/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Scalable Solutions AB */ package akka.remoteinterface import akka.japi.Creator import akka.actor._ import akka.util._ import akka.dispatch.CompletableFuture import akka.AkkaException import scala.beans.BeanProperty import java.net.InetSocketAddress import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import java.io.{ PrintWriter, PrintStream } import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException trait RemoteModule { val UUID_PREFIX = "uuid:".intern def optimizeLocalScoped_?(): Boolean //Apply optimizations for remote operations in local scope protected[akka] def notifyListeners(message: => Any): Unit private[akka] def actors: ConcurrentHashMap[String, ActorRef] private[akka] def actorsByUuid: ConcurrentHashMap[String, ActorRef] private[akka] def actorsFactories: ConcurrentHashMap[String, () => ActorRef] private[akka] def typedActors: ConcurrentHashMap[String, AnyRef] private[akka] def typedActorsByUuid: ConcurrentHashMap[String, AnyRef] private[akka] def typedActorsFactories: ConcurrentHashMap[String, () => AnyRef] /** Lookup methods **/ private[akka] def findActorById(id: String): ActorRef = actors.get(id) private[akka] def findActorByUuid(uuid: String): ActorRef = actorsByUuid.get(uuid) private[akka] def findActorFactory(id: String): () => ActorRef = actorsFactories.get(id) private[akka] def findTypedActorById(id: String): AnyRef = typedActors.get(id) private[akka] def findTypedActorFactory(id: String): () => AnyRef = typedActorsFactories.get(id) private[akka] def findTypedActorByUuid(uuid: String): AnyRef = typedActorsByUuid.get(uuid) private[akka] def findActorByIdOrUuid(id: String, uuid: String): ActorRef = { var actorRefOrNull = if (id.startsWith(UUID_PREFIX)) findActorByUuid(id.substring(UUID_PREFIX.length)) else findActorById(id) if (actorRefOrNull eq null) actorRefOrNull = findActorByUuid(uuid) actorRefOrNull } private[akka] def findTypedActorByIdOrUuid(id: String, uuid: String): AnyRef = { var actorRefOrNull = if (id.startsWith(UUID_PREFIX)) findTypedActorByUuid(id.substring(UUID_PREFIX.length)) else findTypedActorById(id) if (actorRefOrNull eq null) actorRefOrNull = findTypedActorByUuid(uuid) actorRefOrNull } } /** * Life-cycle events for RemoteClient. */ sealed trait RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteClientError( @BeanProperty cause: Throwable, @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule, @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteClientDisconnected( @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule, @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteClientConnected( @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule, @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteClientStarted( @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule, @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteClientShutdown( @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule, @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteClientWriteFailed( @BeanProperty request: AnyRef, @BeanProperty cause: Throwable, @BeanProperty client: RemoteClientModule, @BeanProperty remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress) extends RemoteClientLifeCycleEvent /** * Life-cycle events for RemoteServer. */ sealed trait RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteServerStarted( @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteServerShutdown( @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteServerError( @BeanProperty val cause: Throwable, @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteServerClientConnected( @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule, @BeanProperty val clientAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress]) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteServerClientDisconnected( @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule, @BeanProperty val clientAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress]) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteServerClientClosed( @BeanProperty val server: RemoteServerModule, @BeanProperty val clientAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress]) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent case class RemoteServerWriteFailed( @BeanProperty request: AnyRef, @BeanProperty cause: Throwable, @BeanProperty server: RemoteServerModule, @BeanProperty clientAddress: Option[InetSocketAddress]) extends RemoteServerLifeCycleEvent /** * Thrown for example when trying to send a message using a RemoteClient that is either not started or shut down. */ class RemoteClientException private[akka] ( message: String, @BeanProperty val client: RemoteClientModule, val remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress, cause: Throwable = null) extends AkkaException(message, cause) /** * Thrown when the remote server actor dispatching fails for some reason. */ class RemoteServerException private[akka] (message: String) extends AkkaException(message) /** * Thrown when a remote exception sent over the wire cannot be loaded and instantiated */ case class CannotInstantiateRemoteExceptionDueToRemoteProtocolParsingErrorException private[akka] (cause: Throwable, originalClassName: String, originalMessage: String) extends AkkaException("\nParsingError[%s]\nOriginalException[%s]\nOriginalMessage[%s]" .format(cause.toString, originalClassName, originalMessage)) { override def printStackTrace = cause.printStackTrace override def printStackTrace(printStream: PrintStream) = cause.printStackTrace(printStream) override def printStackTrace(printWriter: PrintWriter) = cause.printStackTrace(printWriter) } abstract class RemoteSupport extends ListenerManagement with RemoteServerModule with RemoteClientModule { lazy val eventHandler: ActorRef = { val handler = Actor.actorOf[RemoteEventHandler].start() // add the remote client and server listener that pipes the events to the event handler system addListener(handler) handler } def shutdown() { eventHandler.stop() removeListener(eventHandler) this.shutdownClientModule() this.shutdownServerModule() clear } /** * Creates a Client-managed ActorRef out of the Actor of the specified Class. * If the supplied host and port is identical of the configured local node, it will be a local actor *
   *   import Actor._
   *   val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor],"www.akka.io", 2552)
   *   actor.start()
   *   actor ! message
   *   actor.stop()
* You can create and start the actor in one statement like this: *
   *   val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor],"www.akka.io", 2552).start()
*/ @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1") def actorOf(factory: => Actor, host: String, port: Int): ActorRef = Actor.remote.clientManagedActorOf(() => factory, host, port) /** * Creates a Client-managed ActorRef out of the Actor of the specified Class. * If the supplied host and port is identical of the configured local node, it will be a local actor *
   *   import Actor._
   *   val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor],"www.akka.io",2552)
   *   actor.start()
   *   actor ! message
   *   actor.stop()
* You can create and start the actor in one statement like this: *
   *   val actor = actorOf(classOf[MyActor],"www.akka.io",2552).start()
*/ @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1") def actorOf(clazz: Class[_ <: Actor], host: String, port: Int): ActorRef = clientManagedActorOf(() => createActorFromClass(clazz), host, port) /** * Creates a Client-managed ActorRef out of the Actor of the specified Class. * If the supplied host and port is identical of the configured local node, it will be a local actor *
   *   import Actor._
   *   val actor = actorOf[MyActor]("www.akka.io",2552)
   *   actor.start()
   *   actor ! message
   *   actor.stop()
* You can create and start the actor in one statement like this: *
   *   val actor = actorOf[MyActor]("www.akka.io",2552).start()
