path: root/test/benchmarks/src/scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/benchmarks/src/scala')
83 files changed, 0 insertions, 64004 deletions
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/immutable/range-bench.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/immutable/range-bench.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e167ff04e8..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/immutable/range-bench.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.immutable
-package benchmarks
-object RangeTest {
- // not inlined any more, needs investigation
- //
- // class XXS {
- // private val array = Array.range(0, 100)
- // def tst = { var sum = 0; for (i <- 0 until array.length) sum += array(i); sum }
- // }
- var x: Int = 0
- def foreachSum(max: Int): Int = {
- var sum = 0
- 1 to max foreach (sum += _)
- sum
- }
- def whileSum(max: Int) = {
- var sum = 0
- var num = 1
- while (num <= max) {
- sum += num
- num += 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def show(max: Int, foreachNanos: Long, whileNanos: Long) {
- val winner = if (foreachNanos < whileNanos) "foreachSum" else "whileSum"
- val ratio = if (foreachNanos < whileNanos) foreachNanos.toDouble / whileNanos else whileNanos.toDouble / foreachNanos
- println("1 to %d:, %12s wins, %.3f: foreach %.3f while %.3f".format(
- max, winner, ratio,
- foreachNanos.toDouble / 1000000L,
- whileNanos.toDouble / 1000000L)
- )
- }
- def run(max: Int) = {
- val foreachFirst = util.Random.nextBoolean
- val t1 = System.nanoTime
- x = if (foreachFirst) foreachSum(max) else whileSum(max)
- val t2 = System.nanoTime
- x = if (foreachFirst) whileSum(max) else foreachSum(max)
- val t3 = System.nanoTime
- val foreachNanos = if (foreachFirst) t2 - t1 else t3 - t2
- val whileNanos = if (foreachFirst) t3 - t2 else t2 - t1
- show(max, foreachNanos, whileNanos)
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- var max = if (args.isEmpty) 100 else args(0).toInt
- while (max > 0) {
- run(max)
- run(max)
- run(max)
- max += (max / 7)
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/mutable/hashtable-bench.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/mutable/hashtable-bench.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c01e7cb46e..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/mutable/hashtable-bench.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
-object Test {
- var dummy: Long = 0L
- var _foreach: Long = 0L
- var _iterator: Long = 0L
- def numbers: Seq[Int] = 1 to 1000000
- val map: HashMap[Int, Int] = HashMap(numbers zip numbers: _*)
- @inline final def timed(body: => Unit): Long = {
- val start = System.nanoTime
- body
- System.nanoTime - start
- }
- def go(xs: Iterable[Int], reps: Int) = {
- _foreach = 0L
- _iterator = 0L
- 0 until reps foreach { _ =>
- _foreach += timed(xs foreach (dummy += _))
- _iterator += timed(xs.iterator foreach (dummy += _))
- }
- " foreach avg " + (_foreach / reps) + "\n iterator avg " + (_iterator / reps) + "\n"
- }
- def go2(xs: collection.Map[Int, Int], reps: Int) = {
- _foreach = 0L
- _iterator = 0L
- def incDummy(nums: (Int, Int)) = {
- dummy += nums._1
- dummy -= nums._2
- }
- 0 until reps foreach { _ =>
- _foreach += timed(xs foreach incDummy)
- _iterator += timed(xs.iterator foreach incDummy)
- }
- " foreach avg " + (_foreach / reps) + "\n iterator avg " + (_iterator / reps) + "\n"
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- println("map.keys:")
- go(map.keys, 10) // warm
- println(go(map.keys, 10))
- println("map.values:")
- go(map.values, 10) // warm
- println(go(map.values, 10))
- println("map:")
- go2(map, 10) // warm
- println(go2(map, 10))
- println("// pay me no mind ... " + dummy)
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/Benchmarking.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/Benchmarking.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index bd75764636..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/Benchmarking.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel
-import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet
-import benchmarks._
- * All benchmarks are registered here.
- *
- * @author prokopec
- */
-trait BenchmarkRegister {
- val benchcreators = LinkedHashSet[BenchCompanion]()
- def register(companion: BenchCompanion) = benchcreators += companion
- // parallel array benchmarks
- register(parallel_array.ReduceLight)
- register(parallel_array.ReduceNew)
- register(parallel_array.ReduceList)
- register(parallel_array.ReducePrime)
- register(parallel_array.ReduceHeavy)
- register(parallel_array.CountLight)
- register(parallel_array.CountList)
- register(parallel_array.CountHeavy)
- register(parallel_array.ForeachLight)
- register(parallel_array.ForeachHeavy)
- register(parallel_array.SumLight)
- register(parallel_array.MinLight)
- register(parallel_array.MapLight)
- register(parallel_array.FilterLight)
- register(parallel_array.PartitionLight)
- register(parallel_array.PartialMapLight)
- register(parallel_array.FlatMapLight)
- register(parallel_array.PlusPlus)
- register(parallel_array.ForallLight)
- register(parallel_array.ForallQuickStop)
- register(parallel_array.ForallStop80k)
- register(parallel_array.ForallHeavy)
- register(parallel_array.ExistsLight)
- register(parallel_array.FindLight)
- register(parallel_array.TakeMany)
- register(parallel_array.DropMany)
- register(parallel_array.SliceMany)
- register(parallel_array.SliceMedium)
- register(parallel_array.SliceFew)
- register(parallel_array.SplitHalf)
- register(parallel_array.TakeWhileLight)
- register(parallel_array.SpanLight)
- register(parallel_array.CopyToArray)
- register(parallel_array.SegmentLength)
- register(parallel_array.IndexWhere)
- register(parallel_array.LastIndexWhere)
- register(parallel_array.Reverse)
- register(parallel_array.ReverseMap)
- register(parallel_array.SameElementsLong)
- register(parallel_array.Corresponds)
- register(parallel_array.DiffHalf)
- register(parallel_array.IntersectHalf)
- register(parallel_array.RemoveDuplicates)
- register(parallel_array.PatchHalf)
- register(parallel_array.PadToDouble)
- register(parallel_array.AggregateLight)
- register(parallel_array.ScanLight)
- register(parallel_array.ScanMedium)
- register(parallel_array.GroupByLight)
- register(parallel_array.MatrixMultiplication)
- // parallel views
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.Reduce)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.MediumReduce)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.ModifyThenReduce)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.ModifyThenForce)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.Iteration)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.IterationS)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.IterationM)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.IterationA)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.IterationZ)
- register(parallel_view.DummyViewBenchList.IterationP)
- // parallel ranges
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.Reduce)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ReduceMedium)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ForeachAdd)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ForeachAddCollatz)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ForeachModify)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ForeachModifyMedium)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.ForeachModifyHeavy)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.MapLight)
- register(parallel_range.RangeBenches.MapMedium)
- // array benchmarks
- register(arrays.ObjectAccess)
- register(arrays.IntAccess)
- // hash benchmarks
- register(hashtries.Foreach)
- register(hashtries.Iterate)
- register(hashtries.Construct)
- register(hashtries.Lookup)
- register(hashtries.Combine)
- register(hashtries.MultipleCombine)
- // parallel hash trie benchmarks
- register(hashtries.RefParHashTrieBenches.Reduce)
- register(hashtries.RefParHashTrieBenches.ReduceMedium)
- register(hashtries.RefParHashTrieBenches.Reduce2)
- register(hashtries.RefParHashTrieBenches.Map)
- register(hashtries.RefParHashTrieBenches.Map2)
- // parallel hash table map benchmarks
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Reduce)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Reduce2)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Foreach)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.ForeachSet)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Map)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Map2)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.HeavyMap)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.Filter)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.FlatMap)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableBenches.FlatMap2)
- // parallel hash table set benchmarks
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Reduce)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Reduce2)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Foreach)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.ForeachSet)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Map)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Map2)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.HeavyMap)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.Filter)
- register(hashtables.RefParHashTableSetBenches.FlatMap)
- // general examples
- register(misc.Coder)
- register(misc.Loader)
- * Serves as an entrypoint to run all the benchmarks.
- */
-object Benchmarking extends BenchmarkRegister {
- def printHelp {
- println("Must enter at least four arguments: <collection> <benchmark> <size of the collection> <type>")
- println(" Example: ParArray reduce-light 50000 par")
- println(" Example: ParArray -all 50000 par")
- println
- println("General synthax: <collection> <benchmark> <size> <type> <parallelism-level>")
- println(" <collection> - name of the collection to test, `-all` runs benchmarks for all collections")
- println(" <benchmark> - name of the specific benchmark, `-all` runs all benchmarks for the chosen collections")
- println(" <size> - the size (number of elements) of the collection, or `-default` for default size per benchmark")
- println(" <type> - `seq` for benchmarking sequential version of the functionality")
- println(" `par` for benchmarking parallel version of the functionality")
- println(" `<something-else>` for running comparison benchmarks")
- println(" `-all` for running sequential, parallel and comparison benchmarks")
- println(" <parallelism-level> - the level of parallelism used (default 2)")
- }
- def otherOptions(args: Array[String]) {
- if (args.length == 0) printHelp
- else args(0) match {
- case "-list" => // lists all benchmarks
- for (bc <- benchcreators) println(bc.fullname)
- case _ => printHelp
- }
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- if (args.length < 4) {
- otherOptions(args)
- return
- }
- val collname = args(0)
- val benchname = args(1)
- val size = if (args(2) == "-default") -1 else args(2).toInt
- val tpe = args(3)
- val parlevel = if (args.length >= 5) args(4).toInt else 2
- // find all benchmarks to run
- val benches = benchcreators.filter(comp => {
- (collname, benchname) match {
- case ("-all", "-all") => true
- case ("-all", bn) if (benchname != "-all") => bn == comp.benchName
- case (cn, "-all") if (collname != "-all") => cn == comp.collectionName
- case (cn, bn) => cn == comp.collectionName && bn == comp.benchName
- }
- }).flatMap(comp => {
- val collsz = if (size != -1) size else comp.defaultSize
- if (tpe != "-all") List(comp.apply(collsz, parlevel, tpe))
- else for (benchtype <- "seq" :: "par" :: comp.comparisons)
- yield comp.apply(collsz, parlevel, benchtype)
- })
- println("Running benchmarks...")
- for (b <- benches) b.executeBenchmark
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/Bench.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/Bench.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c20bbaeef1..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/Bench.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-import scala.collection._
-import scala.testing.Benchmark
-trait BenchCompanion {
- def benchName: String
- def collectionName: String
- def fullname = collectionName + "." + benchName
- def defaultSize = 100000
- def comparisons = List[String]()
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String): Bench
- * An interface for all benchmark classes.
- * A benchmark runs some functionality a prespecified number of times.
- */
-trait Bench extends Benchmark {
- val size: Int
- val parallelism: Int
- val runWhat: String
- /**
- * Name of the benchmark. Convention is for it to start with the name of the collection being
- * tested, continuing '.' and ending with the name of the specific functionality being benchmarked.
- * @return
- */
- def name: String = companion.fullname
- def collectionName: String = companion.collectionName
- def benchName: String = companion.benchName
- def companion: BenchCompanion
- def runseq: Unit
- def runpar: Unit
- /**
- * Describes the number of runs of the test.
- */
- val runs = 10
- /**
- * Returns the number of repetitions for this benchmark.
- */
- def repetitionsPerRun = 500
- /**
- * Resets the benchmark object. Typically, this means recreating
- * the collection being tested.
- */
- def reset: Unit
- /**
- * Returns a map of available comparison tests.
- */
- def comparisons: List[String] = companion.comparisons
- def comparison(name: String): Option[() => Unit] = comparisonMap.get(name)
- def comparisonMap: Map[String, () => Unit]
- def run = runWhat match {
- case "seq" => for (i <- 0 until repetitionsPerRun) runseq
- case "par" => for (i <- 0 until repetitionsPerRun) runpar
- case _ => comparison(runWhat) match {
- case Some(fun) => for (i <- 0 until repetitionsPerRun) fun()
- case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown bench option: `" + runWhat +
- "`, need `seq`, `par` or one of: " + comparisons.mkString("`", "`, `", "`"))
- }
- }
- /**
- * Prints results of the benchmark. May be overridden in benchmarks.
