package package backend.jvm package opt import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import org.junit.Test import import org.junit.Assert._ import import CodeGenTools._ import import ASMConverters._ import object MethodLevelOpts extends ClearAfterClass.Clearable { var methodOptCompiler = newCompiler(extraArgs = "-target:jvm-1.6 -Ybackend:GenBCode -Yopt:l:method") def clear(): Unit = { methodOptCompiler = null } } @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class MethodLevelOpts extends ClearAfterClass { ClearAfterClass.stateToClear = MethodLevelOpts val methodOptCompiler = MethodLevelOpts.methodOptCompiler def wrapInDefault(code: Instruction*) = List(Label(0), LineNumber(1, Label(0))) ::: code.toList ::: List(Label(1)) @Test def eliminateEmptyTry(): Unit = { val code = "def f = { try {} catch { case _: Throwable => 0; () }; 1 }" val warn = "a pure expression does nothing in statement position" assertSameCode(singleMethodInstructions(methodOptCompiler)(code, allowMessage = _.msg contains warn), wrapInDefault(Op(ICONST_1), Op(IRETURN))) } @Test def cannotEliminateLoadBoxedUnit(): Unit = { // the compiler inserts a boxed into the try block. it's therefore non-empty (and live) and not eliminated. val code = "def f = { try {} catch { case _: Throwable => 0 }; 1 }" val m = singleMethod(methodOptCompiler)(code) assertTrue(m.handlers.length == 1) assertSameCode(m.instructions.take(3), List(Label(0), LineNumber(1, Label(0)), Field(GETSTATIC, "scala/runtime/BoxedUnit", "UNIT", "Lscala/runtime/BoxedUnit;"))) } @Test def inlineThrowInCatchNotTry(): Unit = { // the try block does not contain the `ATHROW` instruction, but in the catch block, `ATHROW` is inlined val code = "def f(e: Exception) = throw { try e catch { case _: Throwable => e } }" val m = singleMethod(methodOptCompiler)(code) assertHandlerLabelPostions(m.handlers.head, m.instructions, 0, 3, 5) assertSameCode(m.instructions, wrapInDefault(VarOp(ALOAD, 1), Label(3), Op(ATHROW), Label(5), FrameEntry(4, List(), List("java/lang/Throwable")), Op(POP), VarOp(ALOAD, 1), Op(ATHROW)) ) } @Test def inlineReturnInCatchNotTry(): Unit = { val code = "def f: Int = return { try 1 catch { case _: Throwable => 2 } }" // cannot inline the IRETURN into the try block (because RETURN may throw IllegalMonitorState) val m = singleMethod(methodOptCompiler)(code) assertHandlerLabelPostions(m.handlers.head, m.instructions, 0, 3, 5) assertSameCode(m.instructions, wrapInDefault(Op(ICONST_1), Label(3), Op(IRETURN), Label(5), FrameEntry(4, List(), List("java/lang/Throwable")), Op(POP), Op(ICONST_2), Op(IRETURN))) } @Test def simplifyJumpsInTryCatchFinally(): Unit = { val code = """def f: Int = | try { | return 1 | } catch { | case _: Throwable => | return 2 | } finally { | return 2 | // dead | val x = try 10 catch { case _: Throwable => 11 } | println(x) | } """.stripMargin val m = singleMethod(methodOptCompiler)(code) assertTrue(m.handlers.length == 2) assertSameCode(m.instructions.dropNonOp, // drop line numbers and labels that are only used by line numbers // one single label left :-) List(Op(ICONST_1), VarOp(ISTORE, 2), Jump(GOTO, Label(20)), Op(POP), Op(ICONST_2), VarOp(ISTORE, 2), Jump(GOTO, Label(20)), VarOp(ASTORE, 3), Op(ICONST_2), Op(IRETURN), Label(20), Op(ICONST_2), Op(IRETURN)) ) } }