path: root/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/command/DDLSuite.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/command/DDLSuite.scala')
1 files changed, 719 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/command/DDLSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/command/DDLSuite.scala
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/command/DDLSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command
+import java.io.File
+import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
+import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, QueryTest, Row}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{CatalogDatabase, CatalogStorageFormat}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{CatalogTable, CatalogTableType}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{CatalogTablePartition, SessionCatalog}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.ExternalCatalog.TablePartitionSpec
+import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext
+class DDLSuite extends QueryTest with SharedSQLContext with BeforeAndAfterEach {
+ private val escapedIdentifier = "`(.+)`".r
+ override def afterEach(): Unit = {
+ try {
+ // drop all databases, tables and functions after each test
+ sqlContext.sessionState.catalog.reset()
+ } finally {
+ super.afterEach()
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Strip backticks, if any, from the string.
+ */
+ private def cleanIdentifier(ident: String): String = {
+ ident match {
+ case escapedIdentifier(i) => i
+ case plainIdent => plainIdent
+ }
+ }
+ private def assertUnsupported(query: String): Unit = {
+ val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql(query)
+ }
+ assert(e.getMessage.toLowerCase.contains("operation not allowed"))
+ }
+ private def maybeWrapException[T](expectException: Boolean)(body: => T): Unit = {
+ if (expectException) intercept[AnalysisException] { body } else body
+ }
+ private def createDatabase(catalog: SessionCatalog, name: String): Unit = {
+ catalog.createDatabase(CatalogDatabase(name, "", "", Map()), ignoreIfExists = false)
+ }
+ private def createTable(catalog: SessionCatalog, name: TableIdentifier): Unit = {
+ catalog.createTable(CatalogTable(
+ identifier = name,
+ tableType = CatalogTableType.EXTERNAL_TABLE,
+ storage = CatalogStorageFormat(None, None, None, None, Map()),
+ schema = Seq()), ignoreIfExists = false)
+ }
+ private def createTablePartition(
+ catalog: SessionCatalog,
+ spec: TablePartitionSpec,
+ tableName: TableIdentifier): Unit = {
+ val part = CatalogTablePartition(spec, CatalogStorageFormat(None, None, None, None, Map()))
+ catalog.createPartitions(tableName, Seq(part), ignoreIfExists = false)
+ }
+ test("Create/Drop Database") {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val databaseNames = Seq("db1", "`database`")
+ databaseNames.foreach { dbName =>
+ try {
+ val dbNameWithoutBackTicks = cleanIdentifier(dbName)
+ sql(s"CREATE DATABASE $dbName")
+ val db1 = catalog.getDatabaseMetadata(dbNameWithoutBackTicks)
+ assert(db1 == CatalogDatabase(
+ dbNameWithoutBackTicks,
+ "",
+ System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator + s"$dbNameWithoutBackTicks.db",
+ Map.empty))
+ assert(!catalog.databaseExists(dbNameWithoutBackTicks))
+ } finally {
+ catalog.reset()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test("Create Database - database already exists") {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val databaseNames = Seq("db1", "`database`")
+ databaseNames.foreach { dbName =>
+ try {
+ val dbNameWithoutBackTicks = cleanIdentifier(dbName)
+ sql(s"CREATE DATABASE $dbName")
+ val db1 = catalog.getDatabaseMetadata(dbNameWithoutBackTicks)
+ assert(db1 == CatalogDatabase(
+ dbNameWithoutBackTicks,
+ "",
+ System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator + s"$dbNameWithoutBackTicks.db",
+ Map.empty))
+ val message = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql(s"CREATE DATABASE $dbName")
+ }.getMessage
+ assert(message.contains(s"Database '$dbNameWithoutBackTicks' already exists."))
