path: root/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/encoders/ExpressionEncoderSuite.scala
blob: 4d896c2e38f10e9c609edf570f2d639ee8f1602f (plain) (tree)














































 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders

import java.math.BigInteger
import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp}
import java.util.Arrays

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{OptionalData, PrimitiveData}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.AnalysisTest
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, AttributeReference}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LocalRelation, Project}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.ArrayData
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String

case class RepeatedStruct(s: Seq[PrimitiveData])

case class NestedArray(a: Array[Array[Int]]) {
  override def hashCode(): Int =

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case NestedArray(otherArray) =>
    case _ => false

case class BoxedData(
    intField: java.lang.Integer,
    longField: java.lang.Long,
    doubleField: java.lang.Double,
    floatField: java.lang.Float,
    shortField: java.lang.Short,
    byteField: java.lang.Byte,
    booleanField: java.lang.Boolean)

case class RepeatedData(
    arrayField: Seq[Int],
    arrayFieldContainsNull: Seq[java.lang.Integer],
    mapField: scala.collection.Map[Int, Long],
    mapFieldNull: scala.collection.Map[Int, java.lang.Long],
    structField: PrimitiveData)

/** For testing Kryo serialization based encoder. */
class KryoSerializable(val value: Int) {
  override def hashCode(): Int = value

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: KryoSerializable => this.value == that.value
    case _ => false

/** For testing Java serialization based encoder. */
class JavaSerializable(val value: Int) extends Serializable {
  override def hashCode(): Int = value

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: JavaSerializable => this.value == that.value
    case _ => false

/** For testing UDT for a case class */
@SQLUserDefinedType(udt = classOf[UDTForCaseClass])
case class UDTCaseClass(uri: java.net.URI)

class UDTForCaseClass extends UserDefinedType[UDTCaseClass] {

  override def sqlType: DataType = StringType

  override def serialize(obj: UDTCaseClass): UTF8String = {

  override def userClass: Class[UDTCaseClass] = classOf[UDTCaseClass]

  override def deserialize(datum: Any): UDTCaseClass = datum match {
    case uri: UTF8String => UDTCaseClass(new java.net.URI(uri.toString))

case class PrimitiveValueClass(wrapped: Int) extends AnyVal
case class ReferenceValueClass(wrapped: ReferenceValueClass.Container) extends AnyVal
object ReferenceValueClass {
  case class Container(data: Int)

class ExpressionEncoderSuite extends PlanTest with AnalysisTest {

  implicit def encoder[T : TypeTag]: ExpressionEncoder[T] = ExpressionEncoder()

  // test flat encoders
  encodeDecodeTest(false, "primitive boolean")
  encodeDecodeTest(-3.toByte, "primitive byte")
  encodeDecodeTest(-3.toShort, "primitive short")
  encodeDecodeTest(-3, "primitive int")
  encodeDecodeTest(-3L, "primitive long")
  encodeDecodeTest(-3.7f, "primitive float")
  encodeDecodeTest(-3.7, "primitive double")

  encodeDecodeTest(new java.lang.Boolean(false), "boxed boolean")
  encodeDecodeTest(new java.lang.Byte(-3.toByte), "boxed byte")
  encodeDecodeTest(new java.lang.Short(-3.toShort), "boxed short")
  encodeDecodeTest(new java.lang.Integer(-3), "boxed int")
  encodeDecodeTest(new java.lang.Long(-3L), "boxed long")
  encodeDecodeTest(new java.lang.Float(-3.7f), "boxed float")
  encodeDecodeTest(new java.lang.Double(-3.7), "boxed double")

  encodeDecodeTest(BigDecimal("32131413.211321313"), "scala decimal")
  encodeDecodeTest(new java.math.BigDecimal("231341.23123"), "java decimal")
  encodeDecodeTest(BigInt("23134123123"), "scala biginteger")
  encodeDecodeTest(new BigInteger("23134123123"), "java BigInteger")
  encodeDecodeTest(Decimal("32131413.211321313"), "catalyst decimal")

  encodeDecodeTest("hello", "string")
  encodeDecodeTest(Date.valueOf("2012-12-23"), "date")
  encodeDecodeTest(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-01-29 10:00:00"), "timestamp")
  encodeDecodeTest(Array(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-01-29 10:00:00")), "array of timestamp")
  encodeDecodeTest(Array[Byte](13, 21, -23), "binary")

  encodeDecodeTest(Seq(31, -123, 4), "seq of int")
  encodeDecodeTest(Seq("abc", "xyz"), "seq of string")
  encodeDecodeTest(Seq("abc", null, "xyz"), "seq of string with null")
  encodeDecodeTest(Seq.empty[Int], "empty seq of int")
  encodeDecodeTest(Seq.empty[String], "empty seq of string")

  encodeDecodeTest(Seq(Seq(31, -123), null, Seq(4, 67)), "seq of seq of int")
  encodeDecodeTest(Seq(Seq("abc", "xyz"), Seq[String](null), null, Seq("1", null, "2")),
    "seq of seq of string")

