlining
- * requests is allowed to have cycles, and the callsites can appear in any order.
- */
- def selectCallsitesForInlining: List[Callsite] = {
- callsites.valuesIterator.filter({
- case callsite @ Callsite(_, _, _, Right(Callee(callee, calleeDeclClass, safeToInline, _, annotatedInline, _, warning)), _, _, _, pos) =>
- val res = doInlineCallsite(callsite)
- if (!res) {
- if (annotatedInline && btypes.compilerSettings.YoptWarningEmitAtInlineFailed) {
- // if the callsite is annotated @inline, we report an inline warning even if the underlying
- // reason is, for example, mixed compilation (which has a separate -Yopt-warning flag).
- def initMsg = s"${BackendReporting.methodSignature(calleeDeclClass.internalName, callee)} is annotated @inline but cannot be inlined"
- def warnMsg =" Possible reason:\n" + _).getOrElse("")
- if (doRewriteTraitCallsite(callsite))
- backendReporting.inlinerWarning(pos, s"$initMsg: the trait method call could not be rewritten to the static implementation method." + warnMsg)
- else if (!safeToInline)
- backendReporting.inlinerWarning(pos, s"$initMsg: the method is not final and may be overridden." + warnMsg)
- else
- backendReporting.inlinerWarning(pos, s"$initMsg." + warnMsg)
- } else if (warning.isDefined && warning.get.emitWarning(compilerSettings)) {
- // when annotatedInline is false, and there is some warning, the callsite metadata is possibly incomplete.
- backendReporting.inlinerWarning(pos, s"there was a problem determining if method ${} can be inlined: \n"+ warning.get)
- }
- }
- res
- case Callsite(ins, _, _, Left(warning), _, _, _, pos) =>
- if (warning.emitWarning(compilerSettings))
- backendReporting.inlinerWarning(pos, s"failed to determine if ${} should be inlined:\n$warning")
- false
- }).toList
- }
- /**
- * The current inlining heuristics are simple: inline calls to methods annotated @inline.
- */
- def doInlineCallsite(callsite: Callsite): Boolean = callsite match {
- case Callsite(_, _, _, Right(Callee(callee, calleeDeclClass, safeToInline, _, annotatedInline, _, warning)), _, _, _, pos) =>
- if (compilerSettings.YoptInlineHeuristics.value == "everything") safeToInline
- else annotatedInline && safeToInline
- case _ => false
- }
- def rewriteFinalTraitMethodInvocations(): Unit = {
- // Rewriting final trait method callsites to the implementation class enables inlining.
- // We cannot just iterate over the values of the `callsites` map because the rewrite changes the
- // map. Therefore we first copy the values to a list.
- callsites.values.toList.foreach(rewriteFinalTraitMethodInvocation)
- }
- /**
- * True for statically resolved trait callsites that should be rewritten to the static implementation method.
- */
- def doRewriteTraitCallsite(callsite: Callsite) = callsite.callee match {
- case Right(Callee(callee, calleeDeclarationClass, safeToInline, true, annotatedInline, annotatedNoInline, infoWarning)) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- /**
- * Rewrite the INVOKEINTERFACE callsite of a final trait method invocation to INVOKESTATIC of the
- * corresponding method in the implementation class. This enables inlining final trait methods.
- *
- * In a final trait method callsite, the callee is safeToInline and the callee method is abstract
- * (the receiver type is the interface, so the method is abstract).
- */
- def rewriteFinalTraitMethodInvocation(callsite: Callsite): Unit = {
- if (doRewriteTraitCallsite(callsite)) {
- val Right(Callee(callee, calleeDeclarationClass, _, _, annotatedInline, annotatedNoInline, infoWarning)) = callsite.callee
- val traitMethodArgumentTypes = asm.Type.getArgumentTypes(callee.desc)
- val implClassInternalName = calleeDeclarationClass.internalName + "$class"
- val selfParamTypeV: Either[OptimizerWarning, ClassBType] = match {
- case Some(internalName) => classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(internalName)
- case None => calleeDeclarationClass
- })
- def implClassMethodV(implMethodDescriptor: String): Either[OptimizerWarning, MethodNode] = {
- byteCodeRepository.methodNode(implClassInternalName,, implMethodDescriptor).map(_._1)
- }
- // The rewrite reading the implementation class and the implementation method from the bytecode
- // repository. If either of the two fails, the rewrite is not performed.
- val res = for {
- selfParamType <- selfParamTypeV
- implMethodDescriptor = asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(asm.Type.getReturnType(callee.desc), selfParamType.toASMType +: traitMethodArgumentTypes: _*)
- implClassMethod <- implClassMethodV(implMethodDescriptor)
- implClassBType = classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(implClassInternalName)
- selfTypeOk <- calleeDeclarationClass.isSubtypeOf(selfParamType)
- } yield {
- // The self parameter type may be incompatible with the trait type.
- // trait T { self: S => def foo = 1 }
- // The $self parameter type of T$ is S, which may be unrelated to T. If we re-write
- // a call to to T$, we need to cast the receiver to S, otherwise we get a
- // VerifyError. We run a `SourceInterpreter` to find all producer instructions of the
- // receiver value and add a cast to the self type after each.
- if (!selfTypeOk) {
- // there's no need to run eliminateUnreachableCode here. building the call graph does that
- // already, no code can become unreachable in the meantime.
- val analyzer = new AsmAnalyzer(callsite.callsiteMethod, callsite.callsiteClass.internalName, new SourceInterpreter)
- val receiverValue = analyzer.frameAt(callsite.callsiteInstruction).peekStack(traitMethodArgumentTypes.length)
- for (i <- receiverValue.insns.asScala) {
- val cast = new TypeInsnNode(CHECKCAST, selfParamType.internalName)
- callsite.callsiteMethod.instructions.insert(i, cast)
- }
- }
- val newCallsiteInstruction = new MethodInsnNode(INVOKESTATIC, implClassInternalName,, implMethodDescriptor, false)
- callsite.callsiteMethod.instructions.insert(callsite.callsiteInstruction, newCallsiteInstruction)
- callsite.callsiteMethod.instructions.remove(callsite.callsiteInstruction)
- callGraph.callsites.remove(callsite.callsiteInstruction)
- val staticCallsite = Callsite(
- callsiteInstruction = newCallsiteInstruction,
- callsiteMethod = callsite.callsiteMethod,
- callsiteClass = callsite.callsiteClass,
- callee = Right(Callee(
- callee = implClassMethod,
- calleeDeclarationClass = implClassBType,
- safeToInline = true,
- safeToRewrite = false,
- annotatedInline = annotatedInline,
- annotatedNoInline = annotatedNoInline,
- calleeInfoWarning = infoWarning)),
- argInfos = Nil,
- callsiteStackHeight = callsite.callsiteStackHeight,
- receiverKnownNotNull = callsite.receiverKnownNotNull,
- callsitePosition = callsite.callsitePosition
- )
- callGraph.callsites(newCallsiteInstruction) = staticCallsite
- }
- for (warning <- res.left) {
- val Right(callee) = callsite.callee
- val newCallee = callee.copy(calleeInfoWarning = Some(RewriteTraitCallToStaticImplMethodFailed(calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.callee.desc, warning)))
- callGraph.callsites(callsite.callsiteInstruction) = callsite.copy(callee = Right(newCallee))
- }
+ pos(xCs) - pos(yCs)
@@ -238,15 +161,13 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* The resulting list is sorted such that the leaves of the inline request graph are on the left.
* Once these leaves are inlined, the successive elements will be leaves, etc.
- private def collectAndOrderInlineRequests: List[Callsite] = {
- val requests = selectCallsitesForInlining
+ private def collectAndOrderInlineRequests: List[InlineRequest] = {
+ val requestsByMethod = selectCallsitesForInlining withDefaultValue Set.empty
+ val elided = mutable.Set.empty[InlineRequest]
+ def nonElidedRequests(methodNode: MethodNode): Set[InlineRequest] = requestsByMethod(methodNode) diff elided
- // This map is an index to look up the inlining requests for a method. The value sets are mutable
- // to allow removing elided requests (to break inlining cycles). The map itself is mutable to
- // allow efficient building: requests.groupBy would build values as List[Callsite] that need to
- // be transformed to mutable sets.
- val inlineRequestsForMethod: mutable.Map[MethodNode, mutable.Set[Callsite]] = mutable.HashMap.empty.withDefaultValue(mutable.HashSet.empty)
- for (r <- requests) inlineRequestsForMethod.getOrElseUpdate(r.callsiteMethod, mutable.HashSet.empty) += r
+ def allCallees(r: InlineRequest): Set[MethodNode] = + r.callsite.callee.get.callee
* Break cycles in the inline request graph by removing callsites.
@@ -254,236 +175,454 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* The list `requests` is traversed left-to-right, removing those callsites that are part of a
* cycle. Elided callsites are also removed from the `inlineRequestsForMethod` map.
- def breakInlineCycles(requests: List[Callsite]): List[Callsite] = {
+ def breakInlineCycles: List[InlineRequest] = {
// is there a path of inline requests from start to goal?
- def isReachable(start: MethodNode, goal: MethodNode): Boolean = {
- @tailrec def reachableImpl(check: List[MethodNode], visited: Set[MethodNode]): Boolean = check match {
- case x :: xs =>
+ def isReachable(start: Set[MethodNode], goal: MethodNode): Boolean = {
+ @tailrec def reachableImpl(check: Set[MethodNode], visited: Set[MethodNode]): Boolean = {
+ if (check.isEmpty) false
+ else {
+ val x = check.head
if (x == goal) true
- else if (visited(x)) reachableImpl(xs, visited)
+ else if (visited(x)) reachableImpl(check - x, visited)
else {
- val callees = inlineRequestsForMethod(x).map(_.callee.get.callee)
- reachableImpl(xs ::: callees.toList, visited + x)
+ val callees = nonElidedRequests(x).flatMap(allCallees)
+ reachableImpl(check - x ++ callees, visited + x)
- case Nil =>
- false
+ }
- reachableImpl(List(start), Set.empty)
+ reachableImpl(start, Set.empty)
- val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[Callsite]()
+ val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[InlineRequest]()
+ val requests = requestsByMethod.valuesIterator.flatten.toArray
// sort the inline requests to ensure that removing requests is deterministic
- for (r <- requests.sorted(callsiteOrdering)) {
+ java.util.Arrays.sort(requests, callsiteOrdering)
+ for (r <- requests) {
// is there a chain of inlining requests that would inline the callsite method into the callee?
- if (isReachable(r.callee.get.callee, r.callsiteMethod))
- inlineRequestsForMethod(r.callsiteMethod) -= r
+ if (isReachable(allCallees(r), r.callsite.callsiteMethod))
+ elided += r
result += r
+ ()
// sort the remaining inline requests such that the leaves appear first, then those requests
// that become leaves, etc.
- def leavesFirst(requests: List[Callsite], visited: Set[Callsite] = Set.empty): List[Callsite] = {
+ def leavesFirst(requests: List[InlineRequest], visited: Set[InlineRequest] = Set.empty): List[InlineRequest] = {
if (requests.isEmpty) Nil
else {
val (leaves, others) = requests.partition(r => {
- val inlineRequestsForCallee = inlineRequestsForMethod(r.callee.get.callee)
- inlineRequestsForCallee.forall(visited)
+ val inlineRequestsForCallees = allCallees(r).flatMap(nonElidedRequests)
+ inlineRequestsForCallees.forall(visited)
assert(leaves.nonEmpty, requests)
leaves ::: leavesFirst(others, visited ++ leaves)
- leavesFirst(breakInlineCycles(requests))
+ leavesFirst(breakInlineCycles)
- * Copy and adapt the instructions of a method to a callsite.
+ * Given an InlineRequest(mainCallsite, post = List(postCallsite)), the postCallsite is a callsite
+ * in the method `mainCallsite.callee`. Once the mainCallsite is inlined into the target method
+ * (mainCallsite.callsiteMethod), we need to find the cloned callsite that corresponds to the
+ * postCallsite so we can inline that into the target method as well.
- * Preconditions:
- * - The maxLocals and maxStack values of the callsite method are correctly computed
- * - The callsite method contains no unreachable basic blocks, i.e., running an [[Analyzer]]
- * does not produce any `null` frames
+ * However, it is possible that there is no cloned callsite at all that corresponds to the
+ * postCallsite, for example if the corresponding callsite already inlined. Example:
+ *
+ * def a() = 1
+ * def b() = a() + 2
+ * def c() = b() + 3
+ * def d() = c() + 4
+ *
+ * We have the following callsite objects in the call graph:
+ *
+ * c1 = a() in b
+ * c2 = b() in c
+ * c3 = c() in d
- * @param callsiteInstruction The invocation instruction
- * @param callsiteStackHeight The stack height at the callsite
- * @param callsiteMethod The method in which the invocation occurs
- * @param callsiteClass The class in which the callsite method is defined
- * @param callee The invoked method
- * @param calleeDeclarationClass The class in which the invoked method is defined
- * @param receiverKnownNotNull `true` if the receiver is known to be non-null
- * @param keepLineNumbers `true` if LineNumberNodes should be copied to the call site
- * @return `Some(message)` if inlining cannot be performed, `None` otherwise
+ * Assume we have the following inline request
+ * r = InlineRequest(c3,
+ * post = List(InlineRequest(c2,
+ * post = List(InlineRequest(c1, post = Nil)))))
+ *
+ * But before inlining r, assume a separate InlineRequest(c2, post = Nil) is inlined first. We get
+ *
+ * c1' = a() in c // added to the call graph
+ * c1.inlinedClones += (c1' at c2) // remember that c1' was created when inlining c2
+ * ~c2~ // c2 is removed from the call graph
+ *
+ * If we now inline r, we first inline c3. We get
+ *
+ * c1'' = a() in d // added to call graph
+ * c1'.inlinedClones += (c1'' at c3) // remember that c1'' was created when inlining c3
+ * ~c3~
+ *
+ * Now we continue with the post-requests for r, i.e. c2.