+ } finally {
+ catalog.reset()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test("Alter/Describe Database") {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val databaseNames = Seq("db1", "`database`")
+ databaseNames.foreach { dbName =>
+ try {
+ val dbNameWithoutBackTicks = cleanIdentifier(dbName)
+ val location =
+ System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + File.separator + s"$dbNameWithoutBackTicks.db"
+ sql(s"CREATE DATABASE $dbName")
+ checkAnswer(
+ Row("Database Name", dbNameWithoutBackTicks) ::
+ Row("Description", "") ::
+ Row("Location", location) ::
+ Row("Properties", "") :: Nil)
+ sql(s"ALTER DATABASE $dbName SET DBPROPERTIES ('a'='a', 'b'='b', 'c'='c')")
+ checkAnswer(
+ Row("Database Name", dbNameWithoutBackTicks) ::
+ Row("Description", "") ::
+ Row("Location", location) ::
+ Row("Properties", "((a,a), (b,b), (c,c))") :: Nil)
+ sql(s"ALTER DATABASE $dbName SET DBPROPERTIES ('d'='d')")
+ checkAnswer(
+ Row("Database Name", dbNameWithoutBackTicks) ::
+ Row("Description", "") ::
+ Row("Location", location) ::
+ Row("Properties", "((a,a), (b,b), (c,c), (d,d))") :: Nil)
+ } finally {
+ catalog.reset()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test("Drop/Alter/Describe Database - database does not exists") {
+ val databaseNames = Seq("db1", "`database`")
+ databaseNames.foreach { dbName =>
+ val dbNameWithoutBackTicks = cleanIdentifier(dbName)
+ assert(!sqlContext.sessionState.catalog.databaseExists(dbNameWithoutBackTicks))
+ var message = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql(s"DROP DATABASE $dbName")
+ }.getMessage
+ assert(message.contains(s"Database '$dbNameWithoutBackTicks' does not exist"))
+ message = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql(s"ALTER DATABASE $dbName SET DBPROPERTIES ('d'='d')")
+ }.getMessage
+ assert(message.contains(s"Database '$dbNameWithoutBackTicks' does not exist"))
+ message = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ }.getMessage
+ assert(message.contains(s"Database '$dbNameWithoutBackTicks' does not exist"))
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: test drop database in restrict mode
+ test("alter table: rename") {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent1 = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ val tableIdent2 = TableIdentifier("tab2", Some("dbx"))
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dby")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent1)
+ assert(catalog.listTables("dbx") == Seq(tableIdent1))
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 RENAME TO dbx.tab2")
+ assert(catalog.listTables("dbx") == Seq(tableIdent2))
+ catalog.setCurrentDatabase("dbx")
+ // rename without explicitly specifying database
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab2 RENAME TO tab1")
+ assert(catalog.listTables("dbx") == Seq(tableIdent1))
+ // table to rename does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.does_not_exist RENAME TO dbx.tab2")
+ }
+ // destination database is different
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 RENAME TO dby.tab2")
+ }
+ }
+ test("alter table: set location") {
+ testSetLocation(isDatasourceTable = false)
+ }
+ test("alter table: set location (datasource table)") {
+ testSetLocation(isDatasourceTable = true)
+ }
+ test("alter table: set properties") {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).properties.isEmpty)
+ // set table properties
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('andrew' = 'or14', 'kor' = 'bel')")
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).properties ==
+ Map("andrew" -> "or14", "kor" -> "bel"))
+ // set table properties without explicitly specifying database
+ catalog.setCurrentDatabase("dbx")
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('kor' = 'belle', 'kar' = 'bol')")
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).properties ==
+ Map("andrew" -> "or14", "kor" -> "belle", "kar" -> "bol"))
+ // table to alter does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE does_not_exist SET TBLPROPERTIES ('winner' = 'loser')")
+ }
+ // throw exception for datasource tables
+ convertToDatasourceTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('sora' = 'bol')")
+ }
+ assert(e.getMessage.contains("datasource"))
+ }
+ test("alter table: unset properties") {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ // unset table properties
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SET TBLPROPERTIES ('j' = 'am', 'p' = 'an', 'c' = 'lan')")
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).properties == Map("p" -> "an", "c" -> "lan"))
+ // unset table properties without explicitly specifying database
+ catalog.setCurrentDatabase("dbx")
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).properties == Map("c" -> "lan"))
+ // table to alter does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE does_not_exist UNSET TBLPROPERTIES ('c' = 'lan')")
+ }
+ // property to unset does not exist
+ val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab1 UNSET TBLPROPERTIES ('c', 'xyz')")
