/** * Tries to load a symbol for the `Foo$class` using Scala reflection. * Since trait implementation classes do not get pickling information * symbol for them should be created using fallback mechanism * that exposes Java reflection information dressed up in * a Scala symbol. */ object Test extends App with Outer { import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag} import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm} assert(cm.classSymbol(classTag[Foo].runtimeClass).info.decl(TermName("bar")).info == cm.classSymbol(classTag[Bar].runtimeClass).info.decl(TermName("foo")).info) val s1 = implClass(classTag[Foo].runtimeClass) assert(s1 != NoSymbol) assert(s1.info != NoType) assert(s1.companion.info != NoType) assert(s1.companion.info.decl(TermName("bar")) != NoSymbol) val s2 = implClass(classTag[Bar].runtimeClass) assert(s2 != NoSymbol) assert(s2.info != NoType) assert(s2.companion.info != NoType) assert(s2.companion.info.decl(TermName("foo")) != NoSymbol) def implClass(clazz: Class[_]) = { val implClass = Class.forName(clazz.getName + "$class") cm.classSymbol(implClass) } } trait Foo { def bar = 1 } trait Outer { trait Bar { def foo = 1 } }