+ * - we try to find the clone of c2 that was created when inlining c3 - but there is none. c2
+ * was already inlined before
+ * - we continue with the post-request of c2: c1
+ * - we search for the callsite of c1 that was cloned when inlining c2, we find c1'
+ * - recursively we search for the callsite of c1' that was cloned when inlining c3, we find c1''
+ * - so we create an inline request for c1''
- def inline(callsiteInstruction: MethodInsnNode, callsiteStackHeight: Int, callsiteMethod: MethodNode, callsiteClass: ClassBType,
- callee: MethodNode, calleeDeclarationClass: ClassBType,
- receiverKnownNotNull: Boolean, keepLineNumbers: Boolean): Option[CannotInlineWarning] = {
- canInline(callsiteInstruction, callsiteStackHeight, callsiteMethod, callsiteClass, callee, calleeDeclarationClass) orElse {
- // New labels for the cloned instructions
- val labelsMap = cloneLabels(callee)
- val (clonedInstructions, instructionMap) = cloneInstructions(callee, labelsMap)
- if (!keepLineNumbers) {
- removeLineNumberNodes(clonedInstructions)
+ def adaptPostRequestForMainCallsite(post: InlineRequest, mainCallsite: Callsite): List[InlineRequest] = {
+ def impl(post: InlineRequest, at: Callsite): List[InlineRequest] = {
+ post.callsite.inlinedClones.find(_.clonedWhenInlining == at) match {
+ case Some(clonedCallsite) =>
+ List(InlineRequest(clonedCallsite.callsite,, post.reason))
+ case None =>
+, post.callsite)).flatMap(impl(_, at))
+ }
+ impl(post, mainCallsite)
+ }
+ class UndoLog(active: Boolean = true) {
+ import java.util.{ ArrayList => JArrayList }
+ private var actions = List.empty[() => Unit]
+ private var methodStateSaved = false
+ def apply(a: => Unit): Unit = if (active) actions = (() => a) :: actions
+ def rollback(): Unit = if (active) actions.foreach(_.apply())
- // local vars in the callee are shifted by the number of locals at the callsite
- val localVarShift = callsiteMethod.maxLocals
- clonedInstructions.iterator.asScala foreach {
- case varInstruction: VarInsnNode => varInstruction.`var` += localVarShift
- case iinc: IincInsnNode => iinc.`var` += localVarShift
- case _ => ()
+ def saveMethodState(methodNode: MethodNode): Unit = if (active && !methodStateSaved) {
+ methodStateSaved = true
+ val currentInstructions = methodNode.instructions.toArray
+ val currentLocalVariables = new JArrayList(methodNode.localVariables)
+ val currentTryCatchBlocks = new JArrayList(methodNode.tryCatchBlocks)
+ val currentMaxLocals = methodNode.maxLocals
+ val currentMaxStack = methodNode.maxStack
+ apply {
+ // `methodNode.instructions.clear()` doesn't work: it keeps the `prev` / `next` / `index` of
+ // instruction nodes. `instructions.removeAll(true)` would work, but is not public.
+ methodNode.instructions.iterator.asScala.toList.foreach(methodNode.instructions.remove)
+ for (i <- currentInstructions) methodNode.instructions.add(i)
+ methodNode.localVariables.clear()
+ methodNode.localVariables.addAll(currentLocalVariables)
+ methodNode.tryCatchBlocks.clear()
+ methodNode.tryCatchBlocks.addAll(currentTryCatchBlocks)
+ methodNode.maxLocals = currentMaxLocals
+ methodNode.maxStack = currentMaxStack
+ }
+ }
- // add a STORE instruction for each expected argument, including for THIS instance if any
- val argStores = new InsnList
- var nextLocalIndex = callsiteMethod.maxLocals
- if (!isStaticMethod(callee)) {
- if (!receiverKnownNotNull) {
- argStores.add(new InsnNode(DUP))
- val nonNullLabel = newLabelNode
- argStores.add(new JumpInsnNode(IFNONNULL, nonNullLabel))
- argStores.add(new InsnNode(ACONST_NULL))
- argStores.add(new InsnNode(ATHROW))
- argStores.add(nonNullLabel)
+ val NoUndoLogging = new UndoLog(active = false)
+ /**
+ * Inline the callsite of an inlining request and its post-inlining requests.
+ *
+ * @return An inliner warning for each callsite that could not be inlined.
+ */
+ def inline(request: InlineRequest, undo: UndoLog = NoUndoLogging): List[CannotInlineWarning] = {
+ def doInline(undo: UndoLog, callRollback: Boolean = false): List[CannotInlineWarning] = {
+ InlineLog.withInlineLogging(request) {
+ inlineCallsite(request.callsite, undo)
+ } {
+ val postRequests =, request.callsite))
+ val warnings = postRequests.flatMap(inline(_, undo))
+ if (callRollback && warnings.nonEmpty) {
+ undo.rollback()
+ InlineLog(InlineLogRollback(request, warnings))
- argStores.add(new VarInsnNode(ASTORE, nextLocalIndex))
- nextLocalIndex += 1
+ warnings
+ }
- // We just use an asm.Type here, no need to create the MethodBType.
- val calleAsmType = asm.Type.getMethodType(callee.desc)
+ def inlinedByPost(insns: List[AbstractInsnNode]): Boolean =
+ insns.nonEmpty && insns.forall(ins => == ins))
- for(argTp <- calleAsmType.getArgumentTypes) {
- val opc = argTp.getOpcode(ISTORE) // returns the correct xSTORE instruction for argTp
- argStores.insert(new VarInsnNode(opc, nextLocalIndex)) // "insert" is "prepend" - the last argument is on the top of the stack
- nextLocalIndex += argTp.getSize
+ canInlineCallsite(request.callsite) match {
+ case None =>
+ doInline(undo)
+ case Some((_, illegalAccessInsns)) if inlinedByPost(illegalAccessInsns) =>
+ // speculatively inline, roll back if an illegalAccessInsn cannot be eliminated
+ if (undo == NoUndoLogging) doInline(new UndoLog(), callRollback = true)
+ else doInline(undo)
+ case Some((w, _)) =>
+ InlineLog(InlineLogFail(request, w))
+ List(w)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Copy and adapt the instructions of a method to a callsite.
+ *
+ * Preconditions:
+ * - The callsite can safely be inlined (canInlineBody is true)
+ * - The maxLocals and maxStack values of the callsite method are correctly computed
+ *
+ * @return A map associating instruction nodes of the callee with the corresponding cloned
+ * instruction in the callsite method.
+ */
+ def inlineCallsite(callsite: Callsite, undo: UndoLog = NoUndoLogging): Unit = {
+ import callsite.{callsiteClass, callsiteMethod, callsiteInstruction, receiverKnownNotNull, callsiteStackHeight}
+ val Right(callsiteCallee) = callsite.callee
+ import callsiteCallee.{callee, calleeDeclarationClass, sourceFilePath}
+ // Inlining requires the callee not to have unreachable code, the analyzer used below should not
+ // return any `null` frames. Note that inlining a method can create unreachable code. Example:
+ // def f = throw e
+ // def g = f; println() // println is unreachable after inlining f
+ // If we have an inline request for a call to g, and f has been already inlined into g, we
+ // need to run DCE on g's body before inlining g.
+ localOpt.minimalRemoveUnreachableCode(callee, calleeDeclarationClass.internalName)
+ // If the callsite was eliminated by DCE, do nothing.
+ if (!callGraph.containsCallsite(callsite)) return
+ // New labels for the cloned instructions
+ val labelsMap = cloneLabels(callee)
+ val sameSourceFile = sourceFilePath match {
+ case Some(calleeSource) => byteCodeRepository.compilingClasses.get(callsiteClass.internalName) match {
+ case Some((_, `calleeSource`)) => true
+ case _ => false
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ val (clonedInstructions, instructionMap, targetHandles) = cloneInstructions(callee, labelsMap, keepLineNumbers = sameSourceFile)
+ // local vars in the callee are shifted by the number of locals at the callsite
+ val localVarShift = callsiteMethod.maxLocals
+ clonedInstructions.iterator.asScala foreach {
+ case varInstruction: VarInsnNode => varInstruction.`var` += localVarShift
+ case iinc: IincInsnNode => iinc.`var` += localVarShift
+ case _ => ()
+ }
- clonedInstructions.insert(argStores)
- // label for the exit of the inlined functions. xRETURNs are replaced by GOTOs to this label.
- val postCallLabel = newLabelNode
- clonedInstructions.add(postCallLabel)
- // replace xRETURNs:
- // - store the return value (if any)
- // - clear the stack of the inlined method (insert DROPs)
- // - load the return value
- // - GOTO postCallLabel
- val returnType = calleAsmType.getReturnType
- val hasReturnValue = returnType.getSort != asm.Type.VOID
- val returnValueIndex = callsiteMethod.maxLocals + callee.maxLocals
- nextLocalIndex += returnType.getSize
- def returnValueStore(returnInstruction: AbstractInsnNode) = {
- val opc = returnInstruction.getOpcode match {
- }
- new VarInsnNode(opc, returnValueIndex)
+ // add a STORE instruction for each expected argument, including for THIS instance if any
+ val argStores = new InsnList
+ var nextLocalIndex = callsiteMethod.maxLocals
+ if (!isStaticMethod(callee)) {
+ if (!receiverKnownNotNull) {
+ argStores.add(new InsnNode(DUP))
+ val nonNullLabel = newLabelNode
+ argStores.add(new JumpInsnNode(IFNONNULL, nonNullLabel))
+ argStores.add(new InsnNode(ACONST_NULL))
+ argStores.add(new InsnNode(ATHROW))
+ argStores.add(nonNullLabel)
+ argStores.add(new VarInsnNode(ASTORE, nextLocalIndex))
+ nextLocalIndex += 1
+ }
- // We run an interpreter to know the stack height at each xRETURN instruction and the sizes
- // of the values on the stack.
- val analyzer = new AsmAnalyzer(callee, calleeDeclarationClass.internalName)
+ // We just use an asm.Type here, no need to create the MethodBType.
+ val calleAsmType = asm.Type.getMethodType(callee.desc)
+ val calleeParamTypes = calleAsmType.getArgumentTypes
- for (originalReturn <- callee.instructions.iterator().asScala if isReturn(originalReturn)) {
- val frame = analyzer.frameAt(originalReturn)
- var stackHeight = frame.getStackSize
+ for(argTp <- calleeParamTypes) {
+ val opc = argTp.getOpcode(ISTORE) // returns the correct xSTORE instruction for argTp
+ argStores.insert(new VarInsnNode(opc, nextLocalIndex)) // "insert" is "prepend" - the last argument is on the top of the stack
+ nextLocalIndex += argTp.getSize
+ }
- val inlinedReturn = instructionMap(originalReturn)
- val returnReplacement = new InsnList
+ clonedInstructions.insert(argStores)
+ // label for the exit of the inlined functions. xRETURNs are replaced by GOTOs to this label.
+ val postCallLabel = newLabelNode
+ clonedInstructions.add(postCallLabel)
+ // replace xRETURNs:
+ // - store the return value (if any)
+ // - clear the stack of the inlined method (insert DROPs)
+ // - load the return value
+ // - GOTO postCallLabel
+ val returnType = calleAsmType.getReturnType
+ val hasReturnValue = returnType.getSort != asm.Type.VOID
+ val returnValueIndex = callsiteMethod.maxLocals + callee.maxLocals
+ nextLocalIndex += returnType.getSize
+ def returnValueStore(returnInstruction: AbstractInsnNode) = {
+ val opc = returnInstruction.getOpcode match {
+ }
+ new VarInsnNode(opc, returnValueIndex)
+ }
- def drop(slot: Int) = returnReplacement add getPop(frame.peekStack(slot).getSize)
+ // We run an interpreter to know the stack height at each xRETURN instruction and the sizes
+ // of the values on the stack.
+ // We don't need to worry about the method being too large for running an analysis. Callsites of
+ // large methods are not added to the call graph.