*/ @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1") def actorOf[T <: Actor: ClassTag](host: String, port: Int): ActorRef = clientManagedActorOf(() => createActorFromClass(classTag[T].erasure), host, port) protected def createActorFromClass(clazz: Class[_]): Actor = { import ReflectiveAccess.{ createInstance, noParams, noArgs } createInstance[Actor](clazz, noParams, noArgs) match { case Right(actor) => actor case Left(exception) => val cause = exception match { case i: InvocationTargetException => i.getTargetException case _ => exception } throw new ActorInitializationException( "Could not instantiate Actor of " + clazz + "\nMake sure Actor is NOT defined inside a class/trait," + "\nif so put it outside the class/trait, f.e. in a companion object," + "\nOR try to change: 'actorOf[MyActor]' to 'actorOf(new MyActor)'.", cause) } } protected override def manageLifeCycleOfListeners = false protected[akka] override def notifyListeners(message: => Any): Unit = super.notifyListeners(message) private[akka] val actors = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, ActorRef] private[akka] val actorsByUuid = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, ActorRef] private[akka] val actorsFactories = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, () => ActorRef] private[akka] val typedActors = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, AnyRef] private[akka] val typedActorsByUuid = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, AnyRef] private[akka] val typedActorsFactories = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, () => AnyRef] def clear { actors.clear actorsByUuid.clear typedActors.clear typedActorsByUuid.clear actorsFactories.clear typedActorsFactories.clear } } /** * This is the interface for the RemoteServer functionality, it's used in Actor.remote */ trait RemoteServerModule extends RemoteModule { protected val guard = new ReentrantGuard /** * Signals whether the server is up and running or not */ def isRunning: Boolean /** * Gets the name of the server instance */ def name: String /** * Gets the address of the server instance */ def address: InetSocketAddress /** * Starts the server up */ def start(): RemoteServerModule = start(ReflectiveAccess.Remote.configDefaultAddress.getAddress.getHostAddress, ReflectiveAccess.Remote.configDefaultAddress.getPort, None) /** * Starts the server up */ def start(loader: ClassLoader): RemoteServerModule = start(ReflectiveAccess.Remote.configDefaultAddress.getAddress.getHostAddress, ReflectiveAccess.Remote.configDefaultAddress.getPort, Option(loader)) /** * Starts the server up */ def start(host: String, port: Int): RemoteServerModule = start(host, port, None) /** * Starts the server up */ def start(host: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): RemoteServerModule = start(host, port, Option(loader)) /** * Starts the server up */ def start(host: String, port: Int, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): RemoteServerModule /** * Shuts the server down */ def shutdownServerModule(): Unit /** * Register typed actor by interface name. */ def registerTypedActor(intfClass: Class[_], typedActor: AnyRef): Unit = registerTypedActor(intfClass.getName, typedActor) /** * Register remote typed actor by a specific id. * @param id custom actor id * @param typedActor typed actor to register */ def registerTypedActor(id: String, typedActor: AnyRef): Unit /** * Register typed actor by interface name. */ def registerTypedPerSessionActor(intfClass: Class[_], factory: => AnyRef): Unit = registerTypedActor(intfClass.getName, factory) /** * Register typed actor by interface name. * Java API */ def registerTypedPerSessionActor(intfClass: Class[_], factory: Creator[AnyRef]): Unit = registerTypedActor(intfClass.getName, factory) /** * Register remote typed actor by a specific id. * @param id custom actor id * @param typedActor typed actor to register */ def registerTypedPerSessionActor(id: String, factory: => AnyRef): Unit /** * Register remote typed actor by a specific id. * @param id custom actor id * @param typedActor typed actor to register * Java API */ def registerTypedPerSessionActor(id: String, factory: Creator[AnyRef]): Unit = registerTypedPerSessionActor(id, factory.create) /** * Register Remote Actor by the Actor's 'id' field. It starts the Actor if it is not started already. */ def register(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit = register(actorRef.id, actorRef) /** * Register Remote Actor by the Actor's uuid field. It starts the Actor if it is not started already. */ def registerByUuid(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit /** * Register Remote Actor by a specific 'id' passed as argument. The actor is registered by UUID rather than ID * when prefixing the handle with the “uuid:” protocol. *

