// A bunch of ridiculous seeming tests until you realize much // of this didn't work until the commit which accompanies this. object Test { def f1(x: AnyRef with Singleton): AnyRef with Singleton = x def f2[T <: AnyRef with Singleton](x: T): T = x val x1: AnyRef with Singleton = "abc" val x2 = "def" final val x3 = "ghi" val x4: String = "jkl" // compiles... def narrow1(x: AnyRef): AnyRef with Singleton = x // compiles, still doesn't help. def narrow2(x: AnyRef): AnyRef with Singleton = x.asInstanceOf[x.type] // fails, wait, what? This fails and narrow1 compiles? def narrow3(x: AnyRef): AnyRef with Singleton = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef with Singleton] // ok def narrow4[T <: AnyRef](x: T): AnyRef with Singleton = x object imp { implicit def narrow4[T <: AnyRef](x: T): AnyRef with Singleton = x val x5: String = "mno" def imp1 = f1(x5) // f2(x5) // doesn't work but I think it should def imp2 = f2(narrow4(x5)) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // compiles f1(x1) f1(x2) f1(x3) f1(x4) f2(x1) // f2(x2) // f2(x3) // maybe this one should work // f2(x4) f1(narrow1(x4)) f1(narrow2(x4)) f1(narrow3(x4)) f1(narrow4(x4)) f2(narrow1(x4)) f2(narrow2(x4)) f2(narrow3(x4)) f2(narrow4(x4)) } }