path: root/test/scaladoc/scalacheck
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/scaladoc/scalacheck')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1208 deletions
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/CommentFactoryTest.scala b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/CommentFactoryTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d30b78087c..0000000000
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/CommentFactoryTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-import org.scalacheck._
-import org.scalacheck.Prop._
-class Factory(val g: Global, val s: doc.Settings)
- extends doc.model.ModelFactory(g, s) {
- thisFactory: Factory
- with ModelFactoryImplicitSupport
- with ModelFactoryTypeSupport
- with DiagramFactory
- with CommentFactory
- with doc.model.TreeFactory
- with MemberLookup =>
- def strip(c: Comment): Option[Inline] = {
- c.body match {
- case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(inner)))))) => Some(inner)
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- def getComment(s: String): Comment =
- parse(s, "",, null)
- def parseComment(s: String): Option[Inline] =
- strip(getComment(s))
- def createBody(s: String) =
- parse(s, "",, null).body
-object Test extends Properties("CommentFactory") {
- val factory = {
- val settings = new doc.Settings((str: String) => {})
- val reporter = new
- val g = new Global(settings, reporter)
- (new Factory(g, settings)
- with ModelFactoryImplicitSupport
- with ModelFactoryTypeSupport
- with DiagramFactory
- with CommentFactory
- with doc.model.TreeFactory
- with MemberLookup)
- }
- def parse(src: String, dst: Inline): Boolean = {
- factory.parseComment(src) match {
- case Some(inline) =>
- inline == dst
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- }
- property("parse") = parse(
- "/** One two three */",
- Text("One two three")
- )
- property("parse") = parse(
- "/** One `two` three */",
- Chain(List(Text("One "), Monospace(Text("two")), Text(" three")))
- )
- property("parse") = parse(
- """
-/** One two
- * three */""",
- Text("One two\nthree")
- )
- property("parse") = parse(
- """
-/** One `two`
- * three */""",
- Chain(List(Text("One "), Monospace(Text("two")), Text("\n"), Text("three")))
- )
- property("parse") = parse(
- """
-/** One `two`
- * three */""",
- Chain(List(Text("One "), Monospace(Text("two")), Text("\n"), Text(" three")))
- )
- property("parse") = parse(
- """
-/** One
- * `two` three */""",
- Chain(List(Text("One"), Text("\n"), Monospace(Text("two")), Text(" three")))
- )
- property("Trac #4361 - ^...^") = parse(
- """
- * hello ^world^ */""",
- Chain(List(Text("hello "), Superscript(Text("world"))))
- )
- property("Trac #4361 - single ^ symbol") = parse(
- """
- * <pre>
- * hello ^world
- * </pre>
- *
- */""",
- Chain(List(Text(""), Text("\n"),
- HtmlTag("<pre>\nhello ^world\n</pre>")))
- )
- property("Trac #4366 - body") = {
- val body = factory.createBody(
- """
- /**
- * <strong><code>foo</code> has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please call <code>bar</code> instead.</strong>
- */
- """
- )
- body == Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(
- Summary(Chain(List(HtmlTag("<strong><code>foo</code> has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please call <code>bar</code> instead.</strong>"), Text("\n"), Text(""))))
- )))))
- }
- property("Trac #4366 - summary") = {
- val body = factory.createBody(
- """
- /**
- * <strong><code>foo</code> has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please call <code>bar</code> instead.</strong>
- */
- """
- )
- body.summary == Some(Chain(List(HtmlTag("<strong><code>foo</code> has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please call <code>bar</code> instead.</strong>"), Text("\n"), Text(""))))
- }
- property("Trac #4358 - body") = {
- factory.createBody(
- """
- /**
- * Implicit conversion that invokes the <code>expect</code> method on the <code>EasyMock</code> companion object (<em>i.e.</em>, the
- * static <code>expect</code> method in Java class <code>org.easymock.EasyMock</code>).