+ }
+ assert(e.getMessage.contains("xyz"))
+ // property to unset does not exist, but "IF EXISTS" is specified
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).properties.isEmpty)
+ // throw exception for datasource tables
+ convertToDatasourceTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ val e1 = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ }
+ assert(e1.getMessage.contains("datasource"))
+ }
+ test("alter table: set serde") {
+ testSetSerde(isDatasourceTable = false)
+ }
+ test("alter table: set serde (datasource table)") {
+ testSetSerde(isDatasourceTable = true)
+ }
+ test("alter table: bucketing is not supported") {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 CLUSTERED BY (blood, lemon, grape) INTO 11 BUCKETS")
+ assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 CLUSTERED BY (fuji) SORTED BY (grape) INTO 5 BUCKETS")
+ assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 NOT CLUSTERED")
+ assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 NOT SORTED")
+ }
+ test("alter table: skew is not supported") {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SKEWED BY (dt, country) ON " +
+ "(('2008-08-08', 'us'), ('2009-09-09', 'uk'), ('2010-10-10', 'cn'))")
+ assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SKEWED BY (dt, country) ON " +
+ "(('2008-08-08', 'us'), ('2009-09-09', 'uk')) STORED AS DIRECTORIES")
+ assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 NOT SKEWED")
+ assertUnsupported("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 NOT STORED AS DIRECTORIES")
+ }
+ test("alter table: add partition") {
+ testAddPartitions(isDatasourceTable = false)
+ }
+ test("alter table: add partition (datasource table)") {
+ testAddPartitions(isDatasourceTable = true)
+ }
+ test("alter table: add partition is not supported for views") {
+ assertUnsupported("ALTER VIEW dbx.tab1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (b='2')")
+ }
+ test("alter table: drop partition") {
+ testDropPartitions(isDatasourceTable = false)
+ }
+ test("alter table: drop partition (datasource table)") {
+ testDropPartitions(isDatasourceTable = true)
+ }
+ test("alter table: drop partition is not supported for views") {
+ assertUnsupported("ALTER VIEW dbx.tab1 DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (b='2')")
+ }
+ test("alter table: rename partition") {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ val part1 = Map("a" -> "1")
+ val part2 = Map("b" -> "2")
+ val part3 = Map("c" -> "3")
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ createTablePartition(catalog, part1, tableIdent)
+ createTablePartition(catalog, part2, tableIdent)
+ createTablePartition(catalog, part3, tableIdent)
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec).toSet ==
+ Set(part1, part2, part3))
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 PARTITION (a='1') RENAME TO PARTITION (a='100')")
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 PARTITION (b='2') RENAME TO PARTITION (b='200')")
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec).toSet ==
+ Set(Map("a" -> "100"), Map("b" -> "200"), part3))
+ // rename without explicitly specifying database
+ catalog.setCurrentDatabase("dbx")
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab1 PARTITION (a='100') RENAME TO PARTITION (a='10')")
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec).toSet ==
+ Set(Map("a" -> "10"), Map("b" -> "200"), part3))
+ // table to alter does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE does_not_exist PARTITION (c='3') RENAME TO PARTITION (c='333')")
+ }
+ // partition to rename does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab1 PARTITION (x='300') RENAME TO PARTITION (x='333')")
+ }
+ }
+ test("show tables") {
+ withTempTable("show1a", "show2b") {
+ sql(
+ """
+ |USING org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DDLScanSource
+ | From '1',
+ | To '10',
+ | Table 'test1'
+ |
+ |)
+ """.stripMargin)
+ sql(
+ """
+ |USING org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DDLScanSource
+ | From '1',
+ | To '10',
+ | Table 'test1'
+ |)
+ """.stripMargin)
+ checkAnswer(
+ sql("SHOW TABLES IN default 'show1*'"),
+ Row("show1a", true) :: Nil)
+ checkAnswer(
+ sql("SHOW TABLES IN default 'show1*|show2*'"),
+ Row("show1a", true) ::
+ Row("show2b", true) :: Nil)
+ checkAnswer(
+ sql("SHOW TABLES 'show1*|show2*'"),
+ Row("show1a", true) ::
+ Row("show2b", true) :: Nil)
+ assert(
+ sql("SHOW TABLES").count() >= 2)
+ assert(
+ sql("SHOW TABLES IN default").count() >= 2)
+ }
+ }
+ test("show databases") {
+ sql("CREATE DATABASE showdb1A")
+ sql("CREATE DATABASE showdb2B")
+ assert(
+ sql("SHOW DATABASES").count() >= 2)
+ checkAnswer(
+ sql("SHOW DATABASES LIKE '*db1A'"),
+ Row("showdb1A") :: Nil)
+ checkAnswer(
+ sql("SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'showdb1A'"),
+ Row("showdb1A") :: Nil)
+ checkAnswer(
+ sql("SHOW DATABASES LIKE '*db1A|*db2B'"),
+ Row("showdb1A") ::
+ Row("showdb2B") :: Nil)
+ checkAnswer(
+ sql("SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'non-existentdb'"),
