path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt
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5 files changed, 0 insertions, 2778 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ClosureElimination.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ClosureElimination.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a866173a88..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ClosureElimination.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- /* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-package backend.opt
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-abstract class ClosureElimination extends SubComponent {
- import global._
- import icodes._
- import icodes.opcodes._
- val phaseName = "closelim"
- override val enabled: Boolean = settings.Xcloselim
- /** Create a new phase */
- override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new ClosureEliminationPhase(p)
- /** A simple peephole optimizer. */
- val peephole = new PeepholeOpt {
- def peep(bb: BasicBlock, i1: Instruction, i2: Instruction) = (i1, i2) match {
- case (CONSTANT(c), DROP(_)) =>
- if (c.tag == UnitTag) Some(List(i2)) else Some(Nil)
- case (LOAD_LOCAL(x), STORE_LOCAL(y)) =>
- if (x eq y) Some(Nil) else None
- case (STORE_LOCAL(x), LOAD_LOCAL(y)) if (x == y) =>
- var liveOut = liveness.out(bb)
- if (!liveOut(x)) {
- debuglog("store/load to a dead local? " + x)
- val instrs = bb.getArray
- var idx = instrs.length - 1
- while (idx > 0 && (instrs(idx) ne i2)) {
- liveOut = liveness.interpret(liveOut, instrs(idx))
- idx -= 1
- }
- if (!liveOut(x)) {
- log("Removing dead store/load of " + x.sym.initialize.defString)
- Some(Nil)
- } else None
- } else
- Some(List(DUP(x.kind), STORE_LOCAL(x)))
- case (LOAD_LOCAL(_), DROP(_)) | (DUP(_), DROP(_)) =>
- Some(Nil)
- case (BOX(t1), UNBOX(t2)) if (t1 == t2) =>
- Some(Nil)
- case (LOAD_FIELD(sym, /* isStatic */false), DROP(_)) if !sym.hasAnnotation(definitions.VolatileAttr) && inliner.isClosureClass(sym.owner) =>
- Some(DROP(REFERENCE(definitions.ObjectClass)) :: Nil)
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- /** The closure elimination phase.
- */
- class ClosureEliminationPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {
- def name = phaseName
- val closser = new ClosureElim
- override def apply(c: IClass): Unit = {
- if (closser ne null)
- closser analyzeClass c
- }
- }
- /**
- * Remove references to the environment through fields of a closure object.
- * This has to be run after an 'apply' method has been inlined, but it still
- * references the closure object.
- *
- */
- class ClosureElim {
- def analyzeClass(cls: IClass): Unit = if (settings.Xcloselim) {
- log(s"Analyzing ${cls.methods.size} methods in $cls.")
- cls.methods foreach { m =>
- analyzeMethod(m)
- peephole(m)
- }}
- val cpp = new copyPropagation.CopyAnalysis
- import copyPropagation._
- /* Some embryonic copy propagation. */
- def analyzeMethod(m: IMethod): Unit = try {if (m.hasCode) {
- cpp.init(m)
- m.linearizedBlocks() foreach { bb =>
- var info =
- debuglog("Cpp info at entry to block " + bb + ": " + info)
- for (i <- bb) {
- i match {
- case LOAD_LOCAL(l) if info.bindings isDefinedAt LocalVar(l) =>
- val t = info.getBinding(l)
- t match {
- case Deref(This) | Const(_) =>
- bb.replaceInstruction(i, valueToInstruction(t))
- debuglog(s"replaced $i with $t")
- case _ =>
- val t = info.getAlias(l)
- bb.replaceInstruction(i, LOAD_LOCAL(t))
- debuglog(s"replaced $i with $t")
- }
- case LOAD_FIELD(f, false) /* if accessible(f, m.symbol) */ =>
- def replaceFieldAccess(r: Record) {
- val Record(cls, _) = r
- info.getFieldNonRecordValue(r, f) foreach { v =>
- bb.replaceInstruction(i, DROP(REFERENCE(cls)) :: valueToInstruction(v) :: Nil)
- debuglog(s"replaced $i with $v")
- }
- }
- info.stack(0) match {
- case r @ Record(_, bindings) if bindings isDefinedAt f =>
- replaceFieldAccess(r)
- case Deref(LocalVar(l)) =>
- info.getBinding(l) match {
- case r @ Record(_, bindings) if bindings isDefinedAt f =>
- replaceFieldAccess(r)
- case _ =>
- }
- case Deref(Field(r1, f1)) =>
- info.getFieldValue(r1, f1) match {
- case Some(r @ Record(_, bindings)) if bindings isDefinedAt f =>
- replaceFieldAccess(r)
- case _ =>
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- case UNBOX(boxType) =>
- info.stack match {
- case Deref(LocalVar(loc1)) :: _ if info.bindings isDefinedAt LocalVar(loc1) =>
- val value = info.getBinding(loc1)
- value match {
- case Boxed(LocalVar(loc2)) if loc2.kind == boxType =>
- bb.replaceInstruction(i, DROP(icodes.ObjectReference) :: valueToInstruction(info.getBinding(loc2)) :: Nil)
- debuglog("replaced " + i + " with " + info.getBinding(loc2))
- case _ =>
- ()
- }
- case Boxed(LocalVar(loc1)) :: _ if loc1.kind == boxType =>
- val loc2 = info.getAlias(loc1)
- bb.replaceInstruction(i, DROP(icodes.ObjectReference) :: valueToInstruction(Deref(LocalVar(loc2))) :: Nil)
- debuglog("replaced " + i + " with " + LocalVar(loc2))
- case _ =>
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- info = cpp.interpret(info, i)
- }
- }
- }} catch {
- case e: LubException =>
- Console.println("In method: " + m)
- Console.println(e)
- e.printStackTrace
- }
- /* Partial mapping from values to instructions that load them. */
- def valueToInstruction(v: Value): Instruction = (v: @unchecked) match {
- case Deref(LocalVar(v)) =>
- case Const(k) =>
- case Deref(This) =>
- THIS(definitions.ObjectClass)
- case Boxed(LocalVar(v)) =>
- }
- } /* class ClosureElim */
- /** Peephole optimization. */
- abstract class PeepholeOpt {
- /** Concrete implementations will perform their optimizations here */
- def peep(bb: BasicBlock, i1: Instruction, i2: Instruction): Option[List[Instruction]]
- var liveness: global.icodes.liveness.LivenessAnalysis = null
- def apply(m: IMethod): Unit = if (m.hasCode) {
- liveness = new global.icodes.liveness.LivenessAnalysis
- liveness.init(m)
- m foreachBlock transformBlock
- }
- def transformBlock(b: BasicBlock): Unit = if (b.size >= 2) {
- var newInstructions: List[Instruction] = b.toList
- var redo = false
- do {
- var h = newInstructions.head
- var t = newInstructions.tail
- var seen: List[Instruction] = Nil
- redo = false
- while (t != Nil) {
- peep(b, h, t.head) match {
- case Some(newInstrs) =>
- newInstructions = seen reverse_::: newInstrs ::: t.tail
- redo = true
- case None =>
- ()
- }
- seen = h :: seen
- h = t.head
- t = t.tail
- }
- } while (redo)
- b fromList newInstructions
- }
- }
-} /* class ClosureElimination */
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index eafaf41932..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,626 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author James Iry
- */
-package scala
-package tools.nsc
-package backend.opt
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
- * ConstantOptimization uses abstract interpretation to approximate for
- * each instruction what constants a variable or stack slot might hold
- * or cannot hold. From this it will eliminate unreachable conditionals
- * where only one branch is reachable, e.g. to eliminate unnecessary
- * null checks.
- *
- * With some more work it could be extended to
- * - cache stable values (final fields, modules) in locals
- * - replace the copy propagation in ClosureElimination
- * - fold constants
- * - eliminate unnecessary stores and loads
- * - propagate knowledge gathered from conditionals for further optimization
- */
-abstract class ConstantOptimization extends SubComponent {
- import global._
- import icodes._
- import icodes.opcodes._
- val phaseName = "constopt"
- /** Create a new phase */
- override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new ConstantOptimizationPhase(p)
- override val enabled: Boolean = settings.YconstOptimization
- /**
- * The constant optimization phase.
- */
- class ConstantOptimizationPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {
- def name = phaseName
- override def apply(c: IClass) {
- if (settings.YconstOptimization) {
- val analyzer = new ConstantOptimizer
- analyzer optimizeClass c
- }
- }
- }
- class ConstantOptimizer {
- def optimizeClass(cls: IClass) {
- log(s"Analyzing ${cls.methods.size} methods in $cls.")
- cls.methods foreach { m =>
- optimizeMethod(m)
- }
- }
- def optimizeMethod(m: IMethod) {
- if (m.hasCode) {
- log(s"Analyzing ${m.symbol}")
- val replacementInstructions = interpretMethod(m)
- for (block <- m.blocks) {
- if (replacementInstructions contains block) {
- val instructions = replacementInstructions(block)
- block.replaceInstruction(block.lastInstruction, instructions)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * A single possible (or impossible) datum that can be held in Contents
- */
- private sealed abstract class Datum
- /**
- * A constant datum
- */
- private case class Const(c: Constant) extends Datum {
- def isIntAssignable = c.tag >= BooleanTag && c.tag <= IntTag
- def toInt = c.tag match {
- case BooleanTag => if (c.booleanValue) 1 else 0
- case _ => c.intValue
- }
- /**
- * True if this constant would compare to other as true under primitive eq
- */
- override def equals(other: Any) = other match {
- case oc @ Const(o) => (this eq oc) || (if (this.isIntAssignable && oc.isIntAssignable) this.toInt == oc.toInt else c.value == o.value)
- case _ => false
- }
- /**
- * Hash code consistent with equals
- */
- override def hashCode = if (this.isIntAssignable) this.toInt else c.hashCode
- }
- /**
- * A datum that has been Boxed via a BOX instruction
- */
- private case class Boxed(c: Datum) extends Datum
- /**
- * The knowledge we have about the abstract state of one location in terms
- * of what constants it might or cannot hold. Forms a lower
- * lattice where lower elements in the lattice indicate less knowledge.
- *
- * With the following partial ordering (where '>' indicates more precise knowledge)
- *
- * Possible(xs) > Possible(xs + y)
- * Possible(xs) > Impossible(ys)
- * Impossible(xs + y) > Impossible(xs)
- *
- * and the following merges, which indicate merging knowledge from two paths through
- * the code,
- *
- * // left must be 1 or 2, right must be 2 or 3 then we must have a 1, 2 or 3
- * Possible(xs) merge Possible(ys) => Possible(xs union ys)
- *
- * // Left says can't be 2 or 3, right says can't be 3 or 4
- * // then it's not 3 (it could be 2 from the right or 4 from the left)
- * Impossible(xs) merge Impossible(ys) => Impossible(xs intersect ys)
- *
- * // Left says it can't be 2 or 3, right says it must be 3 or 4, then
- * // it can't be 2 (left rules out 4 and right says 3 is possible)
- * Impossible(xs) merge Possible(ys) => Impossible(xs -- ys)
- *
- * Intuitively, Possible(empty) says that a location can't hold anything,
- * it's uninitialized. However, Possible(empty) never appears in the code.
- *
- * Conversely, Impossible(empty) says nothing is impossible, it could be
- * anything. Impossible(empty) is given a synonym UNKNOWN and is used
- * for, e.g., the result of an arbitrary method call.
- */
- private sealed abstract class Contents {
- /**
- * Join this Contents with another coming from another path. Join enforces
- * the lattice structure. It is symmetrical and never moves upward in the
- * lattice
- */
- final def merge(other: Contents): Contents = if (this eq other) this else (this, other) match {
- case (Possible(possible1), Possible(possible2)) =>
- Possible(possible1 union possible2)
- case (Impossible(impossible1), Impossible(impossible2)) =>
- Impossible(impossible1 intersect impossible2)
- case (Impossible(impossible), Possible(possible)) =>
- Impossible(impossible -- possible)
- case (Possible(possible), Impossible(impossible)) =>
- Impossible(impossible -- possible)
- }
- // TODO we could have more fine-grained knowledge, e.g. know that 0 < x < 3. But for now equality/inequality is a good start.
- def mightEqual(other: Contents): Boolean
- def mightNotEqual(other: Contents): Boolean
- }
- private def SingleImpossible(x: Datum) = new Impossible(Set(x))
- /**
- * The location is known to have one of a set of values.
- */
- private case class Possible(possible: Set[Datum]) extends Contents {
- assert(possible.nonEmpty, "Contradiction: had an empty possible set indicating an uninitialized location")
- def mightEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (this eq other) || (other match {
- // two Possibles might be equal if they have any possible members in common
- case Possible(possible2) => (possible intersect possible2).nonEmpty
- // a possible can be equal to an impossible if the impossible doesn't rule
- // out all the possibilities
- case Impossible(possible2) => (possible -- possible2).nonEmpty
- })
- def mightNotEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (other match {
- case Possible(possible2) =>
- // two Possibles must equal if each is known to be of the same, single value
- val mustEqual = possible.size == 1 && possible == possible2
- !mustEqual
- case Impossible(_) => true
- })
- }
- private def SinglePossible(x: Datum) = new Possible(Set(x))
- /**
- * The location is known to not have any of a set of values value (e.g null).