- */
- """
- ) match {
- case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Chain(List(Chain(List(
- Text("Implicit conversion that invokes the "),
- HtmlTag("<code>expect</code>"),
- Text(" method on the "),
- HtmlTag("<code>EasyMock</code>"),
- Text(" companion object ("),
- HtmlTag("<em>i.e.</em>"),
- Text(", the\nstatic "),
- HtmlTag("<code>expect</code>"),
- Text(" method in Java class "),
- HtmlTag("<code>org.easymock.EasyMock</code>"),
- Text(")")
- )), Text(".")))), Text("\n")))))) =>
- true
- case other => {
- println(other)
- false
- }
- }
- }
- property("Empty parameter text should be empty") = {
- // used to fail with
- // body == Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Text('\n')))))))
- factory.getComment(
- """
- * @deprecated
- */
- """).deprecated match {
- case Some(Body(l)) if l.isEmpty => true
- case other =>
- println(other)
- false
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/DeprecatedIndexTest.scala b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/DeprecatedIndexTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a5a2001d4..0000000000
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/DeprecatedIndexTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-import org.scalacheck._
-import org.scalacheck.Prop._
-import{URLClassLoader, URLDecoder}
-object Test extends Properties("IndexScript") {
- def getClasspath = {
- // these things can be tricky
- // this test previously relied on the assumption that the current thread's classloader is an url classloader and contains all the classpaths
- // does partest actually guarantee this? to quote Leonard Nimoy: The answer, of course, is no.
- // this test _will_ fail again some time in the future.
- // Footnote: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
- val loader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader.asInstanceOf[URLClassLoader]
- val paths = => URLDecoder.decode(u.getPath))
- paths mkString
- }
- val docFactory = {
- val settings = new doc.Settings({Console.err.println(_)})
- settings.scaladocQuietRun = true
- settings.nowarn.value = true
- settings.classpath.value = getClasspath
- val reporter = new
- new doc.DocFactory(reporter, settings)
- }
- val indexModelFactory = doc.model.IndexModelFactory
- def createDeprecatedScript(path: String) =
- docFactory.makeUniverse(Left(List(path))) match {
- case Some(universe) => {
- val index = new DeprecatedIndex(universe, indexModelFactory.makeIndex(universe))
- Some(index)
- }
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- property("deprecated-list page lists deprecated members") = {
- createDeprecatedScript("test/scaladoc/resources/SI-4476.scala") match {
- case Some(p) =>
- p.deprecatedEntries.find(_._1 == "A").isDefined &&
- p.deprecatedEntries.find(_._1 == "bar").isDefined
- case None => false
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.flags b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.flags
deleted file mode 100644
index b2264ec4f4..0000000000
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.flags
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
--encoding UTF-8 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 578e0382eb..0000000000
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/HtmlFactoryTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,817 +0,0 @@
-import org.scalacheck._
-import org.scalacheck.Prop._
-import{URLClassLoader, URLDecoder}
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.xml.NodeSeq
-object XMLUtil {
- import scala.xml._
- def stripGroup(seq: Node): Node = {
- seq match {
- case group: Group => {
- <div class="group">{ _) }</div>
- }
- case e: Elem => {
- val child = _)
- Elem(e.prefix, e.label, e.attributes, e.scope, child : _*)
- }
- case _ => seq
- }
- }
-object Test extends Properties("HtmlFactory") {
- final val RESOURCES = "test/scaladoc/resources/"
- import{DocFactory, Settings}
- import
- import
- import
- def getClasspath = {
- // these things can be tricky
- // this test previously relied on the assumption that the current thread's classloader is an url classloader and contains all the classpaths
- // does partest actually guarantee this? to quote Leonard Nimoy: The answer, of course, is no.
- // this test _will_ fail again some time in the future.
