package package symtab import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.junit.runners.JUnit4 import @RunWith(classOf[JUnit4]) class FlagsTest extends BytecodeTesting { object symbolTable extends SymbolTableForUnitTesting import symbolTable._ import Flags._ def sym = NoSymbol.newTermSymbol(nme.EMPTY) def withFlagMask[A](mask: Long)(body: => A): A = enteringPhase(new Phase(NoPhase) { override def flagMask = mask def name = "" def run() = () })(body) def testTimedFlag(flag: Long, test: Symbol => Boolean, enabling: Boolean) = { assertEquals(withFlagMask(InitialFlags)(test(sym.setFlag(flag))), !enabling) assertEquals(withFlagMask(InitialFlags | flag)(test(sym.setFlag(flag))), enabling) } def testLate(flag: Long, test: Symbol => Boolean) = testTimedFlag(flag, test, enabling = true) def testNot(flag: Long, test: Symbol => Boolean) = testTimedFlag(flag, test, enabling = false) @Test def testTimedFlags(): Unit = { testNot(PROTECTED | notPROTECTED, _.isProtected) testNot(PRIVATE | notPRIVATE, _.isPrivate) assertFalse(withFlagMask(AllFlags)(sym.setFlag(PRIVATE | notPRIVATE).isPrivate)) assertEquals(withFlagMask(InitialFlags)(sym.setFlag(PRIVATE | notPRIVATE).flags & PRIVATE), PRIVATE) assertEquals(withFlagMask(AllFlags)(sym.setFlag(PRIVATE | notPRIVATE).flags & PRIVATE), 0) } @Test def normalLateOverlap(): Unit = { // late flags are shifted by LateShift == 47. // however, the first late flag is lateDEFERRED, which is DEFERRED << 47 == (1 << 4) << 47 == 1 << 51 // the flags from 1 << 47 to 1 << 50 are not late flags. this is ensured by the LateFlags mask. for (i <- 0 to 3) { val f = 1L << i assertEquals(withFlagMask(AllFlags)(sym.setFlag(f << LateShift).flags & f), 0) // not treated as late flag } for (i <- 4 to 8) { val f = 1L << i assertEquals(withFlagMask(AllFlags)(sym.setFlag(f << LateShift).flags & f), f) // treated as late flag } } @Test def normalAnti(): Unit = { for (i <- 0 to 2) { val f = 1L << i assertEquals(withFlagMask(AllFlags)(sym.setFlag(f | (f << AntiShift)).flags & f), 0) // negated flags } for (i <- 3 to 7) { val f = 1L << i assertEquals(withFlagMask(AllFlags)(sym.setFlag(f | (f << AntiShift)).flags & f), f) // not negated } } @Test def lateAntiCrossCheck(): Unit = { val allButNegatable = AllFlags & ~(PROTECTED | OVERRIDE | PRIVATE) val lateable = 0L | DEFERRED | FINAL | INTERFACE | METHOD | MODULE val lateFlags = lateable << LateShift val allButLateable = AllFlags & ~lateable assertEquals(withFlagMask(AllFlags)(sym.setFlag(AllFlags).flags), allButNegatable) assertEquals(withFlagMask(AllFlags)(sym.setFlag(allButLateable).flags), allButNegatable) assertEquals(withFlagMask(AllFlags)(sym.setFlag(lateFlags).flags), lateFlags | lateable) } @Test def javaClassMirrorAnnotationFlag(): Unit = { import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ val dep = typeOf[java.lang.Deprecated].typeSymbol assertTrue(dep.isJavaAnnotation && dep.isJava) } @Test def interfaceFlag(): Unit = { // scala traits are `isInterface` if they have only type defs and abstract methods / fields. // java interfaces are always `isInterface`. val scalaCode = """package p |trait T1 { | import scala.collection | def m: Int | val f: Int | type T <: AnyRef |} |trait T2 { | def m = 1 |} |trait T3 { | val f = 1 |} |trait T4 { | println() |} """.stripMargin val javaI1 = "package p; interface I1 { int m(); }" val javaI2 = "package p; interface I2 { default int m() { return 1; } }" compiler.compileClasses(code = scalaCode, javaCode = (javaI1, "") :: (javaI2, "") :: Nil) import assert( getRequiredClass("p.T1").isInterface) assert(!getRequiredClass("p.T2").isInterface) assert(!getRequiredClass("p.T3").isInterface) assert(!getRequiredClass("p.T4").isInterface) assert( getRequiredClass("p.I1").isInterface) assert( getRequiredClass("p.I2").isInterface) } }