- */
- private case class Impossible(impossible: Set[Datum]) extends Contents {
- def mightEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (this eq other) || (other match {
- case Possible(_) => other mightEqual this
- case _ => true
- })
- def mightNotEqual(other: Contents): Boolean = (this eq other) || (other match {
- case Possible(_) => other mightNotEqual this
- case _ => true
- })
- }
- /**
- * Our entire knowledge about the contents of all variables and the stack. It forms
- * a lattice primarily driven by the lattice structure of Contents.
- *
- * In addition to the rules of contents, State has the following properties:
- * - The merge of two sets of locals holds the merges of locals found in the intersection
- * of the two sets of locals. Locals not found in a
- * locals map are thus possibly uninitialized and attempting to load them results
- * in an error.
- * - The stack heights of two states must match otherwise it's an error to merge them
- *
- * State is immutable in order to aid in structure sharing of local maps and stacks
- */
- private case class State(locals: Map[Local, Contents], stack: List[Contents]) {
- def mergeLocals(olocals: Map[Local, Contents]): Map[Local, Contents] = if (locals eq olocals) locals else Map((for {
- key <- (locals.keySet intersect olocals.keySet).toSeq
- } yield (key, locals(key) merge olocals(key))): _*)
- def merge(other: State): State = if (this eq other) this else {
- @tailrec def mergeStacks(l: List[Contents], r: List[Contents], out: List[Contents]): List[Contents] = (l, r) match {
- case (Nil, Nil) => out.reverse
- case (l, r) if l eq r => out.reverse ++ l
- case (lhead :: ltail, rhead :: rtail) => mergeStacks(ltail, rtail, (lhead merge rhead) :: out)
- case _ => sys.error("Mismatched stack heights")
- }
- val newLocals = mergeLocals(other.locals)
- val newStack = if (stack eq other.stack) stack else mergeStacks(stack, other.stack, Nil)
- State(newLocals, newStack)
- }
- /**
- * Peek at the top of the stack without modifying it. Error if the stack is empty
- */
- def peek(n: Int): Contents = stack(n)
- /**
- * Push contents onto a stack
- */
- def push(contents: Contents): State = this copy (stack = contents :: stack)
- /**
- * Drop n elements from the stack
- */
- def drop(number: Int): State = this copy (stack = stack drop number)
- /**
- * Store the top of the stack into the specified local. An error if the stack
- * is empty
- */
- def store(variable: Local): State = {
- val contents = stack.head
- val newVariables = locals + ((variable, contents))
- new State(newVariables, stack.tail)
- }
- /**
- * Load the specified local onto the top of the stack. An error if the local is uninitialized.
- */
- def load(variable: Local): State = {
- val contents: Contents = locals.getOrElse(variable, sys.error(s"$variable is not initialized"))
- push(contents)
- }
- /**
- * A copy of this State with an empty stack
- */
- def cleanStack: State = if (stack.isEmpty) this else this copy (stack = Nil)
- }
- // some precomputed constants
- private val NULL = Const(Constant(null: Any))
- private val UNKNOWN = Impossible(Set.empty)
- private val NOT_NULL = SingleImpossible(NULL)
- private val CONST_UNIT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(())))
- private val CONST_FALSE = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(false)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_BYTE = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Byte)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_SHORT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Short)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_CHAR = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Char)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_INT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Int)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_LONG = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0: Long)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_FLOAT = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0.0f)))
- private val CONST_ZERO_DOUBLE = SinglePossible(Const(Constant(0.0d)))
- private val CONST_NULL = SinglePossible(NULL)
- /**
- * Given a TypeKind, figure out what '0' for it means in order to interpret CZJUMP
- */
- private def getZeroOf(k: TypeKind): Contents = k match {
- case ARRAY(_) => CONST_NULL
- case BOXED(_) => CONST_NULL
- case ConcatClass => abort("no zero of ConcatClass")
- }
- // normal locals can't be null, so we use null to mean the magic 'this' local
- private val THIS_LOCAL: Local = null
- /**
- * interpret a single instruction to find its impact on the abstract state
- */
- private def interpretInst(in: State, inst: Instruction): State = {
- // pop the consumed number of values off the `in` state's stack, producing a new state
- def dropConsumed: State = in drop inst.consumed
- inst match {
- case THIS(_) =>
- in load THIS_LOCAL
- case CONSTANT(k) =>
- // treat NaN as UNKNOWN because NaN must never equal NaN
- val const = if (k.isNaN) UNKNOWN
- else SinglePossible(Const(k))
- in push const
- dropConsumed push UNKNOWN
- case LOAD_LOCAL(local) =>
- // TODO if a local is known to hold a constant then we can replace this instruction with a push of that constant
- in load local
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>
- in store local
- case STORE_THIS(_) =>
- // if a local is already known to have a constant and we're replacing with the same constant then we can
- // replace this with a drop
- in store THIS_LOCAL
- case CALL_METHOD(_, _) =>
- // TODO we could special case implementations of equals that are known, e.g. String#equals
- // We could turn Possible(string constants).equals(Possible(string constants) into an eq check
- // We could turn nonConstantString.equals(constantString) into constantString.equals(nonConstantString)
- // and eliminate the null check that likely precedes this call
- val initial = dropConsumed
- (0 until inst.produced).foldLeft(initial) { case (know, _) => know push UNKNOWN }
- case BOX(_) =>
- val value = in peek 0
- // we simulate boxing by, um, boxing the possible/impossible contents
- // so if we have Possible(1,2) originally then we'll end up with
- // a Possible(Boxed(1), Boxed(2))
- // Similarly, if we know the input is not a 0 then we'll know the
- // output is not a Boxed(0)
- val newValue = value match {
- case Possible(values) => Possible(values map Boxed)
- case Impossible(values) => Impossible(values map Boxed)
- }
- dropConsumed push newValue
- case UNBOX(_) =>
- val value = in peek 0
- val newValue = value match {
- // if we have a Possible, then all the possibilities
- // should themselves be Boxes. In that
- // case we can merge them to figure out what the UNBOX will produce
- case Possible(inners) =>
- assert(inners.nonEmpty, "Empty possible set indicating an uninitialized location")
- val sanitized: Set[Contents] = (inners map {
- case Boxed(content) => SinglePossible(content)
- case _ => UNKNOWN
- })
- sanitized reduce (_ merge _)
- // if we have an impossible then the thing that's impossible
- // should be a box. We'll unbox that to see what we get
- case unknown@Impossible(inners) =>
- if (inners.isEmpty) {
- unknown
- } else {
- val sanitized: Set[Contents] = (inners map {
- case Boxed(content) => SingleImpossible(content)
- case _ => UNKNOWN
- })
- sanitized reduce (_ merge _)
- }
- }
- dropConsumed push newValue
- case LOAD_MODULE(_) | NEW(_) | LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>
- in push NOT_NULL
- case CREATE_ARRAY(_, _) =>
- dropConsumed push NOT_NULL
- case IS_INSTANCE(_) =>
- // TODO IS_INSTANCE is going to be followed by a C(Z)JUMP
- // and if IS_INSTANCE/C(Z)JUMP the branch for "true" can
- // know that whatever was checked was not a null
- // see the TODO on CJUMP for more information about propagating null
- // information
- // TODO if the top of stack is guaranteed null then we can eliminate this IS_INSTANCE check and
- // replace with a constant false, but how often is a knowable null checked for instanceof?
- // TODO we could track type information and statically know to eliminate IS_INSTANCE
- // which might be a nice win under specialization
- dropConsumed push UNKNOWN // it's actually a Possible(true, false) but since the following instruction
- // will be a conditional jump comparing to true or false there
- // nothing to be gained by being more precise
- case CHECK_CAST(_) =>
- // TODO we could track type information and statically know to eliminate CHECK_CAST
- // but that's probably not a huge win
- in
- case DUP(_) =>
- val value = in peek 0
- in push value
- dropConsumed
- case SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) =>
- in
- case JUMP(_) | CJUMP(_, _, _, _) | CZJUMP(_, _, _, _) | RETURN(_) | THROW(_) | SWITCH(_, _) =>
- dumpClassesAndAbort("Unexpected block ending instruction: " + inst)
- }
- }
- /**
- * interpret the last instruction of a block which will be jump, a conditional branch, a throw, or a return.
- * It will result in a map from target blocks to the input state computed for that block. It
- * also computes a replacement list of instructions
- */
- private def interpretLast(in: State, inst: Instruction): (Map[BasicBlock, State], List[Instruction]) = {
- def canSwitch(in1: Contents, tagSet: List[Int]) = {
- in1 mightEqual Possible(tagSet.toSet map { tag: Int => Const(Constant(tag)) })
- }
- /* common code for interpreting CJUMP and CZJUMP */
- def interpretConditional(kind: TypeKind, val1: Contents, val2: Contents, success: BasicBlock, failure: BasicBlock, cond: TestOp): (Map[BasicBlock, State], List[Instruction]) = {
- // TODO use reaching analysis to update the state in the two branches
- // e.g. if the comparison was checking null equality on local x
- // then the in the success branch we know x is null and
- // on the failure branch we know it is not
- // in fact, with copy propagation we could propagate that knowledge
- // back through a chain of locations
- //
- // TODO if we do all that we need to be careful in the
- // case that success and failure are the same target block
- // because we're using a Map and don't want one possible state to clobber the other
- // alternative maybe we should just replace the conditional with a jump if both targets are the same
- def mightEqual = val1 mightEqual val2
- def mightNotEqual = val1 mightNotEqual val2
- def guaranteedEqual = mightEqual && !mightNotEqual
- def succPossible = cond match {
- case EQ => mightEqual
- case NE => mightNotEqual
- case LT | GT => !guaranteedEqual // if the two are guaranteed to be equal then they can't be LT/GT
- case LE | GE => true
- }
- def failPossible = cond match {
- case EQ => mightNotEqual
- case NE => mightEqual
- case LT | GT => true
- case LE | GE => !guaranteedEqual // if the two are guaranteed to be equal then they must be LE/GE
- }
- val out = in drop inst.consumed
- var result = Map[BasicBlock, State]()
- if (succPossible) {
- result += ((success, out))
- }
- if (failPossible) {
- result += ((failure, out))
- }
- val replacements = if (result.size == 1) List.fill(inst.consumed)(DROP(kind)) :+ JUMP(result.keySet.head)
- else inst :: Nil
- (result, replacements)
- }
- inst match {
- case JUMP(whereto) =>
- (Map((whereto, in)), inst :: Nil)
- case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- val in1 = in peek 0
- val in2 = in peek 1
- interpretConditional(kind, in1, in2, success, failure, cond)
- case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
- val in1 = in peek 0
- val in2 = getZeroOf(kind)
- interpretConditional(kind, in1, in2, success, failure, cond)
- case SWITCH(tags, labels) =>
- val in1 = in peek 0
- val reachableNormalLabels = tags zip labels collect { case (tagSet, label) if canSwitch(in1, tagSet) => label }
- val reachableLabels = if (tags.isEmpty) {
- assert(labels.size == 1, s"When SWITCH node has empty array of tags it should have just one (default) label: $labels")
- labels
- } else if (labels.lengthCompare(tags.length) > 0) {
- // if we've got an extra label then it's the default
- val defaultLabel = labels.last
- // see if the default is reachable by seeing if the input might be out of the set
- // of all tags
- val allTags = Possible(tags.flatten.toSet map { tag: Int => Const(Constant(tag)) })
- if (in1 mightNotEqual allTags) {
- reachableNormalLabels :+ defaultLabel
- } else {
- reachableNormalLabels
- }
- } else {
- reachableNormalLabels
- }
- // TODO similar to the comment in interpretConditional, we should update our the State going into each
- // branch based on which tag is being matched. Also, just like interpretConditional, if target blocks
- // are the same we need to merge State rather than clobber
- // alternative, maybe we should simplify the SWITCH to not have same target labels
- val newState = in drop inst.consumed
- val result = Map(reachableLabels map { label => (label, newState) }: _*)
- if (reachableLabels.size == 1) (result, DROP(INT) :: JUMP(reachableLabels.head) :: Nil)
- else (result, inst :: Nil)
- // these instructions don't have target blocks
- // (exceptions are assumed to be reachable from all instructions)