- // Footnote: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
- val loader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader.asInstanceOf[URLClassLoader]
- val paths = => URLDecoder.decode(u.getPath))
- paths mkString
- }
- def createFactory = {
- val settings = new Settings({Console.err.println(_)})
- settings.scaladocQuietRun = true
- settings.nowarn.value = true
- settings.classpath.value = getClasspath
- settings.docAuthor.value = true
- val reporter = new
- new DocFactory(reporter, settings)
- }
- def createTemplates(basename: String): collection.Map[String, NodeSeq] = {
- val result = mutable.Map[String, NodeSeq]()
- createFactory.makeUniverse(Left(List(RESOURCES+basename))) match {
- case Some(universe) => {
- val index = IndexModelFactory.makeIndex(universe)
- (new HtmlFactory(universe, index)).writeTemplates((page) => {
- result += (page.absoluteLinkTo(page.path) -> page.body)
- })
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- result
- }
- def createReferenceIndex(basename: String) = {
- createFactory.makeUniverse(Left(List(RESOURCES+basename))) match {
- case Some(universe) => {
- val index = IndexModelFactory.makeIndex(universe)
- val pages ={
- case (key, value) => {
- val page = new ReferenceIndex(key, index, universe)
- page.absoluteLinkTo(page.path) -> page.body
- }
- })
- Some(pages)
- }
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- }
- def createTemplate(scala: String) = {
- val html = scala.stripSuffix(".scala") + ".html"
- createTemplates(scala)(html)
- }
- /**
- * This tests the text without the markup - ex:
- *
- * <h4 class="signature">
- * <span class="modifier_kind">
- * <span class="modifier">implicit</span>
- * <span class="kind">def</span>
- * </span>
- * <span class="symbol">
- * <span class="name">test</span><span class="params">()</span><span class="result">: <span name="scala.Int" class="extype">Int</span></span>
- * </span>
- * </h4>
- *
- * becomes:
- *
- * implicit def test(): Int
- *
- * and is required to contain the text in the given checks
- *
- * NOTE: Comparison is done ignoring all whitespace
- */
- def checkText(scalaFile: String, debug: Boolean = true)(checks: (Option[String], String, Boolean)*): Boolean = {
- val htmlFile = scalaFile.stripSuffix(".scala") + ".html"
- val htmlAllFiles = createTemplates(scalaFile)
- var result = true
- for ((fileHint, check, expected) <- checks) {
- // resolve the file to be checked
- val fileName = fileHint match {
- case Some(file) =>
- if (file endsWith ".html")
- file
- else
- file + ".html"
- case None =>
- htmlFile
- }
- val fileTextPretty = htmlAllFiles(fileName).text.replace('→',' ').replaceAll("\\s+"," ")
- val fileText = fileTextPretty.replaceAll(" ", "")
- val checkTextPretty = check.replace('→',' ').replaceAll("\\s+"," ")
- val checkText = checkTextPretty.replaceAll(" ", "")
- val checkValue = fileText.contains(checkText) == expected
- if (debug && (!checkValue)) {
- Console.err.println("")
- Console.err.println("HTML Check failed for resource file " + scalaFile + ":")
- Console.err.println("Could not match: \n" + checkTextPretty)
- Console.err.println("In the extracted HTML text: \n" + fileTextPretty)
- Console.err.println("NOTE: The whitespaces are eliminated before matching!")
