/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala package collection.parallel.mutable import scala.collection.generic.GenericParTemplate import scala.collection.generic.GenericCompanion import scala.collection.generic.GenericParCompanion import scala.collection.generic.CanCombineFrom import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom import scala.collection.generic.ParFactory import scala.collection.generic.Sizing import scala.collection.parallel.Combiner import scala.collection.parallel.SeqSplitter import scala.collection.parallel.ParSeqLike import scala.collection.parallel.Task import scala.collection.parallel.CHECK_RATE import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq import scala.collection.mutable.Builder import scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce import scala.reflect.ClassTag /** Parallel sequence holding elements in a linear array. * * `ParArray` is a parallel sequence with a predefined size. The size of the array * cannot be changed after it's been created. * * `ParArray` internally keeps an array containing the elements. This means that * bulk operations based on traversal ensure fast access to elements. `ParArray` uses lazy builders that * create the internal data array only after the size of the array is known. In the meantime, they keep * the result set fragmented. The fragments * are copied into the resulting data array in parallel using fast array copy operations once all the combiners * are populated in parallel. * * @tparam T type of the elements in the array * * @author Aleksandar Prokopec * @since 2.9 * @see [[http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/parallel-collections/concrete-parallel-collections.html#parallel_array Scala's Parallel Collections Library overview]] * section on `ParArray` for more information. * * @define Coll `ParArray` * @define coll parallel array * */ @SerialVersionUID(1L) class ParArray[T] private[mutable] (val arrayseq: ArraySeq[T]) extends ParSeq[T] with GenericParTemplate[T, ParArray] with ParSeqLike[T, ParArray[T], ArraySeq[T]] with Serializable { self => @transient private var array: Array[Any] = arrayseq.array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]] override def companion: GenericCompanion[ParArray] with GenericParCompanion[ParArray] = ParArray def this(sz: Int) = this { require(sz >= 0) new ArraySeq[T](sz) } def apply(i: Int) = array(i).asInstanceOf[T] def update(i: Int, elem: T) = array(i) = elem def length = arrayseq.length override def seq = arrayseq protected[parallel] def splitter: ParArrayIterator = { val pit = new ParArrayIterator pit } class ParArrayIterator(var i: Int = 0, val until: Int = length, val arr: Array[Any] = array) extends SeqSplitter[T] { def hasNext = i < until def next = { val elem = arr(i) i += 1 elem.asInstanceOf[T] } def remaining = until - i def dup = new ParArrayIterator(i, until, arr) def psplit(sizesIncomplete: Int*): Seq[ParArrayIterator] = { var traversed = i val total = sizesIncomplete.reduceLeft(_ + _) val left = remaining val sizes = if (total >= left) sizesIncomplete else sizesIncomplete :+ (left - total) for (sz <- sizes) yield if (traversed < until) { val start = traversed val end = (traversed + sz) min until traversed = end new ParArrayIterator(start, end, arr) } else { new ParArrayIterator(traversed, traversed, arr) } } override def split: Seq[ParArrayIterator] = { val left = remaining if (left >= 2) { val splitpoint = left / 2 val sq = Seq( new ParArrayIterator(i, i + splitpoint, arr), new ParArrayIterator(i + splitpoint, until, arr)) i = until sq } else { Seq(this) } } override def toString = "ParArrayIterator(" + i + ", " + until + ")" /* overrides for efficiency */ /* accessors */ override def foreach[U](f: T => U) = { foreach_quick(f, arr, until, i) i = until } private def foreach_quick[U](f: T => U, a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, from: Int) = { var j = from while (j < ntil) { f(a(j).asInstanceOf[T]) j += 1 } } override def count(p: T => Boolean) = { val c = count_quick(p, arr, until, i) i = until c } private def count_quick(p: T => Boolean, a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, from: Int) = { var cnt = 0 var j = from while (j < ntil) { if (p(a(j).asInstanceOf[T])) cnt += 1 j += 1 } cnt } override def foldLeft[S](z: S)(op: (S, T) => S): S = { val r = foldLeft_quick(arr, until, op, z) i = until r } private def foldLeft_quick[S](a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, op: (S, T) => S, z: S): S = { var j = i var sum = z while (j < ntil) { sum = op(sum, a(j).asInstanceOf[T]) j += 1 } sum } override def fold[U >: T](z: U)(op: (U, U) => U): U = foldLeft[U](z)(op) override def aggregate[S](z: =>S)(seqop: (S, T) => S, combop: (S, S) => S): S = foldLeft[S](z)(seqop) override def sum[U >: T](implicit num: Numeric[U]): U = { val s = sum_quick(num, arr, until, i, num.zero) i = until s } private def sum_quick[U >: T](num: Numeric[U], a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, from: Int, zero: U): U = { var j = from var sum = zero while (j < ntil) { sum = num.plus(sum, a(j).asInstanceOf[T]) j += 1 } sum } override def product[U >: T](implicit num: Numeric[U]): U = { val p = product_quick(num, arr, until, i, num.one) i = until p } private def product_quick[U >: T](num: Numeric[U], a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, from: Int, one: U): U = { var j = from var prod = one while (j < ntil) { prod = num.times(prod, a(j).asInstanceOf[T]) j += 1 } prod } override def forall(p: T => Boolean): Boolean = { if (isAborted) return false var all = true while (i < until) { val nextuntil = if (i + CHECK_RATE > until) until else i + CHECK_RATE all = forall_quick(p, array, nextuntil, i) if (all) i = nextuntil else { i = until abort() } if (isAborted) return false } all } // it's faster to use a separate small method private def forall_quick(p: T => Boolean, a: Array[Any], nextuntil: Int, start: Int): Boolean = { var j = start while (j < nextuntil) { if (p(a(j).asInstanceOf[T])) j += 1 else return false } true } override def exists(p: T => Boolean): Boolean = { if (isAborted) return true var some = false while (i < until) { val nextuntil = if (i + CHECK_RATE > until) until else i + CHECK_RATE some = exists_quick(p, array, nextuntil, i) if (some) { i = until abort() } else i = nextuntil if (isAborted) return true } some } // faster to use separate small method private def exists_quick(p: T => Boolean, a: Array[Any], nextuntil: Int, start: Int): Boolean = { var j = start while (j < nextuntil) { if (p(a(j).asInstanceOf[T])) return true else j += 1 } false } override def find(p: T => Boolean): Option[T] = { if (isAborted) return None var r: Option[T] = None while (i < until) { val nextuntil = if ((i + CHECK_RATE) < until) (i + CHECK_RATE) else until r = find_quick(p, array, nextuntil, i) if (r != None) { i = until abort() } else i = nextuntil if (isAborted) return r } r } private def find_quick(p: T => Boolean, a: Array[Any], nextuntil: Int, start: Int): Option[T] = { var j = start while (j < nextuntil) { val elem = a(j).asInstanceOf[T] if (p(elem)) return Some(elem) else j += 1 } None } override def drop(n: Int): ParArrayIterator = { i += n this } override def copyToArray[U >: T](array: Array[U], from: Int, len: Int) { val totallen = (self.length - i) min len min (array.length - from) Array.copy(arr, i, array, from, totallen) i += totallen } override def