path: root/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/SparkQl.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/SparkQl.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/SparkQl.scala b/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/SparkQl.scala
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--- a/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/SparkQl.scala
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.execution
-import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SaveMode}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, OneRowRelation}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
-private[sql] class SparkQl(conf: ParserConf = SimpleParserConf()) extends CatalystQl(conf) {
- import ParserUtils._
- /** Check if a command should not be explained. */
- protected def isNoExplainCommand(command: String): Boolean = {
- "TOK_DESCTABLE" == command || "TOK_ALTERTABLE" == command
- }
- /**
- * For each node, extract properties in the form of a list
- * ['key_part1', 'key_part2', 'key_part3', 'value']
- * into a pair (key_part1.key_part2.key_part3, value).
- *
- * Example format:
- *
- * :- 'k1'
- * +- 'v1'
- * :- 'k2'
- * +- 'v2'
- * :- 'k3'
- * +- 'v3'
- */
- private def extractProps(
- props: Seq[ASTNode],
- expectedNodeText: String): Seq[(String, String)] = {
- props.map {
- case Token(x, keysAndValue) if x == expectedNodeText =>
- val key = keysAndValue.init.map { x => unquoteString(x.text) }.mkString(".")
- val value = unquoteString(keysAndValue.last.text)
- (key, value)
- case p =>
- parseFailed(s"Expected property '$expectedNodeText' in command", p)
- }
- }
- protected override def nodeToPlan(node: ASTNode): LogicalPlan = {
- node match {
- case Token("TOK_SETCONFIG", Nil) =>
- val keyValueSeparatorIndex = node.remainder.indexOf('=')
- if (keyValueSeparatorIndex >= 0) {
- val key = node.remainder.substring(0, keyValueSeparatorIndex).trim
- val value = node.remainder.substring(keyValueSeparatorIndex + 1).trim
- SetCommand(Some(key -> Option(value)))
- } else if (node.remainder.nonEmpty) {
- SetCommand(Some(node.remainder -> None))
- } else {
- SetCommand(None)
- }
- // Just fake explain for any of the native commands.
- case Token("TOK_EXPLAIN", explainArgs) if isNoExplainCommand(explainArgs.head.text) =>
- ExplainCommand(OneRowRelation)
- case Token("TOK_EXPLAIN", explainArgs) if "TOK_CREATETABLE" == explainArgs.head.text =>
- val Some(crtTbl) :: _ :: extended :: Nil =
- getClauses(Seq("TOK_CREATETABLE", "FORMATTED", "EXTENDED"), explainArgs)
- ExplainCommand(nodeToPlan(crtTbl), extended = extended.isDefined)
- case Token("TOK_EXPLAIN", explainArgs) =>
- // Ignore FORMATTED if present.
- val Some(query) :: _ :: extended :: Nil =
- getClauses(Seq("TOK_QUERY", "FORMATTED", "EXTENDED"), explainArgs)
- ExplainCommand(nodeToPlan(query), extended = extended.isDefined)
- case Token("TOK_REFRESHTABLE", nameParts :: Nil) =>
- val tableIdent = extractTableIdent(nameParts)
- RefreshTable(tableIdent)
- // CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] database_name [COMMENT database_comment]
- // [LOCATION path] [WITH DBPROPERTIES (key1=val1, key2=val2, ...)];
- case Token("TOK_CREATEDATABASE", Token(databaseName, Nil) :: args) =>
- val Seq(ifNotExists, dbLocation, databaseComment, dbprops) = getClauses(Seq(
- val location = dbLocation.map {
- case Token("TOK_DATABASELOCATION", Token(loc, Nil) :: Nil) => unquoteString(loc)
- case _ => parseFailed("Invalid CREATE DATABASE command", node)
- }