- case RETURN(_) | THROW(_) =>
- (Map.empty, inst :: Nil)
- case _ =>
- dumpClassesAndAbort("Unexpected non-block ending instruction: " + inst)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Analyze a single block to find how it transforms an input state into a states for its successor blocks
- * Also computes a list of instructions to be used to replace its last instruction
- */
- private def interpretBlock(in: State, block: BasicBlock): (Map[BasicBlock, State], Map[BasicBlock, State], List[Instruction]) = {
- debuglog(s"interpreting block $block")
- // number of instructions excluding the last one
- val normalCount = block.size - 1
- var exceptionState = in.cleanStack
- var normalExitState = in
- var idx = 0
- while (idx < normalCount) {
- val inst = block(idx)
- normalExitState = interpretInst(normalExitState, inst)
- if (normalExitState.locals ne exceptionState.locals)
- exceptionState = exceptionState.copy(locals = exceptionState mergeLocals normalExitState.locals)
- idx += 1
- }
- val pairs = block.exceptionSuccessors map { b => (b, exceptionState) }
- val exceptionMap = Map(pairs: _*)
- val (normalExitMap, newInstructions) = interpretLast(normalExitState, block.lastInstruction)
- (normalExitMap, exceptionMap, newInstructions)
- }
- /**
- * Analyze a single method to find replacement instructions
- */
- private def interpretMethod(m: IMethod): Map[BasicBlock, List[Instruction]] = {
- import scala.collection.mutable.{ Set => MSet, Map => MMap }
- debuglog(s"interpreting method $m")
- var iterations = 0
- // initially we know that 'this' is not null and the params are initialized to some unknown value
- val initThis: Iterator[(Local, Contents)] = if (m.isStatic) Iterator.empty else Iterator.single((THIS_LOCAL, NOT_NULL))
- val initOtherLocals: Iterator[(Local, Contents)] = m.params.iterator map { param => (param, UNKNOWN) }
- val initialLocals: Map[Local, Contents] = Map((initThis ++ initOtherLocals).toSeq: _*)
- val initialState = State(initialLocals, Nil)
- // worklist of basic blocks to process, initially the start block
- val worklist = MSet(m.startBlock)
- // worklist of exception basic blocks. They're kept in a separate set so they can be
- // processed after normal flow basic blocks. That's because exception basic blocks
- // are more likely to have multiple predecessors and queueing them for later
- // increases the chances that they'll only need to be interpreted once
- val exceptionlist = MSet[BasicBlock]()
- // our current best guess at what the input state is for each block
- // initially we only know about the start block
- val inputState = MMap[BasicBlock, State]((m.startBlock, initialState))
- // update the inputState map based on new information from interpreting a block
- // When the input state of a block changes, add it back to the work list to be
- // reinterpreted
- def updateInputStates(outputStates: Map[BasicBlock, State], worklist: MSet[BasicBlock]) {
- for ((block, newState) <- outputStates) {
- val oldState = inputState get block
- val updatedState = oldState map (x => x merge newState) getOrElse newState
- if (oldState != Some(updatedState)) {
- worklist add block
- inputState(block) = updatedState
- }
- }
- }
- // the instructions to be used as the last instructions on each block
- val replacements = MMap[BasicBlock, List[Instruction]]()
- while (worklist.nonEmpty || exceptionlist.nonEmpty) {
- if (worklist.isEmpty) {
- // once the worklist is empty, start processing exception blocks
- val block = exceptionlist.head
- exceptionlist remove block
- worklist add block
- } else {
- iterations += 1
- val block = worklist.head
- worklist remove block
- val (normalExitMap, exceptionMap, newInstructions) = interpretBlock(inputState(block), block)
- updateInputStates(normalExitMap, worklist)
- updateInputStates(exceptionMap, exceptionlist)
- replacements(block) = newInstructions
- }
- }
- debuglog(s"method $m with ${m.blocks.size} reached fixpoint in $iterations iterations")
- replacements.toMap
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/DeadCodeElimination.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/DeadCodeElimination.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8911a3a28c..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/DeadCodeElimination.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,450 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-package backend.opt
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
- */
-abstract class DeadCodeElimination extends SubComponent {
- import global._
- import icodes._
- import icodes.opcodes._
- import definitions.RuntimePackage
- /** The block and index where an instruction is located */
- type InstrLoc = (BasicBlock, Int)
- val phaseName = "dce"
- override val enabled: Boolean = settings.Xdce
- /** Create a new phase */
- override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new DeadCodeEliminationPhase(p)
- /** Dead code elimination phase.
- */
- class DeadCodeEliminationPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {
- def name = phaseName
- val dce = new DeadCode()
- override def apply(c: IClass) {
- if (settings.Xdce && (dce ne null))
- dce.analyzeClass(c)
- }
- }
- /** closures that are instantiated at least once, after dead code elimination */
- val liveClosures = perRunCaches.newSet[Symbol]()
- /** closures that are eliminated, populated by
- * these class symbols won't have a .class physical file, thus shouldn't be included in InnerClasses JVM attribute,
- * otherwise some tools get confused or slow (SI-6546)
- * */
- val elidedClosures = perRunCaches.newSet[Symbol]()
- /** Remove dead code.
- */
- class DeadCode {
- def analyzeClass(cls: IClass) {
- log(s"Analyzing ${cls.methods.size} methods in $cls.")
- cls.methods.foreach { m =>
- this.method = m
- dieCodeDie(m)
- global.closureElimination.peephole(m)
- }
- }
- val rdef = new reachingDefinitions.ReachingDefinitionsAnalysis
- /** Use-def chain: give the reaching definitions at the beginning of given instruction. */
- var defs: immutable.Map[InstrLoc, immutable.Set[rdef.lattice.Definition]] = immutable.HashMap.empty
- /** Useful instructions which have not been scanned yet. */
- val worklist: mutable.Set[InstrLoc] = new mutable.LinkedHashSet
- /** what instructions have been marked as useful? */
- val useful: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, mutable.BitSet] = perRunCaches.newMap()
- /** what local variables have been accessed at least once? */
- var accessedLocals: List[Local] = Nil
- /** Map from a local and a basic block to the instructions that store to that local in that basic block */
- val localStores = mutable.Map[(Local, BasicBlock), mutable.BitSet]() withDefault {_ => mutable.BitSet()}
- /** Stores that clobber previous stores to array or ref locals. See SI-5313 */
- val clobbers = mutable.Set[InstrLoc]()
- /** the current method. */
- var method: IMethod = _
- /** Map instructions who have a drop on some control path, to that DROP instruction. */
- val dropOf: mutable.Map[InstrLoc, List[InstrLoc]] = perRunCaches.newMap()
- def dieCodeDie(m: IMethod) {
- if (m.hasCode) {
- debuglog("dead code elimination on " + m)
- dropOf.clear()
- localStores.clear()
- clobbers.clear()
- m.code.blocks.clear()
- m.code.touched = true
- accessedLocals = m.params.reverse
- m.code.blocks ++= linearizer.linearize(m)
- m.code.touched = true
- collectRDef(m)
- mark()
- sweep(m)
- accessedLocals = accessedLocals.distinct
- val diff = m.locals diff accessedLocals
- if (diff.nonEmpty) {
- val msg =", ")
- log(s"Removed ${diff.size} dead locals: $msg")
- m.locals = accessedLocals.reverse
- }
- }
- }
- /** collect reaching definitions and initial useful instructions for this method. */
- def collectRDef(m: IMethod): Unit = if (m.hasCode) {
- defs = immutable.HashMap.empty; worklist.clear(); useful.clear()
- rdef.init(m)
- m foreachBlock { bb =>
- useful(bb) = new mutable.BitSet(bb.size)
- var rd =
- for ((i, idx) <- bb.toList.zipWithIndex) {
- // utility for adding to worklist
- def moveToWorkList() = moveToWorkListIf(cond = true)
- // utility for (conditionally) adding to worklist
- def moveToWorkListIf(cond: Boolean) =
- if (cond) {
- debuglog("in worklist: " + i)
- worklist += ((bb, idx))
- } else {
- debuglog("not in worklist: " + i)
- }
- // instruction-specific logic
- i match {
- case LOAD_LOCAL(_) =>
- defs = defs + (((bb, idx), rd.vars))
- moveToWorkListIf(cond = false)
- case STORE_LOCAL(l) =>
- /* SI-4935 Check whether a module is stack top, if so mark the instruction that loaded it
- * (otherwise any side-effects of the module's constructor go lost).
- * (a) The other two cases where a module's value is stored (STORE_FIELD and STORE_ARRAY_ITEM)
- * are already marked (case clause below).
- * (b) A CALL_METHOD targeting a method `m1` where the receiver is potentially a module (case clause below)
- * will have the module's load marked provided `isSideEffecting(m1)`.
- * TODO check for purity (the ICode?) of the module's constructor (besides m1's purity).
- * See also
- */
- val necessary = rdef.findDefs(bb, idx, 1) exists { p =>
- val (bb1, idx1) = p
- bb1(idx1) match {
- case LOAD_MODULE(module) => isLoadNeeded(module)
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- moveToWorkListIf(necessary)
- // add it to the localStores map
- val key = (l, bb)
- val set = localStores(key)
- set += idx
- localStores(key) = set
- case RETURN(_) | JUMP(_) | CJUMP(_, _, _, _) | CZJUMP(_, _, _, _) | STORE_FIELD(_, _) |
- moveToWorkList()
- case LOAD_FIELD(sym, isStatic) if isStatic || !inliner.isClosureClass(sym.owner) =>
- // static load may trigger static initialization.
- // non-static load can throw NPE (but we know closure fields can't be accessed via a
- // null reference.
- moveToWorkList()
- case CALL_METHOD(m1, _) if isSideEffecting(m1) =>
- moveToWorkList()
- case CALL_METHOD(m1, SuperCall(_)) =>
- moveToWorkList() // super calls to constructor
- case DROP(_) =>
- val necessary = rdef.findDefs(bb, idx, 1) exists { p =>
- val (bb1, idx1) = p
- bb1(idx1) match {
- case CALL_METHOD(m1, _) if isSideEffecting(m1) => true
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) | DUP(_) | LOAD_MODULE(_) => true
- case _ =>
- dropOf((bb1, idx1)) = (bb,idx) :: dropOf.getOrElse((bb1, idx1), Nil)
- debuglog("DROP is inessential: " + i + " because of: " + bb1(idx1) + " at " + bb1 + ":" + idx1)
- false
- }
- }
- moveToWorkListIf(necessary)
- case LOAD_MODULE(sym) if isLoadNeeded(sym) =>
- moveToWorkList() // SI-4859 Module initialization might side-effect.
- case CALL_PRIMITIVE(Arithmetic(DIV | REM, INT | LONG) | ArrayLength(_)) =>
- moveToWorkList() // SI-8601 Might divide by zero
- case _ => ()
- moveToWorkListIf(cond = false)
- }
- rd = rdef.interpret(bb, idx, rd)
- }
- }
- }
- private def isLoadNeeded(module: Symbol): Boolean = {
- != NoSymbol
- }
- /** Mark useful instructions. Instructions in the worklist are each inspected and their
- * dependencies are marked useful too, and added to the worklist.
- */
- def mark() {
-// log("Starting with worklist: " + worklist)
- while (!worklist.isEmpty) {
- val (bb, idx) = worklist.head
- worklist -= ((bb, idx))
- debuglog("Marking instr: \tBB_" + bb + ": " + idx + " " + bb(idx))
- val instr = bb(idx)
- // adds the instructions that define the stack values about to be consumed to the work list to
- // be marked useful
- def addDefs() = for ((bb1, idx1) <- rdef.findDefs(bb, idx, instr.consumed) if !useful(bb1)(idx1)) {
- debuglog(s"\t${bb1(idx1)} is consumed by $instr")
- worklist += ((bb1, idx1))
- }
- // DROP logic -- if an instruction is useful, its drops are also useful
- // and we don't mark the DROPs as useful directly but add them to the
- // worklist so we also mark their reaching defs as useful - see SI-7060
- if (!useful(bb)(idx)) {
- useful(bb) += idx
- dropOf.get((bb, idx)) foreach {
- for ((bb1, idx1) <- _) {
- /*
- * SI-7060: A drop that we now mark as useful can be reached via several paths,
- * so we should follow by marking all its reaching definition as useful too:
- */
- debuglog("\tAdding: " + bb1(idx1) + " to the worklist, as a useful DROP.")
- worklist += ((bb1, idx1))
- }
- }
- // per-instruction logic
- instr match {
- case LOAD_LOCAL(l1) =>
- for ((l2, bb1, idx1) <- defs((bb, idx)) if l1 == l2; if !useful(bb1)(idx1)) {
- debuglog("\tAdding " + bb1(idx1))
- worklist += ((bb1, idx1))
- }
- case STORE_LOCAL(l1) if l1.kind.isRefOrArrayType =>
- addDefs()
- // see SI-5313
- // search for clobbers of this store if we aren't doing l1 = null
- // this doesn't catch the second store in x=null;l1=x; but in practice this catches
- // a lot of null stores very cheaply
- if (idx == 0 || bb(idx - 1) != CONSTANT(Constant(null)))
- findClobbers(l1, bb, idx + 1)
- case nw @ NEW(REFERENCE(sym)) =>
- assert(nw.init ne null, "null new.init at: " + bb + ": " + idx + "(" + instr + ")")
- worklist += findInstruction(bb, nw.init)
- if (inliner.isClosureClass(sym)) {
- liveClosures += sym
- }
- // it may be better to move static initializers from closures to
- // the enclosing class, to allow the optimizer to remove more closures.