+ val analyzer = new AsmAnalyzer(callee, calleeDeclarationClass.internalName)
- // for non-void methods, store the stack top into the return local variable
- if (hasReturnValue) {
- returnReplacement add returnValueStore(originalReturn)
- stackHeight -= 1
- }
+ for (originalReturn <- callee.instructions.iterator().asScala if isReturn(originalReturn)) {
+ val frame = analyzer.frameAt(originalReturn)
+ var stackHeight = frame.getStackSize
- // drop the rest of the stack
- for (i <- 0 until stackHeight) drop(i)
+ val inlinedReturn = instructionMap(originalReturn)
+ val returnReplacement = new InsnList
- returnReplacement add new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, postCallLabel)
- clonedInstructions.insert(inlinedReturn, returnReplacement)
- clonedInstructions.remove(inlinedReturn)
- }
+ def drop(slot: Int) = returnReplacement add getPop(frame.peekStack(slot).getSize)
- // Load instruction for the return value
+ // for non-void methods, store the stack top into the return local variable
if (hasReturnValue) {
- val retVarLoad = {
- val opc = returnType.getOpcode(ILOAD)
- new VarInsnNode(opc, returnValueIndex)
- }
- clonedInstructions.insert(postCallLabel, retVarLoad)
+ returnReplacement add returnValueStore(originalReturn)
+ stackHeight -= 1
- callsiteMethod.instructions.insert(callsiteInstruction, clonedInstructions)
- callsiteMethod.instructions.remove(callsiteInstruction)
- callsiteMethod.localVariables.addAll(cloneLocalVariableNodes(callee, labelsMap, + "_").asJava)
- callsiteMethod.tryCatchBlocks.addAll(cloneTryCatchBlockNodes(callee, labelsMap).asJava)
- // Add all invocation instructions and closure instantiations that were inlined to the call graph
- callee.instructions.iterator().asScala foreach {
- case originalCallsiteIns: MethodInsnNode =>
- callGraph.callsites.get(originalCallsiteIns) match {
- case Some(originalCallsite) =>
- val newCallsiteIns = instructionMap(originalCallsiteIns).asInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode]
- callGraph.callsites(newCallsiteIns) = Callsite(
- callsiteInstruction = newCallsiteIns,
- callsiteMethod = callsiteMethod,
- callsiteClass = callsiteClass,
- callee = originalCallsite.callee,
- argInfos = Nil, // TODO: re-compute argInfos for new destination (once we actually compute them)
- callsiteStackHeight = callsiteStackHeight + originalCallsite.callsiteStackHeight,
- receiverKnownNotNull = originalCallsite.receiverKnownNotNull,
- callsitePosition = originalCallsite.callsitePosition
- )
- case None =>
- }
+ // drop the rest of the stack
+ for (i <- 0 until stackHeight) drop(i)
- case indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode =>
- callGraph.closureInstantiations.get(indy) match {
- case Some(closureInit) =>
- val newIndy = instructionMap(indy).asInstanceOf[InvokeDynamicInsnNode]
- callGraph.closureInstantiations(newIndy) = ClosureInstantiation(closureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.copy(indy = newIndy), callsiteMethod, callsiteClass)
- case None =>
- }
+ returnReplacement add new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, postCallLabel)
+ clonedInstructions.insert(inlinedReturn, returnReplacement)
+ clonedInstructions.remove(inlinedReturn)
+ }
- case _ =>
+ // Load instruction for the return value
+ if (hasReturnValue) {
+ val retVarLoad = {
+ val opc = returnType.getOpcode(ILOAD)
+ new VarInsnNode(opc, returnValueIndex)
- // Remove the elided invocation from the call graph
- callGraph.callsites.remove(callsiteInstruction)
+ clonedInstructions.insert(postCallLabel, retVarLoad)
+ }
- // Inlining a method body can render some code unreachable, see example above (in runInliner).
- unreachableCodeEliminated -= callsiteMethod
+ undo.saveMethodState(callsiteMethod)
- callsiteMethod.maxLocals += returnType.getSize + callee.maxLocals
- callsiteMethod.maxStack = math.max(callsiteMethod.maxStack, callee.maxStack + callsiteStackHeight)
+ callsiteMethod.instructions.insert(callsiteInstruction, clonedInstructions)
+ callsiteMethod.instructions.remove(callsiteInstruction)
- None
+ callsiteMethod.localVariables.addAll(cloneLocalVariableNodes(callee, labelsMap,, localVarShift).asJava)
+ // prepend the handlers of the callee. the order of handlers matters: when an exception is thrown
+ // at some instruction, the first handler guarding that instruction and having a matching exception
+ // type is executed. prepending the callee's handlers makes sure to test those handlers first if
+ // an exception is thrown in the inlined code.
+ callsiteMethod.tryCatchBlocks.addAll(0, cloneTryCatchBlockNodes(callee, labelsMap).asJava)
+ callsiteMethod.maxLocals += returnType.getSize + callee.maxLocals
+ val maxStackOfInlinedCode = {
+ // One slot per value is correct for long / double, see comment in the `analysis` package object.
+ val numStoredArgs = calleeParamTypes.length + (if (isStaticMethod(callee)) 0 else 1)
+ callee.maxStack + callsiteStackHeight - numStoredArgs
+ }
+ val stackHeightAtNullCheck = {
+ // When adding a null check for the receiver, a DUP is inserted, which might cause a new maxStack.
+ // If the callsite has other argument values than the receiver on the stack, these are pop'ed
+ // and stored into locals before the null check, so in that case the maxStack doesn't grow.
+ val stackSlotForNullCheck = if (!isStaticMethod(callee) && !receiverKnownNotNull && calleeParamTypes.isEmpty) 1 else 0
+ callsiteStackHeight + stackSlotForNullCheck
+ callsiteMethod.maxStack = math.max(callsiteMethod.maxStack, math.max(stackHeightAtNullCheck, maxStackOfInlinedCode))
+ val added = addIndyLambdaImplMethod(callsiteClass.internalName, targetHandles)
+ undo { removeIndyLambdaImplMethod(callsiteClass.internalName, added) }
+ callGraph.addIfMissing(callee, calleeDeclarationClass)
+ def mapArgInfo(argInfo: (Int, ArgInfo)): Option[(Int, ArgInfo)] = argInfo match {
+ case lit @ (_, FunctionLiteral) => Some(lit)
+ case (argIndex, ForwardedParam(paramIndex)) => callsite.argInfos.get(paramIndex).map((argIndex, _))
+ }
+ // Add all invocation instructions and closure instantiations that were inlined to the call graph
+ callGraph.callsites(callee).valuesIterator foreach { originalCallsite =>
+ val newCallsiteIns = instructionMap(originalCallsite.callsiteInstruction).asInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode]
+ val argInfos = originalCallsite.argInfos flatMap mapArgInfo
+ val newCallsite = originalCallsite.copy(
+ callsiteInstruction = newCallsiteIns,
+ callsiteMethod = callsiteMethod,
+ callsiteClass = callsiteClass,
+ argInfos = argInfos,
+ callsiteStackHeight = callsiteStackHeight + originalCallsite.callsiteStackHeight
+ )
+ val clonedCallsite = ClonedCallsite(newCallsite, callsite)
+ originalCallsite.inlinedClones += clonedCallsite
+ callGraph.addCallsite(newCallsite)
+ undo {
+ originalCallsite.inlinedClones -= clonedCallsite
+ callGraph.removeCallsite(newCallsite.callsiteInstruction, newCallsite.callsiteMethod)
+ }
+ }
+ callGraph.closureInstantiations(callee).valuesIterator foreach { originalClosureInit =>
+ val newIndy = instructionMap(originalClosureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.indy).asInstanceOf[InvokeDynamicInsnNode]
+ val capturedArgInfos = originalClosureInit.capturedArgInfos flatMap mapArgInfo
+ val newClosureInit = ClosureInstantiation(
+ originalClosureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.copy(indy = newIndy),
+ callsiteMethod,
+ callsiteClass,
+ capturedArgInfos)
+ originalClosureInit.inlinedClones += newClosureInit
+ callGraph.addClosureInstantiation(newClosureInit)
+ undo {
+ callGraph.removeClosureInstantiation(newClosureInit.lambdaMetaFactoryCall.indy, newClosureInit.ownerMethod)
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the elided invocation from the call graph
+ callGraph.removeCallsite(callsiteInstruction, callsiteMethod)
+ undo { callGraph.addCallsite(callsite) }
+ // Inlining a method body can render some code unreachable, see example above in this method.
+ unreachableCodeEliminated -= callsiteMethod
- * Check whether an inling can be performed. Parmeters are described in method [[inline]].
+ * Check whether an inlining can be performed. This method performs tests that don't change even
+ * if the body of the callee is changed by the inliner / optimizer, so it can be used early
+ * (when looking at the call graph and collecting inline requests for the program).
+ *
+ * The tests that inspect the callee's instructions are implemented in method `canInlineBody`,
+ * which is queried when performing an inline.
+ *
* @return `Some(message)` if inlining cannot be performed, `None` otherwise
- def canInline(callsiteInstruction: MethodInsnNode, callsiteStackHeight: Int, callsiteMethod: MethodNode, callsiteClass: ClassBType,
- callee: MethodNode, calleeDeclarationClass: ClassBType): Option[CannotInlineWarning] = {
+ def earlyCanInlineCheck(callsite: Callsite): Option[CannotInlineWarning] = {
+ import callsite.{callsiteMethod, callsiteClass}
+ val Right(callsiteCallee) = callsite.callee
+ import callsiteCallee.{callee, calleeDeclarationClass}
+ if (isSynchronizedMethod(callee)) {
+ // Could be done by locking on the receiver, wrapping the inlined code in a try and unlocking
+ // in finally. But it's probably not worth the effort, scala never emits synchronized methods.
+ Some(SynchronizedMethod(calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc, callsite.isInlineAnnotated))
+ } else if (isStrictfpMethod(callsiteMethod) != isStrictfpMethod(callee)) {
+ Some(StrictfpMismatch(
+ calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc, callsite.isInlineAnnotated,
+ callsiteClass.internalName,, callsiteMethod.desc))
+ } else
+ None
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check whether the body of the callee contains any instructions that prevent the callsite from
+ * being inlined. See also method `earlyCanInlineCheck`.
+ *
+ * The result of this check depends on changes to the callee method's body. For example, if the
+ * callee initially invokes a private method, it cannot be inlined into a different class. If the
+ * private method is inlined into the callee, inlining the callee becomes possible. Therefore
+ * we don't query it while traversing the call graph and selecting callsites to inline - it might
+ * rule out callsites that can be inlined just fine.
+ *
+ * Returns
+ * - `None` if the callsite can be inlined
+ * - `Some((message, Nil))` if there was an issue performing the access checks, for example
+ * because of a missing classfile
+ * - `Some((message, instructions))` if inlining `instructions` into the callsite method would
+ * cause an IllegalAccessError
+ */
+ def canInlineCallsite(callsite: Callsite): Option[(CannotInlineWarning, List[AbstractInsnNode])] = {
+ import callsite.{callsiteInstruction, callsiteMethod, callsiteClass, callsiteStackHeight}
+ val Right(callsiteCallee) = callsite.callee
+ import callsiteCallee.{callee, calleeDeclarationClass}
def calleeDesc = s"${} of type ${callee.desc} in ${calleeDeclarationClass.internalName}"
def methodMismatch = s"Wrong method node for inlining ${textify(callsiteInstruction)}: $calleeDesc"
@@ -511,31 +650,30 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
if (codeSizeOKForInlining(callsiteMethod, callee)) {
- Some(ResultingMethodTooLarge(
- calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc,
- callsiteClass.internalName,, callsiteMethod.desc))
- } else if (isSynchronizedMethod(callee)) {
- // Could be done by locking on the receiver, wrapping the inlined code in a try and unlocking
- // in finally. But it's probably not worth the effort, scala never emits synchronized methods.
- Some(SynchronizedMethod(calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc))
- } else if (isStrictfpMethod(callsiteMethod) != isStrictfpMethod(callee)) {
- Some(StrictfpMismatch(
- calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc,
- callsiteClass.internalName,, callsiteMethod.desc))
+ val warning = ResultingMethodTooLarge(
+ calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc, callsite.isInlineAnnotated,
+ callsiteClass.internalName,, callsiteMethod.desc)
+ Some((warning, Nil))
} else if (!callee.tryCatchBlocks.isEmpty && stackHasNonParameters) {
- Some(MethodWithHandlerCalledOnNonEmptyStack(
- calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc,
- callsiteClass.internalName,, callsiteMethod.desc))
- } else findIllegalAccess(callee.instructions, calleeDeclarationClass, callsiteClass) map {
- case (illegalAccessIns, None) =>
- IllegalAccessInstruction(
- calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc,
- callsiteClass.internalName, illegalAccessIns)
- case (illegalAccessIns, Some(warning)) =>
- IllegalAccessCheckFailed(
- calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc,
- callsiteClass.internalName, illegalAccessIns, warning)
+ val warning = MethodWithHandlerCalledOnNonEmptyStack(
+ calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc, callsite.isInlineAnnotated,
+ callsiteClass.internalName,, callsiteMethod.desc)
+ Some((warning, Nil))
+ } else findIllegalAccess(callee.instructions, calleeDeclarationClass, callsiteClass) match {
+ case Right(Nil) =>
+ None
+ case Right(illegalAccessInsns) =>
+ val warning = IllegalAccessInstruction(
+ calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc, callsite.isInlineAnnotated,
+ callsiteClass.internalName, illegalAccessInsns.head)
+ Some((warning, illegalAccessInsns))
+ case Left((illegalAccessIns, cause)) =>
+ val warning = IllegalAccessCheckFailed(
+ calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,, callee.desc, callsite.isInlineAnnotated,
+ callsiteClass.internalName, illegalAccessIns, cause)
+ Some((warning, Nil))
@@ -545,7 +683,7 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* (A2) C and D are members of the same run-time package
def classIsAccessible(accessed: BType, from: ClassBType): Either[OptimizerWarning, Boolean] = (accessed: @unchecked) match {
- // TODO: A2 requires "same run-time package", which seems to be package + classloader (JMVS 5.3.). is the below ok?
+ // TODO: A2 requires "same run-time package", which seems to be package + classloader (JVMS 5.3.). is the below ok?
case c: ClassBType => || c.packageInternalName == from.packageInternalName)
case a: ArrayBType => classIsAccessible(a.elementType, from)
case _: PrimitiveBType => Right(true)
@@ -587,7 +725,7 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* type from there (
def memberIsAccessible(memberFlags: Int, memberDeclClass: ClassBType, memberRefClass: ClassBType, from: ClassBType): Either[OptimizerWarning, Boolean] = {
- // TODO: B3 requires "same run-time package", which seems to be package + classloader (JMVS 5.3.). is the below ok?
+ // TODO: B3 requires "same run-time package", which seems to be package + classloader (JVMS 5.3.). is the below ok?
def samePackageAsDestination = memberDeclClass.packageInternalName == from.packageInternalName
def targetObjectConformsToDestinationClass = false // needs type propagation analysis, see above
@@ -624,13 +762,14 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
- * Returns the first instruction in the `instructions` list that would cause a
- * [[java.lang.IllegalAccessError]] when inlined into the `destinationClass`.
- *
- * If validity of some instruction could not be checked because an error occurred, the instruction
- * is returned together with a warning message that describes the problem.