- */
- def printResults {}
- def onEnd {}
- def executeBenchmark = {
- println("-----------------------")
- print(name + ", " + runWhat + ", par.=" + parallelism + ", sz=" + niceSize + ": ")
- val times = runBenchmark(runs)
- onEnd
- for (t <- times) print(t + " ")
- println
- printResults
- }
- private def niceSize = if (size < 1000 || size % 1000 != 0) size.toString else size / 1000 + "k"
-trait HavingResult[T] extends Bench {
- var runresult: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]
- abstract override def printResults {
- println("result: " + (if (runresult != null) runresult else "<not set>"))
- super.printResults
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Arrays.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Arrays.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 39232122a9..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Arrays.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-object Arrays {
- @inline def genericApply[T](xs: Array[T], idx: Int): T = xs.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] match {
- case x: Array[AnyRef] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case _ => genericApplyNotAnyRef(xs, idx)
- }
- @noinline private def genericApplyNotAnyRef[T](xs: Array[T], idx: Int): T = xs.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] match {
- case x: Array[Int] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Double] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Long] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Float] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Char] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Byte] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Short] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Boolean] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case x: Array[Unit] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[T]
- case null => throw new NullPointerException
- }
- @inline def apply(xs: AnyRef, idx: Int): Any = xs match {
- case x: Array[AnyRef] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case _ => applyNotAnyRef(xs, idx)
- }
- @noinline private def applyNotAnyRef(xs: AnyRef, idx: Int): Any = xs match {
- case x: Array[Int] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Double] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Long] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Float] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Char] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Byte] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Short] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Boolean] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case x: Array[Unit] => x(idx).asInstanceOf[Any]
- case null => throw new NullPointerException
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Dummy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Dummy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 56af7b9d85..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Dummy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-case class Dummy(in: Int) {
- def op = {}
-object Dummy {
- def dummyOp(a: Int) = { if (a < 0) -1 }
- def dummyOp(d: Dummy) = { if ( < 0) d.op }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/IntAccess.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/IntAccess.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f0e4da03..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/IntAccess.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object IntAccess extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "array";
- def benchName = "access-int";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new IntAccess(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("any", "cast", "manif", "unknown")
- override def defaultSize = 100000
-class IntAccess(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resetting(n => n, sz, p, what) with UnknownManif[Int] {
- def companion = IntAccess
- def runseq {}
- def runpar {}
- def runany = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = anyarray(i).asInstanceOf[Int]
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def runcast = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = Arrays.apply(castarray, i).asInstanceOf[Int]
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def runmanif = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = manifarray(i)
- if (op(d)) i += 1
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def op(a: Int) = a < 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("any" -> runany _, "cast" -> runcast _,
- "manif" -> runmanif _, "unknown" -> rununknown _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/ObjectAccess.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/ObjectAccess.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 29251f3719..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/ObjectAccess.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object ObjectAccess extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "array";
- def benchName = "access-obj";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ObjectAccess(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("any", "cast", "gencast", "manif", "unknown")
- override def defaultSize = 100000
-class ObjectAccess(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resetting(Dummy(_), sz, p, what) with UnknownManif[Dummy] {
- def companion = ObjectAccess
- def runseq {}
- def runpar {}
- def runany = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = anyarray(i).asInstanceOf[Dummy]
- Dummy.dummyOp(d)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def runcast = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = Arrays.apply(castarray, i).asInstanceOf[Dummy]
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def rungenericcast = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = Arrays.genericApply(gencastarray, i)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def runmanif = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = manifarray(i)
- if ( < 0) i += 1
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("any" -> runany _, "cast" -> runcast _, "gencast" -> rungenericcast _,
- "manif" -> runmanif _, "unknown" -> rununknown _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Resetting.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Resetting.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 22d2107f62..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/Resetting.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-abstract class Resetting[T: ClassTag](elemcreate: Int => T, sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Bench {
- val size = sz
- val parallelism = p
- val runWhat = what
- var anyarray: Array[Any] = null
- var castarray: AnyRef = null
- var gencastarray: Array[T] = null
- var manifarray: Array[T] = null
- reset
- def reset = what match {
- case "any" =>
- anyarray = new Array[Any](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) anyarray(i) = elemcreate(i)
- case "cast" =>
- val arr = new Array[T](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) arr(i) = elemcreate(i)
- castarray = arr
- case "gencast" =>
- gencastarray = new Array[T](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) gencastarray(i) = elemcreate(i)
- case "manif" =>
- manifarray = new Array[T](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) manifarray(i) = elemcreate(i)
- case "unknown" =>
- manifarray = new Array[T](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) manifarray(i) = elemcreate(i)
- case _ =>
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/UnknownManif.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/UnknownManif.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 46a28ae111..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/arrays/UnknownManif.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.arrays
-trait UnknownManif[T] {
- def manifarray: Array[T]
- def size: Int
- def rununknown {
- val arr = manifarray
- val sz = size
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val d = arr(i)
- op(d)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def op(d: Any) {}
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Dummy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Dummy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b5308f8c2..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Dummy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic
-class Dummy(val in: Int) {
- var num = in
- override def toString = in.toString
- override def hashCode = in
- def dummy = num + in
- def one = "1".length
-object DummyOperators extends Operators[Dummy] {
- val foreachFun = (a: Dummy) => {
- a
- ()
- }
- val reducer = (a: Dummy, b: Dummy) => {
- var i = 0
- if ( > {
- a.num = + + i
- a
- } else {
- b.num = + + i
- b
- }
- }
- private def rec(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
- val result = if (b == 0) a else {
- rec(b, a - b * (a / b))
- }
- result + 1000
- }
- val mediumreducer = (a: Dummy, b: Dummy) => {
- var i = 0
- var sum = a.num + b.num
- b.num = rec(a.num, b.num)
- b
- }
- val filterer = (a: Dummy) => {
- % 2 == 0
- }
- val mapper = (a: Dummy) => {
- a.num = a.dummy + a.num + +
- a
- }
- override val mapper2 = (a: Dummy) => {
- val x = 1
- new Dummy( * -2 + x)
- }
- val heavymapper = (a: Dummy) => {
- var i = -100
- while (i < 0) {
- if ( < i) a.num += 1
- i += 1
- }
- a
- }
- val flatmapper = (a: Dummy) => {
- List(a, a, a, a, a)
- }
- val taker = (a: Dummy) => {
- >= 0
- }
- val eachFun: Dummy => Unit = (d: Dummy) => {
- d.dummy
- }
- override val eachPairFun: ((Dummy, Dummy)) => Unit = p => {
- p._1.dummy
- p._2.dummy
- }
- override def sequence(sz: Int): Seq[Dummy] = {
- val pa = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Dummy](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) pa(i) = new Dummy(i)
- pa
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Operators.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Operators.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 539e3f6972..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/Operators.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic
-trait Operators[T] {
- def foreachFun: T => Unit
- def reducer: (T, T) => T
- def mediumreducer: (T, T) => T
- def filterer: T => Boolean
- def mapper: T => T
- def mapper2: T => T = error("unsupported")
- def heavymapper: T => T
- def flatmapper: T => Seq[T]
- def taker: T => Boolean
- def eachFun: T => Unit
- def eachPairFun: ((T, T)) => Unit = error("unsupported")
- def sequence(sz: Int): Seq[T] = error("unsupported")
-trait IntOperators extends Operators[Int] {
- val foreachFun: Int => Unit = x => ()
- val reducer: (Int, Int) => Int = _ + _
- val mediumreducer: (Int, Int) => Int = (a: Int, b: Int) => {
- val result = if (b == 0) a else {
- mediumreducer.apply(b, a - b * (a / b))
- }
- result + 1000
- }
- val filterer: Int => Boolean = _ % 2 == 0
- val mapper: Int => Int = _ * 2
- val heavymapper: Int => Int = (n: Int) => {
- var i = -10
- var sum = 0
- while (i < 0) {
- sum += -i
- i += 1
- }
- n + sum
- }
- val flatmapper: Int => Seq[Int] = (n: Int) => {
- List(n, n, n, n, n)
- }
- val taker: Int => Boolean = _ < 10000
- val eachFun: Int => Unit = { n =>
- n % 2 == 0
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/ParallelBenches.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/ParallelBenches.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c39c384927..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/generic/ParallelBenches.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel
-package benchmarks
-package generic
-import scala.collection.SeqView
-trait ParIterableBenches[T, Coll <: ParIterable[T]] {
-self =>
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int): Iterable[T]
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int): Coll
- def nameOfCollection: String
- def operators: Operators[T]
- trait IterableBenchCompanion extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = self.nameOfCollection
- }
- trait IterableBench extends collection.parallel.benchmarks.Bench {
- protected var seqcoll: Iterable[T] = null
- protected var parcoll: Coll = null.asInstanceOf[Coll]
- reset
- def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq" => this.seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case "par" => this.parcoll = createParallel(size, parallelism)
- case _ =>
- }
- def nameOfCollection = self.nameOfCollection
- def operators = self.operators
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = self.createSequential(size, parallelism)
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = self.createParallel(size, parallelism)
- def forkJoinPool: scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool = self.forkJoinPool
- override def printResults {
- println(" --- Fork join pool state --- ")
- println("Parallelism: " + forkJoinPool.getParallelism)
- println("Active threads: " + forkJoinPool.getActiveThreadCount)
- println("Work stealings: " + forkJoinPool.getStealCount)
- }
- }
- def forkJoinPool: scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
-trait ParSeqBenches[T, Coll <: ParSeq[T]] extends ParIterableBenches[T, Coll] {
-self =>
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int): Seq[T]
- trait SeqBenchCompanion extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = self.nameOfCollection
- }
- trait SeqBench extends IterableBench {
- def seqcollAsSeq = seqcoll.asInstanceOf[Seq[T]]
- override def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = self.createSequential(sz, p)
- }
-/** Standard benchmarks for collections.
- */
-trait StandardParIterableBenches[T, Coll <: ParIterable[T]] extends ParIterableBenches[T, Coll] {
- object Reduce extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "reduce";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Reduce(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Reduce(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.reducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.reducer)
- def companion = Reduce
- }
- object ReduceMedium extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "reduce-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ReduceMedium(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ReduceMedium(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.mediumreducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.mediumreducer)
- def companion = ReduceMedium
- }
- object Map extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "map";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Map(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Map(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq =
- def runpar =
- def companion = Map
- }
- object Filter extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "filter";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Filter(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Filter(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.filter(operators.filterer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.filter(operators.filterer)
- def companion = Filter
- }
- object FlatMap extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "flatmap";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new FlatMap(sz, p, w)
- }
- class FlatMap(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.flatMap(operators.flatmapper)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.flatMap(operators.flatmapper)
- def companion = FlatMap
- }
-/** Benchmarks for sequence views.
