DONE - body: bytes, input stream (?), task/future, stream (fs2/akka), form data, file - set headers - access uri/method/headers/cookies/body spec - partial request (no uri + method) / full request - start with an empty partial request - make sure response is consumed - only fire request when we know what to do with response? - reuse connections / connection pooling - in handler - set cookies (set from response) - auth We want to serialize to: - string - byte array - input stream - handler-specific stream of bytes/strings TODO - add params: to query, modify URI? - multi-part uploads - proxy - user agent, buffer size - charset - zipped encodings - SSL - mutual? (client side) - type-safe content/media type as in akk - stream responses (sendStreamAndReceive?) / strict responses IDEAS - handler restriction? AnyHandler <: Handler Restriction Options: - timeouts (connection/read) - follow redirect - ignore SSL // post: - data (bytes/is/string - but which encoding?) - form data (kv pairs - application/x-www-form-urlencoded) - multipart (files mixed with forms - multipart/form-data) Quick start with Ammonite backend