+ * Returns
+ * - `Right(Nil)` if all instructions can be safely inlined
+ * - `Right(insns)` if inlining any of `insns` would cause a [[java.lang.IllegalAccessError]]
+ * when inlined into the `destinationClass`
+ * - `Left((insn, warning))` if validity of some instruction could not be checked because an
+ * error occurred
- def findIllegalAccess(instructions: InsnList, calleeDeclarationClass: ClassBType, destinationClass: ClassBType): Option[(AbstractInsnNode, Option[OptimizerWarning])] = {
+ def findIllegalAccess(instructions: InsnList, calleeDeclarationClass: ClassBType, destinationClass: ClassBType): Either[(AbstractInsnNode, OptimizerWarning), List[AbstractInsnNode]] = {
* Check if `instruction` can be transplanted to `destinationClass`.
@@ -759,17 +898,15 @@ class Inliner[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
val it = instructions.iterator.asScala
- @tailrec def find: Option[(AbstractInsnNode, Option[OptimizerWarning])] = {
- if (!it.hasNext) None // all instructions are legal
- else {
- val i =
- isLegal(i) match {
- case Left(warning) => Some((i, Some(warning))) // checking isLegal for i failed
- case Right(false) => Some((i, None)) // an illegal instruction was found
- case _ => find
- }
+ val illegalAccess = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[AbstractInsnNode]
+ while (it.hasNext) {
+ val i =
+ isLegal(i) match {
+ case Left(warning) => return Left((i, warning)) // checking isLegal for i failed
+ case Right(false) => illegalAccess += i // an illegal instruction was found
+ case _ =>
- find
+ Right(illegalAccess.toList)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerHeuristics.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerHeuristics.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63360e17ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InlinerHeuristics.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2014 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+package backend.jvm
+package opt
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import{AbstractInsnNode, MethodInsnNode, MethodNode}
+import{CalleeNotFinal, OptimizerWarning}
+class InlinerHeuristics[BT <: BTypes](val bTypes: BT) {
+ import bTypes._
+ import callGraph._
+ final case class InlineRequest(callsite: Callsite, post: List[InlineRequest], reason: String) {
+ // invariant: all post inline requests denote callsites in the callee of the main callsite
+ for (pr <- post) assert(pr.callsite.callsiteMethod == callsite.callee.get.callee, s"Callsite method mismatch: main $callsite - post ${pr.callsite}")
+ }
+ def canInlineFromSource(sourceFilePath: Option[String]) = compilerSettings.optInlineGlobal || sourceFilePath.isDefined
+ /**
+ * Select callsites from the call graph that should be inlined, grouped by the containing method.
+ * Cyclic inlining requests are allowed, the inliner will eliminate requests to break cycles.
+ */
+ def selectCallsitesForInlining: Map[MethodNode, Set[InlineRequest]] = {
+ // We should only create inlining requests for callsites being compiled (not for callsites in
+ // classes on the classpath). The call graph may contain callsites of classes parsed from the
+ // classpath. In order to get only the callsites being compiled, we start at the map of
+ // compilingClasses in the byteCodeRepository.
+ val compilingMethods = for {
+ (classNode, _) <- byteCodeRepository.compilingClasses.valuesIterator
+ methodNode <- classNode.methods.iterator.asScala
+ } yield methodNode
+ => {
+ var requests = Set.empty[InlineRequest]
+ callGraph.callsites(methodNode).valuesIterator foreach {
+ case callsite @ Callsite(_, _, _, Right(Callee(callee, _, _, _, _, _, _, callsiteWarning)), _, _, _, pos, _, _) =>
+ inlineRequest(callsite, requests) match {
+ case Some(Right(req)) => requests += req
+ case Some(Left(w)) =>
+ if (w.emitWarning(compilerSettings)) {
+ backendReporting.inlinerWarning(callsite.callsitePosition, w.toString)
+ }
+ case None =>
+ if (callsiteWarning.isDefined && callsiteWarning.get.emitWarning(compilerSettings))
+ backendReporting.inlinerWarning(pos, s"there was a problem determining if method ${} can be inlined: \n"+ callsiteWarning.get)
+ }
+ case Callsite(ins, _, _, Left(warning), _, _, _, pos, _, _) =>
+ if (warning.emitWarning(compilerSettings))
+ backendReporting.inlinerWarning(pos, s"failed to determine if ${} should be inlined:\n$warning")
+ }
+ (methodNode, requests)
+ }).filterNot(_._2.isEmpty).toMap
+ }
+ private def isTraitStaticSuperAccessorName(s: String) = s.endsWith("$")
+ private def traitStaticSuperAccessorName(s: String) = s + "$"
+ private def isTraitSuperAccessor(method: MethodNode, owner: ClassBType): Boolean = {
+ owner.isInterface == Right(true) && BytecodeUtils.isStaticMethod(method) && isTraitStaticSuperAccessorName(
+ }
+ private def findSingleCall(method: MethodNode, such: MethodInsnNode => Boolean): Option[MethodInsnNode] = {
+ @tailrec def noMoreInvoke(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = {
+ insn == null || (!insn.isInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode] && noMoreInvoke(insn.getNext))
+ }
+ @tailrec def find(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Option[MethodInsnNode] = {
+ if (insn == null) None
+ else insn match {
+ case mi: MethodInsnNode =>
+ if (such(mi) && noMoreInvoke(insn.getNext)) Some(mi)
+ else None
+ case _ =>
+ find(insn.getNext)
+ }
+ }
+ find(method.instructions.getFirst)
+ }
+ private def superAccessorInvocation(method: MethodNode): Option[MethodInsnNode] =
+ findSingleCall(method, mi => mi.itf && mi.getOpcode == Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC && isTraitStaticSuperAccessorName(
+ private def isMixinForwarder(method: MethodNode, owner: ClassBType): Boolean = {
+ owner.isInterface == Right(false) &&
+ !BytecodeUtils.isStaticMethod(method) &&
+ (superAccessorInvocation(method) match {
+ case Some(mi) => == traitStaticSuperAccessorName(
+ case _ => false
+ })
+ }
+ private def isTraitSuperAccessorOrMixinForwarder(method: MethodNode, owner: ClassBType): Boolean = {
+ isTraitSuperAccessor(method, owner) || isMixinForwarder(method, owner)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the inline request for a callsite if the callsite should be inlined according to the
+ * current heuristics (`-Yopt-inline-heuristics`).
+ *
+ * The resulting inline request may contain post-inlining requests of callsites that in turn are
+ * also selected as individual inlining requests.
+ *
+ * @return `None` if this callsite should not be inlined according to the active heuristic
+ * `Some(Left)` if the callsite cannot be inlined (for example because that would cause
+ * an IllegalAccessError) but should be according to the heuristic
+ * TODO: what if a downstream inline request would cause an IAE and we don't create an
+ * InlineRequest for the original callsite? new subclass of OptimizerWarning.
+ * `Some(Right)` if the callsite should be and can be inlined
+ */
+ def inlineRequest(callsite: Callsite, selectedRequestsForCallee: Set[InlineRequest]): Option[Either[OptimizerWarning, InlineRequest]] = {
+ def requestIfCanInline(callsite: Callsite, reason: String): Option[Either[OptimizerWarning, InlineRequest]] = {
+ val callee = callsite.callee.get
+ if (!callee.safeToInline) {
+ if (callsite.isInlineAnnotated && callee.canInlineFromSource) {
+ // By default, we only emit inliner warnings for methods annotated @inline. However, we don't
+ // want to be unnecessarily noisy with `-opt-warnings:_`: for example, the inliner heuristic
+ // would attempt to inline `Function1.apply$sp$II`, as it's higher-order (the receiver is
+ // a function), and it's concrete (forwards to `apply`). But because it's non-final, it cannot
+ // be inlined. So we only create warnings here for methods annotated @inline.
+ Some(Left(CalleeNotFinal(
+ callee.calleeDeclarationClass.internalName,
+ callee.callee.desc,
+ callsite.isInlineAnnotated)))
+ } else None
+ } else inliner.earlyCanInlineCheck(callsite) match {
+ case Some(w) => Some(Left(w))
+ case None =>
+ val postInlineRequest: List[InlineRequest] = {
+ val postCall =
+ if (isTraitSuperAccessor(callee.callee, callee.calleeDeclarationClass)) {
+ // scala-dev#259: when inlining a trait super accessor, also inline the callsite to the default method
+ val implName =
+ findSingleCall(callee.callee, mi => mi.itf && mi.getOpcode == Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL && == implName)
+ } else {
+ // scala-dev#259: when inlining a mixin forwarder, also inline the callsite to the static super accessor
+ superAccessorInvocation(callee.callee)
+ }
+ postCall.flatMap(call => {
+ callGraph.addIfMissing(callee.callee, callee.calleeDeclarationClass)
+ val maybeCallsite = callGraph.findCallSite(callee.callee, call)
+ maybeCallsite.flatMap(requestIfCanInline(_, reason).flatMap(_.right.toOption))
+ }).toList
+ }
+ Some(Right(InlineRequest(callsite, postInlineRequest, reason)))
+ }
+ }
+ // scala-dev#259: don't inline into static accessors and mixin forwarders
+ if (isTraitSuperAccessorOrMixinForwarder(callsite.callsiteMethod, callsite.callsiteClass)) None
+ else {
+ val callee = callsite.callee.get
+ compilerSettings.YoptInlineHeuristics.value match {
+ case "everything" =>
+ val reason = if (compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.isSetByUser) "the inline strategy is \"everything\"" else null
+ requestIfCanInline(callsite, reason)
+ case "at-inline-annotated" =>
+ def reason = if (!compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.isSetByUser) null else {
+ val what = if (callee.annotatedInline) "callee" else "callsite"
+ s"the $what is annotated `@inline`"
+ }
+ if (callsite.isInlineAnnotated && !callsite.isNoInlineAnnotated) requestIfCanInline(callsite, reason)
+ else None
+ case "default" =>
+ def reason = if (!compilerSettings.YoptLogInline.isSetByUser) null else {
+ if (callsite.isInlineAnnotated) {
+ val what = if (callee.annotatedInline) "callee" else "callsite"
+ s"the $what is annotated `@inline`"
+ } else {
+ val paramNames = Option(callee.callee.parameters).map(
+ def param(i: Int) = {
+ def syn = s"<param $i>"
+ paramNames.fold(syn)(v => v.applyOrElse(i, (_: Int) => syn))
+ }
+ def samInfo(i: Int, sam: String, arg: String) = s"the argument for parameter (${param(i)}: $sam) is a $arg"
+ val argInfos = for ((i, sam) <- callee.samParamTypes; info <- callsite.argInfos.get(i)) yield {
+ val argKind = info match {
+ case FunctionLiteral => "function literal"
+ case ForwardedParam(_) => "parameter of the callsite method"
+ }
+ samInfo(i, sam.internalName.split('/').last, argKind)
+ }
+ s"the callee is a higher-order method, ${argInfos.mkString(", ")}"
+ }
+ }
+ def shouldInlineHO = callee.samParamTypes.nonEmpty && (callee.samParamTypes exists {
+ case (index, _) => callsite.argInfos.contains(index)
+ })
+ if (!callsite.isNoInlineAnnotated && (callsite.isInlineAnnotated || shouldInlineHO)) requestIfCanInline(callsite, reason)
+ else None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ // using
+ load.ivy("" % "guava" % "18.0")
+ val javaUtilFunctionClasses = {
+ val rt = System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path").split(":").find(_.endsWith("lib/rt.jar")).get
+ val u = new
+ val l = new
+ val cp =
+ cp.getTopLevelClasses("java.util.function")
+ }
+ // found using IntelliJ's "Find Usages" on the @FunctionalInterface annotation
+ val otherClasses = List(
+ "com.sun.javafx.css.parser.Recognizer",
+ "java.awt.KeyEventDispatcher",
+ "java.awt.KeyEventPostProcessor",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "java.lang.Runnable",
+ "java.lang.Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler",
+ "java.nio.file.DirectoryStream$Filter",
+ "java.nio.file.PathMatcher",
+ "java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjuster",
+ "java.time.temporal.TemporalQuery",
+ "java.util.Comparator",
+ "java.util.concurrent.Callable",
+ "java.util.logging.Filter",
+ "java.util.prefs.PreferenceChangeListener",
+ "javafx.animation.Interpolatable",
+ "javafx.beans.InvalidationListener",
+ "javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener",
+ "javafx.collections.ListChangeListener",
+ "javafx.collections.MapChangeListener",
+ "javafx.collections.SetChangeListener",
+ "javafx.event.EventHandler",
+ "javafx.util.Builder",
+ "javafx.util.BuilderFactory",
+ "javafx.util.Callback"
+ )
+ val allClasses = javaUtilFunctionClasses ::: otherClasses
+ load.ivy("org.ow2.asm" % "asm" % "5.0.4")
+ val classesAndSamNameDesc = => {
+ val cls = Class.forName(c)
+ val internalName = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getDescriptor(cls).drop(1).dropRight(1) // drop L and ;
+ val sams = cls.getMethods.filter(m => {
+ (m.getModifiers & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.ABSTRACT) != 0 &&
+ m.getName != "equals" // Comparator has an abstract override of "equals" for adding Javadoc
+ })
+ assert(sams.size == 1, internalName +
+ val sam = sams.head
+ val samDesc = org.objectweb.asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(sam)
+ (internalName, sam.getName, samDesc)
+ })
+ println(classesAndSamNameDesc map {
+ case (cls, nme, desc) => s"""("$cls", "$nme$desc")"""
+ } mkString ("", ",\n", "\n"))
+ */
+ private val javaSams: Map[String, String] = Map(
+ ("java/util/function/BiConsumer", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V"),
+ ("java/util/function/BiFunction", "apply(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("java/util/function/BiPredicate", "test(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"),
+ ("java/util/function/BinaryOperator", "apply(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("java/util/function/BooleanSupplier", "getAsBoolean()Z"),
+ ("java/util/function/Consumer", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"),