- Console.err.println("")
- }
- result &&= checkValue
- }
- result
- }
- def shortComments(root: scala.xml.Node) =
- XMLUtil.stripGroup(root).descendant.flatMap {
- case e: scala.xml.Elem => {
- if (e.attribute("class").toString.contains("shortcomment")) {
- Some(e)
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- case _ => None
- }
- property("Trac #3790") = {
- createTemplate("Trac3790.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val comments = shortComments(node)
- comments.exists { _.toString.contains(">A lazy String\n</p>") } &&
- comments.exists { _.toString.contains(">A non-lazy String\n</p>") }
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4306") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4306.scala")
- files("com/example/trac4306/foo/package$$Bar.html") != None
- }
- property("Trac #4366") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4366.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- shortComments(node).exists { n => {
- val str = n.toString
- str.contains("<code>foo</code>") && str.contains("</strong>")
- } }
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4358") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4358.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node =>
- ! shortComments(node).exists {
- _.toString.contains("<em>i.</em>")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4180") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4180.scala") != None
- }
- property("Trac #4372") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4372.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val html = node.toString
- html.contains("<span title=\"gt4s: $plus$colon\" class=\"name\">+:</span>") &&
- html.contains("<span title=\"gt4s: $minus$colon\" class=\"name\">-:</span>") &&
- html.contains("""<span class="params">(<span name="n">n: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>)</span><span class="result">: <span class="extype" name="scala.Int">Int</span></span>""")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4374 - public") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4374.scala")
- files("WithPublic.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("""href="WithPublic$.html"""") &&
- files.get("WithPublic$.html") != None
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4374 - private") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4374.scala")
- files("WithPrivate.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- ! s.contains("""href="WithPrivate$.html"""") &&
- files.get("WithPrivate$.html") == None
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4325 - files") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4325.scala")
- files.get("WithSynthetic.html") != None &&
- files.get("WithSynthetic$.html") == None &&
- files.get("WithObject.html") != None &&
- files.get("WithObject$.html") != None
- }
- property("Trac #4325 - Don't link to syntetic companion") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4325.scala")
- files("WithSynthetic.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- ! s.contains("""href="WithSynthetic$.html"""")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4325 - Link to companion") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4325.scala")
- files("WithObject.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("""href="WithObject$.html"""")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4420 - no whitespace at end of line") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4420.scala")
- files("TestA.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("""See YYY for more details""")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- //
- // property("Trac #484 - refinements and existentials") = {
- // val files = createTemplates("Trac484.scala")
- // val lines = """
- // |type Bar = AnyRef { type Dingus <: T forSome { type T <: String } }
- // |type Foo = AnyRef { ... /* 3 definitions in type refinement */ }
- // |def g(x: T forSome { type T <: String }): String
- // |def h(x: Float): AnyRef { def quux(x: Int,y: Int): Int }
- // |def hh(x: Float): AnyRef { def quux(x: Int,y: Int): Int }
- // |def j(x: Int): Bar
- // |def k(): AnyRef { type Dingus <: T forSome { type T <: String } }
- // """.stripMargin.trim.lines map (_.trim)
- //
- // files("RefinementAndExistentials.html") match {
- // case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- // val s = node.text.replaceAll("\\s+", " ")
- // lines forall (s contains _)
- // }
- // case _ => false
- // }
- // }
- property("Trac #4289") = {
- val files = createTemplates("Trac4289.scala")
- files("Subclass.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- node.toString.contains {
- """<dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt"><p>123</p></dd>"""
- }
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4409") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4409.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- ! node.toString.contains("""<div class="block"><ol>since""")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4452") = {
- createTemplate("Trac4452.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node =>
- ! node.toString.contains(">*")
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("Trac #4471") = {
- createReferenceIndex("Trac4471.scala") match {
- case Some(pages) =>
- (pages.get("index/index-f.html") match {
- case Some(node) => node.toString.contains(">A</a></strike>")
- case _ => false
- }) && (pages.get("index/index-b.html") match {
- case Some(node) => node.toString.contains(">bar</strike>")
- case _ => false
- })
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4641") = {
- createReferenceIndex("SI_4641.scala") match {
- case Some(pages) => pages.contains("index/index-_.html")
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4421") = {
- createTemplate("SI_4421.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val html = node.toString
- html.contains(">Example:") && html.contains(">Note<")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4589") = {
- createTemplate("SI_4589.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val html = node.toString
- html.contains(">x0123456789: <") &&
- html.contains(">x012345678901234567890123456789: <")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4714: Should decode symbolic type alias name.") = {
- createTemplate("SI_4715.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val html = node.toString
- html.contains(">:+:<")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4287: Default arguments of synthesized constructor") = {
- val files = createTemplates("SI_4287.scala")
- files("ClassWithSugar.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- node.toString.contains(">123<")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4507: Default arguments of synthesized constructor") = {