+ Nil)
+ }
+ test("drop table - temporary table") {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ sql(
+ """
+ |USING org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DDLScanSource
+ | From '1',
+ | To '10',
+ | Table 'test1'
+ |)
+ """.stripMargin)
+ assert(catalog.listTables("default") == Seq(TableIdentifier("tab1")))
+ sql("DROP TABLE tab1")
+ assert(catalog.listTables("default") == Nil)
+ }
+ test("drop table") {
+ testDropTable(isDatasourceTable = false)
+ }
+ test("drop table - data source table") {
+ testDropTable(isDatasourceTable = true)
+ }
+ private def testDropTable(isDatasourceTable: Boolean): Unit = {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ if (isDatasourceTable) {
+ convertToDatasourceTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ }
+ assert(catalog.listTables("dbx") == Seq(tableIdent))
+ sql("DROP TABLE dbx.tab1")
+ assert(catalog.listTables("dbx") == Nil)
+ sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbx.tab1")
+ // no exception will be thrown
+ sql("DROP TABLE dbx.tab1")
+ }
+ test("drop view in SQLContext") {
+ // SQLContext does not support create view. Log an error message, if tab1 does not exists
+ sql("DROP VIEW tab1")
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ assert(catalog.listTables("dbx") == Seq(tableIdent))
+ val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("DROP VIEW dbx.tab1")
+ }
+ assert(
+ e.getMessage.contains("Cannot drop a table with DROP VIEW. Please use DROP TABLE instead"))
+ }
+ private def convertToDatasourceTable(
+ catalog: SessionCatalog,
+ tableIdent: TableIdentifier): Unit = {
+ catalog.alterTable(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).copy(
+ properties = Map("spark.sql.sources.provider" -> "csv")))
+ }
+ private def testSetLocation(isDatasourceTable: Boolean): Unit = {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ val partSpec = Map("a" -> "1")
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ createTablePartition(catalog, partSpec, tableIdent)
+ if (isDatasourceTable) {
+ convertToDatasourceTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ }
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage.locationUri.isEmpty)
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage.serdeProperties.isEmpty)
+ assert(catalog.getPartition(tableIdent, partSpec).storage.locationUri.isEmpty)
+ assert(catalog.getPartition(tableIdent, partSpec).storage.serdeProperties.isEmpty)
+ // Verify that the location is set to the expected string
+ def verifyLocation(expected: String, spec: Option[TablePartitionSpec] = None): Unit = {
+ val storageFormat = spec
+ .map { s => catalog.getPartition(tableIdent, s).storage }
+ .getOrElse { catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage }
+ if (isDatasourceTable) {
+ if (spec.isDefined) {
+ assert(storageFormat.serdeProperties.isEmpty)
+ assert(storageFormat.locationUri.isEmpty)
+ } else {
+ assert(storageFormat.serdeProperties.get("path") === Some(expected))
+ assert(storageFormat.locationUri === Some(expected))
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert(storageFormat.locationUri === Some(expected))
+ }
+ }
+ // set table location
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SET LOCATION '/path/to/your/lovely/heart'")
+ verifyLocation("/path/to/your/lovely/heart")
+ // set table partition location
+ maybeWrapException(isDatasourceTable) {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 PARTITION (a='1') SET LOCATION '/path/to/part/ways'")
+ }
+ verifyLocation("/path/to/part/ways", Some(partSpec))
+ // set table location without explicitly specifying database
+ catalog.setCurrentDatabase("dbx")
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab1 SET LOCATION '/swanky/steak/place'")
+ verifyLocation("/swanky/steak/place")
+ // set table partition location without explicitly specifying database
+ maybeWrapException(isDatasourceTable) {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab1 PARTITION (a='1') SET LOCATION 'vienna'")
+ }
+ verifyLocation("vienna", Some(partSpec))
+ // table to alter does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.does_not_exist SET LOCATION '/mister/spark'")
+ }
+ // partition to alter does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 PARTITION (b='2') SET LOCATION '/mister/spark'")
+ }
+ }
+ private def testSetSerde(isDatasourceTable: Boolean): Unit = {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ if (isDatasourceTable) {
+ convertToDatasourceTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ }
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage.serde.isEmpty)
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage.serdeProperties.isEmpty)
+ // set table serde and/or properties (should fail on datasource tables)
+ if (isDatasourceTable) {
+ val e1 = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SET SERDE 'whatever'")
+ }
+ val e2 = intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SET SERDE 'org.apache.madoop' " +
+ "WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('k' = 'v', 'kay' = 'vee')")