+ ("java/util/function/DoubleBinaryOperator", "applyAsDouble(DD)D"),
+ ("java/util/function/DoubleConsumer", "accept(D)V"),
+ ("java/util/function/DoubleFunction", "apply(D)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("java/util/function/DoublePredicate", "test(D)Z"),
+ ("java/util/function/DoubleSupplier", "getAsDouble()D"),
+ ("java/util/function/DoubleToIntFunction", "applyAsInt(D)I"),
+ ("java/util/function/DoubleToLongFunction", "applyAsLong(D)J"),
+ ("java/util/function/DoubleUnaryOperator", "applyAsDouble(D)D"),
+ ("java/util/function/Function", "apply(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("java/util/function/IntBinaryOperator", "applyAsInt(II)I"),
+ ("java/util/function/IntConsumer", "accept(I)V"),
+ ("java/util/function/IntFunction", "apply(I)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("java/util/function/IntPredicate", "test(I)Z"),
+ ("java/util/function/IntSupplier", "getAsInt()I"),
+ ("java/util/function/IntToDoubleFunction", "applyAsDouble(I)D"),
+ ("java/util/function/IntToLongFunction", "applyAsLong(I)J"),
+ ("java/util/function/IntUnaryOperator", "applyAsInt(I)I"),
+ ("java/util/function/LongBinaryOperator", "applyAsLong(JJ)J"),
+ ("java/util/function/LongConsumer", "accept(J)V"),
+ ("java/util/function/LongFunction", "apply(J)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("java/util/function/LongPredicate", "test(J)Z"),
+ ("java/util/function/LongSupplier", "getAsLong()J"),
+ ("java/util/function/LongToDoubleFunction", "applyAsDouble(J)D"),
+ ("java/util/function/LongToIntFunction", "applyAsInt(J)I"),
+ ("java/util/function/LongUnaryOperator", "applyAsLong(J)J"),
+ ("java/util/function/ObjDoubleConsumer", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;D)V"),
+ ("java/util/function/ObjIntConsumer", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V"),
+ ("java/util/function/ObjLongConsumer", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;J)V"),
+ ("java/util/function/Predicate", "test(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"),
+ ("java/util/function/Supplier", "get()Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("java/util/function/ToDoubleBiFunction", "applyAsDouble(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)D"),
+ ("java/util/function/ToDoubleFunction", "applyAsDouble(Ljava/lang/Object;)D"),
+ ("java/util/function/ToIntBiFunction", "applyAsInt(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I"),
+ ("java/util/function/ToIntFunction", "applyAsInt(Ljava/lang/Object;)I"),
+ ("java/util/function/ToLongBiFunction", "applyAsLong(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)J"),
+ ("java/util/function/ToLongFunction", "applyAsLong(Ljava/lang/Object;)J"),
+ ("java/util/function/UnaryOperator", "apply(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("com/sun/javafx/css/parser/Recognizer", "recognize(I)Z"),
+ ("java/awt/KeyEventDispatcher", "dispatchKeyEvent(Ljava/awt/event/KeyEvent;)Z"),
+ ("java/awt/KeyEventPostProcessor", "postProcessKeyEvent(Ljava/awt/event/KeyEvent;)Z"),
+ ("java/io/FileFilter", "accept(Ljava/io/File;)Z"),
+ ("java/io/FilenameFilter", "accept(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/lang/String;)Z"),
+ ("java/lang/Runnable", "run()V"),
+ ("java/lang/Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler", "uncaughtException(Ljava/lang/Thread;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V"),
+ ("java/nio/file/DirectoryStream$Filter", "accept(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"),
+ ("java/nio/file/PathMatcher", "matches(Ljava/nio/file/Path;)Z"),
+ ("java/time/temporal/TemporalAdjuster", "adjustInto(Ljava/time/temporal/Temporal;)Ljava/time/temporal/Temporal;"),
+ ("java/time/temporal/TemporalQuery", "queryFrom(Ljava/time/temporal/TemporalAccessor;)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("java/util/Comparator", "compare(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I"),
+ ("java/util/concurrent/Callable", "call()Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("java/util/logging/Filter", "isLoggable(Ljava/util/logging/LogRecord;)Z"),
+ ("java/util/prefs/PreferenceChangeListener", "preferenceChange(Ljava/util/prefs/PreferenceChangeEvent;)V"),
+ ("javafx/animation/Interpolatable", "interpolate(Ljava/lang/Object;D)Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("javafx/beans/InvalidationListener", "invalidated(Ljavafx/beans/Observable;)V"),
+ ("javafx/beans/value/ChangeListener", "changed(Ljavafx/beans/value/ObservableValue;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V"),
+ ("javafx/collections/ListChangeListener", "onChanged(Ljavafx/collections/ListChangeListener$Change;)V"),
+ ("javafx/collections/MapChangeListener", "onChanged(Ljavafx/collections/MapChangeListener$Change;)V"),
+ ("javafx/collections/SetChangeListener", "onChanged(Ljavafx/collections/SetChangeListener$Change;)V"),
+ ("javafx/event/EventHandler", "handle(Ljavafx/event/Event;)V"),
+ ("javafx/util/Builder", "build()Ljava/lang/Object;"),
+ ("javafx/util/BuilderFactory", "getBuilder(Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljavafx/util/Builder;"),
+ ("javafx/util/Callback", "call(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;")
+ )
+ def javaSam(internalName: InternalName): Option[String] = javaSams.get(internalName)
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InstructionResultSize.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InstructionResultSize.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d744f6d13..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/InstructionResultSize.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-import scala.annotation.switch
-import{Handle, Type, Opcodes}
-object InstructionResultSize {
- import Opcodes._
- def apply(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Int = (instruction.getOpcode: @switch) match {
- // The order of opcodes is (almost) the same as in
- case ACONST_NULL => 1
- case ICONST_M1 |
- ICONST_0 |
- ICONST_1 |
- ICONST_2 |
- ICONST_3 |
- ICONST_4 |
- ICONST_5 => 1
- case LCONST_0 |
- LCONST_1 => 2
- case FCONST_0 |
- FCONST_1 |
- FCONST_2 => 1
- case DCONST_0 |
- DCONST_1 => 2
- case BIPUSH |
- SIPUSH => 1
- case LDC =>
- instruction.asInstanceOf[LdcInsnNode].cst match {
- case _: java.lang.Integer |
- _: java.lang.Float |
- _: String |
- _: Type |
- _: Handle => 1
- case _: java.lang.Long |
- _: java.lang.Double => 2
- }
- case ILOAD |
- ALOAD => 1
- case LLOAD |
- DLOAD => 2
- case IALOAD |
- SALOAD => 1
- case LALOAD |
- DALOAD => 2
- case ISTORE |
- ASTORE => 0
- case IASTORE |
- SASTORE => 0
- case POP |
- POP2 => 0
- case DUP |
- DUP_X1 |
- DUP_X2 |
- DUP2 |
- DUP2_X1 |
- DUP2_X2 |
- SWAP => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't compute the size of DUP/SWAP without knowing what's on stack top")
- case IADD |
- FADD => 1
- case LADD |
- DADD => 2
- case ISUB |
- FSUB => 1
- case LSUB |
- DSUB => 2
- case IMUL |
- FMUL => 1
- case LMUL |
- DMUL => 2
- case IDIV |
- FDIV => 1
- case LDIV |
- DDIV => 2
- case IREM |
- FREM => 1
- case LREM |
- DREM => 2
- case INEG |
- FNEG => 1
- case LNEG |
- DNEG => 2
- case ISHL |
- ISHR => 1
- case LSHL |
- LSHR => 2
- case IUSHR => 1
- case LUSHR => 2
- case IAND |
- IOR |
- IXOR => 1
- case LAND |
- LOR |
- LXOR => 2
- case IINC => 1
- case I2F |
- L2I |
- L2F |
- F2I |
- D2I |
- D2F |
- I2B |
- I2C |
- I2S => 1
- case I2L |
- I2D |
- L2D |
- F2L |
- F2D |
- D2L => 2
- case LCMP |
- DCMPG => 1
- case IFEQ |
- IFNE |
- IFLT |
- IFGE |
- IFGT |
- IFLE => 0
- case IF_ICMPEQ |
- IF_ACMPNE => 0
- case GOTO => 0
- case JSR => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subroutines are not supported.")
- case RET => 0
- case IRETURN |
- ARETURN => 1
- case LRETURN |
- DRETURN => 2
- case RETURN => 0
- case GETSTATIC => Type.getType(instruction.asInstanceOf[FieldInsnNode].desc).getSize
- case PUTSTATIC => 0
- case GETFIELD => Type.getType(instruction.asInstanceOf[FieldInsnNode].desc).getSize
- case PUTFIELD => 0
- val desc = instruction.asInstanceOf[MethodInsnNode].desc
- Type.getReturnType(desc).getSize
- val desc = instruction.asInstanceOf[InvokeDynamicInsnNode].desc
- Type.getReturnType(desc).getSize
- case NEW => 1
- case NEWARRAY |
- case ATHROW => 0
- case CHECKCAST |
- case IFNULL |
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
index 4132710a96..9c22b09cdd 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/opt/LocalOpt.scala
@@ -7,79 +7,180 @@ package
package backend.jvm
package opt
-import scala.annotation.switch
-import{Analyzer, BasicInterpreter}
+import scala.annotation.{tailrec, switch}
-import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
- * Optimizations within a single method.
+ * Optimizations within a single method. Certain optimizations enable others, for example removing
+ * unreachable code can render a `try` block empty and enable removeEmptyExceptionHandlers. The
+ * latter in turn enables more unreachable code to be eliminated (the `catch` block), so there is
+ * a cyclic dependency. Optimizations that depend on each other are therefore executed in a loop
+ * until reaching a fixpoint.
+ *
+ * The optimizations marked UPSTREAM enable optimizations that were already executed, so they cause
+ * another iteration in the fixpoint loop.
+ *
+ * nullness optimizations: rewrite null-checking branches to GOTO if nullness is known
+ * + enables downstream
+ * - unreachable code (null / non-null branch becomes unreachable)
+ * - box-unbox elimination (may render an escaping consumer of a box unreachable)
+ * - stale stores (aload x is replaced by aconst_null if it's known null)
+ * - simplify jumps (replaces conditional jumps by goto, so may enable goto chains)
+ *
+ * unreachable code / DCE (removes instructions of basic blocks to which there is no branch)
+ * + enables downstream:
+ * - stale stores (loads may be eliminated, removing consumers of a store)
+ * - empty handlers (try blocks may become empty)
+ * - simplify jumps (goto l; [dead code]; l: ..) => remove goto
+ * - stale local variable descriptors
+ * - (not box-unbox, which is implemented using prod-cons, so it doesn't consider dead code)
+ *
+ * note that eliminating empty handlers and stale local variable descriptors is required for
+ * correctness, see the comment in the body of `methodOptimizations`.
+ *
+ * box-unbox elimination (eliminates box-unbox pairs within the same method)
+ * + enables UPSTREAM:
+ * - nullness optimizations (a box extraction operation (unknown nullness) may be rewritten to
+ * a read of a non-null local. example in doc comment of box-unbox implementation)
+ * - further box-unbox elimination (e.g. an Integer stored in a Tuple; eliminating the tuple may
+ * enable eliminating the Integer)
+ * + enables downstream:
+ * - copy propagation (new locals are introduced, may be aliases of existing)
+ * - stale stores (multi-value boxes where not all values are used)
+ * - redundant casts (`("a", "b")._1`: the generic `_1` method returns `Object`, a cast
+ * to String is added. The cast is redundant after eliminating the tuple.)
+ * - empty local variable descriptors (local variables that were holding the box may become unused)
+ *
+ * copy propagation (replaces LOAD n to the LOAD m for the smallest m that is an alias of n)
+ * + enables downstream:
+ * - stale stores (a stored value may not be loaded anymore)
+ * - store-load pairs (a load n may now be right after a store n)
+ * + NOTE: copy propagation is only executed once, in the first fixpoint loop iteration. none of
+ * the other optimizations enables further copy prop. we still run it as part of the loop
+ * because it requires unreachable code to be eliminated.
+ *
+ * stale stores (replace STORE by POP)
+ * + enables downstream:
+ * - push-pop (the new pop may be the single consumer for an instruction)
+ *
+ * redundant casts: eliminates casts that are statically known to succeed (uses type propagation)
+ * + enables UPSTREAM:
+ * - box-unbox elimination (a removed checkcast may be a box consumer)
+ * + enables downstream:
+ * - push-pop for closure allocation elimination (every indyLambda is followed by a checkcast, see SI-9540)
+ *
+ * push-pop (when a POP is the only consumer of a value, remove the POP and its producer)
+ * + enables UPSTREAM:
+ * - stale stores (if a LOAD is removed, a corresponding STORE may become stale)
+ * - box-unbox elimination (push-pop may eliminate a closure allocation, rendering a captured
+ * box non-escaping)
+ * + enables downstream:
+ * - store-load pairs (a variable may become non-live)
+ * - stale handlers (push-pop removes code)
+ * - simplify jumps (push-pop removes code)
+ *
+ * store-load pairs (remove `STORE x; LOAD x` if x is otherwise not used in the method)
+ * + enables downstream:
+ * - empty handlers (code is removes, a try block may become empty
+ * - simplify jumps (code is removed, a goto may become redundant for example)
+ * - stale local variable descriptors
- * unreachable code
- * - removes instructions of basic blocks to which no branch instruction points
- * + enables eliminating some exception handlers and local variable descriptors
- * > eliminating them is required for correctness, as explained in `removeUnreachableCode`
+ * empty handlers (removes exception handlers whose try block is empty)
+ * + enables UPSTREAM:
+ * - unreachable code (catch block becomes unreachable)
+ * - box-unbox (a box may be escape in an operation in a dead handler)
+ * + enables downstream:
+ * - simplify jumps
- * empty exception handlers
- * - removes exception handlers whose try block is empty
- * + eliminating a handler where the try block is empty and reachable will turn the catch block
- * unreachable. in this case "unreachable code" is invoked recursively until reaching a fixpoint.
