path: root/test/junit/scala/sys
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/junit/scala/sys')
2 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/sys/process/PipedProcessTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/sys/process/PipedProcessTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f403dbe75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/sys/process/PipedProcessTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+package scala.sys.process
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import org.junit.Test
+import{InputStream, OutputStream, PipedInputStream, PipedOutputStream, ByteArrayInputStream,
+ ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException, Closeable}
+import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
+import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
+import scala.util.control.Exception.ignoring
+// Each test normally ends in a moment, but for failure cases, waits two seconds.
+// SI-7350, SI-8768
+// one second wasn't always enough --
+object TestDuration {
+ import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, SECONDS}
+ val Standard = Duration(2, SECONDS)
+class PipedProcessTest {
+ class ProcessMock(error: Boolean) extends Process {
+ var destroyCount = 0
+ def isAlive() = false
+ def exitValue(): Int = {
+ if (error) {
+ throw new InterruptedException()
+ }
+ 0
+ }
+ def destroy(): Unit = { destroyCount += 1 }
+ }
+ class ProcessBuilderMock(process: Process, error: Boolean) extends ProcessBuilder.AbstractBuilder {
+ override def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = {
+ if (error) {
+ throw new IOException()
+ }
+ process
+ }
+ }
+ class PipeSinkMock extends Process.PipeSink("PipeSinkMock") {
+ var releaseCount = 0
+ override val pipe = null
+ override val sink = null
+ override def run(): Unit = {}
+ override def connectOut(out: OutputStream): Unit = {}
+ override def connectIn(pipeOut: PipedOutputStream): Unit = {}
+ override def release(): Unit = { releaseCount += 1 }
+ }
+ class PipeSourceMock extends Process.PipeSource("PipeSourceMock") {
+ var releaseCount = 0
+ override val pipe = null
+ override val source = null
+ override def run(): Unit = {}
+ override def connectIn(in: InputStream): Unit = {}
+ override def connectOut(sink: Process.PipeSink): Unit = {}
+ override def release(): Unit = { releaseCount += 1 }
+ }
+ class PipedProcesses(a: ProcessBuilder, b: ProcessBuilder, defaultIO: ProcessIO, toError: Boolean)
+ extends Process.PipedProcesses(a, b, defaultIO, toError) {
+ def callRunAndExitValue(source: Process.PipeSource, sink: Process.PipeSink) = {
+ val m = classOf[Process.PipedProcesses].getDeclaredMethod("runAndExitValue", classOf[Process.PipeSource], classOf[Process.PipeSink])
+ m.setAccessible(true)
+ try m.invoke(this, source, sink).asInstanceOf[Option[Int]]
+ catch {
+ case err: InvocationTargetException => throw err.getTargetException
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // PipedProcesses need not to release resources when it normally end
+ @Test
+ def normallyEnd() {
+ val io = BasicIO(false, ProcessLogger(_ => ()))
+ val source = new PipeSourceMock
+ val sink = new PipeSinkMock
+ val a = new ProcessMock(error = false)
+ val b = new ProcessMock(error = false)
+ val p = new PipedProcesses(new ProcessBuilderMock(a, error = false), new ProcessBuilderMock(b, error = false), io, false)
+ val f = Future {
+ p.callRunAndExitValue(source, sink)
+ }
+ Await.result(f, TestDuration.Standard)
+ assert(source.releaseCount == 0)
+ assert(sink.releaseCount == 0)
+ assert(a.destroyCount == 0)
+ assert(b.destroyCount == 0)
+ }
+ // PipedProcesses must release resources when failed
+ @Test
+ def bFailed() {
+ val io = BasicIO(false, ProcessLogger(_ => ()))
+ val source = new PipeSourceMock
+ val sink = new PipeSinkMock
+ val a = new ProcessMock(error = false)
+ val b = new ProcessMock(error = false)
+ val p = new PipedProcesses(new ProcessBuilderMock(a, error = false), new ProcessBuilderMock(b, error = true), io, false)
+ val f = Future {
+ ignoring(classOf[IOException]) {
+ p.callRunAndExitValue(source, sink)
+ }
+ }
+ Await.result(f, TestDuration.Standard)
+ assert(source.releaseCount == 1)
+ assert(sink.releaseCount == 1)
+ assert(a.destroyCount == 0)
+ assert(b.destroyCount == 0)
+ }
+ // PipedProcesses must release resources when failed
+ @Test
+ def aFailed() {
+ val io = BasicIO(false, ProcessLogger(_ => ()))
+ val source = new PipeSourceMock
+ val sink = new PipeSinkMock
+ val a = new ProcessMock(error = false)
+ val b = new ProcessMock(error = false)
+ val p = new PipedProcesses(new ProcessBuilderMock(a, error = true), new ProcessBuilderMock(b, error = false), io, false)
+ val f = Future {
+ ignoring(classOf[IOException]) {
+ p.callRunAndExitValue(source, sink)
+ }
+ }
+ Await.result(f, TestDuration.Standard)
+ assert(source.releaseCount == 1)
+ assert(sink.releaseCount == 1)
+ assert(a.destroyCount == 0)
+ assert(b.destroyCount == 1)
+ }
+ // PipedProcesses must release resources when interrupted during waiting for first.exitValue()
+ @Test
+ def firstInterrupted() {
+ val io = BasicIO(false, ProcessLogger(_ => ()))
+ val source = new PipeSourceMock
+ val sink = new PipeSinkMock
+ val a = new ProcessMock(error = true)
+ val b = new ProcessMock(error = false)