- createTemplate("SI_4507.scala") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node =>
- ! node.toString.contains("<li>returns silently when evaluating true and true</li>")
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4898: Use cases and links should not crash scaladoc") = {
- createTemplate("SI_4898.scala")
- true
- }
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should override their original members") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q1.scala")(
- (None,"""def test(): Int""", true)
- //Disabled because the full signature is now displayed
- //(None, """def test(implicit lost: Int): Int""", false)
- )
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should keep their flags - final should not be lost") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q2.scala")((None, """final def test(): Int""", true))
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should keep their flags - implicit should not be lost") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q3.scala")((None, """implicit def test(): Int""", true))
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should keep their flags - real abstract should not be lost") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q4.scala")((None, """abstract def test(): Int""", true))
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should keep their flags - traits should not be affected") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q5.scala")((None, """def test(): Int""", true))
- property("SI-5054: Use cases should keep their flags - traits should not be affected") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q6.scala")((None, """abstract def test(): Int""", true))
- property("SI-5054: Use case individual signature test") =
- checkText("SI_5054_q7.scala")(
- (None, """abstract def test2(explicit: Int): Int [use case] This takes the explicit value passed.""", true),
- (None, """abstract def test1(): Int [use case] This takes the implicit value in scope.""", true)
- )
- property("SI-5287: Display correct \"Definition classes\"") =
- checkText("SI_5287.scala")(
- (None,
- """def method(): Int
- [use case] The usecase explanation
- [use case] The usecase explanation
- Definition Classes SI_5287 SI_5287_B SI_5287_A""", true)
- ) // the explanation appears twice, as small comment and full comment
- property("Comment inheritance: Correct comment inheritance for overriding") =
- checkText("implicit-inheritance-override.scala")(
- (Some("Base"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- The base comment.
- The base comment. And another sentence...
- T the type of the first argument
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some("DerivedA"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- Overriding the comment, the params and returns comments should stay the same.
- Overriding the comment, the params and returns comments should stay the same.
- T the type of the first argument
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some("DerivedB"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- T the type of the first argument
- arg1 The overridden T term comment
- arg2 The overridden string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some("DerivedC"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- T the type of the first argument
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The overridden return comment
- """, true),
- (Some("DerivedD"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- T The overridden type parameter comment
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true)
- )
- for (useCaseFile <- List("UseCaseInheritance", "UseCaseOverrideInheritance")) {
- property("Comment inheritance: Correct comment inheritance for usecases") =
- checkText("implicit-inheritance-usecase.scala")(
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def missing_arg[T](arg1: T): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- T The type parameter
- arg1 The T term comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def missing_targ(arg1: Int, arg2: String): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def overridden_arg1[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- T The type parameter
- arg1 The overridden T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def overridden_targ[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- T The overridden type parameter comment
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def overridden_return[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- T The type parameter
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The overridden return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def added_arg[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String, arg3: Float): Double
- [use case]
- [use case]
- T The type parameter
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- arg3 The added float comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true),
- (Some(useCaseFile),
- """def overridden_comment[T](implicit arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- [use case] The overridden comment.
- [use case] The overridden comment.
- T The type parameter
- arg1 The T term comment
- arg2 The string comment
- returns The return comment
- """, true)
- )
- }
- property("Comment inheritance: Correct explicit inheritance for override") =
- checkText("explicit-inheritance-override.scala")(
- (Some("InheritDocDerived"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- Starting line
- Starting line
- The base comment. And another sentence...
- The base comment. And another sentence...
- Ending line
- Author: StartAuthor a Scala developer EndAuthor
- T StartT the type of the first argument EndT
- arg1 Start1 The T term comment End1
- arg2 Start2 The string comment End2
- returns StartRet The return comment EndRet""", true),
- (Some("InheritDocDerived"),
- """Definition Classes InheritDocDerived → InheritDocBase
- Example: StartExample function[Int](3, "something") EndExample
- Version StartVer 0.0.2 EndVer
- Since StartSince 0.0.1 EndSince
- Exceptions thrown
- SomeException StartEx if the function is not called with correct parameters EndEx
- SomeOtherException StartSOE Should Warn <invalid inheritdoc annotation> EndSOE
- To do StartTodo Call mom. And dad! EndTodo
- Note StartNote Be careful! EndNote
- See also StartSee The Manual EndSee
- """, true))
- property("Comment inheritance: Correct explicit inheritance for usecase") =
- checkText("explicit-inheritance-usecase.scala")(
- (Some("UseCaseInheritDoc"),
- """def function[T](arg1: T, arg2: String): Double
- [use case] Starting line
- [use case] Starting line
- The base comment. And another sentence...