- * > for try blocks that are unreachable, "unreachable code" removes also the instructions of the
- * catch block, and the recursive invocation is not necessary.
+ * simplify jumps (various, like `GOTO l; l: ...`, see doc comments of individual optimizations)
+ * + enables UPSTREAM
+ * - unreachable code (`GOTO a; a: GOTO b; b: ...`, the first jump is changed to `GOTO b`, the second becomes unreachable)
+ * - store-load pairs (a `GOTO l; l: ...` is removed between store and load)
+ * - push-pop (`IFNULL l; l: ...` is replaced by `POP`)
- * simplify jumps
- * - various simplifications, see doc comments of individual optimizations
- * + changing or eliminating jumps may render some code unreachable, therefore "simplify jumps" is
- * executed in a loop with "unreachable code"
- * empty local variable descriptors
- * - removes entries from the local variable table where the variable is not actually used
- * + enables eliminating labels that the entry points to (if they are not otherwise referenced)
+ * The following cleanup optimizations don't enable any upstream optimizations, so they can be
+ * executed once at the end, when the above optimizations reach a fixpoint.
- * empty line numbers
- * - eliminates line number nodes that describe no executable instructions
- * + enables eliminating the label of the line number node (if it's not otherwise referenced)
- * stale labels
- * - eliminate labels that are not referenced, merge sequences of label definitions.
+ * empty local variable descriptors (removes unused variables from the local variable table)
+ * + enables downstream:
+ * - stale labels (labels that the entry points to, if not otherwise referenced)
+ *
+ * empty line numbers (eliminates line number nodes that describe no executable instructions)
+ * + enables downstream:
+ * - stale labels (label of the line number node, if not otherwise referenced)
+ *
+ * stale labels (eliminate labels that are not referenced, merge sequences of label definitions)
+ *
+ *
+ * Note on a method's maxLocals / maxStack: the backend only uses those values for running
+ * Analyzers. The values can be conservative approximations: if an optimization removes code and
+ * the maximal stack size is now smaller, the larger maxStack value will still work fine for
+ * running an Analyzer (just that frames allocate more space than required). The correct max
+ * values written to the bytecode are re-computed during classfile serialization.
+ * To keep things simpler, we don't update the max values in every optimization:
+ * - we do it in `removeUnreachableCodeImpl`, because it's quite straightforward
+ * - maxLocals is updated in `compactLocalVariables`, which runs at the end of method optimizations
+ *
+ *
+ * Note on updating the call graph: whenever an optimization eliminates a callsite or a closure
+ * instantiation, we eliminate the corresponding entry from the call graph.
class LocalOpt[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
import LocalOptImpls._
import btypes._
+ import coreBTypes._
+ import backendUtils._
+ val boxUnbox = new BoxUnbox(btypes)
+ import boxUnbox._
+ val copyProp = new CopyProp(btypes)
+ import copyProp._
* Remove unreachable code from a method.
* This implementation only removes instructions that are unreachable for an ASM analyzer /
* interpreter. This ensures that future analyses will not produce `null` frames. The inliner
- * and call graph builder depend on this property.
+ * depends on this property.
* @return A set containing the eliminated instructions
- def minimalRemoveUnreachableCode(method: MethodNode, ownerClassName: InternalName): Set[AbstractInsnNode] = {
- if (method.instructions.size == 0) return Set.empty // fast path for abstract methods
- if (unreachableCodeEliminated(method)) return Set.empty // we know there is no unreachable code
+ def minimalRemoveUnreachableCode(method: MethodNode, ownerClassName: InternalName): Boolean = {
+ // In principle, for the inliner, a single removeUnreachableCodeImpl would be enough. But that
+ // would potentially leave behind stale handlers (empty try block) which is not legal in the
+ // classfile. So we run both removeUnreachableCodeImpl and removeEmptyExceptionHandlers.
+ if (method.instructions.size == 0) return false // fast path for abstract methods
+ if (unreachableCodeEliminated(method)) return false // we know there is no unreachable code
+ if (!AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForBasicValue(method)) return false // the method is too large for running an analyzer
// For correctness, after removing unreachable code, we have to eliminate empty exception
// handlers, see scaladoc of def methodOptimizations. Removing an live handler may render more
// code unreachable and therefore requires running another round.
- def removalRound(): Set[AbstractInsnNode] = {
- val (removedInstructions, liveLabels) = removeUnreachableCodeImpl(method, ownerClassName)
- val removedRecursively = if (removedInstructions.nonEmpty) {
+ def removalRound(): Boolean = {
+ val (insnsRemoved, liveLabels) = removeUnreachableCodeImpl(method, ownerClassName)
+ if (insnsRemoved) {
val liveHandlerRemoved = removeEmptyExceptionHandlers(method).exists(h => liveLabels(h.start))
if (liveHandlerRemoved) removalRound()
- else Set.empty
- } else Set.empty
- removedInstructions ++ removedRecursively
+ }
+ insnsRemoved
- val removedInstructions = removalRound()
- if (removedInstructions.nonEmpty) removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method)()
+ val changed = removalRound()
+ if (changed) removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method)()
unreachableCodeEliminated += method
- removedInstructions
+ changed
@@ -90,21 +191,13 @@ class LocalOpt[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
* @return `true` if unreachable code was eliminated in some method, `false` otherwise.
def methodOptimizations(clazz: ClassNode): Boolean = {
- !compilerSettings.YoptNone && clazz.methods.asScala.foldLeft(false) {
+ !compilerSettings.optNone && clazz.methods.asScala.foldLeft(false) {
case (changed, method) => methodOptimizations(method, || changed
- * Remove unreachable code from a method.
- *
- * We rely on dead code elimination provided by the ASM framework, as described in the ASM User
- * Guide (, Section 8.2.1. It runs a data flow analysis, which only
- * computes Frame information for reachable instructions. Instructions for which no Frame data is
- * available after the analysis are unreachable.
- *
- * Also simplifies branching instructions, removes unused local variable descriptors, empty
- * exception handlers, unnecessary label declarations and empty line number nodes.
+ * Run method-level optimizations, see comment on class [[LocalOpt]].
* Returns `true` if the bytecode of `method` was changed.
@@ -137,36 +230,151 @@ class LocalOpt[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
// This triggers "ClassFormatError: Illegal exception table range in class file C". Similar
// for local variables in dead blocks. Maybe that's a bug in the ASM framework.
- def removalRound(): Boolean = {
- // unreachable-code, empty-handlers and simplify-jumps run until reaching a fixpoint (see doc on class LocalOpt)
- val (codeRemoved, handlersRemoved, liveHandlerRemoved) = if (compilerSettings.YoptUnreachableCode) {
- val (removedInstructions, liveLabels) = removeUnreachableCodeImpl(method, ownerClassName)
- val removedHandlers = removeEmptyExceptionHandlers(method)
- (removedInstructions.nonEmpty, removedHandlers.nonEmpty, removedHandlers.exists(h => liveLabels(h.start)))
- } else {
- (false, false, false)
+ var currentTrace: String = null
+ val methodPrefix = {val p = compilerSettings.YoptTrace.value; if (p == "_") "" else p }
+ val doTrace = compilerSettings.YoptTrace.isSetByUser && s"$ownerClassName.${}".startsWith(methodPrefix)
+ def traceIfChanged(optName: String): Unit = if (doTrace) {
+ val after = AsmUtils.textify(method)
+ if (currentTrace != after) {
+ println(s"after $optName")
+ println(after)
- val jumpsChanged = if (compilerSettings.YoptSimplifyJumps) simplifyJumps(method) else false
- // Eliminating live handlers and simplifying jump instructions may render more code
- // unreachable, so we need to run another round.
- if (liveHandlerRemoved || jumpsChanged) removalRound()
- codeRemoved || handlersRemoved || jumpsChanged
+ currentTrace = after
- val codeHandlersOrJumpsChanged = removalRound()
+ /**
+ * Runs the optimizations that depend on each other in a loop until reaching a fixpoint. See
+ * comment in class [[LocalOpt]].
+ *
+ * Returns a pair of booleans (codeChanged, requireEliminateUnusedLocals).
+ */
+ def removalRound(
+ requestNullness: Boolean,
+ requestDCE: Boolean,
+ requestBoxUnbox: Boolean,
+ requestStaleStores: Boolean,
+ requestPushPop: Boolean,
+ requestStoreLoad: Boolean,
+ firstIteration: Boolean,
+ maxRecursion: Int = 10): (Boolean, Boolean) = {
+ if (maxRecursion == 0) return (false, false)
+ traceIfChanged("beforeMethodOpt")
+ val runNullness = compilerSettings.optNullnessTracking && requestNullness
+ val nullnessOptChanged = runNullness && nullnessOptimizations(method, ownerClassName)
+ traceIfChanged("nullness")
+ // Both AliasingAnalyzer (used in copyProp) and ProdConsAnalyzer (used in eliminateStaleStores,
+ // boxUnboxElimination) require not having unreachable instructions (null frames).
+ val runDCE = (compilerSettings.optUnreachableCode && (requestDCE || nullnessOptChanged)) ||
+ compilerSettings.optBoxUnbox ||
+ compilerSettings.optCopyPropagation
+ val (codeRemoved, liveLabels) = if (runDCE) removeUnreachableCodeImpl(method, ownerClassName) else (false, Set.empty[LabelNode])
+ traceIfChanged("dce")
+ val runBoxUnbox = compilerSettings.optBoxUnbox && (requestBoxUnbox || nullnessOptChanged)
+ val boxUnboxChanged = runBoxUnbox && boxUnboxElimination(method, ownerClassName)
+ traceIfChanged("boxUnbox")
+ val runCopyProp = compilerSettings.optCopyPropagation && (firstIteration || boxUnboxChanged)
+ val copyPropChanged = runCopyProp && copyPropagation(method, ownerClassName)
+ traceIfChanged("copyProp")
+ val runStaleStores = compilerSettings.optCopyPropagation && (requestStaleStores || nullnessOptChanged || codeRemoved || boxUnboxChanged || copyPropChanged)
+ val storesRemoved = runStaleStores && eliminateStaleStores(method, ownerClassName)
+ traceIfChanged("staleStores")
+ val runRedundantCasts = compilerSettings.optRedundantCasts && (firstIteration || boxUnboxChanged)
+ val castRemoved = runRedundantCasts && eliminateRedundantCasts(method, ownerClassName)
+ traceIfChanged("redundantCasts")
+ val runPushPop = compilerSettings.optCopyPropagation && (requestPushPop || firstIteration || storesRemoved || castRemoved)
+ val pushPopRemoved = runPushPop && eliminatePushPop(method, ownerClassName)
+ traceIfChanged("pushPop")
+ val runStoreLoad = compilerSettings.optCopyPropagation && (requestStoreLoad || boxUnboxChanged || copyPropChanged || pushPopRemoved)
+ val storeLoadRemoved = runStoreLoad && eliminateStoreLoad(method)
+ traceIfChanged("storeLoadPairs")
+ val removedHandlers = if (runDCE) removeEmptyExceptionHandlers(method) else Set.empty[TryCatchBlockNode]
+ val handlersRemoved = removedHandlers.nonEmpty
+ val liveHandlerRemoved = removedHandlers.exists(h => liveLabels(h.start))
+ traceIfChanged("staleHandlers")
+ // almost all of the above optimizations enable simplifying more jumps, so we just run it in every iteration
+ val runSimplifyJumps = compilerSettings.optSimplifyJumps
+ val jumpsChanged = runSimplifyJumps && simplifyJumps(method)
+ traceIfChanged("simplifyJumps")
+ // See doc comment in the beginning of this file (optimizations marked UPSTREAM)
+ val runNullnessAgain = boxUnboxChanged
+ val runDCEAgain = liveHandlerRemoved || jumpsChanged
+ val runBoxUnboxAgain = boxUnboxChanged || castRemoved || pushPopRemoved || liveHandlerRemoved
+ val runStaleStoresAgain = pushPopRemoved
+ val runPushPopAgain = jumpsChanged
+ val runStoreLoadAgain = jumpsChanged
+ val runAgain = runNullnessAgain || runDCEAgain || runBoxUnboxAgain || pushPopRemoved || runStaleStoresAgain || runPushPopAgain || runStoreLoadAgain
+ val downstreamRequireEliminateUnusedLocals = runAgain && removalRound(
+ requestNullness = runNullnessAgain,
+ requestDCE = runDCEAgain,
+ requestBoxUnbox = runBoxUnboxAgain,
+ requestStaleStores = runStaleStoresAgain,
+ requestPushPop = runPushPopAgain,
+ requestStoreLoad = runStoreLoadAgain,
+ firstIteration = false,
+ maxRecursion = maxRecursion - 1)._2
+ val requireEliminateUnusedLocals = downstreamRequireEliminateUnusedLocals ||
+ nullnessOptChanged || // nullness opt may eliminate stores / loads, rendering a local unused
+ codeRemoved || // see comment in method `methodOptimizations`
+ boxUnboxChanged || // box-unbox renders locals (holding boxes) unused
+ storesRemoved ||
+ storeLoadRemoved ||
+ handlersRemoved
+ val codeChanged = nullnessOptChanged || codeRemoved || boxUnboxChanged || castRemoved || copyPropChanged || storesRemoved || pushPopRemoved || storeLoadRemoved || handlersRemoved || jumpsChanged
+ (codeChanged, requireEliminateUnusedLocals)
+ }
- // (*) Removing stale local variable descriptors is required for correctness of unreachable-code
+ val (nullnessDceBoxesCastsCopypropPushpopOrJumpsChanged, requireEliminateUnusedLocals) = if (AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForBasicValue(method)) {
+ // we run DCE even if the method is already in the `unreachableCodeEliminated` map: the DCE
+ // here is more thorough than `minimalRemoveUnreachableCode` that run before inlining.
