package com.softwaremill.sttp.hystrix import import{HystrixCommand, HystrixCommandGroupKey, HystrixCommandProperties, HystrixObservableCommand} import com.softwaremill.sttp.{MonadAsyncError, MonadError, Request, Response, SttpBackend} import rx.{Observable, Subscriber} class HystrixBackend[R[_], S] private (delegate: SttpBackend[R, S])(groupKey: String, propertySetter: HystrixCommandProperties.Setter) extends SttpBackend[R, S] { import HystrixBackend._ class AsyncSttpCMD[T](request: Request[T, S], delegate: SttpBackend[R, S]) extends HystrixObservableCommand[Response[T]]( request.tag(HystrixAsyncConfiguration).map(_.asInstanceOf[HystrixObservableCommand.Setter]) match { case None => Setter .withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey(groupKey)) .andCommandPropertiesDefaults(propertySetter) case Some(s) => s } ) { override def construct(): Observable[Response[T]] = Observable.create( (t: Subscriber[_ >: Response[T]]) => { val x = responseMonad.flatMap(delegate.send(request)) { response => t.onNext(response) t.onCompleted() responseMonad.unit(response) } responseMonad.handleError(x) { case e: Throwable => t.onError(e) responseMonad.error(e) } } ) } class SyncSttpCMD[T](request: Request[T, S], delegate: SttpBackend[R, S]) extends HystrixCommand[R[Response[T]]]( request.tag(HystrixSyncConfiguration).map(_.asInstanceOf[HystrixCommand.Setter]) match { case None => HystrixCommand.Setter .withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory.asKey(groupKey)) .andCommandPropertiesDefaults(propertySetter) case Some(s) => s } ) { private var fallback: R[Response[T]] = responseMonad.unit(null) override def run(): R[Response[T]] = { val rr: R[Response[T]] = { case errResponse @ Response(Left(error), _, _, _, _) => fallback = responseMonad.unit(errResponse) throw new RuntimeException(error) case r: Response[T] => r } responseMonad.handleError(rr) { case t: Throwable => fallback = responseMonad.error(t) throw new RuntimeException(t) } } override def getFallback: R[Response[T]] = fallback } override def send[T](request: Request[T, S]): R[Response[T]] = { responseMonad match { case mae: MonadAsyncError[R] => mae.async { cb => new AsyncSttpCMD(request, delegate) .observe() .subscribe(new Subscriber[Response[T]]() { def onNext(item: Response[T]): Unit = { cb(Right(item)) } def onError(error: Throwable): Unit = cb(Left(error)) def onCompleted(): Unit = {} }) } case _ => new SyncSttpCMD(request, delegate).execute() } } override def close(): Unit = delegate.close() /** * The monad in which the responses are wrapped. Allows writing wrapper * backends, which map/flatMap over the return value of [[send]]. */ override def responseMonad: MonadError[R] = delegate.responseMonad } object HystrixBackend { def apply[R[_], S](delegate: SttpBackend[R, S])(groupKey: String, propertySetter: HystrixCommandProperties.Setter = HystrixCommandProperties.Setter()) = new HystrixBackend(delegate)(groupKey, propertySetter) private val HystrixAsyncConfiguration = "HystrixAsyncConfiguration" private val HystrixSyncConfiguration = "HystrixSyncConfiguration" implicit class HystrixRichRequest[T, S](request: Request[T, S]) { def configureAsyncHystrix(setter: HystrixObservableCommand.Setter): Request[T, S] = request.tag(HystrixAsyncConfiguration, setter) def configureSyncHystrix(setter: HystrixCommand.Setter): Request[T, S] = request.tag(HystrixSyncConfiguration, setter) } }