  encodeDecodeTest(Array(31, -123, 4), "array of int")
  encodeDecodeTest(Array("abc", "xyz"), "array of string")
  encodeDecodeTest(Array("a", null, "x"), "array of string with null")
  encodeDecodeTest(Array.empty[Int], "empty array of int")
  encodeDecodeTest(Array.empty[String], "empty array of string")

  encodeDecodeTest(Array(Array(31, -123), null, Array(4, 67)), "array of array of int")
  encodeDecodeTest(Array(Array("abc", "xyz"), Array[String](null), null, Array("1", null, "2")),
    "array of array of string")

  encodeDecodeTest(Map(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b"), "map")
  encodeDecodeTest(Map(1 -> "a", 2 -> null), "map with null")
  encodeDecodeTest(Map(1 -> Map("a" -> 1), 2 -> Map("b" -> 2)), "map of map")

  encodeDecodeTest(Tuple1[Seq[Int]](null), "null seq in tuple")
  encodeDecodeTest(Tuple1[Map[String, String]](null), "null map in tuple")

  encodeDecodeTest(List(1, 2), "list of int")
  encodeDecodeTest(List("a", null), "list with String and null")

    UDTCaseClass(new java.net.URI("http://spark.apache.org/")), "udt with case class")

  // Kryo encoders
  encodeDecodeTest("hello", "kryo string")(encoderFor(Encoders.kryo[String]))
  encodeDecodeTest(new KryoSerializable(15), "kryo object")(

  // Java encoders
  encodeDecodeTest("hello", "java string")(encoderFor(Encoders.javaSerialization[String]))
  encodeDecodeTest(new JavaSerializable(15), "java object")(

  // test product encoders
  private def productTest[T <: Product : ExpressionEncoder](input: T): Unit = {
    encodeDecodeTest(input, input.getClass.getSimpleName)

  case class InnerClass(i: Int)
  encodeDecodeTest(Array(InnerClass(1)), "array of inner class")

  encodeDecodeTest(Array(Option(InnerClass(1))), "array of optional inner class")

  productTest(PrimitiveData(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true))

    OptionalData(Some(2), Some(2), Some(2), Some(2), Some(2), Some(2), Some(true),
      Some(PrimitiveData(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true))))

  productTest(OptionalData(None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None))

  encodeDecodeTest(Seq(Some(1), None), "Option in array")
  encodeDecodeTest(Map(1 -> Some(10L), 2 -> Some(20L), 3 -> None), "Option in map")

  productTest(BoxedData(1, 1L, 1.0, 1.0f, 1.toShort, 1.toByte, true))

  productTest(BoxedData(null, null, null, null, null, null, null))

  productTest(RepeatedStruct(PrimitiveData(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true) :: Nil))

  productTest((1, "test", PrimitiveData(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true)))

      Seq(1, 2),
      Seq(new Integer(1), null, new Integer(2)),
      Map(1 -> 2L),
      Map(1 -> null),
      PrimitiveData(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true)))

  productTest(NestedArray(Array(Array(1, -2, 3), null, Array(4, 5, -6))))

  productTest(("Seq[(String, String)]",
    Seq(("a", "b"))))
  productTest(("Seq[(Int, Int)]",
    Seq((1, 2))))
  productTest(("Seq[(Long, Long)]",
    Seq((1L, 2L))))
  productTest(("Seq[(Float, Float)]",
    Seq((1.toFloat, 2.toFloat))))
  productTest(("Seq[(Double, Double)]",
    Seq((1.toDouble, 2.toDouble))))
  productTest(("Seq[(Short, Short)]",
    Seq((1.toShort, 2.toShort))))
  productTest(("Seq[(Byte, Byte)]",
    Seq((1.toByte, 2.toByte))))
  productTest(("Seq[(Boolean, Boolean)]",
    Seq((true, false))))

  productTest(("ArrayBuffer[(String, String)]",
    ArrayBuffer(("a", "b"))))
  productTest(("ArrayBuffer[(Int, Int)]",
    ArrayBuffer((1, 2))))
  productTest(("ArrayBuffer[(Long, Long)]",
    ArrayBuffer((1L, 2L))))
  productTest(("ArrayBuffer[(Float, Float)]",
    ArrayBuffer((1.toFloat, 2.toFloat))))
  productTest(("ArrayBuffer[(Double, Double)]",
    ArrayBuffer((1.toDouble, 2.toDouble))))
  productTest(("ArrayBuffer[(Short, Short)]",
    ArrayBuffer((1.toShort, 2.toShort))))
  productTest(("ArrayBuffer[(Byte, Byte)]",
    ArrayBuffer((1.toByte, 2.toByte))))
  productTest(("ArrayBuffer[(Boolean, Boolean)]",
    ArrayBuffer((true, false))))

  productTest(("Seq[Seq[(Int, Int)]]",
    Seq(Seq((1, 2)))))