+ val r = removalRound(
+ requestNullness = true,
+ requestDCE = true,
+ requestBoxUnbox = true,
+ requestStaleStores = true,
+ requestPushPop = true,
+ requestStoreLoad = true,
+ firstIteration = true)
+ if (compilerSettings.optUnreachableCode) unreachableCodeEliminated += method
+ r
+ } else (false, false)
+ // (*) Removing stale local variable descriptors is required for correctness, see comment in `methodOptimizations`
val localsRemoved =
- if (compilerSettings.YoptCompactLocals) compactLocalVariables(method) // also removes unused
- else if (compilerSettings.YoptUnreachableCode) removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method)() // (*)
+ if (compilerSettings.optCompactLocals) compactLocalVariables(method) // also removes unused
+ else if (requireEliminateUnusedLocals) removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method)() // (*)
else false
+ traceIfChanged("localVariables")
- val lineNumbersRemoved = if (compilerSettings.YoptEmptyLineNumbers) removeEmptyLineNumbers(method) else false
+ val lineNumbersRemoved = if (compilerSettings.optUnreachableCode) removeEmptyLineNumbers(method) else false
+ traceIfChanged("lineNumbers")
- val labelsRemoved = if (compilerSettings.YoptEmptyLabels) removeEmptyLabelNodes(method) else false
+ val labelsRemoved = if (compilerSettings.optUnreachableCode) removeEmptyLabelNodes(method) else false
+ traceIfChanged("labels")
// assert that local variable annotations are empty (we don't emit them) - otherwise we'd have
// to eliminate those covering an empty range, similar to removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes.
@@ -174,53 +382,198 @@ class LocalOpt[BT <: BTypes](val btypes: BT) {
assert(nullOrEmpty(method.visibleLocalVariableAnnotations), method.visibleLocalVariableAnnotations)
assert(nullOrEmpty(method.invisibleLocalVariableAnnotations), method.invisibleLocalVariableAnnotations)
- unreachableCodeEliminated += method
- codeHandlersOrJumpsChanged || localsRemoved || lineNumbersRemoved || labelsRemoved
+ nullnessDceBoxesCastsCopypropPushpopOrJumpsChanged || localsRemoved || lineNumbersRemoved || labelsRemoved
+ /**
+ * Apply various optimizations based on nullness analysis information.
+ * - IFNULL / IFNONNULL are rewritten to GOTO if nullness is known
+ * - IF_ACMPEQ / IF_ACMPNE are rewritten to GOTO if the both references are known null, or if
+ * one is known null and the other known not-null
+ * - ALOAD is replaced by ACONST_NULL if the local is known to hold null
+ * - ASTORE of null is removed if the local is known to hold null
+ * - INSTANCEOF of null is replaced by `ICONST_0`
+ * - scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxToX(null) is rewritten to a zero-value load
+ */
+ def nullnessOptimizations(method: MethodNode, ownerClassName: InternalName): Boolean = {
+ AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForNullness(method) && {
+ lazy val nullnessAnalyzer = new AsmAnalyzer(method, ownerClassName, new NullnessAnalyzer(btypes, method))
+ // When running nullness optimizations the method may still have unreachable code. Analyzer
+ // frames of unreachable instructions are `null`.
+ def frameAt(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Option[Frame[NullnessValue]] = Option(nullnessAnalyzer.frameAt(insn))
+ def nullness(insn: AbstractInsnNode, slot: Int): Option[NullnessValue] = {
+ frameAt(insn).map(_.getValue(slot))
+ }
+ def isNull(insn: AbstractInsnNode, slot: Int) = nullness(insn, slot).contains(NullValue)
+ // cannot change instructions while iterating, it gets the analysis out of synch (indexed by instructions)
+ val toReplace = mutable.Map.empty[AbstractInsnNode, List[AbstractInsnNode]]
+ val it = method.instructions.iterator()
+ while (it.hasNext) match {
+ case vi: VarInsnNode if isNull(vi, vi.`var`) =>
+ if (vi.getOpcode == ALOAD)
+ toReplace(vi) = List(new InsnNode(ACONST_NULL))
+ else if (vi.getOpcode == ASTORE)
+ for (frame <- frameAt(vi) if frame.peekStack(0) == NullValue)
+ toReplace(vi) = List(getPop(1))
+ case ji: JumpInsnNode =>
+ val isIfNull = ji.getOpcode == IFNULL
+ val isIfNonNull = ji.getOpcode == IFNONNULL
+ if (isIfNull || isIfNonNull) for (frame <- frameAt(ji)) {
+ val nullness = frame.peekStack(0)
+ val taken = nullness == NullValue && isIfNull || nullness == NotNullValue && isIfNonNull
+ val avoided = nullness == NotNullValue && isIfNull || nullness == NullValue && isIfNonNull
+ if (taken || avoided) {
+ val jump = if (taken) List(new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, ji.label)) else Nil
+ toReplace(ji) = getPop(1) :: jump
+ }
+ } else {
+ val isIfEq = ji.getOpcode == IF_ACMPEQ
+ val isIfNe = ji.getOpcode == IF_ACMPNE
+ if (isIfEq || isIfNe) for (frame <- frameAt(ji)) {
+ val aNullness = frame.peekStack(1)
+ val bNullness = frame.peekStack(0)
+ val eq = aNullness == NullValue && bNullness == NullValue
+ val ne = aNullness == NullValue && bNullness == NotNullValue || aNullness == NotNullValue && bNullness == NullValue
+ val taken = isIfEq && eq || isIfNe && ne
+ val avoided = isIfEq && ne || isIfNe && eq
+ if (taken || avoided) {
+ val jump = if (taken) List(new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, ji.label)) else Nil
+ toReplace(ji) = getPop(1) :: getPop(1) :: jump
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case ti: TypeInsnNode =>
+ if (ti.getOpcode == INSTANCEOF) for (frame <- frameAt(ti) if frame.peekStack(0) == NullValue) {
+ toReplace(ti) = List(getPop(1), new InsnNode(ICONST_0))
+ }
+ case mi: MethodInsnNode =>
+ if (isScalaUnbox(mi)) for (frame <- frameAt(mi) if frame.peekStack(0) == NullValue) {
+ toReplace(mi) = List(
+ getPop(1),
+ loadZeroForTypeSort(Type.getReturnType(mi.desc).getSort))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ def removeFromCallGraph(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Unit = insn match {
+ case mi: MethodInsnNode => callGraph.removeCallsite(mi, method)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ for ((oldOp, newOps) <- toReplace) {
+ for (newOp <- newOps) method.instructions.insertBefore(oldOp, newOp)
+ method.instructions.remove(oldOp)
+ removeFromCallGraph(oldOp)
+ }
+ toReplace.nonEmpty
+ }
+ }
-object LocalOptImpls {
* Removes unreachable basic blocks.
- * TODO: rewrite, don't use computeMaxLocalsMaxStack (runs a ClassWriter) / Analyzer. Too slow.
- *
* @return A set containing eliminated instructions, and a set containing all live label nodes.
- def removeUnreachableCodeImpl(method: MethodNode, ownerClassName: InternalName): (Set[AbstractInsnNode], Set[LabelNode]) = {
- // The data flow analysis requires the maxLocals / maxStack fields of the method to be computed.
- computeMaxLocalsMaxStack(method)
- val a = new Analyzer(new BasicInterpreter)
- a.analyze(ownerClassName, method)
- val frames = a.getFrames
+ def removeUnreachableCodeImpl(method: MethodNode, ownerClassName: InternalName): (Boolean, Set[LabelNode]) = {
+ val a = new AsmAnalyzer(method, ownerClassName)
+ val frames = a.analyzer.getFrames
- val initialSize = method.instructions.size
var i = 0
var liveLabels = Set.empty[LabelNode]
- var removedInstructions = Set.empty[AbstractInsnNode]
+ var changed = false
+ var maxLocals = parametersSize(method)
+ var maxStack = 0
val itr = method.instructions.iterator()
while (itr.hasNext) {
- match {
- case l: LabelNode =>
- if (frames(i) != null) liveLabels += l
+ val insn =
+ val isLive = frames(i) != null
+ if (isLive) maxStack = math.max(maxStack, frames(i).getStackSize)
- case ins =>
+ insn match {
+ case l: LabelNode =>
// label nodes are not removed: they might be referenced for example in a LocalVariableNode
- if (frames(i) == null || ins.getOpcode == Opcodes.NOP) {
+ if (isLive) liveLabels += l
+ case v: VarInsnNode if isLive =>
+ val longSize = if (isSize2LoadOrStore(v.getOpcode)) 1 else 0
+ maxLocals = math.max(maxLocals, v.`var` + longSize + 1) // + 1 because local numbers are 0-based
+ case i: IincInsnNode if isLive =>
+ maxLocals = math.max(maxLocals, i.`var` + 1)
+ case _ =>
+ if (!isLive || insn.getOpcode == NOP) {
// Instruction iterators allow removing during iteration.
// Removing is O(1): instructions are doubly linked list elements.
- removedInstructions += ins
+ changed = true
+ insn match {
+ case invocation: MethodInsnNode => callGraph.removeCallsite(invocation, method)
+ case indy: InvokeDynamicInsnNode => callGraph.removeClosureInstantiation(indy, method)
+ case _ =>
+ }
i += 1
- (removedInstructions, liveLabels)
+ method.maxLocals = maxLocals
+ method.maxStack = maxStack
+ (changed, liveLabels)
+ * Eliminate `CHECKCAST` instructions that are statically known to succeed. This is safe if the
+ * tested object is null: `null.asInstanceOf` always succeeds.
+ *
+ * The type of the tested object is determined using a NonLubbingTypeFlowAnalyzer. Note that this
+ * analysis collapses LUBs of non-equal references types to Object for simplicity. Example:
+ * given `B <: A <: Object`, the cast in `(if (..) new B else new A).asInstanceOf[A]` would not
+ * be eliminated.
+ *
+ * Note: we cannot replace `INSTANCEOF` tests by only looking at the types, `null.isInstanceOf`
+ * always returns false, so we'd also need nullness information.
+ */
+ def eliminateRedundantCasts(method: MethodNode, owner: InternalName): Boolean = {
+ AsmAnalyzer.sizeOKForBasicValue(method) && {
+ def isSubType(aRefDesc: String, bClass: InternalName): Boolean = aRefDesc == bClass || bClass == ObjectRef.internalName || {
+ (bTypeForDescriptorOrInternalNameFromClassfile(aRefDesc) conformsTo classBTypeFromParsedClassfile(bClass)).getOrElse(false)
+ }
+ lazy val typeAnalyzer = new NonLubbingTypeFlowAnalyzer(method, owner)
+ // cannot remove instructions while iterating, it gets the analysis out of synch (indexed by instructions)
+ val toRemove = mutable.Set.empty[TypeInsnNode]
+ val it = method.instructions.iterator()
+ while (it.hasNext) match {
+ case ti: TypeInsnNode if ti.getOpcode == CHECKCAST =>
+ val frame = typeAnalyzer.frameAt(ti)
+ val valueTp = frame.getValue(frame.stackTop)
+ if (valueTp.isReference && isSubType(valueTp.getType.getDescriptor, ti.desc)) {
+ toRemove += ti
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ toRemove foreach method.instructions.remove
+ toRemove.nonEmpty
+ }
+ }
+object LocalOptImpls {
+ /**
* Remove exception handlers that cover empty code blocks. A block is considered empty if it
* consist only of labels, frames, line numbers, nops and gotos.
@@ -235,16 +588,16 @@ object LocalOptImpls {
def removeEmptyExceptionHandlers(method: MethodNode): Set[TryCatchBlockNode] = {
/** True if there exists code between start and end. */
def containsExecutableCode(start: AbstractInsnNode, end: LabelNode): Boolean = {
- start != end && ((start.getOpcode : @switch) match {
+ start != end && ((start.getOpcode: @switch) match {
// FrameNode, LabelNode and LineNumberNode have opcode == -1.
- case -1 | Opcodes.GOTO => containsExecutableCode(start.getNext, end)
+ case -1 | GOTO => containsExecutableCode(start.getNext, end)
case _ => true
var removedHandlers = Set.empty[TryCatchBlockNode]
val handlersIter = method.tryCatchBlocks.iterator()
- while(handlersIter.hasNext) {
+ while (handlersIter.hasNext) {
val handler =
if (!containsExecutableCode(handler.start, handler.end)) {
removedHandlers += handler
@@ -263,9 +616,10 @@ object LocalOptImpls {
* same type or name.
def removeUnusedLocalVariableNodes(method: MethodNode)(firstLocalIndex: Int = parametersSize(method), renumber: Int => Int = identity): Boolean = {
- def variableIsUsed(start: AbstractInsnNode, end: LabelNode, varIndex: Int): Boolean = {
+ @tailrec def variableIsUsed(start: AbstractInsnNode, end: LabelNode, varIndex: Int): Boolean = {
start != end && (start match {
case v: VarInsnNode if v.`var` == varIndex => true
+ case i: IincInsnNode if i.`var` == varIndex => true
case _ => variableIsUsed(start.getNext, end, varIndex)
@@ -285,17 +639,6 @@ object LocalOptImpls {
- * The number of local variable slots used for parameters and for the `this` reference.
- */
- private def parametersSize(method: MethodNode): Int = {
- // Double / long fields occupy two slots, so we sum up the sizes. Since getSize returns 0 for
- // void, we have to add `max 1`.
- val paramsSize = max 1).sum
- val thisSize = if ((method.access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) == 0) 1 else 0
- paramsSize + thisSize
- }
- /**
* Compact the local variable slots used in the method's implementation. This prevents having
* unused slots for example after eliminating unreachable code.