- The base comment. And another sentence...
- Ending line
- Author: StartAuthor a Scala developer EndAuthor
- T StartT the type of the first argument EndT
- arg1 Start1 The T term comment End1
- arg2 Start2 The string comment End2
- returns StartRet The return comment EndRet""", true),
- (Some("UseCaseInheritDoc"),
- """Example: StartExample function[Int](3,"something") EndExample
- Version StartVer 0.0.2 EndVer
- Since StartSince 0.0.1 EndSince
- Exceptions thrown
- SomeException StartEx if the function is not called with correct parameters EndEx
- SomeOtherException StartSOE Should Warn <invalid inheritdoc annotation> EndSOE
- To do StartTodo Call mom. And dad! EndTodo
- Note StartNote Be careful! EndNote
- See also StartSee The Manual EndSee
- """, true))
- property("Comment inheritance: Correct explicit inheritance in corner cases") =
- checkText("inheritdoc-corner-cases.scala")(
- (Some("D"),
- """def hello1: Int
- Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- Definition Classes D → A
- """, true),
- (Some("D"),
- """def hello2: Int
- Inherited: Hello 2 comment
- Inherited: Hello 2 comment
- Definition Classes D → B
- """, true),
- (Some("G"),
- """def hello1: Int
- Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- Definition Classes G → D → A
- """, true),
- (Some("G"),
- """def hello2: Int
- Inherited: Hello 2 comment
- Inherited: Hello 2 comment
- Definition Classes G → D → B
- """, true),
- (Some("I"),
- """def hello1(i: Int): Unit
- [use case] Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- [use case] Inherited: Hello 1 comment
- Definition Classes I → G → D → A
- """, true)
- // traits E, F and H shouldn't crash scaladoc but we don't need to check the output
- )
- property("Indentation normalization for code blocks") = {
- val files = createTemplates("code-indent.scala")
- files("C.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("<pre>a typicial indented\ncomment on multiple\ncomment lines</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>one liner</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>two lines, one useful</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>line1\nline2\nline3\nline4</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>a ragged example\na (condition)\n the t h e n branch\nan alternative\n the e l s e branch</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>Trait example {\n Val x = a\n Val y = b\n}</pre>") &&
- s.contains("<pre>l1\n\nl2\n\nl3\n\nl4\n\nl5</pre>")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4014: Scaladoc omits @author: no authors") = {
- val noAuthors = createTemplates("SI-4014_0.scala")("Foo.html")
- noAuthors match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- ! s.contains("Author")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4014: Scaladoc omits @author: one author") = {
- val oneAuthor = createTemplates("SI-4014_1.scala")("Foo.html")
- oneAuthor match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("<h6>Author:</h6>") &&
- s.contains("<p>The Only Author</p>")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- property("SI-4014: Scaladoc omits @author: two authors") = {
- val twoAuthors = createTemplates("SI-4014_2.scala")("Foo.html")
- twoAuthors match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => {
- val s = node.toString
- s.contains("<h6>Authors:</h6>") &&
- s.contains("<p>The First Author</p>") &&
- s.contains("<p>The Second Author</p>")
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- {
- val files = createTemplates("basic.scala")
- //println(files)
- property("class") = files.get("com/example/p1/Clazz.html") match {
- case Some(node: scala.xml.Node) => {
- property("implicit conversion") =
- node.toString contains "<span class=\"modifier\">implicit </span>"
- property("gt4s") =
- node.toString contains "title=\"gt4s: $colon$colon\""
- property("gt4s of a deprecated method") =
- node.toString contains "title=\"gt4s: $colon$colon$colon$colon. Deprecated: "
- true
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- property("package") = files.get("com/example/p1/package.html") != None
- property("package object") = files("com/example/p1/package.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node =>
- node.toString contains "com.example.p1#packageObjectMethod"
- case _ => false
- }