- val comment = databaseComment.map {
- case Token("TOK_DATABASECOMMENT", Token(com, Nil) :: Nil) => unquoteString(com)
- case _ => parseFailed("Invalid CREATE DATABASE command", node)
- }
- val props = dbprops.toSeq.flatMap {
- case Token("TOK_DATABASEPROPERTIES", Token("TOK_DBPROPLIST", propList) :: Nil) =>
- // Example format:
- //
- // : :- 'k1'
- // : +- 'v1'
- // :- 'k2'
- // +- 'v2'
- extractProps(propList, "TOK_TABLEPROPERTY")
- case _ => parseFailed("Invalid CREATE DATABASE command", node)
- }.toMap
- CreateDatabase(databaseName, ifNotExists.isDefined, location, comment, props)(node.source)
- case Token("TOK_DROPDATABASE", Token(dbName, Nil) :: otherArgs) =>
- // Example format:
- //
- // :- database_name
- val databaseName = unquoteString(dbName)
- // The default is RESTRICT
- val Seq(ifExists, _, cascade) = getClauses(Seq(
- DropDatabase(databaseName, ifExists.isDefined, restrict = cascade.isEmpty)(node.source)
- // CREATE [TEMPORARY] FUNCTION [db_name.]function_name AS class_name
- // [USING JAR|FILE|ARCHIVE 'file_uri' [, JAR|FILE|ARCHIVE 'file_uri'] ];
- case Token("TOK_CREATEFUNCTION", args) =>
- // Example format:
- //
- // :- db_name
- // :- func_name
- // :- alias
- // : :- TOK_JAR
- // : +- '/path/to/jar'
- // :- TOK_FILE
- // +- 'path/to/file'
- val (funcNameArgs, otherArgs) = args.partition {
- case Token("TOK_RESOURCE_LIST", _) => false
- case Token("TOK_TEMPORARY", _) => false
- case Token(_, Nil) => true
- case _ => parseFailed("Invalid CREATE FUNCTION command", node)
- }
- // If database name is specified, there are 3 tokens, otherwise 2.
- val (funcName, alias) = funcNameArgs match {
- case Token(dbName, Nil) :: Token(fname, Nil) :: Token(aname, Nil) :: Nil =>
- (unquoteString(dbName) + "." + unquoteString(fname), unquoteString(aname))
- case Token(fname, Nil) :: Token(aname, Nil) :: Nil =>
- (unquoteString(fname), unquoteString(aname))
- case _ =>
- parseFailed("Invalid CREATE FUNCTION command", node)
- }
- // Extract other keywords, if they exist
- val Seq(rList, temp) = getClauses(Seq("TOK_RESOURCE_LIST", "TOK_TEMPORARY"), otherArgs)
- val resources: Seq[(String, String)] = rList.toSeq.flatMap {
- case Token("TOK_RESOURCE_LIST", resList) =>
- resList.map {
- case Token("TOK_RESOURCE_URI", rType :: Token(rPath, Nil) :: Nil) =>
- val resourceType = rType match {
- case Token("TOK_JAR", Nil) => "jar"
- case Token("TOK_FILE", Nil) => "file"
- case Token("TOK_ARCHIVE", Nil) => "archive"
- case Token(f, _) => parseFailed(s"Unexpected resource format '$f'", node)
- }
- (resourceType, unquoteString(rPath))
- case _ => parseFailed("Invalid CREATE FUNCTION command", node)
- }
- case _ => parseFailed("Invalid CREATE FUNCTION command", node)
- }
- CreateFunction(funcName, alias, resources, temp.isDefined)(node.source)
- case Token("TOK_ALTERTABLE", alterTableArgs) =>
- AlterTableCommandParser.parse(node)
- case Token("TOK_CREATETABLEUSING", createTableArgs) =>
- val Seq(
- temp,
- ifNotExists,
- Some(tabName),
- tableCols,
- Some(Token("TOK_TABLEPROVIDER", providerNameParts)),
- tableOpts,
- tableAs) = getClauses(Seq(
- "TOK_QUERY"), createTableArgs)
- val tableIdent: TableIdentifier = extractTableIdent(tabName)
- val columns = tableCols.map {
- case Token("TOK_TABCOLLIST", fields) => StructType(fields.map(nodeToStructField))
- case _ => parseFailed("Invalid CREATE TABLE command", node)
- }
- val provider = providerNameParts.map {
- case Token(name, Nil) => name
- case _ => parseFailed("Invalid CREATE TABLE command", node)
- }.mkString(".")