@@ -310,12 +653,9 @@ object LocalOptImpls {
val renumber = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]
// Add the index of the local variable used by `varIns` to the `renumber` array.
- def addVar(varIns: VarInsnNode): Unit = {
- val index = varIns.`var`
- val isWide = (varIns.getOpcode: @switch) match {
- case Opcodes.LLOAD | Opcodes.DLOAD | Opcodes.LSTORE | Opcodes.DSTORE => true
- case _ => false
- }
+ def addVar(varIns: AbstractInsnNode, slot: Int): Unit = {
+ val index = slot
+ val isWide = isSize2LoadOrStore(varIns.getOpcode)
// Ensure the length of `renumber`. Unused variable indices are mapped to -1.
val minLength = if (isWide) index + 2 else index + 1
@@ -332,7 +672,7 @@ object LocalOptImpls {
val firstLocalIndex = parametersSize(method)
for (i <- 0 until firstLocalIndex) renumber += i // parameters and `this` are always used.
method.instructions.iterator().asScala foreach {
- case VarInstruction(varIns) => addVar(varIns)
+ case VarInstruction(varIns, slot) => addVar(varIns, slot)
case _ =>
@@ -353,10 +693,12 @@ object LocalOptImpls {
// update variable instructions according to the renumber table
method.maxLocals = nextIndex
method.instructions.iterator().asScala.foreach {
- case VarInstruction(varIns) =>
- val oldIndex = varIns.`var`
- if (oldIndex >= firstLocalIndex && renumber(oldIndex) != oldIndex)
- varIns.`var` = renumber(varIns.`var`)
+ case VarInstruction(varIns, slot) =>
+ val oldIndex = slot
+ if (oldIndex >= firstLocalIndex && renumber(oldIndex) != oldIndex) varIns match {
+ case vi: VarInsnNode => vi.`var` = renumber(slot)
+ case ii: IincInsnNode => ii.`var` = renumber(slot)
+ }
case _ =>
@@ -431,154 +773,181 @@ object LocalOptImpls {
// A set of all exception handlers that guard the current instruction, required for simplifyGotoReturn
var activeHandlers = Set.empty[TryCatchBlockNode]
- // Instructions that need to be removed. simplifyBranchOverGoto returns an instruction to be
- // removed. It cannot remove it itself because the instruction may be the successor of the current
- // instruction of the iterator, which is not supported in ASM.
- var instructionsToRemove = Set.empty[AbstractInsnNode]
+ val jumpInsns = mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[JumpInsnNode, Boolean]
- val iterator = method.instructions.iterator()
- while (iterator.hasNext) {
- val instruction =
+ for (insn <- method.instructions.iterator().asScala) insn match {
+ case l: LabelNode =>
+ activeHandlers ++= allHandlers.filter(_.start == l)
+ activeHandlers = activeHandlers.filter(_.end != l)
- instruction match {
- case l: LabelNode =>
- activeHandlers ++= allHandlers.filter(_.start == l)
- activeHandlers = activeHandlers.filter(_.end != l)
- case _ =>
+ case ji: JumpInsnNode =>
+ jumpInsns(ji) = activeHandlers.nonEmpty
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ var _jumpTargets: Set[AbstractInsnNode] = null
+ def jumpTargets = {
+ if (_jumpTargets == null) {
+ _jumpTargets =
+ _jumpTargets
+ }
- if (instructionsToRemove(instruction)) {
- iterator.remove()
- instructionsToRemove -= instruction
- } else if (isJumpNonJsr(instruction)) { // fast path - all of the below only treat jumps
- var jumpRemoved = simplifyThenElseSameTarget(method, instruction)
+ def removeJumpFromMap(jump: JumpInsnNode) = {
+ jumpInsns.remove(jump)
+ _jumpTargets = null
+ }
- if (!jumpRemoved) {
- changed = collapseJumpChains(instruction) || changed
- jumpRemoved = removeJumpToSuccessor(method, instruction)
+ def replaceJumpByPop(jump: JumpInsnNode) = {
+ removeJumpAndAdjustStack(method, jump)
+ removeJumpFromMap(jump)
+ }
- if (!jumpRemoved) {
- val staleGoto = simplifyBranchOverGoto(method, instruction)
- instructionsToRemove ++= staleGoto
- changed ||= staleGoto.nonEmpty
- changed = simplifyGotoReturn(method, instruction, inTryBlock = activeHandlers.nonEmpty) || changed
- }
+ /**
+ * Removes a conditional jump if it is followed by a GOTO to the same destination.
+ *
+ * CondJump l; [nops]; GOTO l; [...]
+ * POP*; [nops]; GOTO l; [...]
+ *
+ * Introduces 1 or 2 POP instructions, depending on the number of values consumed by the CondJump.
+ */
+ def simplifyThenElseSameTarget(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = insn match {
+ case ConditionalJump(jump) =>
+ nextExecutableInstruction(insn) match {
+ case Some(Goto(elseJump)) if sameTargetExecutableInstruction(jump, elseJump) =>
+ replaceJumpByPop(jump)
+ true
+ case _ => false
- changed ||= jumpRemoved
- }
+ case _ => false
- assert(instructionsToRemove.isEmpty, "some optimization required removing a previously traversed instruction. add `instructionsToRemove.foreach(method.instructions.remove)`")
- changed
- }
- /**
- * Removes a conditional jump if it is followed by a GOTO to the same destination.
- *
- * CondJump l; [nops]; GOTO l; [...]
- * POP*; [nops]; GOTO l; [...]
- *
- * Introduces 1 or 2 POP instructions, depending on the number of values consumed by the CondJump.
- */
- private def simplifyThenElseSameTarget(method: MethodNode, instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = instruction match {
- case ConditionalJump(jump) =>
- nextExecutableInstruction(instruction) match {
- case Some(Goto(elseJump)) if sameTargetExecutableInstruction(jump, elseJump) =>
- removeJumpAndAdjustStack(method, jump)
+ /**
+ * Replace jumps to a sequence of GOTO instructions by a jump to the final destination.
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * Jump l; [any ops]; l: GOTO m; [any ops]; m: GOTO n; [any ops]; n: NotGOTO; [...]
+ * => Jump n; [rest unchanged]
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * If there's a loop of GOTOs, the initial jump is replaced by one of the labels in the loop.
+ */
+ def collapseJumpChains(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = insn match {
+ case JumpNonJsr(jump) =>
+ val target = finalJumpTarget(jump)
+ if (jump.label == target) false else {
+ jump.label = target
+ _jumpTargets = null
+ }
- case _ => false
- }
- case _ => false
- }
+ case _ => false
+ }
- /**
- * Replace jumps to a sequence of GOTO instructions by a jump to the final destination.
- *
- * Jump l; [any ops]; l: GOTO m; [any ops]; m: GOTO n; [any ops]; n: NotGOTO; [...]
- * => Jump n; [rest unchanged]
- *
- * If there's a loop of GOTOs, the initial jump is replaced by one of the labels in the loop.
- */
- private def collapseJumpChains(instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = instruction match {
- case JumpNonJsr(jump) =>
- val target = finalJumpTarget(jump)
- if (jump.label == target) false else {
- jump.label = target
+ /**
+ * Eliminates unnecessary jump instructions
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * Jump l; [nops]; l: [...]
+ * => POP*; [nops]; l: [...]
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * Introduces 0, 1 or 2 POP instructions, depending on the number of values consumed by the Jump.
+ */
+ def removeJumpToSuccessor(insn: AbstractInsnNode): Boolean = insn match {
+ case JumpNonJsr(jump) if nextExecutableInstruction(jump, alsoKeep = Set(jump.label)) contains jump.label =>
+ replaceJumpByPop(jump)
- }
- case _ => false
- }
+ case _ => false
+ }
- /**
- * Eliminates unnecessary jump instructions
- *
- * Jump l; [nops]; l: [...]
- * => POP*; [nops]; l: [...]
- *
- * Introduces 0, 1 or 2 POP instructions, depending on the number of values consumed by the Jump.
- */
- private def removeJumpToSuccessor(method: MethodNode, instruction: AbstractInsnNode) = instruction match {
- case JumpNonJsr(jump) if nextExecutableInstruction(jump, alsoKeep = Set(jump.label)) == Some(jump.label) =>
- removeJumpAndAdjustStack(method, jump)
- true
- case _ => false
- }
+ /**
+ * If the "else" part of a conditional branch is a simple GOTO, negates the conditional branch
+ * and eliminates the GOTO.
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * CondJump l; [nops, no jump targets]; GOTO m; [nops]; l: [...]
+ * => NegatedCondJump m; [nops, no jump targets]; [nops]; l: [...]
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * Note that no jump targets are allowed in the first [nops] section. Otherwise, there could
+ * be some other jump to the GOTO, and eliminating it would change behavior.
+ */
+ def simplifyBranchOverGoto(insn: AbstractInsnNode, inTryBlock: Boolean): Boolean = insn match {
+ case ConditionalJump(jump) =>
+ // don't skip over jump targets, see doc comment
+ nextExecutableInstruction(jump, alsoKeep = jumpTargets) match {
+ case Some(Goto(goto)) =>
+ if (nextExecutableInstruction(goto, alsoKeep = Set(jump.label)) contains jump.label) {
+ val newJump = new JumpInsnNode(negateJumpOpcode(jump.getOpcode), goto.label)
+ method.instructions.set(jump, newJump)
+ removeJumpFromMap(jump)
+ jumpInsns(newJump) = inTryBlock
+ replaceJumpByPop(goto)
+ true
+ } else false
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ case _ => false
+ }
- /**
- * If the "else" part of a conditional branch is a simple GOTO, negates the conditional branch
- * and eliminates the GOTO.
- *
- * CondJump l; [nops, no labels]; GOTO m; [nops]; l: [...]
- * => NegatedCondJump m; [nops, no labels]; [nops]; l: [...]
- *
- * Note that no label definitions are allowed in the first [nops] section. Otherwise, there could
- * be some other jump to the GOTO, and eliminating it would change behavior.
- *
- * For technical reasons, we cannot remove the GOTO here (*).Instead this method returns an Option
- * containing the GOTO that needs to be eliminated.
- *
- * (*) The ASM instruction iterator (used in the caller [[simplifyJumps]]) has an undefined
- * behavior if the successor of the current instruction is removed, which may be the case here
- */
- private def simplifyBranchOverGoto(method: MethodNode, instruction: AbstractInsnNode): Option[JumpInsnNode] = instruction match {
- case ConditionalJump(jump) =>
- // don't skip over labels, see doc comment
- nextExecutableInstruction(jump, alsoKeep = _.isInstanceOf[LabelNode]) match {
- case Some(Goto(goto)) =>
- if (nextExecutableInstruction(goto, alsoKeep = Set(jump.label)) == Some(jump.label)) {
- val newJump = new JumpInsnNode(negateJumpOpcode(jump.getOpcode), goto.label)
- method.instructions.set(jump, newJump)
- Some(goto)
- } else None
- case _ => None
- }
- case _ => None
- }
+ /**
+ * Inlines xRETURN and ATHROW
+ *
+ * {{{
+ * GOTO l; [any ops]; l: xRETURN/ATHROW
+ * => xRETURN/ATHROW; [any ops]; l: xRETURN/ATHROW
+ * }}}
+ *
+ * inlining is only done if the GOTO instruction is not part of a try block, otherwise the
+ * rewrite might change the behavior. For xRETURN, the reason is that return instructions may throw
+ * an IllegalMonitorStateException, as described here:
+ *
+ */
+ def simplifyGotoReturn(instruction: AbstractInsnNode, inTryBlock: Boolean): Boolean = !inTryBlock && (instruction match {
+ case Goto(jump) =>
+ nextExecutableInstruction(jump.label) match {
+ case Some(target) =>
+ if (isReturn(target) || target.getOpcode == ATHROW) {
+ method.instructions.set(jump, target.clone(null))
+ removeJumpFromMap(jump)
+ true
+ } else false
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ case _ => false
+ })
- /**
- * Inlines xRETURN and ATHROW
- *
- * GOTO l; [any ops]; l: xRETURN/ATHROW
- * => xRETURN/ATHROW; [any ops]; l: xRETURN/ATHROW
- *
- * inlining is only done if the GOTO instruction is not part of a try block, otherwise the
- * rewrite might change the behavior. For xRETURN, the reason is that return instructions may throw
- * an IllegalMonitorStateException, as described here:
- *
- */
- private def simplifyGotoReturn(method: MethodNode, instruction: AbstractInsnNode, inTryBlock: Boolean): Boolean = !inTryBlock && (instruction match {
- case Goto(jump) =>
- nextExecutableInstruction(jump.label) match {
- case Some(target) =>
- if (isReturn(target) || target.getOpcode == Opcodes.ATHROW) {
- method.instructions.set(jump, target.clone(null))
- true
- } else false
+ def run(): Boolean = {
+ var changed = false
+ // `.toList` because we're modifying the map while iterating over it
+ for ((jumpInsn, inTryBlock) <- jumpInsns.toList if jumpInsns.contains(jumpInsn) && isJumpNonJsr(jumpInsn)) {
+ var jumpRemoved = simplifyThenElseSameTarget(jumpInsn)
+ if (!jumpRemoved) {
+ changed = collapseJumpChains(jumpInsn) || changed
+ jumpRemoved = removeJumpToSuccessor(jumpInsn)
+ if (!jumpRemoved) {
+ changed = simplifyBranchOverGoto(jumpInsn, inTryBlock) || changed
+ changed = simplifyGotoReturn(jumpInsn, inTryBlock) || changed
+ }
+ }
- case _ => false
+ changed ||= jumpRemoved
- case _ => false
- })
+ if (changed) run()
+ changed
+ }
+ run()
+ }