- */
-trait ParSeqViewBenches[T, Coll <: ParSeqView[T, ParSeq[T], CollSeq], CollSeq] extends ParSeqBenches[T, Coll] {
-self =>
- trait SeqViewBench extends SeqBench {
- lazy val seqview: SeqView[T, Seq[T]] = createSeqView(size, parallelism)
- def createSeqView(sz: Int, p: Int) = self.createSeqView(sz, p)
- }
- def createSeqView(sz: Int, p: Int): SeqView[T, Seq[T]]
- object Iteration extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 250000
- def benchName = "iter"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Iteration(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Iteration(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.foreach(operators.eachFun)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.pforeach(operators.eachFun)
- def runseqview = {
- this.seqview.foreach(operators.eachFun)
- }
- def companion = Iteration
- }
- object IterationS extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 250000
- def benchName = "iter-s"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new IterationS(sz, p, w)
- }
- class IterationS(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.slice(0, size / 2).foreach(operators.eachFun)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.slice(0, size / 2).pforeach(operators.eachFun)
- def runseqview = this.seqview.slice(0, size / 2).foreach(operators.eachFun)
- def companion = IterationS
- }
- object IterationM extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 100000
- def benchName = "iter-m"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new IterationM(sz, p, w)
- }
- class IterationM(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq =
- def runpar =
- def runseqview =
- def companion = IterationM
- }
- object IterationA extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "iter-a"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new IterationA(sz, p, w)
- }
- class IterationA(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- val appended = operators.sequence(size)
- val sqappended = appended.toSeq
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq = {
- val withapp = this.seqcoll.++(sqappended)
- withapp.foreach(operators.eachFun)
- }
- def runpar = this.parcoll.++(appended).pforeach(operators.eachFun)
- def runseqview = this.seqview.++(appended).foreach(operators.eachFun)
- def companion = IterationA
- }
- object IterationZ extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "iter-z"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new IterationZ(sz, p, w)
- }
- class IterationZ(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- val zipped = operators.sequence(size)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq = {
- val withzip =
- withzip.foreach(operators.eachPairFun)
- }
- def runpar =
- def runseqview =
- def companion = IterationZ
- }
- object IterationP extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "iter-p"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new IterationP(sz, p, w)
- }
- class IterationP(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- val patch = operators.sequence(size / 4)
- val sqpatch = patch.toSeq
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seqview" -> runseqview _)
- def runseq = {
- val withpatch = this.seqcollAsSeq.patch(size / 4, sqpatch, size / 2)
- withpatch.foreach(operators.eachFun)
- }
- def runpar = this.parcoll.patch(size / 4, patch, size / 2).pforeach(operators.eachFun)
- def runseqview = this.seqview.patch(size / 4, patch, size / 2).foreach(operators.eachFun)
- def companion = IterationP
- }
- object Reduce extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "reduce";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Reduce(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Reduce(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.reducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.reducer)
- def companion = Reduce
- }
- object MediumReduce extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- def benchName = "reduce-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new MediumReduce(sz, p, w)
- }
- class MediumReduce(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.mediumreducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.mediumreducer)
- def companion = Reduce
- }
- object ModifyThenReduce extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- def benchName = "modify-then-reduce";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ModifyThenReduce(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ModifyThenReduce(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- val toadd = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = {
- val modified = (seqcoll ++ toadd).drop(size).map(operators.mapper).++(toadd).take(size)
- modified.reduceLeft(operators.reducer)
- }
- def runpar = {
- val modified = (parcoll ++ toadd).drop(size).map(operators.mapper).++(toadd).take(size)
- modified.reduce(operators.reducer)
- }
- def companion = ModifyThenReduce
- }
- object ModifyThenForce extends SeqBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- def benchName = "modify-then-force";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ModifyThenForce(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ModifyThenForce(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends SeqBench with SeqViewBench {
- val toadd = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = (seqcoll ++ toadd).drop(size).map(operators.mapper).++(toadd).take(size)
- def runpar = {
- val r: ParSeqView[T, ParSeq[T], Seq[T]] = (parcoll ++ toadd).drop(size).map(operators.mapper).++(toadd).take(size)
- r.force
- }
- def companion = ModifyThenForce
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTableSets.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTableSets.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f0315103..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTableSets.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.hashtables
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.StandardParIterableBenches
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.Dummy
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.DummyOperators
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParHashSet
-trait ParHashTableSetBenches[T] extends StandardParIterableBenches[T, ParHashSet[T]] {
- def nameOfCollection = "mutable.ParHashSet"
- def comparisonMap = collection.mutable.Set()
- val forkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
- object Map2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "map2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Map2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Map2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- var result: Int = 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = {
- val r = this.seqcoll.asInstanceOf[collection.mutable.HashSet[T]].map(operators.mapper2)
- result = r.size
- }
- def runpar = {
- result =
- }
- def companion = Map2
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- override def printResults {
- println("Size of last result: " + result)
- }
- }
- object HeavyMap extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "heavy-map";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new HeavyMap(sz, p, w)
- }
- class HeavyMap(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- var result: Int = 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = {
- val r = this.seqcoll.asInstanceOf[collection.mutable.HashSet[T]].map(operators.heavymapper)
- result = r.size
- }
- def runpar = {
- result =
- }
- def companion = HeavyMap
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- }
- object Reduce2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "reduce2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Reduce2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Reduce2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.mediumreducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.mediumreducer)
- def companion = Reduce2
- }
- object Foreach extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "foreach";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Foreach(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Foreach(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.foreach(operators.foreachFun)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.pforeach(operators.foreachFun)
- def companion = Foreach
- }
-object RefParHashTableSetBenches extends ParHashTableSetBenches[Dummy] {
- object ForeachSet extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "foreach-set";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachSet(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ForeachSet(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val array = new Array[Int](size)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (x <- this.seqcoll) array( += 1
- def runpar = this.parcoll.pforeach { x => array( += 1 }
- def companion = ForeachSet
- override def onEnd {
- for (i <- 0 until array.length) {
- assert(array(i) == repetitionsPerRun * runs)
- }
- }
- }
- val operators = DummyOperators
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val ht = new collection.mutable.HashSet[Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) ht += new Dummy(i)
- ht
- }
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val phm = new ParHashSet[Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) phm += new Dummy(i)
- forkJoinPool.setParallelism(p)
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkJoinPool
- phm
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTables.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTables.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 79d038bf3d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtables/ParallelHashTables.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.hashtables
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.StandardParIterableBenches
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.Dummy
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.Operators
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParHashMap
-trait ParHashTableBenches[K, V] extends StandardParIterableBenches[(K, V), ParHashMap[K, V]] {
- def nameOfCollection = "mutable.ParHashMap"
- def comparisonMap = collection.mutable.Map()
- val forkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
- object Map2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 40000
- override def comparisons = List("jhashtable")
- def benchName = "map2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Map2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Map2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- var result: Int = 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jhashtable" -> runjhashtable _)
- def runseq = {
- val r = this.seqcoll.asInstanceOf[collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V]].map(operators.mapper2)
- result = r.size
- }
- def runpar = {
- result =
- }
- def runjhashtable = {
- val jumap = new java.util.HashMap[K, V]()
- val it = this.seqcoll.iterator
- val f = operators.mapper2
- while (it.hasNext) {
- val p = f(
- jumap.put(p._1, p._2)
- }
- result = jumap.size
- }
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "jhashtable" => this.seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case _ => super.reset
- }
- def companion = Map2
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- override def printResults {
- println("Size of last result: " + result)
- }
- }
- object FlatMap2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "flatmap2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new FlatMap2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class FlatMap2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 25
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.flatMap(operators.flatmapper)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.flatMap(operators.flatmapper)
- def companion = FlatMap2
- }
- object HeavyMap extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "heavy-map";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new HeavyMap(sz, p, w)
- }
- class HeavyMap(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- var result: Int = 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = {
- val r = this.seqcoll.asInstanceOf[collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V]].map(operators.heavymapper)
- result = r.size
- }
- def runpar = {
- result =
- }
- def companion = HeavyMap
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- }
- object Reduce2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "reduce2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Reduce2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Reduce2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.mediumreducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.mediumreducer)
- def companion = Reduce2
- }
- object Foreach extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "foreach";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Foreach(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Foreach(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.foreach(operators.foreachFun)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.pforeach(operators.foreachFun)
- def companion = Foreach
- }
-object RefParHashTableBenches extends ParHashTableBenches[Dummy, Dummy] {
- type DPair = (Dummy, Dummy);
- object ForeachSet extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List()
- def benchName = "foreach-set";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachSet(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ForeachSet(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val array = new Array[Int](size)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (p <- this.seqcoll) array( += 1
- def runpar = this.parcoll.pforeach { p => array( += 1 }
- def companion = ForeachSet
- override def onEnd {
- for (i <- 0 until array.length) {
- assert(array(i) == repetitionsPerRun * runs)
- }
- }
- }
- object operators extends Operators[DPair] {
- def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
- val result = if (b == 0) a else {
- gcd(b, a - b * (a / b))
- }
- result + 1000
- }
- def heavy(a: Int): Int = {
- var i = 0
- var sum = a
- while (i < 3000) {
- i += 1
- sum += a + i
- }
- sum
- }
- val foreachFun = (t: DPair) => {
- t
- ()
- }
- val reducer = (x: DPair, y: DPair) => {
- //y._2.num = +
- y
- }
- val mediumreducer = (x: DPair, y: DPair) => {
- y._2.num = gcd(,
- y
- }
- val filterer = (p: DPair) => {
- p._1.num % 2 == 0
- }
- val mapper = (p: DPair) => {
- val a = p._1
- a.num = % 2
- (a, p._2)
- }
- val flatmapper = (p: DPair) => {
- for (i <- 0 until 20) yield p
- }
- override val mapper2 = (p: DPair) => {
- val a = 1 //heavy(
- (new Dummy( * -2 + a), p._2)
- }
- val heavymapper = (p: DPair) => {
- var i = -2000
- var t =
- while (i < 0) {
- t += (p._2.num - p._1.num) / 500
- p._1.num += p._2.num + t
- i += 1
- }
- (p._1, new Dummy(0))
- }
- val taker = (p: DPair) => true
- val eachFun: DPair => Unit = { dp =>
- dp._1.dummy
- }
- }
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val ht = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Dummy, Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) ht += ((new Dummy(i), new Dummy(i)))
- ht
- }
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val phm = new ParHashMap[Dummy, Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) phm += ((new Dummy(i), new Dummy(i)))
- forkJoinPool.setParallelism(p)
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkJoinPool
- phm
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Combine.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Combine.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 96598840fd..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Combine.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class Combine(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench with IntInit {
- var thattrie = new HashTrie[Int, Int]
- for (i <- size until 2 * size) thattrie += ((i, i))
- val thatmap = new HashMap[Int, Int]
- for (i <- size until 2 * size) thatmap += ((i, i))
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = runhashtrie
- def runhashtrie = {
- hashtrie merge thattrie
- // println
- // println("both tries: " + HashTrie.bothtries)
- // println("one trie, one item: " + HashTrie.onetrie)
- // println("both single: " + HashTrie.bothsingle)
- // System exit 1
- }
- def rundestructive = {
- hashtrie merge thattrie
- }
- def runappendtrie = hashtrie ++ thattrie
- def runhashmap = hashmap ++ thatmap
- def companion = Combine
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _, "hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "destruct" -> rundestructive _, "appendtrie" -> runappendtrie _)
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "appendtrie" => initHashTrie
- case "destruct" => initHashTrie
- case _ => super.reset
- }
-object Combine extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "combine";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Combine(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 5000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Construct.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Construct.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f65a349ec5..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Construct.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class Construct(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench {
- def reset {}
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runhashmap = {
- val hashmap = new HashMap[Int, Int]
- for (i <- 0 until size) hashmap += ((i, i))
- }
- def runhashtrie = {
- var hashtrie = new HashTrie[Int, Int]
- for (i <- 0 until size) hashtrie += ((i, i))
- }
- def companion = Construct
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _)
-object Construct extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "construct";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Construct(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 5000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Foreach.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Foreach.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f53ea02e36..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Foreach.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class Foreach(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench with IntInit {
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = runhashtrie
- def runhashmap = hashmap.foreach(n => ())
- def runhashtrie = hashtrie.foreach(n => ())
- def companion = Foreach
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _)
