path: root/external/docker-integration-tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/jdbc/DB2IntegrationSuite.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'external/docker-integration-tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/jdbc/DB2IntegrationSuite.scala')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/external/docker-integration-tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/jdbc/DB2IntegrationSuite.scala b/external/docker-integration-tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/jdbc/DB2IntegrationSuite.scala
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/docker-integration-tests/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/jdbc/DB2IntegrationSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc
+import java.math.BigDecimal
+import java.sql.{Connection, Date, Timestamp}
+import java.util.Properties
+import org.scalatest._
+import org.apache.spark.tags.DockerTest
+@Ignore // AMPLab Jenkins needs to be updated before shared memory works on docker
+class DB2IntegrationSuite extends DockerJDBCIntegrationSuite {
+ override val db = new DatabaseOnDocker {
+ override val imageName = "lresende/db2express-c:"
+ override val env = Map(
+ "DB2INST1_PASSWORD" -> "rootpass",
+ "LICENSE" -> "accept"
+ )
+ override val usesIpc = true
+ override val jdbcPort: Int = 50000
+ override def getJdbcUrl(ip: String, port: Int): String =
+ s"jdbc:db2://$ip:$port/foo:user=db2inst1;password=rootpass;"
+ override def getStartupProcessName: Option[String] = Some("db2start")
+ }
+ override def dataPreparation(conn: Connection): Unit = {
+ conn.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE tbl (x INTEGER, y VARCHAR(8))").executeUpdate()
+ conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (42,'fred')").executeUpdate()
+ conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (17,'dave')").executeUpdate()
+ conn.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE numbers (onebit BIT(1), tenbits BIT(10), "
+ + "small SMALLINT, med MEDIUMINT, nor INT, big BIGINT, deci DECIMAL(40,20), flt FLOAT, "
+ + "dbl DOUBLE)").executeUpdate()
+ conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO numbers VALUES (b'0', b'1000100101', "
+ + "17, 77777, 123456789, 123456789012345, 123456789012345.123456789012345, "
+ + "42.75, 1.0000000000000002)").executeUpdate()
+ conn.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE dates (d DATE, t TIME, dt DATETIME, ts TIMESTAMP, "
+ + "yr YEAR)").executeUpdate()
+ conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO dates VALUES ('1991-11-09', '13:31:24', "
+ + "'1996-01-01 01:23:45', '2009-02-13 23:31:30', '2001')").executeUpdate()
+ // TODO: Test locale conversion for strings.
+ conn.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE strings (a CHAR(10), b VARCHAR(10), c CLOB, d BLOB, "
+ + "e CHAR FOR BIT DATA)").executeUpdate()
+ conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO strings VALUES ('the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps'")
+ .executeUpdate()
+ }
+ test("Basic test") {
+ val df = sqlContext.read.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "tbl", new Properties)
+ val rows = df.collect()
+ assert(rows.length == 2)
+ val types = rows(0).toSeq.map(x => x.getClass.toString)
+ assert(types.length == 2)
+ assert(types(0).equals("class java.lang.Integer"))
+ assert(types(1).equals("class java.lang.String"))
+ }
+ test("Numeric types") {
+ val df = sqlContext.read.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "numbers", new Properties)
+ val rows = df.collect()
+ assert(rows.length == 1)
+ val types = rows(0).toSeq.map(x => x.getClass.toString)
+ assert(types.length == 9)
+ assert(types(0).equals("class java.lang.Boolean"))
+ assert(types(1).equals("class java.lang.Long"))
+ assert(types(2).equals("class java.lang.Integer"))
+ assert(types(3).equals("class java.lang.Integer"))
+ assert(types(4).equals("class java.lang.Integer"))
+ assert(types(5).equals("class java.lang.Long"))
+ assert(types(6).equals("class java.math.BigDecimal"))
+ assert(types(7).equals("class java.lang.Double"))
+ assert(types(8).equals("class java.lang.Double"))
+ assert(rows(0).getBoolean(0) == false)
+ assert(rows(0).getLong(1) == 0x225)
+ assert(rows(0).getInt(2) == 17)
+ assert(rows(0).getInt(3) == 77777)
+ assert(rows(0).getInt(4) == 123456789)
+ assert(rows(0).getLong(5) == 123456789012345L)
+ val bd = new BigDecimal("123456789012345.12345678901234500000")
+ assert(rows(0).getAs[BigDecimal](6).equals(bd))
+ assert(rows(0).getDouble(7) == 42.75)
+ assert(rows(0).getDouble(8) == 1.0000000000000002)
+ }
+ test("Date types") {
+ val df = sqlContext.read.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "dates", new Properties)
+ val rows = df.collect()
+ assert(rows.length == 1)
+ val types = rows(0).toSeq.map(x => x.getClass.toString)
+ assert(types.length == 5)
+ assert(types(0).equals("class java.sql.Date"))
+ assert(types(1).equals("class java.sql.Timestamp"))
+ assert(types(2).equals("class java.sql.Timestamp"))
+ assert(types(3).equals("class java.sql.Timestamp"))
+ assert(types(4).equals("class java.sql.Date"))
+ assert(rows(0).getAs[Date](0).equals(Date.valueOf("1991-11-09")))
+ assert(rows(0).getAs[Timestamp](1).equals(Timestamp.valueOf("1970-01-01 13:31:24")))
+ assert(rows(0).getAs[Timestamp](2).equals(Timestamp.valueOf("1996-01-01 01:23:45")))
+ assert(rows(0).getAs[Timestamp](3).equals(Timestamp.valueOf("2009-02-13 23:31:30")))
+ assert(rows(0).getAs[Date](4).equals(Date.valueOf("2001-01-01")))
+ }
+ test("String types") {
+ val df = sqlContext.read.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "strings", new Properties)
+ val rows = df.collect()
+ assert(rows.length == 1)
+ val types = rows(0).toSeq.map(x => x.getClass.toString)
+ assert(types.length == 9)
+ assert(types(0).equals("class java.lang.String"))
+ assert(types(1).equals("class java.lang.String"))
+ assert(types(2).equals("class java.lang.String"))
+ assert(types(3).equals("class java.lang.String"))
+ assert(types(4).equals("class java.lang.String"))
+ assert(types(5).equals("class java.lang.String"))
+ assert(types(6).equals("class [B"))
+ assert(types(7).equals("class [B"))
+ assert(types(8).equals("class [B"))
+ assert(rows(0).getString(0).equals("the"))
+ assert(rows(0).getString(1).equals("quick"))
+ assert(rows(0).getString(2).equals("brown"))
+ assert(rows(0).getString(3).equals("fox"))
+ assert(rows(0).getString(4).equals("jumps"))
+ assert(rows(0).getString(5).equals("over"))
+ assert(java.util.Arrays.equals(rows(0).getAs[Array[Byte]](6), Array[Byte](116, 104, 101, 0)))
+ assert(java.util.Arrays.equals(rows(0).getAs[Array[Byte]](7), Array[Byte](108, 97, 122, 121)))
+ assert(java.util.Arrays.equals(rows(0).getAs[Array[Byte]](8), Array[Byte](100, 111, 103)))
+ }
+ test("Basic write test") {
+ val df1 = sqlContext.read.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "numbers", new Properties)
+ val df2 = sqlContext.read.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "dates", new Properties)
+ val df3 = sqlContext.read.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "strings", new Properties)
+ df1.write.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "numberscopy", new Properties)
+ df2.write.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "datescopy", new Properties)
+ df3.write.jdbc(jdbcUrl, "stringscopy", new Properties)
+ }