- // right now, the only static fields in closures are created when caching
- // 'symbol literals.
- case LOAD_FIELD(sym, true) if inliner.isClosureClass(sym.owner) =>
- log("added closure class for field " + sym)
- liveClosures += sym.owner
- case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) =>
- ()
- case _ =>
- addDefs()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Finds and marks all clobbers of the given local starting in the given
- * basic block at the given index
- *
- * Storing to local variables of reference or array type may be indirectly
- * observable because it may remove a reference to an object which may allow the object
- * to be gc'd. See SI-5313. In this code I call the LOCAL_STORE(s) that immediately follow a
- * LOCAL_STORE and that store to the same local "clobbers." If a LOCAL_STORE is marked
- * useful then its clobbers must go into the set of clobbers, which will be
- * compensated for later
- */
- def findClobbers(l: Local, bb: BasicBlock, idx: Int) {
- // previously visited blocks tracked to prevent searching forever in a cycle
- val inspected = mutable.Set[BasicBlock]()
- // our worklist of blocks that still need to be checked
- val blocksToBeInspected = mutable.Set[BasicBlock]()
- // Tries to find the next clobber of l1 in bb1 starting at idx1.
- // if it finds one it adds the clobber to clobbers set for later
- // handling. If not it adds the direct successor blocks to
- // the uninspectedBlocks to try to find clobbers there. Either way
- // it adds the exception successor blocks for further search
- def findClobberInBlock(idx1: Int, bb1: BasicBlock) {
- val key = ((l, bb1))
- val foundClobber = (localStores contains key) && {
- def minIdx(s : mutable.BitSet) = if(s.isEmpty) -1 else s.min
- // find the smallest index greater than or equal to idx1
- val clobberIdx = minIdx(localStores(key) dropWhile (_ < idx1))
- if (clobberIdx == -1)
- false
- else {
- debuglog(s"\t${bb1(clobberIdx)} is a clobber of ${bb(idx)}")
- clobbers += ((bb1, clobberIdx))
- true
- }
- }
- // always need to look into the exception successors for additional clobbers
- // because we don't know when flow might enter an exception handler
- blocksToBeInspected ++= (bb1.exceptionSuccessors filterNot inspected)
- // If we didn't find a clobber here then we need to look at successor blocks.
- // if we found a clobber then we don't need to search in the direct successors
- if (!foundClobber) {
- blocksToBeInspected ++= (bb1.directSuccessors filterNot inspected)
- }
- }
- // first search starting at the current index
- // note we don't put bb in the inspected list yet because a loop may later force
- // us back around to search from the beginning of bb
- findClobberInBlock(idx, bb)
- // then loop until we've exhausted the set of uninspected blocks
- while(!blocksToBeInspected.isEmpty) {
- val bb1 = blocksToBeInspected.head
- blocksToBeInspected -= bb1
- inspected += bb1
- findClobberInBlock(0, bb1)
- }
- }
- def sweep(m: IMethod) {
- val compensations = computeCompensations(m)
- debuglog("Sweeping: " + m)
- m foreachBlock { bb =>
- debuglog(bb + ":")
- val oldInstr = bb.toList
- bb.clear()
- for ((i, idx) <- oldInstr.zipWithIndex) {
- if (useful(bb)(idx)) {
- debuglog(" * " + i + " is useful")
- bb.emit(i, i.pos)
- compensations.get((bb, idx)) match {
- case Some(is) => is foreach bb.emit
- case None => ()
- }
- // check for accessed locals
- i match {
- case LOAD_LOCAL(l) if !l.arg =>
- accessedLocals = l :: accessedLocals
- case STORE_LOCAL(l) if !l.arg =>
- accessedLocals = l :: accessedLocals
- case _ => ()
- }
- } else {
- i match {
- case NEW(REFERENCE(sym)) =>
- log(s"Eliminated instantiation of $sym inside $m")
- case STORE_LOCAL(l) if clobbers contains ((bb, idx)) =>
- // if an unused instruction was a clobber of a used store to a reference or array type
- // then we'll replace it with the store of a null to make sure the reference is
- // eliminated. See SI-5313
- bb emit CONSTANT(Constant(null))
- bb emit STORE_LOCAL(l)
- case _ => ()
- }
- debuglog(" " + i + " [swept]")
- }
- }
- if (bb.nonEmpty) bb.close()
- else log(s"empty block encountered in $m")
- }
- }
- private def computeCompensations(m: IMethod): mutable.Map[InstrLoc, List[Instruction]] = {
- val compensations: mutable.Map[InstrLoc, List[Instruction]] = new mutable.HashMap
- m foreachBlock { bb =>
- assert(bb.closed, "Open block in computeCompensations")
- foreachWithIndex(bb.toList) { (i, idx) =>
- if (!useful(bb)(idx)) {
- foreachWithIndex(i.consumedTypes.reverse) { (consumedType, depth) =>
- debuglog("Finding definitions of: " + i + "\n\t" + consumedType + " at depth: " + depth)
- val defs = rdef.findDefs(bb, idx, 1, depth)
- for (d <- defs) {
- val (bb, idx) = d
- debuglog("rdef: "+ bb(idx))
- bb(idx) match {
- case DUP(_) if idx > 0 =>
- bb(idx - 1) match {
- case nw @ NEW(_) =>
- val init = findInstruction(bb, nw.init)
- log("Moving DROP to after <init> call: " + nw.init)
- compensations(init) = List(DROP(consumedType))
- case _ =>
- compensations(d) = List(DROP(consumedType))
- }
- case _ =>
- compensations(d) = List(DROP(consumedType))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- compensations
- }
- private def findInstruction(bb: BasicBlock, i: Instruction): InstrLoc = {
- for (b <- linearizer.linearizeAt(method, bb)) {
- val idx = b.toList indexWhere (_ eq i)
- if (idx != -1)
- return (b, idx)
- }
- abort("could not find init in: " + method)
- }
- private def isPure(sym: Symbol) = (
- (sym.isGetter && sym.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden && !sym.isLazy)
- || (sym.isPrimaryConstructor && (sym.enclosingPackage == RuntimePackage || inliner.isClosureClass(sym.owner)))
- )
- /** Is 'sym' a side-effecting method? TODO: proper analysis. */
- private def isSideEffecting(sym: Symbol) = !isPure(sym)
- } /* DeadCode */
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/InlineExceptionHandlers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/InlineExceptionHandlers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f6883f03f..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/InlineExceptionHandlers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- */
-package backend.opt
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
- * This optimization phase inlines the exception handlers so that further phases can optimize the code better
- *
- * {{{
- * try {
- * ...
- * if (condition)
- * throw IllegalArgumentException("sth")
- * } catch {
- * case e: IllegalArgumentException => <handler code>
- * case e: ... => ...
- * }
- * }}}
- *
- * will inline the exception handler code to:
- *
- * {{{
- * try {
- * ...
- * if (condition)
- * <handler code> // + jump to the end of the catch statement
- * } catch {
- * case e: IllegalArgumentException => <handler code>
- * case e: ... => ...
- * }
- * }}}
- *
- * Q: How does the inlining work, ICode level?
- * A: if a block contains a THROW(A) instruction AND there is a handler that takes A or a superclass of A we do:
- * 1. We duplicate the handler code such that we can transform THROW into a JUMP
- * 2. We analyze the handler to see what local it expects the exception to be placed in
- * 3. We place the exception that is thrown in the correct "local variable" slot and clean up the stack
- * 4. We finally JUMP to the duplicate handler
- * All the above logic is implemented in InlineExceptionHandlersPhase.apply(bblock: BasicBlock)
- *
- * Q: Why do we need to duplicate the handler?
- * A: An exception might be thrown in a method that we invoke in the function and we cannot see that THROW command
- * directly. In order to catch such exceptions, we keep the exception handler in place and duplicate it in order
- * to inline its code.
- *
- * @author Vlad Ureche
- */
-abstract class InlineExceptionHandlers extends SubComponent {
- import global._
- import icodes._
- import icodes.opcodes._
- val phaseName = "inlinehandlers"
- /** Create a new phase */
- override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new InlineExceptionHandlersPhase(p)
- override def enabled = settings.inlineHandlers
- /**
- * Inlining Exception Handlers
- */
- class InlineExceptionHandlersPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {
- def name = phaseName
- /* This map is used to keep track of duplicated exception handlers
- * explanation: for each exception handler basic block, there is a copy of it
- * -some exception handler basic blocks might not be duplicated because they have an unknown format => Option[(...)]
- * -some exception handler duplicates expect the exception on the stack while others expect it in a local
- * => Option[Local]
- */
- private val handlerCopies = perRunCaches.newMap[BasicBlock, Option[(Option[Local], BasicBlock)]]()
- /* This map is the inverse of handlerCopies, used to compute the stack of duplicate blocks */
- private val handlerCopiesInverted = perRunCaches.newMap[BasicBlock, (BasicBlock, TypeKind)]()
- private def handlerLocal(bb: BasicBlock): Option[Local] =
- for (v <- handlerCopies get bb ; (local, block) <- v ; l <- local) yield l
- /* Type Flow Analysis */
- private val tfa: analysis.MethodTFA = new analysis.MethodTFA()
- private var tfaCache: Map[Int, tfa.lattice.Elem] = Map.empty
- private var analyzedMethod: IMethod = NoIMethod
- /* Blocks that need to be analyzed */
- private var todoBlocks: List[BasicBlock] = Nil
- /* Used only for warnings */
- private var currentClass: IClass = null
- /** Apply exception handler inlining to a class */
- override def apply(c: IClass): Unit =
- if (settings.inlineHandlers) {
- val startTime = System.nanoTime()
- currentClass = c
- debuglog("Starting InlineExceptionHandlers on " + c)
- c.methods foreach applyMethod
- debuglog("Finished InlineExceptionHandlers on " + c + "... " + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startTime) + "ms")
- currentClass = null
- }
- /**
- * Apply exception handler inlining to a method
- *
- * Note: for each exception handling block, we (might) create duplicates. Therefore we iterate until we get to a
- * fixed point where all the possible handlers have been inlined.
- *
- * TODO: Should we have an inlining depth limit? A nested sequence of n try-catch blocks can lead to at most 2n
- * inlined blocks, so worst case scenario we double the size of the code
- */
- private def applyMethod(method: IMethod): Unit = {
- if (method.hasCode) {
- // create the list of starting blocks
- todoBlocks = global.icodes.linearizer.linearize(method)
- while (todoBlocks.nonEmpty) {
- val levelBlocks = todoBlocks
- todoBlocks = Nil
- levelBlocks foreach applyBasicBlock // new blocks will be added to todoBlocks
- }
- }
- // Cleanup the references after we finished the file
- handlerCopies.clear()
- handlerCopiesInverted.clear()
- todoBlocks = Nil
- // Type flow analysis cleanup
- analyzedMethod = NoIMethod
- tfaCache = Map.empty
- //TODO: Need a way to clear tfa structures
- }
- /** Apply exception handler inlining to a basic block */
- private def applyBasicBlock(bblock: BasicBlock): Unit = {
- /*
- * The logic of this entire method:
- * - for each basic block, we look at each instruction until we find a THROW instruction
- * - once we found a THROW instruction, we decide if it is DECIDABLE which of handler will catch the exception
- * (see method findExceptionHandler for more details)
- * - if we decided there is a handler that will catch the exception, we need to replace the THROW instruction by
- * a set of equivalent instructions:
- * * we need to compute the static types of the stack slots
- * * we need to clear the stack, everything but the exception instance on top (or in a local variable slot)
- * * we need to JUMP to the duplicate exception handler
- * - we compute the static types of the stack slots in function getTypesAtInstruction
- * - we duplicate the exception handler (and we get back the information of whether the duplicate expects the
- * exception instance on top of the stack or in a local variable slot)
- * - we compute the necessary code to put the exception in its place, clear the stack and JUMP
- * - we change the THROW exception to the new Clear stack + JUMP code
- */
- for {
- (instr @ THROW(clazz), index) <- bblock.iterator.zipWithIndex
- // Decide if any handler fits this exception
- // If not, then nothing to do, we cannot determine statically which handler will catch the exception
- (handler, caughtException) <- findExceptionHandler(toTypeKind(clazz.tpe), bblock.exceptionSuccessors)
- } {
- log(" Replacing " + instr + " in " + bblock + " to new handler")
- // Solve the stack and drop the element that we already stored, which should be the exception
- // needs to be done here to be the first thing before code becomes altered
- val typeInfo = getTypesAtInstruction(bblock, index)
- // Duplicate exception handler
- duplicateExceptionHandlerCache(handler) match {
- case None =>
- log(" Could not duplicate handler for " + instr + " in " + bblock)
- case Some((exceptionLocalOpt, newHandler)) =>
- val onStackException = typeInfo.head
- val thrownException = toTypeKind(clazz.tpe)
- // A couple of sanity checks, to make sure we don't touch code we can't safely handle
- val canReplaceHandler = (
- typeInfo.nonEmpty
- && (index == bblock.length - 1)
- && (onStackException <:< thrownException)
- )
- // in other words: what's on the stack MUST conform to what's in the THROW(..)!