prefixLength(pred: T => Boolean): Int = { val r = prefixLength_quick(pred, arr, until, i) i += r + 1 r } private def prefixLength_quick(pred: T => Boolean, a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, startpos: Int): Int = { var j = startpos var endpos = ntil while (j < endpos) { if (pred(a(j).asInstanceOf[T])) j += 1 else endpos = j } endpos - startpos } override def indexWhere(pred: T => Boolean): Int = { val r = indexWhere_quick(pred, arr, until, i) val ret = if (r != -1) r - i else r i = until ret } private def indexWhere_quick(pred: T => Boolean, a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, from: Int): Int = { var j = from var pos = -1 while (j < ntil) { if (pred(a(j).asInstanceOf[T])) { pos = j j = ntil } else j += 1 } pos } override def lastIndexWhere(pred: T => Boolean): Int = { val r = lastIndexWhere_quick(pred, arr, i, until) val ret = if (r != -1) r - i else r i = until ret } private def lastIndexWhere_quick(pred: T => Boolean, a: Array[Any], from: Int, ntil: Int): Int = { var pos = -1 var j = ntil - 1 while (j >= from) { if (pred(a(j).asInstanceOf[T])) { pos = j j = -1 } else j -= 1 } pos } override def sameElements(that: Iterator[_]): Boolean = { var same = true while (i < until && that.hasNext) { if (arr(i) != that.next) { i = until same = false } i += 1 } same } /* transformers */ override def map2combiner[S, That](f: T => S, cb: Combiner[S, That]): Combiner[S, That] = { //val cb = cbf(self.repr) cb.sizeHint(remaining) map2combiner_quick(f, arr, cb, until, i) i = until cb } private def map2combiner_quick[S, That](f: T => S, a: Array[Any], cb: Builder[S, That], ntil: Int, from: Int) { var j = from while (j < ntil) { cb += f(a(j).asInstanceOf[T]) j += 1 } } override def collect2combiner[S, That](pf: PartialFunction[T, S], cb: Combiner[S, That]): Combiner[S, That] = { //val cb = pbf(self.repr) collect2combiner_quick(pf, arr, cb, until, i) i = until cb } private def collect2combiner_quick[S, That](pf: PartialFunction[T, S], a: Array[Any], cb: Builder[S, That], ntil: Int, from: Int) { var j = from val runWith = pf.runWith(b => cb += b) while (j < ntil) { val curr = a(j).asInstanceOf[T] runWith(curr) j += 1 } } override def flatmap2combiner[S, That](f: T => GenTraversableOnce[S], cb: Combiner[S, That]): Combiner[S, That] = { //val cb = pbf(self.repr) while (i < until) { val traversable = f(arr(i).asInstanceOf[T]) if (traversable.isInstanceOf[Iterable[_]]) cb ++= traversable.asInstanceOf[Iterable[S]].iterator else cb ++= traversable.seq i += 1 } cb } override def filter2combiner[U >: T, This](pred: T => Boolean, cb: Combiner[U, This]) = { filter2combiner_quick(pred, cb, arr, until, i) i = until cb } private def filter2combiner_quick[U >: T, This](pred: T => Boolean, cb: Builder[U, This], a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, from: Int) { var j = i while(j < ntil) { val curr = a(j).asInstanceOf[T] if (pred(curr)) cb += curr j += 1 } } override def filterNot2combiner[U >: T, This](pred: T => Boolean, cb: Combiner[U, This]) = { filterNot2combiner_quick(pred, cb, arr, until, i) i = until cb } private def filterNot2combiner_quick[U >: T, This](pred: T => Boolean, cb: Builder[U, This], a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, from: Int) { var j = i while(j < ntil) { val curr = a(j).asInstanceOf[T] if (!pred(curr)) cb += curr j += 1 } } override def copy2builder[U >: T, Coll, Bld <: Builder[U, Coll]](cb: Bld): Bld = { cb.sizeHint(remaining) cb.ifIs[ResizableParArrayCombiner[T]] { pac => // with res. combiner: val targetarr: Array[Any] = pac.lastbuff.internalArray.