* NOTE: If you use this method to register your remote actor then you must unregister the actor by this ID yourself. */ def register(id: String, actorRef: ActorRef): Unit /** * Register Remote Session Actor by a specific 'id' passed as argument. *

* NOTE: If you use this method to register your remote actor then you must unregister the actor by this ID yourself. */ def registerPerSession(id: String, factory: => ActorRef): Unit /** * Register Remote Session Actor by a specific 'id' passed as argument. *

* NOTE: If you use this method to register your remote actor then you must unregister the actor by this ID yourself. * Java API */ def registerPerSession(id: String, factory: Creator[ActorRef]): Unit = registerPerSession(id, factory.create) /** * Unregister Remote Actor that is registered using its 'id' field (not custom ID). */ def unregister(actorRef: ActorRef): Unit /** * Unregister Remote Actor by specific 'id'. *

* NOTE: You need to call this method if you have registered an actor by a custom ID. */ def unregister(id: String): Unit /** * Unregister Remote Actor by specific 'id'. *

* NOTE: You need to call this method if you have registered an actor by a custom ID. */ def unregisterPerSession(id: String): Unit /** * Unregister Remote Typed Actor by specific 'id'. *

* NOTE: You need to call this method if you have registered an actor by a custom ID. */ def unregisterTypedActor(id: String): Unit /** * Unregister Remote Typed Actor by specific 'id'. *

* NOTE: You need to call this method if you have registered an actor by a custom ID. */ def unregisterTypedPerSessionActor(id: String): Unit } trait RemoteClientModule extends RemoteModule { self: RemoteModule => def actorFor(classNameOrServiceId: String, hostname: String, port: Int): ActorRef = actorFor(classNameOrServiceId, classNameOrServiceId, Actor.TIMEOUT, hostname, port, None) def actorFor(classNameOrServiceId: String, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): ActorRef = actorFor(classNameOrServiceId, classNameOrServiceId, Actor.TIMEOUT, hostname, port, Some(loader)) def actorFor(serviceId: String, className: String, hostname: String, port: Int): ActorRef = actorFor(serviceId, className, Actor.TIMEOUT, hostname, port, None) def actorFor(serviceId: String, className: String, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): ActorRef = actorFor(serviceId, className, Actor.TIMEOUT, hostname, port, Some(loader)) def actorFor(classNameOrServiceId: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int): ActorRef = actorFor(classNameOrServiceId, classNameOrServiceId, timeout, hostname, port, None) def actorFor(classNameOrServiceId: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): ActorRef = actorFor(classNameOrServiceId, classNameOrServiceId, timeout, hostname, port, Some(loader)) def actorFor(serviceId: String, className: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int): ActorRef = actorFor(serviceId, className, timeout, hostname, port, None) def typedActorFor[T](intfClass: Class[T], serviceIdOrClassName: String, hostname: String, port: Int): T = typedActorFor(intfClass, serviceIdOrClassName, serviceIdOrClassName, Actor.TIMEOUT, hostname, port, None) def typedActorFor[T](intfClass: Class[T], serviceIdOrClassName: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int): T = typedActorFor(intfClass, serviceIdOrClassName, serviceIdOrClassName, timeout, hostname, port, None) def typedActorFor[T](intfClass: Class[T], serviceIdOrClassName: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): T = typedActorFor(intfClass, serviceIdOrClassName, serviceIdOrClassName, timeout, hostname, port, Some(loader)) def typedActorFor[T](intfClass: Class[T], serviceId: String, implClassName: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: ClassLoader): T = typedActorFor(intfClass, serviceId, implClassName, timeout, hostname, port, Some(loader)) @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1") def clientManagedActorOf(factory: () => Actor, host: String, port: Int): ActorRef /** * Clean-up all open connections. */ def shutdownClientModule(): Unit /** * Shuts down a specific client connected to the supplied remote address returns true if successful */ def shutdownClientConnection(address: InetSocketAddress): Boolean /** * Restarts a specific client connected to the supplied remote address, but only if the client is not shut down */ def restartClientConnection(address: InetSocketAddress): Boolean /** Methods that needs to be implemented by a transport **/ protected[akka] def typedActorFor[T](intfClass: Class[T], serviceId: String, implClassName: String, timeout: Long, host: String, port: Int, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): T protected[akka] def actorFor(serviceId: String, className: String, timeout: Long, hostname: String, port: Int, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): ActorRef protected[akka] def send[T](message: Any, senderOption: Option[ActorRef], senderFuture: Option[CompletableFuture[T]], remoteAddress: InetSocketAddress, timeout: Long, isOneWay: Boolean, actorRef: ActorRef, typedActorInfo: Option[Tuple2[String, String]], actorType: ActorType, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): Option[CompletableFuture[T]] private[akka] def registerSupervisorForActor(actorRef: ActorRef): ActorRef private[akka] def deregisterSupervisorForActor(actorRef: ActorRef): ActorRef @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1") private[akka] def registerClientManagedActor(hostname: String, port: Int, uuid: Uuid): Unit @deprecated("Will be removed after 1.1", "1.1") private[akka] def unregisterClientManagedActor(hostname: String, port: Int, uuid: Uuid): Unit }