- if (!canReplaceHandler) {
- reporter.warning(NoPosition, "Unable to inline the exception handler inside incorrect" +
- " block:\n" + bblock.iterator.mkString("\n") + "\nwith stack: " + typeInfo + " just " +
- "before instruction index " + index)
- }
- else {
- // Prepare the new code to replace the THROW instruction
- val newCode = exceptionLocalOpt match {
- // the handler duplicate expects the exception in a local: easy one :)
- case Some(local) =>
- // in the first cycle we remove the exception Type
- STORE_LOCAL(local) +: => DROP(x)) :+ JUMP(newHandler)
- // we already have the exception on top of the stack, only need to JUMP
- case None if typeInfo.length == 1 =>
- JUMP(newHandler) :: Nil
- // we have the exception on top of the stack but we have other stuff on the stack
- // create a local, load exception, clear the stack and finally store the exception on the stack
- case _ =>
- val exceptionType = typeInfo.head
- // Here we could create a single local for all exceptions of a certain type. TODO: try that.
- val localName = currentClass.cunit.freshTermName("exception$")
- val localType = exceptionType
- val localSymbol = bblock.method.symbol.newValue(localName).setInfo(localType.toType)
- val local = new Local(localSymbol, localType, false)
- bblock.method.addLocal(local)
- // Save the exception, drop the stack and place back the exception
- STORE_LOCAL(local) :: => DROP(x)) ::: List(LOAD_LOCAL(local), JUMP(newHandler))
- }
- // replace THROW by the new code
- bblock.replaceInstruction(instr, newCode)
- // notify the successors changed for the current block
- // notify the predecessors changed for the inlined handler block
- bblock.touched = true
- newHandler.touched = true
- log(" Replaced " + instr + " in " + bblock + " to new handler")
- log("OPTIMIZED class " + currentClass + " method " +
- bblock.method + " block " + bblock + " newhandler " +
- newHandler + ":\n\t\t" + onStackException + " <:< " +
- thrownException + " <:< " + caughtException)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the types on the stack at a certain point in the program. Note that we want to analyze the method lazily
- * and therefore use the analyzedMethod variable
- */
- private def getTypesAtInstruction(bblock: BasicBlock, index: Int): List[TypeKind] = {
- // get the stack at the block entry
- var typeInfo = getTypesAtBlockEntry(bblock)
- // perform tfa to the current instruction
- log(" stack at the beginning of block " + bblock + " in function " +
- bblock.method + ": " + typeInfo.stack)
- for (i <- 0 to (index - 1)) {
- typeInfo = tfa.interpret(typeInfo, bblock(i))
- log(" stack after interpret: " + typeInfo.stack + " after instruction " +
- bblock(i))
- }
- log(" stack before instruction " + index + " of block " + bblock + " in function " +
- bblock.method + ": " + typeInfo.stack)
- // return the result
- typeInfo.stack.types
- }
- /**
- * Gets the stack at the block entry. Normally the typeFlowAnalysis should be run again, but we know how to compute
- * the stack for handler duplicates. For the locals, it's safe to assume the info from the original handler is
- * still valid (a more precise analysis can be done, but it's not necessary)
- */
- private def getTypesAtBlockEntry(bblock: BasicBlock): tfa.lattice.Elem = {
- // lazily perform tfa, because it's expensive
- // cache results by block label, as rewriting the code messes up the block's hashCode
- if (analyzedMethod eq NoIMethod) {
- analyzedMethod = bblock.method
- tfa.init(bblock.method)
- log(" performed tfa on method: " + bblock.method)
- for (block <- bblock.method.blocks.sortBy(_.label))
- tfaCache += block.label ->
- }
- log(" getting typeinfo at the beginning of block " + bblock)
- tfaCache.getOrElse(bblock.label, {
- // this block was not analyzed, but it's a copy of some other block so its stack should be the same
- log(" getting typeinfo at the beginning of block " + bblock + " as a copy of " +
- handlerCopiesInverted(bblock))
- val (origBlock, exception) = handlerCopiesInverted(bblock)
- val typeInfo = getTypesAtBlockEntry(origBlock)
- val stack =
- if (handlerLocal(origBlock).nonEmpty) Nil // empty stack, the handler copy expects an empty stack
- else List(exception) // one slot on the stack for the exception
- // If we use the mutability property, it crashes the analysis
- tfa.lattice.IState(new analysis.VarBinding(typeInfo.vars), new icodes.TypeStack(stack))
- })
- }
- /**
- * Finds the first exception handler that matches the current exception
- *
- * Note the following code:
- * {{{
- * try {
- * throw new IllegalArgumentException("...")
- * } catch {
- * case e: RuntimeException => log("RuntimeException")
- * case i: IllegalArgumentException => log("IllegalArgumentException")
- * }
- * }}}
- *
- * will print "RuntimeException" => we need the *first* valid handler
- *
- * There's a hidden catch here: say we have the following code:
- * {{{
- * try {
- * val exception: Throwable =
- * if (scala.util.Random.nextInt % 2 == 0)
- * new IllegalArgumentException("even")
- * else
- * new StackOverflowError("odd")
- * throw exception
- * } catch {
- * case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
- * println("Correct, IllegalArgumentException")
- * case e: StackOverflowError =>
- * println("Correct, StackOverflowException")
- * case t: Throwable =>
- * println("WROOOONG, not Throwable!")
- * }
- * }}}
- *
- * We don't want to select a handler if there's at least one that's more specific!
- */
- def findExceptionHandler(thrownException: TypeKind, handlers: List[BasicBlock]): Option[(BasicBlock, TypeKind)] = {
- for (handler <- handlers ; LOAD_EXCEPTION(clazz) <- handler take 1) {
- val caughtException = toTypeKind(clazz.tpe)
- // we'll do inlining here: createdException <:< thrownException <:< caughtException, good!
- if (thrownException <:< caughtException)
- return Some((handler, caughtException))
- // we can't do inlining here, the handling mechanism is more precise than we can reason about
- if (caughtException <:< thrownException)
- return None
- // no result yet, look deeper in the handler stack
- }
- None
- }
- /**
- * This function takes care of duplicating the basic block code for inlining the handler
- *
- * Note: This function does not duplicate the same basic block twice. It will contain a map of the duplicated
- * basic blocks
- */
- private def duplicateExceptionHandlerCache(handler: BasicBlock) =
- handlerCopies.getOrElseUpdate(handler, duplicateExceptionHandler(handler))
- /** This function takes care of actual duplication */
- private def duplicateExceptionHandler(handler: BasicBlock): Option[(Option[Local], BasicBlock)] = {
- log(" duplicating handler block " + handler)
- handler take 2 match {
- case Seq(LOAD_EXCEPTION(caughtClass), next) =>
- val (dropCount, exceptionLocal) = next match {
- case STORE_LOCAL(local) => (2, Some(local)) // we drop both LOAD_EXCEPTION and STORE_LOCAL
- case _ => (1, None) // we only drop the LOAD_EXCEPTION and expect the exception on the stack
- }
- val caughtException = toTypeKind(caughtClass.tpe)
- // copy the exception handler code once again, dropping the LOAD_EXCEPTION
- val copy = handler.code.newBlock()
- copy.emitOnly((handler.iterator drop dropCount).toSeq: _*)
- // extend the handlers of the handler to the copy
- for (parentHandler <- handler.method.exh ; if parentHandler covers handler) {
- parentHandler.addCoveredBlock(copy)
- // notify the parent handler that the successors changed
- parentHandler.startBlock.touched = true
- }
- // notify the successors of the inlined handler might have changed
- copy.touched = true
- handler.touched = true
- log(" duplicated handler block " + handler + " to " + copy)
- // announce the duplicate handler
- handlerCopiesInverted(copy) = ((handler, caughtException))
- todoBlocks ::= copy
- Some((exceptionLocal, copy))
- case _ =>
- reporter.warning(NoPosition, "Unable to inline the exception handler due to incorrect format:\n" +
- handler.iterator.mkString("\n"))
- None
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/Inliners.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/Inliners.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cd2a14066..0000000000
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/opt/Inliners.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1075 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-package backend.opt
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.reflect.internal.util.NoSourceFile
- * Inliner balances two competing goals:
- * (a) aggressive inlining of:
- * (a.1) the apply methods of anonymous closures, so that their anon-classes can be eliminated;
- * (a.2) higher-order-methods defined in an external library, e.g. `Range.foreach()` among many others.
- * (b) circumventing the barrier to inter-library inlining that private accesses in the callee impose.
- *
- * Summing up the discussion in SI-5442 and SI-5891,
- * the current implementation achieves to a large degree both goals above, and
- * overcomes a problem exhibited by previous versions:
- *
- * (1) Problem: Attempting to access a private member `p` at runtime resulting in an `IllegalAccessError`,
- * where `p` is defined in a library L, and is accessed from a library C (for Client),
- * where C was compiled against L', an optimized version of L where the inliner made `p` public at the bytecode level.
- * The only such members are fields, either synthetic or isParamAccessor, and thus having a dollar sign in their name
- * (the accessibility of methods and constructors isn't touched by the inliner).
- *
- * Thus we add one more goal to our list:
- * (c) Compile C (either optimized or not) against any of L or L',
- * so that it runs with either L or L' (in particular, compile against L' and run with L).
- *
- * The chosen strategy is described in some detail in the comments for `accessRequirements()` and `potentiallyPublicized()`.
- * Documentation at
- *
- * @author Iulian Dragos
- */
-abstract class Inliners extends SubComponent {
- import global._
- import icodes._
- import icodes.opcodes._
- import definitions.{
- NullClass, NothingClass, ObjectClass,
- PredefModule, RuntimePackage, ScalaInlineClass, ScalaNoInlineClass,
- isFunctionType, isByNameParamType
- }
- val phaseName = "inliner"
- override val enabled: Boolean = settings.inline
- /** Debug - for timing the inliner. */
- /****
- private def timed[T](s: String, body: => T): T = {
- val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
- val res = body
- val t2 = System.currentTimeMillis()
- val ms = (t2 - t1).toInt
- if (ms >= MAX_INLINE_MILLIS)
- println("%s: %d milliseconds".format(s, ms))
- res
- }
- ****/
- /** Look up implementation of method 'sym in 'clazz'.
- */
- def lookupImplFor(sym: Symbol, clazz: Symbol): Symbol = {
- // TODO: verify that clazz.superClass is equivalent here to clazz.tpe.parents(0).typeSymbol (.tpe vs .info)
- def needsLookup = (
- (clazz != NoSymbol)
- && (clazz != sym.owner)
- && !sym.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden
- && clazz.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden
- )
- def lookup(clazz: Symbol): Symbol = {
- // println("\t\tlooking up " + meth + " in " + clazz.fullName + " meth.owner = " + meth.owner)
- assert(clazz != NoSymbol, "Walked up past Object.superClass looking for " + sym +
- ", most likely this reveals the TFA at fault (receiver and callee don't match).")
- if (sym.owner == clazz || isBottomType(clazz)) sym
- else sym.overridingSymbol(clazz) orElse (
- if (sym.owner.isTrait) sym
- else lookup(clazz.superClass)
- )
- }
- if (needsLookup) {
- val concreteMethod = lookup(clazz)
- debuglog("\tlooked up method: " + concreteMethod.fullName)
- concreteMethod
- }
- else sym
- }
- /* A warning threshold */
- private final val MAX_INLINE_MILLIS = 2000
- /** The maximum size in basic blocks of methods considered for inlining. */
- final val MAX_INLINE_SIZE = 16
- /** Maximum loop iterations. */
- final val MAX_INLINE_RETRY = 15
- /** Small method size (in blocks) */
- /** Create a new phase */
- override def newPhase(p: Phase) = new InliningPhase(p)
- /** The Inlining phase.