- property("lower bound") = files("com/example/p1/LowerBound.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => true
- case _ => false
- }
- property("upper bound") = files("com/example/p1/UpperBound.html") match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => true
- case _ => false
- }
- property("SI-8514: No inconsistencies") =
- checkText("SI-8514.scala")(
- (Some("a/package"),
- """class A extends AnyRef
- Some doc here
- Some doc here
- Annotations @DeveloperApi()
- """, true),
- (Some("a/package"),
- """class B extends AnyRef
- Annotations @DeveloperApi()
- """, true)
- )
- }
- // SI-8144
- {
- implicit class AttributesAwareNode(val node: NodeSeq) {
- def \@(attrName: String): String =
- node \ ("@" + attrName) text
- def \@(attrName: String, attrValue: String): NodeSeq =
- node filter { _ \ ("@" + attrName) exists (_.text == attrValue) }
- }
- implicit class AssertionAwareNode(node: scala.xml.NodeSeq) {
- def assertTypeLink(expectedUrl: String): Boolean = {
- val linkElement: NodeSeq = node \\ "div" \@ ("id", "definition") \\ "span" \@ ("class", "permalink") \ "a"
- linkElement \@ "href" == expectedUrl && linkElement \@ "target" == "_top"
- }
- def assertMemberLink(group: String)(memberName: String, expectedUrl: String): Boolean = {
- val linkElement: NodeSeq = node \\ "div" \@ ("id", group) \\ "li" \@ ("name", memberName) \\ "span" \@ ("class", "permalink") \ "a"
- linkElement \@ "href" == expectedUrl && linkElement \@ "target" == "_top"
- }
- }
- val files = createTemplates("SI-8144.scala")
- def check(pagePath: String)(f: NodeSeq => org.scalacheck.Prop): org.scalacheck.Prop =
- files(pagePath) match {
- case node: scala.xml.Node => f(XMLUtil.stripGroup(node))
- case _ => false
- }
- property("SI-8144: Members' permalink - package") = check("some/package.html") { node =>
- ("type link" |: node.assertTypeLink("../index.html#some.package")) &&
- ("member: some.pack" |: node.assertMemberLink("values")("some.pack", "../index.html#some.package@pack"))
- }
- property("SI-8144: Members' permalink - inner package") = check("some/pack/package.html") { node =>
- ("type link" |: node.assertTypeLink("../../index.html#some.pack.package")) &&
- ("member: SomeType (object)" |: node.assertMemberLink("values")("some.pack.SomeType", "../../index.html#some.pack.package@SomeType")) &&
- ("member: SomeType (class)" |: node.assertMemberLink("types")("some.pack.SomeType", "../../index.html#some.pack.package@SomeTypeextendsAnyRef"))
- }
- property("SI-8144: Members' permalink - companion object") = check("some/pack/SomeType$.html") { node =>
- ("type link" |: node.assertTypeLink("../../index.html#some.pack.SomeType$")) &&
- ("member: someVal" |: node.assertMemberLink("allMembers")("some.pack.SomeType#someVal", "../../index.html#some.pack.SomeType$@someVal:String"))
- }
- property("SI-8144: Members' permalink - class") = check("some/pack/SomeType.html") { node =>
- ("type link" |: node.assertTypeLink("../../index.html#some.pack.SomeType")) &&
- ("constructor " |: node.assertMemberLink("constructors")("some.pack.SomeType#<init>", "../../index.html#some.pack.SomeType@<init>(arg:String):some.pack.SomeType")) &&
- ( "member: type TypeAlias" |: node.assertMemberLink("types")("some.pack.SomeType.TypeAlias", "../../index.html#some.pack.SomeType@TypeAlias=String")) &&
- ( "member: def >#<():Int " |: node.assertMemberLink("values")("some.pack.SomeType#>#<", "../../index.html#some.pack.SomeType@>#<():Int")) &&
- ( "member: def >@<():TypeAlias " |: node.assertMemberLink("values")("some.pack.SomeType#>@<", "../../index.html#some.pack.SomeType@>@<():SomeType.this.TypeAlias"))
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/IndexScriptTest.scala b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/IndexScriptTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b8b9f92965..0000000000
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/IndexScriptTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-import org.scalacheck._
-import org.scalacheck.Prop._
-import{URLClassLoader, URLDecoder}
-object Test extends Properties("IndexScript") {
- def getClasspath = {
- // these things can be tricky
- // this test previously relied on the assumption that the current thread's classloader is an url classloader and contains all the classpaths
- // does partest actually guarantee this? to quote Leonard Nimoy: The answer, of course, is no.