-object Foreach extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "foreach-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Foreach(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 25000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/IntInit.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/IntInit.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 79ebd0e98c..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/IntInit.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-trait IntInit extends Bench {
- var hashmap: HashMap[Int, Int] = null
- var hashtrie: HashTrie[Int, Int] = null
- reset
- def reset = runWhat match {
- case "hashmap" => initHashMap
- case "hashtrie" => initHashTrie
- case "seq" => initHashTrie
- }
- def initHashTrie = {
- hashtrie = new HashTrie
- for (i <- 0 until size) hashtrie += ((i, i))
- }
- def initHashMap = {
- hashmap = new HashMap
- for (i <- 0 until size) hashmap += ((i, i))
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Iterate.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Iterate.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d27aa200b8..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Iterate.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class Iterate(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench with IntInit {
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runhashmap = {
- val it = hashmap.iterator
- while (it.hasNext)
- }
- def runhashtrie = {
- val it = hashtrie.iterator
- while (it.hasNext)
- }
- def companion = Iterate
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _)
-object Iterate extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "iterate-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Iterate(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 25000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Lookup.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Lookup.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ee8c17118..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/Lookup.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class Lookup(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench with IntInit {
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runhashmap = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < size) {
- hashmap(i)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def runhashtrie = {
- var i = 0
- while (i < size) {
- hashtrie(i)
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def companion = Iterate
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _)
-object Lookup extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "lookup";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Lookup(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 25000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/MultipleCombine.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/MultipleCombine.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c08d6b5cad..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/MultipleCombine.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package hashtries
-import collection.immutable.{HashMap => HashTrie}
-import collection.mutable.HashMap
-class MultipleCombine(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench with IntInit {
- var combines = 10
- var thattries = new Array[HashTrie[Int, Int]](combines)
- def initTries = for (r <- 0 until combines) {
- var thattrie = new HashTrie[Int, Int]
- for (i <- ((r + 1) * size) until ((r + 2) * size)) thattrie += ((i, i))
- thattries(r) = thattrie
- }
- initTries
- val thatmaps = new Array[HashMap[Int, Int]](10)
- def initMaps = for (r <- 0 until combines) {
- var thatmap = new HashMap[Int, Int]
- for (i <- ((r + 1) * size) until ((r + 2) * size)) thatmap += ((i, i))
- thatmaps(r) = thatmap
- }
- initMaps
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 25
- def runpar = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def runseq = runhashtrie
- def runhashtrie = {
- initHashTrie
- var trie = hashtrie
- for (r <- 0 until combines) trie = trie merge thattries(r)
- }
- def runappendtrie = {
- initHashTrie
- var trie = hashtrie
- for (r <- 0 until combines) trie = trie ++ thattries(r)
- }
- def runhashmap = {
- initHashMap
- var map = hashmap
- for (r <- 0 until combines) map = map ++ thatmaps(r)
- }
- def rundestructive = {
- initHashTrie
- var trie = hashtrie
- for (r <- 0 until combines) trie = trie merge thattries(r)
- }
- def companion = MultipleCombine
- def comparisonMap = Map("hashtrie" -> runhashtrie _, "hashmap" -> runhashmap _, "appendtrie" -> runappendtrie _, "destruct" -> rundestructive _)
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "appendtrie" => initHashTrie
- case "destruct" => initHashTrie
- case _ => super.reset
- }
-object MultipleCombine extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "HashTrie"
- def benchName = "multi-combine";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new MultipleCombine(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 5000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/ParallelHashTries.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/ParallelHashTries.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index dc8804cf57..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/hashtries/ParallelHashTries.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.hashtries
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.StandardParIterableBenches
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.Dummy
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.Operators
-import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParHashMap
-trait ParHashTrieBenches[K, V] extends StandardParIterableBenches[(K, V), ParHashMap[K, V]] {
- def nameOfCollection = "immutable.ParHashMap"
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val forkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
- object Map2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- override def comparisons = List("jhashtable", "hashtable")
- def benchName = "map2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Map2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Map2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- var result: Int = 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jhashtable" -> runjhashtable _, "hashtable" -> runhashtable _)
- def runseq = {
- val r = this.seqcoll.asInstanceOf[collection.immutable.HashMap[K, V]].map(operators.mapper2)
- result = r.size
- }
- def runpar = {
- result =
- }
- def runjhashtable = {
- val jumap = new java.util.HashMap[K, V]()
- val it = this.seqcoll.iterator
- while (it.hasNext) {
- val p =
- jumap.put(p._1, p._2)
- }
- result = jumap.size
- }
- def runhashtable = {
- val smap = collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V]()
- val it = this.seqcoll.iterator
- while (it.hasNext) {
- val p =
- smap.put(p._1, p._2)
- }
- result = smap.size
- }
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "jhashtable" => this.seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case "hashtable" => this.seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case _ => super.reset
- }
- def companion = Map2
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- override def printResults {
- println("Size of last result: " + result)
- }
- }
- object Reduce2 extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 50000
- override def comparisons = List("hashtable")
- def benchName = "reduce2";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new Reduce2(sz, p, w)
- }
- class Reduce2(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- private var ht: collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V] = _
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("hashtable" -> runhashtable _)
- def runseq = this.seqcoll.reduceLeft(operators.reducer)
- def runpar = this.parcoll.reduce(operators.reducer)
- def runhashtable = ht.reduceLeft(operators.reducer)
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "hashtable" => ht = createHashTable(size)
- case _ => super.reset
- }
- def companion = Reduce2
- }
- def createHashTable(sz: Int): collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V]
-object RefParHashTrieBenches extends ParHashTrieBenches[Dummy, Dummy] {
- type DPair = (Dummy, Dummy)
- object operators extends Operators[DPair] {
- def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {
- val result = if (b == 0) a else {
- gcd(b, a - b * (a / b))
- }
- result + 1000
- }
- def heavy(a: Int): Int = {
- var i = 0
- var sum = a
- while (i < 3000) {
- i += 1
- sum += a + i
- }
- sum
- }
- val foreachFun = (t: DPair) => {
- t
- ()
- }
- val reducer = (x: DPair, y: DPair) => {
- //y._2.num = +
- y
- }
- val mediumreducer = (x: DPair, y: DPair) => {
- y._2.num = gcd(,
- y
- }
- val filterer = (p: DPair) => {
- p._1.num % 2 == 0
- }
- val mapper = (p: DPair) => {
- val a = p._1
- a.num = % 2
- (a, p._2)
- }
- val flatmapper = (p: DPair) => {
- List(p, p, p, p, p)
- }
- override val mapper2 = (p: DPair) => {
- val a = 1 //heavy(
- (new Dummy( * -2 + a), p._2)
- }
- val heavymapper = (p: DPair) => {
- val a = p._1
- var i = -100
- while (i < 0) {
- if ( < i) a.num += 1
- i += 1
- }
- (a, p._2)
- }
- val taker = (p: DPair) => true
- val eachFun: DPair => Unit = { dp =>
- dp._1.dummy
- }
- }
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- var ht = new collection.immutable.HashMap[Dummy, Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) ht += ((new Dummy(i), new Dummy(i)))
- ht
- }
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- var pht = new ParHashMap[Dummy, Dummy]
- for (i <- 0 until sz) pht += ((new Dummy(i), new Dummy(i)))
- forkJoinPool.setParallelism(p)
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkJoinPool
- pht
- }
- def createHashTable(sz: Int) = {
- val hm = collection.mutable.HashMap[Dummy, Dummy]()
- for (i <- 0 until sz) hm.put(new Dummy(i), new Dummy(i))
- hm
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Coder.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Coder.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 04e37085b8..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Coder.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package misc
-import collection._ //immutable._
-import collection.parallel._//immutable._
-class SeqCoder(words: List[String]) {
- private val m = Map(
- '2' -> "ABC", '3' -> "DEF", '4' -> "GHI", '5' -> "JKL",
- '6' -> "MNO", '7' -> "PQRS", '8' -> "TUV", '9' -> "WXYZ")
- /** Invert the mnemonics map to give a map from chars 'A' ... 'Z' to '2' ... '9' */
- private val charCode: Map[Char, Char] =
- for ((digit, letters) <- m; letter <- letters) yield letter -> digit
- /** Maps a word to the digit string it represents,
- * e.g. `Java` -> `5282` */
- private def wordCode(word: String): String = word.toUpperCase map charCode
- /** A map from digit strings to the words that represent
- * them e.g. `5282` -> List(`Java`, `Kata`, `Lava`, ...)
- */
- val wordsForNum: Map[String, Seq[String]] =
- (words groupBy wordCode).map(t => (t._1, t._2.toSeq)) withDefaultValue Seq()
- /** All ways to encode a number as a list of words */
- def encode(number: String): Set[Seq[String]] =
- if (number.isEmpty) Set(Seq())
- else {
- val splits = (1 to number.length).toSet
- // for {
- // split <- splits
- // word <- wordsForNum(number take split)
- // rest <- encode(number drop split)
- // } yield word :: rest
- val r = splits.flatMap(split => {
- val wfn = wordsForNum(number take split).flatMap(word => {
- val subs = encode(number drop split)
- => word +: rest)
- })
- wfn
- })
- r
- }
- /** Maps a number to a list of all word phrases that can
- * represent it */
- def translate(number: String) = encode(number)// map (_ mkString " ")
- def ??? : Nothing = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
-class ParCoder(words: List[String]) {
- private val m = Map(
- '2' -> "ABC", '3' -> "DEF", '4' -> "GHI", '5' -> "JKL",
- '6' -> "MNO", '7' -> "PQRS", '8' -> "TUV", '9' -> "WXYZ")
- /** Invert the mnemonics map to give a map from chars 'A' ... 'Z' to '2' ... '9' */
- private val charCode: Map[Char, Char] =
- for ((digit, letters) <- m; letter <- letters) yield letter -> digit
- /** Maps a word to the digit string it represents,
- * e.g. `Java` -> `5282` */
- private def wordCode(word: String): String = word.toUpperCase map charCode
- /** A map from digit strings to the words that represent
- * them e.g. `5282` -> List(`Java`, `Kata`, `Lava`, ...)
- */
- val wordsForNum: Map[String, Seq[String]] =
- (words groupBy wordCode).map(t => (t._1, t._2)) withDefaultValue Seq()
- /** All ways to encode a number as a list of words */
- def encode(number: String): Set[Seq[String]] = if (number.length > 12) {
- if (number.isEmpty) ParSet(ParSeq())
- else {
- val splits = (1 to number.length).toParSet
- for {
- split <- splits
- word <- wordsForNum(number take split)
- rest <- encode(number drop split)
- } yield word +: rest
- }
- } else {
- if (number.isEmpty) Set(Seq())
- else {
- val splits = (1 to number.length).toSet
- for {
- split <- splits
- word <- wordsForNum(number take split)
- rest <- encode(number drop split)
- } yield word +: rest
- }
- }
- /** Maps a number to a list of all word phrases that can
- * represent it */
- def translate(number: String) = {
- encode(number)// map (_ mkString " ")
- }
- def ??? : Nothing = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
-object Coder extends BenchCompanion {
- def benchName = "Coder"
- def collectionName = "General"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Coder(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 100
-class Coder(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench {
- def companion = Coder
- var seqcoder: SeqCoder = null
- var parcoder: ParCoder = null
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 1
- val code = "23284374729473626268379762538"
- reset
- def runseq {
- val translations = seqcoder.translate(code)
- //println(translations)
- }
- def runpar {
- val translations = parcoder.translate(code)
- //println(translations)
- }
- def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq" =>
- seqcoder = new SeqCoder(Dictionary.wordlist)
- val t = seqcoder.translate(code)
- println("Translation check: " + t.size)
- //println(t)
- case "par" =>
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment.asInstanceOf[concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool].setParallelism(parallelism)
- parcoder = new ParCoder(Dictionary.wordlist)
- val t = parcoder.translate(code)
- println("Translation check: " + t.size)
- //println(t)
- }
- def comparisonMap = Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Dictionary.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Dictionary.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e6ff55d234..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Dictionary.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.misc
-object Dictionary {
- val wordlist = wordlines.split(System.getProperty("line.separator")).filter(_.trim != "").toList
- val wordarray = wordlist.toArray
- def wordlines = {
- val is = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/dict.txt")
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Loader.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Loader.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c7e4723e64..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/Loader.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package misc
-import collection._ //immutable._
-import collection.parallel._//immutable._
-object Loader extends BenchCompanion {
- def benchName = "Loader"
- def collectionName = "General"
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Loader(sz, p, what)
- override def defaultSize = 100
-class Loader(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String) extends Bench {
- def companion = Loader
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 1
- reset
- val wa = Dictionary.wordarray ++ Dictionary.wordarray ++ Dictionary.wordarray
- def runseq {
- val m = Map(
- '2' -> "ABC", '3' -> "DEF", '4' -> "GHI", '5' -> "JKL",
- '6' -> "MNO", '7' -> "PQRS", '8' -> "TUV", '9' -> "WXYZ"
- )
- val charCode: Map[Char, Char] = for ((digit, letters) <- m; letter <- letters) yield letter -> digit
- def wordCode(word: String): String = (word.toUpperCase.toList map charCode).toString
- wa groupBy wordCode
- }
- def runpar {
- val m = Map(
- '2' -> "ABC", '3' -> "DEF", '4' -> "GHI", '5' -> "JKL",
- '6' -> "MNO", '7' -> "PQRS", '8' -> "TUV", '9' -> "WXYZ"
- )
- val charCode: Map[Char, Char] = for ((digit, letters) <- m; letter <- letters) yield letter -> digit
- def wordCode(word: String): String = (word.toUpperCase.toList map charCode).toString
- wa.par groupBy wordCode
- }
- def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq" =>
- case "par" =>
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment.asInstanceOf[concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool].setParallelism(parallelism)
- }
- def comparisonMap = Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/dict.txt b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/dict.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 46e95c907f..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/misc/dict.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58111 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/AggregateLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/AggregateLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eaddd7572..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/AggregateLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-import extra166y.{ParallelArray => JSR166Array}
-object AggregateLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "aggregate-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new AggregateLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val seqop = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => b
- val combop = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => a
-class AggregateLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = AggregateLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 350
- override val runs = 20
- def runpar = pa.aggregate(new Cont(0))(companion.seqop, companion.combop)
- def runseq = sequentialReduce(companion.seqop, sz, new Cont(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Companion.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Companion.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d6c75abb..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Companion.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-trait Companion extends BenchCompanion {
- def collectionName = "ParArray"
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CopyToArray.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CopyToArray.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 033921d451..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CopyToArray.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object CopyToArray extends Companion {