+ }
+ assert(e1.getMessage.contains("datasource"))
+ assert(e2.getMessage.contains("datasource"))
+ } else {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SET SERDE 'org.apache.jadoop'")
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage.serde == Some("org.apache.jadoop"))
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage.serdeProperties.isEmpty)
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SET SERDE 'org.apache.madoop' " +
+ "WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('k' = 'v', 'kay' = 'vee')")
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage.serde == Some("org.apache.madoop"))
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage.serdeProperties ==
+ Map("k" -> "v", "kay" -> "vee"))
+ }
+ // set serde properties only
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('k' = 'vvv', 'kay' = 'vee')")
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage.serdeProperties ==
+ Map("k" -> "vvv", "kay" -> "vee"))
+ // set things without explicitly specifying database
+ catalog.setCurrentDatabase("dbx")
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab1 SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('kay' = 'veee')")
+ assert(catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdent).storage.serdeProperties ==
+ Map("k" -> "vvv", "kay" -> "veee"))
+ // table to alter does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE does_not_exist SET SERDEPROPERTIES ('x' = 'y')")
+ }
+ }
+ private def testAddPartitions(isDatasourceTable: Boolean): Unit = {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ val part1 = Map("a" -> "1")
+ val part2 = Map("b" -> "2")
+ val part3 = Map("c" -> "3")
+ val part4 = Map("d" -> "4")
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ createTablePartition(catalog, part1, tableIdent)
+ if (isDatasourceTable) {
+ convertToDatasourceTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ }
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec).toSet == Set(part1))
+ maybeWrapException(isDatasourceTable) {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 ADD IF NOT EXISTS " +
+ "PARTITION (b='2') LOCATION 'paris' PARTITION (c='3')")
+ }
+ if (!isDatasourceTable) {
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec).toSet == Set(part1, part2, part3))
+ assert(catalog.getPartition(tableIdent, part1).storage.locationUri.isEmpty)
+ assert(catalog.getPartition(tableIdent, part2).storage.locationUri == Some("paris"))
+ assert(catalog.getPartition(tableIdent, part3).storage.locationUri.isEmpty)
+ }
+ // add partitions without explicitly specifying database
+ catalog.setCurrentDatabase("dbx")
+ maybeWrapException(isDatasourceTable) {
+ }
+ if (!isDatasourceTable) {
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec).toSet ==
+ Set(part1, part2, part3, part4))
+ }
+ // table to alter does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE does_not_exist ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION (d='4')")
+ }
+ // partition to add already exists
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab1 ADD PARTITION (d='4')")
+ }
+ maybeWrapException(isDatasourceTable) {
+ }
+ if (!isDatasourceTable) {
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec).toSet ==
+ Set(part1, part2, part3, part4))
+ }
+ }
+ private def testDropPartitions(isDatasourceTable: Boolean): Unit = {
+ val catalog = sqlContext.sessionState.catalog
+ val tableIdent = TableIdentifier("tab1", Some("dbx"))
+ val part1 = Map("a" -> "1")
+ val part2 = Map("b" -> "2")
+ val part3 = Map("c" -> "3")
+ val part4 = Map("d" -> "4")
+ createDatabase(catalog, "dbx")
+ createTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ createTablePartition(catalog, part1, tableIdent)
+ createTablePartition(catalog, part2, tableIdent)
+ createTablePartition(catalog, part3, tableIdent)
+ createTablePartition(catalog, part4, tableIdent)
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec).toSet ==
+ Set(part1, part2, part3, part4))
+ if (isDatasourceTable) {
+ convertToDatasourceTable(catalog, tableIdent)
+ }
+ maybeWrapException(isDatasourceTable) {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE dbx.tab1 DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (d='4'), PARTITION (c='3')")
+ }
+ if (!isDatasourceTable) {
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec).toSet == Set(part1, part2))
+ }
+ // drop partitions without explicitly specifying database
+ catalog.setCurrentDatabase("dbx")
+ maybeWrapException(isDatasourceTable) {
+ }
+ if (!isDatasourceTable) {
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec) == Seq(part1))
+ }
+ // table to alter does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE does_not_exist DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (b='2')")
+ }
+ // partition to drop does not exist
+ intercept[AnalysisException] {
+ sql("ALTER TABLE tab1 DROP PARTITION (x='300')")
+ }
+ maybeWrapException(isDatasourceTable) {
+ }
+ if (!isDatasourceTable) {
+ assert(catalog.listPartitions(tableIdent).map(_.spec) == Seq(part1))
+ }
+ }