- */
- class InliningPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {
- def name = phaseName
- val inliner = new Inliner
- object iclassOrdering extends Ordering[IClass] {
- def compare(a: IClass, b: IClass) = {
- val sourceNamesComparison = (a.cunit.toString() compare b.cunit.toString())
- if(sourceNamesComparison != 0) sourceNamesComparison
- else {
- val namesComparison = (a.toString() compare b.toString())
- if(namesComparison != 0) namesComparison
- else {
- compare
- }
- }
- }
- }
- val queue = new mutable.PriorityQueue[IClass]()(iclassOrdering)
- override def apply(c: IClass) { queue += c }
- override def run() {
- knownLacksInline.clear()
- knownHasInline.clear()
- try {
- for(c <- queue) { inliner analyzeClass c }
- } finally {
- inliner.clearCaches()
- knownLacksInline.clear()
- knownHasInline.clear()
- }
- }
- }
- def isBottomType(sym: Symbol) = sym == NullClass || sym == NothingClass
- /** Is the given class a closure? */
- def isClosureClass(cls: Symbol): Boolean =
- cls.isFinal && cls.isSynthetic && !cls.isModuleClass && cls.isAnonymousFunction
- /*
- TODO now that Inliner runs faster we could consider additional "monadic methods" (in the limit, all those taking a closure as last arg)
- Any "monadic method" occurring in a given caller C that is not `isMonadicMethod()` will prevent CloseElim from eliminating
- any anonymous-closure-class any whose instances are given as argument to C invocations.
- */
- def isMonadicMethod(sym: Symbol) = {
- nme.unspecializedName( match {
- case nme.foreach | nme.filter | nme.withFilter | | nme.flatMap => true
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- val knownLacksInline = mutable.Set.empty[Symbol] // cache to avoid multiple inliner.hasInline() calls.
- val knownHasInline = mutable.Set.empty[Symbol] // as above. Motivated by the need to warn on "inliner failures".
- def hasInline(sym: Symbol) = {
- if (knownLacksInline(sym)) false
- else if(knownHasInline(sym)) true
- else {
- val b = (sym hasAnnotation ScalaInlineClass)
- if(b) { knownHasInline += sym }
- else { knownLacksInline += sym }
- b
- }
- }
- def hasNoInline(sym: Symbol) = sym hasAnnotation ScalaNoInlineClass
- /**
- * Simple inliner.
- */
- class Inliner {
- object NonPublicRefs extends Enumeration {
- val Private, Protected, Public = Value
- /** Cache whether a method calls private members. */
- val usesNonPublics = mutable.Map.empty[IMethod, Value]
- }
- import NonPublicRefs._
- /** The current iclass */
- private var currentIClazz: IClass = _
- private def warn(pos: Position, msg: String) = currentRun.reporting.inlinerWarning(pos, msg)
- private def ownedName(sym: Symbol): String = exitingUncurry {
- val count = (
- if (!sym.isMethod) 1
- else if (sym.owner.isAnonymousFunction) 3
- else 2
- )
- (sym.ownerChain take count filterNot (_.isPackageClass)).reverseMap(_.nameString).mkString(".")
- }
- private def inlineLog(what: String, main: => String, comment: => String) {
- def cstr = comment match {
- case "" => ""
- case str => " // " + str
- }
- val width = if (currentIClazz eq null) 40 else currentIClazz.symbol.enclosingPackage.fullName.length + 25
- val fmt = "%8s %-" + width + "s" + cstr
- log(fmt.format(what, main))
- }
- private def inlineLog(what: String, main: Symbol, comment: => String) {
- inlineLog(what, ownedName(main), comment)
- }
- val recentTFAs = mutable.Map.empty[Symbol, Tuple2[Boolean, analysis.MethodTFA]]
- private def getRecentTFA(incm: IMethod, forceable: Boolean): (Boolean, analysis.MethodTFA) = {
- def containsRETURN(blocks: List[BasicBlock]) = blocks exists { bb => bb.lastInstruction.isInstanceOf[RETURN] }
- val opt = recentTFAs.get(incm.symbol)
- if(opt.isDefined) {
- // FYI val cachedBBs =
- // FYI assert(incm.blocks.toSet == cachedBBs)
- // incm.code.touched plays no role here
- return opt.get
- }
- val hasRETURN = containsRETURN(incm.code.blocksList) || (incm.exh exists { eh => containsRETURN(eh.blocks) })
- var a: analysis.MethodTFA = null
- if(hasRETURN) { a = new analysis.MethodTFA(incm); }
- if(forceable) { recentTFAs.put(incm.symbol, (hasRETURN, a)) }
- (hasRETURN, a)
- }
- def clearCaches() {
- // methods
- NonPublicRefs.usesNonPublics.clear()
- recentTFAs.clear()
- tfa.knownUnsafe.clear()
- tfa.knownSafe.clear()
- tfa.knownNever.clear()
- // basic blocks
- tfa.preCandidates.clear()
- tfa.relevantBBs.clear()
- // callsites
- tfa.remainingCALLs.clear()
- tfa.isOnWatchlist.clear()
- }
- object imethodOrdering extends Ordering[IMethod] {
- def compare(a: IMethod, b: IMethod) = {
- val namesComparison = (a.toString() compare b.toString())
- if(namesComparison != 0) namesComparison
- else {
- compare
- }
- }
- }
- def analyzeClass(cls: IClass): Unit =
- if (settings.inline) {
- inlineLog("class", s"${cls.symbol.decodedName}", s"analyzing ${cls.methods.size} methods in $cls")
- this.currentIClazz = cls
- val ms = cls.methods sorted imethodOrdering
- ms foreach { im =>
- if (hasInline(im.symbol)) {
- inlineLog("skip", im.symbol, "no inlining into @inline methods")
- }
- else if(im.hasCode && !im.symbol.isBridge) {
- analyzeMethod(im)
- }
- }
- }
- val tfa = new analysis.MTFAGrowable()
- tfa.stat = global.settings.YstatisticsEnabled
- val staleOut = new mutable.ListBuffer[BasicBlock]
- val splicedBlocks = mutable.Set.empty[BasicBlock]
- val staleIn = mutable.Set.empty[BasicBlock]
- /**
- * A transformation local to the body of the IMethod received as argument.
- * An inlining decision consists in replacing a callsite with the body of the callee.
- * Please notice that, because `analyzeMethod()` itself may modify a method body,
- * the particular callee bodies that end up being inlined depend on the particular order in which methods are visited
- * (no topological sorting over the call-graph is attempted).
- *
- * Making an inlining decision requires type-flow information for both caller and callee.
- * Regarding the caller, such information is needed only for basic blocks containing inlining candidates
- * (and their transitive predecessors). This observation leads to using a custom type-flow analysis (MTFAGrowable)
- * that can be re-inited, i.e. that reuses lattice elements (type-flow information computed in a previous iteration)
- * as starting point for faster convergence in a new iteration.
- *
- * The mechanics of inlining are iterative for a given invocation of `analyzeMethod(m)`,
- * and are affected by inlinings from previous iterations
- * (ie, "heuristic" rules are based on statistics tracked for that purpose):
- *
- * (1) before the iterations proper start, so-called preinlining is performed.
- * Those callsites whose (receiver, concreteMethod) are both known statically
- * can be analyzed for inlining before computing a type-flow. Details in `preInline()`
- *
- * (2) the first iteration computes type-flow information for basic blocks containing inlining candidates
- * (and their transitive predecessors), so called `relevantBBs` basic blocks.
- * The ensuing analysis of each candidate (performed by `analyzeInc()`)
- * may result in a CFG isomorphic to that of the callee being inserted in place of the callsite
- * (i.e. a CALL_METHOD instruction is replaced with a single-entry single-exit CFG,
- * a substitution we call "successful inlining").
- *
- * (3) following iterations have `relevantBBs` updated to focus on the inlined basic blocks and their successors only.
- * Details in `MTFAGrowable.reinit()`
- * */
- def analyzeMethod(m: IMethod): Unit = {
- // m.normalize
- if (settings.debug)
- inlineLog("caller", ownedName(m.symbol), "in " + m.symbol.owner.fullName)
- val sizeBeforeInlining = m.code.blockCount
- val instrBeforeInlining = m.code.instructionCount
- var retry = false
- var count = 0
- // fresh name counter
- val fresh = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, Int] withDefaultValue 0
- // how many times have we already inlined this method here?
- val inlinedMethodCount = mutable.HashMap.empty[Symbol, Int] withDefaultValue 0
- val caller = new IMethodInfo(m)
- def analyzeMessage = s"Analyzing ${caller.length} blocks of $m for inlining sites."
- def preInline(isFirstRound: Boolean): Int = {
- val inputBlocks = caller.m.linearizedBlocks()
- val callsites: Function1[BasicBlock, List[opcodes.CALL_METHOD]] = {
- if(isFirstRound) tfa.conclusives else tfa.knownBeforehand
- }
- inlineWithoutTFA(inputBlocks, callsites)
- }
- /*
- * Inline straightforward callsites (those that can be inlined without a TFA).
- *
- * To perform inlining, all we need to know is listed as formal params in `analyzeInc()`:
- * - callsite and block containing it
- * - actual (ie runtime) class of the receiver
- * - actual (ie runtime) method being invoked
- * - stack length just before the callsite (to check whether enough arguments have been pushed).
- * The assert below lists the conditions under which "no TFA is needed"
- * (the statically known receiver and method are both final, thus, at runtime they can't be any others than those).
- *
- */
- def inlineWithoutTFA(inputBlocks: Traversable[BasicBlock], callsites: Function1[BasicBlock, List[opcodes.CALL_METHOD]]): Int = {
- var inlineCount = 0
- import scala.util.control.Breaks._
- for(x <- inputBlocks; easyCake = callsites(x); if easyCake.nonEmpty) {
- breakable {
- for(ocm <- easyCake) {
- assert(ocm.method.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden && ocm.method.owner.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden)
- if(analyzeInc(ocm, x, ocm.method.owner, -1, ocm.method)) {
- inlineCount += 1
- break()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- inlineCount
- }
- /*
- * Decides whether it's feasible and desirable to inline the body of the method given by `concreteMethod`
- * at the program point given by `i` (a callsite). The boolean result indicates whether inlining was performed.
- *
- */
- def analyzeInc(i: CALL_METHOD, bb: BasicBlock, receiver: Symbol, stackLength: Int, concreteMethod: Symbol): Boolean = {
- assert(bb.toList contains i, "Candidate callsite does not belong to BasicBlock.")
- val shouldWarn = hasInline(i.method)
- def warnNoInline(reason: String): Boolean = {
- def msg = "Could not inline required method %s because %s.".format(i.method.unexpandedName.decode, reason)
- if (settings.debug)
- inlineLog("fail", i.method.fullName, reason)
- if (shouldWarn)
- warn(i.pos, msg)
- false
- }
- var isAvailable = icodes available concreteMethod.enclClass
- if (!isAvailable && shouldLoadImplFor(concreteMethod, receiver)) {
- // Until r22824 this line was:
- // icodes.icode(concreteMethod.enclClass, true)
- //
- // Changing it to
- // icodes.load(concreteMethod.enclClass)
- // was the proximate cause for SI-3882:
- // error: Illegal index: 0 overlaps List((variable par1,LONG))
- // error: Illegal index: 0 overlaps List((variable par1,LONG))
- isAvailable = icodes.load(concreteMethod.enclClass)
- }
- def isCandidate = (
- isClosureClass(receiver)
- || concreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden
- || receiver.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden
- )
- def isApply = == nme.apply
- def isCountable = !(
- isClosureClass(receiver)
- || isApply
- || isMonadicMethod(concreteMethod)
- || receiver.enclosingPackage == definitions.RuntimePackage
- ) // only count non-closures
- debuglog("Treating " + i
- + "\n\treceiver: " + receiver
- + "\n\ticodes.available: " + isAvailable
- + "\n\tconcreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden: " + concreteMethod.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden)
- if (!isCandidate) warnNoInline("it can be overridden")
- else if (!isAvailable) warnNoInline("bytecode unavailable")
- else lookupIMethod(concreteMethod, receiver) filter (callee => callee.hasCode || warnNoInline("callee has no code")) exists { callee =>
- val inc = new IMethodInfo(callee)
- val pair = new CallerCalleeInfo(caller, inc, fresh, inlinedMethodCount)
- if (inc.hasHandlers && (stackLength == -1)) {
- // no inlining is done, yet don't warn about it, stackLength == -1 indicates we're trying to inlineWithoutTFA.
- // Shortly, a TFA will be computed and an error message reported if indeed inlining not possible.
- false
- }
- else {
- val isSafe = pair isStampedForInlining stackLength match {
- case DontInlineHere(msg) => warnNoInline(msg)
- case NeverSafeToInline => false
- case InlineableAtThisCaller => true
- case FeasibleInline(required, toPublicize) =>
- for (f <- toPublicize) {
- inlineLog("access", f, "making public")
- f setFlag Flags.notPRIVATE
- f setFlag Flags.notPROTECTED
- }
- // only add to `knownSafe` after all `toPublicize` fields actually made public.