+ val p = new PipedProcesses(new ProcessBuilderMock(a, error = false), new ProcessBuilderMock(b, error = false), io, false)
+ val f = Future {
+ p.callRunAndExitValue(source, sink)
+ }
+ Await.result(f, TestDuration.Standard)
+ assert(source.releaseCount == 1)
+ assert(sink.releaseCount == 1)
+ assert(a.destroyCount == 1)
+ assert(b.destroyCount == 1)
+ }
+ // PipedProcesses must release resources when interrupted during waiting for second.exitValue()
+ @Test
+ def secondInterrupted() {
+ val io = BasicIO(false, ProcessLogger(_ => ()))
+ val source = new PipeSourceMock
+ val sink = new PipeSinkMock
+ val a = new ProcessMock(error = false)
+ val b = new ProcessMock(error = true)
+ val p = new PipedProcesses(new ProcessBuilderMock(a, error = false), new ProcessBuilderMock(b, error = false), io, false)
+ val f = Future {
+ p.callRunAndExitValue(source, sink)
+ }
+ Await.result(f, TestDuration.Standard)
+ assert(source.releaseCount == 1)
+ assert(sink.releaseCount == 1)
+ assert(a.destroyCount == 1)
+ assert(b.destroyCount == 1)
+ }
+class PipeSourceSinkTest {
+ def throwsIOException(f: => Unit) = {
+ try { f; false }
+ catch { case _: IOException => true }
+ }
+ class PipeSink extends Process.PipeSink("TestPipeSink") {
+ def ensureRunloopStarted() = {
+ while (sink.size() > 0) {
+ Thread.sleep(1)
+ }
+ }
+ def isReleased = {
+ val field = classOf[Process.PipeSink].getDeclaredField("pipe")
+ field.setAccessible(true)
+ val pipe = field.get(this).asInstanceOf[PipedInputStream]
+ !this.isAlive && throwsIOException { }
+ }
+ }
+ class PipeSource extends Process.PipeSource("TestPipeSource") {
+ def ensureRunloopStarted() = {
+ while (source.size() > 0) {
+ Thread.sleep(1)
+ }
+ }
+ def isReleased = {
+ val field = classOf[Process.PipeSource].getDeclaredField("pipe")
+ field.setAccessible(true)
+ val pipe = field.get(this).asInstanceOf[PipedOutputStream]
+ !this.isAlive && throwsIOException { pipe.write(1) }
+ }
+ }
+ trait CloseChecking extends Closeable {
+ var closed = false
+ override def close() = closed = true
+ }
+ class DebugOutputStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream with CloseChecking
+ class DebugInputStream(s: String) extends ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes()) with CloseChecking
+ class DebugInfinityInputStream extends InputStream with CloseChecking {
+ def read() = 1
+ }
+ def sourceSink() = {
+ val source = new PipeSource
+ val sink = new PipeSink
+ source connectOut sink
+ source.start()
+ sink.start()
+ (source, sink)
+ }
+ // PipeSource and PipeSink must release resources when it normally end
+ @Test
+ def normallyEnd() {
+ val in = new DebugInputStream("aaa")
+ val (source, sink) = sourceSink()
+ val out = new DebugOutputStream
+ source connectIn in
+ sink connectOut out
+ val f = Future {
+ source.join()
+ sink.join()
+ }
+ Await.result(f, TestDuration.Standard)
+ assert(in.closed == true)
+ assert(out.closed == true)
+ assert(source.isReleased == true)
+ assert(sink.isReleased == true)
+ }
+ // PipeSource and PipeSink must release resources when interrupted during waiting for source.take()
+ @Test
+ def sourceInterrupted() {
+ val (source, sink) = sourceSink()
+ val out = new DebugOutputStream
+ sink connectOut out
+ val f = Future {
+ sink.ensureRunloopStarted()
+ source.release()
+ sink.release()
+ }
+ Await.result(f, TestDuration.Standard)
+ assert(out.closed == true)
+ assert(source.isReleased == true)
+ assert(sink.isReleased == true)
+ }
+ // PipeSource and PipeSink must release resources when interrupted during waiting for sink.take()
+ @Test
+ def sinkInterrupted() {
+ val in = new DebugInputStream("aaa")
+ val (source, sink) = sourceSink()
+ source connectIn in
+ val f = Future {
+ source.ensureRunloopStarted()
+ source.release()
+ sink.release()
+ }
+ Await.result(f, TestDuration.Standard)
+ assert(in.closed == true)
+ assert(source.isReleased == true)
+ assert(sink.isReleased == true)
+ }
+ // PipeSource and PipeSink must release resources when interrupted during copy streams
+ @Test
+ def runloopInterrupted() {
+ val in = new DebugInfinityInputStream
+ val (source, sink) = sourceSink()
+ val out = new DebugOutputStream
+ source connectIn in
+ sink connectOut out
+ val f = Future {
+ source.ensureRunloopStarted()
+ sink.ensureRunloopStarted()
+ source.release()
+ sink.release()
+ }
+ Await.result(f, TestDuration.Standard)
+ assert(in.closed == true)
+ assert(out.closed == true)
+ assert(source.isReleased == true)
+ assert(sink.isReleased == true)
+ }
diff --git a/test/junit/scala/sys/process/ProcessTest.scala b/test/junit/scala/sys/process/ProcessTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6d779c2c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/junit/scala/sys/process/ProcessTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+package scala.sys.process
+// should test from outside the package to ensure implicits work
+//import scala.sys.process._
+import scala.util.Properties._
+import org.junit.runner.RunWith
+import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
+class ProcessTest {
+ private def testily(body: => Unit) = if (!isWin) body
+ @Test def t10007(): Unit = testily {
+ val res = ("cat" #< new ByteArrayInputStream("lol".getBytes)).!!
+ assertEquals("lol\n", res)
+ }
+ // test non-hanging
+ @Test def t10055(): Unit = testily {
+ val res = ("cat" #< ( () => -1 ) ).!
+ assertEquals(0, res)
+ }