- def benchName = "copytoarray";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new CopyToArray(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 200000
-class CopyToArray(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = CopyToArray
- val destarr = new Array[Any](sz)
- def runpar = pa.copyToArray(destarr, 0, sz)
- def runseq = sequentialCopyToArray(destarr, 0, sz)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Corresponds.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Corresponds.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c9b3f07ff3..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Corresponds.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class Corresponds(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Boolean] {
- def companion = Corresponds
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val same = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.corresponds(same)(corr)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialCorresponds(same, corr, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val corr = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => ==
-object Corresponds extends Companion {
- def benchName = "corresponds";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Corresponds(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountHeavy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountHeavy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7438be8447..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountHeavy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object CountHeavy extends Companion {
- def benchName = "count-heavy";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new CountHeavy(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 16
- val pred = (a: Cont) => heavyCheck(a)
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = heavyCheck(a)
- }
- def heavyCheck(a: Cont) = {
- val n =
- (n until (n + 200)).map(checkPrime(_)).reduceLeft(_ && _)
- }
- def checkPrime(n: Int) = {
- var isPrime = true
- for (i <- 2 until (scala.math.sqrt(n).toInt + 1)) if (n % i == 0) isPrime = false
- isPrime
- }
-class CountHeavy(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = CountHeavy
- def runpar = pa.count(CountHeavy.pred)
- def runseq = sequentialCount(CountHeavy.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.withFilter(CountHeavy.predjsr).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 21c64358b4..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object CountLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "count-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new CountLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
-class CountLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = CountLight
- def runpar = pa.count(Cont.pred)
- def runseq = sequentialCount(Cont.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.withFilter(Cont.predjsr).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountList.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountList.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c6ac19229..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/CountList.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object CountList extends Companion {
- def benchName = "count-list";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new CountList(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 1000
- val listCreator = (i: Int) => (0 until (i % 50 + 50)).toList
- val pred = (lst: List[Int]) => check(lst)
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[List[Int]] {
- def op(lst: List[Int]) = check(lst)
- }
- def check(lst: List[Int]) = lst.foldLeft(0)((sum, n) => sum + n * n) % 2 == 0
-class CountList(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, CountList.listCreator, new Array[Any](_), classOf[List[Int]]) {
- def companion = CountList
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 250
- def runpar = pa.count(CountList.pred)
- def runseq = sequentialCount(CountList.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.withFilter(CountList.predjsr).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DiffHalf.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DiffHalf.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b27569239..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DiffHalf.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class DiffHalf(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = DiffHalf
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val similar = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p.drop(p.size / 2)
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.diff(similar).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialDiff(similar, sz).size
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val corr = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => ==
-object DiffHalf extends Companion {
- def benchName = "diff-half";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new DiffHalf(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 10000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DropMany.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DropMany.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 443ef2b500..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/DropMany.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object DropMany extends Companion {
- def benchName = "drop-many";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new DropMany(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class DropMany(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = DropMany
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.drop(pa.size / 2).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialDrop(sz / 2, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ExistsLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ExistsLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2749216735..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ExistsLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object ExistsLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "exists-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ExistsLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => < 0
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = < 0
- }
-class ExistsLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Boolean] {
- def companion = ExistsLight
- runresult = false
- def runpar = runresult = pa.exists(ExistsLight.pred)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialExists(ExistsLight.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = runresult = jsrarr.withFilter(ExistsLight.predjsr).size > 0
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FilterLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FilterLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d4c8395951..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FilterLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object FilterLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "filter-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new FilterLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 10000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => check(
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = check(
- }
- def check(n: Int) = {
- var res = n
-// var i = 1
-// while (i < 10) {
-// res += n % i
-// i += 1
-// }
- res % 2 == 0
- }
-class FilterLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = FilterLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 250
- override val runs = 30
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.filter(FilterLight.pred).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialFilter(FilterLight.pred, sz).size
- def runjsr = runresult = { jsrarr.withFilter(FilterLight.predjsr).all.size }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FindLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FindLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f08ddf29e3..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FindLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object FindLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "find-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new FindLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => < -10
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = < -10
- }
-class FindLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Option[Cont]] {
- def companion = FindLight
- runresult = None
- def runpar = runresult = pa.find(FindLight.pred)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialFind(FindLight.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = runresult = { jsrarr.withFilter(FindLight.predjsr).size > 0; None }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FlatMapLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FlatMapLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 01ecbbf016..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/FlatMapLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object FlatMapLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "flatmap-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new FlatMapLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 10000
- def fun = (a: Cont) => { List(1, 2, 3, 4, }
-class FlatMapLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = FlatMapLight
- def runpar = pa.flatMap(
- def runseq = sequentialFlatMap(, sz)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallHeavy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallHeavy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d61e5aeb5..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallHeavy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object ForallHeavy extends Companion {
- def benchName = "forall-heavy";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForallHeavy(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 16
- val pred = (a: Cont) => heavyCheck(a)
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = heavyCheck(a)
- }
- def heavyCheck(a: Cont) = {
- val init = + 1
- var cnt = init
- var i = 0
- while (i < 10000) {
- cnt = -2 * cnt
- cnt /= 2
- i += 1
- }
- cnt += init * 5 + 10
- cnt >= 0
- }
-class ForallHeavy(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ForallHeavy
- def runpar = pa.forall(ForallHeavy.pred)
- def runseq = sequentialForall(ForallHeavy.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.withFilter(ForallHeavy.predjsr).size == sz
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 19671d2bc4..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object ForallLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "forall-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForallLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => >= 0
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = >= 0
- }
-class ForallLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ForallLight
- def runpar = pa.forall(ForallLight.pred)
- def runseq = sequentialForall(ForallLight.pred, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.withFilter(ForallLight.predjsr).size == sz
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallQuickStop.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallQuickStop.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 624266e49d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallQuickStop.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object ForallQuickStop extends Companion {
- def benchName = "forall-quickstop";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForallQuickStop(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => != 50
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = != 50
- }
-class ForallQuickStop(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Boolean] {
- def companion = ForallQuickStop
- def runpar = runresult = pa.forall(ForallQuickStop.pred)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialForall(ForallQuickStop.pred, sz)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallStop80k.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallStop80k.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c7462ed04b..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForallStop80k.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object ForallStop80k extends Companion {
- def benchName = "forall-stop80k";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForallStop80k(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def defaultSize = 100000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => != 80000
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = != 80000
- }
-class ForallStop80k(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Boolean] {
- def companion = ForallStop80k
- def runpar = runresult = pa.forall(ForallStop80k.pred)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialForall(ForallStop80k.pred, sz)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachHeavy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachHeavy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d1a3f8085c..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachHeavy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object ForeachHeavy extends Companion {
- def benchName = "foreach-heavy";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForeachHeavy(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 2048
- @volatile var z = 0
- val fun = (a: Cont) => heavyOperation(a)
- val funjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Procedure[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = heavyOperation(a)
- }
- def heavyOperation(a: Cont) {
- checkPrime( + 1000000000)
- }
- def checkPrime(n: Int) = {
- var isPrime = true
- var i = 2
- val until = 550
- while (i < until) {
- if (n % i == 0) isPrime = false
- i += 1
- }
- if (isPrime && (n.toString == z)) z += 1
- isPrime
- }
-class ForeachHeavy(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ForeachHeavy
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 250
- def runpar = pa.pforeach(
- def runseq = sequentialForeach(, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.apply(ForeachHeavy.funjsr)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d0c5c45c4..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ForeachLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object ForeachLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "foreach-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ForeachLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
- val fun = (a: Cont) => a.num =
- val funjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Procedure[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = a.num =
- }
-class ForeachLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ForeachLight
- def runpar = pa.pforeach(
- def runseq = sequentialForeach(, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.apply(ForeachLight.funjsr)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/GroupBy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/GroupBy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a90227a6e4..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/GroupBy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-object GroupByLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "groupby-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new GroupByLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 10000
- val fun = (a: Cont) => % 32
-class GroupByLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = GroupByLight
- runresult = -1
- val array = new Array[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) array(i) = new Cont(i)
- def runpar = runresult = pa.groupBy(
- def runseq = runresult = array.asInstanceOf[Array[Cont]].groupBy(
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IndexWhere.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IndexWhere.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a22bdd1db..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IndexWhere.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class IndexWhere(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = IndexWhere
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = runresult = pa.indexWhere(IndexWhere.pred2, 0)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialIndexWhere(IndexWhere.pred2, 0, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object IndexWhere extends Companion {
- def benchName = "index-where";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new IndexWhere(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- val pred = (c: Cont) => {
- var in =
- var i = 2
- while (i < 5) {
- if (in % i == 0) in = 0
- i += 1
- }
- >= 0 && in == -1
- }
- val pred2 = (c: Cont) => == 280000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IntersectHalf.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IntersectHalf.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e429fb288e..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/IntersectHalf.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class IntersectHalf(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = IntersectHalf
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val similar = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p.drop(p.size / 2)
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.intersect(similar).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialIntersect(similar, sz).size
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val corr = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => ==
-object IntersectHalf extends Companion {
- def benchName = "intersect-half";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new IntersectHalf(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 10000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/LastIndexWhere.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/LastIndexWhere.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 427afa5571..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/LastIndexWhere.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class LastIndexWhere(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = LastIndexWhere
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = runresult = pa.lastIndexWhere(LastIndexWhere.pred2, pa.size - 1)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialLastIndexWhere(LastIndexWhere.pred2, sz - 1, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object LastIndexWhere extends Companion {
- def benchName = "last-index-where";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new LastIndexWhere(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- val pred = (c: Cont) => {
- var in =
- var i = 2
- while (i < 5) {
- if (in % i == 0) in = 0
- i += 1
- }
- >= 0 || in == 0
- }
- val pred2 = (c: Cont) => == 500