- if (required == NonPublicRefs.Public)
- tfa.knownSafe += inc.sym
- true
- }
- isSafe && {
- retry = true
- if (isCountable) count += 1
- pair.doInline(bb, i)
- if (!pair.isInlineForced || inc.isMonadic) caller.inlinedCalls += 1
- inlinedMethodCount(inc.sym) += 1
- // Remove the caller from the cache (this inlining might have changed its calls-private relation).
- usesNonPublics -= m
- recentTFAs -= m.symbol
- true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Pre-inlining consists in invoking the usual inlining subroutine with (receiver class, concrete method) pairs as input
- * where both method and receiver are final, which implies that the receiver computed via TFA will always match `concreteMethod.owner`.
- *
- * As with any invocation of `analyzeInc()` the inlining outcome is based on heuristics which favor inlining an isMonadicMethod before other methods.
- * That's why preInline() is invoked twice: any inlinings downplayed by the heuristics during the first round get an opportunity to rank higher during the second.
- *
- * As a whole, both `preInline()` invocations amount to priming the inlining process,
- * so that the first TFA that is run afterwards is able to gain more information as compared to a cold-start.
- */
- /*val totalPreInlines = */ { // Val name commented out to emphasize it is never used
- val firstRound = preInline(isFirstRound = true)
- if(firstRound == 0) 0 else (firstRound + preInline(isFirstRound = false))
- }
- staleOut.clear()
- splicedBlocks.clear()
- staleIn.clear()
- do {
- retry = false
- debuglog(analyzeMessage)
- /* it's important not to inline in unreachable basic blocks. linearizedBlocks() returns only reachable ones. */
- tfa.callerLin = caller.m.linearizedBlocks()
- /* TODO Do we really want to inline inside exception handlers?
- * Seems counterproductive (the larger the method the less likely it will be JITed).
- * The alternative would be `linearizer.linearizeAt(caller.m, caller.m.startBlock)`.
- * And, we would cut down on TFA iterations, too.
- * See also comment on the same topic in TypeFlowAnalysis. */
- tfa.reinit(m, staleOut.toList, splicedBlocks, staleIn)
- staleOut.clear()
- splicedBlocks.clear()
- staleIn.clear()
- import scala.util.control.Breaks._
- for(bb <- tfa.callerLin; if tfa.preCandidates(bb)) {
- val cms = bb.toList collect { case cm : CALL_METHOD => cm }
- breakable {
- for (cm <- cms; if tfa.remainingCALLs.isDefinedAt(cm)) {
- val analysis.CallsiteInfo(_, receiver, stackLength, concreteMethod) = tfa.remainingCALLs(cm)
- if (analyzeInc(cm, bb, receiver, stackLength, concreteMethod)) {
- break()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* As part of inlining, some instructions are moved to a new block.
- * In detail: the instructions moved to a new block originally appeared after a (by now inlined) callsite.
- * Their new home is an `afterBlock` created by `doInline()` to that effect.
- * Each block in staleIn is one such `afterBlock`.
- *
- * Some of those instructions may be CALL_METHOD possibly tracked in `remainingCALLs`
- * (with an entry still noting the old containing block). However, that causes no problem:
- *
- * (1) such callsites won't be analyzed for inlining by `analyzeInc()` (*in this iteration*)
- * because of the `break` that abandons the original basic block where it was contained.
- *
- * (2) Additionally, its new containing block won't be visited either (*in this iteration*)
- * because the new blocks don't show up in the linearization computed before inlinings started:
- * `for(bb <- tfa.callerLin; if tfa.preCandidates(bb)) {`
- *
- * For a next iteration, the new home of any instructions that have moved
- * will be tracked properly in `remainingCALLs` after `MTFAGrowable.reinit()` puts on radar their new homes.
- *
- */
- if(retry) {
- for(afterBlock <- staleIn) {
- val justCALLsAfter = afterBlock.toList collect { case c : opcodes.CALL_METHOD => c }
- for(ia <- justCALLsAfter) { tfa.remainingCALLs.remove(ia) }
- }
- }
- /*
- if(splicedBlocks.nonEmpty) { // TODO explore (saves time but leads to slightly different inlining decisions)
- // opportunistically perform straightforward inlinings before the next typeflow round
- val savedRetry = retry
- val savedStaleOut = staleOut.toSet; staleOut.clear()
- val savedStaleIn = staleIn.toSet ; staleIn.clear()
- val howmany = inlineWithoutTFA(splicedBlocks, tfa.knownBeforehand)
- splicedBlocks ++= staleIn
- staleOut.clear(); staleOut ++= savedStaleOut;
- staleIn.clear(); staleIn ++= savedStaleIn;
- retry = savedRetry
- }
- */
- if (tfa.stat)
- log(m.symbol.fullName + " iterations: " + tfa.iterations + " (size: " + caller.length + ")")
- }
- while (retry && count < MAX_INLINE_RETRY)
- for(inlFail <- tfa.warnIfInlineFails) {
- warn(inlFail.pos, "At the end of the day, could not inline @inline-marked method " + inlFail.method.unexpandedName.decode)
- }
- m.normalize()
- if (sizeBeforeInlining > 0) {
- val instrAfterInlining = m.code.instructionCount
- val inlinings = caller.inlinedCalls
- if (inlinings > 0) {
- val s1 = s"instructions $instrBeforeInlining -> $instrAfterInlining"
- val s2 = if (sizeBeforeInlining == m.code.blockCount) "" else s", blocks $sizeBeforeInlining -> ${m.code.blockCount}"
- val callees = inlinedMethodCount.toList map { case (k, v) => k.fullNameString + ( if (v == 1) "" else "/" + v ) }
- inlineLog("inlined", m.symbol.fullName, callees.sorted.mkString(inlinings + " inlined: ", ", ", ""))
- inlineLog("<<tldr>>", m.symbol.fullName, s"${m.symbol.nameString}: $s1$s2")
- }
- }
- }
- private def isHigherOrderMethod(sym: Symbol) = (
- sym.isMethod
- && enteringExplicitOuter( exists isFunctionType) // was "at erasurePhase.prev"
- )
- /** Should method 'sym' being called in 'receiver' be loaded from disk? */
- def shouldLoadImplFor(sym: Symbol, receiver: Symbol): Boolean = {
- def alwaysLoad = (receiver.enclosingPackage == RuntimePackage) || (receiver == PredefModule.moduleClass)
- def loadCondition = sym.isEffectivelyFinalOrNotOverridden && isMonadicMethod(sym) && isHigherOrderMethod(sym)
- val res = hasInline(sym) || alwaysLoad || loadCondition
- debuglog("shouldLoadImplFor: " + receiver + "." + sym + ": " + res)
- res
- }
- class IMethodInfo(val m: IMethod) {
- override def toString = m.toString
- val sym = m.symbol
- def owner = sym.owner
- def paramTypes =
- def minimumStack = paramTypes.length + 1
- def isBridge = sym.isBridge
- val isInClosure = isClosureClass(owner)
- val isHigherOrder = isHigherOrderMethod(sym)
- def isMonadic = isMonadicMethod(sym)
- def handlers = m.exh
- def blocks = m.blocks
- def locals = m.locals
- def length = blocks.length
- def openBlocks = blocks filterNot (_.closed)
- def instructions = m.code.instructions
- def isSmall = (length <= SMALL_METHOD_SIZE) && blocks(0).length < 10
- def isLarge = length > MAX_INLINE_SIZE
- def isRecursive = m.recursive
- def hasHandlers = handlers.nonEmpty || m.bytecodeHasEHs
- def isSynchronized = sym.hasFlag(Flags.SYNCHRONIZED)
- def hasNonFinalizerHandler = handlers exists {
- case _: Finalizer => true
- case _ => false
- }
- // the number of inlined calls in 'm', used by 'isScoreOK'
- var inlinedCalls = 0
- def addLocals(ls: List[Local]) = m.locals ++= ls
- def addLocal(l: Local) = addLocals(List(l))
- def addHandlers(exhs: List[ExceptionHandler]) = m.exh = exhs ::: m.exh
- /**
- * This method inspects the callee's instructions, finding out the most restrictive accessibility implied by them.
- *
- * Rather than giving up upon encountering an access to a private field `p`, it provisorily admits `p` as "can-be-made-public", provided:
- * - `p` is being compiled as part of this compilation run, and
- * - `p` is synthetic or param-accessor.
- *
- * This method is side-effect free, in particular it lets the invoker decide
- * whether the accessibility of the `toBecomePublic` fields should be changed or not.
- */
- def accessRequirements: AccessReq = {
- var toBecomePublic: List[Symbol] = Nil
- def check(sym: Symbol, cond: Boolean) =
- if (cond) Private
- else if (sym.isProtected) Protected
- else Public
- def canMakePublic(f: Symbol): Boolean =
- (m.sourceFile ne NoSourceFile) &&
- (f.isSynthetic || f.isParamAccessor) &&
- { toBecomePublic = f :: toBecomePublic; true }
- /* A safety check to consider as private, for the purposes of inlining, a public field that:
- * (1) is defined in an external library, and
- * (2) can be presumed synthetic (due to a dollar sign in its name).
- * Such field was made public by `doMakePublic()` and we don't want to rely on that,
- * because under other compilation conditions (ie no -optimize) that won't be the case anymore.
- *
- * This allows aggressive intra-library inlining (making public if needed)
- * that does not break inter-library scenarios (see comment for `Inliners`).
- *
- * TODO handle more robustly the case of a trait var changed at the source-level from public to private[this]
- * (eg by having ICodeReader use unpickler, see SI-5442).
- def potentiallyPublicized(f: Symbol): Boolean = {
- (m.sourceFile eq NoSourceFile) &&'$')
- }
- */
- def isPrivateForInlining(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
- if (sym.isJavaDefined) {
- def check(sym: Symbol) = !(sym.isPublic || sym.isProtected)
- check(sym) || check(sym.owner) // SI-7582 Must check the enclosing class *and* the symbol for Java.
- }
- else sym.isPrivate // Scala never emits package-private bytecode
- }
- def checkField(f: Symbol) = check(f, isPrivateForInlining(f) && !canMakePublic(f))
- def checkSuper(n: Symbol) = check(n, isPrivateForInlining(n) || !n.isClassConstructor)
- def checkMethod(n: Symbol) = check(n, isPrivateForInlining(n))
- def getAccess(i: Instruction) = i match {
- case CALL_METHOD(n, SuperCall(_)) => checkSuper(n)
- case CALL_METHOD(n, _) => checkMethod(n)
- case LOAD_FIELD(f, _) => checkField(f)
- case STORE_FIELD(f, _) => checkField(f)
- case _ => Public
- }
- var seen = Public
- val iter = instructions.iterator
- while((seen ne Private) && iter.hasNext) {
- val i =
- getAccess(i) match {
- case Private =>
- inlineLog("access", s"instruction $i requires private access", "pos=" + i.pos)
- toBecomePublic = Nil
- seen = Private
- case Protected => seen = Protected
- case _ => ()
- }
- }
- AccessReq(seen, toBecomePublic)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Classifies a pair (caller, callee) into one of four categories:
- *
- * (a) inlining should be performed, classified in turn into:
- * (a.1) `InlineableAtThisCaller`: unconditionally at this caller
- * (a.2) `FeasibleInline`: it only remains for certain access requirements to be met (see `IMethodInfo.accessRequirements()`)
- *
- * (b) inlining shouldn't be performed, classified in turn into:
- * (b.1) `DontInlineHere`: indicates that this particular occurrence of the callee at the caller shouldn't be inlined.
- * - Nothing is said about the outcome for other callers, or for other occurrences of the callee for the same caller.
- * - In particular inlining might be possible, but heuristics gave a low score for it.
- * (b.2) `NeverSafeToInline`: the callee can't be inlined anywhere, irrespective of caller.
- *
- * The classification above is computed by `isStampedForInlining()` based on which `analyzeInc()` goes on to:
- * - either log the reason for failure --- case (b) ---,
- * - or perform inlining --- case (a) ---.
- */
- sealed abstract class InlineSafetyInfo
- case object NeverSafeToInline extends InlineSafetyInfo
- case object InlineableAtThisCaller extends InlineSafetyInfo
- case class DontInlineHere(msg: String) extends InlineSafetyInfo
- case class FeasibleInline(accessNeeded: NonPublicRefs.Value, toBecomePublic: List[Symbol]) extends InlineSafetyInfo
- case class AccessReq(
- accessNeeded: NonPublicRefs.Value,
- toBecomePublic: List[Symbol]
- )
- final class CallerCalleeInfo(val caller: IMethodInfo, val inc: IMethodInfo, fresh: mutable.Map[String, Int], inlinedMethodCount: scala.collection.Map[Symbol, Int]) {
- assert(!caller.isBridge && inc.m.hasCode,
- "A guard in Inliner.analyzeClass() should have prevented from getting here.")
