/* * Simple Mechanics Simulator (SiMS) * copyright (c) 2009 Jakob Odersky * made available under the MIT License */ package sims.geometry import scala.math._ /**A 2D vector. * @param x 1st component * @param y 2nd component*/ case class Vector2D(x: Double, y: Double) { /**Vector addition.*/ def +(v: Vector2D): Vector2D = Vector2D(x + v.x, y + v.y) /**Vector substraction.*/ def -(v: Vector2D): Vector2D = this + (v * -1) /**Scalar multiplication.*/ def *(n: Double): Vector2D = Vector2D(x * n, y * n) /**Scalar division.*/ def /(n: Double): Vector2D = this * (1/n) /**Unary minus.*/ def unary_- : Vector2D = Vector2D(-x, -y) /**Dot product.*/ def dot(v: Vector2D): Double = x * v.x + y * v.y /**Cross product. Length only because in 2D. The direction would be given by the x3-axis.*/ def cross(v: Vector2D): Double = x * v.y - y * v.x /**Norm or length of this vector.*/ val length: Double = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) /**Unit vector.*/ def unit: Vector2D = if (!(x == 0.0 && y == 0.0)) Vector2D(x / length, y / length) else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null vector does not have a unit vector.") /**Returns the projection of this vector onto the vector v.*/ def project(v: Vector2D): Vector2D = { if (v != Vector2D.Null) v * ((this dot v) / (v dot v)) else Vector2D.Null } /**Returns a rotation of this vector by angle radian.*/ def rotate(angle: Double): Vector2D = { Vector2D(cos(angle) * x - sin(angle) * y, cos(angle) * y + sin(angle) * x) } /**Left normal vector. (-y, x)*/ def leftNormal: Vector2D = Vector2D(-y, x) /**Right normal vector. (y, -x)*/ def rightNormal: Vector2D = Vector2D(y, -x) /**Checks if this vector is the null vector.*/ def isNull: Boolean = this == Vector2D.Null /**Returns a list of this vector's components.*/ def components = List(x, y) } /**Contains special vectors.*/ object Vector2D { /**Null vector.*/ val Null = Vector2D(0,0) /**Horizontal unit vector. (1,0)*/ val i = Vector2D(1,0) /**Vertical unit vector. (0,1)*/ val j = Vector2D(0,1) }