- val options = tableOpts.toSeq.flatMap {
- case Token("TOK_TABLEOPTIONS", opts) => extractProps(opts, "TOK_TABLEOPTION")
- case _ => parseFailed("Invalid CREATE TABLE command", node)
- }.toMap
- val asClause = tableAs.map(nodeToPlan)
- if (temp.isDefined && ifNotExists.isDefined) {
- throw new AnalysisException(
- "a CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement does not allow IF NOT EXISTS clause.")
- }
- if (asClause.isDefined) {
- if (columns.isDefined) {
- throw new AnalysisException(
- "a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement does not allow column definitions.")
- }
- val mode = if (ifNotExists.isDefined) {
- SaveMode.Ignore
- } else if (temp.isDefined) {
- SaveMode.Overwrite
- } else {
- SaveMode.ErrorIfExists
- }
- CreateTableUsingAsSelect(tableIdent,
- provider,
- temp.isDefined,
- Array.empty[String],
- bucketSpec = None,
- mode,
- options,
- asClause.get)
- } else {
- CreateTableUsing(
- tableIdent,
- columns,
- provider,
- temp.isDefined,
- options,
- ifNotExists.isDefined,
- managedIfNoPath = false)
- }
- case Token("TOK_SWITCHDATABASE", Token(database, Nil) :: Nil) =>
- SetDatabaseCommand(cleanIdentifier(database))
- case Token("TOK_DESCTABLE", describeArgs) =>
- // Reference: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/LanguageManual+DDL
- val Some(tableType) :: formatted :: extended :: pretty :: Nil =
- getClauses(Seq("TOK_TABTYPE", "FORMATTED", "EXTENDED", "PRETTY"), describeArgs)
- if (formatted.isDefined || pretty.isDefined) {
- // FORMATTED and PRETTY are not supported and this statement will be treated as
- // a Hive native command.
- nodeToDescribeFallback(node)
- } else {
- tableType match {
- case Token("TOK_TABTYPE", Token("TOK_TABNAME", nameParts) :: Nil) =>
- nameParts match {
- case Token(dbName, Nil) :: Token(tableName, Nil) :: Nil =>
- // It is describing a table with the format like "describe db.table".
- // TODO: Actually, a user may mean tableName.columnName. Need to resolve this
- // issue.
- val tableIdent = TableIdentifier(
- cleanIdentifier(tableName), Some(cleanIdentifier(dbName)))
- datasources.DescribeCommand(tableIdent, isExtended = extended.isDefined)
- case Token(dbName, Nil) :: Token(tableName, Nil) :: Token(colName, Nil) :: Nil =>
- // It is describing a column with the format like "describe db.table column".
- nodeToDescribeFallback(node)
- case tableName :: Nil =>
- // It is describing a table with the format like "describe table".
- datasources.DescribeCommand(
- TableIdentifier(cleanIdentifier(tableName.text)),
- isExtended = extended.isDefined)
- case _ =>
- nodeToDescribeFallback(node)
- }
- // All other cases.
- case _ =>
- nodeToDescribeFallback(node)
- }
- }
- case Token("TOK_CACHETABLE", Token(tableName, Nil) :: args) =>
- val Seq(lzy, selectAst) = getClauses(Seq("LAZY", "TOK_QUERY"), args)
- CacheTableCommand(tableName, selectAst.map(nodeToPlan), lzy.isDefined)
- case Token("TOK_UNCACHETABLE", Token(tableName, Nil) :: Nil) =>
- UncacheTableCommand(tableName)
- case Token("TOK_CLEARCACHE", Nil) =>
- ClearCacheCommand
- case Token("TOK_SHOWTABLES", args) =>
- val databaseName = args match {
- case Nil => None
- case Token("TOK_FROM", Token(dbName, Nil) :: Nil) :: Nil => Option(dbName)
- case _ => noParseRule("SHOW TABLES", node)
- }
- ShowTablesCommand(databaseName)
- case _ =>
- super.nodeToPlan(node)
- }
- }
- protected def nodeToDescribeFallback(node: ASTNode): LogicalPlan = noParseRule("Describe", node)