package com.lihaoyi.workbench import import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import autowire._ import org.scalajs.sbtplugin.ScalaJSPlugin import import org.scalajs.sbtplugin.ScalaJSPluginInternal._ import org.scalajs.sbtplugin.Implicits._ object WorkbenchSplicePlugin extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = WorkbenchPlugin object autoImport { val updatedJS = taskKey[List[String]]("Provides the addresses of the JS files that have changed") val spliceBrowsers = taskKey[Unit]("Attempts to do a live update of the code running in the browser while maintaining state") } import autoImport._ import WorkbenchBasePlugin.autoImport._ import WorkbenchBasePlugin.server import ScalaJSPlugin.AutoImport._ val spliceSettings = Seq( updatedJS := { var files: List[String] = Nil ((crossTarget in Compile).value * "*.js").get.foreach { (x: File) =>"workbench: Checking " + x.getName) FileFunction.cached(streams.value.cacheDirectory / x.getName, FilesInfo.lastModified, FilesInfo.lastModified) { (f: Set[File]) => val fsPath = f.head.getAbsolutePath.drop(new File("").getAbsolutePath.length) files = fsPath :: files f }(Set(x)) } files }, updatedJS := { val paths = updatedJS.value val url = localUrl.value { path => s"http://${url._1}:${url._2}$path" } }, spliceBrowsers := { val changed = updatedJS.value // There is no point in clearing the browser if no js files have changed. if (changed.length > 0) { for{ path <- changed if !path.endsWith(".js.js") }{"workbench: Splicing " + path) val url = localUrl.value val prefix = s"http://${url._1}:${url._2}/" val s = munge( sbt.File(path.drop(prefix.length)))) sbt.IO.write(new sbt.File(path.drop(prefix.length) + ".js"), s.getBytes) server.value.Wire[Api].run(path + ".js").call() } } }, spliceBrowsers <<= spliceBrowsers.triggeredBy(fastOptJS in Compile) ) override def projectSettings = spliceSettings def munge(s0: String) = { var s = s0 s = s.replace("\nvar ScalaJS = ", "\nvar ScalaJS = ScalaJS || ") s = s.replaceAll( "\n(ScalaJS\\.c\\.[a-zA-Z_$0-9]+\\.prototype) = (.*?\n)", """ |$1 = $1 || {} |(function(){ | var newProto = $2 | for (var attrname in newProto) { $1[attrname] = newProto[attrname]; } |})() |""".stripMargin ) for(char <- Seq("d", "c", "h", "i", "n", "m")){ s = s.replaceAll("\n(ScalaJS\\." + char + "\\.[a-zA-Z_$0-9]+) = ", "\n$1 = $1 || ") } s } }