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MapLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MapLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1451f6a57a..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MapLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object MapLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "map-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new MapLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 100000
- def fun = (a: Cont) => { a }
- def funjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Op[Cont, Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = { a }
- }
-class MapLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = MapLight
- def runpar =
- def runseq = sequentialMap(, sz)
-// def runseq = sequentialMapOpt(, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.replaceWithMapping(MapLight.funjsr).all
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MatrixMultiplication.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MatrixMultiplication.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d5b189c3a..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MatrixMultiplication.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import collection.parallel.immutable.ParRange
-object MatrixMultiplication extends Companion {
- def benchName = "matrix-mult";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new MatrixMultiplication(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 100
-class MatrixMultiplication(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = MatrixMultiplication
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkjoinpool
- val a = Matrix.unit[Int](sz)
- val b = Matrix.unit[Int](sz)
- var c = new Matrix[Int](sz)
- def runpar = c = a * b //{ c.assignProduct(a, b) } //; println("--------"); c.output }
- def runseq = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- class Matrix[T](n: Int)(implicit num: Numeric[T], tag: ClassTag[T]) {
- val array = new Array[T](n * n)
- def apply(y: Int, x: Int) = array(y * n + x)
- def update(y: Int, x: Int, elem: T) = array(y * n + x) = elem
- def *(b: Matrix[T]) = {
- val m = new Matrix[T](n)
- m.assignProduct(this, b)
- m
- }
- def assignProduct(a: Matrix[T], b: Matrix[T]) = {
- val range = ParRange(0, n * n, 1, false)
- for (i <- range) this(i / n, i % n) = calcProduct(a, b, i / n, i % n);
- }
- private def calcProduct(a: Matrix[T], b: Matrix[T], y: Int, x: Int): T = {
- import num._
- var sum = zero
- for (i <- 0 until n) sum += a(y, i) * b(i, x)
- sum
- }
- def output = for (y <- 0 until n) {
- for (x <- 0 until n) print(this(y, x))
- println
- }
- }
- object Matrix {
- def unit[T](n: Int)(implicit num: Numeric[T], tag: ClassTag[T]) = {
- val m = new Matrix[T](n)
- for (i <- 0 until n) m(i, i) =
- m
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MinLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MinLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a51b5d6176..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/MinLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-/** Tests reduce method using an operator creating an object as a result. */
-class MinLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Int](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => i, new Array[Any](_), classOf[Int]) {
- def companion = MinLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = pa.min(Ordering[Int])
- def runseq = sequentialMin(sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object MinLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "min-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new MinLight(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PadToDouble.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PadToDouble.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f8a985c349..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PadToDouble.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class PadToDouble(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = PadToDouble
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val similar = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p.drop(p.size / 2)
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.padTo(size * 2, padder).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialPadTo(size * 2, padder, size).size
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val padder = new Cont(0)
-object PadToDouble extends Companion {
- def benchName = "padto-double";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new PadToDouble(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 25000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartialMapLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartialMapLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 57f8536b9e..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartialMapLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object PartialMapLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "partmap-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new PartialMapLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 100000
- def fun: PartialFunction[Cont, Cont] = {
- case c: Cont if >= 0 => c
- }
-class PartialMapLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = PartialMapLight
- def runpar = pa.collect(
- def runseq = sequentialPartialMap(, sz)
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartitionLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartitionLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b99a25b285..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PartitionLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object PartitionLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "partition-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new PartitionLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => check(
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = check(
- }
- def check(n: Int) = {
- var res = n
- var i = 1
- while (i < 5) {
- res += n % i
- i += 1
- }
- (res % 2 == 0) && (res % 312 == 0)
- }
-class PartitionLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = PartitionLight
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.partition(PartitionLight.pred)._1.size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialPartition(PartitionLight.pred, sz)._1.size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PatchHalf.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PatchHalf.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 55cc71f129..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PatchHalf.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class PatchHalf(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = PatchHalf
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val similar = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p.drop(p.size / 2)
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.patch(size / 2, similar, 0).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialPatch(size / 2, similar, 0, size).size
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object PatchHalf extends Companion {
- def benchName = "patch-half";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new PatchHalf(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 25000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PlusPlus.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PlusPlus.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2574621212..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/PlusPlus.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-object PlusPlus extends Companion {
- def benchName = "plusplus";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new PlusPlus(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class PlusPlus(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = PlusPlus
- val thatarr = new Array[Cont](sz)
- val thatpa = new ParArray[Cont](sz)
- def runpar = pa ++ thatpa
- def runseq = arr ++ thatarr
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceHeavy.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceHeavy.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index dd660ba8e0..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceHeavy.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-class ReduceHeavy(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ReduceHeavy
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 100
- def runseq = sequentialReduce(Cont.opheavy, sz, new Cont(0))
- def runpar = pa.reduce(Cont.opheavy)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.reduce(Cont.reducerheavy, new Cont(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
-object ReduceHeavy extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reduce-heavy";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ReduceHeavy(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 16
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f1f2a32403..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-import extra166y.{ParallelArray => JSR166Array}
-object ReduceLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reduce-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ReduceLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 200000
-class ReduceLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ReduceLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 350
- override val runs = 20
- def runpar = {
- pa.reduce(Cont.op)
-// updatePar
- }
- def runjsr = {
- jsrarr.reduce(Cont.reducer, new Cont(0))
-// updateJsr
- }
- def runseq = {
- sequentialReduce(Cont.op, sz, new Cont(0))
-// updateSeq
- }
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceList.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceList.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f095797d1c..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceList.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-object ReduceList extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reduce-list";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ReduceList(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 20000
-object ListCreator extends (Int => List[Int]) {
- def apply(idx: Int) = {
- val len = 50 + idx % 100
- (for (i <- 0 until len) yield i).toList
- }
-object ListOps {
- val redop = (a: List[Int], b: List[Int]) => combineLists(a, b)
- val reducer = new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[List[Int]] {
- def op(a: List[Int], b: List[Int]) = combineLists(a, b)
- }
- def combineLists(a: List[Int], b: List[Int]) = {
- if (a.foldLeft(0)(_ + _) > b.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)) a else b
- }
-class ReduceList(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[List[Int]](sz, p, what, ListCreator, new Array[Any](_), classOf[List[Int]]) {
- def companion = ReduceList
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 10
- override val runs = 15
- def runpar = pa.reduce(ListOps.redop)
- def runseq = sequentialReduce(ListOps.redop, sz, List[Int]())
- def runjsr = jsrarr.reduce(ListOps.reducer, List[Int]())
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceNew.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceNew.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cf4f4169a..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReduceNew.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-/** Tests reduce method using an operator creating an object as a result. */
-class ReduceNew(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i),
- new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ReduceNew
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 200
- def runpar = pa.reduce(Cont.opnew)
- def runseq = sequentialReduce(Cont.opnew, sz, new Cont(0))
- def runjsr = jsrarr.reduce(Cont.reducernew, new Cont(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
-object ReduceNew extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reduce-new";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ReduceNew(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReducePrime.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReducePrime.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fb90981ac..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReducePrime.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object IntWrapCreator extends (Int => IntWrap) {
- def apply(idx: Int) = new IntWrap(shiftaround(idx))
- def shiftaround(idx: Int) = idx * 40192 + 717
-case class IntWrap(val num: Int)
-object IntOps {
- val op = (a: IntWrap, b: IntWrap) => primereduce(a, b)
- val reducer = new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[IntWrap] {
- def op(a: IntWrap, b: IntWrap) = primereduce(a, b)
- }
- def primereduce(a: IntWrap, b: IntWrap) = {
- val check = (checkPrime(a.num), checkPrime(b.num))
- if (a.num > b.num) a else b
- }
- def checkPrime(n: Int) = {
- var isPrime = true
- var i = 2
- val until = scala.math.sqrt(n).toInt + 1
- while (i < until) {
- if (n % i == 0) isPrime = false
- i += 1
- }
- isPrime
- }
-class ReducePrime(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[IntWrap](sz, p, what, IntWrapCreator, new Array[Any](_), classOf[IntWrap])
-with HavingResult[IntWrap] {
- def companion = ReducePrime
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialReduce(IntOps.op, sz, new IntWrap(0))
- def runpar = runresult = pa.reduce(IntOps.op)
- def runjsr = runresult = jsrarr.reduce(IntOps.reducer, new IntWrap(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
-object ReducePrime extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reduce-prime";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ReducePrime(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 100
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/RemoveDuplicates.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/RemoveDuplicates.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index feb1bd9466..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/RemoveDuplicates.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class RemoveDuplicates(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = RemoveDuplicates
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = runresult = pa.distinct.size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialRemoveDuplicates(size).size
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object RemoveDuplicates extends Companion {
- def benchName = "remove-duplicates";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new RemoveDuplicates(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 10000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Resettable.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Resettable.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b4403fcb9c..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Resettable.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-import extra166y.{ParallelArray => JSR166Array}
-class Cont(val in: Int) {
- var num = in
- override def toString = in.toString
-object Cont {
- val pred = (a: Cont) => > 100
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = > 100
- }
- val op = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => {
- b.num = +
- b
- }
- val opnew = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => new Cont( +
- val opheavy = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => {
- heavyComputation(a, b)
- }
- val reducer = new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont, b: Cont) = {
- b.num = +
- b
- }
- }
- val reducernew = new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont, b: Cont) = new Cont( +
- }
- val reducerheavy = new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont, b: Cont) = heavyComputation(a, b)
- }
- def heavyComputation(a: Cont, b: Cont) = {
- val f =
- val s =
- var i = 0
- var res = f * s
- while (i < 50000) {
- if ((i + f) % 3 == 0) res += s
- else res -= f
- i += 1
- }
- b.num = res
- b
- }
-abstract class Resettable[T](val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String,
- elemcreator: Int => T, arrcreator: Int => Array[Any], cls: Class[T])
-extends Bench with SequentialOps[T] {
- val forkjoinpool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool(parallelism)
- forkjoinpool.setMaximumPoolSize(parallelism)
- val papool = new jsr166y.ForkJoinPool(parallelism)
- papool.setMaximumPoolSize(parallelism)
- var pa: ParArray[T] = null
- var jsrarr: JSR166Array[T] = null
- reset
- def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq" =>
- arr = arrcreator(size)
- for (i <- 0 until size) arr(i) = elemcreator(i)
- case "par" =>
- pa = new ParArray[T](size)
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkjoinpool
- for (i <- 0 until size) pa(i) = elemcreator(i)
- case "jsr" =>
- jsrarr = JSR166Array.create(size, cls, papool)
- for (i <- 0 until size) jsrarr.set(i, elemcreator(i))
- case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type: " + runWhat)
- }
- var updateCounter = 0
- def incUpdateCounter {
- updateCounter += 1
- if (updateCounter > size) updateCounter = 0
- }
- def updateSeq {
- val tmp = arr(updateCounter)
- arr(updateCounter) = arr(size - updateCounter - 1)
- arr(size - updateCounter - 1) = tmp
- incUpdateCounter
- }
- def updatePar {
- val tmp = pa(updateCounter)
- pa(updateCounter) = pa(size - updateCounter - 1)
- pa(size - updateCounter - 1) = tmp
- incUpdateCounter
- }
- def updateJsr {
- val tmp = jsrarr.get(updateCounter)
- jsrarr.set(updateCounter, jsrarr.get(size - updateCounter - 1))
- jsrarr.set(size - updateCounter - 1, tmp)
- incUpdateCounter
- }
- override def printResults {
- println(" --- Fork join pool state --- ")
- println("Parallelism: " + forkjoinpool.getParallelism)
- println("Active threads: " + forkjoinpool.getActiveThreadCount)
- println("Work stealings: " + forkjoinpool.getStealCount)
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Reverse.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Reverse.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ec690d4b2d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/Reverse.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class Reverse(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = Reverse
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = pa.reverse
- def runseq = sequentialReverse(sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object Reverse extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reverse";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new Reverse(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReverseMap.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReverseMap.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ae108c45..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ReverseMap.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class ReverseMap(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ReverseMap
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 100
- def runpar = pa.reverseMap(compl)
- def runseq = sequentialReverseMap(compl, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val id = (c: Cont) => c
- val compl = (c: Cont) => {
- var in =
- var i = 2
- while (i < 6) {
- if (in % i == 0) in = 0
- i += 1
- }
- if (in < 0) null
- else c
- }
-object ReverseMap extends Companion {
- def benchName = "reverse-map";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new ReverseMap(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- override def defaultSize = 100000
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SameElementsLong.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SameElementsLong.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d22c4df661..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SameElementsLong.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class SameElementsLong(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Boolean] {
- def companion = SameElementsLong
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- val same = {
- val p = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Cont](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) p(i) = what match {
- case "seq" => arr(i).asInstanceOf[Cont]
- case "par" => pa(i)
- }
- p
- }
- def runpar = runresult = pa.sameElements(same)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSameElements(same, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object SameElementsLong extends Companion {
- def benchName = "same-elements-long";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new SameElementsLong(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d0ddf9f70e..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-object ScanLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "scan-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ScanLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 40000
- val op = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => {
- operation(a, b)
- }
- def operation(a: Cont, b: Cont) = {
- val m = if ( < 0) 1 else 0
- new Cont( + + m * (0 until 2).reduceLeft(_ + _))
- }
-class ScanLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ScanLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- override val runs = 12
- def runpar = pa.scan(new Cont(0))(ScanLight.op)
- def runseq = sequentialScan(new Cont(0), ScanLight.op, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.cumulate(new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont, b: Cont) = ScanLight.operation(a, b)
- }, new Cont(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanMedium.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanMedium.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a60ba7aa33..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/ScanMedium.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
-object ScanMedium extends Companion {
- def benchName = "scan-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new ScanMedium(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = List("jsr")
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- val op = (a: Cont, b: Cont) => {
- operation(a, b)
- }
- def operation(a: Cont, b: Cont) = {
- val m = if ( < 0) 1 else 0
- val k = calc(,, m)
- new Cont( + + k * m * (0 until 2).reduceLeft(_ + _))
- }
- private def calc(x: Int, y: Int, n: Int) = {
- var sum = x
- for (i <- 0 until 500) {
- sum += y + (if (sum % 2 == 0) n * x else y)
- if (sum % 5 == 0) sum -= x * y - n * (x + y)
- }
- sum
- }
-class ScanMedium(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont]) {
- def companion = ScanMedium
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 50
- override val runs = 12
- def runpar = pa.scan(new Cont(0))(ScanMedium.op)
- def runseq = sequentialScan(new Cont(0), ScanMedium.op, sz)
- def runjsr = jsrarr.cumulate(new extra166y.Ops.Reducer[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont, b: Cont) = ScanMedium.operation(a, b)
- }, new Cont(0))
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map("jsr" -> runjsr _)
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SegmentLength.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SegmentLength.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fae899b45..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SegmentLength.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks
-package parallel_array
-class SegmentLength(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Cont](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => new Cont(i), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SegmentLength
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- def runpar = runresult = pa.segmentLength(SegmentLength.pred2, 0)
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSegmentLength(SegmentLength.pred2, 0, sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object SegmentLength extends Companion {
- def benchName = "segment-length";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new SegmentLength(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
- val pred = (c: Cont) => {
- var in =
- var i = 2
- while (i < 5) {
- if (in % i == 0) in = 0
- i += 1
- }
- >= 0 || in == 0
- }
- val pred2 = (c: Cont) => >= 0
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SequentialOps.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SequentialOps.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9300851b5f..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SequentialOps.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,562 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-trait SequentialOps[T] {
- var arr: Array[Any] = null
- def sequentialReduce(op: (T, T) => T, sz: Int, init: T) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var sum = init
- while (i < until) {
- sum = op(sum, arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def sequentialScan(z: T, op: (T, T) => T, sz: Int) = {
- var outarr = new Array[Any](sz + 1)
- outarr(0) = z
- var last = z
- var i = 0
- var j = 1
- val until = sz
- while (i < until) {
- last = op(last, arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- outarr(j) = last
- i += 1
- j += 1
- }
- }
- def sequentialCount(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var sum = 0
- while (i < until) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) sum += 1
- i += 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def sequentialForeach[U](f: T => U, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var sum = 0
- while (i < until) {
- f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def sequentialSum[U >: T](sz: Int)(implicit num: Numeric[U]) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var sum =
- while (i < until) {
- sum =, arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def sequentialMin[U >: T](sz: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[U]) = {
- var i = 1
- val until = sz
- var min = arr(0).asInstanceOf[U]
- while (i < until) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[U]
- if (, min)) min = elem
- i += 1
- }
- min
- }
- def sequentialForall(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var all = true
- while (i < until) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) i += 1
- else {
- all = false
- i = until
- }
- }
- all
- }
- def sequentialExists(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var some = false
- while (i < until) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
- some = true
- i = until
- } else i += 1
- }
- some
- }
- def sequentialFind(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = sz
- var opt: Option[T] = None
- while (i < until) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
- opt = Some(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i = until
- } else i += 1
- }
- opt
- }
- def sequentialFilter(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val buff = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (pred(elem)) buff += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val resarr = new Array[Any](buff.size)
- buff.copyToArray(resarr, 0)
- resarr
- }
- def sequentialPartition(pred: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val btrue = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- val bfalse = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (pred(elem)) btrue += elem
- else bfalse += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val restrue = new Array[Any](btrue.size)
- val resfalse = new Array[Any](bfalse.size)
- btrue.copyToArray(restrue, 0)
- bfalse.copyToArray(resfalse, 0)
- (restrue, resfalse)
- }
- def sequentialTakeOpt(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val until = if (n < sz) n else sz
- val res = new Array[Any](until)
- Array.copy(arr, 0, res, 0, until)
-// while (i < until) {
-// res(i) = arr(i)
-// i += 1
-// }
- res
- }
- def sequentialTake(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- val until = if (n < sz) n else sz
- b.sizeHint(until)
- while (i < until) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](n)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialDrop(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = n
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- b.sizeHint(sz - n)
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](n)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialSlice(from: Int, until: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = from
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- b.sizeHint(until - from)
- while (i < until) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](until - from)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialSplitAtOpt(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val before = new Array[Any](n)
- val after = new Array[Any](sz - n)
- Array.copy(arr, 0, before, 0, n)
- Array.copy(arr, n, after, 0, sz - n)
- (before, after)
- }
- def sequentialSplitAt(n: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val before = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- before.sizeHint(n)
- val after = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- after.sizeHint(sz - n)
- while (i < sz) {
- if (i < n) before += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- else after += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- i += 1
- }
- val resbef = new Array[Any](n)
- val resaft = new Array[Any](sz - n)
- before.copyToArray(resbef, 0)
- after.copyToArray(resaft, 0)
- (resbef, resaft)
- }
- def sequentialTakeWhile(p: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (p(elem)) {
- b += elem
- i += 1
- } else i = sz
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](sz)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialSpan(p: T => Boolean, sz: Int) = {
- val bpref = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- val brest = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- var i = 0
- var prefix = true
- var pos = sz
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (prefix) {
- if (p(elem)) bpref += elem
- else {
- pos = i
- prefix = false
- brest += elem
- }
- } else brest += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val respref = new Array[Any](pos)
- val resrest = new Array[Any](sz - pos)
- bpref.copyToArray(respref, 0)
- brest.copyToArray(resrest, 0)
- (respref, resrest)
- }
- def sequentialMap(f: T => T, sz: Int) = {
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T](sz)
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- b += f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](sz)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialMapOpt(f: T => T, sz: Int) = {
- val res = new Array[Any](sz)
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- res(i) = f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i += 1
- }
- res
- }
- def sequentialPartialMap(f: PartialFunction[T, T], sz: Int) = {
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T](sz)
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (f.isDefinedAt(elem)) b += f(elem)
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialFlatMap(f: T => Traversable[Int], sz: Int) = {
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int](sz)
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val ts = f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- for (elem <- ts) b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialCopyToArray(destarr: Array[Any], pos: Int, sz: Int) = {
- Array.copy(arr, 0, destarr, pos, sz)
- }
- def sequentialSegmentLength(pred: T => Boolean, from: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = from
- var cnt = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
- cnt += 1
- i += 1
- } else i = sz
- }
- cnt
- }
- def sequentialIndexWhere(pred: T => Boolean, from: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = from
- var pos = -1
- while (i < sz) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
- pos = i
- i = sz
- } else i += 1
- }
- pos
- }
- def sequentialLastIndexWhere(pred: T => Boolean, end: Int, sz: Int) = {
- var i = end
- var pos = -1
- while (i >= 0) {
- if (pred(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])) {
- pos = i
- i = -1
- } else i -= 1
- }
- pos
- }
- def sequentialReverse(sz: Int) = {
- val res = new Array[Any](sz)
- var i = sz - 1
- var j = 0
- while (i >= 0) {
- res(j) = arr(i)
- i -= 1
- j += 1
- }
- res
- }
- def sequentialReverseMap(f: T => T, sz: Int) = {
- val res = new Array[Any](sz)
- var i = sz - 1
- var j = 0
- while (i >= 0) {
- res(j) = f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T])
- i -= 1
- j += 1
- }
- res
- }
- def sequentialSameElements(sq: Seq[T], sz: Int): Boolean = {
- if (sz != sq.length) false
- else {
- var i = 0
- val jt = sq.iterator
- while (i < sz) {
- if (arr(i) == i += 1
- else i = sz + 1
- }
- if (i == sz) true
- else false
- }
- }
- def sequentialCorresponds(sq: Seq[T], f: (T, T) => Boolean, sz: Int): Boolean = {
- if (sz != sq.length) false
- else {
- var i = 0
- val jt = sq.iterator
- while (i < sz) {
- if (f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T], i += 1
- else i = sz + 1
- }
- if (i == sz) true
- else false
- }
- }
- def sequentialDiff(sq: Seq[T], sz: Int) = {
- val occmap = occurrences(sq)
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (occmap(elem) == 0) b += elem
- else occmap(elem) -= 1
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialIntersect(sq: Seq[T], sz: Int) = {
- val occmap = occurrences(sq)
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- val num = occmap(elem)
- if (num > 0) {
- b += elem
- occmap(elem) = num - 1
- }
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- private def occurrences(sq: Seq[T]) = {
- val occmap = new collection.mutable.HashMap[T, Int] { override def default(k: T) = 0 }
- for (elem <- sq.iterator) occmap(elem) += 1
- occmap
- }
- def sequentialRemoveDuplicates(sz: Int) = {
- val occ = new collection.mutable.HashSet[T]
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- val elem = arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- if (!occ.contains(elem)) {
- b += elem
- occ.add(elem)
- }
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialPatch(from: Int, p: Seq[T], replaced: Int, sz: Int) = {
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- b.sizeHint(from + (sz - from - replaced) + p.size)
- var i = 0
- while (i < from) {
- b += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- i += 1
- }
- val jt = p.iterator
- while (jt.hasNext) b +=
- val skipto = from + replaced
- while (i < from + replaced) i += 1
- while (i < sz) {
- b += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
- def sequentialPadTo(tosize: Int, elem: T, sz: Int) = {
- val b = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T]
- b.sizeHint(tosize)
- var i = 0
- while (i < sz) {
- b += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]
- i += 1
- }
- while (i < tosize) {
- b += elem
- i += 1
- }
- val res = new Array[Any](b.size)
- b.copyToArray(res, 0)
- res
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceFew.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceFew.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 450d640b8d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceFew.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object SliceFew extends Companion {
- def benchName = "slice-few";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new SliceFew(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class SliceFew(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SliceFew
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 200
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.slice(5, 25).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSlice(5, 25, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMany.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMany.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a30b60e1f..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMany.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object SliceMany extends Companion {
- def benchName = "slice-many";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new SliceMany(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class SliceMany(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SliceMany
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 200
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.slice(pa.size / 4, pa.size * 3 / 4).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSlice(sz / 4, sz * 3 / 4, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMedium.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMedium.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e16002f15d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SliceMedium.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object SliceMedium extends Companion {
- def benchName = "slice-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new SliceMedium(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class SliceMedium(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SliceMedium
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 200
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.slice(pa.size / 7, pa.size * 4 / 7).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSlice(sz / 7, sz * 4 / 7, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SpanLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SpanLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f1e631bce..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SpanLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object SpanLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "span-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new SpanLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => check(
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = check(
- }
- def check(n: Int) = {