- def isLargeSum = caller.length + inc.length - 1 > SMALL_METHOD_SIZE
- private def freshName(s: String): TermName = {
- fresh(s) += 1
- newTermName(s + fresh(s))
- }
- private def isKnownToInlineSafely: Boolean = { tfa.knownSafe(inc.sym) }
- val isInlineForced = hasInline(inc.sym)
- val isInlineForbidden = hasNoInline(inc.sym)
- assert(!(isInlineForced && isInlineForbidden), "method ("+inc.m+") marked both @inline and @noinline.")
- /** Inline 'inc' into 'caller' at the given block and instruction.
- * The instruction must be a CALL_METHOD.
- */
- def doInline(block: BasicBlock, instr: CALL_METHOD) {
- staleOut += block
- tfa.remainingCALLs.remove(instr) // this bookkeeping is done here and not in MTFAGrowable.reinit due to (1st) convenience and (2nd) necessity.
- tfa.isOnWatchlist.remove(instr) // ditto
- tfa.warnIfInlineFails.remove(instr)
- val targetPos = instr.pos
- def blockEmit(i: Instruction) = block.emit(i, targetPos)
- def newLocal(baseName: String, kind: TypeKind) =
- new Local(caller.sym.newVariable(freshName(baseName), targetPos) setInfo kind.toType, kind, false)
- val (hasRETURN, a) = getRecentTFA(inc.m, isInlineForced)
- /* The exception handlers that are active at the current block. */
- val activeHandlers = caller.handlers filter (_ covered block)
- /* Map 'original' blocks to the ones inlined in the caller. */
- val inlinedBlock = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock]()
- val varsInScope = mutable.HashSet[Local]() ++= block.varsInScope
- /* Side effects varsInScope when it sees SCOPE_ENTERs. */
- def instrBeforeFilter(i: Instruction): Boolean = {
- i match { case SCOPE_ENTER(l) => varsInScope += l ; case _ => () }
- i ne instr
- }
- val instrBefore = block.toList takeWhile instrBeforeFilter
- val instrAfter = block.toList drop (instrBefore.length + 1)
- assert(!instrAfter.isEmpty, "CALL_METHOD cannot be the last instruction in block!")
- // store the '$this' into the special local
- val inlinedThis = newLocal("$inlThis", REFERENCE(ObjectClass))
- /* buffer for the returned value */
- val retVal = inc.m.returnType match {
- case UNIT => null
- case x => newLocal("$retVal", x)
- }
- val inlinedLocals = mutable.HashMap.empty[Local, Local]
- /* Add a new block in the current context. */
- def newBlock() = {
- val b = caller.m.code.newBlock()
- activeHandlers foreach (_ addCoveredBlock b)
- if (retVal ne null) b.varsInScope += retVal
- b.varsInScope += inlinedThis
- b.varsInScope ++= varsInScope
- b
- }
- def translateExh(e: ExceptionHandler) = {
- val handler: ExceptionHandler = e.dup
- handler.covered = handler.covered map inlinedBlock
- handler setStartBlock inlinedBlock(e.startBlock)
- handler
- }
- /* alfa-rename `l` in caller's context. */
- def dupLocal(l: Local): Local = {
- val sym = caller.sym.newVariable(freshName(, l.sym.pos)
- // sym.setInfo(l.sym.tpe)
- val dupped = new Local(sym, l.kind, false)
- inlinedLocals(l) = dupped
- dupped
- }
- val afterBlock = newBlock()
- /* Map from nw.init instructions to their matching NEW call */
- val pending: mutable.Map[Instruction, NEW] = new mutable.HashMap
- /* Map an instruction from the callee to one suitable for the caller. */
- def map(i: Instruction): Instruction = {
- def assertLocal(l: Local) = {
- assert(caller.locals contains l, "Could not find local '" + l + "' in locals, nor in inlinedLocals: " + inlinedLocals)
- i
- }
- def isInlined(l: Local) = inlinedLocals isDefinedAt l
- val newInstr = i match {
- case THIS(clasz) => LOAD_LOCAL(inlinedThis)
- case STORE_THIS(_) => STORE_LOCAL(inlinedThis)
- case JUMP(whereto) => JUMP(inlinedBlock(whereto))
- case CJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind) => CJUMP(inlinedBlock(succ), inlinedBlock(fail), cond, kind)
- case CZJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind) => CZJUMP(inlinedBlock(succ), inlinedBlock(fail), cond, kind)
- case SWITCH(tags, labels) => SWITCH(tags, labels map inlinedBlock)
- case RETURN(_) => JUMP(afterBlock)
- case LOAD_LOCAL(l) if isInlined(l) => LOAD_LOCAL(inlinedLocals(l))
- case STORE_LOCAL(l) if isInlined(l) => STORE_LOCAL(inlinedLocals(l))
- case LOAD_LOCAL(l) => assertLocal(l)
- case STORE_LOCAL(l) => assertLocal(l)
- case SCOPE_ENTER(l) if isInlined(l) => SCOPE_ENTER(inlinedLocals(l))
- case SCOPE_EXIT(l) if isInlined(l) => SCOPE_EXIT(inlinedLocals(l))
- case nw @ NEW(sym) =>
- val r = NEW(sym)
- pending(nw.init) = r
- r
- case CALL_METHOD(meth, Static(true)) if meth.isClassConstructor =>
- CALL_METHOD(meth, Static(onInstance = true))
- case _ => i.clone()
- }
- // check any pending NEW's
- pending remove i foreach (_.init = newInstr.asInstanceOf[CALL_METHOD])
- newInstr
- }
- caller addLocals (inc.locals map dupLocal)
- caller addLocal inlinedThis
- if (retVal ne null)
- caller addLocal retVal
- inc.m foreachBlock { b =>
- inlinedBlock += (b -> newBlock())
- inlinedBlock(b).varsInScope ++= (b.varsInScope map inlinedLocals)
- }
- // re-emit the instructions before the call
- block.clear()
- block emit instrBefore
- // store the arguments into special locals
- inc.m.params.reverse foreach (p => blockEmit(STORE_LOCAL(inlinedLocals(p))))
- blockEmit(STORE_LOCAL(inlinedThis))
- // jump to the start block of the callee
- blockEmit(JUMP(inlinedBlock(inc.m.startBlock)))
- block.close()
- // duplicate the other blocks in the callee
- val calleeLin = inc.m.linearizedBlocks()
- calleeLin foreach { bb =>
- var info = if(hasRETURN) (a in bb) else null
- def emitInlined(i: Instruction) = inlinedBlock(bb).emit(i, targetPos)
- def emitDrops(toDrop: Int) = info.stack.types drop toDrop foreach (t => emitInlined(DROP(t)))
- for (i <- bb) {
- i match {
- case RETURN(UNIT) => emitDrops(0)
- case RETURN(kind) =>
- if (info.stack.length > 1) {
- emitInlined(STORE_LOCAL(retVal))
- emitDrops(1)
- emitInlined(LOAD_LOCAL(retVal))
- }
- case _ => ()
- }
- emitInlined(map(i))
- info = if(hasRETURN) a.interpret(info, i) else null
- }
- inlinedBlock(bb).close()
- }
- afterBlock emit instrAfter
- afterBlock.close()
- staleIn += afterBlock
- splicedBlocks ++= (calleeLin map inlinedBlock)
- // add exception handlers of the callee
- caller addHandlers (inc.handlers map translateExh)
- assert(pending.isEmpty, "Pending NEW elements: " + pending)
- if (settings.debug) icodes.checkValid(caller.m)
- }
- def isStampedForInlining(stackLength: Int): InlineSafetyInfo = {
- if(tfa.blackballed(inc.sym)) { return NeverSafeToInline }
- if(!isKnownToInlineSafely) {
- if(inc.openBlocks.nonEmpty) {
- val msg = ("Encountered " + inc.openBlocks.size + " open block(s) in isSafeToInline: this indicates a bug in the optimizer!\n" +
- " caller = " + caller.m + ", callee = " + inc.m)
- warn(inc.sym.pos, msg)
- tfa.knownNever += inc.sym
- return DontInlineHere("Open blocks in " + inc.m)
- }
- val reasonWhyNever: String = {
- var rs: List[String] = Nil
- if(inc.isRecursive) { rs ::= "is recursive" }
- if(isInlineForbidden) { rs ::= "is annotated @noinline" }
- if(inc.isSynchronized) { rs ::= "is synchronized method" }
- if(inc.m.bytecodeHasEHs) { rs ::= "bytecode contains exception handlers / finally clause" } // SI-6188
- if(inc.m.bytecodeHasInvokeDynamic) { rs ::= "bytecode contains invoke dynamic" }
- if(rs.isEmpty) null else rs.mkString("", ", and ", "")
- }
- if(reasonWhyNever != null) {
- tfa.knownNever += inc.sym
- inlineLog("never", inc.sym, reasonWhyNever)
- // next time around NeverSafeToInline is returned, thus skipping (duplicate) msg, this is intended.
- return DontInlineHere(inc.m + " " + reasonWhyNever)
- }
- if(sameSymbols) { // TODO but this also amounts to recursive, ie should lead to adding to tfa.knownNever, right?
- tfa.knownUnsafe += inc.sym
- return DontInlineHere("sameSymbols (ie caller == callee)")
- }
- }
- /*
- * From here on, two main categories of checks remain, (a) and (b) below:
- * (a.1) either the scoring heuristics give green light; or
- * (a.2) forced as candidate due to @inline.
- * After that, safety proper is checked:
- * (b.1) the callee does not contain calls to private methods when called from another class
- * (b.2) the callee is not going to be inlined into a position with non-empty stack,
- * while having a top-level finalizer (see liftedTry problem)
- * As a result of (b), some synthetic private members can be chosen to become public.
- */
- val score = inlinerScore
- val scoreStr = if (score > 0) "+" + score else "" + score
- val what = if (score > 0) "ok to" else "don't"
- inlineLog(scoreStr, inc.m.symbol, s"$what inline into ${ownedName(caller.m.symbol)}")
- if (!isInlineForced && score <= 0) {
- // During inlining retry, a previous caller-callee pair that scored low may pass.
- // Thus, adding the callee to tfa.knownUnsafe isn't warranted.
- return DontInlineHere(s"inliner heuristic")
- }
- if(inc.hasHandlers && (stackLength > inc.minimumStack)) {
- return DontInlineHere("callee contains exception handlers / finally clause, and is invoked with non-empty operand stack") // SI-6157
- }
- if(isKnownToInlineSafely) { return InlineableAtThisCaller }
- if(stackLength > inc.minimumStack && inc.hasNonFinalizerHandler) {
- val msg = "method " + inc.sym + " is used on a non-empty stack with finalizer."
- debuglog(msg)
- // FYI: not reason enough to add inc.sym to tfa.knownUnsafe (because at other callsite in this caller, inlining might be ok)
- return DontInlineHere(msg)
- }
- val accReq = inc.accessRequirements
- if(!canAccess(accReq.accessNeeded)) {
- tfa.knownUnsafe += inc.sym
- val msg = "access level required by callee not matched by caller"
- inlineLog("fail", inc.sym, msg)
- return DontInlineHere(msg)
- }
- FeasibleInline(accReq.accessNeeded, accReq.toBecomePublic)
- }
- def canAccess(level: NonPublicRefs.Value) = level match {
- case Private => caller.owner == inc.owner
- case Protected => caller.owner.tpe <:< inc.owner.tpe
- case Public => true
- }
- private def sameSymbols = caller.sym == inc.sym
- /** Gives green light for inlining (which may still be vetoed later). Heuristics:
- * - it's bad to make the caller larger (> SMALL_METHOD_SIZE) if it was small
- * - it's bad to inline large methods
- * - it's good to inline higher order functions
- * - it's good to inline closures functions.
- * - it's bad (useless) to inline inside bridge methods
- */
- def inlinerScore: Int = {
- var score = 0
- // better not inline inside closures, but hope that the closure itself is repeatedly inlined
- if (caller.isInClosure) score -= 2
- else if (caller.inlinedCalls < 1) score -= 1 // only monadic methods can trigger the first inline
- if (inc.isSmall) score += 1
- // if (inc.hasClosureParam) score += 2
- if (inc.isLarge) score -= 1
- if (caller.isSmall && isLargeSum) {
- score -= 1
- debuglog(s"inliner score decreased to $score because small caller $caller would become large")
- }
- if (inc.isMonadic) score += 3
- else if (inc.isHigherOrder) score += 1
- if (inc.isInClosure) score += 2
- if (inlinedMethodCount(inc.sym) > 2) score -= 2
- score
- }
- }
- def lookupIMethod(meth: Symbol, receiver: Symbol): Option[IMethod] = {
- def tryParent(sym: Symbol) = icodes icode sym flatMap (_ lookupMethod meth)
- ( map tryParent find (_.isDefined)).flatten
- }
- } /* class Inliner */
-} /* class Inliners */