- // this test _will_ fail again some time in the future.
- // Footnote: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
- val loader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader.asInstanceOf[URLClassLoader]
- val paths = => URLDecoder.decode(u.getPath))
- paths mkString
- }
- val docFactory = {
- val settings = new doc.Settings({Console.err.println(_)})
- settings.scaladocQuietRun = true
- settings.nowarn.value = true
- settings.classpath.value = getClasspath
- val reporter = new
- new doc.DocFactory(reporter, settings)
- }
- val indexModelFactory = doc.model.IndexModelFactory
- def createIndexScript(path: String) =
- docFactory.makeUniverse(Left(List(path))) match {
- case Some(universe) => {
- val index = new IndexScript(universe,
- indexModelFactory.makeIndex(universe))
- Some(index)
- }
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- property("allPackages") = {
- createIndexScript("src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/Index.scala") match {
- case Some(index) =>
- == List(
- "scala",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ""
- )
- case None =>
- false
- }
- }
diff --git a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/IndexTest.scala b/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/IndexTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dbd2103a6..0000000000
--- a/test/scaladoc/scalacheck/IndexTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-import org.scalacheck._
-import org.scalacheck.Prop._
-import{URLClassLoader, URLDecoder}
-object Test extends Properties("Index") {
- def getClasspath = {
- // these things can be tricky
- // this test previously relied on the assumption that the current thread's classloader is an url classloader and contains all the classpaths
- // does partest actually guarantee this? to quote Leonard Nimoy: The answer, of course, is no.
- // this test _will_ fail again some time in the future.
- // Footnote: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
- val loader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader.asInstanceOf[URLClassLoader]
- val paths = => URLDecoder.decode(u.getPath))
- paths mkString
- }
- val docFactory = {
- val settings = new doc.Settings({Console.err.println(_)})
- settings.scaladocQuietRun = true
- settings.nowarn.value = true
- settings.classpath.value = getClasspath
- val reporter = new
- new doc.DocFactory(reporter, settings)
- }
- val indexModelFactory = doc.model.IndexModelFactory
- def createIndex(path: String): Option[Index] = {
- val maybeUniverse = {
- //val stream = new
- //val original = Console.out
- //Console.setOut(stream)
- val result = docFactory.makeUniverse(Left(List(path)))
- // assert(stream.toString == "model contains 2 documentable templates\n")
- //Console.setOut(original)
- result
- }
- maybeUniverse match {
- case Some(universe) => {
- val index = new Index(universe, indexModelFactory.makeIndex(universe))
- return Some(index)
- }
- case _ => return None
- }
- }
- property("path") = {
- createIndex("src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/Index.scala") match {
- case Some(index) =>
- index.path == List("index.html")
- case None => false
- }
- }
- property("title") = {
- createIndex("src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/Index.scala") match {
- case Some(index) =>
- index.title == ""
- case None => false
- }
- }
- property("browser contains a script element") = {
- createIndex("src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/Index.scala") match {
- case Some(index) =>
- (index.browser \ "script").size == 1
- case None => false
- }
- }
- property("package objects in index") = {
- createIndex("test/scaladoc/resources/SI-5558.scala") match {
- case Some(index) =>
- index.index.firstLetterIndex('f') isDefinedAt "foo"
- case None => false
- }
- }
- property("index should report if there are deprecated members") = {
- createIndex("test/scaladoc/resources/SI-4476.scala") match {
- case Some(indexPage) => indexPage.index.hasDeprecatedMembers
- case None => false
- }
- }