- var res = n
- var i = 1
- while (i < 10) {
- res += n % i
- i += 1
- }
- if (n != 10000) res % 2 == 0 || n != 10000
- else false
- }
-class SpanLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SpanLight
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.span(SpanLight.pred)._1.size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSpan(SpanLight.pred, sz)._1.size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SplitHalf.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SplitHalf.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ff1e009481..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SplitHalf.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object SplitHalf extends Companion {
- def benchName = "split-half";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new SplitHalf(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 50000
-class SplitHalf(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = SplitHalf
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 300
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.splitAt(pa.size / 2)._1.size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialSplitAtOpt(sz / 2, sz)._1.size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SumLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SumLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ed6d14370..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/SumLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-/** Tests reduce method using an operator creating an object as a result. */
-class SumLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable[Int](sz, p, what, (i: Int) => i, new Array[Any](_), classOf[Int]) {
- def companion = SumLight
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 500
- def runpar = pa.sum
- def runseq = sequentialSum(sz)
- override def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
-object SumLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "sum-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String) = new SumLight(sz, p, what)
- override def comparisons = List()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeMany.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeMany.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ddfb77a9d..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeMany.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object TakeMany extends Companion {
- def benchName = "take-many";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new TakeMany(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 250000
-class TakeMany(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = TakeMany
- override def repetitionsPerRun = 400
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.take(pa.size / 2).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialTake(sz / 2, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeWhileLight.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeWhileLight.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a86c67d0d8..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_array/TakeWhileLight.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_array
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks._
-object TakeWhileLight extends Companion {
- def benchName = "takewhile-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, parallelism: Int, what: String) = new TakeWhileLight(sz, parallelism, what)
- override def comparisons = Nil
- override def defaultSize = 10000
- val pred = (a: Cont) => check(
- val predjsr = new extra166y.Ops.Predicate[Cont] {
- def op(a: Cont) = check(
- }
- def check(n: Int) = {
- var res = n
- var i = 1
- while (i < 10) {
- res += n % i
- i += 1
- }
- res % 2 == 0 || n > 0
- }
-class TakeWhileLight(sz: Int, p: Int, what: String)
-extends Resettable(sz, p, what, new Cont(_), new Array[Any](_), classOf[Cont])
-with HavingResult[Int] {
- def companion = TakeWhileLight
- runresult = -1
- def runpar = runresult = pa.takeWhile(TakeWhileLight.pred).size
- def runseq = runresult = sequentialTakeWhile(TakeWhileLight.pred, sz).size
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_range/RangeBenches.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_range/RangeBenches.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index af852ce992..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_range/RangeBenches.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.parallel_range
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic._
-import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParRange
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic.StandardParIterableBenches
-object RangeBenches extends StandardParIterableBenches[Int, ParRange] {
- def nameOfCollection = "ParRange"
- def operators = new IntOperators {}
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val forkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = new collection.immutable.Range(0, sz, 1)
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val pr = collection.parallel.immutable.ParRange(0, sz, 1, false)
- forkJoinPool.setParallelism(p)
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkJoinPool
- pr
- }
- object MapLight extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- def benchName = "map-light";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new MapLight(sz, p, w)
- }
- class MapLight(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def calc(n: Int) = n % 2 + 1
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (n <- this.seqcoll) yield calc(n)
- def runpar = for (n <- this.parcoll) yield calc(n)
- def companion = MapLight
- }
- object MapMedium extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "map-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new MapMedium(sz, p, w)
- }
- class MapMedium(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- def calc(n: Int) = {
- var i = 0
- var sum = n
- while (i < 40) {
- i += 1
- sum += n % i
- }
- sum
- }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (n <- this.seqcoll) yield calc(n)
- def runpar = for (n <- this.parcoll) yield calc(n)
- def companion = MapMedium
- }
- object ForeachModify extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 150000
- def benchName = "foreach-modify";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachModify(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ForeachModify(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val array = new Array[Int](size)
- def modify(n: Int) = array(n) += 1
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (n <- this.seqcoll) modify(n)
- def runpar = for (n <- this.parcoll.asInstanceOf[ParRange]) {
- modify(n)
- ()
- }
- def companion = ForeachModify
- }
- object ForeachModifyMedium extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 20000
- def benchName = "foreach-modify-medium";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachModifyMedium(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ForeachModifyMedium(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val array = new Array[Int](size)
- def modify(n: Int) = array(n) = {
- var i = 0
- var sum = 0
- while (i < 15) {
- sum += i % 3
- i += i + 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (n <- this.seqcoll) modify(n)
- def runpar = for (n <- this.parcoll) modify(n)
- def companion = ForeachModifyMedium
- }
- object ForeachModifyHeavy extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 1000
- def benchName = "foreach-modify-heavy";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachModifyHeavy(sz, p, w)
- }
- class ForeachModifyHeavy(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val array = new Array[Int](size)
- def modify(n: Int) = array(n) = collatz(10000 + array(n))
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- def runseq = for (n <- this.seqcoll) modify(n)
- def runpar = for (n <- this.parcoll) modify(n)
- def companion = ForeachModifyHeavy
- }
- object ForeachAdd extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 10000
- def benchName = "foreach-add";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachAdd(sz, p, w)
- override def comparisons = List("seq-hashmap")
- }
- class ForeachAdd(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val cmap = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[Int, Int]
- val hmap = new java.util.HashMap[Int, Int]
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq-hashmap" => seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case _ => super.reset
- }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seq-hashmap" -> runseqhashmap _)
- def runseqhashmap = for (i <- seqcoll) hmap put (i, onesum(i))
- def runseq = for (i <- seqcoll) cmap put (i, onesum(i))
- def runpar = for (i <- parcoll) cmap put (i, onesum(i))
- def companion = ForeachAdd
- }
- object ForeachAddCollatz extends IterableBenchCompanion {
- override def defaultSize = 5000
- def benchName = "foreach-add-collatz";
- def apply(sz: Int, p: Int, w: String) = new ForeachAddCollatz(sz, p, w)
- override def comparisons = List("seq-hashmap")
- }
- class ForeachAddCollatz(val size: Int, val parallelism: Int, val runWhat: String)
- extends IterableBench {
- val cmap = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap[Int, Int]
- val hmap = new java.util.HashMap[Int, Int]
- override def reset = runWhat match {
- case "seq-hashmap" => seqcoll = createSequential(size, parallelism)
- case _ => super.reset
- }
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map("seq-hashmap" -> runseqhashmap _)
- def runseqhashmap = for (i <- seqcoll) hmap put (i, collatz(i))
- def runseq = for (i <- seqcoll) cmap put (i, collatz(i))
- def runpar = for (i <- parcoll) cmap put (i, collatz(i))
- def companion = ForeachAddCollatz
- }
- def collatz(n: Int) = {
- var curr = n
- var sum = 0
- while (curr > 1) {
- sum += curr
- if (curr % 2 == 0) curr = curr / 2
- else curr = curr * 3 + 1
- }
- sum
- }
- def onesum(n: Int) = {
- var left = n
- var sum = 0
- while (left > 0) {
- sum += left % 2
- left /= 2
- }
- sum
- }
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_view/SeqViewBenches.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_view/SeqViewBenches.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c1cd52120..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/collection/parallel/benchmarks/parallel_view/SeqViewBenches.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-package scala.collection.parallel
-package benchmarks.parallel_view
-import scala.collection.parallel.benchmarks.generic._
-import scala.collection.SeqView
-trait DummyViewBenches
-extends ParSeqViewBenches[Dummy, ParSeqView[Dummy, ParSeq[Dummy], Seq[Dummy]], Seq[Dummy]] {
- def nameOfCollection = "ParView"
- def operators = DummyOperators
- def comparisonMap = collection.Map()
- val forkJoinPool = new scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
- def createSequential(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val s = new Array[Dummy](sz)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) s(i) = new Dummy(i)
- s
- }
- def createParallel(sz: Int, p: Int) = {
- val pa = new collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Dummy](sz)
- forkJoinPool.setParallelism(p)
- for (i <- 0 until sz) pa(i) = new Dummy(i)
- val v = pa.view
- collection.parallel.tasksupport.environment = forkJoinPool
- v
- }
- def createSeqView(sz: Int, p: Int) = createSequential(sz, p).view
-object DummyViewBenchList extends DummyViewBenches
diff --git a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/util/HashSpeedTest.scala b/test/benchmarks/src/scala/util/HashSpeedTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a4d310e6d1..0000000000
--- a/test/benchmarks/src/scala/util/HashSpeedTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-object HashSpeedTest {
- import System.{ nanoTime => now }
- def time[A](f: => A) = {
- val t0 = now
- val ans = f
- (ans, now - t0)
- }
- def ptime[A](f: => A) = {
- val (ans, dt) = time(f)
- printf("Elapsed: %.3f\n", dt * 1e-9)
- ans
- }
- object HashHist {
- var enabled = true
- val counts = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]
- def add(i: Int) { if (enabled) counts(i) = counts.get(i).getOrElse(0) + 1 }
- def resultAndReset = {
- var s = 0L
- var o = 0L
- var m = 0
- counts.valuesIterator.foreach(i => {
- s += i
- if (i > 0) o += 1
- if (i > m) m = i
- })
- counts.clear
- (s, o, m)
- }
- }
- def report(s: String, res: (Long, Long, Int)) {
- println("Hash quality of " + s)
- printf(" %5.2f%% of entries are collisions\n", 100 * (res._1 - res._2).toDouble / res._1)
- printf(" Max of %d entries mapped to the same value\n", res._3)
- }
- // If you have MurmurHash3 installed, uncomment below (and in main)
- import scala.util.{ MurmurHash3 => MH3 }
- val justCountString: String => Unit = str => {
- var s, i = 0
- while (i < str.length) { s += str.charAt(i); i += 1 }
- HashHist.add(s)
- }
- val defaultHashString: String => Unit = str => HashHist.add(str.hashCode)
- val murmurHashString: String => Unit = str => HashHist.add(MH3.stringHash(str))
- def makeCharStrings = {
- val a = new Array[Byte](4)
- val buffer = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]
- var i: Int = 'A'
- while (i <= 'Z') {
- a(0) = (i & 0xFF).toByte
- var j: Int = 'a'
- while (j <= 'z') {
- a(1) = (j & 0xFF).toByte
- var k: Int = 'A'
- while (k <= 'z') {
- a(2) = (k & 0xFF).toByte
- var l: Int = 'A'
- while (l <= 'z') {
- a(3) = (l & 0xFF).toByte
- buffer += new String(a)
- l += 1
- }
- k += 1
- }
- j += 1
- }
- i += 1
- }
- buffer.toArray
- }
- def hashCharStrings(ss: Array[String], hash: String => Unit) {
- var i = 0
- while (i < ss.length) {
- hash(ss(i))
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def justCountList: List[List[Int]] => Unit = lli => {
- var s = 0
- lli.foreach(_.foreach(s += _))
- HashHist.add(s)
- }
- def defaultHashList: List[List[Int]] => Unit = lli => HashHist.add(lli.hashCode)
- def makeBinaryLists = {
- def singleLists(depth: Int): List[List[Int]] = {
- if (depth <= 0) List(Nil)
- else {
- val set = singleLists(depth - 1)
- val longest = set filter (_.length == depth - 1)
- set ::: ( :: _)) ::: ( :: _))
- }
- }
- val buffer = new collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[List[List[Int]]]
- val blocks = singleLists(4).toArray
- buffer += List(Nil)
- var i = 0
- while (i < blocks.length) {
- val li = blocks(i) :: Nil
- buffer += li
- var j = 0
- while (j < blocks.length) {
- val lj = blocks(j) :: li
- buffer += lj
- var k = 0
- while (k < blocks.length) {
- val lk = blocks(k) :: lj
- buffer += lk
- var l = 0
- while (l < blocks.length) {
- val ll = blocks(l) :: lk
- buffer += ll
- l += 1
- }
- k += 1
- }
- j += 1
- }
- i += 1
- }
- buffer.toArray
- }
- def hashBinaryLists(ls: Array[List[List[Int]]], hash: List[List[Int]] => Unit) {
- var i = 0
- while (i < ls.length) {
- hash(ls(i))
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def justCountSets: Set[Int] => Unit = si => {
- var s = 0
- si.foreach(s += _)
- HashHist.add(s)
- }
- def defaultHashSets: Set[Int] => Unit = si => HashHist.add(si.hashCode)
- def makeIntSets = {
- def sets(depth: Int): List[Set[Int]] = {
- if (depth <= 0) List(Set.empty[Int])
- else {
- val set = sets(depth - 1)
- set ::: + depth)
- }
- }
- sets(20).toArray
- }
- def hashIntSets(ss: Array[Set[Int]], hash: Set[Int] => Unit) {
- var i = 0
- while (i < ss.length) {
- hash(ss(i))
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def defaultHashTuples: (Product with Serializable) => Unit = p => HashHist.add(p.hashCode)
- def makeNestedTuples = {
- val basic = Array(
- (0, 0),
- (0, 1),
- (1, 0),
- (1, 1),
- (0, 0, 0),
- (0, 0, 1),
- (0, 1, 0),
- (1, 0, 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0),
- (0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- (false, false),
- (true, false),
- (false, true),
- (true, true),
- (0.7, true, "fish"),
- ((), true, 'c', 400, 9.2, "galactic"))
- basic ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic) yield (i, j)) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic) yield (i, j, k)) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic) yield ((i, j), k)) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic) yield (i, (j, k))) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic) yield (i, j, k, l)) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic) yield ((i, j), (k, l))) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic) yield (i, (j, k, l))) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic; m <- basic) yield (i, j, k, l, m)) ++
- (for (i <- basic; j <- basic; k <- basic; l <- basic; m <- basic) yield (i, (j, (k, (l, m)))))
- }
- def hashNestedTuples(ts: Array[Product with Serializable], hash: (Product with Serializable) => Unit) {
- var i = 0
- while (i < ts.length) {
- hash(ts(i))
- i += 1
- }
- }
- def findSpeed[A](n: Int, h: (Array[A], A => Unit) => Unit, aa: Array[A], f: A => Unit) = {
- (time { for (i <- 1 to n) { h(aa, f) } }._2, aa.length.toLong * n)
- }
- def reportSpeed[A](repeats: Int, xs: List[(String, () => (Long, Long))]) {
- val tn = Array.fill(xs.length)((0L, 0L))
- for (j <- 1 to repeats) {
- for ((l, i) <- xs zipWithIndex) {
- val x = l._2()
- tn(i) = (tn(i)._1 + x._1, tn(i)._2 + x._2)
- }
- }
- for (((t, n), (title, _)) <- (tn zip xs)) {
- val rate = (n * 1e-6) / (t * 1e-9)
- printf("Hash rate for %s: %4.2f million/second\n", title, rate)
- }
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- val bl = makeBinaryLists
- val is = makeIntSets
- val nt = makeNestedTuples
- // Uncomment the following for string stats if MurmurHash3 available
- val cs = makeCharStrings
- report("Java String hash for strings", { hashCharStrings(cs, defaultHashString); HashHist.resultAndReset })
- report("MurmurHash3 for strings", { hashCharStrings(cs, murmurHashString); HashHist.resultAndReset })
- HashHist.enabled = false
- reportSpeed(3, List(
- ("Java string hash", () => findSpeed[String](30, (x, y) => hashCharStrings(x, y), cs, defaultHashString)),
- ("MurmurHash3 string hash", () => findSpeed[String](30, (x, y) => hashCharStrings(x, y), cs, murmurHashString))))
- // reportSpeed("Java string hash",30,hashCharStrings.tupled,cs,defaultHashString)
- // reportSpeed("MurmurHash3 string hash",30,hashCharStrings.tupled,cs,murmurHashString)
- HashHist.enabled = true
- report("lists of binary int lists", { hashBinaryLists(bl, defaultHashList); HashHist.resultAndReset })
- report("small integer sets", { hashIntSets(is, defaultHashSets); HashHist.resultAndReset })
- report("small nested tuples", { hashNestedTuples(nt, defaultHashTuples); HashHist.resultAndReset })
- HashHist.enabled = false
- reportSpeed(3, List(
- ("lists of lists of binary ints", () => findSpeed(20, hashBinaryLists, bl, defaultHashList)),
- ("small integer sets", () => findSpeed(10, hashIntSets, is, defaultHashSets)),
- ("small nested tuples", () => findSpeed(5, hashNestedTuples, nt, defaultHashTuples))))
- }