  // test for ExpressionEncoder.tuple
    1 -> 10L,
    "tuple with 2 flat encoders")(
    ExpressionEncoder.tuple(ExpressionEncoder[Int], ExpressionEncoder[Long]))

    (PrimitiveData(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true), (3, 30L)),
    "tuple with 2 product encoders")(
    ExpressionEncoder.tuple(ExpressionEncoder[PrimitiveData], ExpressionEncoder[(Int, Long)]))

    (PrimitiveData(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true), 3),
    "tuple with flat encoder and product encoder")(
    ExpressionEncoder.tuple(ExpressionEncoder[PrimitiveData], ExpressionEncoder[Int]))

    (3, PrimitiveData(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true)),
    "tuple with product encoder and flat encoder")(
    ExpressionEncoder.tuple(ExpressionEncoder[Int], ExpressionEncoder[PrimitiveData]))

    (1, (10, 100L)),
    "nested tuple encoder") {
    val intEnc = ExpressionEncoder[Int]
    val longEnc = ExpressionEncoder[Long]
    ExpressionEncoder.tuple(intEnc, ExpressionEncoder.tuple(intEnc, longEnc))

    PrimitiveValueClass(42), "primitive value class")

    ReferenceValueClass(ReferenceValueClass.Container(1)), "reference value class")

  productTest(("UDT", new ExamplePoint(0.1, 0.2)))

  test("nullable of encoder schema") {
    def checkNullable[T: ExpressionEncoder](nullable: Boolean*): Unit = {
      assert(implicitly[ExpressionEncoder[T]].schema.map(_.nullable) === nullable.toSeq)

    // test for flat encoders

    // test for product encoders
    checkNullable[(String, Int)](true, false)
    checkNullable[(Int, java.lang.Long)](false, true)

    // test for nested product encoders
      val schema = ExpressionEncoder[(Int, (String, Int))].schema
      assert(schema(0).nullable === false)
      assert(schema(1).nullable === true)
      assert(schema(1).dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType](0).nullable === true)
      assert(schema(1).dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType](1).nullable === false)

    // test for tupled encoders
      val schema = ExpressionEncoder.tuple(
        ExpressionEncoder[(String, Int)]).schema
      assert(schema(0).nullable === false)
      assert(schema(1).nullable === true)
      assert(schema(1).dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType](0).nullable === true)
      assert(schema(1).dataType.asInstanceOf[StructType](1).nullable === false)

  test("null check for map key") {
    val encoder = ExpressionEncoder[Map[String, Int]]()
    val e = intercept[RuntimeException](encoder.toRow(Map(("a", 1), (null, 2))))
    assert(e.getMessage.contains("Cannot use null as map key"))

  private def encodeDecodeTest[T : ExpressionEncoder](
      input: T,
      testName: String): Unit = {
    test(s"encode/decode for $testName: $input") {
      val encoder = implicitly[ExpressionEncoder[T]]
      val row = encoder.toRow(input)
      val schema = encoder.schema.toAttributes
      val boundEncoder = encoder.resolveAndBind()
      val convertedBack = try boundEncoder.fromRow(row) catch {
        case e: Exception =>
           s"""Exception thrown while decoding
              |Converted: $row
              |Schema: ${schema.mkString(",")}
            """.stripMargin, e)

      // Test the correct resolution of serialization / deserialization.
      val attr = AttributeReference("obj", encoder.deserializer.dataType)()
      val plan = LocalRelation(attr).serialize[T].deserialize[T]

      val isCorrect = (input, convertedBack) match {
        case (b1: Array[Byte], b2: Array[Byte]) => Arrays.equals(b1, b2)
        case (b1: Array[Int], b2: Array[Int]) => Arrays.equals(b1, b2)
        case (b1: Array[Array[_]], b2: Array[Array[_]]) =>
          Arrays.deepEquals(b1.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], b2.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]])
        case (b1: Array[_], b2: Array[_]) =>
          Arrays.equals(b1.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], b2.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]])
        case (left: Comparable[_], right: Comparable[_]) =>
          left.asInstanceOf[Comparable[Any]].compareTo(right) == 0
        case _ => input == convertedBack

      if (!isCorrect) {
        val types = convertedBack match {
          case c: Product =>
            c.productIterator.filter(_ != null).map(_.getClass.getName).mkString(",")
          case other => other.getClass.getName

        val encodedData = try {
          row.toSeq(encoder.schema).zip(schema).map {
            case (a: ArrayData, AttributeReference(_, ArrayType(et, _), _, _)) =>
            case (other, _) =>
          }.mkString("[", ",", "]")
        } catch {
          case e: Throwable => s"Failed to toSeq: $e"

          s"""Encoded/Decoded data does not match input data
             |in:  $input
             |out: $convertedBack
             |types: $types
             |Encoded Data: $encodedData
             |Schema: ${schema.mkString(",")}
             |fromRow Expressions: