package scala package reflect package macros /** * EXPERIMENTAL * * A slice of [[scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context the Scala macros context]] that defines shorthands for the * most common `Expr`-creating functions. */ trait ExprUtils { self: blackbox.Context => /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(null))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literalNull: Expr[Null] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(()))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literalUnit: Expr[Unit] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(true))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literalTrue: Expr[Boolean] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(false))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literalFalse: Expr[Boolean] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(x: Boolean))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literal(x: Boolean): Expr[Boolean] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(x: Byte))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literal(x: Byte): Expr[Byte] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(x: Short))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literal(x: Short): Expr[Short] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(x: Int))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literal(x: Int): Expr[Int] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(x: Long))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literal(x: Long): Expr[Long] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(x: Float))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literal(x: Float): Expr[Float] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(x: Double))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literal(x: Double): Expr[Double] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(x: String))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literal(x: String): Expr[String] /** Shorthand for `Literal(Constant(x: Char))` in the underlying `universe`. */ @deprecated("Use quasiquotes instead", "2.11.0") def literal(x: Char): Expr[Char] }