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]] Array.copy(arr, i, targetarr, pac.lastbuff.size, until - i) pac.lastbuff.setInternalSize(remaining) } otherwise { cb.ifIs[UnrolledParArrayCombiner[T]] { pac => // with unr. combiner: val targetarr: Array[Any] = pac.buff.lastPtr.array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]] Array.copy(arr, i, targetarr, 0, until - i) pac.buff.size = pac.buff.size + until - i pac.buff.lastPtr.size = until - i } otherwise { copy2builder_quick(cb, arr, until, i) i = until } } cb } private def copy2builder_quick[U >: T, Coll](b: Builder[U, Coll], a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, from: Int) { var j = from while (j < ntil) { b += a(j).asInstanceOf[T] j += 1 } } override def partition2combiners[U >: T, This](pred: T => Boolean, btrue: Combiner[U, This], bfalse: Combiner[U, This]) = { partition2combiners_quick(pred, btrue, bfalse, arr, until, i) i = until (btrue, bfalse) } private def partition2combiners_quick[U >: T, This](p: T => Boolean, btrue: Builder[U, This], bfalse: Builder[U, This], a: Array[Any], ntil: Int, from: Int) { var j = from while (j < ntil) { val curr = a(j).asInstanceOf[T] if (p(curr)) btrue += curr else bfalse += curr j += 1 } } override def take2combiner[U >: T, This](n: Int, cb: Combiner[U, This]) = { cb.sizeHint(n) val ntil = i + n val a = arr while (i < ntil) { cb += a(i).asInstanceOf[T] i += 1 } cb } override def drop2combiner[U >: T, This](n: Int, cb: Combiner[U, This]) = { drop(n) cb.sizeHint(remaining) while (i < until) { cb += arr(i).asInstanceOf[T] i += 1 } cb } override def reverse2combiner[U >: T, This](cb: Combiner[U, This]): Combiner[U, This] = { cb.ifIs[ResizableParArrayCombiner[T]] { pac => // with res. combiner: val sz = remaining pac.sizeHint(sz) val targetarr: Array[Any] = pac.lastbuff.internalArray.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]] reverse2combiner_quick(targetarr, arr, 0, i, until) pac.lastbuff.setInternalSize(sz) } otherwise { cb.ifIs[UnrolledParArrayCombiner[T]] { pac => // with unr. combiner: val sz = remaining pac.sizeHint(sz) val targetarr: Array[Any] = pac.buff.lastPtr.array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]] reverse2combiner_quick(targetarr, arr, 0, i, until) pac.buff.size = pac.buff.size + sz pac.buff.lastPtr.size = sz } otherwise super.reverse2combiner(cb) } cb } private def reverse2combiner_quick(targ: Array[Any], a: Array[Any], targfrom: Int, srcfrom: Int, srcuntil: Int) { var j = srcfrom var k = targfrom + srcuntil - srcfrom - 1 while (j < srcuntil) { targ(k) = a(j) j += 1 k -= 1 } } override def scanToArray[U >: T, A >: U](z: U, op: (U, U) => U, destarr: Array[A], from: Int) { scanToArray_quick[U](array, destarr.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]], op, z, i, until, from) i = until } protected def scanToArray_quick[U](srcarr: Array[Any], destarr: Array[Any], op: (U, U) => U, z: U, srcfrom: Int, srcntil: Int, destfrom: Int) { var last = z var j = srcfrom var k = destfrom while (j < srcntil) { last = op(last, srcarr(j).asInstanceOf[U]) destarr(k) = last j += 1 k += 1 } } } /* operations */ private def buildsArray[S, That](c: Builder[S, That]) = c.isInstanceOf[ParArrayCombiner[_]] override def map[S, That](f: T => S)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[ParArray[T], S, That]) = if (buildsArray(bf(repr))) { // reserve an array val targarrseq = new ArraySeq[S](length) val targetarr = targarrseq.array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]] // fill it in parallel tasksupport.executeAndWaitResult(new Map[S](f, targetarr, 0, length)) // wrap it into a parallel array (new ParArray[S](targarrseq)).asInstanceOf[That] } else super.map(f)(bf) override def scan[U >: T, That](z: U)(op: (U, U) => U)(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[ParArray[T], U, That]): That = if (tasksupport.parallelismLevel > 1 && buildsArray(cbf(repr))) { // reserve an array val targarrseq = new ArraySeq[U](length + 1) val targetarr = targarrseq.array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]] targetarr(0) = z // do a parallel prefix scan if (length > 0) tasksupport.executeAndWaitResult(new CreateScanTree[U](0, size, z, op, splitter) mapResult { tree => tasksupport.executeAndWaitResult(new ScanToArray(tree, z, op, targetarr)) }) // wrap the array into a parallel array (new ParArray[U](targarrseq)).asInstanceOf[That] } else super.scan(z)(op)(cbf) /* tasks */ class ScanToArray[U >: T](tree: ScanTree[U], z: U, op: (U, U) => U, targetarr: Array[Any]) extends Task[Unit, ScanToArray[U]] { var result = () def leaf(prev: Option[Unit]) = iterate(tree) private def iterate(tree: ScanTree[U]): Unit = tree match { case ScanNode(left, right) => iterate(left) iterate(right) case ScanLeaf(_, _, from, len, Some(prev), _) => scanLeaf(array, targetarr, from, len, prev.acc) case ScanLeaf(_, _, from, len, None, _) => scanLeaf(array, targetarr, from, len, z) } private def scanLeaf(srcarr: Array[Any], targetarr: Array[Any], from: Int, len: Int, startval: U) { var i = from val until = from + len var curr = startval val operation = op while (i < until) { curr = operation(curr, srcarr(i).asInstanceOf[U]) i += 1 targetarr(i) = curr } } def split = tree match { case ScanNode(left, right) => Seq( new ScanToArray(left, z, op, targetarr), new ScanToArray(right, z, op, targetarr) ) case _ => sys.error("Can only split scan tree internal nodes.") } def shouldSplitFurther = tree match { case ScanNode(_, _) => true case _ => false } } class Map[S](f: T => S, targetarr: Array[Any], offset: Int, howmany: Int) extends Task[Unit, Map[S]] { var result = () def leaf(prev: Option[Unit]) = { val tarr = targetarr val sarr = array var i = offset val until = offset + howmany while (i < until) { tarr(i) = f(sarr(i).asInstanceOf[T]) i += 1 } } def split = { val fp = howmany / 2 List(new Map(f, targetarr, offset, fp), new Map(f, targetarr, offset + fp, howmany - fp)) } def shouldSplitFurther = howmany > scala.collection.parallel.thresholdFromSize(length, tasksupport.parallelismLevel) } /* serialization */ private def writeObject(out: java.io.ObjectOutputStream) { out.defaultWriteObject } private def readObject(in: java.io.ObjectInputStream) { in.defaultReadObject // get raw array from arrayseq array = arrayseq.array.asInstanceOf[Array[Any]] } } /** $factoryInfo * @define Coll `mutable.ParArray` * @define coll parallel array */ object ParArray extends ParFactory[ParArray] { implicit def canBuildFrom[T]: CanCombineFrom[Coll, T, ParArray[T]] = new GenericCanCombineFrom[T] def newBuilder[T]: Combiner[T, ParArray[T]] = newCombiner def newCombiner[T]: Combiner[T, ParArray[T]] = ParArrayCombiner[T] /** Creates a new parallel array by wrapping the specified array. */ def handoff[T](arr: Array[T]): ParArray[T] = wrapOrRebuild(arr, arr.length) /** Creates a new parallel array by wrapping a part of the specified array. */ def handoff[T](arr: Array[T], sz: Int): ParArray[T] = wrapOrRebuild(arr, sz) private def wrapOrRebuild[T](arr: AnyRef, sz: Int) = arr match { case arr: Array[AnyRef] => new ParArray[T](new ExposedArraySeq[T](arr, sz)) case _ => new ParArray[T](new ExposedArraySeq[T](scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.toObjectArray(arr), sz)) } def createFromCopy[T <: AnyRef : ClassTag](arr: Array[T]): ParArray[T] = { val newarr = new Array[T](arr.length) Array.copy(arr, 0, newarr, 0, arr.length) handoff(newarr) } def fromTraversables[T](xss: GenTraversableOnce[T]*) = { val cb = ParArrayCombiner[T]() for (xs <- xss) { cb ++= xs.seq } cb.result } }